Seguridad Aliment Aria 1
Seguridad Aliment Aria 1
Seguridad Aliment Aria 1
The United Nations sustainable development goals include eradication of hunger. To feed 10
billion persons 2050, we need to get the trade-offs right between sustainability, food security,
food safety, and make better use of food already produced. The hierarchy of strategies for
reducing food losses and waste are in descending order source reduction, reusing or
reprocessing surplus foods, recycle food as feed for animals, recover the energy as biofuels,
nutrients as compost, or raw materials for industry, while as last resorts one may consider
recovering the energy by incineration or dumping as garbage in landfills. This paper will
explore the trade-offs inherent when aiming at triple goals of sustainability, food security, and
safety looking at these strategies for reducing food losses and waste and resource footprints.
Intensification of food production and circular food systems could be parts of these solutions
to future food security. In this regard could our future trade-offs be informed by the
experiences from the use of antimicrobials to intensify food production and from the
Edited by:
Janne Mikael Lundén,
outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in terms of circular food production?
University of Helsinki, Finland There is no trade-off between intensification of food production aided by antimicrobials and the
Reviewed by: public health risks from antimicrobial resistance due to the zoo-technical use of antimicrobials.
Séamus Fanning, A sustainable future requires control of antimicrobial resistance. If one avoids that cycles of
University College Dublin, Ireland
Riikka Keto-Timonen, nutrients become cycles of pathogens and/or hazards, circular food production systems will a
University of Helsinki, Finland major contribution to the future sustainable food security. Source reduction i.e., limiting food
*Correspondence: losses and waste appears to the strategy most promising for achieving sustainability. By using
Ivar Vågsholm
[email protected]
artificial intelligence and intelligent packaging major progress is possible, with the added benefit
of better control of food fraud. A changed diet—eating more plant-based foods and not eating
Specialty section: animal protein produced by edible feedstuffs, and source reduction of the food lost or wasted
This article was submitted to
Agro-Food Safety,
should enable us to feed at least an additional billion persons. Solutions to sustainability and food
a section of the journal security should integrate food safety considerations from the start.
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems
Keywords: source reduction, circular food systems, food loss and waste, antimicrobial resistance, BSE
Received: 25 July 2019
Accepted: 04 February 2020
Published: 21 February 2020
Vågsholm I, Arzoomand NS and
Food safety and security are two complementing elements of our sustainable future. This paper
Boqvist S (2020) Food Security,
will argue that in the long run the aims of food safety and security must be aligned to achieve
Safety, and Sustainability—Getting the
Trade-Offs Right. sustainability, and the trade-offs between these three goals must be managed carefully and
Front. Sustain. Food Syst. 4:16. based on evidence. Hence, we need novel solutions for our future food security and
doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2020.00016 sustainability
without compromising food safety to achieve the United (Johnstone and Mazo, 2011). Hence, food
Nations sustainable development goals (SDG) including
eradication of hunger and poverty, clean water, sustainable land
use, responsible production and consumption, mitigating
climate change, and sustainable life on land and water. Several
approaches are possible for achieving sustainability and food
security, such as limiting food losses and waste, eating more
plant based foods or recycling foodstuffs. The trade-offs
between food safety and security are fraught with challenges,
e.g., when constructing circular food production systems where
nutrients are recycled, one could also get a cycle accumulating
The tools and strategies used to achieve food security must
align with food safety, and public health as well as
sustainability. Food chains are complex and not transparent,
hence we believe a One Health approach is needed to assess
trade-offs and achieving sustainability (Boqvist et al., 2018). In
addition, the control of food frauds are an emerging issue
requiring attention. Getting the trade-offs right, between the
security, safety, and sustainability of food production, will
require careful balancing between multiple concerns and
challenges. In this balancing exercise could previous failures
inform us—for example antimicrobials used for intensifying
animal production, and the failed circular food and feed system
based on meat and bone meal (MBM) that caused the mad
cow disease epidemic (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy,
This paper explores and discusses some of the trade-
offs between sustainability, food security and food safety.
The discussion will follow the outline and food recovery
hierarchy suggested by the US Environmental Protection
Agency (Figure 1), but focus on the most promising options at
the top of the hierarchy.
as some countries impose export restrictions of foods in times food and thereby threatening sustainability. The links between
of limited food supplies. Hence, solutions to long-term food sustainability, food insecurity, and food waste are important.
security becomes national aims that might explain the drives More than one third of the food produced is lost or wasted
for developing novel sources of food and animal feedstuffs along the production chain (Lipinski et al., 2013). These lost
and resilient food chains. Several reports have addressed and wasted foodstuffs amount to 24% of the energy content of
these challenges. the food produced, illustrating the huge potential of improved
The EAT Lancet Commission on healthy diets from food security. By eliminating global food waste and loss, one
sustainable food production (Willett et al., 2019) suggested could feed more than one billion additional persons. Less food
several dietary changes to enable feeding a world with 10 lost or wasted would lead to more efficient land use and better
billion people in a resilient way. In brief, the recommendation water resource management with positive impacts on climate
was to double the consumption of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and change, livelihoods, and sustainability. In conclusion reducing
legumes and to halve the consumption of red meat and sugar. food losses and waste is a well-reasoned political objective. For
A diet rich in plant-based foods and with fewer animal source example, the European Parliament (European Parliament,
foods confers both health and environmental benefits. Another 2017) adopted a resolution to reduce food waste in the
example is the AT Kearney (AT Kearney, 2019) report on the European Union by 30 and 50% in 2025 and 2030, respectively.
