M.A / M.Ed
Quantity.............................................. 500
For information:
Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad
3. Dr Rehmatullah Bhatti
Assistant Professor
Allama Iqbal Open University
ICT has affected every field of life including education. The competency in ICT is
very essential to progress in the modern world. To meet this demand, the
Department of Early Childhood and Elementary Teacher Education offers the
course “ICT in Education” for future/working teachers. This book is intended to
equip the students of M.A./M.Ed. with knowledge and skills in ICT, and its
applications in education.
This book reflects the efforts of many people. The Department of Early
Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher Education is grateful to all the
members of the course team for writing and reviewing units and giving comments
and feedback to improve the materials.
There are a number of various aspects of ICT which will be explored in this book.
This course is not only focused to produce students who are well aware of
pedagogical skills but also to help them equip with the competencies to integrate
and apply basic technology into their classrooms. Moreover, this course intended
at assisting students to enhance curriculum and professional development as
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Unit–1 Introduction to Computer ............................................................... 1
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 2
1.2 Objectives ................................................................................. 2
1.3 Computer................................................................................... 3
1.4 Characteristics of Computers ................................................... 3
1.5 Types of Computers .................................................................. 4
1.6 Computer Hardware .................................................................. 5
1.7 Computer Organization ............................................................. 6
1.8 Software .................................................................................... 10
1.9 Role of Computers in Education ............................................... 12
1.10 Self-Assessment Questions ....................................................... 16
1.11 Activities/Terminology ............................................................. 17
1.12 Bibliography ............................................................................. 22
2.5.4 Distributed Learning .................................................... 39
2.6 Self-Assessment Questions ....................................................... 41
2.7 Exercise ..................................................................................... 41
2.8 Bibliography ............................................................................. 41
4.3.2 Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) .......................... 65
4.3.3 Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) . 65
4.3.4 Web Based Learning (WBL) ........................................ 65
4.4 Scope of E-Learning ................................................................. 65
4.5 Technologies for E-Learning .................................................... 66
4.5.1 World Wide Web in Education ..................................... 66
4.5.2 The Features of WWW in Education ............................ 67
4.5.3 Audio and Video in Education ...................................... 67 The Features of Audio and Video in Education 67
4.5.4 Mobile Phone in Education ........................................... 68
4.5.5 Classroom Attention ..................................................... 68
4.5.6 Lecture Listening and Note Taking .............................. 68
4.6 E-Assessment ............................................................................ 69
4.6.1 Accuracy and Trustiness of E-Assessment ................... 70
4.6.2 Security ......................................................................... 70
4.6.3 Conditions and Environment of Tests........................... 71
4.7 Self Assessment Questions ....................................................... 71
4.8 Bibliography ............................................................................. 72
5.6.5 Online Collaborative Learning Activities ..................... 88
5.7 Self-Assessment Questions ....................................................... 90
5.8 Exercise .................................................................................... 90
5.9 Bibliography ............................................................................. 91
7.6.1 Characteristics of Blog .................................................. 132
7.6.2 Blogs in Education ........................................................ 132
7.6.3 Use Blogs in Teaching and Learning ............................ 133
7.7 YouTube ................................................................................... 134
7.7.1 You Tube in Education ................................................. 134
7.8 Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) .................................. 134
7.9 Open Education Resources (OER)............................................ 135
7.10 Online Learning Community ........................................ 136
7.10.1 Challenges of Creating Distance Learning
Community .................................................... 139
7.11 Activities Self Assessment Questions ....................................... 140
7.12 Bibliography ............................................................................. 140
9.4.2 The Right to be Let Alone ............................................ 154
9.4.3 Limited Access.............................................................. 154
9.4.4 Control Over Information ............................................. 154
9.4.5 States of Privacy ........................................................... 154
9.4.6 Secrecy .......................................................................... 155
9.4.7 Personhood and Autonomy ........................................... 155
9.4.8 Self-Identity and Personal Growth................................ 156
9.4.9 Intimacy ........................................................................ 156
9.4.10 Plagiarism ..................................................................... 156
9.5 Misuse of Personal Information ................................................ 158
9.5.1 Web Connections ......................................................... 158
9.5.2 Online Purchases ........................................................... 159
9.5.3 Providing Personal Information ................................... 159
9.5.4 Social Networking Sites ................................................ 160
9.6 Cyber-Crime ............................................................................. 160
9.6.1 Phishing......................................................................... 160
9.6.2 Blackmail/Extortion ...................................................... 162
9.6.3 Accessing Stored Communication ................................ 163
9.6.4 Sports Betting................................................................ 163
9.6.5 Electronic Harassment .................................................. 163
9.6.6 Drug Trafficking ........................................................... 164
9.6.7 Cyber Terrorism ............................................................ 164
9.6.8 Electronic Forgery ........................................................ 164
9.6.9 Electronic Fraud ............................................................ 164
9.6.10 Identity Crime ............................................................... 165
9.6.11 Categories of Cyber Crime ........................................... 165
9.7 Impact of ICT ............................................................................ 166
9.7.1 Fast Communication Speed .......................................... 166
9.7.2 Lower Communication Cost ......................................... 166
9.7.3 Reliable Mode of Communication ................................ 166
9.7.4 Effective Sharing of Information .................................. 166
9.7.5 Paperless Environment ................................................. 167
9.7.6 Borderless Communication ........................................... 167
9.8 Self-Assessment Questions ....................................................... 167
9.9 Exercise ..................................................................................... 167
9.10 Bibliography ............................................................................. 168
A computer system consists of mainly four basic units; namely input unit, storage
unit, central processing unit and output unit. Central Processing Unit further
includes Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU). The central
Processing Unit (CPU) is essentially the engine of the computer. It is a piece of
hardware that carries out the instructions of a computer program. It performs the
basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of a computer system. A
computer performs following five major operations or functions irrespective of its
size and make:
• It accepts data or instructions as input,
• It stores data and instruction
• It processes data as per the instructions,
• It controls all operations inside a computer, and
• It gives results in the form of output.
1.2 Objectives
After going through this lesson, you would be able to:
1. Familiarize yourself with characteristics of computers.
2. Explain basic organization of computer system.
3. Identify the basic components of a computer.
4. Explain the importance of various units of a computer.
5. Explain different types of input and output devices.
6. Define software and its classification.
7. Distinguished between system software and application software.
8. Explain the importance of operating system.
1.3 Computer
The term computer is derived from the Latin term ‘computer’, this means to
calculate or programmable machine. A computer is a programmable machine
designed to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically and
sequentially on the input given by the user and gives the desired output after
processing. Computers process data to create information. Data is a collection of
raw unprocessed facts, figures, and symbols. Information is data that is
organized, meaningful, and useful. To process data into information, a computer
uses hardware and software. Hardware is the machine itself and its connected
devices such as monitor, keyboard, mouse etc. Software is the set of programs
that make use of hardware for performing various functions.
Computers work at an incredible speed. A powerful computer is capable of
performing about 3-4 million simple instructions per second.
In addition to being fast, computers are also accurate. Errors that may occur can
almost always be attributed to human error (inaccurate data, poorly designed
system or faulty instructions/programs written by the programmer).
Unlike human beings, computers are highly consistent. They do not suffer from
human traits of boredom and tiredness resulting in lack of concentration.
Computers, therefore, are better than human beings in performing voluminous and
repetitive jobs.
Computers are versatile machines and are capable of performing any task as long
as it can be broken down into a series of logical steps. The presence of computers
can be seen in almost every sphere – Railway/Air reservation, Banks, Hotels,
Weather forecasting and many more.
Storage Capacity
Today’s computers can store large volumes of data. A piece of information once
recorded (or stored) in the computer, can never be forgotten and can be retrieved
almost instantaneously.
Mainframe Computers
Mainframe computers are large-sized, powerful multi-user computers that can
support concurrent programs. That means, they can perform different actions or
‘processes’ at the same time. Mainframe computers can be used by as many as
hundreds or thousands of users at the same time. Large organizations may use a
mainframe computer to execute large-scale processes such as processing the
organization’s payroll.
Mini-computers are mid-sized multi-processing computers. Again, they can
perform several actions at the same time and can support from 4 to 200 users
simultaneously. In recent years, the distinction between mini-computers and small
mainframes has become blurred. Often the distinction depends upon how the
manufacturer wants to market its machines. Organizations may use a mini-
computer for such tasks as managing the information in a small financial system
or maintaining a small database of information about registrations or applications.
Workstations are powerful, single-user computers. They have the capacity to store
and process large quantities of data, but they are only used by one person at a
time. However, workstations are typically linked together to form a computer
network called a local area network, which means that several people, such as
staff in an office, can communicate with each other and share electronic files and
data. A workstation is similar to a personal computer but is more powerful and
often comes with a higher-quality monitor. In terms of computing power,
workstations lie in between personal computers and mini-computers.
Workstations commonly support applications that require relatively high-quality
graphics capabilities and a lot of memory, such as desktop publishing, software
development and engineering applications.
Personal Computers
Personal Computers (PCs) also called microcomputers, are the most popular type
of computer in use today. The PC is a small-sized, relatively inexpensive
computer designed for an individual user. Today, the world of PCs is basically
divided between IBM-compatible and Macintosh-compatible machines, named
after the two computer manufacturers. Computers may be called ‘desktop’
computers, which stay on the desk, or ‘laptop’ computers, which are lightweight
and portable. Organizations and individuals use PCs for a wide range of tasks,
including word processing, accounting, desktop publishing, preparation and
delivery of presentations, organization of spreadsheets and database management.
Entry-level PCs are much more powerful than a few years ago, and today there is
little distinction between PCs and workstations.
Super Computers
Supercomputers are the fastest and the most expensive computers. These huge
computers are used to solve very complex science and engineering problems.
Supercomputers get their processing power by taking advantage of parallel
processing; they use lots of CPUs at the same time on one problem. A typical
supercomputer can do up to ten trillion individual calculations every second.
Performance of a supercomputer is measured in floating-point operations per
second (FLOPS) instead of million instructions per second (MIPS). As of 2015,
there are supercomputers which can perform up to quadrillions of FLOPS.
Supercomputers play an important role in the field of computational science, and
are used for a wide range of computationally intensive tasks in various fields,
including quantum mechanics, weather forecasting, climate research, oil and gas
exploration, molecular modeling, physical simulations etc.
1.7 Computer Organization
A computer system consists of mainly four basic units; namely input unit,
storage unit, central processing unit and output unit. Central Processing unit
further includes Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and Control Unit (CU).
The Central Processing Unit (CPU) of a computer is a piece of hardware that
carries out the instructions of a computer program. It performs the basic
arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of a computer system.
1. Input: This is the process of entering data and programs into the computer
2. Control Unit (CU): The process of input, output, processing and storage
is performed under the supervision of a unit called 'Control Unit'. It
decides when to start receiving data, when to stop it, where to store data,
etc. It takes care of step -by-step processing of all operations inside the
3. Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU): The major operations performed by the ALU
are addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, logic and comparison.
5. Output: This is the process of producing results from the data for getting
useful information. The ALU and the CU of a computer system are jointly
known as the central processing unit (CPU). You may call CPU as the
brain of any computer system.
Input Devices
Input devices accept data and instructions from the user. Following are the
examples of various input devices, which are connected to the computer for this
1. Keyboard
2. Mouse
3. Light Pen
4. Optical/magnetic Scanner
5. Touch Screen
6. Microphone for voice as input
7. Track Ball
A keyboard is the most common input device. Several kinds of keyboards are
available, but they resemble each other with minor variations. Generally standard
keyboard has 104 keys. In these keyboards, the cursor control keys are duplicated
to allow easier use of the numeric pad.
A mouse is an electro-mechanical, hand-held device. It is used as a pointer. It can
perform functions like selecting menu commands, moving icons, resizing
windows, starting programs, and choosing options.
Light Pen
Light pen is an input device that utilizes a light-sensitive detector to select objects
on a display screen. A light pen is similar to a mouse, except that with a light pen
you can move the pointer and select objects on the display screen by directly
pointing to the objects with the pen.
Optical/magnetic Scanner
These devices are used for automatic data collection. An image scanner translates
printed images into an electronic format that can be stored in a computer’s
memory, and with the right kind of software, one can alter a stored image.
Touch Screen
Touch panel displays and pads are now being offered as alternatives to keyboard.
Here the input can be given through the computer screen, that accepts the input
through monitor; users touch electronic buttons displayed on the screen or they
may use light pen.
Microphone for voice as input
Microphone is an input device, which takes voice as input. The voice
communication is more error-prone than information through keyboard. There are
two types of microphones:
1. Desktop Microphone
2. Hand held Microphone
Track Ball
Trackball, a pointing device, is a mouse lying on its back. To move the pointer,
you rotate the ball with your thumb, your fingers, or the palm of your hand. There
are usually one to three buttons next to the ball, which you use just like mouse
buttons. The advantage of trackballs over mouse is that the trackball is stationary
so it does not require much space to use it. In addition, you can place a trackball
on any type of surface, including your lap.
Main Components of CPU
The main components of CPU help it in performing various functions. The
components of a CPU work together, and their making/manufacturing determine
the complexity of operations as well as how fast they can be carried out. The three
components of the CPU are following:
1. Arithmetic Logic Unit
2. Control Unit
3. Memory Unit / Registers
Control Unit
There is circuitry in the control unit which uses electrical signals to instruct the
whole computer system for carrying out or executing, already stored program
instructions. Its name clearly shows that it controls and co-ordinates computer
components. It extracts instructions from memory and decodes and executes
them. In fact it regulates the flow of information through the processor. In short, it
can be said, this component receives, decodes, stores results and manages
execution of data that flows through the CPU. Its communication with both
arithmetic unit and memory is inevitable.
Output Devices
Output devices return processed data that is information, back to the user. Some
of the commonly used output devices are:
Information processed within the CPU, that needs to be visually displayed, is sent
to video adapter. The video adapter converts information from the format used, in
the same manner as a television displays information sent to it by a cable service.
Two basic types of monitors are used with microcomputers, which are as follows:
1. CRT
2. LCD
After a document is created on the computer, it can be sent to a printer for a hard
copy (printout). Some printers offer special features such as colored and large
page formats. Some of the most commonly used printers are:
1. Laser Printer
2. Ink Jet Printer
3. Dot Matrix Printer
4. Line Printer
A plotter is a special kind of output device that, like a printer, produces images on
paper, but does so in a different way. Plotters are designed to produce large
drawings or images, such as construction plans for buildings or blueprints for
mechanical objects. A plotter can be connected to the port normally used by a
printer. Plotters usually come in two designs:
Flat Bed: Plotters of small size to be kept on table with restriction of
paper size.
Drum: These plotters are of big size using rolls of paper of unlimited length.
Speakers are another type of output device, which allow you to listen to voice like
music, and conversation with people.
Output Devices
Output devices return processed data that is information, back to the user. Some
of the commonly used output devices are:
1. Monitor (Visual Display Unit)
2. Printers
3. Plotter
4. Speakers
1.8 Software
Software is a set of instructions that makes use of the system hardware to return
user desired output. These sets of instructions are called Programs. Software
refers to a set of programs that makes the hardware perform a particular set of
tasks in particular order. Software can be classified mainly into following
categories and sub-categories:
1. System Software
2. Application Software
System Software
This is a type of software which controls, co-ordinates computer operations and
manages the hardware of a computer. System Software forms the base on which
the Application Software work. They act as an interface between the hardware
and the Application Software concealing the physical functioning of the
hardware. Examples of System Software:
1. Operating system
2. Device Drivers Database Management System (DBMS)
3. Assembler, Compilers & Linkers
4. Basic Input/output System (BIOS)
Operating System
An Operating System (OS) is system software that takes control from the BIOS
and makes the system up and running. It acts as an interface between various
application software’s and the System itself. Operating system has control over
various hardware devices including the CPU and Input/output devices. Some of
the best known operating systems are:
1. Microsoft Windows
4. Mac OS
Application Software
Application software is a collection of one or more programs used to solve a
specific task. A user interacts with the Application Software to get his tasks done.
