Turbo Prolog introduces you to the brave new world of this fascinating new man-machine. Turbo Prolog is a powerful language for Writing Programs for the IBMpc.
Turbo Prolog introduces you to the brave new world of this fascinating new man-machine. Turbo Prolog is a powerful language for Writing Programs for the IBMpc.
Turbo Prolog introduces you to the brave new world of this fascinating new man-machine. Turbo Prolog is a powerful language for Writing Programs for the IBMpc.
Turbo Prolog introduces you to the brave new world of this fascinating new man-machine. Turbo Prolog is a powerful language for Writing Programs for the IBMpc.
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Turbo Prolog is a Prolog programming language environment that can be used to build expert systems, knowledge bases, natural language interfaces and information management systems. It includes an incremental compiler, editor, support for windows and tools for creating expert systems and AI applications.
Turbo Prolog is a Prolog programming language. Prolog uses logical and deductive reasoning to solve programming problems. Turbo Prolog can be used to build applications such as expert systems, customized knowledge bases, natural language interfaces, and smart information management systems.
The Turbo Prolog development system includes a complete Prolog incremental compiler supporting a large superset of the Edinburgh standard Prolog, a full-screen interactive editor, support for both graphic and text windows, and all the tools needed to build expert systems and AI applications.
to your IBM- PC.
Turbo Prolog introduces you to the brave new
rtllldlia You eWilYlhit11l you need to know about this fascinating new ManlMachine . Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Copyright 1986 by Borland International, Inc. 4585 Scotts Valley Drive Scotts Valley. CA 95066 USA Table of Contents Introduction How to Use This Book The Distribution Disks Minimum System Requirements Acknowledgments . . . . . Chapter I About Prolog What Can Turbo Prolog be Used For? How Does Turbo Prolog Differ From Other Languages? Chapter 2 A Short Introduction to the Turbo Prolog System The Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . Entering Your First Turbo Prolog Program Editor Survival Kit . Basic Operation . Block Operations Search and Replace Tracing ..... Altering the Default Window Setup Temporary Changes to Windows Saving a Window Layout Chapter 3 Tutorial I: Five Simple Programs The Structure of A Turbo Prolog Program Variables ..... Objects and Relations Domains and Predicates Compound Goals Anonymous Variables Finding Solutions in Compound Goals-Backtracking Turbo Prolog the Matchmaker: Using Not Comments .......... . A More Substantial Program Example Summary .......... . I I 2 2 2 3 .4 .4 .7 . 7 . 8 II II II 12 14 15 15 15 17 17 19 20 20 22 22 23 24 27 27 28 Chapter 4 Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists 33 Free and Bound Variables . . . . . . . . . 33 Turbo Prolog's Standard Domain Types 34 Compound Objects Can Simplify Your Clauses! 38 Domain Declaration of Compound Objects 38 Going Down a Level 40 Recursion ............. 42 Recursive Objects . . . . . . . . . 44 The Fascinating Worlds of Lists and Recursion 45 Using Lists . . . . . . . 46 List Membership ...... 47 Writing Elements of a List . . . 48 Appending One List to Another: Declarative and Procedural Programming 48 One Predicate Can Have Several Applications 49 Chapter 5 Tutorial III: Turbo Prolog's Relentless Search for Solutions 51 Matching Things Up: The Unification of Terms 51 Controlling the Search for Solutions . . . . 54 Use of Fail . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Preventing Backtracking: The Cut Element 58 Using the Cut to Prevent Backtracking to a Previous Subgoal in a Rule ..... 58 Using the Cut to Prevent Backtracking to the Next Clause 59 Determinism and the Cut . . . . . . . . . . 60 Chapter 6 Tutorial IV: Arithmetic, Simple Input and Output, and Debugging 63 Prolog can do Arithmetic Too! . . . . . . . . . 63 The Order of Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions 64 Comparisons . . . . . . . . 64 Special Conditions for Equality 66 Arithmetic Functions and Predicates 68 Simple Input and Output 69 Writing ..... 69 Reading .... . . 72 Debugging and Tracing 74 Some Predicates are Special 75 An Exercise in Tracing 75 Chapter 7 Tutorial V: Seeing Through Turbo Prolog's Windows 77 Setting the Screen Display Attributes 77 Windows in Your Programs . . . 