disruptions from novel meat alternatives on the global food The two approaches foreseen in its resolution were to make food
production systems. The report suggested that meat will be donations easier and make “best before” and “use by” labels less
replaced by vegan or vegetarian meat replacements, insect based confusing. The world’s fisheries and fish farming can illustrate
meat replacements, and/or cultured meat i.e., meat produced some of these food loss challenges. Fisheries and fish farming
in bioreactors. Animal proteins such as milk, eggs and products contribute to nearly 20% of human protein consumption
thereof will be easier to replace, as the structures and (Moffitt and Cajas-Cano, 2014). However, the food losses are
biochemistry are simpler. The report suggests that in the future considerable, as 20 to 30% of the catch is lost at sea (FAO,
animal proteins and energy i.e., meat, milk and eggs, should be 2012), while another 10–15% of the catch is diverted as feed
produced using feed sources not suitable for human for fish farming resulting in protein and energy losses.
consumption e.g., pastures, grass, hay, or by-products. Of the total harvest of cereals and vegetables, nearly half (46%)
Food safety and food security are by necessity complementing is used as feed to animals while only around one third is used
aims for achieving freedom from hunger. One tenet is that unsafe to feed people. The feed conversion from plant to animal-
food do not solve food security problems. However, measures based food means that most of the edible energy and proteins
to ensure safety and quality of food can sometimes reduce the are lost in the conversion. For example, 10 kilograms of edible
amount of food available, and thereby amplify food scarcities. grains feed to cattle, produces only 1 kg of edible beef. The
For example, consumers interpret best before dates as food possibilities for increasing conventional meat, milk and egg
being poisonous thereafter dates thus increasing food waste production based on cereals are constrained by lack of
and threatening food security. Massive and not targeted food additional arable land and water, as well as difficulties in
recalls are other examples of food waste due to safety intensifying agriculture and animal production (AT Kearney,
concerns. 2019). The restrictions posed by land use, biodiversity, fresh
Environmental sustainability is part to a varying degree water use, greenhouse gas emissions as well as nitrogen and
of all the 17 sustainable development goals (SDG—https:// phosphorus cycling determine the sustainability and resilience One key message though is that of food systems. In this regard, it appears that doubling of
environmental sustainability is a part of social and economic animal food production will require expansion of cereal and
sustainability as well as food security and safety. The pursuit of vegetable production beyond sustainable levels (AT Kearney,
one goal could be to the detriment of other goals. Hence, we need 2019).
to balance these goals and manage the trade-offs.
Causes of Food Losses and Waste
Food losses might be the result of pre-harvest failures. For
FOOD LOSSES AND WASTE VS. FOOD example, in a US study of pre-harvest losses of vegetables,
SECURITY more than half of the vegetable crops were not harvested
(Johnson et al., 2018) indicating a huge potential for increased
FAO (FAO, 2011) defined food loss as lost supplies along the food food production. The edible and wholesome vegetables
chain between the producer and the market while food waste (cucumbers, zucchini, bell pepper, cabbage, eggplant, yellow
is discarding safe and nutritious foods. Around one third of the squash) available for recovery amounted to 8,840 kg per hectare.
food produced is lost. The foodstuffs lost and wasted represent Food losses occurs also at harvest and post-harvest due to
around 28% of the world agricultural area and 8% of global problems in processing, handling, packing, transportation, and
greenhouse emissions. Moreover, reducing food waste and losses retail. Some of the underlying causes of food loss include the
will represent a major business opportunity valued at more inadequacies of infrastructure, cold chains, skewed incentives
than 400 billion USD (Unilever Reducing food loss and waste, or lack of legal frameworks—waiting for customs clearance.
2019) according to Unilever, a leading global food company. Tomatoes crushed during transport because of improper
Food loss and waste represent also the lost labor, capital, packaging is one example of food loss. Food waste, on the
water, energy, land and other resources that went into other hand, refers to the discarding of food that is safe and
producing the nutritious
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 4 February 2020 | Volume 4 | Article 16
Vågsholm et Food Security, Safety, Sustainability Trade-Offs
for human consumption for example binning tomato cans if the sustainability. Should food security be thought of as an insurance
labels on the can is incomplete or the labels was peeled off. question—how much to pay in premium to ensure that we do
The reasons for food loss and waste include: not suffer famine, get right nutrition, and avoid food borne
• Failure and consequent spoilage in the agricultural process, illnesses in the future? The term nega-watt triggered a lot new
harvest, storage, processing, packaging, and marketing; thinking in the energy field (Lovins, 1990). The most resource
• Abnormal reduction of quality such as bruising of packages, friendly watt was the one not wasted or lost, hence
fruits or vegetables; investments in saving energy was just as efficient as
• Quality flaws—e.g., fresh produce that deviates from what is investments in additional production capacity. Could one use
considered optimal in terms of shape, size, and color such as the same thinking e.g., nega- foods for food security and
curved cucumbers, wrong sized apples being discarded sustainability? An investment in reducing the amount of foods
during lost or wasted (source reduction) will be just as valuable as an
sorting operations; investment in additional food production capacity. Hence,
• Foods that are close to, at or beyond the “best-before” dates source reduction by reducing food losses and waste from farm
are discarded by retailers and consumers; to fork will be necessary part of the future solution to feed 10
• Large quantities of wholesome edible food are often billion people sustainably.
left over and discarded from households and catering
establishments; and
Source Reduction—Using Novel IT and AI
• Producer or retailer recall of foods.
