Author`s Contribution
2Conception and design, 3Collection A B S T R A C T
and assembly of data, 1,2,,3Analysis and Background: A stroke is the sudden loss of neural function caused by an interruption of
interpretation of the data, Statistical blood flow to the brain. It causes symptoms such as paresis, hypoesthesia, cognitive
expertise, drafting of article, 4Critical
revision of the article for important
impairment, and spasticity.
intellectual content, Final approval and
2 Objective(s): To compare the effects of Perfetti's Method versus routine physical therapy
guarantor of the article. on the upper extremities' cognition, dexterity, and sensorimotor function in stroke patients.
Article Info. Methodology: In this study, 74 stroke participants were enrolled and randomized into two
Received: June 9, 2023 groups by the Goldfish Bowl Procedure, with 37 patients in each group. Group A was
Acceptance: November 30, 2023 treated with routine physical therapy, and Group B was treated with Perfetti's Method and
Conflict of Interest: None routine physical therapy. The measurements of both groups were recorded at the
Funding Sources: None beginning of the study and after the 12th post-treatment week. Sensorimotor function was
Address of Correspondence measured with the Fugal-Meyer Assessment Upper Extremity (FMA-UE), dexterity was
Syed Muhammad Mateen measured with the Box and Block Test (BBT), and level of cognition was measured with
Email Id: [email protected] the Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) in both groups at the beginning of the study and after
ORCID: 0009-0007-2821-5037 the end of training (12th post-treatment weak).
Cite this article as. Mateen SM, Jamil Results: According to this study, 74 participants had a mean age of 53.21±12.02; males
A, Ahmad U. Effects of Perfetti's were 45(60.8%), and females were 29(40.2%). The mean Body Mass Index was
Method on Cognition, Dexterity and 23.23±3.47. The right side was affected by 32(43.2%), and Left Side was affected by
Sensory Motor Function of the Upper 42(56.8%). Sensorimotor Function mean was Pre-treatment 66.70±26.88 and post-
Extremity in Stroke Patients: A treatment 110.09±11.91. The level of cognition mean was pre-treatment 22.62±3.30 and
Randomized Controlled Trial. JRCRS. post-treatment 29.31±1.47. Dexterity means Pre-treatment was 8.18±11.64 and post-
2024; 12(1):28-32.
treatment was 84.48±15.03. P-Value was 0.00, which was <0.005, which means that there
was a significant difference between the mean value of pre-treatment and post-treatment
24120106 Sensorimotor function, Level of Cognition, and Dexterity. There was a significant difference
between the mean values of Groups A and B in sensorimotor function, level of cognition,
and dexterity, as the P-values were 0.027, 0.04, and 0.02, respectively.
Conclusion: Perfetti's Method, combined with routine physical therapy, resulted in
significantly improved cognition levels, dexterity and sensory motor function in the upper
extremity of stroke patients compared to those receiving only routine physical therapy.
Keywords: Cognition, Dexterity, Perfetti's, Stroke, Sensorimotor.
It causes muscle weakness, decreased sensory function,
Introduction cognitive impairment, spasticity, excessive reflexes, apraxia,
Stroke is the abrupt loss of neurological function and agnosia.4 Upper limb hemiparesis after stroke is a common
caused by a disruption of the blood flow to the brain.1 It can be debilitating and persistent problem. Motor impairments and
divided into two main categories: ischemic and hemorrhagic.2, 3 limitations in the use of the upper limbs have been identified as
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