78 Read and Write With Windows 80 Screen-Based Input and Output 82 A Simple Arcade Game . . . . . 83 A Word Guessing Game Using Windows 86 A Window To DOS 87 Date and Ti me ......... 88 ii Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Chapter 8 Tutorial VI: Graphics and Sound Turbo Prolog's Graphics Turtle Graphics Commands Let's Hear Turbo Prolog Chapter 9 Tutorial VII: Files and Strings The Turbo Prolog File System String Processing ........ . Type Conversion Standard Predicates Findall and Random ....... . Chapter 10 Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings Building A Small Expert System . . . . Prototyping: A Simple Routing Problem Adventures in a Dangerous Cave Hardware Simulation . . . . . Towers of Hanoi ..... . Division of Words Into Syllables The N Queens Problem Using The Keyboard . . . . . Chapter I I Programmer's Guide An Overview of the Turbo Prolog System Basic Language Elements Names ..... Reserved Names Restricted Names Program Sections Domain Declarations Shortening Domains Declarations Predicate Declarations Clauses ..... Simple Constants Variables Compound Terms or Structures Turbo Prolog Memory Management Compiler Directives check_cmpio check_determ code diagnostics include nobreak nowarnings project trace and shorttrace trail . . . . . . . Table of Contents 91 91 93 96 99 99 104 106 107 109 09 12 14 16 17 18 21 24 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 30 31 32 32 32 33 33 34 35 35 36 36 36 37 38 38 38 38 39 iii Dynamic Databases in Turbo Prolog Declaration of the Database Handling Facts ...... . Extending the Database onto Files Control of Input and Output Parameters: Flow Patterns Programmi ng Style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stack Considerations and Eliminating Tail Recursion Use of the Fail Predicate .......... . Determinism, Non-determinism and How to Set the Cut Domains Containing References .... Generating Executable Stand-Alone Programs Modular Programming ...... . Projects . . . . . . . . . . . . Global Domains and Global Predicates Compiling and Linking the Modules An Example ......... . Interfacing Procedures Written in Other Languages Declaring External Predicates Calling Conventions and Parameters ... . Naming Conventions . . . . .. ... . An Assembler Routine Called from Turbo Prolog Calling C. Pascal and FORTRAN Procedures from Turbo Prolog Low-Level Support .............. . Accessing the Editor From Within a Turbo Prolog Program edit .. display ......... . editmsg ......... . Directory and Formatting Facilities dir ....... . writef . . . . . . . . . Chapter 12 Reference Guide Files on the Distribution Disk Files Needed When Using Turbo Prolog Installation . . . . . The Main Menu iv The Run Command The Compile Command The Options Menu The Edit Command The Files Menu Load Save Directory File Name Zap File in Editor Print ..... Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 140 140 141 142 144 145 145 148 149 149 151 152 152 153 154 154 155 156 56 56 57 59 59 61 61 61 61 62 62 62 63 63 64 64 164 164 165 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 168 168 Erase ..... Rename Operating System Setup Menu Defining Directories Librarian . . . . Window Definition Color Setting . . Miscellaneous . . Load Configuration Save Configuration Quit Command . . The Turbo Prolog Editor Cursor Movement Commands Insert and Delete Commands Block Commands ..... Miscellaneous Commands . . The Calculation of Screen Attributes Monochrome Display Adapter Color/Graphics Adapter Arithmetic Functions and Predicates Classified Index of Standard Predicates Alphabetical Directory of Standard Predicates asserta assertz attribute back beep bios bound char _int clearwindow closefile consult cursor . cursorform date deletefile dir disk . display dot . edit . editmsg eof .. existfile exit .. Table of Contents 68 68 68 68 68 69 69 70 71 71 72 72 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 78 79 79 81 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 85 85 85 85 v fail field_attr field_str filepos file_str findall flush forward free . . frontchar frontstr fronttoken graphics is name left line .. makewindow membyte memword nl not ... openappend openmodify openread openwrite pencolor pendown penup . portbyte ptr_dword readchar . read device readint readln . readreal readterm removewindow renamefile retract right save scr _attr scr _char shiftwindow sound . storage str _char vi Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 85 