Internet explorer, Mozilla Firefox is two applications used to access the internet. E-
mail software like Outlook express is used to manage Emails. It is obvious that all
software utilized for working on a computer is classified as application software. In
fact all user interfaces are an application. Generally software used in banking
industry, airline/railway reservation, generation of telephone or electricity bills etc.
all fall under application software. Few examples of application software are:
1. Word Processing Software
2. Database Software
3. Internet Browser
4. E-mail Client
5. Entertainment Software
6. Education Software
Utility Software
Utility software’s are application software’s. Utility software is a collection of
one or more programs that helps the user in system maintenance tasks and in
performing tasks of routine nature. Utility programs help the users in disk
formatting, data compression, data backup, scanning for viruses etc. Few
examples of utility software are:
1. Anti-virus
2. Registry Cleaners
3. Disk defragmenters
4. Data Backup Utility
5. Disk Cleaners
Computers in Education
Computer technology has had a deep impact on the education sector. Thanks to
computers, imparting education has become easier and much more interesting
than before. Owing to memory capacities of computers, large chunks of data can
be stored in them. They enable quick processing of data with very less or no
chances of errors in processing. Networked computers aid quick communication
and enable web access. Storing documents on computers in the form of soft
copies instead of hard ones helps save paper. The advantages of computers in
education primarily include:
1. Storage of information
2. Quick data processing
3. Audio-visual aids in teaching
4. Better presentation of information
5. Access to the Internet
6. Quick communication between students, teachers and parents
Computer teaching plays a key role in the modern education system. Students find
it easier to refer to the Internet than searching for information in fat books. The
process of learning has gone beyond learning from prescribed textbooks. Internet
is a much larger and easier-to-access storehouse of information. When it comes to
storing retrieved information, it is easier done on computers than maintaining
hand-written notes.
4. Computers enable access to the Internet which has information on
literally everything
Computers enable storage of data in the electronic format, thereby saving paper.
Memory capacities of computer storage devices are in gigabytes. This enables
them to store huge chunks of data. Moreover, these devices are compact. They
occupy very less space, yet store large amounts of data. Both teachers and
students benefit from the use of computer technology. Presentations, notes and
test papers can be stored and transferred easily over computer storage devices.
Similarly, students can submit homework and assignments as soft copies. The
process becomes paperless, thus saving paper. Plus, the electronic format makes
data storage more durable. Electronically erasable memory devices can be used
repeatedly. They offer robust storage of data and reliable data retrieval.
6. Modernizing Education
Education has benefited from the inclusion of technology and computers by
making it easier for students to keep up while helping teachers by improving the
way lessons can be planned and taught. Students who use computers learn to use
word processors for work, and subsequently they learn computer jargon and
strengthen grammatical skills. Students can also look up lessons on websites or
through email rather than lugging heavy textbooks with them every day.
Computer education may influence student performance by enabling them to
become more involved with their school work. Computers can potentially
enhance student’s mathematical thinking, and improve scores in problem solving
and critical thinking tasks. Computer education also plays a major factor in
students’ ability to score highly on their standardized assessment tests. Exposing 3
and 4-year-old children to computer education and supporting activities produces
developmental gains such as abstraction, intelligence, nonverbal skills and long-
term memory.
9. Efficiency
Computers make the learning process a lot more simple and efficient, giving
student’s access to tools and methods of communication unavailable offline. For
example, students can check their grades or lesson plans online and also
communicate directly with their teachers via email or educational platforms such
as Blackboard. Students can also send work to their teachers from home or
anywhere else, letting them finish work outside the constraints of school hours
and teaching them about procrastination and personal responsibility.
programming languages and creating data sheets. Students can apply these skills
to a range of occupations later in life.
1.11 Activities/ Terminology
A machine that can receive and store information and change or process it.
Knowledge that is communicated.
The representation of information in a formalized manner suitable for
communication, interpretation and processing, generally by a computer system.
The term ‘raw data’ refers to unprocessed information.
Computer Network
A grouping of computers and peripherals connected together by
telecommunications links to enable a group of users to share and exchange
The physical equipment required to create, use, manipulate and store electronic
The computerized instructions that operate a computer manipulate the data and
execute particular functions or tasks.
An area within a computer system that holds data waiting to be processed.
Storage Device
The place where a computer puts data.
Any resource required for the functioning of a process, in the course of which it
will be transformed into one or more outputs.
The product of the transformation of inputs by a process.
Peripheral Device
Any piece of equipment in a computer system that is not actually inside the
computer itself.
A small piece of semi-conducting material (such as silicon) about 1 centimetre
(¼ inch) square on which an integrated circuit is embedded. An integrated circuit is a
number of electronic components joined together to form a path for electricity.
Central processing unit chips contain the circuits representing the CPU.
The area within a computer system where data can be left on a longer term basis
while it is not needed for processing.
A small, removable, flexible Mylar plastic disk covered with a thin layer of a
magnet sable substance, onto which digital data can be recorded and stored. Also
known as a floppy disk.
Hard Drive
The storage area within the computer itself, where megabytes of space are
available to store bits of information. Also known as a hard disk.
Optical Disk
A storage device that uses reflecting surfaces and laser technology to read and
write data on a disk. Also known as a laser disk.
Magnetic Tape
A continuous plastic strip covered with magnetic oxide; the tape is divided into
parallel tracks onto which data may be recorded by selectively magnetizing parts of
the surface, or spots, in each of the tracks. The data can then be stored and reused.
A systematic series of actions a computer uses to manipulate data.
Programming Language
An artificial set of rules, vocabulary and syntax used to instruct the computer to
execute certain tasks.
Computer Program
A sequence of instructions that can be executed by a computer to carry out a process.
User Friendly
Computer software or hardware that is simple to set up, run and use.
Operating System
A collection of software that allows a computer to function.
Hard Drive
The storage area within the computer itself, where megabytes of space are
available to store bits of information. Also known as a hard disk.
Back up
To copy a computer file or collection of files to a second medium, usually on a
diskette or magnetic tape, so that the data are safe in case the original file is
damaged or lost. Backups are usually copied to storage devices that can be
removed from the computer and kept separately from the original.
Information needed to develop, use or maintain computer hardware and software
and to permit access and retrieval of the data.
A computer program that is planted in one computer and then transferred, hidden
in useful information, to one or more other computers with the intention of
corrupting or wiping out information in the recipient computer.
Information System
The combination of information, technology, processes and people brought
together to support a given business objective.
Computer Network
A computer network can be simple and limited to a small number of computers or
complex, linking a large number of computers.
Local Area Network
A computer network located within a relatively limited area such as a building,
agency or university campus. Also known as a LAN.
Wide Area Network (WAN)
A computer network that covers a large geographical area.
A processing location on a network.
Network Server
A computer that is connected to the network and that ‘serves’ or distributes
resources to network users.
File Server
A computer that serves or distributes application programs and data files to
workstations within a computer network. The hard drive of the file server is
shared by the workstations on the network.
Applications software that supports collaborative work between a group of users
by managing schedules, sharing documents and undertaking intragroup
Workflow Software
Software that automates the process of electronically routing documents from one
person to another in a specified sequence and time.
Peer-to-peer Network
A type of network in which each workstation has equivalent capabilities and
An internal computer network that belongs to an organisation and is accessible
only by that organisation’s members.
A collection of local, regional and national computer networks that are linked
together to exchange data and distribute processing tasks. The Internet connects
millions of people through a collection of computer networks.
A reference to another document in an environment like the World Wide Web,
that users can go to directly by clicking on the on-screen reference with the
computer’s mouse.
Web Browser
A software application that enables a user to locate and view pages on a Web site.
Also known as a browser.
Home Page
The main page of a Website. Typically, the home page serves as an index or table
of contents to other documents stored at the site (that is, the address).
A location on the World Wide Web.
Search Engine
A program that searches documents for specified keywords and returns a list of
documents where the keywords were found.
A structured assembly of logically related data designed to meet various
applications but managed independently of them. A database is a collection of
information stored on computers. Databases were originally developed using
mainframe computers but are now common on personal computers and in
networked environments.
Data Field
A space allocated for a particular item of information. In a database, fields are the
smallest units of information you can access.
Database Record
A complete set of information in a database; records are composed of fields, each
of which contains one item of information.
Data Structure
A scheme for organizing related pieces of information. The basic types of structures
include: files, lists, arrays, records, trees, tables. Each of these basic structures has
many variations and allows different operations to be performed on the data.
Relational Database
A database that spreads information across different tables while maintaining
links between them. A relational database stores information across different
tables and connects them with links in the computer.
A collection of onscreen choices given to the user to help him or her interact with
a computer system.
Query Language
A set of command words that can be used to direct a computer to create databases,
locate information, sort records and change the data in those records. Users can
ask questions of the database using a variety of query languages, which formulate
questions so that the computer can perform operations and provide results.
A Local Area Network (LAN) protocol that supports data transfer
1.12 Bibliography
Abbas, N. (2006). Assuring Quality in a new ICT Syllabus: Paper presented in
ACEAB International Conference 2006, Jamaica-USA.
In this unit, we would discuss in detail about the meaning of ICT, resources of
ICT and applications of ICT in various fields of life.
2.2 Objectives
After studying the unit, you will be able to:
1. Understand the meaning of ICT
2. Explain the resources of ICT.
3. Discuss the applications of ICT.
2.3.1 Information
Information is data which has been processed within a context in order to give it
The ever-changing field of technology has made the world a smaller place, as
information is easily and rapidly exchanged through devices of telecommunication.
The Internet has proved a huge advancement in the ICT community.
Videoconferencing and distance learning allow people thousands of miles apart to
speak together as if they were in the same room. ICT involves more than just sharing
of information, however, it also includes the quest to improve communication
throughout the world, especially to more underserved areas of the globe.
ICT has become an integral part of everyday life. It increases its importance in
people’s lives and it is expected that this trend will continue to the extent that ICT
literacy will become a functional requirement for people’s work, social and
personal life. The use of ICT in education add value in teaching and learning by
enhancing the effectiveness of learning or by adding a dimension to learning that
was not previously available. ICT may also be a significant motivational factor in
student’s learning and can support student’s engagement with collaborative
2.3.2 Communication
Communication is a major factor in ICT. There are various categories of
communication and more than one occur at a time. The different categories of
communication are:
Spoken or Verbal Communication: Face to face, Telephone, radio or
television & other media
Non-Verbal Communication: Body Language, gestures, how we dress or
act, even our scent.
Written Communication: Letters, emails, books, magazines, the internet
or via other media
Visualizations: Graphs, Charts, Maps, Logos and other visualizations can
communicate messages.
Communication Process (Retrieved from http://www.enkivillage.com/
effective and correctly interpreted by the recipient. The choice of the
communication medium varies depending upon the features of
communication. For- instance Written medium is chosen when a message
has to be delivered to a small group of people, while an oral medium is
chosen while spontaneous feedback is required from the recipient as
misunderstandings are clear then and there.
e. Recipient/Decoder: Recipient/Decoder is a person for whom the message
is intended/aimed/targeted. The degree to which the decoder understands
the message is dependent upon various factors such as knowledge of
recipient, their responsiveness of the message and the reliance of coder
and decoder.
f. Decoding: The person who receives the message or symbol from the
communicator tries to convert the same in such a way so that he may
extract its meaning to his complete understanding. There is a risk of
decoding the message in a different angle than how it has to be decoded.
g. Feedback: Feedback is them a in component of communication process as
it permits the sender to analyze the efficiency of the message. It helps the
sender in confirming the correct interpretation of the message by the
decoder. Feedback may be verbal (through words) or non-verbal (through
smile, sighs etc.) It may take written form in for of memos, reports etc.
2.4.1 Input Resources
Input resources refer to any device or program used to transfer data to a computer.
Various input resources are given below:
Document Cameras can be used in classrooms for various purposes as they are
user friendly. Some of its uses in classroom are
Demonstration: Show students how to do assignment work.
Showing mathematics problems, manipulative in color and three dimensions
Immediate feedback for displaying student work
Close up detailed observation of objects
Zoom in on reading text and read whole class-helps when pointing out
certain topics words and students can follow along.
Freeze-frame the camera for various teaching purposes. Worksheets can be
frozen, workout answers on sheet, unfreeze, and show final answers.
Student Response System handset (Retrieved from https://nnlm.gov/sea/newsletter/
category/technology/page/2/) Slate/Tablet
Tablet computers provide a unique opportunity to create a truly portable learning
experience. Lightweight with a long battery life, they offer possibilities not
previously seen with other mobile computing solutions. Quick access to reference
material during a lesson, previously difficult to achieve with existing ICT, can
bring key advantages and enhance learning.
Integrated ICT in Curriculum: Tablets PCs influenced a change to
teaching ICT skills as an integral part of the other curriculum areas.
Mobility: Tablet PCs are portable and hence can be used anywhere, inside
and outside the classroom.
Collaboration: Tablet PCs are used to develop collaboration and group
work in classroom. Lectures notes, assignments and other brainstorming
ideas can be shared electronically and stored on a shared network without
having difficulty of the hard copies.
Graphics Application: manipulating images that can be used at home,
school or a business
Web Design Application: creating personal or business websites Projector
A digital projector is a device which connects to a computer and is used to project
the video output from the computer onto a wall or screen. In classrooms, they are
often used with electronic whiteboards. The projector can be portable and can be
placed on a stand or it can be permanently fixed to the ceiling.
Interactive Whiteboard (Retrieved from http://www.pearsonlongman.com/total-
Interactive Whiteboards can be used for various purposes. They can be drawn
pictorially as follows:
Benefits of using Interactive whiteboards are as follows:
Interactive Tool: The ability of the tool to sense touch and different
colors input makes it attractive, easy and effective for the students to use
an experience.
Expand Creativity: Teachers can create their own bullets, write on the
board using different colors, and draw image of their own preferences using
a specific board pen which makes it an expanded creativity tool then
power point.
Easy to Use: Unlike other Photoshop studios and software’s, it is easy to
use to make the lesson more attractive and interesting.
A standard TV screen is ‘720p’ which means it is 720 pixels down and 1280
pixels across. A TV screen ‘1080p’ which means it is 1080 pixels down and 1920
pixels across. This is excellent for displaying High Definition and Blu-ray
As computer monitors for different activities
Screen in public areas for advertisement, information or displays
Screens in video conferencing suites for meetings Printers
Printer is an output device is a piece of hardware that is used to display or output
data which has been processed or has been stored on the computer. Printers are
used to create a hard copy of the work i.e. something that you can hold, hand to
someone else or file away. Most printers produce their output on paper but paper
is not the only thing to print on. Printers vary in size, speed, sophistication and
cost. In general, more expensive printers are used for higher resolution color
Speed: The speed of the printer becomes important. Inexpensive printers
print only about 3 to 6 sheets per minute. Color printing is slower. More
expensive printers are much faster.
Memory: Printer with low memory are slower. So having more than the
minimum amount of memory is helpful and faster in printing out pages.
2.5.1 E-Learning
An educational activity or course conducted in an electronic learning milieu,
using Internet communication technologies for delivery of instruction, curricular
materials, and learning activities. In this study, e-learning refers to instructor-lead
academic courses that may be offered partially or entirely online.
Refers to the use of computers and networking technology for knowledge
and skill building.
There are several types of e-learning ranging along two extremes:
synchronous training using live instructors and asynchronous or self-paced
training, being the latter the most usual form of e-learning. The use of
electronic media and ICT in education.
Learning that is mediated by electronic media.
A form of learning that takes place when the learner is using electronic
technology or learning that happen when the learner takes advantage of
learning opportunities offered by any electronic technology.
Access to, and use of, electronic sources of information and
communication through a web-accessible device.
Computer based learning.
The use of technology to enable people to learn anytime and anywhere.
The delivery of content via electronic media, such as the internet, video,
interactive TV and CD-ROM.
Utilizes electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside
traditional classroom.
Most usual e-learning technologies are environment supported by
continuously evolving, collaborative processes focused on increasing
individual and organizational performance.
E-learning is systematic use of networked multimedia computer
technologies to empower learners, improve learning, connect learners to
people and resources supportive of their needs, and integrate learning with
performance and individuals with organizational goals.
E-mentoring has been used to improve participation by students from
traditionally under-represented groups during induction and on-course.
In distance learning system, learners are remote to the institution and are in large
scale. It is difficult for a learner to visit the institution every day to get a
service/support as available in a conventional system and at same time, it is even
difficult to the institution itself to provide various services to the learners at
different phases of a student learning life cycle, due to limited human resource
available. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a prime resource
to overcome such limitations.
Learning that is certified by an institution or agency
Use of variety of media including print and electronic
Two way communication that allows learners and tutors to interact
Possibility of occasional face to face meeting
Specialized division of labor in the production and delivery of sources
Open distance learning system requires ICT infrastructure to provide various
services effectively at different phases of a student life cycle. The ICT
infrastructure include
a. Network infrastructure
b. Computing infrastructure
c. System and application software
d. Internet Service Provider(ISP) &Bandwidth
e. Policy framework
f. Security infrastructure.
applications and the data that are being used in an institution, where
student learning and support services are made available in open distance
learning system. Security infrastructure enhances the security of a
System/Application/data and are intended to counter security attacks.
to-learner interaction. Corporations and universities are using and promoting
distributed learning for staff development, technical training, and advanced-
degree coursework.
Communicate a message to your colleague/friend. Describe the process of
communication for this message in terms of elements of communication.
