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Original Article
Abdul Aabid a,*, Mohammed Ali Murtuza b,**, Sher Afghan Khan c,
Muneer Baig a
Engineering Management Department, College of Engineering, Prince Sultan University, PO BOX 66833, Riyadh,
11586, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University BDT College of Engineering, Davanagere, Karnataka, 577004,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia, 53100,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Article history: Due to its exceptional mechanical characteristics combined with lightweight and fuel-
Received 14 June 2021 efficient materials, metal matrix composites (MMCs) have largely been developed for the
Accepted 1 December 2021 automotive and aerospace industries. In this paper, an attempt was made to investigate
Available online 10 December 2021 the dry sliding wear behavior of aluminium-based hybrid MMC's through the experimental
approach. The experiments were performed for three types of filler materials: Boron car-
Keywords: bide (B4C), Molybdenum Di-sulphide (MoS2), and graphite (Gr) particulates of 50 mm were
Hybrid MMC'S reinforced into aluminium-2219 matrix using stir casting technique. On the other hand,
Aluminum alloys data computing is a trend in mechanical engineering and is increasing drastically in recent
Dry sliding years. It has proved one of the most cost-efficient methods to identify the optimum results
Wear with a limited number of experiments. Hence, this research was carried, with an emphasis
on optimization, utilizing the design of experiments (DOE) technique with specified pa-
rameters. For DOE, additional experiments were conducted based on full factorial design
and then different analyses were performed such as ANOVA, regressions equation, and
confirmation tests to examine the effect of parameters on the wear behavior of composites.
Besides, the influence of wear parameters such as applied load (L), sliding speed (S), and
sliding distance (S-D) on the wear loss were investigated. The current investigation realized
that B4C particles in the matrix increases the wear resistance of MMC when compared to
other selected materials of this study.
© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC
BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: aaabid@psu.edu.sa (A. Aabid), alinvicta83@gmail.com (M.A. Murtuza).
2238-7854/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://
744 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3
reinforcement material selected for this study is boron carbide 2.2.2. Molybdenum di-sulphide (MoS2)
B4C, molybdenum disulfide MoS2, and graphite alloy of 50 mm This molybdenum black crystalline sulphide occurs as the
size and procured from Forum enterprises Mumbai, India. mineral molybdenite. It is the primary ore that molybdenum
metal is extracted from. MoS2 is relatively unreactive, with
2.2.1. Boron carbide (B4C) dilute acids and oxygen not being affected. Molybdenum di-
Boron Carbide (B4C) is next to diamond and cubic boron nitride sulfide is like graphite in its look and feel. Indeed, it is gener-
in hardness, and it is a super hard abrasive material. It is ally used as a solid lubricant, like graphite, because of its low
merely outclassed traditional abrasives with their excellent friction properties and robustness. The physical properties of
and cost-effective efficiencies, such as Al2O3 and SiC. In the MoS2 are given in Table 4.
hard metals (carbides) industry, comprehensive applications
are found in the manufacture of equipment and machine 2.2.3. Graphite (Gr)
parts, in the finishing/lapping of various items, in ultrasonic The mineral graphite is an allotrope of carbon which is a good
drilling, in nuclear reactors for neutron absorption as an electrical conductor and a semimetal. It is the most stable
antioxidant in refractories, in welding for the manufacture of form of carbon under standard conditions. Therefore, ther-
hard-facing electrodes as well as in rocket propellants and mochemistry is used as the normal state for defining the heat
armoured frames. However, one of Boron Carbide's flaws is of carbon compounds' formation. There are three principal
that it begins to oxidize at a temperature above 500 C, unlike types of natural graphite, each occurring in different types of
Silicon Carbide, where the formation of an oxide layer of Sil- ore deposits: Crystalline flake graphite, amorphous graphite,
icon dioxide retards high-temperature oxidation. Also, due to and Lump graphite.
