1. To study the diversity of insects in and around the Central University of Jammu Campus.
2. To analyze the species richness of insects in and around the Central University of Jammu
Arthropoda is one of the most successful species on the planet. Insects effectively rule nearly
every imaginable ecosystem and thrive at the absolute edge of animal life. The insects emerged
roughly 400 million years ago during the Devonian epoch of the Palaeozoic era and lived through
the Permian and Cretaceous extinctions. Hexapod invertebrates are insects. They belong to the
class Insecta, phylum Arthropoda, and kingdom Animalia (Linnaeus, 1758). Their body is
covered with exoskeleton made up of chitin and have 3 pair of jointed legs.
The beekeeping, silk trade and pollination of most of our fruits and vegetables are just a few of
the important economic functions that insects perform, supporting and supplying numerous
people with their means of subsistence. In many areas, insects are an essential part of the human
diet. Certain insects are extremely valuable in Chinese medicine. Biological pest control is
another key application of insects. Several insecticides are known to be less successful than insect
predators in suppressing economically destructive insects. (Dempster 1968). Several insect
species can be utilised as bioindicators due to their visibility and vulnerability to environmental
influences. (Kati et al. 2004; Choi 2006). For eg: Ground beetles are often utilised as
bioindicators to see the changes in the surrounding environment as they are sensitive to habitat
change and the low cost of carabid investigations. (Rainio and Niemelä 2003).
The most numerous, successful, and dominant taxon group on the planet is the insect family. 950
000 insect species have been identified to date, with millions more waiting to be discovered.
(Groombridge 1992). Insects alone account for around 55% of all species known to date. (Kumar
and Saksena, 2021; Barrowclough, 1992). India now occupies a major space, accounting for
about 7% of world faunal variety. There are around 7, 51,000 recognised insect species,
accounting for almost one-fourth of all known plant and animal species on the globe. Except in
the most arid and coldest parts of the world, insects dominate the compositional diversity of all
other ecosystems. Due to their enormous quantity and variety, insects frequently dominate all the
organisms of the ecosystem they live in . (Pimentel et al. 1992).
Insects are important natural resources in ecosystems, particularly in forest habitats. Insects
pollinate around 72% of the world's crops, which contributes to plant variety. (Dicke 2017). The
deficiency of these fertilization administrations would adversely affect food creation and, beyond
a shadow of a doubt, the protection of biodiversity. (Klein et al. 2007). Insect abundance and
occurrence may be directly related to changes in the environment. (Wahizatul et al. 2011).
Drosophila and related Lepidoptera are frequently utilised as biological instruments in the fields
of genetics, evolutionary biology, and medicine because of the value of insects in these fields.
Insects are critical components of both grazing and detritus food chains. Insect biodiversity adds
to the stability of forest ecosystems. Due to their diversity, they have a significant impact on
agriculture, human health, and natural resources in addition to playing a vital part in ecology.
(Berenhaum, 1995; Adetundan et al., 2005; Premalatha et al., 2011). They have been a part of
important research in physiology, genetics, evolution, developmental biology, climate change,
and biomechanics.
Insects are "excellent markers for biodiversity" because their existence is directly linked to the
sustainability of the ecosystem in which they reside. (Perry et al. 2016, 82) Certain insect species
are essential indicators in ecosystem management, in addition to their roles as effective
pollinators and natural/biological pest control agents. Insect predators and parasitoids help keep
pest populations under check and lessen reliance on insecticides. As insects consume and break
down both live and dead material, they restore nutrients to the soil. As a result, insects are
important and efficient participants in nutrient cycling.
More than 58% of the known world biodiversity is represented by them. They live in all habitat
types and are vital to the stability and operation of both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems.
(Godfray, 2002). Several processes in the environment are controlled by insects, and their
extinction can have a severe impact on entire groups. Insects are the group with the greatest
diversity of species on Earth, and they are also important in the functioning of ecosystems and the
global economy. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the conservation of insect variety on a
worldwide scale.
The insect's size and form ranges are incredibly diverse. Their capacity to fly aids in both defence
against foes and dispersal in unfamiliar environments. They also have a protective exoskeleton
which protects them from various harm. They have an excellent neurological system that allows
them to see, hear, taste, and feel. The following insects are classified according to their
behaviours and habitats:
• Beetles (Coleopterans) have hardened their front wings to protect their back wings.