2.6 Self-Assessment Questions
1. Define ICT.
2. What is the role of medium in communication process?
3. Define an input resource.
4. What is an interactive whiteboard?
5. Enlist characteristics of a slate/tablet.
6. What is the purpose of projector?
7. Describe benefits of blended learning.
2.7 Exercise
1. Discuss the usage of ICT in the 21st century.
2. What is a communication process? What are different components of
communication process?
3. What are different input resources of ICT? Also write down their usage.
4. What are different output resources of ICT? Also write down their usage.
5. Elaborate the role of ICT can be used in Education.
6. Write notes on the following:
i. Blended Learning
ii. Open & Distant Learning
iii. E-learning
iv. Distributed Learning
2.8 Bibliography
Beal, V. (n. d.). Application (Application Software). Retrieved from
Blended Learning Toolkit. (n. d.). Benefits of Blended Learning. Retrieved from
Broida, R. (2012). Canon Pixma Multifunction Printer. Retrieved from
Communication Process. (n. d.). Retrieved from http://www.enkivillage.com/
ELMO. (n. d.). What is ICT in Education? Retrieved from
ELMO. (n. d.). What is a Visualizer/Document Camera? Retrieved from
Global English. (n. d.). Virtual Blended Learning. Retrieved from
Hansson, T. (2008). Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies:
Innovations, Methods and Ethical Issues. USA: Information Science
ICT Tools and Resources for Schools, Teachers and Educators. (n. d.). Retrieved
from https://www.mindomo.com/mindmap/ict-tools-and-resources-for-
ICT and the Secondary Classroom. (n. d.). Retrieved from
IT Infrastructure Development Program. (n. d.). Virtual Classrooms. Retrieved from
Kumar, D. & Turner, J. (Ed.). (2006).Education for the 21st Century/ Impact of
ICT And Digital Resources. USA: Springer Publications. Mindflash.
(n.d.). What is Blended Learning? Retrieved from
Mairaj, M. I. & El-Hadi, W. M. (2012). Applications of Information and
Communication Technologies in Libraries in Pakistan. Journal of the
Medical Library Association, 100(3). Retrieved from
National Network of Libraries of Medicine. (2016). Retrieved from
Ortega, M. & Bravo, J. (2000). Computers and Education in 21st Century.
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Provenzo, E. F, Brett, A. & Gary, N. M. (2005). Computers, Curriculum &
Cultural Change: An Introduction for Teachers. New Jersey: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Rouse, M. (n. d.). ODL (Open and Distance Learning). Retrieved from
Shetty, S. (2014). Information and Communication Technology and Education.
Retrieved fromhttp://usingicteducation.blogspot.com/
Team Info vision. (n. d.). Visualizers/Document Camera. Retrieved from
3.1 Introduction
Technology is a vital component of modern classroom. The classroom computer has
become a presentation, communication and storage device for all pupils irrespective
of their abilities (Leask & Meadows, 2000). Effective and appropriate technologies
can be used for designing, developing, implementing and assessing instruction.
Effective and appropriate technology means the technology which meets the learning
objectives and is affordable at the same time. It can contribute in increasing academic
achievement and motivation of students for learning (Keengwe, 2013).
A vast array of information and resources can be accessed using information and
communication technology (Keengwe, 2013). Additionally, latest information
technology is also reshaping the presentation of information. The computer,
multimedia software and internet access bring large number of text, image and
video-based information into the classroom. Previously, this kind of information
was found in the library and it was accessed through the use of filmstrips,
videotapes and cassettes. In the past, the use of video involved moving the whole
class to a viewing room with recorded tape-based video players which were
expensive and difficult to operate. In schools, it was necessary to hire a technician
or Media Resources Officer to operate the videotape player. Now, the
technological skills expected of a teacher, by contrast, are probably more than
those possessed by the technicians of that earlier era. A teacher can enrich its
teaching through the use modern technological resources; however, the
technology cannot be substitute for a teacher (Abbott, 2001).
Dear Students!
It is very important for a teacher to know about various ICT resources and
tools. It will help him/her to select suitable tools for the teaching-learning
process. Let us know about the use of ICT resources in lesson planning.
3.2 Objectives
After studying the unit, you would be able to:
1. To describe role of ICT in education with respect to teaching-learning
2. To illustrate the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
in lesson planning.
3. To elaborate the implications of ICT resources for presentation of
4. To explain the use of ICT tools for organizing and storing teaching-
learning resources.
5. To discuss the ways for sharing the information by using ICT tools.
3.3 Lesson Planning
A teacher is involved in different types of planning for a subject. Curriculum
plans, also called curriculum maps provide the plan for an academic year. Unit
plans are developed for several days or weeks on the basis of curriculum plans.
Daily lesson plan provide a direction for your day to day activities in the
classroom (Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2014). Effective teaching requires proper
lesson planning and delivery in the classroom. It helps to organize and systemize
learning process. Lesson plan is a blueprint or guide map for action or a
comprehensive chart of classroom teaching-learning activities. Lesson planning
refers to sequencing of acts and events that we plan, organize and carry out in the
classroom. The activities in the lesson are interconnected and associated (Pathak
& Chaudhary, 2012). Planning lessons requires some time (Cennamo, Ross &
Ertmer, 2014).
Technology can be used for lesson planning in two ways: type I and type II
application. In type I application, the lesson planning can be accomplished
without the use of technology tools. However, technology tools are used as a
supportive element to enrich the teaching. For example, a lesson can be taught
without the use of PowerPoint presentation; however, it is used to enrich the
teaching-learning process. In type II application, the technology tools serve as an
essential component to implement the lesson. Thus, these lessons use technology
either as content delivery mechanism (e.g., use of an integrated learning system)
or an essential resource that make the learning event possible (e.g., hardware
and/or software for learning the subject of Computer) (Maddux & Johnson, 2005).
3.3.1 Matching the ICT based Activity with Learning Objectives of the Lesson
The digital technologies can be used to develop lesson plans (Cennamo, Ross &
Ertmer, 2014). However, ICT based activities are a means, not an end. Simply
incorporating ICT based activities in lessons is not sufficient for learning and skill
development of students (Bennett, 2003). Therefore, ICT based activities should
be used in a lesson by keeping in mind the learning objectives for that lesson
(Bennett, 2003; Kennewell, 2004). For example, the objective of the lesson is to
understand the functioning of human heart; the ICT can be used to show students
a video about it.
The presentation phase of the lesson is a vital component of the learning
experience. ICT can be used as a teaching aid during the class to make the lesson
more effective. For example, ICT can be used to show the pictures of different
plants, video of using a microscope etc. While preparing learning tasks for the
pupils in the classroom, teacher should consider various factors such as the nature
of tasks (individual, group) and the resources (such as computer, multimedia,
printer, internet etc.) required to support pupils’ work.
lesson by asking several questions from students. This stage also provides
feedback to teacher on his teaching performance.
8. Home assignment is given at the end of the lesson so that the students
practise the lesson at home. Thought provoking questions are given to
students to further practise at home about what they learnt in the classroom.
The steps for an ICT integrated lesson plan are given below in figure 3.1.
ICT Integrated Lesson Plan
Date: ______________ Class:_________ No. of Students: ____________
Topic:______________ Duration of Lesson: _________________________
General Objectives
Specific Objectives
Role of ICT
Previous Knowledge
Possible Problems
Equipment Required
Presentation (Teaching-
Learning Process)
Figure 3.1: Lesson Planning while Using ICT (Adapted from Kennewell, 2004;
Cennamo, Ross & Ertmer, 2014)
classroom through which pupils know what sort of work and behaviour is
expected within the classroom.
According to TAF model, the relation between activity and task goal is of prime
importance. ICT should support the activity by facilitating learning (Kennewell,
2004). TAF analysis of an English debate activity is given below:
Figure 3.3: TAF Analysis for English Debate Activity (Based on TAF Model
Retrieved from Kennewell, 2004)
click to go to another file or a specific portion within a document. Bookmark
allows a user to go back to a previously visited website by clicking on the saved
link-without retyping the address of website. Web processing is the production,
editing and storage of text in a computer. Web navigation involves guiding a
reader through a website so that he/she can know how much information is
available in a website and where to find the required information.)
Dear Students!
We came to know about the use of ICT in lesson planning. It is important to
notice that ICT is a means to achieve instructional objectives. Always select
appropriate ICT tool that helps in achieving instructional objectives. Also
remember to appropriately use an ICT tool as described in TAF model. Now,
let us know the use of ICT in classroom presentation.
also helps to focus the attention of students on key issues and relationships. The
slide and the bullet point structure can aid in understanding the sequencing of
ideas. Thus, it helps a teacher to plan a coherent lesson and manage it more
effectively (Kennewell, 2004).
Next or Back for going through a sequence of screens, arrows to click on, a
Home button or graphic icon to click on to go back to the start screen.
3. Hypertext links: A text which contains jumping off points to other pieces
of text can be much more flexible and powerful than a straightforward text
to be read all the way through. Links are attached to particular words or
phrases and when you click on these you are taken to the destination text.
4. Hot spot: Hot spots are areas on screen which react when you click on
them, or sometimes when you just move over them. They may be hidden
behind words or pictures, or displayed with their own icons or buttons.
5. Sound: By using a cheap microphone and simple sound handling software
you and your pupils can enhance and transform your multimedia texts. Voice
can be used to explain text, to read poems, to become part of a story, to give
helpful instructions. Sound effects and music can be used in countless ways.
6. Text: The purpose of using text is to write titles, define terms and to write
the content. The text must be short and relevant. Multimedia text is
combined with other elements like pictures and graphics to deliver a
powerful message. Text can be written in different fonts. A font is
composed of three things-typeface, style and size. Arial, Calibri and Times
New Roman are typefaces. Bold and italics are styles. Size is the length of
the character (from top to bottom).
7. Colour: Pupils will be excited by the range of colours available to them as
designers, but should remember to consider the needs and preferences of
their target audience. Many different combinations of colour can be tried
out very quickly. You should be aware of the incidence of colour vision
deficiency in the population. This is also known as colour blindness. It
may involve from total colourblindness to a lack of discrimination
between two or more colours. It does not appear to be linked to intellectual
capability. The most common colours affected are red and green. Some
useful guidelines to remember are to:
a. use blue, yellow, white and black for significant features onscreen,
b. make sure text colour is a strong, bright contrast from the background.
8. Graphing: Graphing is used to present the information in graphical forms.
Information can be presented in different formats such as bar, line, pie and
column graphs.
9. Animation: Animation is used to make text move, change or flash. The
effect is like that of using a traditional flick (flash) book. Animation is a
powerful way to explain some physical processes or phenomena. Pupils
can learn concepts thoroughly by short animations to explain them.
10. Graphics: Graphics are the images or still pictures such as 2-diemnsional or
3-dimensional such as objects around us. Graphics help us to understand the
concept or a process. Picasa and adobe Photoshop are used to edit pictures.
11. Video: It is possible to use short video clips in your own presentation.
However, editing and manipulating video is quite complex. As more
intuitive video editing software becomes available, it will be a more
realistic option in the classroom (Leask & Meadows, 2000). VLC media
player can be used to play a video. Windows Movie Maker is one of the
several software used for making or editing the videos.
use boldface or italics for different concepts. Highlight the objects with
artwork but do not overdo it.
6. Do not use too many fonts because it can distract the reader’s attention
from the message that a slide is communicating.
7. Do not insert too many images or text on one slide. Look for uniformity
among contents on each slide.
8. Use a variety of items (text, picture etc.) to avoid boredom. However, do
not clutter the slide/page with too many elements.
9. Use colours which are complementary to each other such as blue, brown and
black colours. Avoid using clashing colours such as orange and brown
10. If working only in black and white on a slide, try to avoid too much white
space. If you are working on a slide with white background, surround the
area with gray or black colour.
11. Check your work before presenting in the class or showing it to others.
12. Ask your colleague or some friend to preview your work before class
presentation. Ask them if they learn what you intended to (Sharp, 2008).
Dear Students!
We have discussed about the use of ICT in classroom presentation. Use the
guidelines for preparing a good multimedia presentation. Always keep in
mind the pros and cons of using multimedia presentations in order to use it
effectively. Now let us see the use of ICT for storing and organizing data.
further categorize the files e.g., creating a folder “project work” in the folder
“school”. However, creating too many subfolders can be a distracting task
because the required file can be difficult to find in a stack of subfolders. To find a
particular file regardless of its location in a computer, type the name of a file in
the search bar and select the “All files and folders” option to search (Couch, 2012;
Ubuntu Documentation Project, 2010).
for connecting with a wired network whereas computer connects to a
wireless network without cable. Files stored on network-attached storage
device are available from any internet-connected computer.
e. Windows Home Server: A Windows Home Server is a computer which
stores all digital files and, makes it available to other computers and
devices on a home network. It automatically back up1 all connected
computers and also make their contents accessible online.
f. USB Flash Drive, Memory Card and Portable Hard Drive Device:
USB flash drive and memory card are portable i.e., easily carried or
moved. These devices can be used for file transfer between computers and
other devices. Portable hard drive device such as iPods can also be used to
store files (Baldridge, 2009).
g. Optical Storage (discs): Optical disks include CDs, DVDs and Blue-ray
disk (Baldridge, 2009). An optical disk is a high-capacity storage
medium.CD-ROM stands for Compact Disk read only memory. It can
store up to 650 megabytes of data on it. The information when stored on
CD-ROM cannot be changed or erased. CD-R (compact disc-recordable)
and CD-RW (Compact disk- rewritable) can also be used to store data.
The data once saved on CD-R cannot be erased. On CD-RW, one can
record and store data multiple times. Digital versatile disk (DVD) has a
much greater storage capacity. It can store data up to 04 hour full length
video (Shelly, Cashman, Gunter & Gunter, 2008).
h. Online Services for Storing Data: Online services can also provide a
source to back up files through a password protected account. It also
makes the files accessible on the different devices when connected
through internet. For example, Microsoft One Drive and Apple Mobile Me
offer the service for online storage of data. In order for online storage of
data, a fast internet connection is required so that the files can easily be
stored. In the absence of high speed internet connection, hard drive or
optical disc may be considered for important files (Baldridge, 2009).
Dear Students!
Information and communication technology (ICT) refers to technologies that
provide access to information through telecommunications. It focuses primarily
on communication technologies including internet, wireless networks, cell phones
and other communication mediums. Besides facilitating and enriching classroom
teaching, ICT is also used to communicate and exchange information with
different audiences by using a variety of media and formats. The audience
includes teachers, students, administrators, parents and other stakeholders
(Manichander, 2016). Some tools for technology based-communication are as
1. Internet
2. Email
3. Online Bulletin Boards/Forums
4. Video Conferencing
3.6.1 Internet
Internet is the network of networks. Internet provides access to a wide variety of
useful resources through directories (help to locate information e.g., Look Smart),
search engines (help to locate information on different websites by typing one or
more words) and databases (organized collection of information). Internet links
thousands of computer networks and computer users in homes, offices, business,
government offices and schools worldwide. It is accessible to individuals,
companies, colleges, government agencies and other institutions all over the
world. There is wide variety of tools provided by internet for sharing information.
3.6.2 Email
Electronic mail enables users to create, send and read written messages through
computer networks e.g., Gmail, Yahoo mail, hotmail. E-mail is used to deliver
messages, transmit information, documents and pictures. It is an effective,
inexpensive and speedy medium for sending messages. The sender can easily
revise a message before sending and send it to more than one person at the same
time. It contains “to: the receiver’s e-mail address”, “subject: the title/purpose of
e-mail” and message. However, ineffective email can cause confusion and loss of
productivity. An effective email message contains following four characteristics:
i. Conciseness: An e-mail message should be concise and organized
containing relevant facts and information.
ii. Correctness: E-mail message should be free from errors in address,
spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes.
iii. Clarity: the message should be clear with no ambiguity in the text.
iv. Tone: E-mail message should be neither too formal nor too informal. An e-
mail should contain more conversation than a traditional paper-based media.
Figure 6: E-mail Message http://legalofficeguru.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/
Figure 7: Video-Conferencing (Retrieved from http://www.advancedetiquette.com/
Dear students!
3.7 Conclusion
Dear students!
In this chapter you have studied about the uses of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) in education. We have learnt that ICT
tools and resources can be used for lesson planning, presenting, organizing,
storing and sharing information. We have discussed various strategies for
using in the teaching-learning process. Remember, there are many ICT tools
which can help to enrich the teaching-learning process. It is the creative
abilities of a teacher to think about how to include ICT tools in his/her
teaching. However, the ICT tools are used for assisting teacher in their
teaching, it cannot replace a teacher.
1. Prepare a lesson plan. Integrate ICT tools in the lesson plan by
incorporating type I application of technology.