the relatively low thermal conductivity of Boron Carbide, it If it is unbroken, the crystalline flake graphite occurs as
displays weak thermal shock resistance. Physical properties isolated, flat, plate-like particles with hexagonal edges, and if
are given in Table 3. it is broken, the edges may be irregular or angular. Amorphous
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3 747
Fig. 3 e Pin on disc apparatus used for the dry sliding wear test.
graphite is a fine particle is extracted from coal's thermal kept semi-solidus by gradually lowering the temperature
metamorphism and is sometimes called Meta-anthracite. below the matrix material's liquid state. To eliminate mois-
Excellent flake graphite is rarely called amorphous in the ture and other loose adherent contaminants, a measured
trade. Lump graphite (also called vein graphite) occurs in quantity of reinforced materials (Gr, MoS2, and B4C) is warmed
fissure veins or fractures. It appears as a massive platy inter- to roughly 300 C. For different compositions, these rein-
growth of fibrous or acicular crystalline aggregates and is forcement particles are introduced to semi-liquid Al alloy and
probably hydrothermal in origin. vigorously mixed using a mechanical stirrer. For 5e10 min, the
stirring speed is kept between 200 and 250 rpm. The crucible is
gently raised once the procedure is finished, and the molten
3. Experimental investigation material is dumped into the mound.
The composite was prepared by a liquid metallurgy route, a
3.1. Specimen preparation most commonly used technique. The matrix was superheated
above its melting temperature, and preheated particulates
Aluminium alloy 2219 was chosen as the matrix material in were added to it. Later, the molten metal (Melting temperature
the present study. This monolithic alloy was reinforced with of 800 C achieved using furnace and graphite crucibles) was
Gr 5 wt%, MoS2 5 wt%, and B4C 15 wt% content to synthesize stirred for 10 min, and the stirrer's speed was set at 62.83 m/s.
the hybrid composite through stir casting (liquid metallurgy
route). The size of MoS2, B4C, and graphite particles was 50 mm,
B4C particles with high hardness aid in reducing wear by
increasing the composite's hardness. In contrast, graphite and
MoS2 in nature possess excellent self-lubricating properties.
Al-2219-based composites are made using the stir casting
process. Under normal air conditions, the AA2219 alloy was
melted at a rate of 5 C min1 in a resistance-type electric
furnace (capacity: 5 kg, power rating: 7.5 kW, and heating
element: SiC). A known quantity of Al-2219 alloy is placed in a
graphite crucible and heated to 800 C; the Al 2219 alloy is then
Table 6 e Results of dry sliding wear tests as per orthogonal array of L27.
Sl. No L (N) S (m/s) S-D (m) Weight loss in Weight loss in Weight loss in Weight loss in
m-gm for Al-2219 m-gm for 5% Gr m-gm for 5% MoS2 m-gm for 15% B4C
1 20 1.25 400 2.3 2.2 2.2 1.4
2 20 1.25 600 2.7 2.6 2.1 1.7
3 20 1.25 800 2.7 3.1 2.4 3.1
4 20 2.51 400 2.9 2.7 4.2 3.3
5 20 2.51 600 3.1 3.6 2.8 3.7
6 20 2.51 800 3.8 3.7 2.9 3.7
7 20 3.76 400 4.4 4 6.2 4.1
8 20 3.76 600 3.9 3.9 4.7 4.1
9 20 3.76 800 4.6 4.1 5.1 4.3
10 30 1.25 400 5.4 4.9 4.1 2.8
11 30 1.25 600 5.4 5.1 2.9 1.8
12 30 1.25 800 2.5 2.3 3.1 1.4
13 30 2.51 400 4.1 3.8 4.7 4.41
14 30 2.51 600 4.7 4.3 3.9 4.2
15 30 2.51 800 5.7 5.1 5.5 6.6
16 30 3.76 400 6.2 5.6 5.2 5.26
17 30 3.76 600 9.1 8.4 5.1 5.4
18 30 3.76 800 9.3 8.9 8.1 5.6
19 40 1.25 400 6.8 7 6.2 4
20 40 1.25 600 7.9 7.6 7.3 7.1
21 40 1.25 800 7.13 7.8 6.4 4.9
22 40 2.51 400 9.6 8.9 9 8.2
23 40 2.51 600 9.1 8.7 8.5 7.8
24 40 2.51 800 8.8 8.9 8.2 9.2
25 40 3.76 400 9.8 9.1 9.2 9.1
26 40 3.76 600 10.4 9.6 9.8 8.9
27 40 3.76 800 10.4 10.1 9.8 9.2
Then the melt was superheated above the temperature of the An LVDT (load cell) on the lever arm monitors the arm's
liquid and solidified to obtain cylindrical specimens in a per- movement and helps assess wear at any given time. The
