Routing Systems
TOTA L C O N T E N T D E L I V E RY S O L U T I O N S | M a n a g i n g c o n t e n t . D e l i v e r i n g r e s u l t s.
Routing Strategies
Platinum™ 256x256, 512x512 and larger routing with enhanced control and monitoring capabilities and
Large Routing
support for mixed signal routing including HD-SDI, SDI, ASI, analog video, AES and analog audio.
Medium Routing
Integrator® and Integrator® Gold are highly scalable, multi-format, medium-to-large routers
designed for high reliability in mission-critical applications. Integrate all digital and analog
signal formats in the same frame. Integrator® Gold adds wideband, digital multi-rate routing to
the Integrator® family.
Small Routing
The affordable, compact Leitch Panacea routing switcher line has become the market
leader for small routing applications, offering the largest selection of matrix sizes, options and
built-in control features, allowing you to purchase a router tailored to your application.
Small Routing
Panacea™ Lite Panacea™ Lite offers a wide variety of format choices with numerous control options for 12x1
routing requirements — all within an affordable, compact 1RU frame.
Panacea™ Clean/Quiet Panacea™ Clean and Quiet Switch is the industry’s most powerful dual-channel clean video with
quiet embedded audio routing switcher — providing more features, functions and signal
outputs than any similar product available today. Delivering master control features at a router
price, Panacea™ Clean/Quiet offers the unique ability to simulcast SDI and HD-SDI feeds from a
single router.
■ The only SDI and/or HD-SDI video clean ■ Transitions for video and embedded audio
switch that provides two clean and quiet with variable transition rates: dissolve, “V”
outputs with six additional auxiliary outputs fade, cut-fade, fade-cut and cut
■ Unique HD-SDI and SDI simulcast capabilities ■ Full, embedded audio control of the audio
fit any multi-format application levels, audio fade options and channel
Specialty Routing
8x1 with auto-switchover or 7x2 routing modules supporting analog and digital audio, analog
video, SDI, ASI, HD-SDI. 4 modules in 1RU frames, 12 modules in 3RU frame
Advanced Applications
RS-12A The RS-12A 12x1 Routing Switcher is designed for the switching of analog video and stereo
audio signals. Stringent specifications assure minimal loss or degradation of input signals. A
remote control panel (RSP-12) can be used with either the RS-12A or the RS-12AL. Serial
interface, as well as contact closure control, is standard with all units. All switchers in the series
have audio follow video with breakaway for independent switching of audio or video signals.
Routing Switcher
Key Benefits
■ Routing for large systems ■ Route to/from digital and analog signals with no external processing
- 256x256 in a 15RU frame ■ Front-loading, hot-swappable modules for 24/7 operation
- 512x512 in a 28RU frame ■ Redundancy throughout
■ Video routing - Power supplies, resource modules, signal paths
- HD-SDI digital multi-rate from 3Mb/s to 1.5Gb/s ■ Enhanced control and monitoring capabilities with support for
- Digital video signals including SMPTE 310, SDI, ASI, HD-SDI Leitch Command Control System™ (CCS™)
- Analog video via conversion to/from SDI on I/O modules - New desk and rack-mount hardware-based control panels
■ Audio routing - Enhancements to award-winning CCS Navigator™ application
- Digital audio signals including balanced and unbalanced AES ■ Secure access rights with restrictions by level, source and
- Analog stereo audio via conversion to/from AES on I/O modules destination
■ Module I/O in groups of 8 ■ CCS™ protocol, SNMP and third-party protocol support
Redundant power Back panels for both
Enhanced Control and Monitoring supplies with inputs and outputs
current sharing for are modular and can
The Platinum™ distributed control system is longer life be ordered to match
the signal connections
unique in the industry in that it requires no required (ie. coaxial,
fiber, etc.)
Output modules
separate, centralized controller. Each with 8 outputs Fans are individually
per module removable without
Platinum™ frame features redundant control taking the system
modules that store configuration information crosspoint Control and sync
modules connections including
related to that frame in non-volatile memory in 15RU multiple independent
Ethernet, serial, XY
and contain all the information that frame Input modules coaxial, sync, etc.
with 8 inputs
needs to operate within a system. A per module 4 separate output
monitoring option slots
(only 1 installed in
complete failure of both modules —or of the Redundant picture) provide ability
resource modules to monitor any input or
complete frame — would only affect the output in frame.
signals in that frame. The rest of the system Slots for future
capabilities such as
Alarm module provides
user configurable
redundant TDM
would continue to operate. In addition, crosspoints and a
contact closure inputs
and outputs.
streaming module
communications from control panels and
applications do not have to be brought to a
centralized controller, thereby enhancing the Platinum™ — Wideband Digital Multi-Rate Router
ability to widely distribute systems and Routes signals from 3 Mb/s to 1.485 Gb/s, scaling I/O up to 256x256 in one 15RU frame and
removing another single point of failure. up to 512x512 in one 28RU frame. Provides automatic cable equalization for all frequencies
and automatic reclocking for standard digital signal formats (automatic bypass of reclocking
for non-standard digital signal formats).
