This document contains data from an aerodynamic analysis of the Clark Y airfoil including lift, drag, and moment coefficients over a range of angles of attack and Reynolds numbers. Aerodynamic characteristics such as maximum lift, drag polarity, and stall angle are presented.
This document contains data from an aerodynamic analysis of the Clark Y airfoil including lift, drag, and moment coefficients over a range of angles of attack and Reynolds numbers. Aerodynamic characteristics such as maximum lift, drag polarity, and stall angle are presented.
This document contains data from an aerodynamic analysis of the Clark Y airfoil including lift, drag, and moment coefficients over a range of angles of attack and Reynolds numbers. Aerodynamic characteristics such as maximum lift, drag polarity, and stall angle are presented.
This document contains data from an aerodynamic analysis of the Clark Y airfoil including lift, drag, and moment coefficients over a range of angles of attack and Reynolds numbers. Aerodynamic characteristics such as maximum lift, drag polarity, and stall angle are presented.
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