Utility Optimization in A Brewery Process Based On Energy Integration Methodology
Utility Optimization in A Brewery Process Based On Energy Integration Methodology
Utility Optimization in A Brewery Process Based On Energy Integration Methodology
Abstract: This paper presents a methodology aimed at improving the energy efficiency of a brewery
applying process integration techniques. The different steps of the analysis are presented. The first
step is the identification of the process energy requirements and the corresponding heat loads, which
allows the definition of the process hot and cold streams. The Pinch Analysis of the brewery reveals
a heat recovery potential of 36% by improving the heat exchanger system. In order to satisfy the
minimum energy requirements, optimal energy conversion technology configurations are calculated,
taking into account economic and environmental criteria. The integration of suitable utilities is consid-
ered (cogeneration engine combined with heat pumping and refrigeration systems) and the interaction
between them is analyzed. In addition, a thermo-economic optimization is performed in order to de-
termine the optimal heat pump operating temperatures. The results show the opportunity to reduce by
36% the brewery heating bill and by 44% the CO2 emissions through the set up of an optimized utility
configuration when compared to the current one. In addition, the optimal integration shows that the
cooling water consumption of the refrigeration can be suppressed and appropriately be replaced by a
heat pumping effect. The comparison between French and German conditions shows that contrasting
results can be obtained due to the different economic and energy supply configurations. The process
system analysis shows that when considering the recovery of the plant organic waste, bio-methane
can be produced and valorized in the cogeneration engine. In that case, it is demonstrated that the
process can become self sufficient in terms of energy.
Unit 1. 2. 3. 4.
Biogas Engine Size [kWe ] 0 -1232 -677 -677
Process Identified Elec. [kWe ] 184 184 295 379
Digester Elec. [kWe ] 80 123 80 80
Total Elec. [kWe ] 264 -925 -298 -219
Biogas Extra Heat [kWth ] 39 0 196 434
Boiler (NIPU) [kWLHV ] 664 711 480 200
Operating Costs FR [ke/year] 161 -31 -16 -32
Operating Costs GER [ke/year] 260 -280 -38 -60
Invest. Bio-methanation [ke] 895 2030 1418 1418
Invest. Heat Pumps [ke] 0 0 198 290
TOTAL COSTS FR [ke/year] 238 145 124 115
Savings /ref. [%] -28 -56 -63 -65
TOTAL COSTS GER [ke/year] 338 -105 101 88
Savings /ref. [%] -35 -120 -81 -83
CO2 (EDF mix) [tons/year] 839 566 471 170
Savings /ref. [%] -66 -77 -81 -93
CO2 (GER mix) [tons/year] 1588 -2060 -377 -452
Table 4: Results with maximum heat recovery Savings /ref. [%] -47 -169 -113 -115
Unit 1. 2. 3. 4.
Fuel consumption [kWLHV ] 2088 3279 1677 1140
Electricity [kWe] 184 -863 -80 142 Table 5 presents the comparison between the differ-
Operating Costs FR [ke/year] 332 210 205 212
Saving potential [%] 0 -37 -38 -36 ent options when converting the biogas. The cal-
Operating costs GER [ke/year] 520 283 312 336
Saving potential [%] 0 -46 -40 -35
culated energy consumptions include the NIPU heat
TOTAL COSTS FR4 [ke/year] 332 308 274 274 loads that are satisfied by the current boiler supplied
Saving potential [%] 0 -7 -17 -18
Saving potential
with biogas. The reference investment cost of a bio-
CO2 (EDF mix) [tons/year] 2459 3544 1912 1372 gas installation is 450ke(digester+cogeneration of
Saving potential [%] 0 +44 -22 -44
CO2 (GER mix) [tons/year] 2987 1094 1686 1976 100kWe ) [2].
Saving potential [%] 0 -63 -44 -34
Cooling water [kg/s] 17.1 17.1 3.0 0.1 Table 5 reveals that bio-methanation on site is the
Saving potential [%] 0 0 -82 -99
most economic and environmental solution. In-
deed, the investment in a bio-methanation installa-
tion is highly profitable and makes the process self-
3.3. Husk Bio-Methanation sufficient. In France, bio-methanation allows the
yearly total energy bill to be reduced by 65% and
Breweries offer the opportunity of recovering en- 2’289tons of CO2 /year to be saved (93% with re-
ergy through husk bio-methanation. The recovered spect to reference). The results are also very dif-
biogas can be used as an alternative to natural gas to ferent between France and Germany. The higher
feed the cogeneration engine. Knowing the amount cost and CO2 content of German grid electricity pro-
of husk produced per year, it is possible to calculate motes the cogeneration operated with biogas, which
the primary energy that can be recovered : results in important economic and environmental
Mhusk × M
eCH4 × vCH4 × LHVCH4
A methodology based on process integration tech-
75 Nm3 of methane can be recovered from 1 ton of niques has been applied to improve the energy effi-
husk [2], which represents, for the brewery studied, ciency of a brewery.
8287MWhLHV /year=1660kWLHV , corresponding The definition and the modeling of the identified
to a combined production of 677kWe of electric- process units allows the determination of the heat
ity and the corresponding heat load. The organic recovery potential between process streams using
matter is blended and its transformation into bio- Pinch Analysis. The analysis of the process com-
gas by microorganisms requires a specific operating posite curves enables a first identification of the util-
Total Yearly Costs = Operating Costs+Annualized Invest-
4 ities that can be used to fulfill the determined Mini-
ment (interest rate=5%, payback time=15 years) mum Energy Requirements.
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M Mass[kg]
MVR Mechanical Vapor Recompression Acknowledgments: The authors wish to thank
vCH4 Methane Content of Brewery Waste [m3 /kg] ECLEER (European Centre and Laboratories for
Energy Efficiency Research (http://www.ecleer.com)
MER Minimum Energy Requirement [kW] for supporting this research and collaborating in its
e Molar Mass [kg/kmol]
M realization.
e Molar Volume of Perfect Gases [m3 /kmol]
NIPU Non Identified Process Unit
PUO Process Unit Operation
T Temperature [K]