12 - Appendix K - Freeport DMMP Bulking
12 - Appendix K - Freeport DMMP Bulking
12 - Appendix K - Freeport DMMP Bulking
March 2017
The goal of this Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) is to develop a placement plan that will
accommodate the placement of new work and maintenance dredged material over 50 years associated with
the Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project General Revaluation Report (FHCIP GRR). Dredged
material management planning for all Federal harbor projects is conducted by USACE to ensure that
dredging activities are performed in an environmentally acceptable manner, use sound engineering
techniques, are economically justified, and to ensure that long-term placement facilities are available.
Ultimately, the DMMP identifies specific measures necessary to manage the volume of material likely to
be dredged within the FHCIP project over the 50-year period of analysis included in the GRR.
This DMMP considers maintenance and new work dredging volume associated with the FHCIP GRR
including: Existing channel to 46 feet MLLW; Proposed Turning Notch, Channel Widening, and Bend
Easing to 46 feet MLLW. All new work dredging has an advanced maintenance depth of 2 feet and an
allowable overdepth of 1 foot.
Dredged material placement areas near Freeport Harbor are shown in Figure 1. The Maintenance Ocean
Dredged Material Disposal Site (ODMDS) and Placement Area 1 (PA1) are being considered as potential
disposal sites in this DMMP. With the recommendation that all maintenance material be placed in the
ODMDS, the overall volume of sediment requiring upland confined storage drops dramatically.
This DMMP considers the placement area requirements specifically for the GRR project features and was
developed in a manner that avoids potential conflicts with the placement area needs outlined in the DMMP
previously developed as part of the 2012 FHCIP Feasibility Study (USACE, 2012b).
The Maintenance ODMDS is located in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 2.5 miles southwest from the
mouth of the Jetty Channel and approximately 3 miles from shore. The site is located in a dispersive
offshore environment with approximately 1,129 acres of bottom area. Due to its dispersive nature, the site
can be assumed to have unlimited capacity. Coordinates of control points for the Maintenance ODMDS are
presented in Table 1. The maintenance ODMDS previously had restrictions that limited placement to
material from certain reaches of the channel. However, currently, 40 CFR Part 228.14 allows material from
the entire channel to be placed offshore in the ODMDS.
Cartesian Coordinates
Control Point (NAD83, Texas South Central, US Survey Feet)
Easting Nothing
1 3,163,694 13,530,298
2 3,166,836 13,527,077
3 3,157,888 13,518,349
4 3,154,745 13,521,570
PA1 is located in Freeport roughly 0.5 mile south of State Highway 36 and approximately 1,000 feet east
of the Brazos River Diversion Channel (USACE 2012a). The PA is approximately 320 acres, with a
perimeter length of approximately 20,310 linear feet. Existing ground elevation is approximately 21 feet
NAVD (North American Vertical Datum of 1988) with a dike height of 25 feet NAVD. While the existing
capacity of PA1 is approximately 0.8 mcy, the PA is estimated to provide up to 3.4 mcy of capacity if the
dikes are raised to 31.5 feet NAVD. This DMMP proposes a dike elevation increase to 31.5 feet NAVD for
PA1. This height includes 3 feet for ponding and freeboard above the targeted bulk dredged fill height.
The bulking factor is a design parameter primarily used to develop containment dike height requirements
for each dredge event. The bulking process is a result of the structural disruption of the dredged sediments
and the entrainment of water into the sediments during dredging. This factor is traditionally defined as the
ratio of the volume occupied by the dredged material in the placement area immediately after completion
of dredging to the volume occupied by the same material in the channel before dredging.
The amount of bulking varies with the type of sediments and the method of dredging (mechanical or
hydraulic). Other factors that affect bulking include size of dredge, horsepower, and residence time in the
pipeline. For this project, dredging will primarily be conducted hydraulically. The new work dredging for
this project will consist of about 80 to 90 percent clays (of primarily stiff consistency with some traces of
silts or clayey silts), and about 10 to 20 percent sands of various densities, based on available boring data
from the Upper Turning Basin on out to sea.
