Illustating Quar, Dec, Per
Illustating Quar, Dec, Per
Illustating Quar, Dec, Per
B. Establishing a purpose for The students realize the importance and usefulness of the concept of the
the lesson measures of position in dealing real- life situations.
The teacher lets the students differentiates the different measures of positions
from each other. Presents different examples of illustrating different measures
of positions.
List of scores of the students in their 10- item test in STATISTICS.
6 4 6 8 8 4 6 10 4 6
C. Presenting examples/ 1. How are you going to identify the following measures of position?
instances of the new a. D2 b. Q2 c. P40
lesson Answer Key
4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8 10
1. a. After arranging the scores in ascending order, divide the scores into 10
equal parts and find the second element because it is equal to D2. In this case
D2 is equal to 4
b. Divide the scores into 4 equal parts. Q2 is equal to 6.
c. Divide the scores into 100 parts. P40 is equal to 6
The teacher lets the answer the following activity on the different measures of
Given 10 scores of the students in their 20 item test, identify the scores that
illustrates the following measures of position.
1. Q2 2. D5 3. P50 4. Q3 5. D8
D. Discussing new concepts Scores:
and practicing new skills 13 15 12 15 17 18 10 17 18 17
Answer Key
Arrange the scores in ascending order.
10 12 13 15 15 15 17 17 18 18
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