HPS v10

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)

Bluetooth® Service Specification

Date 2015-Oct-06

Revision v1.0

Group Prepared By Internet Working Group

Feedback Email [email protected]

This HTTP Proxy Service (HPS) Specification introduces a service that allows a Client device, typically a sensor,
to communicate with a Web Server through a gateway device. The gateway device implements the HTTP Proxy
Service and therefore provides the services available through the Internet to the Client sensor device.

Bluetooth SIG Proprietary

HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

Revision History
Revision Number Date Comments
v1.0 10/06/2015 Adopted by the Bluetooth SIG BoD

Name Company

Robin Heydon CSR

Kanji Kerai Nokia
Magnus Olsson Ericsson
Marcel Holtmann Intel
Mats Andersson Connect Blue
Niclas Granqvist Polar
Frank Berntsen Nordic Semiconductor
Chris Hansen Intel
Victor Zhodzishsky Broadcom
Scott Walsh Plantronics

Joe Decuir CSR

Krishna Shingala Nordic Semiconductor
Julien Gros Dialog Semiconductor
YoungHwan Kwon LG Electronics
Masaya Masuda Toshiba

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification


This disclaimer applies to all draft specifications and final specifications adopted by the Bluetooth SIG Board of Directors (both of
which are hereinafter referred to herein as a Bluetooth “Specification”). Your use of this Specification in any way is subject to your
compliance with all conditions of such use, and your acceptance of all disclaimers and limitations as to such use, contained in this
Specification. Any user of this Specification is advised to seek appropriate legal, engineering or other professional advice regarding
the use, interpretation or effect of this Specification on any matters discussed in this Specification.

Use of Bluetooth Specifications and any related intellectual property is governed by the Promoters Membership Agreement among
the Promoter Members and Bluetooth SIG (the “Promoters Agreement”), certain membership agreements between Bluetooth SIG and
its Adopter and Associate Members, including, but not limited to, the Membership Application, the Bluetooth Patent/Copyright License
Agreement and the Bluetooth Trademark License Agreement (collectively, the “Membership Agreements”) and the Bluetooth
Specification Early Adopters Agreements (1.2 Early Adopters Agreements) among Early Adopter members of the unincorporated
Bluetooth SIG and the Promoter Members (the “Early Adopters Agreement”). Certain rights and obligations of the Promoter Members
under the Early Adopters Agreements have been assigned to Bluetooth SIG by the Promoter Members.

Use of the Specification by anyone who is not a member of Bluetooth SIG or a party to an Early Adopters Agreement (each such
person or party, a “Member”) is prohibited. The use of any portion of a Bluetooth Specification may involve the use of intellectual
property rights ("IPR"), including pending or issued patents, or copyrights or other rights. Bluetooth SIG has made no search or
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governed by the applicable Membership Agreements, Early Adopters Agreement or Promoters Agreement. No license, express or
implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights are granted herein.

Any use of the Specification not in compliance with the terms of the applicable Membership Agreements, Early Adopters Agreement
or Promoters Agreement is prohibited and any such prohibited use may result in (i) termination of the applicable Membership
Agreements or Early Adopters Agreement and (ii) liability claims by Bluetooth SIG or any of its Members for patent, copyright and/or
trademark infringement claims permitted by the applicable agreement or by applicable law.



Each Member hereby acknowledges that products equipped with the Bluetooth wireless technology ("Bluetooth Products") may be
subject to various regulatory controls under the laws and regulations applicable to products using wireless non licensed spectrum of
various governments worldwide. Such laws and regulatory controls may govern, among other things, the combination, operation, use,
implementation and distribution of Bluetooth Products. Examples of such laws and regulatory controls include, but are not limited to,
airline regulatory controls, telecommunications regulations, technology transfer controls and health and safety regulations. Each
Member is solely responsible for the compliance by their Bluetooth Products with any such laws and regulations and for obtaining any
and all required authorizations, permits, or licenses for their Bluetooth Products related to such regulations within the applicable
jurisdictions. Each Member acknowledges that nothing in the Specification provides any information or assistance in connection with
securing such compliance, authorizations or licenses. NOTHING IN THE SPECIFICATION CREATES ANY WARRANTIES, EITHER

prohibited by law, in no event will Bluetooth SIG or its Members or their affiliates be liable for any damages, including without limitation,
lost revenue, profits, data or programs, or business interruption, or for special, indirect, consequential, incidental or punitive damages,
however caused and regardless of the theory of liability, arising out of or related to any furnishing, practicing, modifying, use or the
performance or implementation of the contents of this Specification, even if Bluetooth SIG or its Members or their affiliates have been