• Ants, bees, and wasps (Hymenoptera) - usually in vast colonies, but sometimes in smaller ones.
• True bugs (Hemipteran) - have a beak and a mouth that looks like a drinking straw.
There are 39 insect orders, with the Beetles being the most diverse (Order: Coleoptera). With an
estimated 1.5 million beetle species, beetles account for almost 40% of all documented arthropod
The diversity of species is required to sustain nature's ecosystem functions. One of the most
important aspects of any insect study is the gathering of insects, followed by their preservation
for future research. Because proper identification on the spot is not always feasible, the
specimens must be kept in the best possible condition for future reference. (Schauff, 2001).
Insect variety conservation is critical because multiple species provide critical ecosystem services
and help the landscape's diverse ecologically vulnerable habitats function.
Insect collecting can be done for a variety of reasons. Beginner entomologists frequently start
collecting insects to become acquainted with the subject and diversity of insects. Universities and
research students may begin collecting insects as part of their studies, whilst ecologists and
taxonomists may keep a collection of the insects they are researching or simply for reference
reasons. Several people collect insects just to satisfy their aesthetic demands. (Murray and
Mantle, 2010).
Insect diversity has declined rapidly over the previous two decades due to habitat degradation,
insect species invasion, and chemical control. This draws attention to the protection of species in
their native environment in order to fulfil long-term development goals in a global context. The
study of biodiversity creates a baseline record for understanding the ecology and composition of
species, which may be useful for future research. The main goal of the research is collecting and
identifying insect species in order to learn about their variety, richness, and abundance in the area
of Central University of Jammu and Rahya area of Jammu and Kashmir.
1. Collection of Insects:
For students and amateur bug collectors, little samples are typically adequate. Nonetheless, if at
all feasible, they should be gathered in series for the purpose of detecting significant pest insects
and mites. As it is not always possible to collect and obtain the same specimen twice, extra
specimens should be stored or traded with other collectors if more than the required number of
specimens are acquired.
Although it is occasionally easy and effective to pick up insects by hand due to their size,
mobility, and risk of being bitten, most insects require the usage of various sorts of tools and
techniques for gathering insects. Tools needed for insect collections include forceps, vials
holding alcohols, killing bottles, tiny boxes for storing specimens after removal from killing
bottles, aspirators, cotton, a notebook, and a hand-held magnifying lens. Depending on the needs
of the collection, the list may be modified.
Making insect net is simple and can be easily made at home. It must have a handle, hoop and a
fabric bag suspended from the ring are the other components. The handle should be light weight
and must be strong. Steel wire, which is used to make the ring, is strong enough to withstand
extensive wear and tear even when bent by hard handling.
In order to effectively gather insects and similar groups, the specimens must be killed so they
may be adequately mounted and analysed. The killing jar is the technique for killing specimens
that is most frequently used. Killing chemicals are used in the preparation of killing bottles to
instantly kill insects without altering their colors or excessively hardening them.
Plaster of paris is most commonly used as absorbent for ethyl acetate (or other killing agent) in an
empty plastic bottle which is closed with a lid. Other absorbents such as cotton can also be used.
After the insect is trapped it is transferred to the killing jar in which cotton containing ethyl
acetate is present. Take out the insects you've gathered in the bottle for preservation each day. For
each day of collecting, the bottle may be charged with a lethal agent. The killing jar shouldn't be
overloaded with specimens; doing so might cause damage to all of the insects, including the large
and little, tough and frail, and both.
Different type of killing agents are used and they can be either solid or liquid.
Plaster of Paris combined with water is poured into the bottom of jars (upto 2.5cm) to be used
with liquid killing agents. The plaster of Paris is then allowed to dry. Next, apply just enough
killing agent to completely cover the plaster; any extra should be drained off.
Some of the liquid killing agents include ethyl acetate, chloroform, ether, ammonia water.
The most widely used is ethyl acetate as its fumes are less toxic for humans as compared to other
agents. Ethyl acetate also delays the hardening of insects and kills the insect slowly. As it stuns
the insect quickly, the specimens that are appeared to be dead may not be truly dead and can
revive after the removal of ethyl acetate.