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 87 87 87 87 88 88 88 88 88 89 89 89 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 93 93 str _int str _len str _real system text . time trace upper_lower window_attr window_str write writedevice writef . . BNF Syntax for Turbo Prolog Names Program Section Directives Domains Section Predicate and Database Section Clause Section Goal Section Terms .. Comparisons Compiler Directives System Limits . . . Appendix A ASCII Character Codes Appendix B Error Messages Appendix C PLINK Use of the File PLlNK.BAT Contents of the File PLlNK.BAT Appendix D PROLOG.SYS Appendix E Using Turbo Prolog with Turbo Pascal Appendix F Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . List of Figures 2-1 The Logon Display .......... . 2-2 The Main Menu and the Four System Windows 2-3 Using the Editor 2-4 Executing a Program 3-1 Backtracking... 4-1 Evaluation of Factorial( 4,Answer) 10-1 Prototype Map . . . . . 10-2 Fundamental XOR Circuit 10-3 The Towers of Hanoi 10-4 The N Queens Chessboard I I-I Memory Partitioning in Turbo Prolog Table of Contents 193 193 193 194 194 194 194 194 194 195 195 195 195 196 196 197 197 197 198 198 199 199 199 196 200 .201 205 209 210 211 213 215 7 8 9 10 25 44 113 116 117 121 134 vii I 1-2 Sample Diagnostic Display .... I 1-3 Example Use of the Include Directive I I -4 Use of trace I 1-5 Activation Record I 1-6 Activation Record 12-1 Options Menu 12-2 Files Menu . . . 12-3 Setup Menu 12-4 Window Definition Menu 12-5 Color Settings Menu 12-6 Miscellaneous Menu List of Tables 2-1 4-1 4-2 4-3 4-4 6-1 6-2 6-3 6-4 6-5 7-1 7-2 8-1 8-2 8-3 8-4 9-1 I I-I 11-2 12-1 12-2 12-3 12-4 12-5 12-6 viii Summary of Editor Keystrokes Standard Domain Types Simple Objects . . . List Processing . . . List Matching . . . . Arithmetic Operations Operator Priority . . Relational Operators Arithmetic Predicates and Functions Standard Reading Predicates Monochrome Display Adapter Attribute Values Color/Graphics Adapter Attribute Values Graphics Resolution Choices Palette Choices in Medium Resolution Background Colors The Computer as Piano Mode and Fileposition . Keyword Contents T race Window Messages Editing Command Overview Monochrome Display Adapter Attribute Values Color/Graphics Adapter Attribute Values Arithmetic Predicates and Functions Graphics Screen Formats Compiler Directives . . . . . . . Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 137 137 139 157 159 166 167 169 170 170 171 13 35 35 46 46 63 64 65 68 73 78 78 92 92 92 97 102 130 138 172 178 178 179 188 196 Introduction Turbo Prolog is a fifth-generation computer language that takes programming into a new dimension. Because of its natural, logical approach, both people new to program- ming and professional programmers can build powerful applications-such as expert systems, customized knowledge bases, natural language interfaces, and smart informa- tion management systems. Turbo Prolog is a declarative language. This means that. given the necessary facts and rules, it can use deductive reasoning to solve programming problems. By contrast, Pascal, BASIC and other traditional computer languages are procedural: the program- mer must provide step-by-step procedures telling the computer how to solve prob- lems. The Prolog programmer need only supply a description of the problem (the goal) and the ground rules for solving it, and the Prolog system will determine how to go about a solution. HOW TO USE THIS BOOK This manual is designed to serve two different types of reader: those new to Prolog, and those familiar with the Prolog language. If you're a new user of Prolog, you should first read Chapters I and 2. Chapter I tells you a little about the advantages of Turbo Prolog, and Chapter 2 describes how to enter programs into the system, how to have them compiled and executed and, finally, how to use Turbo Prolog's unique debugging facilities. You will then know enough about Turbo Prolog to get going with the tutorials, which are presented in Chapters 3- 10. Each tutorial chapter includes a variety of exercises to help you check your under- standing. If you're already familiar with Prolog, you can begin with Chapter 2, which covers basic system operations, and then move on to Chapter II, which describes how Turbo Prolog differs from other Prolog implementations. All readers will want to refer to Chapter 12, which provides detailed information about all aspects of Turbo Prolog. 