Enhancements to traditional routing
control include secure access rights with
level, source and destination restrictions per Routes HD-SDI digital multi-rate signals from 3Mb/s to 1.5Gb/s, digital video signals including
user; tie-line management; and timed SDI, SMPTE 310, ASI and HD-SDI with single or dual outputs. Coaxial or fiber available.
events, allowing distributed events to occur Platinum™ provides automatic cable equalization for all frequencies and automatic
reclocking for HD/SD SDI formats (automatic bypass of reclocking for non-standard digital
simultaneously. Platinum™ offers native signal formats). Signal presence available for both input and output modules.
support for all legacy Leitch router
protocols, CCS PROTOCOL (protocol Serial Digital Video and ASI
common to all Leitch processing product Routes signals from 3.072 Mb/s to 540 Mb/s, including SDI, SMPTE 310 and ASI with single or
dual outputs. Platinum™ provides automatic cable equalization for all frequencies and
lines) and SNMP. Drivers are also available
automatic reclocking for SD formats (automatic bypass of reclocking for non-standard digital
to interface to most common third-party signal formats). Signal presence available for both input and output modules.
routers and/or control systems.
Analog Video
Platinum routing switchers are supported Routes analog video signals via 10-bit conversion to/from SDI on I/O modules. The
by an extensive line of Leitch applications, conversion modules provide proc control on both decode inputs and encode outputs,
protocol interfaces and control panels, Genlock on encode outputs, and single or dual outputs. Signal presence available for both
input and output modules.
including several new hardware-based
control panels applicable to control and Analog Audio
monitoring of routing, as well as other Routes analog audio signals via 24-bit ADC/DAC conversion to/from AES on I/O modules.
product lines. In addition, the award- Signal presence available for both input and output modules. Connector options include:
winning CCS Navigator™ application, which D-connector, screw terminal, punch block
For information about additional available formats, contact your local representative.
Economical, scalable, multi-format routers packed with advanced features and redundancy, which provide unrivaled
performance and control options for all mid-to-large sized routing applications.
Our Integrator® router allows your facility to crosspoint restrictions such as locks and
switch multiple formats in 4, 6 and 8RU protects, uploadable drivers for diagnostics
frames and provides expandability from and control of other vendors’ equipment,
32x32 to 512x512. Our 8RU Integrator and left/right audio channel reversal and Routing Formats
Gold wideband digital multi-rate router will mixing for audio routing systems. All
8x8 — 128x128 In
easily expand from 8x8 to 512x512. configuration settings are stored in non-
8x8 — 128x128 In
volatile Flash Memory. Other options 8x8 — 128x128 In
Mixed Signal Formats can be available include dual outputs, output 8x8 — 128x128 In
Integrated in the Same Frame monitoring, left/right swapping and
Signal formats routed include analog audio summing, and coax or fiber. 8x8 — 128x128 Out
of the router into the matrices required by applications, which can be networked through
the facility. It also offers software that serial, coaxial and Ethernet direct to the frame 32 Out 32 Out 32 Out 16x16
provides virtual crosspoint mapping for or through a wide range of control panels. 32 In 32 In 32 In 16x16
32 In 32 Out 32 In 32 In
32 In 32 Out 32 Out
32 Out 32 In 32 In
6RU Frame
32 Out 32 In 32 In 32 In
Key Benefits
32 In 32 In 32 In 32 Out
8RU Frame
Signal Formats
Integrator® Gold — Wideband Digital Multi-Rate Router Simplified maintenance through
hot-swappable, front-loading I/O modules
Integrator® Gold routes signals from 3 Mb/s to 1.485 Gb/s, scaling in multiples of eight I/O
from 8x8 to 128x128 in one 8RU frame, or up to 512x512 with multiple frames. Integrator®
Gold provides automatic cable equalization for all frequencies and automatic reclocking
for standard digital signal formats (automatic bypass of reclocking for non-standard
digital signal formats).