2. Prepare a lesson plan by integrating type II application of technology.
3. Conduct an interactive chat with your colleagues through a video-
conferencing tool.
7. Define e-mail.
8. What is video-conferencing?
3.9 Exercises
1. Discuss the importance of ICT in classroom teaching.
2. Enlist the steps for lesson planning. How ICT resources can be integrated
into lesson planning to enhance its effectiveness.
3. What steps can be used to make information in personal computer/laptop
safer and easily accessible?
4. Discuss in detail the various features of multimedia.
5. How technological resources can help to share information among diverse
groups of stakeholders? Discuss.
3.10 Bibliography
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Agarwal, M. (2010). Business Communication. India: Krishna Prakashan Media.
Allen, J., Potter, J., Sharp, J. & Turvey, K.(2012). Primary ICT: Knowledge,
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Ahmad, A. M. & Ibrahim, I.K. (2009). Multimedia Transcoding in Mobile and
Wireless Networks. USA: Information Science Reference.
Baldridge, A. (2009). Organize Your Life. USA: National Geographic Society.
Bennett, J. (2003). Teaching and Learning Science: A Guide to Recent Research
and Its Applications. New York: Continuum Studies in Research in
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Couch, A. (2012). Creating Order from Chaos: 9 Great Ideas for Managing Your
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Keengwe, J. (2013). Research Perspectives and Best Practices in Educational
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Kennewell, S.(2004). Meeting the Standards in Using ICT for Secondary
Teaching. London: Routledg Falmer.
Leask, M. & Meadows, J. (2000). Teaching and Learning with ICT in the Primary
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Uses of Technology in Education. NY: The Haworth Press.
Manichander, T. (2016). Information & Communication Technology in
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Pathak, R.P. & Chaudhary, J. (2012). Educational Technology. New Delhi:
Dorling Kindersley Pvt. Lt.
Pitler, H., Hubbell, E. R. & Kuhn, M. (2012). Using Technology with Classroom
Instruction that Works. USA: ASCD Publications.
Provenzo, E. F. & Brett, A. & McCloskey, G. N. (2005). Computers, Curriculum
and Cultural Change: An Introduction for Teachers (2nd Ed.). London:
Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers.
Sharp, V.F.(2008). Computer Education for Teachers: Integrating Technology
into Classroom Teaching. USA: John Wiley & Sons.
Shelly, G. B., Cashman, T. J., Gunter, R. E. & Gunter, G.A. (2008). Teachers
Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the
Classroom (5th Ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.
Rudd, A. (2006). Literacy and ICT in the Primary School: A Creative Approach
to English. London: David Fulton Publishers.
Ubuntu Documentation Project. (2010). Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop Guide. US:
Fultus Corporation.
Wang, Y.(2011). Education Management, Education Theory and Education
Application. China: Springer Publications.
4.1 Introduction
E-Learning is acronym of Electronic Learning is form of education in which any
one get education through tools of information and communications technologies.
These students may not goes to institute for learning they may get education in
homes, anywhere else at any time when they are free. These students are not
bound to learn on any specific time through email, through Compact Disks,
through Animation, through Internet, through mobile phone, through audio &
video or through any other tool.
Smart mobile phone is now become essential part of male, female, students or
professionals. These mobile phones are not a phone but have small computer
performs almost all functionality of computers. These mobile phones are
becoming large tool of education, audio, video and internet can be used in these
mobile phones so these tools are base of electronic learning.
4.2 Objectives
After reading and studying this unit, students will be able to:
1. Define electronic learning.
5. Explain e-assessment.
4.3 E-Learning
E-Learning is acronym of Electronic Learning. In the E-Learning students get
education through internet, email, Compact Disks, animation etc. If student watch
an online training video, join in an educational discussion board, or join in a
virtual class, he will be a part of E-Learning.
There are many other names of E-Learning which are slightly explained here:
Interactive Audio Instruction (IAI), Online Virtual Environment, Computer
Games or Webinars etc. are considered to be the tools of distance learning.
In distance learning, those students who are not able to attend regular classes in
schools because of any physical disability can get a quality education. The
Distance Learning students have experience of the classroom education that they
cannot receive at any hospital, in home and anywhere else.
Here are short descriptions of some fields in which e-learning tools are used.
Medical students are now learning well by using ICT tools. Now medical students
get awareness about new researches’, discoveries and development of new
medicines, new diseases and their treatments. In medical colleges students can see
online real time surgery or offline by Compact Disks. Using the simulation
students can do practical work virtually and learn well. Patients also get
knowledge about their disease that they are suffering from before going to
Engineering students also have advantage to learn using online and ICT tools.
They are also getting awareness about new research, new machinery and new
technologies at home at any time. They can use simulations and animations of
new discovery of machinery and technology.
The modern electronic learning tools are now widely used in early childhood
institutions to teach kids by using graphics, animations, videos and simulations.
Small kids now understand and learn better. In the early age, students are not
interesting to go to institution as well as in learning. So ICT tools produce interest
in study and learning. Some MOOC institutions and other educations departments
are offering free online courses for remote and far flung areas people who cannot
get education in regular institutions.
Many institutes are making developments in ICT tools and making these available
regularly on internet for those students who are to learn in their homes. Virtual
universities and institutes are offering the courses of almost every field of
education for those students who cannot get education of their respective fields
from villages or far flung areas.
keen influence of the Internet is that to have many special learning web sites for
those educational institution for which are un reachable, the adult education
centers, company training centers, disable person schools, public libraries, prisons
or far flung homes. It is the outstanding technological growth in the internet that
has brought us amazing chances in education.
Audio and video resources used to increase learning by showing real life
situations, explaining concepts, remarking social groups or acting as triggers for
discussion. Allama Iqbal Open University developed Multimedia Compact Disks
of every subject for students those who cannot attend classes, tutorial meetings or
they working in long hours in a day.
These disks containing audio and video material for specific subject, student can
read and listen course material using computer or CD player.
and helps them to feel connected. Complex problems can be simplify and explain
in batter ways. When students require the learning materials can access easily.
Students can learn at their homes, with playback, rewind and pause as they feel
convenient Reduces prominent questions from students. These videos can be
listening and see many times as required.
Smart phones are not only for communication, texting or wastage of time but it is
most effective in the study. Students’ record lectures, taking notes, obtained quick
answer of questions, discussion, interact with others and take help by internet.
Students can access many social network sites that provide online services to
people that can create profile, create friends and other course mate list, message
them, check emails or video chat etc.
EMS (enhanced messaging service) is facility for short simulation, video
and sound)
MMS (multimedia messaging services) is facility for unrestricted
messages that includes images, pictures and video etc.)
Chatting is facility for real time texting in two ways.
Can be seeing, save, share, and download Pictures and video on demand.
Can play or download local and online games.
Can see or download Animation and 3D images.
Can play and download multi users games
Can see online resources of information
Can see TV and newspapers online
Can see and create blogging
Students can share their learning processes and outcomes on their cellular phones
as well as teachers can create personal links with their students, see their efforts
and use worldwide resources.
Educational applications are small sets of programs developed for mobile device.
For example: installing an application in math’s application on mobile phone so
students work on it according to a pre defined curricula, apply formulas, see and
analyze results. It is very important to research in order to examine a specific
application thoroughly, regarding its use and design.
4.6 E-Assessment
E-assessment has an electronic component for electronic testing, electronic
portfolios and electronic marking. There are some examples of e-assessment
shows prospective possibilities and the variety of its uses. This list may not
project to be completed.
Using intranet or local networks, assessments can be distributed, completed,
marked automatically and managed by machine.
Assessment may be marked by automatically or manually.
Electronic test delivery may mark manually on the paper or on the screen.
Multimedia design may be used for submission of assessments.
In the center Tests may be downloaded from the internet and scans for
Use email for delivery and submission of completed assessments.
Electronic portfolios is use electronically to store and manage candidates’
Automatically marked assessment reacts adaptively to student performance.
4.6.2 Security
Exam bodies are required to maintain the reliable security of e-assessment to
make sure accurate results and maintain security against conspirators. The
hardware, software and exam data must be secure.
Ensure that the assessment data must be relevant, according to legislation
and follow the industry standard.
Exam bodies must secure the assessment processes including plagiarism,
copying and any other interference.
Exam bodies must ensure that the firewall or virus protection software or
hardware must be installed for maximum protection of online testing and
exams data.
Exam bodies must ensure to provide the proper process of authentication
of candidates to make sure only valid candidates access and take the
Exams bodies need to require the security of the computer, network and
software used in online tests.
If exams necessary in other places than exam bodies make proper
partnership agreement, license or other franchise agreement that make
clear that who will be responsible for security of exam center.
Exams bodies are needs to make sure that result by online testing systems
are delivered correctly and securely to the test takers.
4.8 Bibliography
1. An Analysis of e-Learning Impacts & Best practices in Developing
Countries by With Reference to Secondary School Education in Tanzania.
5.1 Introduction
Teaching online involves much more than simply adopting tried‐and‐true models
of pedagogy for teaching. Facilitation online requires practices that promote
collaboration and discussion among learners, and also encourages them to work
together to explore the contents of the course. Unlike traditional classroom,
attention in online education needs to be paid to develop a sense of community in
the group of participants for collaboration and successful learning process (Pallof
& Pratt, 2013).
5.2 Objectives
After studying the unit, you will be able to:
1. Describe the concept of online teaching.
An online teacher has a good knowledge of each student in the class in order to
groom their specific capabilities. He/she does treat all the students identically, but
reacts to the needs and personality traits of each leaner (Bender, 2003). Illinois
Online Network (2007) added that a good online instructor demonstrates
openness, concern, flexibility, and sincerity for teaching and learners; has good
written communication skills; works to develop critical thinking skills among
students; and is experienced and well trained in online teaching (Pallof & Pratt,
empathize with them and see the situation from students’ perspective by
carefully listening them.
An expert who communicates his/her knowledge and skills through
lectures and discussions, and stimulates students’ interest in learning.
A formal authority that helps students by establishing boundaries such as
acceptable conduct and dates of submission of materials.
A socializing agent who is actively involved with larger academic
An ideal that is charismatic and shows commitment and enthusiasm not
only to the subject matter but also to the students themselves.
A person who demonstrates compassion and understanding of student
needs (Bender, 2003)
An online instructor may not have all the above mentioned characteristics but
openness and flexibility is key to a success in online teaching. Online teaching
consumes more time than teaching in face‐to‐face classroom (Pallof & Pratt,
In asynchronous communication, the participants are not online at the same time.
Asynchronous communication allows students to read material and post message
in discussions when they have time. For example, online discussion forums. The
asynchronous environment gives time to students for thinking and reflection on
material. In asynchronous mode, students can read assigned material, search out
additional sources to understand what they are studying, and reflect on the
material presented in the text by the instructor and by peers. In sum, synchronous
and asynchronous modes of communication are used in online pedagogy (Pall of
& Pratt, 2013). In order to get maximum benefit of technology in education,
instructors must be trained not only to use technology but also to shift to the ways
in which they organize and deliver material.
Dear Students!
We have discussed about the various roles of online teachers. Remember, a
teacher shifts its role from one to the other according to demand of the
situation now let us discuss online discussion forums.
An intended user first register himself/herself, then can access the messages
posted by the other members of discussion forums, post message in an already
created discussion forum or start a new thread of discussion (Dasgupta, 2006).
Most discussion forums are monitored by the facilitator (that may be a teacher,
student or an administrator) or by software application (e.g., programs that
automatically censor specific words from posted messages) (Dasgupta, 2006;
Piskurich, 2004).
3. Guide students about how often they would be required to participate in
the discussion. Also inform them about the frequency of participation of
teacher in the discussion.
4. Also provide directions about the grading/marking procedure set for their
participation in the discussion forum. Include the quality of responses to
be counted for final grade/marks. A response that is thought-provoking
and insightful must also contribute towards final grade/marks.
5.3.4 Weaknesses of Discussion Forums
i. As the discussion is carried out in virtual environment so there may be
delay in the provision of feedback to students on their participation in
discussion forum. As a result, the student may feel frustrated.
ii. Shy students may hesitate to respond on the discussion forums for sharing
their thoughts and work with the entire class.
iii. It can promote competition instead of cooperation among students.
iv. It may be time-consuming for an instructor to monitor and respond to all
the messages on discussion forum.
v. The teacher may need to develop rubrics for assessing effective
participation of all students in discussion forums.
vi. Students must be supervised on guidelines for participating in discussion
(Dawley, 2007)
Blackboard: Discussion Boards: https://bbhelp.cit.cornell.edu/discussion-
Teacher Chat boards: https://teachers.net/mentors/
Dear Students!
We have discussed in detail about discussion forums. We have also come to
know about responsibilities of teacher for managing the discussion forums,
its strengths and weaknesses. Now let us study ICT enabled learning
with people. The table 5.1 shows various categories affecting learning. These
components can be organized in the learning environment to provide support for
learning. The components mentioned in the table below are sources for a student
to learn.
Table 5.1: Components of Learning Environment
Categories Components of Learning Environment
1. Resources look, journals, articles and internet resources
Shared documents and wiki spaces
Tools to support content sharing, for example
computer, internet, email etc.
Lecture Videos and electronic presentations
Support in learning
2. People Social Media Connections
Blogs (webpage containing information), Social
Bookmarking (online tagging of one’s favorite
websites to organize it)
Group forums or discussion boards
Professional Networks (online learning
Conferences and meetings
3. Training and Activities and exercises to support learning
Education Training
Academic courses
4. Development Support, feedback and coaching from teacher
Practices Career counselling and development
Communication activities to influence leaner’s
readiness and application
5. Experiential Learning by doing
Learning Practices Experimenting
Analysis of feedback received from
Creating personal notes
6. Learner motivation Desire to learn
and Self-direction Linking learning and performance
Confidence in abilities to learn
(Ayla Graney: Lombardozzi, 2015)
Resources include physical resources like books, journals, equipment and online
resources such as databases, lecture videos and electronic presentation. People
provide face-to-face and online feedback, quick answers to questions and
discussion on different topics. This active interpersonal connection serves for
deep understanding and collaboration. Training and education involves
classroom-based and online training or self-study for learning purposes.
Development practices involve support, feedback and coaching from teacher to
support learning. Experiential learning practices involve learning by doing and
reflecting on what has been experienced. Reflecting on feedback received from
teacher is an integral part of learning. Learner motivation and self-direction
provides the students an urge to learn (Lombardozzi, 2015).
as preparing a document. This software is content free. Specific software teaches
skills or concepts by presenting the information to students in various ways and
involving them in different activities. A wide range of software is available to
support learning environment.
The strategies mentioned above can help learners break feelings of isolation and
get them involved in the learning process.
Dear Students!
Two to four teachers co-teach a class. They collaborate to teach students. As they
gain experience in teaching the same class, they discuss and provide feedback to
each other about what worked well and what were the problems during the class.
They can discuss about resolving the problem. In team-teaching, teachers learn
from their colleagues’ expertise in their weak area and a variety of activities to
accomplish the same ends (Bender, 2003). Team-teaching promote the
collaboration among teachers and students. It is also a means of focusing on the
process of learning instead of just being result-oriented. Co-teaching can follow
five different models (Mason, 2010: as cited in Kouroupetroglou, 2014):
1. One leads, one supports/observes
2. Parallel teaching-teaching the same content to two groups, each taught by
one of the co-teacher
3. Alternative teaching where one co-teacher teaches alternative content or
using an alternative approach
4. Learning centers
5. True team teaching that involves co-planning and shared responsibility for
all aspects of instruction
Figure 5.8: Models of ICT (Retrieved from https://ictmodels.wordpress.com/ict-
2. The second step involves organizing teaching time by analyzing routines
and incorporating a suitable team-teaching model such as parallel and
3. Planning is concerned with the selection of suitable teaching strategies to
be used in team-teaching such as discussion, group work etc.
4. Select appropriate technology for use in team-teaching such as computer,
internet etc.
5. Evaluate the achievement of goals by the students.
6. Adjusting the use of strategies and appropriate technology for use
according to the co-teaching model used.
(Wilson, 2016)
Dear students!
We have discussed the concept of team teaching for online settings. We also
looked into planning process for team-teaching for its successful execution.
We have also discussed some of the concerns while using team teaching.
Team teaching provides a platform for teachers to improve their teaching
while learning from each other. It also multiplies the learning opportunities
for students. In team teaching, the students get benefit from the expertise of
two or more teachers.
As collaborative involves working with groups in a class, so, the size of the class
is decreased to accommodate it. But, if the size of the class is decreased, the
number of classes required increases. This will need more staff and greater
The entire online class allows the class to be divided into smaller groups, offering
each group a variety of ways by which group members can communicate with
each other online. The optimal size of a group depends on class size but it should
not exceed four or five people. This size of group helps to increase opportunities
of participation of students. A pair of students may work to resolve an issue that is
discussed in class.