1 The tutorials cover all aspects of Turbo Prolog programming, except modular pro- gramming and interfacing with other languages such as C, Pascal, or assembly language. These features are described in Chapter II, which also contains hints and tips on pro- gramming style and a wealth of other information about advanced system features. For details about the files supplied on the distribution disk, installation, and Turbo Pro- log menu commands, see Chapter 12. . THE DISTRIBUTION DISKS Your distribution disk contains the main Turbo Prolog program and several other files. Information about each of these files can be found in Chapter II. Turbo Prolog is not copy-protected. Please note that Borland's no-nonsense license statement licenses you to use your copy of Turbo Prolog as if it were a book. It is not licensed to a single person, nor is it tied to one particular computer. The only restriction on using Turbo Prolog is that it must not be used by two different people at the same time, just as a book cannot be read by two people at the same time. And, of course, giving away copies of Turbo Prolog to others would be a violation of Borland's copyright. MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS To use Turbo Prolog, you should have the following: IBM PC or compatible computer 384K RAM internal memory PC-DOS or MS-DOS operating system, version 2.0 or later ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In this manual, references are made to several products: Turbo Prolog and GeoBase are trademarks and Turbo Pascal is a registered trade- mark of Borland International, Inc. WordStar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International Corp. MultiMate is a trademark of MultiMate International Corp. IBM PC, AT, XT, PCjr, and Portable Computer are registered trademarks of Interna- tional Business Machines Corp. 2 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 1 About Prolog Over the last decade, the price of hardware has halved approximately every fourth year, while the cost of writing software has increased annually, and now takes by far the largest portion of a total system budget. Software accounted for about 10% of total system costs in 1970,50% in 1975, and more than 80% in 1985. This rapidly escalating cost has influenced the development of new programming tools to make it easier, quicker and therefore cheaper to develop programs. In particular, research has focused on ways of handing over a larger part of the work to the machine itself. Prolog is the result of many years of such research work. The first official version of Prolog was developed at the University of Marseilles, France by Alain Colmerauer in the early 1970s as a convenient tool for PROgramming in LOGic. It is much more powerful and efficient than most other well-known programming languages like Pascal and BASIC. For example, a program for a given application will typically require ten times fewer program lines with Prolog than with Pascal. Today, Prolog is a very important tool in artificial intelligence applications programming and in the development of expert systems. Several well-known expert system shells are written in Prolog, including APES, ESP/Advisor and Xi. The demand for more "user friendly" and intelligent programs is another reason for Prolog's growing popularity. Unlike, for example, Pascal, a Prolog program gives the computer a description of the problem using a number of facts and rules, and then asks it to find all possible solutions to the problem. In Pascal, one must tell the computer exactly how to perform its tasks. But once the Prolog programmer has described what must be computed, the Prolog system itself organizes how that computation is carried out. Because of this declarative (rather than procedural) approach, well-known sources of errors in Pascal and BASIC-such as loops that carry out one too many or one too few operations-are eliminated right from the start. Moreover, Prolog teaches the programmer to make a well-structured description of a problem, so that, with practice, Prolog can also be used as a specification tool. Although Prolog makes programming far easier, it can also make severe demands on the computer. Turbo Prolog is the first implementation of Prolog for the IBM PC and compatible personal computers that is both powerful and conservative in its memory requirements. It provides more features than many mainframe implementations. Turbo 3 Prolog is a full-fledged compiler with a pull-down menu interface and full arithmetic, graphics and system-level facilities. Turbo Prolog produces compiled programs that