The serial digital video Integrator® switches composite (143, 177 Mb/s), component (270 Integrator® Gold
Mb/s) and widescreen 16:9 (360 Mb/s) signals. MPEG (ASI) signals can be switched
using the same configuration and reclocking sub-modules. Many Telco-related
signal formats can also be switched using different reclocking sub-modules.
Equalization is provided for all inputs.
Note: 128x128 configurations also available via single 8RU Integrator® Gold.
The data router, expandable from 32 to 128 ports, provides economical routing of RS-422
machine control or RS-232 signals. Dynamic port configuration allows control to be
swapped from a controlling device to a controlled device without changing any wiring.
For information about additional available formats, contact your local representative. Expand
8x8 to
The affordable, compact Leitch Panacea Routing Switcher line has become the market leader for small routing
applications, offering the largest selection of matrix sizes, options and built-in control features, allowing you to
purchase a router tailored to your applications
Dual 16x16 Dual 16x8 Dual 16x4 Dual 16x1 Dual 8x8
Key Benefits
■ Flexible matrix partitioning options allow for ■ Quiet switching of discrete AES/EBU digital audio option
flexibility and customization ■ Signal diagnosis capabilities
■ Choose either integrated universal AC or DC power (i.e., signal presence, error detection)
supplies or external (brick) universal power supplies ■ Control via X/Y, serial RS-232/422, local control panel,
■ Redundant power supplies optional remote control panel or direct-to-frame
■ Clean switching of discrete SDI or HD-SDI video option IP/Ethernet/SNMP
Both frame sizes include a power supply, a Power Supplies
logic control module, a serial control port Each Panacea router is equipped with an
(RS-232/422), looping XY control ports and a external power supply (brick) as a standard
looping sync input (tri-level or standard house feature, or an integrated power supply as
black). The logic control module can be an optional upgrade. Each provides 70-80 W
upgraded to support Ethernet control direct to of power to the frame.
Frame Features
the frame, while each frame can be equipped
The Panacea family of routers is available in
Panacea™ Lite offers mixed-format, broadcast-quality 12x1 utility routing — all within an affordable, compact 1RU frame.
Wide Range of Signal Formats available today. With a frame depth of only the freedom of remote panel distances up to
Featuring the widest format range in the 5.25” (13 cm), Panacea ™
Lite allows for 2000 ft (615m). Multiple routers can be
industry in a 1RU frame, Panacea™ Lite is either front or rear rack mounting. In linked together for multiple level switching,
available as a dual-format analog video and addition, both video and audio are housed and because a common Leitch control
audio, SDI video and AES, HD-SDI video in the compact 1RU frame for maximum system is incorporated, Panacea™ Lite can be
and AES router for coverage of the space efficiency. easily integrated into existing facilities. In
countless utility applications. Panacea™ Lite addition, serial control is available with GPI.
is also offered in the following standalone Control is Tailored
formats: analog video, analog audio,
to Your Requirements Panacea™ Lite Fits Any Facility
Panacea ™
Lite allows you to select local Panacea™ Lite fits into any television
SDI, or HD-SDI video.
and/or remote control panels with standard production facility, cable facility, production
Single or Dual-Format breakaway operation. If rear rack mounting or post-production facility, outside broadcast
Within a 1RU Frame is desired, Panacea™ Lite lets you tailor your vans/trucks, DBS satellite operation,
Panacea™ Lite is one of the most compact remote control applications by offering XY Webcaster, or Telco facility with ease.
12x1 routers for utility routing applications remote control as standard. This allows you
Key Benefits
Panacea Clean and Quiet Switch is the industry’s most powerful dual-channel clean video with embedded audio
routing switcher — providing more features, functions and signal outputs than any similar product available today.
Two Clean and Quiet Outputs Auxiliary Output Busses Transitions for Video
The Panacea Clean/Quiet Switch provides two Six auxiliary outputs are available for preview of and Embedded Audio
clean and quiet outputs for SDI and HD-SDI both clean outputs, as well as additional A variety of video transitions with variable
signals with embedded audio, along with outputs for secondary destinations. transition rates are available including
additional auxiliary buses to be used for utility dissolve, “V” fade, cut-fade, fade-cut and
routing. This unique feature permits routing Full, Embedded Audio Control cut. The fade rate of the transitions can be
of SDI and HD-SDI signals simultaneously in In addition, embedded audio quiet configured for full customization (as either
an HD-SDI wideband version of the clean switching has been added to provide clean fast or slow) and control panel access to
switch, allowing full use of your clean switch and quiet switching. Full control of the transition speed.
investment while transitioning from SDI to audio levels, audio fade options and
Panacea™ Clean/Quiet eliminates
HD-SDI. The two copies of both clean outputs channel assignment is provided for
encoder “hiccups” by providing a
can be combined with flexible partitioning complete management of your embedded
constant, error-free signal.
options of the 16 inputs to fit any multi- audio content.
format application.