5.6.4 Process of Collaborative Activity
The process of collaborative activity consists of following steps:
a. Set the Stage: The first step includes providing the purpose and
instructions for the activity. It is also ensured that the student is
comfortable with using technology. For example, discussing the benefits
of using technology in education on online discussion forum is an activity.
b. Create the Environment: In this step, the students are informed about
framework and rules for the activity. For example, a discussion board will
be used for the above mentioned activity.
c. Model the Process: At this stage, the teacher models the behavior for the
students. He/she also allows them to discuss the framework of the activity.
In this way, the teacher models a collaborative behavior.
d. Guide the Process: While the students are performing the activity, the
instructor will provide guidance for the sooth progress of the activity.
e. Evaluate the Process: In the last step, the teacher will evaluate the
activity to determine whether the learning objectives have been achieved
or not. Here, the students also share their experiences of the activity.
a. Role Playing
Role playing is a hypothetical/imagined look to a situation. Students take
up the role of people who might be working in real life. It helps the
students to understand the application of concepts. It also helps to develop
critical thinking skills of students. For example he/she might learn about a
particular role and propose a solution for a difficult problem.
b. Simulation
Simulation is application of knowledge and skills to a real-life situation
like it was in role-play. The difference between role play and simulation is
that simulation is more closely related to real life. Simulation can be
simple just like participating in a discussion or complex just like following
a program to understand the various stages of a skill or a problem.
c. Case Studies
A case is a true story of an issue which people have faced, along with
facts, opinions and prejudices involved in it. Cases may also include
charts, graphs, and pictures of relevance to the situation. Students may
also be asked to find and present or create case studies on their own. Case
studies vary from a few paragraphs to chapter of a book in length. Some
cases may include discussion questions at the end in order to focus the
reader’s attention on certain issues.
Abase study is an online collaborative technique is to encourage
students to bring case studies from real life situations into the online
classroom and to receive input from their peers on it.
e. Jigsaw Activities
Jin jigsaw activity, learner becomes expert in an area and present in an
online course to their peers either directly or by contributions to a larger
group project. In so doing, learners complete the “puzzle” of the content
being studied and add to the knowledge of members of the group. The
learners are asked to search material related to a topic and present it back
to the group.
Collaborative learning strategies require planning and coordination
among teacher and students in the online class. For the success of this
method, the teacher’s role is of a facilitator and guide. During the progress
of collaborative learning activity, the teacher is continuously involved in
the process to ensure students’ engagement and learning. In addition,
collaborative learning activity demands to empower the students so that
they can take charge of their learning (Pallof & Pratt, 2013).
Dear Students!
Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in teaching provides
enriching resources for students’ learning. However, technology is just a means to
achieve the instructional goals. Besides command on technology use, the selection
of a suitable technology resource and appropriate use of that resources for online
teaching is very important. Appropriate instructional planning is required for the
effective use of latest technology.
1. Select a discussion thread on an online discussion forum. Explain and
analyze the daily progress of discussion in that thread.
2. Plan a lesson for team-teaching. Distribute the classroom responsibilities
for that lesson among two co-teachers in such a way that both teachers
assume equal number of responsibilities.
3. Select a suitable online collaborative learning activity for a topic of your
interest. Explain the process of carrying out that collaborative activity.
5.8 Exercise
1. Computer has influenced the teaching-learning process. Comment.
2. How the role of a teacher is changed in online education.
3. Discuss the components of online learning environment.
4. Explain different models of team teaching. Also elaborate the planning
process for team teaching.
5. What is the process of team development for collaborative activity? Also
provide detail of some of the activities that can be used as online
collaborative learning activities.
5.9 Bibliography
Imison, T. & Taylor, P. H. (2001). Managing ICT in the Secondary School. Oxon:
Heinemann Educational Publishers.
Pallof, R. M. & Pratt, K. (2013). Lessons from the Virtual Classroom: The
Realities of Online Teaching (2nd Ed.). CA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Wilson, G. L. (2016). Co-Planning for Co-Teaching. Retrieved from
6.1 Introduction
Today, an entire industry of ICTs has emerged to offer solutions for problems
faced in teaching-learning process. Course Management System (CMS) software
facilities and allows instructors to design and deliver their courses within a
flexible framework that includes a number of different tools to enable learning
and communication to occur.
This unit deals with various modes of online learning environment. Online
learning, especially offered by ODL institutions meets the needs of an ever-
growing population of students who cannot or prefer not to participate in
traditional classroom settings. These learners include those unable to attend
traditional classes, who cannot find a particular class at their chosen institution,
who live in remote locations, who work full-time and can only study at or after
work, and those who simply prefer to learn independently.
Online learning is catalyzing a pedagogical shift in how we teach and learn. There
is a shift away from top-down lecturing and passive students to a more interactive,
collaborative approach in which students and instructor co-create the learning
process. The Instructor’s role is changing from the “sage on the stage” to “the
guide on the side”. This approach empowers students as active learners instead of
just passive recipients absorbing information and reproducing it for standardized
tests. The unit will highlight and explain how online learning environments can be
used and what activities an instructor can do through online learning environment.
6.2 Objectives
After successful completion of the unit, you will be able to:
1. Define learning environment.
2. Differentiate between physical learning environment and online learning
3. Explain computer mediated learning environment.
4. Describe blended learning.
5. Analyze current trends and issues in online learning environment.
6. Explain distributed learning.
21st century learning environment may appear to be one of several support
systems in the framework, but in fact, it is itself an integrated system of multiple
supports. Thus, we can view a 21st century learning environment as an aligned
and synergistic system of systems that:
Creates learning practices, human support and physical environments that
will support the teaching and learning of 21st century skill outcomes
Supports professional learning communities that enable educators to
collaborate, share best practices, and integrate 21st century skills into
classroom practice
Enables students to learn in relevant, real world 21st century contexts
(e.g., through project-based or other applied work)
Allows equitable access to quality learning tools, technologies, and
Provides 21st century architectural and interior designs for group, team,
and individual learning.
Supports expanded community and international involvement in learning,
both face-to-face and online
Such an environment fosters learning tailored to the needs and wants of the
individual. This sort of learning occurs anytime and anyplace, when and where
the learner desires. It takes place in a context of relevance, “just in time,” rather
than “just in case.” And such learning offers “just what I need” – that is, the
opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills through learning strategies that are
personalized and adapted to the learner’s own learning styles and preferences. To
guide policymakers, educational authorities, and school leaders, the Partnership
has prepared this white paper to promote the vibrant educational environments –
physical and online, technological and human – that support the 21st century
learning all children deserve.
Participate in role plays and case Participate: read, respond and post messages
studies via e-mail and/or discussion topic
Ask questions: send e-mail and/or post
Ask questions question in discussion area
Submit assignments via e- mail or the
Hand in assignments discussion topic with or without attachments
Complete quizzes and exams Complete online self tests
Network and socialize with classmates: read,
Network / socialize with respond and post messages via e-mail and/or
classmates discussion topic
The exciting thing about the online environment is that you can still do many of
the usual classroom’ activities - and at a place that is convenient for you.
6.3.2 On-Line learning Activities
Let's explore in more detail how you might complete learning activities online.
1. Attend class
The online learning environment is primarily an asynchronous
environment that is, you don't have to log on to the computer at exactly the
same time as your instructor or classmates in order to attend class. You
will however, have specific deadlines to meet for the reading assignments
and learning activities. How do you attend an on- line class? It is
suggested that you access the course on a daily basis in order to read e-
mail messages, read and respond to postings, and keep up with course
information. There is an online learning tool in this course that tracks the
number of postings you have read and posted. It also keeps a record of the
pages you visited while accessing the course. This information is valuable
for the instructor and student help in case you experience any difficulties
during the course.
2. Read and Research Specific Information
In an online course, some course content is provided within the course.
You have the option of reading this information while online, or printing
the information and reading it later. Additional information may also be
provided to you in the form of links to other valuable web sites, articles or
your textbook. You may also be asked to research additional websites on
your own. Just as in a face-to-face classroom setting, your comprehension
of information will be assessed. Assessment may be accomplished through
the use of discussion questions, self-tests, case studies, role plays, etc.
3. Participate in Discussions
In a classroom setting, the instructor may often pose a question. In many
cases, the question leads to a serious discussion and/or debate with other
students. This occurs in the online classroom through the use of discussion
topics in the discussion area. One of the best features of an online
discussion is that you don't have to be present at exactly the same time in
order to communicate with other members of this course. The online
discussion environment uses topics and threads to organize conversations.
A linked series of comments is called a discussion thread and each topic
can contain several threads. You may be expected to submit assignments,
post a brief biography, and collaborate with group members in the
appropriate group discussion topic. When an activity requires you to use a
topic, the directions will let you know which discussion topic to use.
4. Collaborate with other Students
There is so much information on the Internet and so little time to read
everything! Fortunately, online learning gives you an opportunity to share
your discoveries with others, and learn from them. There will be times
when you may need to work in small groups. Each member of the group
will research and read specific information and share this with the other
group members. The instructor may assign you to a specific group
however; it is up to your group to determine how it will work on the
assignment. Discussion topics are one way to collaborate online. Most
topics are public meaning that all class members can see what you have
posted and have an opportunity to respond to your posting. Your instructor
may also set up private topics. These topics will be used for collaborating
with other students during small group activities and will be limited to
only those members assigned to that group. Any postings made to this
private topic will only be seen by those three group members unless the
instructor has specified that a posting will be made available to all. You
can also use e- mail to collaborate. Online courses have their own email
package built right in so that only the students enrolled in the course can
send and receive an e- mail message.
5. Participate in Role Plays and Case Studies
Role plays and case studies may be used in online courses in order to
provide you with real-life problems. Often, the discussion forum will be
used to enable you solve these problems individually and with other
6. Ask Questions
In a classroom setting, the instructor usually knows when you are confused
or frustrated simply by your body language. In the online environment, the
instructor cannot see this type of body language. This means that you must
communicate when you don't understand! Use the email within the course
to send questions to your instructor or post your question in the discussion
area for all to see. You can also ask other classmates questions just as you
would in a classroom setting. Your classmates come with a wealth of
knowledge from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise. Use the
discussion topic to post a question for all to see or send a private email to a
specific individual. Either way, communication is key!
7. Network / Socialize with other Classmates
In a classroom setting, classmates typically meet before or after class for a
cup of coffee and a bit of socializing. This can still occur in the online
environment using e-mail, the discussion area or chat rooms. Everyone likes
know a bit about the people they are studying with. One of your first activities
may be to post a profile of yourself which includes things such as your work
experience. Sharing personal profiles makes the class more enjoyable and
enables you to feel more connected while learning at a distance.
6.3.3 What is a VLE?
A virtual learning environment (VLE for short) is a collection of software tools
supporting academic administration, teaching and research using the Internet,
particularly the World Wide Web1. As information and communication is
increasingly conducted online such systems have become part of the essential
educational infrastructure in many higher education establishments. Just as with
e-mail, VLEs are centrally provided services that are delivered right across the
institution largely to enhance existing academic practices, not to replace them.
The VLE has thus a capacity to provide a central focus for students and staff
alike, irrespective of their geographic location, aiding continuity in the teaching
and learning processes. Teachers can use the service to help prepare classroom
materials, store them safely, and subsequently refine them. VLE systems usually
come with scheduling facilities, so that students can download synopses in
advance of a lecture, whilst lecture notes and slides may be released after the
lecture. They may also be used at any stage to solicit student feedback through
survey tools and to collect assignments through online pigeon holes or drop
VLEs typically provide a set of options that determine who has access to these
resources and also at what level (such as reading, commenting, editing and
administering). This is a key feature that enables fine-grained control: areas can
be made open (to members of the public) or closed, for instance limiting access to
a particular group and making materials available only between certain dates.
There are in fact many course materials freely available, of which a notable
example is MIT Open Courseware, which includes materials in Economics3.
However, the value of a good education emerges in how these materials are
presented, in the communication between a teacher and a student and the various
other kinds of specific support; a VLE’s primary role may be considered as
contributing to that support.
learning environment does not imply that students have only a limited amount of
leisure time; that is, no particular learning schedule is used to replace their leisure
activities. A smart learning environment aims to help students gain knowledge
even when they are doing leisure activities. It plays the role of a wise friend who
seeks opportunities to advise learners in their daily life by taking their needs and
preferences into account.
Accordingly, the potential criteria of a smart learning environment are
summarized as follows:
(1) A smart learning environment is context-aware; that is, the learner’s
situation or the contexts of the real-world environment in which the
learner is located are sensed, implying that the system is able to provide
learning support based on the learner’s online and real-world status.
(2) A smart learning environment is able to offer instant and adaptive support
to learners by immediate analyses of the needs of individual learners from
different perspectives (e.g., learning performance, learning behavioUrs,
profiles, personal factors) as well as the online and real-world contexts in
which they are situated. Moreover, it can actively provide various
personalized support to the learners, including learning guidance,
feedback, hints and learning tools, based on their needs.
(3) A smart learning environment is able to adapt the user interface (i.e., the
ways of presenting information) and the subject contents to meet the
personal factors (e.g., learning styles and preferences) and learning status
(e.g., learning performance) of individual learners. The user interface is
not necessarily a conventional computer. Instead, learners can interact
with the learning environment via mobile devices (e.g., smart phones or
tablet computers), wearable devices (e.g., Google Glass or a digital
wristwatch), or even ubiquitous computing systems embedded in everyday
objects. Therefore, it is a challenging issue to adapt the user interface to
meet the learners’ needs in a smart learning environment.
(2) A learning performance evaluation module. This module evaluates and
records learners’ performance by conducting tests online or in the real world.
For a real-world test, the learners might be asked to find the answer to a test
item via observing or interacting with real-world targets (i.e., the real-world
objects related to the learning goals, such as a plant on school campus).
(3) An adaptive learning task module. This module assigns learning tasks to
learners based on their learning progress, learning performance, personal
factors and their learning objectives in all disciplines. The learning task
could be an online inquiry task that engages learners in searching for
information on the Web, or a real-world inquiry task that requires the
learners to observe real-world targets, raise questions, search for
supplementary materials from the Internet or in the real-world
environment, propose hypotheses and present answers to the questions.
With the help of this module, the learners are always engaged in the most
feasible and important learning tasks by considering their learning status
and personal factors in the right place and at the right time.
(4) An adaptive learning content module. This module provides learning
materials to learners. Based on the learning progress, learning
performance, personal factors and the real-world status of individual
learners, the learning system recommends and organizes learning
materials, and adapts the user interface to meet individual learners’ needs.
(5) A personal learning support module. This module provides learning
support to learners based on their learning needs. The learning support can
be a guideline of the learning task or learning content, a hint for the
learning task, feedback on their work, or a Mind tool to help them learn in
an efficient and effective way. To determine what kind of support is to be
provided, the features of the learning tasks and learning content as well as
the learning performance, personal factors and real-world status of the
learners need to be taken into consideration.
(6) A set of databases for keeping the learner profiles, learning portfolios,
learning sheets (i.e., the sheets that present the learning tasks for each
subject unit or learning topic), learning materials, test items and learning
tools. The data in those databases are very helpful to the learning system
in terms of providing suitable support to the students in the right place and
at the right time. For example, in the learning portfolio database are kept
the students’ learning schedules, learning progress, homework, assessment
results and their interactions with peers and the learning system. Via
analyzing the records in the learning portfolios, the learning system knows
individual students’ to-be-enhanced concepts or skills, and hence the most
suitable learning tasks can be assigned to them along with some
recommended strategies or tools on the right occasion.
(7) An inference engine and a knowledge base for determining the “value” of
the candidate learning tasks, strategies and tools as well as their possible
combinations. The knowledge base is a collection of the tutoring
knowledge and experience of educators and teachers. It might also contain
the decision-making rules generated by analyzing previous cases,
including those successful and unsuccessful ones. The inference engine is
a computer program that makes decisions by analyzing the current case
(i.e., the status of the student and the environmental contexts) based on the
rules in the knowledge base (Wu et al. 2013a, b).
6.4.1 Strengths and Weaknesses of Computer-Mediated Communication
(i) Strengths
The ability to think, study, participates and initiates conversation without
the restrictions of time or place.
The ability for reflection and thoughtful, asynchronous negotiation of
meaning between members of a large group. This potential for
collaboration is what connects computer-mediated communication to
constructivist pedagogy.
Conversations may be archived for future reference including the ability to
re-visit the full context of a topic.