Development of containment dike height requirements on this project was based on a bulking factor of
about 1.3 for maintenance material and about 2 for the portion of new work material anticipated to go into
a slurry state before final discharge at the disposal sites. The remaining portion of new work material that
will come out of the dredge pipe in the form of solid clay fragments (informally referred to as “clay balls”)
or segregate from the dredge mixture soon after discharge (such as sands) is anticipated to remain fairly
close to the original density from the channel.
For calculations and quantities produced on this project, the definition adopted for the term “retention
factor” is the fraction of new work material from the channel that, when dredged to the site, retains a degree
of consistency from the original in situ state necessary for use as fill materials for hydraulic containment
dike and containment dike foundation construction or future borrow for future mechanical containment dike
construction; and that, when pumped to the site, tends to accumulate or stack within the general vicinity of
the end of the dredge pipe
Variables that can influence this factor include original in situ material properties and consistencies, size of
dredge, type and control of cutter head, horsepower, and pump distance. For feasibility level, a retention
factor of about 0.5 was assumed for this project.
The shrinkage factor is a design parameter used to evaluate the long-term storage capacity of a PA for use
in developing the DMMP. It is defined as the ratio of the long-term volume occupied by a certain quantity
of dredged material in a PA, to the volume it occupied in the channel prior to dredging. Generally, this
parameter is associated with maintenance material, but may also be associated with new work material.
Items that affect the shrinkage include the soil composition, pan of evaporation rate, consolidation,
desiccation, climatological conditions, drainage efficiency or dewatering measures implemented, and
dredging schedule of maintenance material placed at the sites. Determination of a precise shrinkage factor
for a placement area can be a complex task and include modeling the consolidation and desiccation
shrinkage based on laboratory test data, climatological data, drainage characteristics, and operational
characteristics. For feasibility level, the development of the long-term storage capacity and containment
dike height requirements on this project was based on a shrinkage factor of about 0.65 for maintenance
Dredged materials to be removed for the FHCIP GRR were classified by reach. Soil classifications were
generally in accordance with Table B-2, “Material Factor” of ER 1110-2-1300. Based on historical boring
logs within the vicinity of each reach, the dredged material was classified as soft silty clay, soft silty sand,
or soft sandy clay. The results of the calculations by each reach are indicated in Table 2. Due to lack of
boring data, soil classification was not performed for the new work on the Stauffer Channel. Historical
shoaling data were applied to classify the materials by reach for the future (50-year) maintenance disposal.
This information is provided in Table 4.
Table 2 – Classification of New Work Dredged Material Volumes at Freeport Harbor Channel
From To Soft Silty Sand Soft Silty Clay Soft Sandy Clay Total Quantity
Station Station (cy) (cy) (cy) (cy)
The quantity of new work material for the proposed GRR widening at Freeport Harbor to achieve
Alternative 2 at the Freeport Harbor Channel is approximately 1.734 mcy, as classified in Table 2 The
quantities were determined using the average end area method.
The quantity of maintenance material to be removed over the 50-year GRR 46 ft project life is estimated to
be approximately 15.3 mcy, as presented in Table 4. These quantities were determined by reviewing
maintenance dredging contracts within the project area for the last 20 years and applying an incremental
increase in dredging due to the widened and deepened channel (HDR, 2016). This quantity includes 120,000
cy of maintenance dredged material estimated to be removed from the Lower Stauffer Channel. Lacking
historical dredging records within the Lower Stauffer Channel, sedimentation rates (within the Lower
Stauffer Channel) were estimated by reviewing maintenance dredging requirements within the adjacent
portion of the Freeport Harbor main channel.
Placement plans are required to ensure that there is sufficient capacity within the designated placement
areas necessary to contain both the new work dredged materials from the widening and deepening of the
channel as well as future maintenance material from the repeated dredging of the channel to maintain
navigable project depths over a 50-year period.
All dredged material for GRR new work, totaling approximately 1.734 mcy, is designated for placement at
PA1 by transfer through pipeline. For Placement Area capacity assessment purposes, this DMMP also
considers an additional 270,000 cy of WIK dredging that is expected to emerge from new work at the Lower
Stauffer Channel as part of the FHCIP. The Lower Stauffer Channel will be improved based on the WRRDA
2014 authorization (WRRDA, 2014).