Panacea Clean Switch provides two Panacea Discrete Quiet Switch can be Discrete Quiet Switch guarantees noise-free
continuous, error-free, clean outputs for HD- combined in the same frame with Panacea switching between loud and soft audio
SDI and SDI signals. Our unique data-buffering Clean Switch to provide two synchronous content. In addition, Panacea Discrete Quiet
scheme eliminates picture roll and encoder and quiet digital audio streams. Again, a Switch can be ordered in a standalone frame
“hiccups” by synchronizing the router sources. data-buffering scheme is used to eliminate to provide four synchronous and quiet digital
This ensures the switch between sources is pops, clicks and speaker “thud.” By frame- audio streams with the same ramping and
frame-aligned without any disrution in the aligning the switch and providing audio-level cross-fade features.
output video signal stream. ramping with a cross-fade mix, Panacea
Routing Control
Integrator ®
CCS Navigator™
Panacea RouterWorks™
Web Access
Routers Third-Party
Opus™ IconMaster™
Hardware-Based Control Panels
The NUCLEUS™ network control panel is designed to meet the many needs of today’s broadcast operations. Providing
complete customization, NUCLEUS™ enables users to tailor the control interface to their specific applications. NUCLEUS™
allows the user to navigate to a specific device quickly with the minimum number of keystrokes.
Single-Bus, Multi-Bus,
XY Crosspoint Control Numeric Keypad 16 User-Programmable LCD Buttons
■ Router destination select/status ■ Device selection ■ Category/index device selection ■ Source select/status
■ Router source select/status ■ Parametric value entries ■ Destination select/status ■ User login
Routers Harris/Leitch can control and monitor: Under-Monitor Display Systems Harris/Leitch
Routers can Interface with: ®
Grass Valley/Thomson Barco Vivaldi SPT-LXYTOBARC
■ Venus EDGE-SMS7000 Limited (TSL)
■ 7000/7500 EDGE-SMS7000
■ Concerto EDGE-SMS7000 Tally Control Systems Harris/Leitch Routers
■ Trinix EDGE-SMS7000 can Interface with:
■ Others Call for Details
Lightwave SPT-LXYTOLITWVE Image Video direct connect to
Nexus SPT-LXYTONEXUS router serial port
NVision SPT-LXYTONVIS Television Systems Limited (TSL) direct connect
Sony SPT-LXYTOSNYRTR to router serial port
All third-party interfaces are not shown, and there is continuous development for third-party
compatibility. Call Harris for information on any third-party vendor for which you need a
Harris/Leitch interface.
The NEO™ NSM switches can be connected into a Leitch XY router control network. This provides intuitive
control by means of any push-button XY control panel. All modules in the NEO™ family can be controlled
locally by means of an intuitive card-edge interface, or remotely using hardware control panels and/or
CCS™ software applications such as CCS Pilot™ or CCS Navigator.™
Squeeze BKGD
■ Compact, two-slot solution leaves 10 ■ Full next-event preview 2 Channel Effects
free NEO™ slots for future growth ■ 6 Keyers — 2 external (key/fill), 4 Input B
Key Key Key Key Key Key
Input A
■ 12-input desk mount/rack mount control - Static and animated Input B PST
AUX Outs
Squeeze BKGD
Primary GPI
■ Optional touch-screen configuration and ■ Discrete AES audio
1-7 Key/Fill 1
Key/Fill 2
control application
Because we want to assure you that Harris stands beside its products and system solutions, Leitch products carry a standard
set of warranty services, which are competitive with — and in some cases outperform — others in the industry.
Service Packages
We offer value-add services that allow you to customize the level of services you need in meeting mission-critical performance
levels. Our service package options offer many ways to upgrade your standard warranty by choosing the All-Inclusive OnePak,
or by selecting individual services from our extensive portfolio. Our service and support advisors can assist in the selection of
the individual services that best suit your requirements.
Harris and Leitch are registered trademarks of Harris Corporation. Trademarks and tradenames are the property of their respective companies.