manent cast-iron mold. Dry Sliding wear test samples were load drives the arm to keep in contact with the disc until the
prepared from as-cast samples and converted to 10 mm contact surface wears off. This arm movement creates a
diameter and 30 mm length pins. Fig. 1 shows the test spec- signal that is utilized to calculate the maximum wear, and
imen and Fig. 2 DUCOM Dry Sliding Wear Testing Rig G-99. The the coefficient of friction is continually monitored as wear
cast bars were machined to prepare the samples for dry happens. After complete washing with acetone solution, the
sliding wear tests. weight loss of each specimen was measured using a single
pan electronic weighing equipment with an accuracy of
3.2. Experimental procedure for dry sliding wear 0.0001 g before and after the experiment. The tensile
strength of 430 MPa, hardness is 65 HRC and surface
A pin on the disc tribometer unit (TR 20LE-PHM-400 model, roughness is 1.6 Ra of the disc. All prepared models of the
DUCOM, India), as shown in Fig. 3 (1. Steel disc, 2. Specimen model were stationary, and a required normal road has
holder, 3. Lever mechanism, 4. Motor, and 5. Deadweight been applied via a lever mechanism. In dry conditions, the
standard), was used to investigate the composite's dry sliding lubricant has not been used as a test case. The present work
wear behavior using ASTM standard G99. Initially cleaned the wear test is conducted in two ways: conventional method
prepared specimen using acetone later weighted to know the and DOE.
preliminary mass using the machine digital electronics bal- The geometrical parameters that were selected for the
ance. The samples were machined into the pin shape. After study were load (L), sliding distance (S-D), and sliding speed (S)
that, the pin (sample) was held in contradiction of rotating EN- with SI units of N, m, and m/s, respectively. The level of pa-
32 steel disc (hardness of 65HRC) by applying load that acts as rameters selected was in terms of three values illustrated in
counterweight and balances the pin. For each set of studies, Table 5. According to Table 5, the experimental tests (were
the track diameter was held constant at 60 mm, and the load, tests) were carried out by changing the geometrical parame-
sliding speed, and sliding distance was changed within the ters at three different levels. The method of weights was used
range shown in Table 2. Finally, wearing specimens of size to calculate the loss of volume due to the wear. From the DOE,
10 mm diameter and 30 mm length was cut from the cast the analysis of variance, regression analysis, and other
samples, machined, and then polished. The cast sample (pin) effective analysis methods was carried out, and wear test
must have a flat contact surface that will come into touch with cases were also performed to investigate composites' wear
the revolving disk. behaviour. Under an image analyzer microscope, damaged
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3 749
4. Design of experiments
Fig. 5 e Effect of applied load on weight loss for materials Fig. 7 e Effect of sliding distance on weight loss for
combination 1. materials combination 3.
750 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3
parameters. The tests were performed as per the standard of graph (Figs. 5e7) shown below indicates the improvement in
orthogonal array L27. Fig. 4 shows a methodology to perform wear resistance of Al-15% B4C composite.
the analysis with the DOE approach to achieve an optimum
result. 5.1. Conventional method for wear test
The plan of tests was prepared with the aim of relating the
influence of load (L), Sliding Speed (S), Sliding Distance (S-D) The wear tests of Al 2219-B4CeMoS2-Gr hybrid MMC's were
on the dry sliding wear behavior of composite (Table 5). On carried out using the conventional method with varying
conducting the experiments as per the L27 orthogonal array, selected parameters. The results are obtained from the series of
the wear tests for various combinations of parameters were tests done by keeping two parameters out of the four constants.
