Jude 8 10 Out of Touch With Reality Manuscript
Jude 8 10 Out of Touch With Reality Manuscript
Jude 8 10 Out of Touch With Reality Manuscript
• False teachers will either deny or at least de-emphasize our ownership by God,
that he purchased us out of the slave market of sin by the precious blood of His
• Rather than accept God’s spiritual authority over their life, they assert the
personal autonomy of their own life, living as a law unto themselves. This is a
mindset and a lifestyle Jude condemns and warns us to avoid, and he does so in
his typical style with a triad of examples.
• Though Schreiner (pgs. 456-58) and Moo (pgs. 245-46) make a good case
that fallen angels or demons are in view, I believe it is better to see the
text as referring to good angels. These heavenly beings who sang at
God’s good creation (Job 38:7) and, more importantly in our context, are
the guardians and givers of God’s perfect moral law (Gal. 3:19; Heb. 2:2)
are spoken of in evil tones by these lawless and rebellious reprobates.
Casting off God’s rightful authority over their lives, they blaspheme and
slander these great beings who as Heb. 1:14 says, “are ministering spirits
sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation. If I don’t need
God’s Word meddling in my moral life I certainly don’t need his angels
sticking their nose in it either. No authority of God, no advice from
angels, and eventually no accountability to my brothers and sisters in the
fellowship of believers. Self-centered and self-focused, my will, my way,
my wants become preeminent above all other things.
• Here is the lifestyle of the immoral. Here is the lifestyle of the fool.
Proverbs says it well, “when people do not accept divine guidance, they
run wild. But whoever obeys the law is happy (Prov. 29:18, NLT).
II. Avoid being spiritually intoxicated. v. 9
• This is one of the most mysterious and difficult verses in the Bible as to its
interpretation. Its application is easier to grasp, but the exact meaning
Jude intended is elusive and even troubling to some.
• The actors in this spiritual drama are pretty clear.
1) Michael is the archangel, the chief angel in terms of position and
authority. The term archangel only occurs one other time in Scripture
in 1 Thessalonians 4:16. No name is associated there with the title,
though most believe Michael is in view. In Daniel 10:13, 21, he is
called “one of the chief princes” who came to help Daniel, and in
Daniel 12:1 he is called “the great prince” who watches over Israel. In
Revelation 12:7 it is Michael who fights against the dragon (Satan)
and defeats him, driving him out of heaven.
2) The devil is Satan, Lucifer, the greatest of all God’s creatures, who fell
from heaven due to his pride and carried 1/3 of the angelic host with
him (Rev. 12:4). These are the demons who do his bidding.
3) Moses is the great leader of Israel. The record of his death is found in
Deuteronomy 34. We are told the Lord buried him and that no one
knows where his grave is (v. 6).
• This verse then describes an event not recorded in biblical revelation.
Scholars believe the story may have been found in a non-canonical book
called The Assumption of Moses or The Testament of Moses, though the
account has not been preserved in any writing in our possession today.
Our best guess is that he wanted the body of Moses as a potential relic for
idolatry, and/or he challenged Moses’ right to be buried by God because
he had murdered an Egyptian.
• Now before we move to apply the text, let me raise an important question
for our thoughtful consideration:
How Should We Respond When Biblical Authors Cite Non-Biblical Sources?
stupidity and folly. You want to have victory over the evil one? Know
your power is in God’s authority. Know you can overcome him as Rev.
12:11 says, “by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of your
testimony,” a testimony that says my confidence is in Christ not me, my
authority is in God. Anything other than this is a clear sign you are full of
yourself, spiritually intoxicated with who you think you are. To think like
this is a certain formula for disaster. Like Satan, you are setting yourself
up for a great fall.
III. Avoid being mentally ignorant. v.10
• At the heart of false teaching is wrong thinking. Human depravity does not
prevent us from using our minds, but it does prevent us from using it correctly.
Animals think, but they think like animals. False followers of Christ think, but
they too think like animals and eventually live like animals. In what they say and
what they do, they plummet to the level of “brute beast” of “unreasoning animals”
Transition: If we would avoid the seductive and enticing traps that would enslave us to
a life or the level of an animal, what must we do in terms of a godly and truly spiritual