The potential exists for greater equality of participation within the group
given the reduction in recognisable, economic, social, and racial or gender
(ii) Weaknesses
The ubiquitous complaint about lack of face-to-face contact, resulting in
the loss of phatic functions that provide reassurance to both the speaker
and listener.
Most of the messages are instructive rather than constructive or
collaborative. This is probably not a weakness so much as a hurdle that
must be leaped by all in the interest of "community".
Although electronic for a efficiently link those in need of information with
those that have it, the lack of sustained high-quality participation in for a
discussion has been examined and seen to be a regularized phenomenon.
The "experience", buttressed by personal involvement, is that there is no
"rational" reason for someone to participate when they can "free ride" and
enjoy the contributions of others, unless they have some altruistic concern
about the survival of the forum. The relevant prediction is that message
contributions will be generally undersupplied in all for a therefore, both
intuitively and experientially, “lurking” should come as no surprise.
conferences, read and comment on messages by others, and compose and
submit their own contributions to conferences. Yet, even online there
appears to be a carry-over from the classroom environment where all the
students are facing forward towards the “sage on the stage”.
Techno-frustration must be confronted. “Newcomers” easily become
frustrated and fearful when the technology or administration isn't just
right. Those who have used computers develop a stronger sense of
fatalism or a greater degree of patience, as well as the ability to think
laterally about the technological problems that arise. But the numerous
statements made by students suggesting sheer exasperation and a need for
reassurance must be acknowledged.
Mark Twain pithily identified the underlying constituent of ego
involvement in discourse when he said: "It is better to keep your mouth
closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all
doubt." In any case, “lurking”, a subject that has been well documented in
the literature, is a continual frustration for an online facilitator. Even when
the entire course depends on participation, both to make it work, and in
terms of assessment, "lurking" remains.
Is the classroom experience one in which students is maximizing their
individual propensities for learning; or is the classroom a group-based,
collaborative experience for mutual and collective dialogue and interaction?
Clearly, interactive discussion is effective in assisting the learning process.
But it is vital not to be too active or "dominant" in conversational
participation. Herring, et. al argue that men attempt to dominate computer-
mediated interaction in much the same way they dominate F2F interaction:
by “talking” more, taking authoritative stances in public discourse and
intimidating women into accommodation or silence.
The claim is regularly made in the literature that virtual interaction
equalizes communication based on the assumption that status and gender
cues are de-contextualized by the hypertext medium. This does not appear
to be entirely the case as shown in the research of Herring, et.al into the
defined features of men’s and women’s language on the basis of specific
rhetorical styles ‘conventionally’ associated with each gender.
As Senge puts it, the success of any discussion depends “on the way a
topic is developed systematically “which leads to the collective nature of
thought”. For a discussion to be effective, each member of the group must
be able to establish common ground in the discussion.
information. The key to promote improved learning with computer technology
depends on how effectively the medium is exploited in the teaching and learning
situation. Whether or not computer-mediated discussions are richer and more
thoughtful depends more on knowledgeable social facilitation with respect to
goals and process, than it depends on the technology. Academics are not removed
from the educational process by computer technology. Their role simply shifts
away from being deliverers of information to being guides and creators of
learning experiences, transforming both the classroom and education experience.
The major characteristics of computer-mediated-communication and learning are
the time and place independence, hyper linking, and interactivity among various
combinations of individuals.
According to Paper, the computer is particularly compatible with the way students
now prefer to learn. The very 'interactivity' of discussion suggests that by
providing relative anonymity and reduced personal identification, computer-
mediated-communication may be more ‘humanising’.
Indicatively, the process of knowing requires significant effort on the part of both
teachers and learners.
The real issue is how to integrate the personal qualities of great teaching with the
technological advantages of learning by computer. Online education offers more
than convenience. For all the mythology of the classroom, many students show up
and snooze rather than learn. The computer forces students to focus and to be
active participants in learning rather than empty vessels into which academics try
to pour their knowledge. It's very easy to attend a face-to-face class physically,
yet not really be there mentally. However, without the necessary reflection,
overzealous adoption of computer technology will not of itself strengthen the
teaching/learning process.
E-Learning also includes advantages which are not found in traditional learning,
such as: time for digesting the information and responding, enhanced
communication among the learners, both as regards quality and as regards
urgency, knowledge being acquired and transferred among the learners
themselves, the ability to conduct an open discussion, where each learner gets
more of an equal standing than in a face-to-face discussion, access to information
and to discussion ability, responses may be made around the clock with no
restrictions, a higher motivation and involvement in the process on the part of the
learners. The very use of technology for learning has been found to have a
positive effect on the student’s commitment to the learning process. Also, use of
technology creates a greater commitment on the students’ part to learning.
Motivation The students’ motivation is The students’ motivation is high
low, and the subject matter due to the involvement in
is “distant” from them. matters that are closer to them
and to the use of technology.
Teacher’s The teacher is the authority The teacher directs the student
Role to the information.
Location of The learning takes place The learning takes place with no
Learning within the classroom and the fixed location
Lesson The teacher dictates the The structure of the lesson is
Structure structure of the lesson and affected by the group dynamics.
the division of time
instruction', help students experience at home what would have taken place in a
traditional class (for example, a content-based lecture) through the use of
computers and self-paced learning modules.
Unique sequencing but integrated; may involve mobile devices in ambient
spaces (virtual-enhanced reality)
BL integrates online with face-to-face instruction in a planned,
pedagogically viable way and does not simply combine online interactions
with face-to-face time or vice versa
Combined online and classroom learning activities and resources with
reduced in-class seat time for students in a face-to-face environment.
Use of interactive and collaborative tools that help create teamwork and
communication with faculty and students
Mixture of different learning environments; provide various environments
to learn
Using instructional strategies that match with students (and course topic)
is a challenge. To achieve the right blend, institutions should evaluate
learning and cost-effectiveness.
Blended models can take advantage of shorter, low-stakes assessment;
replacements should be found for final exams and lengthy term papers.
3) BL = combining online and face-to-face instruction (Reay, 2001; Rooney,
2003; Sands, 2002; Ward & LaBranche, 2003; Young, 2002)
The first two positions above reflect the debate on the influences of media versus
method on learning (Clark, 1983, 1994a, 1994b; Kozma, 1991, 1994). Both of
these positions suffer from the problem that they define BL so broadly that there
encompass virtually all learning systems. One would be hard pressed to find any
learning system that did not involve multiple instructional methods and multiple
delivery media. So defining BL in either of these two ways waters down the
definition and really does not get at the essence of what blended learning is and
why the concept of blended learning is exciting to so many people. The third
position more accurately reflects the historical emergence of blended learning
systems and is the foundation of the author’s working definition (see Figure 1).
Combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction
The working definition in Figure 1 reflects the idea that BL is the combination of
instruction from two historically separate models of teaching and learning:
traditional F2F learning systems and distributed learning systems. It also
emphasizes the central role of computer-based technologies in blended learning.
interesting to note such overlaps in blended learning models between the
corporate training world and higher education.
A few other ideas for using BL to improve pedagogy included in this handbook
are: Oliver, Herrington, and Reeves (this volume) who provide insights into how
computer-mediated environments can bring a level of authenticity to the
traditional classroom experience. Collis (this volume) shares a model for how BL
can be used to integrate formal classroom learning and informal workplace
learning. Wisher (this volume) and Kirkley and Kirkley (this volume) who share
ideas for collaborative learning and problem solving in environments that mix live
F2F elements with virtual reality.
Increased Access/Flexibility
Access to learning is one of the key factors influencing the growth of distributed
learning environments (Bonk, Olson, Wisher, & Orvis, 2002). Many chapters in
this volume emphasize programs that would not be possible if students were not
able to have a majority of their learning experiences at a distance from instructors
and/or other students (for examples, see Kaur & Ahmed; Lee & Im; Reynolds &
Greiner, and this volume). Learner flexibility and convenience is also of growing
importance as more mature learners with outside commitments (such as work
and family) seek additional education. Many learners want the convenience
offered by a distributed environment, and, at the same time, do not want to
sacrifice the social interaction and human touch they are used to in a F2F
classroom. There are numerous examples in this handbook of how blending is
used to provide a balance between flexible learning options and the high touch
human interactive experience. WebCT executives, Barbara Ross and Karen Gage
(this volume), for example, have seen an expansion of reduced seat time courses
that allow for increased flexibility but retain some traditional F2F contact.
University of Central Florida’s M courses (Dziuban, Hartmann, Juge, Moskal, &
Sorg, this volume) are also good examples of this. As a third example, the
University of Phoenix model allows for F2F socializing in orientations as well as
presentation experiences at the beginning and ending of a course with online
learning experiences in between.
handbook, the IBM chapter from Lewis and Orton (this volume) reports ROI
figures as high as 47 to 1 for their implementation of BL. In adding to these
results, the Avaya chapter (Chute, Williams, & Handcock, this volume) and
Microsoft chapter (Lutz this volume) both provide cases in which BL solutions
have resulted in a significant ROI.
In higher education there is also interest in finding solutions that are cost
effective. The Center for Academic Transformation with support from the PEW
Charitable Trust recently completed a three year grant program designed to help
universities explore ways of using technology to simultaneously achieve quality
enhancements and cost savings. More detailed information for each of the thirty
grant redesign projects that PEW funded can be found at the grant web site (PEW,
2003). A summary of the significant role blended learning played in the various
Pew projects can be found in Graham and Allen (Graham & Allen, in press;
Graham et al., 2003).
The second section of this handbook on for-profit universities has several chapters
that address this issue (Pease, this volume). The University of Central Florida, for
example, has predicted cost savings due to cost reductions in physical
infrastructure and improved scheduling efficiencies, which have yet to materialize
(Dziuban et al., this volume).
Course level
Program level
Institutional level
Across all four levels, the nature of the blends is either determined by the learner
or the designer/instructor. Blending at the institutional and program levels is often
left to the discretion of the learner, while designers/instructors are more likely to
take a role in prescribing the blend at the course and activity levels.
Kirkley and Kirkely (this volume) also discuss how mixed reality technologies
blend the virtual and the real together during learning activities. In higher
education, Oliver et al. (this volume) talk about strategies for using technological
tools to make learning activities more authentic, while examples like Jung and
Suzuki (this volume) share how technology is used to bring experts at a distance
into the classroom creating a simultaneous F2F and CM experience.
students the choice of completing the program completely online or online with
F2F tutoring session and/or participation in an extended on-campus Management
Challenge. The New Zealand Law Diploma program is conducted mostly online
with about 15 percent of the learning time in a F2F setting. Reynolds and Greiner
(this volume) and Wright et al. (this volume) both describe teacher education
programs that blend F2F and CM experiences at the program level.
General Categories of Blends
One of the reasons that we are interested in models of blended learning is that we
are interested in the practical question of “How to blend?” Each model provides
ideas about how to blend with examples implemented in specific contexts and
with real constraints. Table 1 provides three categories for blended learning
systems found in this handbook based on the primary purpose of the blend. Some
blends in this handbook would fit into multiple categories; however, usually a
blend most closely matches the focus of one category. It is also important to note
that none of these blends are necessarily bad – they just have different foci.
We see the greatest focus on in programs that come out of a distance learning
tradition. A good example is the University of Phoenix (Lindquist, this volume)
that attempts to provide an “equivalent” learning experience through its F2F
residential programs, entirely online programs, and blended learning programs. In
this system, learners pick the option that best meets their cost and time
and Wright et al. (this volume) provide models that span the spectrum from a
minimum level of integration to a high level of integration. The hope of some is
that enhancing blends are the first steps towards more transformative blends.
such as collaboration and learning communities? How does live interaction versus
low fidelity, asynchronous interaction affect the learning experience?
Cultural Adaptation
What role can and should blended approaches play in adapting materials to local
audiences. One strength of e-learning is the ability to rapidly distribute uniform
learning materials. Yet, there is often a need for customizing the materials to the
local audience to make them culturally relevant. Jagannathan (this volume) and
Selinger (this volume) both address the need to find balance between global and
local interests. Selinger suggests that a F2F instructor plays an important role in
helping to make globally distributed materials culturally relevant and meaningful.
Ross and Gage (this volume) make the statement that future learning systems will
be differentiated not based on whether they blend but rather by how they blend.
This question of F2F and CM instruction effectively is one of the most important
we can consider as we move into the future. Like any design problem this
challenge is highly context dependent with a practically infinite number of
possible solutions. So in this handbook we do not present any one solution as the
solution, rather we share examples of successful blends across many contexts. We
hope that the wide range of global perspectives and specific local examples
available in this handbook will help readers to gain a better understanding of
options for meeting instructional design challenges in varied contexts. Our charge
is to try and best understand the strengths and weaknesses of both F2F and CM
environments so that when we are faced with tradeoffs, we can make appropriate
decisions. Figure 4 is a simplified representation of this complex challenge. From
a pedagogical standpoint, the designers of blending learning systems should be
seeking out best practices for how to combine instructional strategies in F2F and
CM environments that take advantages of the strengths of each environment and
avoid their weaknesses (Osguthorpe & Graham, 2003; Martyn, 2003).
Table 2: Strengths and weaknesses of conducting discussions in F2F and
computer-mediated learning environments
F2F environment (In-class
environment (Asynchronous
text-based discussion)
Strengths Flexibility: Students can
contribute to the discussion at the
time and place that is most
Human Connection: it is easier
convenient to them. Participation:
to bond and develop a social
100% students can participate
presence in a F2F environment.
because time and place
This makes it easier to develop
constraints are removed. Depth of
trust etc. Spontaneity: Allows
Reflection: Learners have time to
for the generation of rapid
more carefully consider and
chains of associated ideas and
provide evidence for their claims
serendipitous discoveries
and provide deeper more
(Mikulecky, 1998).
thoughtful reflections.
(Mikulecky, 1998; Benbunan-
Fich & Hiltz, 1999)
Weaknesses Spontaneity: Doesn’t encourage
the generation of rapid chains of
associated ideas and
serendipitous discoveries
Participation: Can’t always
(Mikulecky, 1998)
have everyone participate,
Procrastination: There may be a
especially if there are
tendency towards
dominating personalities.
procrastination (Benbunan-Fich
Flexibility: Limited time,
& Hiltz, 1999) Human
which means that you may not
Connection: The medium is
be able to reach the discussion
considered to be impersonal by
depth that you would like.
many (Benbunan-Fich & Hiltz,
1999) –this may cause a lower
satisfaction level with the
process (Haytko, 2001).
Although Table 2 certainly does not contain all of the possible strengths and
weaknesses of conducting discussions in the F2F and CM environments,
instructors might use this understanding to make decisions about whether to use
one or the other or both learning environments to meet instructional goals. For
example, by understanding the affordances of F2F and CM environments, an
instructor of a large enrollment class might choose to use the CM environment so
that everyone in the class can contribute to the discussion. Another instructor
concerned about unmotivated students and procrastination might choose to use a
F2F discussion where social presence and excitement for the topic can be
communicated through voice as well as gesture. A third instructor might choose
to blend the two learning environments, starting with a brief exploratory F2F
discussion to generate excitement for the topic and set the stage for a more in-
depth follow-up discussion online in a CM environment. As we move into the
future it is important that we continue to identify successful models of blended
learning at the institutional, program, course, and activity levels that can be
adapted to work in contexts. This will involve understanding and capitalizing on
the unique affordances available in both F2F and computer-mediated or
distributed learning environments.
At the same time that the number of institutions using various forms of distance
delivery is increasing, what we have known as distance education is morphing
into distributed learning. In the not too distant past, the distance education
undertaken by many universities was a marginal activity left to the university's
extension or continuing education unit. Today distributed learning is serving on-
campus students as well as the off-campus students traditionally served by
distance education. As the result of this change, this form of delivery is moving
from the periphery of the university's operations into a position much closer to the
centre. A comment in a recently published broad overview of distance education
suggests that, One key indicator that distance education is moving into the
mainstream is the increased emphasis on the need for policies to guide its
effective growth (Simonson & Bauck, 2003).
Perhaps the most clearly formulated of these analogies (which happens also to be
the first to have appeared) is the one first stated by Garrison in 1985, then
modified and developed by Garrison and Archer (Garrison, 1985; Garrison &
Archer, 2000; Archer, 2001). This formulation describes the generations
differently from most other descriptions, and builds from a base in pedagogical
theory. Rather than trying to link generational change to the appearance or
disappearance of particular delivery technologies, it defines the transition point
between generations as the moment of change in the primary mode of two-way
communication between (among) student(s) and instructor. The following
summary is a modified form of that in Archer (2001) p. 295:
Generation 1: Slow asynchronous (Correspondence)
communication between instructor and student by postal mail
individualized study only: communication among the students in a given
course is possible in theory but not in practice
advantage of great flexibility students can work from wherever there is
postal service and on their own schedule
very low cost to institution and student
frequently has high dropout rate
Generation 3 distance education has proven to be so attractive to students that it
has become a serious rival to face-to-face instruction. Because of this increasing
attractiveness, the demographics of the student body participating in various
forms of distance learning has changed radically over the last 10 years, reflecting
a large increase in the number of concurrent learners individuals involved in a
combination of distance and face-to-face study.