obtained. The set of parameters with their levels are shown in
Table 6 and experimental outcomes for doing further DOE 5.1.1. Effect of applied load
analysis. The ANOVA, linear regression, Taguchi, and statis- Fig. 5 Shows the effect of applied load on weight loss of hybrid
tical analysis were performed considering the consequences composites reinforced with different weight percentages of
via tables, plots, and prediction results of achieving the goal or Al, Alþ5% MoS2, Alþ5% Gr, Alþ15% B4C for a constant speed of
optimum result. 2.51 m/s and sliding distance of 600 m.
Would determine all the effects such as initial interactions According to Fig. 5 the variation of weight loss with applied
and others, when running an L27 orthogonal array. The pre- load for a fixed sliding speed of 2.51 m/s and sliding distance of
sent work focuses on the key findings for the study of 600 m. Mild wear was observed for a lower range of applied
regression and ANOVA, and the linear model is as follows, load, but as the load increased up to 20 N, the weight loss of
unreinforced alloy and composite increased. As the load
Y ¼ b0 þ b1 X1 þ b2 X2 þ b3 X3 (1) increased beyond 20 N, the wear pattern has changed for the
where Y is the dependent variable or weight loss, b0 ¼ In- reinforced and unreinforced MMC's. In a typical mechanical
tercepts or Reaction variable of weight loss and wear test apparatus, the weight loss in the test sample in-
b1 ; b2 ; and b3 ¼ Linear regression coefficients of load (L), creases with an increase in the applied load. However (From
Sliding Speed (S), Sliding Distance (S-D). It is suggested that if the graph shown in Fig. 5), it is observed that with an increase
the precision of the results is important, an L27 orthogonal in applied load the weight loss in the Alþ5% Gr MMC was not
array is more desirable, and with the use of a full-factorial as significant as the base alloy and other MMC's. This is since
array, all levels of the other parameters are tested with it. the Gr acts as the solid lubricant facilitating reducing friction,
thus reducing wear (weight) loss. This observation indicates
4.1.1. L27 orthogonal array that the Gr filler in MMC improves the wear resistance of the
Generally, for industrial applications, the orthogonal array is base material. Similarly, in MoS2, there is still better wear
selected to analyse the impact of various control variables. It is resistance due to MoS2 acting as an even better solid lubricant.
a type of inquiry where the columns are orthogonal to each Also, it is observed from the figure that the composite with B4C
other for the independent variables. Numerous levels and particulates showed lower weight loss when compared with
factors must be defined to characterize an orthogonal array. the base material and other MMC's. The lower weight loss
The degrees of freedom (DF) were measured at several levels implies better weareresistant properties, and it is attributed
for the three parameters in each of the three classes. As seen to the presence of B4C, which is harder than the base material.
in Table 6, a regular L27 orthogonal array comprising 27 rows The harder B4C particulates minimize the weight loss of the
was selected for conducting tests. The experiments consisted base material and are primarily responsible for better
of 27 tests allocated to column 1 as the load (L), column 2 as weareresistant properties of the composite.
