Hoofdstuk 3
Hoofdstuk 3
Hoofdstuk 3
The linear wave theory gives a description of regular waves that can be
described with a sinusoidal profile and constant wave characteristics. These
characteristics consist of 3 parameters:
- Wave height H
- Wave period T or wave length L if water depth d is known (L = f(d,T))
- Wave direction θ
Due the constant wave characteristics, monochromatic waves are obtained and
the parameters are studied with an deterministic approach.
So, for a regular, linear wave in time and space we can apply the linear wave
theory. This means that a number of equations can be used that are only valid
for this kind of waves.
In reality, the sea state consist of waves with varying (in time) of wave height
and periods moving in different directions. For that reason, a stochastic
approach of the different parameters will be used. Further, it will become
necessary to treat the characteristics of the sea surface in statistical terms.
This will make the analysis more complicated, but a more realistic description of
the sea surface is obtained.
Opm. a statistical description of the waves will not be done based on the normal
distribution because it’s not good enough. For the waves, a Rayleigh distribution
of individual wave heights will be used.
The name irregular waves will be used to describe the natural sea states where
the wave characteristics have a statistical variability in contrast to
monochromatic waves (= has constant properties).
Irregular waves
The following figures shows a typical time series of a water surface elevation,
measured at 1 location of an irregular sea state. Here, it’s clear that we have a
significant variability in wave height H and period T from wave to wave.
Zero-line = still water level, or in other words the level where we have a water
surface elevation of 0.
The result we obtain with the first option, the time domain analysis by using the
Zero-Down-Crossing algorithm, will be different than the result that would be
get when a frequency domain analysis would be used.
The significant wave height is the mean value of the highest 1/3 of all the
waves. A first reason to make use of this significant wave height H 1/3 is that we
are kicking out the small waves, which are not interesting for the design of
coastal structures (they are not damaging it).
A second reason to use it, is because it’s very simi to the estimated visual height
by an experienced observer.
Mathematical, the root-mean square wave height H rms can be calculated as:
E ~ Hrms
Hereby, m is the number off waves higher than Hd . And N is the amount of
individual waves of the used wave record.
The probability distribution P(H > Hd) can be fitted by a theoretical distribution,
here the so-called Rayleigh distribution (blue) is used. This is not a normal
distribution (red), but a skewed distribution because there are more small than
large waves.
Opm. Rayleigh distribution is applied on wave heights, and not on wave periods.
These relationships are interesting for design, because for vertical breakwaters
we need the (very) high waves, but only H1/3 is known. By accepting Rayleigh
distribution and these relationships, we can find other values of H 1/n .
We also see in these relationships that H max is almost equal to 2x the significant
wave height H1/3 :
Hmax ≈ 2 ∙ H1/3
A very important thing to take into account with the Rayleigh distribution, is the
validation in deep and shallow waters:
For these periods, there is no possibility to make use of a fitting with the
theoretical (Rayleigh) distribution of wave periods. The Rayleigh is only possible
for wave heights, and not for wave periods.
The significant wave period T1/3 is the mean value of the periods of the highest
1/3 of all the wave heights.
Zero crossing period TZ
TZ = T r / N
Also for the wave periods, a relationship for the different wave periods exist.
This relationship can be used as a rule of thumb:
For the frequency domain analysis, we make a conversion of the time series of
the wave record into a wave spectrum by making use of Fourier analysis (FFT).
This wave spectrum, shows the energy for each individual spectral wave
The wavey energy spectral density E(f) [m²s], or in other words wave spectrum
can directly be obtained from a continuous time series of the surface η(t) by
using the Fourier analysis. With the Fourier analysis, a wave profile can be
written as an infinite sum of sinusoids with an amplitude a n and angle θn :
η ( t )=∑ a n ∙ cos ( ϑ n )
The parameter of is called the moments of a spectrum. This can be obtained by:
Moments of a spectrum m0 =
Hereby, we can further define the 0th- moment “m0”, which is the total area
under the wave energy density spectrum. This parameter m 0 can be used to
define the significant wave height for a given E(f) .
- Mathematical: m0 is the variance of the time series σ²n , and so will be the
total area under the spectrum
Besides the moment of order 0 (= m0), it’s also possible to define a moment of
the order i (= mi):
Definition of significant wave height
For a frequency domain analysis, it’s also possible to define a significant wave
height Hm0 as followed:
Out of this formulas, it’s clear that the area under the spectrum m 0 is
proportional to the significant wave height Hm0 of a frequency domain analysis.
On the figure, we see different wave spectra of a fully developed sea for
different wind speeds. For heavier winds/storms, more and more long waves with
more energy are created.
Besides other parameters spectrum models that are available, it’s also possible
to expand these 2 models (PM and Jonswap spectrum):
For a long fetch length, the peak wave period becomes higher, because the wind
has a longer opportunity to put energy into the waves. Therefore, the amount of
energy (= amplitude of the peak) becomes higher.
The second swell will be a local record because we have more spreading of the
frequency, meaning that it’s a irregular wave.
More spreading, so an
irregular wave period of a
local record.