These recalled foods might present a risk for a minority of the To achieve sustainability we must eliminate food losses and
population for example by containing allergens e.g., nuts. The waste. This proposition aligns well with the goals for reducing
recalled foods will be safe for the majority of the population resource and environmental footprints. On the other hand,
not allergic to nuts. Unspecific food recalls increase food the consumers wish to purchase their wanted food whenever
waste. In the United States, it was found that out of 382 recalls is convenient. Food businesses have difficulties in getting
42% was due to undeclared allergens (milk, nuts, eggs, soy, and their inventory policies right—when to reorder foods and the
wheat), 18% due to presence of food borne pathogens (e.g., appropriate stock levels to be maintained. In other words, food
Salmonella spp., Listeria spp. and E. coli), and 7% due to businesses, and retailers have a dynamic resource allocation
presence of foreign material (plastic and metal pieces; problem—the concurrent challenges of avoiding food waste
Maberry, 2019). and stock-outs. Food waste and stock-outs occur mainly
due to inaccurate forecasting of sales with the consequent
Assessment of Different Options for incorrect ordering of products (Arunraj and Ahrens, 2015).
Reducing Food Loss and Waste The factors correlated with the demand for foodstuffs in
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) retail stores include price, weather, season, events or festivals,
(2019) has described a hierarchy of options for reducing food promotions, or discounts in the store or competing stores,
losses and waste (Figure 1), that aligns well with the goals products characteristics (shelf life), and number of customer
of sustainability. Mourad (2016) compared the approaches of visits. Moreover, the time series of sales in food retail have
France and United States to food waste prevention. Her main high volatility and skewness varying over time, thus violating
finding was the three competing hierarchies of solutions to several assumptions of the standard statistical models.
surplus food production based on environmental, economic, Could greater use of predictive models, machine learning,
and social justifications. Implementing strong food waste neural networks and expert systems (artificial intelligence
prevention strategies such as changing the acceptance criteria or AI) enable the food business operators, to predict the
for fresh produce (ugly cucumbers) instead of weak prevention demand for food? Could fine-tuning the supply operations and
strategies (developing new best practices of food business demand forecasts, minimize stock-outs, and food waste? By
operators) could achieve more in terms of long-term using seasonal autoregressive, forecasting models with integrated
sustainability. While the aims of reducing food losses and moving averages with external variables model one could forecast
waste are highly desirable, food safety should be included in reasonably the daily sales of perishable foods (Arunraj and
this pursuit. The trade- offs, judgmental decisions taken, Ahrens, 2015). The forecast accuracies would improve if two or
should be evidence based and transparently justified. more models with different analytical approaches are used. For
example by combining moving averages with back propagation
neural networks, one could predict better the demand for
SOURCE REDUCTION—REDUCE WASTE fresh food in convenience stores (Chen-Yuan et al., 2010).
AND LOSSES Furthermore, food supplies could be better predicted by using
big data approaches such as data based on remote sensing—
Food Security an Insurance Question? metrology, images, genetic information, as well as laboratory
We need novel ways of looking at the food security and results and historical production data (Gounden et al., 2015).
sustainability. One consequence of such a shift in perspective
In this regard, Bayesian networks would be a more transparent
is that the food policy should focus on achieving zero hunger
method enabling better understanding and insights of the food
and good nutrition, and not on food production. Changing the
supply chain compared with machine learning approaches. One
perspective could open new ways of thinking about food and
major concern is that food safety and quality considerations whole shelf life, for ready-to-eat foods able to support the growth
should be included into these promising big data models, to
obtain the full benefits.
There are complementary and competing visions for safe food
in the big data era (Nychas et al., 2016; Ropodi et al., 2016).
Multidisciplinary approaches should give the food industry better
tools for ensuring food quality and safety (Ropodi et al., 2016).
Possible methods for real time analyses of these huge data sets
include complicated and not very transparent algorithms such
as machine learning and computational intelligence (Ropodi et
al., 2016). The lack of transparency means that interpretation
of the results and giving evidence-based recommendations are
difficult. Moreover, the naïve application of forecasting of food
supply and demand, as well as monitoring the food chain
from farm to fork while ignoring food safety concerns, could be
a recipe for disaster. Hence, the big data strategies should
include food safety considerations. The benefits could be
reduction of food waste, ensuring food safety through a more
efficient control of the processes, and reassuring trust between
consumers and the food industry. Moreover, a move from
invasive or destructive testing toward non-invasive automated
monitoring based on sensors would be beneficial. These sensors
are easily implemented on-site, and will monitor production in
real-time. The massive amounts of high-throughput, analytical,
and imaging metadata collected with these instruments will
provide a holistic view of the spoilage and decaying processes of
the various food products across diverse storage conditions
(temperature and packaging) thereby better predicting food
supply. The online availability of this growing knowledge could
provide continuous benefits for the food industry. Big data
analyses promise a way forward to achieve the better
sustainability by reducing food loss and waste while also
ensuring food safety and quality.
the ability of governments to mitigate famines by importing disease prevention could be a very important contribution to
foods from other areas. Trust in the safety of foods is vital sustainable development in low and medium income countries
and use of block-chains could facilitate trust and speed up (McDermott et al., 2010).
the procedures.