the Sliding Speed (S) and column 3 with the Sliding Distance Furthermore, it is depicted from the graph that the weight
(S-D). The details of parametric arrange with coded and actual loss is similar up to an applied load of 20 N. There is a drastic
parameters can be seen in Table 5. It picked a three-level L27 increase in the wear loss for higher loads for constant sliding
orthogonal array of twenty-seven experimental runs. For the speed and sliding distance. It is observed that the addition of
experiment, the cumulative DF is 27 1 ¼ 26. B4C to the matrix material gives more resistance than other
reinforced composites. After 20 N, the reinforced particulates
get crushed and scratch the counter disc; due to this; the local
5. Results and discussion contact encourages the introduction of oxygen into the sys-
tem and causing oxidation of Al alloy, and during this process,
The experiments were conducted on the pin-on-disc test rig to oxide debris mix with the surface MMC's resulting in the for-
analyze the dry sliding wear behavior of the Al 2219-B4CeMoS2- mation of MMC's layer. When applied load is further
Gr composite. The specimens prepared as per ASTM G99 increased, friction between the materials increases for the
standards are clamped in a specimen holder and held parallel rising temperature, which is enough to lower the MMC layer's
in contact with the counter surface under room temperature. strength and promote extensive material transfer, causing the
For the conventional method chosen four different levels of wear of MMC's to the steel counter face. This effect is seen
each combination. The samples are prepared by three weight after 30 N. Seizure of these MMC's layers was observed to be
percentages from Aluminum 2219, Aluminum 2219-5% Gr, enhanced under load conditions where rich lubricating and
Aluminum 2219-5% MoS2, and Aluminum 2219-15% B4C. The the hard-particulate layer were removed.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3 751
Table 7 e ANOVA results for unreinforced composite Al- Table 9 e ANOVA results for unreinforced composite
2219. Alþ5% MoS2.
Source D.F Seq SS Variance Test F F P-% Source D.F Seq SS Variance Test F F P-%
L (N) 2 136.856 68.428 66.59 5.85a 70.09 L (N) 2 106.254 53.127 93.77 5.85a 67.18
S (m/s) 2 36.471 18.236 17.75 5.85a 18.68 S (m/s) 2 39.312 19.656 34.69 5.85a 24.85
S-D (m) 2 1.359 0.679 0.66 S-D (m) 2 1.265 0.633 1.12
Pooled Error 20 20.551 1.028 11.23 Pooled Error 20 11.332 0.567 7.97
Total 26 195.237 88.371 100 Total 26 158.163 73.983 100
D.F ¼ Degrees of freedom, SS¼Sum of variance, p-percentage D.F ¼ Degrees of freedom, SS ¼ Sum of variance, p-percentage
contribution a ¼ 99% Confidence level. contribution a ¼ 99% Confidence level.
752 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3
Fig. 8 e Main effects plot for fitted means of weight loss for Fig. 10 e Main effects plot for fitted means of weight loss
Al-2219. for Alþ5%MoS2.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3 753
is more, and sliding speed having a moderate impact. In reinforced material specimen. Higher weight loss can be
contrast, the sliding distance has less effect than the other two observed at 40 N at a sliding speed of 3.76 m/s. The aluminium
parameters for wear of the reinforced material specimen. reinforced material wears out by taking higher loads and gives
Higher weight loss can be observed at 40 N at a sliding speed of linear wear loss, whereas compared with the base material
3.76 m/s. The aluminium reinforced material wore out quickly and reinforced material graphite and MoS2. This provides
by taking higher loads and giving higher wear loss. With the higher resistance to wear, which results in less weight loss.
base matrix material and reinforced material, graphite provides This is due to the addition of reinforcement material B4C. This
higher resistance to wear. This results in less weight loss for the hard ceramic material protects the matrix material by pre-
same applied load, sliding speed, and sliding distance. This is cipitation with the sliding disc and avoids direct contact,
due to the addition of reinforcement material MoS2, which acts preventing higher weight loss.
as a solid lubricant and protects the matrix material by forming
a thin film and avoids higher weight loss. 5.3.2. Contour and interactions plot for weight loss
Lastly, Fig. 11 shows the main effects plot for weight loss of Figs. 12e15 shows the contour plot of the weight loss, Fig. 12
Alþ15% B4C. From this plot, it is clear that the load's contri- shows the three variables for Al 2029 that show influence in
bution is more and sliding speed having a moderate effect, increment/decrement of weight loss withhold value (HV) of
while the sliding distance had significantly less effect the excluded parameter. In each combination, the weight loss
compared to the other two parameters for wear of the increases with an increasing level of parameters. Fig. 12(a)
shows that the weight loss supplements influence a minimum of materials. Fig. 14(c) shows the variable of sliding distance
sliding speed and load however Fig. 12(b) shows the weight versus sliding speed withhold value of load in which increment
loss increases. It is proved from the figure by the increasing in sliding rate will increase the weight loss. In contrast, sliding
trend of reinforcement with average sliding speed. Fig. 12(c) distance is constant concerning sliding speed. The most
demonstrates the weight loss was reduced by a higher per- exciting results are seen in Fig. 15 (Alþ15%B4C) of weight loss.
centage of reinforcement with a high sliding distance. Fig. 15(a) shows the weight loss increased when both param-
Whereas this is approximately similar for the case of Alþ5%Gr eters increased (sliding speed and load) with reinforcement.