If this Specification is an intermediate draft, it is for comment only. No products should be designed based on it except solely to verify
the prototyping specification at SIG sponsored IOP events and it does not represent any commitment to release or implement any
portion of the intermediate draft, which may be withdrawn, modified, or replaced at any time in the adopted Specification.

Bluetooth SIG reserves the right to adopt any changes or alterations to the Specification it deems necessary or appropriate.

Copyright © 2013 - 2015. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. All copyrights in the
Bluetooth Specifications themselves are owned by Ericsson AB, Lenovo (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., Intel Corporation, Microsoft
Corporation, Motorola Mobility, LLC, Nokia Corporation and Toshiba Corporation. Other third-party brands and names are
the property of their respective owners.

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

Document Terminology
The Bluetooth SIG has adopted portions of the IEEE Standards Style Manual which dictate use of the
words “shall’’, “should”, “may”, and “can” in the development of documentation, as follows:

The word shall is used to indicate mandatory requirements strictly to be followed in order to conform to
the standard and from which no deviation is permitted (shall equals is required to).

The use of the word must is deprecated and shall not be used when stating mandatory requirements;
must is used only to describe unavoidable situations.

The use of the word will is deprecated and shall not be used when stating mandatory requirements; will is
only used in statements of fact.

The word should is used to indicate that among several possibilities one is recommended as particularly
suitable, without mentioning or excluding others; or that a certain course of action is preferred but not
necessarily required; or that (in the negative form) a certain course of action is deprecated but not
prohibited (should equals is recommended that).

The word may is used to indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the standard (may
equals is permitted).

The word can is used for statements of possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal
(can equals is able to).

The term Reserved for Future Use (RFU) is used to indicate Bluetooth SIG assigned values that are
reserved by the Bluetooth SIG and are not otherwise available for use by implementations.

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 6
1.1 Conformance .................................................................................................................................. 6
1.2 Service Dependencies .................................................................................................................... 6
1.3 Bluetooth Specification Release Compatibility ............................................................................... 6
1.4 GATT Sub-Procedure Requirements ............................................................................................. 7
1.5 Transport Dependencies ................................................................................................................ 7
1.6 Error Codes .................................................................................................................................... 7
1.7 Byte Transmission Order ................................................................................................................ 7
2 Service Declaration.............................................................................................................................. 8
3 Service Characteristics ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.1 URI Characteristic ........................................................................................................................... 9
3.1.1 Characteristic Behavior ............................................................................................................. 9
3.2 HTTP Headers Characteristic ....................................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Characteristic Behavior ........................................................................................................... 10
3.3 HTTP Entity Body Characteristic .................................................................................................. 10
3.3.1 Behavior Description ............................................................................................................... 11
3.4 HTTP Control Point Characteristic ............................................................................................... 11
3.4.1 Behavioral Description ............................................................................................................. 12

3.4.2 Implicit Behavior ...................................................................................................................... 13

3.5 HTTP Status Code Characteristic ................................................................................................ 14
3.5.1 Behavior Description ............................................................................................................... 15
3.6 HTTPS Security Characteristic ..................................................................................................... 15
3.6.1 Behavior Description ............................................................................................................... 15
3.7 SDP Record .................................................................................................................................. 15
4 LE Connection Procedure ................................................................................................................. 16
5 Appendix A: Sample MSCs (Informative) ........................................................................................ 17
6 Appendix B: Using HTTP for RFC-2616 and RFC-2818 (Informative) ........................................... 18
6.1 URI - Universal Resource Identifier .............................................................................................. 18
6.2 HTTP Headers .............................................................................................................................. 18
6.3 HTTP Entity Body ......................................................................................................................... 18
6.4 HTTP Control Point....................................................................................................................... 18
6.5 HTTP Status Code........................................................................................................................ 18
6.6 HTTP Security .............................................................................................................................. 18
7 Acronyms and Abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 19
8 References .......................................................................................................................................... 20

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

1 Introduction
The HTTP Proxy Service (HPS) allows a device to expose HTTP Web services to a client of the
HPS Server (HPS Client) using the Generic Attribute Profile (GATT). This enables an HPS
Client device to program a set of characteristics that configures a Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) request, initiate this request, and then read the response.