It is this phenomenon that has led to the use of the new term distributed learning
which now includes all of what has been referred to as distance education but also
the use by on-campus students of learning opportunities provided by the
technologies associated with Generation 3 distance education (and to some extent
Generations 1 and 2). One definition of distributed learning provided by the
Institute of Academic Technology of the University of North Carolina reflects
both its evolution from traditional distance education delivery and its
incorporation with traditional face-to-face models:
A distributed learning environment is a learner-centered approach to education,
which integrates a number of technologies to enable opportunities for activities
and interaction in both asynchronous and real-time modes. The model is based on
blending a choice of appropriate technologies with aspects of campus-based
delivery, open learning systems and distance education. The approach gives
instructors the flexibility to customize learning environments to meet the needs of
diverse student populations, while providing both high quality and cost-effective
learning. (Quoted in Bates, 2000)
It is largely the on-campus potential of distributed learning that has caught the
attention of central administration and faculty at conventional institutions. Central
administration often see distributed learning as an opportunity to make more
efficient use of existing physical plant and instructional resources. Some faculty,
however, see it as a serious threat to the unquestioned dominance of face-to-face
instruction, particularly when the possibility is raised that the craft model on
which university instruction typically operates might be replaced by the more
industrialized models that have usually been associated with distance education.
For university students, distributed learning is becoming important in order for
them to meet their learning goals. It allows them more choice and flexibility along
with opportunities to learn new and important communication skills necessary for
work in the global networked environment.
For institutions, distributed learning will allow them to build their student base,
and offer programs nationally and internationally. While universities are keen to
extend access and to increase their numbers of students, are they as willing to
accept that their own learners can further extend their options by participating in
courses from numerous providers? In addition to the concern about accreditation
and ensuring levels of competency, issues of lost revenue when learners study at
other institutions are also a consideration. Do the existing policies on transfer
credit, visiting student applications, and residency serve the mobile,
technologically astute learners of the twenty-first century?
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Owen, T., Wired Writing: The Writers in Electronic Residence Program, In
Mason, R. (ed.), Computer Conferencing: The Last Word, Victoria, BC:
Beach Holme, 1993, pp. 125-147.
Papert, S., The Children’s Machine: Rethinking School in the Age of the
Computer, New York: Basic Books, 1993.
Pychyl, TA., Clarke, D., & Abarbanel, T., Computer-mediated Group Projects:
Facilitating Collaborative Learning with the World Wide Web, Teaching
of Psychology, 26, 1999, pp. 138-141.
Salomon, G., On the Nature of Pedagogic Computer Tools: The Case of the
Writing Partner, In Lajoie, S.P. and Derry, S. J., Computers as Cognitive
Tools, Hillsdale, N.J., Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1993, pp. 179-196.
Saltzberg, S., & Polyson, S. (1995, September). Distributed learning on the World
Wide Web. Syllabus, 9(1), 10.
Scott, T., Cole, M. & Engel, M., Computers and Education: A Cultural
Constructivist Perspective, Review of Research in Education, Washington,
D.C., American Educational Research Association, 18, 1992, pp. 191-251.
Senge, P M., The Fifth Discipline: The art and Practice of the Learning
Organization, New York.
Sherman, R.C., Using the World Wide Web to Teach Everyday Applications of
Social Psychology, Teaching of Psychology, 25, 1998, pp. 212-216.
7.1 Introduction
Internet and associated new technologies are becoming part of lives of students.
Youngsters and especially students now using internet everywhere not in homes,
institutions they used in classes as well. College students are now using internet
in educations purpose.
7.2 Objectives
After reading and studying this unit, you will be able to:
1. Explain internet and emails for education purpose.
Internet has big advantage to learn any kind of topic including language,
technology, science, math or social subjects. Many students use internet to
improve their proficiencies of foreign language.
Many teachers use the Internet to find useful teaching material as internet is
priceless source of information but some teachers worry about the reliability of
online information. They are not sure the information provided in the internet is
appropriate, authentic and according to their curriculum, but of course internet is
big source of free information.
Internet provides big support of learning of science process skills. Students can
use science processes outside the classroom. Students can learn how to search and
use of desirable information from data bases and applies the information to ensure
the transfer of process skills.
Allama Iqbal Open University used OLIVE model for students. Reason is that
increasing number of students and enhancing its nationwide courage. This
continuously increase in enrolment caused some operational and academic
Shortage of Qualified Faculty: In some places many teachers were teaching
many courses so the standard of teaching was going down. Students could not
contact to their teacher after the class at some study centers. There was no better
solution to this problem because shortage of teachers in the area.
Slight out of Class Support: If the student missed the lecture were left behind
and could not cover the course material at home. There was no way of teacher to
provide out of class support to those students who failed to attend the class. This
increased failure ratio of students in early semesters.
Mostly these students live in villages and far flung townships. There is not better
Internet and computing facilities available to these areas but some students
learned through video conferencing, through online and through multimedia
compact disks where internet facility is not available.
and networked learning. Without existence of organized and retained electronic
resources by digital libraries, accessibility to updated eLearning resources is
impossible Following growth and expanding of eLearning in universities and
higher educational institutions, libraries' services and methods of accessibility to
them faced with evolution and transformation in virtual world.
Digital library's concept which was raised in 1993 based on web advent, among
librarians and educational experts have been known as best tool for providing
services and delivering educational material to learners during virtual education
Overall, digital library refers to a collection of digital works (e.g. Texts, images,
videos) to help users community and is collection of chained techniques and
services to gather, organize, and protect digital works to be used by clients. In
digital libraries journals, proceedings, books, multimedia and etc. are organized
for remote accessibility. Digital library is not just collection of electronic
resources and involve browser interface and perhaps virtual community and
space. In this technology, data are available quickly for each person every place
of world via communication networks. Digital library is not solitary entity and is
related to lots of resources and collections which must be managed. Digital
library's resources are divided in two parts:
a) Resources that from beginning are produced in digital form like as eBooks
or e-Journals
b) Resources and materials which are not digital at first but can be
transformed to digital over time.
7.6 Blogs
A blog is a small website in which topics are posted and displayed. In the blog
latest post is displayed at the top of previous post. Mostly blogs are related to
specific topic, for example science, literacy, food, education, politics or news.
Some bloggers says that some blogs considered as online diaries. A blog contains
text, images, videos, web pages or other links. Blogs firstly appeared in 1995
from there blogging has become known as a famous form of communications,
taking public judgments and mass media in the world. There is lot of hosting
services available for hosting of blogs. They me be hosted in special hosting
servers, web hosting server or may be using special software developed for blogs.
A typical blog are includes of the following:
• Title of blog – It contains main designation or headline of the blog.
• Body of blog –It is material or content of the post.
• Comments from viewers– It contains remarks of readers or gives opinion
about the topic.
• Permalink – These contains the other web addresses of the article.
• Post Date of blog – These contains date and time when the blog was
• Categories of blog – These contains subjects about particular topic.
• Trackback – These contains addresses of other websites that gives the
entry in a blog. These trackbacks consists of other links or blog roll of
other blogs that the author of blog affiliates or reads.
• Teacher provides examples, vocabulary, or grammar etc incase of
language students.
• Blogs of teacher provide online readings for students to read and respond to.
• Teacher and students post, text material, images and comment on class
• Teacher publishes blog and invite students to comments or postings on
issues for students responds.
• Teacher publishes best work of good students which was performed in the
• Teacher posts show case of student art, poetry and attractive stories.
• Create article for literature, online book clubs etc.
• Teacher published blog to make use of the commenting feature for
students publish messages on topics to increase language skills.
• Using the blog, teacher can ask students to create their own individual
course related blogs, where they can share their own ideas, reactions and
• Teacher post project based learning tasks with students.
• Teacher can build newsletter having student written articles and photos
they take.
• Teacher creates blog to link his class with other classes somewhere else in
the world to create competition or shares experiences.
Support images and manifestation related to industry placement.
It has an online gallery space for review of works, writings etc
It provide platform where teachers encourages reactions, reflections and
ideas by comments on students’
It developed student portfolio of work.
7.7 YouTube
Teachers have always tried to create attention of students to promote learning.
They used many things for this such as multimedia. In the classroom teachers
teaches using the demonstration of pictures to convey ideas. This is the basic tools
of academic conversation. In the digital world there are many other ways to teach
in which words, pictures and numbers and many methods in which they can be
supplemented and supported. In the multimedia sum up these ways including
video, images, text and sound in which words, pictures and numbers can be bring
for effective teaching. The technologies used to store, edit, project, and transmit
the data that are the raw material of meaning.
There are many multimedia tools used in education including YouTube which is
web based tool.
YouTube is web based platform that provides facility to people to upload, view
and share video clips on internet. YouTube also facilitates public to short share
videos across the internet through other web sites, mobile, blogs, digital cameras,
computer and email etc. Very quickly YouTube become most popular and widely
used resource for online videos in the world. People having internet access can
watch these videos, but registered users can upload videos which is free for
everyone. By the international copyright law posting of copyrighted videos and
lectures on this site is banned and punishable.
Furthermore, some instructors creates video clip of their lectures post both online
and off line in class learners. For example, a teacher created 3-D animation for
explaining mathematical concept and uploaded in YouTube that paying attention
of more than millions views mostly of them are home base students. YouTube
provides an opportunity to teachers to significantly expand their educational
audiences in international locations. These teachers are not only increasing their
own ability to provide online courses but also increasing the public’s awareness of
that subject and institute which he affiliates.
While YouTube have lot of positive features specific for teaching and learning but
it has some limitations and challenges. For example, YouTube have millions of
videos about all fields so searching for appropriate topic have a great challenge
and time consuming, especially if the searcher does not have area of content in the
One more big limitation is the correctness and reliability of the videos that are
posted on the YouTube site. As with any resource, teachers should be
discriminating concerning the selection of videos to be used in their course. So
instructor should add a disclaimer to the YouTube which indicates the content of
the video does not replicate the views of the instructor. As mentioned above that
the YouTube is unrestricted platform available for everyone to upload video.
Before a video post to the learners, teacher should be confident to agree, whether
the content of the video is accurate and authentic, especially for medical based
information. If the medical based information are not accurate or authentic can
creates big loss of the health. Finally, protection of computer data or video against
Spyware and viruses is significantly considerable. Using free facility of upload
videos some hackers may be using this free source to upload Spyware and viruses.
update the course contents regularly from time to time but the user management
have responsibility of MOOC service provider.
There are a lot of advantages of MOOC education. Its format is user friendly and
contents are honestly posted that considered as incredible educational resource is
available to anyone to learn.
MOOCs provide opportunity to those people which have not facility get
traditional education.
Thousands of students can be registered free in the MOOC at once and taking
lectures but unfortunately few of them complete the course. Many of them never
even start the course after registering or leave after few lectures. After the survey
of MOOCs administrations, an average completion rate of the course is below
10% even most of the students complete their work, there is no guarantees they
have effectively understand the course as students of regular colleges. Some
advantages of MOOC are here:
Advantage of MOOCs, is that it may radically change in long-suffering
patient education about disease. Patients should be advised to watch online
videos or study lectures in MOOC before visiting doctor; this will be
helpful for them to explain their disease rather than asking question. One
more advantage is that developing of MOOCs for medical patient
education, the content creates standardization that how patients are being
educated and removing dissimilarities among different physicians.
Another advantage of developing MOOCs for medical patient education is
that it becomes a big source of supporting community. If any patient wants
to get awareness about his disease MOOCs discussion board can allows
finding support from others in their stare group.
MOOCs can be helpful opportunity for updating latest situation of patient
about continuing research and educate him.
OCW association defines an Open Course Ware is “a free and open digital
publication of high quality university-level educational materials. These materials
are organized as courses, and often include course planning materials and
evaluation tools as well as thematic content”.
OER has become grand prospective to support educational revolutions. The idea of
OER has its educational value using the resources as essential method of
communication. When digitized these resources tried to make them easy and posted
in the Internet. License is the only difference between OER and other educational
resource. The OER are the resources of education that are free from license can be
reuse, have adaptation without permission from the copyright holder.
OER can support open learning education. Making of ‘open education’ a priority
has considerably larger implication than committing to releasing these resources
open for educational programmes. OER requires efficient assessment and
certification systems, student supports and curriculum frameworks in order to
determine the scope to which they increase openness. Open learning provides
opportunity in education that removes all unnecessary hurdles to learning. Its aim
is to provide a possibility of sweeping in an education and guidance system.
Above principals states that effective use of OER might give practical expression.
Some people say that ‘open license’ mean writer gives up all right to this material.
It is big misconception in their minds. They are not right; actually, open licenses
is necessary to protect rights of copyright holders in situation, where e-content
can be simply copied and shared through the Internet without authorization.
A big question raised here that what is guaranteeing the quality of OER? Assured
the quality of the contents of OER is responsibility of course coordinators or
individual teacher which is incharge of education delivering. The representatives
have final responsible for prescribing textbooks, choosing specific video or using
lesson plan to be use in education. Thus, the quality of OER will depend on
resources which are representative select. It is their responsibility to choose
relevant material and integrate them into education activities of different fields.
MOOCs raise some legal issues for research libraries especially for contents that
are copyrighted, while others relate to openly accessible. MOOCs raise legal
objections in these areas:
• Use of contents that is protected with copyright for example online
lectures or classroom teaching.
• Assignment that is protected with copyright for remotely reading is the
equivalent of assigned texts and course assets.
• Copyright status of contents developed by teachers for use in courses of
• Accessibility of MOOC courses designed for disable learners.
The learning communities varied in capacity and direction, all types have few
characteristics which are given herewith:
• It organizing of students and teachers into smaller groups,
• It integrates the curriculum,
• Help the students to set up educational and social support networks,
• Taking group of faculty in more significant ways,
• Teaching staff and students are focusing on learning outcomes,
• Setting up for community based education programs,
• Setting up a critically discussion forum for examining the first year
Misconception in minds of some people, they suppose Online Learning
Community and Online Community is same thing but actually Online Learning
Community (OLC) and Online Community (OC) are different from each other.
Learning can be an unambiguous activity depends on each single student or
collection of students. The main reason to learn something is creating good
impression in members of Online Learning Community.
In a virtual classroom, students heard the voice through the written word and
reflections mostly recorded in a discussion thread. Course mate students and
teacher identify each other by name, may be by their writing style and continuity
of judgments.
The conventional characteristics that endear students to those who are in
physically close are lacking. Moreover those students who have poor writing
skills may be overcome in a threaded discussion environment where all
confabulates are in written form. This is an alarming confront in online learning
but may one can be overcome.
At the end those students who have not computer skills, distance learning
environment challenging for them. To conquer this situation online learning
programs to those students the special course and training programs must provide
them. So these students will aware to properly use all of the features of the course
rooms and resources. In addition, distance learning teacher’s needs special
training in technology as well as in confronts of online teaching. Studies that
conducted for online learning show that online education is more time consuming
than regular institutional learning programs.
7.12 Bibliography
1. Using audio and video for educational purposes. Prepared by the Deakin
Learning futures Teaching Development Team.
2. Using YouTube Videos in Education by Andy Mann Ed Tech consultant,
3. The MOOC Model for Digital Practice by Alexander McAuley, Bonnie
Stewart, George Siemens and Dave Cormier
4. Digital Libraries in Education by H. Witten (University of Waikato, new
Zealand) – Coordinating editor
David Bainbridge (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
David M. Nichols (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
8.1 Introduction
The advancement of latest information and communication technologies has
advantages to enhance education in homes, institutions or anywhere else in
villages at any time. Students may use internet, videos, emails, animations,
simulations etc for batter understanding. This education process is called
electronic learning or E-learning.
The course contents of this E-learning is called E-contents. These contents are
similar of traditional contents of books slightly different as E-contents are in
electronic form. In the E-contents graphics, animations, simulations, videos and
other multimedia applications are developed and posted mostly in internet.
8.2 Objectives
1. After reading and studying this unit, you will be able to:
higher educational institutes in the world offering e-learning in because education
demand is increasing rapidly. In most developed countries use of e-learning
courses is much higher than the total growth of higher education. Due to rising
attractiveness of this category of training, to get better the quality of this
education the quality of content is a significant part.
The result of research that was conducted in many countries of the world shows
that e-learning education provides many benefits to e-learning institutions.
E-learning has many advantages but has some challenges as well such as:
• Learning speed,
• usefulness of content according to industry demand,
• Quality of course content,
• Use of e-learning standards and instructional design.