To consider the material expansion for placement purposes, a combined expansion factor of 1.425 was
calculated and applied based on the information in Section 1.3, resulting in a bulked volume of
approximately 2.47 mcy. Note that for long term Placement Area assessments, the expansion factor was
calculated as 1.13. Table 3 contains the placement plan for new work dredged material.
Total New GRR Work Dredged Material 142+28 198+50 1,734,000 1.425 2,470,950 PA1
Lower Stauffer Channel (WIK)* 184+20 198+50 270,000 1.425 384,750 PA1
* Not part of the GRR, provided for PA capacity assessment purposes only.
After the completion of new work dredging for the Freeport GRR and the Lower Stauffer Channel, the
project will require periodic maintenance dredging to retain navigability. It is estimated that the Freeport
Harbor Channel (Stations 71+52 to 184+20) will receive an annual shoaling volume of approximately
316,000 cy (HDR, 2016) pursuant to the implementation of the GRR features. Additionally, it is estimated
that the Lower Stauffer Channel will receive an annual shoaling rate of approximately 2,500 cy. This
DMMP is based on maintenance dredging in 3-year cycles for reaches below Station 184+20 and 12-year
cycles for reaches above Station 184+20., resulting in a total dredged volume of approximately 15.3 mcy.
All maintenance dredged volume is designated for placement at the Maintenance ODMDS. Table 4 contains
the 50-year placement plan for the maintenance dredged material.
Bend Easing 147+00 159+85 30,900 3 92,700 16 1,483,200 ODMDS
Turning Notch 175+77 181+41 10,800 3 32,400 16 518,400 ODMDS
Channel Widening 142+28 184+20 12,900 3 38,700 16 619,200 ODMDS
Existing Harbor Channel 71+52 184+20 261,000 3 783,000 16 12,528,000 ODMDS
Lower Stauffer Channel 184+20 198+50 2,500 12 30,000 4 120,000 ODMDS
Total Maintenance Dredged Material 71+52 198+50 318,100 VARIES 15,268,800 ODMDS
In accordance with existing Federal policy and guidance, the potential for BU of the limited quantity of
new work material that would be generated by construction of the TSP was given additional consideration
beyond the previous USACE (2012c) study. The BU analysis is focused on the limited amount of new
work material from the TSP features (1,730,000 cubic yards – primarily soft sandy clay). Based on a review
of aerial photography, the nearest potential marsh restoration area is a small degraded marsh area in the
southern Oyster Creek watershed, adjacent to the GIWW and just east of the project area (Figure 2). The
pumping distance to this area from the Bend Easing feature is about 3.1 miles. The Bend Easing is the TSP
feature closest to the BU area and contains the largest amount of new work material. It is possible that
approximately 8 acres of marsh could be constructed with the available material. The pumping distance
from the Bend Easing feature to PA 1 (the upland, confined placement area identified for material from this
area) is about 2.3 miles. The PAs or BU areas selected in the DMMP are those, which provide the needed
capacity at the lowest cost per cubic yard. Based solely on pumping distance, the least-cost disposal option
would be PA 1 since the closest potential BU site is about 30 percent farther than the proposed upland site
(PA 1). The TSP placement area selection is based upon the least-cost, environmentally acceptable
alternative. However, the BU plan could be recommended if the NFS or other interested entity were willing
to fund the difference (increase) in placement and construction costs over the least cost placement plan for
the TSP.
HDR Engineering Inc. 2012; “Dredged Material Placement Area Capacity Assessment.” HDR Project
173803 presented at the Meeting with Freeport LNG, Freeport, TX; February 24, 2012.
HDR Engineering Inc. 2016; “Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project – General Reevaluation
Report H&H Analysis - Task 1: Sedimentation Analysis Memo”
United States Government, “Federal Register”, Volume 80, No.181, Friday September 18, 2015, pp56395-
USACE, 2012a; “Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project Feasibility Report”, Volume I; Galveston
USACE, 2012b; “Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project Feasibility Report”, Volume II; Galveston
USACE, 2012c; “Final Environmental Impact Statement, Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project,
Brazoria County, TX”, Volume I; Galveston TX
WRRDA, 2014 “Water Resources Reform Development Act of 2014” United States House of
Representatives, Washington DC