The HPS is designed to support HPS Client devices that are constrained in computing
resources. The HPS Client software that uses HPS to reach remote HTTP Servers will be
limited in the sizes of HTTP headers and entity bodies that they can generate and consume.
From a practical standpoint, the HPS specification is intended for use by applications that will
need relatively small headers and entity bodies, which can in turn fit within the GATT maximum
characteristics size limits.

The device implementing the HPS server shall support the GATT Server role. As per Figure 1.1,
the HPS Client would support the GATT Client role.

HPS Client HPS Service HTTP Client HTTP Server



Bluetooth Bluetooth Network Network

L2 & L1 L2 & L1 MAC/PHY MAC & PHY

Bluetooth Bluetooth Remote

HPS Client HPS Server HTTP Server

Figure 1.1: HTTP Proxy Service model

1.1 Conformance
If conformance to this service is claimed, all capabilities indicated as mandatory for this service
shall be supported in the specified manner (process-mandatory). This also applies for all
optional and conditional capabilities for which support is indicated. All mandatory capabilities,
and optional and conditional capabilities for which support is indicated, are subject to verification
as part of the Bluetooth qualification program.

1.2 Service Dependencies

This service is not dependent upon any other services.

1.3 Bluetooth Specification Release Compatibility

This specification is compatible with the Bluetooth Core Specification Version 4.0 or later [1].

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

1.4 GATT Sub-Procedure Requirements

Requirements in this section represent a minimum set of requirements for a Server.

Table 1.1 summarizes additional GATT sub-procedure requirements beyond those required by
all GATT Servers.

GATT Sub-Procedure Requirements

Read Long Characteristic Values M
Write Characteristic Value M
Write Long Characteristic Values M
Notifications M
Read Characteristic Descriptors M
Write Characteristic Descriptors M
Table 1.1: GATT Sub-procedure requirements

1.5 Transport Dependencies

There are no transport restrictions imposed by this service specification.

Where the term BR/EDR is used throughout this document, this also includes the use of AMP.

1.6 Error Codes


This service defines the following Attribute Protocol (ATT) Application error code:

Name Error Code Description

Invalid Request 0x81 A HTTP Control Point request cannot be serviced
because content of the URI, the HTTP Headers or the
HTTP Entity Body characteristics is not set correctly
Network Not Available 0x82 Network connection not available
Table 1.2: ATT Application Error Code defined by this service.

The HPS Server may reject the HPS Client’s Write request to the URI (Universal Resource
Identifier), HTTP Header, HTTP Entity Body, or HTTP Control Point with “Insufficient
Resources” result code if it cannot originate an HTTP request to the HTTP Server.

1.7 Byte Transmission Order

All characteristics used with this service shall be transmitted with the least significant octet first
(i.e., little endian). The least significant octet is identified in the characteristic definitions in [2].

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

2 Service Declaration
The HPS should be instantiated as a «Primary Service». There shall be only one instance of the
HPS on the device per Client. The device may support multiple simultaneous connections
originated from multiple HPS Clients. If multiple simultaneous connections are supported,
operations defined in this specifications originated from one HPS Client shall not affect
operations from another HPS Client.

The service UUID shall be set to «HTTP Proxy Service» defined in [2].

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

3 Service Characteristics
The following characteristics are exposed in the HTTP Proxy Service. Only one instance of each
characteristic is permitted within this service. The characteristic formats and UUIDs are defined
in [2].

Where a characteristic can be notified, a Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor shall be

included in that characteristic as required by the Core Specification [1].