(Fig. 13). However, the sliding distance will not influence more con-
Fig. 14 shows the weight loss is less when the sliding speed cerning applied load (Fig. 15(b)), and this is almost similar when
is less, and load is minimal compared to the other above two sliding distance with sliding speed (Fig. 15(c)).
cases, but the constant load increment in speed will increase In addition, interaction plots were constructed for all
weight loss (Fig. 14(a)). Fig. 14(b) shows the weight loss is possible parameter combinations. In terms of graphical rep-
approximately constant for the lower applied load. In contrast, resentations, the findings show the impact of input parame-
if the sliding distance increases for the continuous load, it will ters in one-way (single) and two-way (double) combinations
increase weight loss, and this may result in the reinforcement on the output response. These interaction plots were obtained
756 j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3
for four different outputs as indicated in Table 1. These results for the case of L (N) * S-D (m), the weight loss increases due to
revealed the variations of defined input parameters to its the fact the load increase. Moreover, Figs. 17e19 shows that
output response in terms of weight loss at different combi- the phenomena of these results are nearly similar only small
nations of materials (Hybrid MMC's). changes were found in numerical values of each case due to
Fig. 16 depicts the influence of input parameters in change in materials reinforcement. These results show some
different combinations for the output response of Al2219 of the parameter's combination/interactions doesn't influence
material. In these phenomena, it has been found that the the in-weight loss of hybrid MMC's. Meanwhile, it was also
weight loss will vary when the parameter changes either in realized from the interaction plots that the combinations in
terms of their levels or interactions. For example: in a two-way different parameters will influence weight loss.
interaction S-D (m) *L (N), and S-D (m) *S (m/s) the weight loss
varying with nearly constant values when the level of these 5.4. Data distribution through linear regression
parameters will increase. The increment in these interactions equation
is very small and it can be considered as constant variation.
However, for the case of other interactions of a parameter Using the L27 orthogonal array through MINITAB software, a
such as L (N) *S (m/s), and S (m/s) * S-D (m) the weight loss statistical model based on linear regression equations was
increases when the level of these parameters increases. In identified for the present investigation. Based on each
these combinations, sliding speed plays a dominant role in component and material combinations test represented by a
weight loss because the base materials in all MMC's is linear polynomial model (regression equations), and the
aluminium and the aluminium strain rate is sensitive. Also, equations are.
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3 757
Model 1 Model 2
and the operation's accuracy. Similarly, the experiment observed that for all optimization cases investigated in this
depends on the number of mechanical properties as process work, the R-square value variation was lowest for Alþ15%
parameters are conditioned for the operations. From there, B4C composite when compared to the base alloy and the
expected values can be measured, real values subtracted, other composites.
and the effects squared. That will remove the average ab-
solute value from each of the actual values, square the re-
sults, and count them to determine the overall variance.
The following can be expressed for comparison through the
RSS X yi y bi
R2 ¼ 1 ¼1 2 (6)
TSS i yi y i
5.5. Confirmation tests all combinations. L (N), S (m/s), and S-D (m) input values are
specified in the respective spectrum of their stages, as seen in
In this current analysis, the developed linear regression model Table 5. The variations, however, are identical to the orthog-
is examined for its practical consequences. Experimental tests onal array L27, which showed the input values of Table 6.
were conducted for this purpose to record the simple effects of Again, linear regression models for both response cases were
j o u r n a l o f m a t e r i a l s r e s e a r c h a n d t e c h n o l o g y 2 0 2 2 ; 1 6 : 7 4 3 e7 6 3 761
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