Could one develop an alternative to large unspecific food Antimicrobials in Food Production—A Case of
recalls due to allergens, by sending allergic consumers or those Unsustainable Intensification
with specific food preferences (i.e., vegetarians or avoiding Antimicrobials has been used to intensify animal production by
pork) information through mobile phone apps enabling improving feed conversion and growth of the animals i.e., zoo-
avoiding certain foods by scanning the food labels? This would technical use. This approach was linked to large industrial
allowing consumers to check the foods in real time on the spot. animal production systems in which antimicrobials was an
The food businesses could then update these smartphone apps input to the production (Aarestrup and Wegner, 1999). When
instead of recalling the foods. This should also be simpler and Sweden joined the EU in 1995, one of the controversies was
enable more rapid spread of critical information. Those not the Swedish ban on zoo-technical use of antimicrobials. The
allergic or having particular food preferences could eat the Swedish Commission on Antimicrobial Feed Additives
food and consequently less food is wasted. (Commission on Antimicrobial Feed Additives. Antimicrobial
feed additives. SOU, 1997) concluded that whilst the use of
antimicrobials could intensify animal production and thereby
Source Reduction—Reduce Food Losses by
decrease footprints; these gains could not match the negative
Intensification of Food Production impacts of the consequent antimicrobial resistances (AMR).
The intensification of food production must align with the Animal production and welfare will be more sustainably
requirements for long-term sustainability (Rockström et al., maintained by implementing good husbandry, biosecurity, and
2017). The long-term sustainable agriculture has to operate preventive medicine than by using antimicrobials. More than
within its environmental boundaries to remain sustainable. 20 years later, the EU has banned the use of antimicrobials for
The key considerations of this approach include the ecological growth promotion and prophylaxis when the Regulation (EU)
dimensions, resource footprints and resilience, the social 2019/4 came into force. In plant production (Vidaver, 2002)
dimension of food security, and improving livelihoods of the the antimicrobials used are streptomycin and tetracycline,
global food production systems. Agriculture and aquaculture mainly as spray treatments of orchards. It appears that
food production should change from being a driver of global resistance to streptomycin has become widespread among
climate and environmental change to be the basis for global bacterial plant pathogens, illustrating the generic problem of
sustainability. In particular, food security resilience or the using antimicrobials as productivity enhancers (Vidaver, 2002).
ability to deal with shocks and stress in food production and Hence, we need alternative options to antimicrobials in plant
distribution without increasing the risks of hunger, malnutrition production including biocontrol agents, disinfectants, and
or food borne diseases, is critical. The double challenges of resistant plants.
shrinking arable land and increasing global population will
necessitate a smart intensification of food production (AT Food as Vehicle for Spreading Resistant Bacteria Hence,
Kearney, 2019). For example, more than half of the edible today AMR is a silent pandemic (Jasovský et al., 2016) for
vegetable production is lost in the fields (Johnson et al., 2018). which the use of antimicrobials in food production is a major
The losses are caused by failures of the harvest process, driver globally. Detection of antimicrobial substances in
failures to comply with supermarket specifications (wrong foodstuffs is uncommon while the findings of bacteria with genes
shape of cucumbers), or uneven ripening of the crops. This for AMR are frequent events. For example, in Sweden, 1395
indicates a straightforward way of increasing the amount of samples were taken in 2016 from animal foods (meat, dairy,
supplied foods and improved food security with limited egg, fish, and honey) and only one sample was positive for
downside risks including food safety. Moreover, the antimicrobial substances [National Food Agency (NFA), 2018].
sustainability would improve as the doubling of the amounts of Moreover, the import controls did not detect antimicrobial
plant foods available to consumers would require the same residues when sampling 3,693 consignments of foodstuffs
resource footprints i.e., inputs in terms of fertilizer, labor, originating outside EU. In contrast, between 10 and 55% of
irrigation water, and chemicals. Another approach could be the broiler carcasses were contaminated with extended spectrum
shifting to novel animal proteins derived from insects fed food beta-laktamase producing enterobacteria (ESBL) during the
waste and by-products that could replace traditional meat monitoring of broilers at slaughter between 2010 and 2018
products. A third approach to improve resilience is going down (Swedres-Svarm, 2018).
the food chain by eating the cereals today intended as animal The Biological Hazards panels of the European Food Safety
feedstuffs. The sustainability and food security would improve Authority (EFSA) published two opinions in 2008 and 2013
if animal production were based on feeds not available for [EFSA BIOHAZ Panel (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards),
human consumption i.e., pastures and grasslands. This would 2008, 2013] on AMR as a food borne hazard. The opinion
mean that pastoral production of beef, mutton and milk could from 2008 was a self-task opinion—a tool for EFSA scientific
be a very important contribution to the supply of high quality panels to warn about food safety risks. Could food could as a
proteins that ensures future food security. The intensification vehicle for human exposure to AMR bacteria and could one
of animal production derived from better animal nutrition, rank the identified risks and control options were the terms of
health and
reference. The second opinion was on carbapenems i.e., broad- which in the case of “use-by dates” could indicate an increased
spectrum β-lactam antimicrobials used for the treatment of risk for food borne disease or “best before dates” of possible
serious infections in humans and the presence of resistance in decreased quality.