Characteristic Name Requirement Mandatory Optional Security

Properties Properties Permissions
URI M Write, Write Optional
HTTP Headers M Read, Write, Optional
Read Long,
Write Long
HTTP Entity Body M Read, Write, Optional
Read Long,
Write Long
HTTP Control Point M Write Optional
HTTP Status Code M Notify Optional

HTTPS Security M Read Optional

Table 3.1: HPS Service Characteristic Requirements


• Security Permissions of “Optional” means that this service does not impose any
requirements on security; the service can either require security or no security.

3.1 URI Characteristic

The URI characteristic is used to configure the URI for a subsequent request.

The URI characteristic is identified using the UUID «URI», as defined in [2].

The URI characteristic shall contain the URI to be used in the HTTP request as a UTF-8 string
(utf8s), up to the maximum characteristic length defined.

This version of the specification supports HTTP requests with URI up to 512 octets in length.

3.1.1 Characteristic Behavior

The URI characteristic can be written while an HTTP request is not being executed. The
behavior when this characteristic is written while an HTTP request is being executed is not

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

3.2 HTTP Headers Characteristic

The HTTP Headers characteristic is used to hold the headers that would be sent with the HTTP
Request or the headers contained within an HTTP response message from the HTTP Server.

The HTTP Header characteristic is identified using the UUID «HTTP Header», as defined in [2].

The HTTP Header characteristic shall contain the HTTP message headers to be used in the
HTTP requests and responses as defined in [3], up to the maximum characteristic length

This version of the specification supports HTTP requests with HTTP headers up to 512 octets in

3.2.1 Characteristic Behavior

The HTTP Headers characteristic can be read or written while an HTTP request is not being
executed. The behavior when this characteristic is read or written while an HTTP request is
being executed is not defined.

When written, the HTTP Headers shall be set to the general-header, request-header, and entity-
header fields of an HTTP request.

When read, the HTTP Headers shall be set to the general-header, request-header and entity-
header fields of an HTTP response; see Section 3.4.1.

The HPS Server shall notify the HPS Client that the HTTP Headers characteristic has been
filled with data received from the HTTP Server using the Data Status field sent in the HTTP
Status Code notification; see Section 3.5.

If HTTP Headers received by the HPS Server in the HTTP response is more than 512 octets in
length, the HPS Server shall store the first 512 octets of the received header in the HTTP
Headers characteristic. The fact that the data field has been truncated shall be reflected in the
Data Status field sent in the HTTP Status Code notification; see Section 3.5.

Note: The Server may add additional headers as it requires.

Note: The management of cookies should not be performed in the Server of the HTTP Proxy

3.3 HTTP Entity Body Characteristic

The HTTP Entity Body characteristic contains the contents of the message-body after any
Transfer-Encoding has been applied.

The HTTP Entity Body characteristic is identified using the UUID «HTTP Entity Body», as
defined in [2].

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

The HTTP Entity Body characteristic shall contain the HTTP message-body used in the HTTP
requests and responses as defined in [3], up to the maximum characteristic length defined.

For HTTP requests that do not send an HTTP Entity Body, the HPS Server shall expect client to
initialize it with a zero-length value.

This version of the specification supports HTTP requests with HTTP Entity Body up to 512
octets in length.

3.3.1 Behavior Description

This characteristic should not be written while an HTTP request is being executed, see section
3.4.1. The behavior of this characteristic, if written when an HTTP request is being executed, is
not defined.

The HTTP Entity Body is the message-body of the HTTP request or the HTTP response.

The HPS Server shall notify the HPS Client that the HTTP Entity Body characteristic has been
filled with data received from the HTTP Server using the Data Status field sent in the HTTP
Status Code notification; see Section 3.5.

The value of the HTTP Entity Body characteristic when written by the HPS Client shall be sent
out as an HTTP message-body. An HTTP message-body received from an HTTP Server shall
be stored by the HPS Server in the HTTP Entity Body characteristic.

If the HTTP message-body received by the HPS Server in the HTTP response is more than 512
in length, the HPS Server shall store first 512 bytes of the response in the HTTP Entity Body
characteristic. The fact that the data field has been truncated shall be reflected in the Data
Status field sent in the HTTP Status Code notification; see Section 3.5.