Harman and Koohang stressed that Learning Object is not just a part of
information very closed to the instructional setting but it includes something that
has educational value such as case studies, films, simulations, audios, videos,
animations, images, maps, books or discussion boards can be perspective by
individual student. The student has ability to make contacts between the learning
object and previously students that complete study. Learning object must be
digital for e-learning purpose.
AICC is acronym of Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training
Committee is an international association of technology based training
professionals that developed guiding principle for the aviation industry.
They also use new technologies to develop, deliver and evaluation of e-
content courses.
(v) Cernea developed this model in 2005. This is Content based model explained
the learning objectives of content and the content’s accessibility and
reusability between various Learning Content Management System (LCMS).
8.8 Problem and Issues in Development of E-Content
Pedagogy is term illustrates the calm practices, processes, strategies, procedures
and methods of teaching and learning. It also includes information about the
means of instruction, evaluation and learning.
The challenges of educational concerns in e-content are herewith:
o To make the information able to be seen to learners.
o To make the teachers thinking able to be seen to learners
o To make learners thinking able to be seen to themselves, their peers, and
the teachers.
The pedagogy has developed mostly as the product of practical limits (e.g. time,
class size, text books). Planned e-contents have overcomes many of these
E-content is a text and images are designed digitally in the computer especially
for display on web pages which is suitable for particular viewers. It means content
developed in a digital form are available for sharing on electronic and
communication media.
Organization developed the standard competencies for e-content teacher
developer in the following areas:
(a) Professional fundamentals
(b) Arrangement and preparation
(c) Instructional technique and strategies
(d) Assessment and appraisal
(e) Administration.
These categories are arranged sequentially by subject experts along with technical
supporters and to develop the E-content materials. E-contents are used in
E-learning process.
the complex problems and unidentified areas. In the class room latest technologies
motivates the students and students concerned in the learning.
E-content is valuable to the student and teachers for all single instruction systems.
E-content is the latest method of education that creates attraction due to different
concepts. The mean of the e-content is eliminating the inequality among the
learners through efficient education. E-content is facilitates the teacher to efficient
way. It is increasing the student’s intelligence level which enhances the creative
8.12 Bibliography
1. Guidelines for E-Content Development by University Grants Commission
behadursha zafar marg new delhi – 110 002
2. eContent Development: prospects and Challenges by K S. Vijaya Sekhar,
G Muralidhar
3. Digital Libraries in Education by H. Witten (University of Waikato, new
Zealand) – Coordinating editor
David Bainbridge (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
David M. Nichols (University of Waikato, New Zealand)
9.1 Introduction
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has improved the daily of
people through various developments in the technology on daily basis. However,
the developments in the field of technology has given rise to a number of issues. It
is important to be aware of those issue in order to use the ICT resources while
conforming to the code of ethics and cyber laws. It also helps to know about
various cybercrimes such as phishing, blackmail, electronic harassment,
electronic fraud, identity crime etc. While following the code of ethics and cyber
laws, we can better be able to take benefit from the resources of ICT. In spite of
certain ethical issues, ICT has a great impact on the daily life of people such as
fast speed communication, effective sharing of information, and paperless and
borderless environment for communication.
In this unit, we would discuss in detail about code of ethics, cyber laws,
cybercrimes and impact of ICT on daily life.
9.2 Objectives
After studying the unit, you will be able to:
1. Describe code of ethics
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) defines some general code of
ethics which can be applied to any organization. Following are the code of ethics.
Contribute to society and human well-being
Avoid harm to others
Be honest and trustworthy
Be fair and take actions not to discriminate
Honor property rights including copyrights and patent
Give proper credit for intellectual property
Respect the privacy of others
Honor Confidentiality
An ICT professional has a duty to be honest about his or her own qualifications,
and about any circumstances that might lead to conflicts of interest.
age, disability, national origin, or other such factors is an explicit violation and
cannot be tolerated within an organization.
Inequities between different groups of people may result from the use or misuse of
information and technology. In a fair society, all individuals would have equal
opportunity to participate in, or benefit from, the use of computer resources
regardless of race, sex, religion, age, disability, national origin or other such similar
9.3.8 Honor Confidentiality
The principle of honesty extends to issues of confidentiality of information whenever
one has made an explicit promise to honor confidentiality or, implicitly, when private
information not directly related to the performance of one's duties becomes available.
The ethical concern is to respect all obligations of confidentiality to employers,
clients, and users unless discharged from such obligations by requirements of the law
or other principles of this Code.
A copyright is a legal device that gives the creator of a literary, artistic, musical or
other creative work the sole right to publish and sell that work. Copyright owners
have the right to control the reproduction of their work, including the right to
receive payment for that reproduction. An author may grant or sell those rights to
others, including publishers or recording companies. Violation of a copyright is
called infringement.
Schools and other educational institutions are not exempted from obeying the laws
related to copyrights. Because of the influence schools have, teachers should be
educating their legal and ethical responsibilities to respect copyrighted material.
9.4.2 The Right to be Let Alone
This principle forms the basis of privacy. To be let alone means the right of
person to choose seclusion from attention of others if they wish to do so. This
right also refers to be immune from scrutiny or being observed in private settings,
such as one’s own home. This principle strengthened the notion of privacy rights
for individuals and began a legacy of discussion on those rights.
Seclusion is the act of secluding i.e. shutting out or keeping apart from society or
state of being secluded or a place that facilitates it. A person, couple or group of
people can go to a secluded place for sake of privacy or because the place is quiet.
Seclusion may be used as a control tactic in psychological treatment settings.
Seclusion of an agitated person in a quiet room free of stimulation may help de-
escalate a situation which may be dangerous to the agitated person or those
around him.
There are three more kinds of privacy barriers: physical, behavioral, and
normative. Physical barriers, such as walls and doors, prevent others from
accessing and experiencing the individual. (In this sense, "accessing" an
individual includes accessing personal information about him or her. Behavioral
barriers communicate to others—verbally, through language, or non-verbally,
through personal space, body language, or clothing—that an individual does not
want them to access or experience him or her. Normative barriers, such as laws
and social norms, restrain others from attempting to access or experience an
9.4.6 Secrecy
Privacy is sometimes defined as an option to have secrecy. Privacy is the right of
people to conceal information about themselves that others might use to their
disadvantage. Privacy is described as secrecy, a conclusion if privacy is secrecy
then rights to privacy do not apply for any information which is already publicly
disclosed. When privacy-as-secrecy is discussed, it is usually imagined to be a
selective kind of secrecy in which individuals keep some information secret and
private while they choose to make other information public and not private.
9.4.8 Self-Identity and Personal Growth
Privacy may be understood as a prerequisite for the development of a sense of
self-identity. Privacy barriers, in particular, are instrumental in this process.
Privacy constitutes the self-identity and helps in personal growth.
Privacy may be seen as a state that fosters personal growth, a process integral to
the development of self-identity. Without privacy — solitude, anonymity, and
temporary releases from social roles, individuals would be unable to freely
express themselves and to engage in self-discovery and self-criticism. Such self-
discovery and self-criticism contributes to one's understanding of oneself and
shapes one's sense of identity.
9.4.9 Intimacy
The intimacy theory imagines privacy to be an essential part of the way that
humans have strengthened or intimate relationships with other humans. Because
part of human relationships includes individuals volunteering to self-disclose
some information, but withholding other information, there is a concept of
privacy as a part of the process by means of which humans establish relationships
with each other.
There is a close connection between our ability to control who has access to us
and to information about us, and our ability to create and maintain different sorts
of social relationships with different people.
9.4.10 Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of taking another person\s song, writing, conversation or
even idea and pass it off as your own. This includes information from webpages,
books, songs, television shows, email messages, interviews, articles, artworks or
any other medium.
Plagiarism means:
To steal and pass off (the idea’s and words of another person) as your own
To use (another person’s production) without crediting the source
To commit literacy theft
To present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing
In other words, Plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involves both stealing someone
else work and then lying about it afterward.
The following actions are considered as plagiarism:
turning in someone else's work as your own
copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without
giving credit
copying so many words or ideas from a source that it makes up the
majority of your work, whether you give credit or not
paraphrases a source by using similar words, groups of words, and/or
sentence structure without attribution. Students must learn how to cite
their sources and to take careful and accurate notes when doing research.
Lack of intent does not absolve the student of responsibility for
plagiarism. Cases of accidental plagiarism are taken as seriously as any
other plagiarism and are subject to the same range of consequences as
other types of plagiarism.
Your preferences, likes and dislikes, and facts about you, when bundled up with
thousands of other people all help marketers and businesses refine their products
and services. Oftentimes this information is helpful as it ultimately helps you, the
consumer, to unknowingly shape a product, service, or website experience, but
sometimes it can be used illegitimately or in a harmful way.
Placing personal information on the Internet increases the likelihood that you may
have your privacy invaded. Problems may range from receiving unsolicited mail
and phone calls, through to being a victim of identity theft and financial fraud.
From time-to-time there are unfortunate cases where organizations holding
personal information loose or have data stolen. There is also potential for
individuals using the Internet to simply give away too much personal information,
which may directly or indirectly fall into the wrong hands. Following are means
through which personal information can be leaked.
Web Connections
Online Purchases
Providing personal Information
Social Networking sites
could be publishing that information. Following precautions must be taken while
using web connections
While accessing a website to undertake a financial transaction or view a
bank account, ensure that a secure HTTPs connection is being used.
Always check that the Web site address begins with "https://" rather than
Some browsers also display a padlock icon to indicate that a secure HTTP
connection is in use.
When using a secure HTTP connection your network traffic will be
encrypted and your browser should automatically check with a certificate
authority that it has received a genuine digital certificate identifying the
remote site.
Never provide unnecessary information to different sites working on internet.
There is always a possibility of information misuse by the website.
There is also possibility of security breach ad information can be stolen by
hackers for that websites and can be misused.
There is a high risk of credit card information leakage. Different Online shopping
web sites make sure that your credit card information may not fall into the hands
of authorized users. But there is possibility of security breach. So in order to
overcome this, bank and credit card statements should be promptly checked for
suspicious transactions.
It is also easy to volunteer too much information when sending email, chatting
online, posting your CV, using Blogs, collaboration platforms etc.
9.5.4 Social Networking Sites
Social networking websites, such as My space and Face book, are now very
popular and tend to encourage people to post information for many others to see.
It is very easy to forget how many other people, who may not all be
trustworthy, could see the information you have provided. It is also possible that
personal repercussions (reflection) could result from influential people seeing and
disapproving of embarrassing content you have posted.
The information present on these sites can be misused. Social networking sites
typically offer various privacy settings making good use of the settings to help
limit who can see your information is recommended. It is safest to only publish
information that you would be happy for everyone to see.
9.6 Cyber-Crime
Cyber-crime means any criminal or other offence that is facilitated by or involves
the use of electronic communications or information systems, including any
device or the Internet or any one or more of them. Cyber-crimes are becoming
popular as more and more people are using information communication
technology nowadays. Some well-known types of Cyber-crimes are as follows:
Blackmail/ Extortion
Accessing Stored Communication
Sports Betting
Electronic Harassment
Drug Trafficking
Cyber Terrorism
Electronic Forgery
Electronic Fraud
Identity Crime
9.6.1 Phishing
Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails pretending to be from
reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information,
such as passwords and credit card numbers. Attackers use to send a fake email
address in email and ask you to link on that. Often they use the names of your
friends or some well-known organization so a person can easily fall prey to them.
An example of phishing is as follows.
Example of Phishing http://news.softpedia.com/news/Amazon-Customers-
Typically a victim receives a message that appears to have been sent by a known
contact or organization. An attachment or links in the message may install
malware on the user’s device or direct them to a malicious website set up to trick
them into disclose their personal and financial information, such as passwords,
account IDs or credit card details.
To make phishing messages look like they are genuinely from a well-known
company, they include logos and other identifying information taken directly
from that company’s website. The malicious links within the body of the message
are designed to make it appear that they go to the spoofed organization. Here are
some safety tips to avoid phishing:
1. Always remember that banks will never contact customer by email to ask
for passwords or any other sensitive information by clicking on a link and
visiting a website.
2. The email address that appears in the ‘from’ field of an email is not a
guarantee that the email came from the person or organization that it
claims to have originated from.
3. Fraudsters are unlikely to know your real name, so the email may address
you in vague terms, for example ‘Dear Valued Customer'.
4. Phishing emails will probably contain odd ‘spe11ings’ or ‘cApitALs in the
‘subject’ box and contain spelling or grammatical errors in the email – this
is an attempt to get around spam filters and into your inbox.
9.6.2 Blackmail/Extortion
Using the Internet to threaten or to cause damage with the intent to extort from
any person any money or other thing of some value is known as blackmailing.
Hackers threatening to expose damaging or embarrassing information in exchange
for money. Be sure to keep your antivirus updated and don’t click any weird links
sent to you in your email.
9.6.3 Accessing Stored Communication
Intentionally accessing, without authorization, a facility through which an electric
communication service is provided.
Hacking someone else email account for the purpose of commercial advantage,
malicious destruction or in furtherance of any crime. Hacking into an email
account in all other cases comes with a maximum sentence. Change your
passwords frequently.
9.6.6 Drug Trafficking
Delivering, distributing or dispensing a controlled substance by means of internet
is known as Drug Trafficking. Using the internet to violate the federal drug
trafficking law carries a hefty sentence in many countries depending on the drug
and the amount.
Under Pakistan’s cyber law, person whoever commits this will be imprisoned for
upto 2 years and fined up to 5000000 PKR or with both.
The person who commits Electronic fraud can be imprisoned up to 5 years or with
fine of up to 50 million or with both.
Each category can use a variety of methods and the methods used vary from one
criminal to another.
a. Individual: This type of cyber-crime can be in the form of cyber stalking,
distributing pornography, trafficking and “grooming”. Today, law
enforcement agencies are taking this category of cyber-crime very
seriously and are joining forces internationally to reach and arrest the
b. Property: Just like in the real world where a criminal can steal and rob,
even in the cyber world criminals resort to stealing and robbing. In this
case, they can steal a person’s bank details and siphon off money; misuse
the credit card to make numerous purchases online; run a scam to get
naïve people to part with their hard earned money; use malicious software
to gain access to an organization’s website or disrupt the systems of the
organization. The malicious software can also damage software and
hardware, just like vandals damage property in the offline world.
9.7 Impact of ICT
ICT has great impact on our everyday life. More and more processes are being
automated day by day. The use of ICT is rapidly increasing. There are various
reasons behind this. Following are some main reasons that why we are becoming
ICT dependent day by day
Fast Communication Speed
Lower Communication Cost
Reliable Mode of Communication
Effective sharing of Information
Paperless Environment
Borderless Communication
GIGO is a short form of Garbage In and Garbage Out. It refers to the quality of
output produced according to input. Normally bad input produces bad output.
9.7.5 Paperless Environment
ICT technology has created the term paperless environment. This term means that
information can be stored and retrieved through the digital media instead of paper.
Online communication via emails, online chat and instant messaging also helps in
creating the paperless environment.
9.9 Exercise
1. What are codes of ethics and what is the purpose of them?
2. What are American Computing Association (ACM) general code of ethics
which can be applied to any organization?
3. What are copy right issues?
4. What is privacy? How privacy can be categorized into different categories?
5. What is plagiarism? Write a note on some common types of plagiarism?
6. How personal information can be misused? Describe the possible means
through which personal information is leaked?
7. What are cyber-crimes? What are different categories of cyber-crimes?
Gives example of each along with the punishment of crime?
8. What is the impact of ICT on our daily lives? Explain in detail.
9.10 Bibliography
ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Brett, A., McCloskey, G. N., & Provenzo, E. F. (2005). Computers, Curriculum
and Cultural Change: An Introduction for Teachers (Second Edition)
Retrieved from http://en.bookfi.net/book/1054073
Code of Ethics. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.cfainstitute.org/ethics/codes/
Cross Domain Solutions: Ensuring Complete Data Security. (n.d.). Retrieved
from http://www.crossdomainsolutions.com/cyber-crime/
IT Professionals. (2015). The ITP Code of Ethics. Retrieved from
Kumar, L. (2016). ICT Applications in Libraries. Retrieved from
Nale, S. (2012). The 10 Most Common Internet Crimes. Retrieved from
Personal Information. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.privacysense.net/terms/
Privacy. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.securitycurrent.com/en/analysis/
Positive and Negative Impact of ICT on Society. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Softpdia. (2015). Amazon Customers Tricked with Ticket Verification Number
Phishing Email. Retrieved from http://news.softpedia.com/news/Amazon-
Solove, D. J. (2017). Conceptualizing Privacy. Retrieved from