animals. Both opinions noted that foodborne pathogens and
commensals display diverse ranges of resistance to Food Donations—Liability Concerns
antimicrobial agents of human and veterinary importance. Spread Could liability concerns impair the willingness to donate or
of resistance amongst bacteria in foods will influence public redistribute foods? For example, Austrian supermarkets
health. For example, the bacteria resistant to fluoroquinolones as discard around 10% of the bread (Lebersorger and Schneider,
well as 3rd 2014). Of these discarded breads, only 7 % is donated to food
and 4th generation cephalosporin being found in a variety of banks i.e., < 1% of total bread production. One reason for this
foods and in animals in primary production. The major source
is the concerns of food business operators about their liability
of human exposure to fluoroquinolone resistance via food was
when donating perishable foods that might be associated with
poultry, whereas for cephalosporin resistance the sources were
foodborne disease. To ease such liability concerns, USA and Italy
poultry, pork and beef.
have implemented
Good Samaritan Laws. These laws protect donors from liability
Future Perspectives on Control of AMR in Food
when donating to non-profit organization as well as from civil
To be sustainable the intensification of food production
and criminal liability if a product, donated in good faith, later
systems (Rockström et al., 2017) must incorporate the control
causes harm to one of the needy beneficiaries (Braun, 2010).
of AMR. The EFSA opinion [EFSA BIOHAZ Panel (EFSA Panel on
To encourage food donations and use of food banks, one will
Biological Hazards), 2008] suggested monitoring and
need legislation on how to donate food without incurring
restrictions of antimicrobial use in food animals, and a focus on
pre- harvest control. This aligns well with the US Food
and Drug Administration’s (FDA) action plan on Food Donations—Resilience and Novel IT Solutions Food
antimicrobial drug steward ship (FDA/CVM, 2018). FDA donation programs and food banks will help to mitigate food
concluded that medically important antimicrobial drugs should insecurities (EFSA AHAW Panel, 2006). If these programs are
not be used for zootechnical purposes in food animals or as well-designed and run they will prevent starvation and thereby
over the counter (OTC) drugs. Moreover, the Food and enhance welfare for socioeconomic disadvantaged groups.
Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) action plan on FAO (2016) This will improve the sustainability, resilience, and stability of
suggested improving (a) global awareness of risk factors for a society. The typical donations to food banks are non-
AMR emergence and spread, (b) improve monitoring of perishable foods such as canned, frozen, and dry foodstuffs.
antimicrobial use and AMR, Food banks could also be in the form of rescue programs
(c) strengthen the governance related to AMR in foodstuffs such as community shelters, soup kitchens, and food pantries
and agriculture, and (d) promote good practices and prudent where perishable and non-perishable foods are distributed. Food
use. WHO (2015) noted that a One Health approach and banks are important for easing acute food deprivation and
political will are prerequisites for tackling the challenge of risk of hunger (Bazerghi et al., 2016). On the other hand,
AMR. In the future, one should reserve the remaining efficient food banks may have limited ability to improve the nutritional
antimicrobials for treating human infections. These insights status of the recipients due to the limited supply of nutrient-
have major implications for veterinary medicine and animal dense and perishable foods such as dairy, vegetables, and
science including: fruits. Nevertheless, the contributions to food security will be
• Antimicrobial drugs should not substitute for substandard considerable if the food banks address their clients’ nutritional
rearing facilities and animal welfare, needs and provisions of perishable foods are available.
• Great need for improved preventive medicine, Moreover, food banks have usually limited economic
• Better vaccines to protect against infections, resources for transportation and storage of foods. The biggest
• Food production systems with better biosecurity and animal challenge for food banks are predicting their food supplies, which
health and welfare, impair their ability to transport, store, and distribute donated
• Animal breeding program aimed at robustness and foods cost efficiently (Brock and Davis, 2015). Moreover, to
resilience; and ensure a wholesome diet for their clients the food banks often
• The development of separate veterinary and need to purchase complementary foods. Novel IT and artificial
human antimicrobial substances based on different intelligence solutions such as multilayer perceptron neural
biological mechanisms. networks (MLP-NN) appear best suited to predict the dynamics
of food supplies. This is another example how novel solutions like
artificial intelligence could help limiting the food waste.
Food Donations and Food Safety
One can redistributed food through food banks and food Compared with conventional food chains, food donation chains
donation programs. These are both examples of urban mining are often less structured and with incomplete cold chains (De
(Schneider, 2013). These measures may be important to make the Boeck et al., 2017). Another concern is the frequent lack of
food available to disadvantaged socioeconomic groups. Typically, food hygiene training of those working with food donations.
the donated foods are closer to the end of their shelf lives, The donated perishable foods are mostly ready to eat or
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 9 February 2020 | Volume 4 | Article 16
Vågsholm et Food Security, Safety, Sustainability Trade-Offs
ready to be reheated meals. When analyzing 72 samples from linked to quality and spoilage problems in the dairy industry
perishable foodstuffs taken from social groceries in Belgium, contributing to food losses since it survives pasteurization
increased numbers of listeria monocytogenes (log 3.5 CFU/g) (Andersson et al., 1995). While reprocessing food is beneficial
and enterobacter (6.7 CFU/g) were found in ready-to-eat from food security and sustainability perspectives, one must
cooked meat (Wooldridge et al., 2006). It highlights the need avoid negative trade-offs with food safety. Hence, training of
for sufficient cooling capacity if food banks intend to accept the food business operators involved in food reprocessing is a
perishable foods. Another concern is that people eating strong recommendation.