Note: The Server may transform the entity-body into a message-body by applying a Transfer-
Encoding. This may be implicitly performed by the Server to ensure safe and proper transfer of
the message.

3.4 HTTP Control Point Characteristic

The HTTP Control Point is used to initiate a request to send an HTTP request message from
the device containing the HTTP Proxy Service, acting as an HTTP Client.

The HTTP Control Point characteristic is identified using the UUID «HTTP Control Point», as
defined in [2].

The HTTP Control Point characteristic is one octet long (unit8) and identifies the HTTP request
type. The HTTP Control Point supports the following commands:

Op Code Value Procedure

0x00 Reserved for Future Use

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

0x01 HTTP GET Request

0x02 HTTP HEAD Request

0x03 HTTP POST Request

0x04 HTTP PUT Request

0x05 HTTP DELETE Request

0x06 HTTPS GET Request

0x07 HTTPS HEAD Request

0x08 HTTPS POST Request

0x09 HTTPS PUT Request

0x0a HTTPS DELETE Request

0x0b HTTP Request Cancel

0x0c-0xff Reserved for Future Use

Table 3.2: HTTP Control Point supported commands.

Note: Support for the OPTIONS, TRACE, and CONNECT methods is not supported by the
HTTP Control Point.

3.4.1 Behavioral Description

The HTTP Control Point is used by an HPS Client to initiate an HTTP or HTTPS request as
defined by [3], or to cancel an executing HTTP request.

When an HPS Client uses the Write Characteristic Value GATT sub-procedure with the HTTP
GET Request, HTTP HEAD Request, HTTP POST Request, HTTP PUT Request, or HTTP
DELETE Request opcode, then the HPS Server shall initiate an HTTP request, as defined by
[3], and be considered to be executing the HTTP request. When an HPS Client uses the Write
Characteristic Value GATT sub-procedure with the HTTPS GET Request, HTTPS HEAD
Request, HTTPS POST Request, HTTPS PUT Request, or HTTPS DELETE Request opcode,
then the Server shall initiate an HTTP request, as defined by [3] and [4], and be considered to
be executing the HTTP request.

Only a single HTTP Request can be initiated by an HPS Client at the same time; only after a
request has completed, can another request be initiated. The completion of an HTTP request is
determined by the notification of the HTTP Status Code characteristic.

If the HPS was already executing an outstanding HTTP request when this sub-procedure is
used, then the HPS Server shall reject the new HTTP Control Point write request with the
Procedure Already In Progress error code [5]. The HPS Server shall continue processing the
outstanding HTTP request.

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

Exception: when an HPS Client uses the Write Characteristic Value GATT sub-procedure with
the HTTP Request Cancel opcode, then the HPS Server shall terminate any executing HTTP
request from this HPS Client.

If the HPS Server cannot initiate HTTP Request due to network connection not being available,
it should reject the Write Request with result code Network Not Available.

The HPS Client must configure HTTP Status Code characteristics before issuing any HTTP
request. The HPS Server shall reject an attempt to Write Characteristic Value of the HTTP
Control Point Characteristic with error code “Client Characteristic Configuration Descriptor
Improperly Configured” if the request is received while the Client Characteristic Configuration
descriptor of the HTTP Status Code characteristic is not configured for notifications.

The HPS Client must configure URI, HTTP Headers and HTTP Entity Body by using appropriate
GATT write procedure each time before it issues any HTTP Request except the HTTP Request
Cancel. The HPS Server shall reject an attempt to Write Characteristic Value of the HTTP
Control Point Characteristic with error code “Invalid Request” if the request is received before
URI, HTTP Headers and HTTP Entity Body characteristics have been configured after startup,
or after the previous HTTP Request. If a particular characteristic is not used in executing an
HTTP Request, then it shall be configured with a null (zero length) value.

Upon completing execution of an HTTP request, the Server shall notify the HTTP Status Code
characteristic with the value of the Status-Code of the Status-Line of the first line of the HTTP

Response message (for example 200 OK, or 404 RESOURCE NOT FOUND). The value of the
associated HTTP characteristics shall contain the values from the HTTP Response message.