Potassium, sodium, or calcium cyanides are the most common solid death agents utilised in the
killing jars. Cyanides need to be handled with extreme caution since they are poisons that work
quickly that are lethal and have no antidotes.
When a white muslin cloth is placed next to an artificial light source, such as a kerosene lamp,
gas light, or LED lamp, a variety of insects are drawn to the area, including crickets,
grasshoppers, moths, mantids, beetles, and others.
The majority of the insects drawn to light would settle on the white fabric, where they could be
readily picked up by hand.
1.5. Pitfall Traps
The primary component of pitfall traps is the scent of the particular food or pheromones (sex
attractants). Examples of attractants include overripe fruit, chunks of meat or fish, and anything
else that draws insects. These attractants can be placed purposefully in places where insects
gather. Surface-dwelling insects such as Coleoptera, Blattodea, and Hemiptera respond
favourably to pitfall traps. (Bellamy et al. 2018).
Plastic containers, which might be coloured, transparent, or simply white, are frequently used as
pitfall traps. The container's height varies from 5.2 cm to 65 cm, and its diameter spans from 0.25
cm to 50 cm, depending on the requirements. (Hohbein and Conway, 2018; Singh, 1981)
2. Preservation of Insects:
All insects and mites can be maintained alive and killed in liquid agents, however it's important
to consider if a liquid killing agent is better than a dry gaseous death agent. The most effective
general killing and preservation agent is ethanol mixed with water. Ethanol can be replaced with
isopropyl alcohol. The specimens do not tend to get as hardened by isopropyl alcohol as they do
by ethanol. (Schauf, 2001).
Any grade of formalin should not be used because it excessively hardens the tissues and makes
handling the specimen challenging. Insect larvae must be trapped in alcohol and then fixed in
order to fix their protein and prevent the specimen from becoming black.
Different alternatives can be used by the collectors for maintaining the specimen in good
condition until they can be conserved and mounted properly for the temporary storage of
specimens. Medium to large specimens, as well as microscopic specimens, can be kept in the
refrigerator for many days in tightly closed bottles and still be suitable for pinning. To keep the
samples from freeze-drying, the container must have some humidity during the freezing process.
When maintained in alcohol for a long time, little insects can decompose; freezing them prevents
The most popular preservation fluids are mixtures of ethanol and isopropanol with water. 75% is
the most common alcohol content utilised.
Because alcohol and water don't mix well, distilled water should be used when combining the
two, and the solutions should be properly mixed (Schauf, 2001).
When most insects are pinned, it doesn't matter where their legs or wings are as long as all of the
body parts can be observed and analysed. Moths, butterflies, and maybe other insects should
have their wings stretched before being put in the collection container.
The dorsal side of an insect's wings are spread on a spreading board. The wings of a spreaded
insect have a set of predictable positions. In mayflies, moths, and butterflies, the hindwings
should extend far enough forward to prevent a gap at the back, and the rear margins of the
forewings should be straight across and at right angles to the body.
Strips of paper or other material attached to the board hold the wings in place. Pins are placed to
align the antennae and other structures of the insect. (Singh, 1981).
After making a collection, it must be stored in a way that allows for both identification and study
of the specimens, as well as long-term preservation with suitable care. The majority of the
specimens are pinned and, if dried, will last eternally. Field-pinned specimens can be instantly
placed into a resting box for subsequent spreading.
Direct pinning is the act of inserting a standard insect pin straight into the body of an insect. The
most helpful pins are those with a diameter of 0.46 mm. Bigger pins can be used on bigger
insects if desired and practicable. (Peterson et al., 1961; Landry and Landry, 1994). When the
insects are completely dry, a drop of glue may be required to keep them glued to the pin;
otherwise, the specimen may become free and circle around the pin. In the case of freshly
deceased insects, adhesive may not be necessary.