donated foods are often more susceptible to catch food borne
diseases due to other co-morbidities or health conditions,
indicating the need for careful trade-offs between food safety
and mitigating food insecurity. In conclusion, for food donation
programs to work food safety is a prerequisite. Reprocess Wasted and Lost Food to Feed
Can we manage the trade-offs when developing circular food
Reprocessing Foodstuffs for Human production systems based on reprocessing foodstuffs to animal
Consumption feed? One conclusion is that the management of these trade-offs
Reprocessing often means that foodstuffs reaching their “best should be evidence based and balance carefully the costs, risks
before dates” or “use by dates” are reheated or frozen. For and benefits to food safety, security, and sustainability. The worry
example, salmon filets and beef pieces are minced into salmon is that the recycling of nutrients could result in the recycling
or beef patties, and thereafter fried for another shelf life. Another of biological and chemical hazards. For example, EFSA AHAW
option is freezing foods just before their best before or use by Panel (2006) concluded on the use of dairy byproducts such as
dates. A third option is to use food leftovers as raw materials raw milk, white water, or unpasteurized dairy products as feed
for next meals or reheat the leftovers. A study of Swedish for animals could present risks for transmission of biological
supermarkets (Lagerberg Fogelberg et al., 2011) found that for hazards. The EFSA opinion identified 24 hazards as animal
the supermarket having its own chef making warm lunches or pathogens including four zoonoses. Animal pathogens such as
dinner portions was a paying proposition. The amounts of food Foot and Mouth Disease virus (FMDV) present a threat to
waste were reduced as foodstuffs nearing the “best before date” animal health and thereby to food security, while zoonoses like
or with any visible signs linked to lesser consumer acceptance, Q-fever, brucellosis and salmonellosis, in addition present a
were processed into warm lunches, pates or pies, and ready threat to food safety and public health. Hence, in reprocessing
to eat sandwiches. In addition, customers got better service, foods there should be treatment steps that eliminates the
and the supermarkets got another business opportunity. That relevant pathogens. For example, feeding wasted or lost
foods intended for the bin, were processed into meals to be foodstuffs as e.g., scraps to pigs is an old way of taking care
sold appeared to improve the profits. The supermarkets reported of the nutrients to maintain and improve the food supply and
moreover, that employing a chef enhanced the hygiene standards sustainability (Salemdeeb et al., 2017). Historically, pigs were
amongst the other employees. living storages of food for people when food spoilage were the
Reheating already prepared dishes improve food supply big problem. On the other hand, feeding pigs scraps could
but includes a food safety risk. The classic example is spread diseases such as Classical Swine Fever, African Swine
the growth of toxin producing bacteria linked to the slow Fever, Swine Vesicular Disease, and, Foot and Mouth Disease
cooling of and thereafter reheating of pea soup (Nyberg and (Wooldridge et al., 2006).
Lindqvist, 2017). For example in Sweden around 20% of the For lost or wasted plant foodstuffs, recycling, and reprocessing
reported cases of food borne diseases were associated with food as animal feed should be easier as fewer of the concerns
toxin producing bacteria—Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium about transmitting animal disease or zoonotic pathogens apply.
perfringens, and Bacillus cereus (Lindqvist, 2019), while the The BSE epidemic caused the tightened controls of feed
European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) reported that a similar producers reprocessing plant food in the European Union and
proportion of the food borne outbreaks in EU during 2018 feeding scraps to food animals was prohibited. All feed producers
were linked to bacterial toxins−18.5% (EFSA (European Food processing food waste of plant origin to animal feed must
Safety Authority), 2019). Staphyloccus aureus food poisoning is be officially supervised. Thus, feeding the neighbor’s pig some
associated with cross contamination and thereafter temperature pieces of bread is a regulated activity. One side effect of these
abuse of foodstuffs kept between 5◦ and 60◦C (Hennekinne prohibitions has been the limits on circular and thereby more
et al., 2012). The latter two species are spore forming and sustainable animal production systems. Consequently, of
the spores survive cooking or similar heat treatments. For nearly 100 million tons of food waste only 3 million tons are
example, C. perfringens foodborne intoxications are linked to recycled as animal feed (Salemdeeb et al., 2017). There are
slowly cooling and reheating dishes with meat such as pea several benefits from substituting feedstuffs based on cereals or
soup (Andersson et al., 1995; Nyberg and Lindqvist, 2017). In soybeans with plant based food scraps in terms of resource
a similar way, insufficiently heated (typically not hot enough footprints, sustainability, and amounts of heavy metals
water baths) rice dishes are linked to B. cereus food poisoning entering the food chains. Moreover, the costs to farmers of
(Andersson et al., 1995). In the dairy industry B. cereus is feeding their animals recycled foods are more predictable than
of feedstuffs where prices determined by a volatile market. In
conclusion, getting
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems | 1 February 2020 | Volume 4 | Article 16
Vågsholm et Food Security, Safety, Sustainability Trade-Offs
this trade-off right could unlock substantial benefits and profits acids to the water after the bio-filter, the pH is lowered to 5–6
to consumers and farmers, respectively. to optimize the uptake
of offal from slaughter to protein and energy concentrates persons, or around 30.000 carriers in total in UK, in contrast to
intended for feeding to animals was good husbandry practice the 177 vCJD cases reported to date (Gill et al., 2013).