3.4.2 Implicit Behavior

The Server should process the following Status-Code values and continue with the request as
directed by [3]:

• 100 – Continue
• 101 – Switching Protocols
• 301 – Moved Permanently
• 302 – Found
• 303 – See Other
• 305 – Use Proxy
• 307 – Temporary Redirect

The HPS Server may impose a timeout on any request sent to the Internet. If this timeout
expires, then the Status-Code 504 shall be used to notify that the HTTP request timed-out. The
HPS Server can manage connections to the HTTP Server in any way that it wants. The use of
persistent connections and message transmission requirements is out of scope of this

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

Note: This behavior is abstracted away from the behavior of this Service.
The HPS Server can perform caching of HTTP resources as defined in [3] §13.

3.5 HTTP Status Code Characteristic

The HTTP Status Code characteristic contains the Status-Code from the Status-Line of the first
line of the HTTP Response message, followed by one octet indicating the Data Status bit field
indicating the status of the data received as defined in Table 3.5.

Data Status Value Description

If set, the response-headers and entity-headers

field were received in the HTTP response and
Headers Received 0x01
was stored in the HTTP Headers characteristic
for the Client to read

If set, the response-headers and entity-headers

field exceeded 512 octets in length and first 512
Headers Truncated 0x02
octets were saved in the HTTP Headers

If set, the entity-body field was received in the

Body Received 0x04 HTTP response and was stored in the HTTP
Entity Body characteristic for the Client to read

If set, the entity-body field exceeded 512 octets

Body Truncated 0x08 in length and first 512 octets were saved in the
HTTP Headers characteristic

Reserved for Future Use 0xF0 Reserved for Future Use

Table 3.3: HTTP Data Status Bit Field

The HTTP Status Code characteristic is identified using the UUID «HTTP Status Code», as
defined in [2].

The HTTP Status Code characteristic value is 3 octets in length with first two-octets
representing the Status Code encoded as uint16 based on the HTTP Status Code [3] followed
by 1 octet Data Status bit field.

The structure of the HTTP Status Code characteristic is defined below:

Status Code Data Status

Data type uint16 uint8
Size 2 octets 1 octet
Units None None
Table 3.4: Structure of the HTTP Status Code Characteristic.

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

3.5.1 Behavior Description

If the HPS Client configured the Characteristic Client Configuration Descriptor to send
notifications, the HPS server shall send the notification when the HTTP request execution,
initiated by using the HTTP Control Point behavior, has completed.

3.6 HTTPS Security Characteristic

The HTTPS Security characteristic contains the known authenticity of the HTTP Server
certificate for the URI.

The HTTP Security characteristic is identified using the UUID «HTTPS Security», as defined in

3.6.1 Behavior Description

Once an HTTPS GET Request, HTTPS HEAD Request, HTTPS POST Request, HTTPS PUT
Request, or HTTPS DELETE Request has been written to the HTTP Control Point, the HPS
shall authenticate the HTTP Server certificate for the URI. The state of this authenticity shall be
readable by the HPS Client before the HTTP Status Code is notified.

This GATT characteristic is Boolean:

• TRUE (0x01) = HTTP Server certificate for the URI is valid

• FALSE (0x00) = HTTP Server certificate for the URI is not valid

3.7 SDP Record

If this service is exposed over BR/EDR then it shall have the following SDP record.

Item Definition Type Value Status

Service Class ID Lists M
Service Class #0 UUID «HTTP Proxy Service» M
Protocol Descriptor List M
Protocol #0 UUID L2CAP M
Parameter #0 for Protocol #0 Uint16 PSM = ATT M
Protocol #1 UUID ATT M
Parameter #0 for Protocol #1 GATT Start Uint16 First handle of this services M
Handle in the GATT database
Parameter #1 for Protocol #1 GATT End Uint16 Last handle of this services M
Handle in the GATT database
BrowseGroupList PublicBrowseRoot* M
Table 3.5: HPS SDP Record

* Public Browse Root shall be present; however, other browse UUIDs may also be included in the list.

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Bluetooth Service Specification

4 LE Connection Procedure
The HPS Server shall support at least one of the GAP Connectable modes as defined in
[1]. In the GAP Connectable Mode the HPS Server should include the Service UUID «HTTP
Proxy Service» defined in [2] in the Service UUIDs AD type field of the advertising data.