Dried insects must be relaxed before being pinned, which means they must be soaked again to
loosen their muscles and prevent the specimen from breaking when the pin is placed. Small
insects must be maintained in relaxing chambers for at least eight hours, whereas bigger insects
can be kept in relaxing chambers for at least twenty-four hours. (Lane 1965, Schauf, 2001). Insect
wings, such as those of lepidopterans, must be spread before pinning. For the following groups:
Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera, Odonata, and Neopterida, dry mounting is
advised or even required.
To guarantee that liquid-preserved specimens dry with minimum distortion and matte, the bulk of
liquid-preserved specimens should be removed from the liquid in which they were kept.
Samples that have been in the preservative solution for an extended amount of time should be
washed with a clean solution before drying.
Beetles and insects, for example, have a solid exoskeleton and may be pinned immediately after
being removed from the liquid preservative.
4. Results:
A total of 36 insect species belonging to 7 orders which are Lepidoptera, Diptera, Dictyoptera,
Hymenoptera, Hemiptera and Coleoptera were found from the campus of Central University of
Jammu and Rahya Area of Jammu & Kashmir. Lepidoptera contributed 37% of the total number
of species found and was the most abundant among the other orders followed by hymenoptera
and the least were the orthoptera. The species were collected from wild area as well as cultivated
area. 14 species were collected form both wild as well as cultivated area, 7 species were collected
from wild area and 15 species were collected from cultivated area.
The species found are also represented in the form of table and charts below:
No. of
S. No. Order species
1. Lepidoptera 13
2. Diptera 4
3. Dictyoptera 2
4. a 7
5. Hemiptera 4
6. Coleoptera 5
7. Orthoptera 1
11% Diptera
Dictyoptera 11%
No. of species
Lepidoptera Diptera Dictyoptera Hymenoptera Hemiptera Coleoptera Orthoptera
6. Marmalade fly Episyrphus Syrphidae Diptera
7. Darkling Beetle Opatrum Tenebrionidae Coleoptera
8. Broad Headed bug Alydus eurinus Alydidae Hemiptera
9. Cupreous Earias Nolidae Lepidoptera
Bollworm cupreoviridis
10. Dirt Colored seed Rhyparochromus Rhyparochromidae Hemiptera
bugs vulgaris
11. Scarab Beetle Adoretus Scarabaeidae Coleoptera
12. European Pepper Duponchelia Crambidae Lepidoptera
moth fovealis
13. Weaver Ant Oecophylla Formicidae Hymenoptera
14. Honeybee Apis indica Apidae Hymenoptera
15. Cockroach Blattaria Blattidae Blattodea
16. The passenger Dysgonia algira Noctuidae Lepidoptera
17. Geometer Moth Axiagasta Geometridae Lepidoptera
18. Castor Semilooper Achaea Janata Erebidae Lepidoptera
19. Tobacco Cutworm Spodoptera litura Noctuidae Lepidoptera
20. Genista Broom Uresiphita Crambidae Lepidoptera
moth reversalis
21. Asiatic Honeybee Apis cerana Apidae Hymenoptera
22. Click Beetle Elateridae Coleoptera
23. Leaf Beetle Altica oleracea Chrysomelidae Coleoptera
24. Fire Ant Solenopsis invicta Formicidae Hymenoptera
25. Brown Halyomorpha Pentatomidae Hemiptera
Marmorated stink halys
26. Fall Webworm Hyphantria cunea Erebidae Lepidoptera
27. Praying Mantis Mantis religiosa Mantidae Mantodea
28. Snout Moth Pyralis Pyralidae Lepidoptera
29. Turtle Vein Lady Propylea japonica Coccinellidae Coleoptera
30. Winter Moth Operophtera Geometridae Lepidoptera
31. Metric Paper Polistes metricus Vespidae Hymenoptera
32. Bush Cricket Tettigonia Tettigoniidae Orthoptera
33. Green Stink bug Chinavia hilaris Pentatomidae Hemiptera
34. Carpenter Ant Camponotus Formicidae Hymenoptera
35. Rush Veneer Nomophila Crambiae Lepidoptera
36. Agathia furcula Agathia laetata Geomtridae Lepidoptera
These insects play a very important role in the studied area. The study of diversity of insects in
the area tells about the various anthropogenic factors which affect their diversity. The study of
insect diversity after a gap of some years of the same area tells us about the various climate
factors which affect the insect diversity.
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