until 1988 (ARC (Agricultural Research Council), 1980). These
practices included feeding calves and dairy cows with ruminant Take Home Lessons BSE Epidemic
meat and bone meal (MBM) in milk replacers and in In retrospect, while BSE epidemic was a huge outbreak in cattle
concentrate feedstuffs. When the rendering temperature, time and tragedy for society, the actual public health impact was
and pressure were reduced and the ether extraction of fats were smaller than for many other food borne diseases. Another
discontinued, the circulation of the prions became possible. The lesson was that dealing with the fear of a huge disease
reasons for these changes in rendering process were: increased outbreak and resultant loss of trust, might be just as difficult as
demands for high nutrient feedstuffs due to increasing yields in dealing with an actual outbreak. A particular challenge was that
dairy production, cost pressures—feeding the cheapest protein when BSE emerged as a cattle disease, the causes for this
feed ingredients, the aims of reducing animal waste and by- emergence emerged around 5 years earlier. Furthermore, the
products and reducing the environmental footprints, and food control measures implemented would give results after lag
security and self-sufficiency (Ducrot et al., 2008). period of 5 years. Explaining this lag between control actions
According to the UK BSE Inquiry (The inquiry into BSE and seeing results to decision makers and the public was
Variant CJD of the United Kingdom, 2002) the first cases were difficult. Moreover, the ability BSE to spread amongst cattle
noted in December 1984, while the official recognition of the and thereafter to other species indicating the zoonotic risks
new cattle disease as BSE was 2 years later. In 1988 the results was first grasped when thinking in One Health perspectives.
epidemiological and pathological studies (Wilesmith et al., Another insight was that the good functioning of the internal
1988) established that ruminant MBM was a risk factor for BSE. market for food in the EU is contingent on the consumers’ trust
Consequently, feeding cattle with ruminant MBM was prohibited in the management of food safety risks, and that the loss of
in the summer of 1988. In addition, BSE became notifiable, public confidence can be difficult to repair. Hence, the public
and a stamping out policy for cattle showing clinical symptoms confidence in the food safety is critical for sustainable and
were introduced. In 1989 Specified Bovine Offal (SBO) e.g., the resilient food production systems. When designing circular
brains and spinal cords, eyes but later extended to distal ileum food production systems one priority must be avoiding cycles
and spleen) were prohibited from human consumption, and of biological and chemical hazards. One surprise to remember
pet manufactures ceased voluntary to use of SBO. In was the higher persistence of prions (BSE pathogen) in the food
retrospect, it appeared that the number of BSE infected cows and feed chains compared with the pathogens thought to be
decreased for each annual cohort borne 1988 and thereafter present in 1980s.
indicating the efficiency of the control measures (Ducrot et al.,
2008). The BSE outbreak became a crisis in 1996 when BSE was RECOVER AS BIOFUEL AND NUTRIENTS
designated as a zoonosis (Bruce et al., 1997). The BSE
epidemic in UK peaked in 1992/93 4 years after control Here the strategy is to recover the energy and use as fertilizers the
measures were implemented as a consequence of the nutrients from food losses and wastes as well as byproducts from
incubation period of BSE being 4–6 years (Doherr, 2007). animals and vegetable food production. These recover
Due to this delayed peak, the rest of European Union (EU) strategies are less favorable in terms of food security and
member states considered from 1988 to 1993 that BSE was a sustainability than the previously discussed strategies. On
UK problem. The consequence was the EU member states the other hand, as complements they could be valuable. Even
delayed implementing control measures in their food chains. here there are trade-offs between food safety, sustainability and
During these years, UK exported ruminant MBM to the rest of food security.
Europe as protein ingredients for poultry and pig feed
production (Ducrot et al., 2008) as well as calves and heifers. Recover Biogas and Nutrients From Manure
These exports were the drivers for the next wave of BSE that One complementary approach is the recycling of manure from
emerged in several EU countries (Doherr, 2007). BSE cases animal production (Leibler et al., 2017) for industrial uses to
were diagnosed in Ireland 1989, in Switzerland 1990 and in recover the energy and recover the nutrients as fertilizers.
France 1991. However, it was first in 1994 that EU imposed a Here it is a possible win-win situation for sustainability and
mammalian MBM ban to cattle all over EU. EU extended this ban food security, but with risks for food safety. The amounts of
in 2001 to a complete ban of MBM fed to food animals in EU. The manure from animal production such as poultry and pig farms
BSE geographical risk assessments predicted that countries that are often concentrated on small areas. Hence, there might
having imported cattle and MBM from UK was at higher risk in be risks of releases of pathogens such as the avian flu virus. The
particular if their rendering and feeding practices enabled the avian flu virus might survive up to 600 days in manure (Graiver
BSE to circulate (European Commission, 2003; Salman et al., et al., 2009) creating a potential hot spot for transmission or
2012). The public health concerns were elevated as modeling later re- emergence of the disease if the manure is left
studies predicted up to 1 million persons in UK were incubating untreated. The food waste residues after biogas production
vCJD (Cousens et al., 1997; Ghani et al., 1998). These modeling could be valuable as fertilizers and lowering the resource
results were revisited later (Smith et al., 2010) by studying the footprint of food production. Composting, anaerobic digestion,
prevalence of abnormal prion protein in appendixes, indicating and ammonia treatment are three methods for recovering
a prevalence of 1 carrier out of 2,000 nutrients and energy from bio- wastes and manure (Albihn and
Vinnerås, 2007), with different
advantages and disadvantages. For example, anaerobic digestion settings and a safety valve for more advanced sustainable
might produce biogas and degrade organic pollutants, while on food systems.