The HPS Server may allow connections from any HPS Client or from previously bonded
HPS Clients only. The HPS Server shall perform one of the GAP Connection Establishment
procedures to the HPS Clients. If the HPS Server allows connections from any HPS Client it
shall connect to any device which includes the Service UUID «HTTP Proxy Service» defined
in [2] in the Service Solicitation UUIDs AD type field of the advertisement data.

The HPS Client can be in the GAP Undirected or Directed Connectable mode. In the GAP
Undirected Connectable Mode the HPS Client includes the Service UUID «HTTP Proxy
Service» defined in [2] in the Service Solicitation UUIDs AD type field of the advertisement data.

The HPS Client may also perform GAP Connection Establishment procedure as defined in [1].

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

5 Appendix A: Sample MSCs (Informative)

The GATT exchange represented in the example shown in Figure 5.1 illustrates the sample
interaction between an HPS Client and an HPS Server to perform an HTTP transaction.

HPS Client HPS Server

Write Request (URI)

Write Response

Write Request (HTTP Headers)

Write Response

Write Request (HTTP Entity Body)

Write Response

Write Request (HTTP Control Point/GET/HEAD/POST...)


Write Response

HTTP Response
Notification (HTTP Status Code)

Read Request (HTTP Headers)

Read Response (HTTP Headers)

Read Request (HTTP Entity Body)

Read Response (HTTP Entity Body)

Figure 5.1: Example MSC for executing an HTTP request

Note: Dotted lines depict HPS Client requests required for processing of some but not all HTTP

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

6 Appendix B: Using HTTP for RFC-2616 and RFC-

2818 (Informative)
The following sections provide mapping between HPS characteristics and HTTP primitives
when information is exchanged between an HPS and an HTTP Client implementing RFC-2616
[3], and to control use of a channel security entity defined in RFC-2818 [4].

6.1 URI - Universal Resource Identifier

The HTTP Client should use the contents of the URI characteristic (see Section 3.1) to construct
the HTTP requests.

6.2 HTTP Headers

The HTTP Client should use the contents of the HTTP Headers characteristic (see Section 3.2)
to construct the headers portion of HTTP requests. The HTTP Client should use this
characteristic to capture incoming HTTP headers from HTTP responses.

6.3 HTTP Entity Body

The HTTP Entity Body characteristic may be used to construct or capture the HTTP Entity Body.

The HTTP Client may write data directly to the HTTP Entity Body characteristic. The HTTP

Client should use the contents of the HTTP Entity Body characteristic to construct an HTTP
Entity Body for HTTP requests. The HTTP Client should use this characteristic to capture an
incoming HTTP Entity Body from an HTTP response.

6.4 HTTP Control Point

The HTTP Client should use the HTTP Control Point characteristic to command the HPS Server
to execute the specified HTTP operation.

6.5 HTTP Status Code

The HTTP Client should capture the HTTP status code returned from the addressed HTTP
Server, and load it into the Status Code part of the HTTP Status Code characteristic.

6.6 HTTP Security

RFC-2818 [4] implements Transport Layer Security (TLS) over Internet Protocol. The HTTP
Client should implement the behavior specified in Section 3.6.1.

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Bluetooth Service Specification

7 Acronyms and Abbreviations

Abbreviation or Acronym Meaning

ER Executing HTTP Request
GAP Generic Access Profile
GATT Generic Attribute Profile
HPS HTTP Proxy Service
HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
RB Read Body
RH Read Headers
TLS Transport Layer Security
URL Uniform Resource Locator
URI Uniform Resource Identifier
UUID Universally Unique Identifier
Table 6.1: Abbreviations and Acronyms

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HTTP Proxy Service (HPS)
Bluetooth Service Specification

8 References
[1] Bluetooth Core Specification, Version 4.0 or later

[2] Characteristic and Descriptor descriptions are accessible via the Bluetooth SIG Assigned

[3] IETF RFC 2616 Hypertext Transfer Protocol – HTTP/1.1


[4] IETF RFC 2818 HTTP Over TLS


[5] Bluetooth Core Specification Supplement, v5 or later


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