Unit 04 Exergy
Unit 04 Exergy
Unit 04 Exergy
Exergy (also called Availability or Work Potential): the
maximum useful work that can be obtained from a
system at a given state in a given environment; in other
words, the most work you can get out of a system
Surroundings: outside the system boundaries
Environment: the area of the surroundings not affected
by the process at any point (For example, if you have a
hot turbine, the air next to the turbine is warm. The
environment is the area of the surroundings far enough
away that the temperature isn’t affected.)
Dead State: when a system is in thermodynamic
equilibrium with the environment, denoted by a subscript
zero; at this point no more work can be done
A coal-fired furnace is used in a power plant. It delivers
5000 kW at 1000 K. The environment is at 300 K. What
is the exergy of the added heat? You can use two steps
to solve this problem.
Determine the maximum percentage of the heat that can be
converted to work.
Using your answer from the first part, determine the maximum
work possible.
This is the maximum work output possible between the
given state and the dead state, i.e., the heat’s exergy. In
this case, 30% of the 5000 kW is unavailable energy—it
can’t be converted to work.
Why Study Exergy?
In the last several decades, exergy analysis has
begun to be used for system optimization.
By analyzing the exergy destroyed by each
component in a process, we can see where we
should be focusing our efforts to improve system
It can also be used to compare components or
systems to help make informed design decisions.
Reversible Work
Wrev (reversible work): the maximum amount of
work it’s possible to produce (or minimum
necessary to input) in a process between given
initial and final states. Note that this is different
from an isentropic process where we were given
an inlet state and solved for the exit state using
s2=s1. Since the exit and inlet states are both
fixed, the process is not necessarily isentropic.
What two conditions will cause a process to be
Irreversibility, I: exergy destroyed; wasted
work potential. It represents energy that
could have been converted into work but
was instead wasted
What are some sources of I?
To have high system efficiency, we want I
to be as small as possible.
I, cont.
I=Wrev, out –Wu, out (work output device, like a
turbine) OR
I=Wu, in –Wrev, in (work input device, like a
Wu: useful work; the amount of work done that
can actually be used for something desirable
Wu=W-Wsurr where W=actual work done
Surroundings Work, Wsurr
Here some work is
used to push the
atmospheric air (the
surroundings) out of
the way; that work
can’t be used for
other purposes.
Wsurr P0 dV P0 V2 V1 positive
Surroundings Work, Wsurr, cont.
Here Patm helps push the
piston in; this is gained
work. In a process where
the piston goes in and
out continually, the
surrounding work values
cancel out.
Ref: Cengel & Boles, Thermodynamics, An Engineering Approach, 4th edition, Mc-Graw Hill, 2002.):
We can calculate the exergy, X (work potential) at a
given state. The work potential is a function of the total
energy of the system.
X X KE X PE X internal energy X flow work
(remember that in a control mass, there will be no flow work)
XKE (exergy due to kinetic energy): V2/2 (on a per unit
mass basis
Xinternal energy: u-uo+Po(v-vo)-To(s-s0)
To see a derivation of this last equation, see the
appendices on the web site. The “o” stands for the dead
state (atmospheric conditions). If a piston is at
atmospheric pressure and temperature (the dead state),
it can’t do any work.
Exergy of a Closed System
Exergy of a closed system, per unit mass j, can be
found be adding all the terms
u uo Po v vo To s so gZ
This gives us the maximum work we could possibly get
out of a system.
Usually we will be more interested in the change in
exergy from the beginning to end of a process.
For a closed system, 2 1 ?
For a control volume
Xcv=Xclosed+Xflow work
y=Xcv/m (exergy per unit mass)
Xflow work=Wflow-Wagainst atmosphere=Pv-Pov
y cv u uo Po v Po vo To s so gz Pv Po vo
Now combine terms: u+Pv=h; uo+Povo=ho
y cv h ho To s so gz
Change in exergy
If we only have one fluid stream
V22 V12
y 2 y 1 y h2 h1 To s2 s1 g z 2 z1
Wmax X heat QHh max QH 1
See Appendix C on the web for a
Review from ME 297
Entropy Generated, Sgen
For a steady-state control volume, this leads us to
Q k
S gen m s m s
e e
i i
For a control mass, this becomes
S gen S 2 S1
Here Tk is the temperature of the heat source or heat
sink (not the system temperature).
Final Equation for Xsys for control
1 Qk W Po V2 V1 To S gen X 2 X1
I To S gen
for a component :
S gen m se si
gen gen, pump Sgen,boiler S gen,turbine S gen,cond.
Q pump Qboiler Qturbine Qcond.,in
m s2 s1 s3 s2 s 4 s3 s1 s4
To Tcomb.chamber To
I T m Qout
T k ,out Tk ,in
Second Law Efficiency for a Cycle
W net,actual W net,actual
h II
Wnet,reversible W net,actual I