the downside there is the need for expensive high tech Landfills are unpopular, as most people do not want them
equipment. The selection of treatment methods should be on nearby. Landfills appear to be the least sustainable system for
case-by- case basis, but the key parameters for controlling taking care of food waste () having the largest environmental and
pathogens in producing fertilizers were the time temperature resource footprints. Moreover, the biosecurity and food safety
profiles and ammonia content. risks are important as landfills where food waste is dumped, tend
be populated by vermin. For example in Finland, an outbreak of
Recover Energy Through Biofuel trichinellosis could be linked invasion of rats from an
Production improperly closed dump nearby (Oivanen et al., 2000).
Biofuels include biogas, bioethanol, biodiesel and biobuthanol
(Tabatabaei et al., 2015). The choice of substrates for biofuel
production should be as wide as possible such as agricultural INSIGHTS AND CONCLUSIONS
and food industry losses and waste, household waste, and
solids from municipal wastewater. For example, EFSA reviewed Feeding 10 billion people in 2050 sustainably will require
the biosecurity of making biodiesel from animal by-products changes of our food chains. Changing of our food demand
such as fish oil, animal fats derived from offal [EFSA BIOHAZ to more plant based diets could help as half of the world’s
Panel (EFSA Panel on Biological Hazards), 2015]. Even fats from cereal production ends up as animal feed while only around
sewage cleaning facilities, cooking and frying oils were possible one third is for human nutrition (Willett et al., 2019). The
substrates. The current biosecurity requirement for the biodiesel future diets might align with recommendations of the EAT-
process is to reduce the infectivity of the BSE agent by at least one Lancet report (AT Kearney, 2019), but with local adaptions.
million times (log 6) in order to use all risk categories of offal as For example, the beef, mutton, and milk produced from
substrate. The sustainability gains originates from smaller climate pastoral farming systems will remain. The ecosystem benefits
footprints as biodiesel could substitute for kerosene to of open landscapes should give further incentives for pastoral
airplanes and for diesel to trucks and agricultural machines. farming practices. Moreover, seafood produced through
Another caveat for sustainability is that the substrates for farming and in circular systems could supply high quality
biofuel production should not be possible to use as human proteins wherever this production is feasible (Oivanen et al.,
food or animal feeds. In this regard, the emerging linkages 2000). Another major source of food supply could emerge if
between the oil and food prices (Al-Maadid et al., 2017) are a the 30% of food produced that is now lost or wasted, could
concern. Consequently, the prices of global staple foods such become available for human consumption. Source reduction
as cereals and sugar would go up if oil price increased. This and reprocessing of foods appears to be the best options
could be a major concern to social sustainability and food to eliminate food waste or loss. One example of sustainable
security as food prices become more volatile when edible intensification and source reduction could be intensifying the
foodstuffs are diverted into biofuel production to substitute for harvest of vegetable crops to double the output with the same
oil. footprint. This will require consumers and food businesses to
adapt their quality requirements and specifications (Johnson
et al., 2018). If the global food systems could change in this
INCINERATION AND LANDFILLS direction, the global food security will improve and be more
resilient. Using modern IT technology offers the best promise
Incineration and landfills are the least desirable strategies for of more efficient source reduction, reprocessing, and recycling
dealing with food waste and losses. However, incineration has of food.
some advantages from a sustainability perspective. In developing It is however, vital to get the trade-offs right between food
countries with energy poverty and where food waste is safety, food security and economic, social and environmental
dumped in unsanitary landfills, incineration to produce sustainability. These trade-offs should be evidence and risk
electricity and heat is an alternative that could improve based. Good intentions will not compensate for failures as
sustainability (Unaegbu and Baker, 2019). The food lost or shown by the failed use of antimicrobials to achieve food
wasted is already available as fuel and can replace oil used to security through intensifying food production. A veterinary
produce energy needed locally. The benefits are from medicine and food value chain not requiring antimicrobials
converting food waste into an energy and electricity resource is therefore a necessary aim for research and innovation. The
available locally. This would improve the resilience and make transition of animal production from intensive cereal based
cold chains a viable proposition in development settings. farming to more extensive pastoral farming will probably
Another example from Sweden is that if farmers or feed imply changes to veterinary medicine. For example, nutritional
mills have spoiled cereals due to mold, one could incinerate supplements and control of parasites may become bigger
the grains to recover the energy (SOU, 2007). Benefits include concerns than diseases related to rapid growth. In conclusion,
avoiding for sure those moldy grains enter the food or feed the trade-offs and subsequent decisions regarding food safety,
chains and green energy the foods already lost due to molds. food security, and sustainability are not trivial and should be
Hence, incineration could cut oil consumption and carbon evidence based.
footprints. Hence, one could think of incineration as starting
point in development
AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS to the slaughter and recycling of offal and the BSE epidemic,
assessing evidence, and the writing of the paper. SB
IV designed, searched and collated references, assessed evidence
contributed on the design of the paper, the issues of circular
in particular on source reduction, and wrote the paper. NA food production systems, antimicrobial resistance and
contributed on the issue of circular food system in reference sustainable intensification, and the writing of the paper.
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