execute very quickly but do not gobble memory like other, less comprehensive micro- computer implementations of Prolog. In 1983, Japan published plans for an ambitious national project involving the design and production of fifth generation computers, for which Prolog was chosen as the funda- mental system language (corresponding to the use of assembly language in current architectures). Turbo Prolog runs on a computer costing about $2000 yet in a compari- son made in 1984 using an earlier version of the system, it produced programs that executed faster than those produced by the prototype of the Japanese fifth generation computer. WHAT CAN TURBO PROLOG BE USED FOR? There are a number of practical applications for Turbo Prolog. Here's a sampler of what you can do: Produce prototypes for virtually any application program. An initial idea can be implemented quickly, and the model upon which it is based tested "live." Control and monitoring of industrial processes. Turbo Prolog provides complete access to, the computer's I/O ports. Implement dynamic relational databases. Translate languages, either natural human languages or from one programming lan- guage to another. A Turbo Prolog program was written to translate from Hewlett Packard BASIC to C under UNIX on an HP-9000 computer for a total software development cost of less than $7500. Construct natural language interfaces to existing software, so that existing systems become more widely accessible. With Turbo Prolog it is particularly easy to include windows in such an interface. Construct expert systems and expert-system shells. Construct symbolic manipulation packages for solving equations, differentiation and integration, etc. Theorem proving and artificial intelligence packages in which Turbo Prolog's deduc- tive reasoning capabilities are used for testing different theories. HOW DOES TURBO PROLOG DIFFER FROM OTHER LANGUAGES? Let's take a closer look at how Turbo Prolog differs from traditional programming languages. 4 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Turbo Prolog is descriptive. Instead of a series of steps specifying how the computer must work to solve a problem, a Turbo Prolog program consists of a description of the problem. This description is made up of three components, with the first and second parts corresponding to the declaration sections of a Pascal program: I. Names and structures of objects involved in the problem 2. Names of relations which are known to exist between the objects 3. Facts and rules describing these relations The description in a Turbo Prolog program is used to specify the desired relation between the given input data and the output which will be generated from that input. Turbo Prolog uses facts and rules. Apart from some initial declarations, a Turbo Prolog program essentially consists of a list of logical statements, either in the form of facts such as: it is raining today. or in the form of rules such as: you will get wet if it is raining and you, forget your umbrella. Turbo Prolog can make deductions. Given the facts john likes mary. tom likes sam. and the rule jeanette likes X if tom likes X. Turbo Prolog can deduce that jeanette likes sam. You can give the Turbo Prolog program a goal, for example find every person who likes sam and Turbo Prolog will use its deductive ability to find all solutions to the problem. Execution of Turbo Prolog programs is controlled automatically. When a Turbo Prolog program is executed, the system tries to find all possible sets of values that satisfy the given goal. During execution, results may be displayed or the user may be prompted to type in some data. Turbo Prolog uses a backtracking mechanism which, once one solu- tion has been found, causes Turbo Prolog to reevaluate any assumptions made to see if some new variable values will provide new solutions. Turbo Prolog has a very short and simple syntax. It is therefore much easier to learn than the syntax of more complicated traditional programming languages. Turbo Prolog is powerful. Turbo Prolog is a higher level language than, for instance, Pascal. As pointed out earlier, Turbo Prolog typically uses 10 times fewer program lines when solving a problem than Pascal. Among other things, this is due to the fact that About Prolog 5 Turbo Prolog has a built-in pattern-recognition facility, as well as a simple and efficient way of handling recursive structures. Turbo Prolog is compiled, yet allows interactive program development. A programmer can test individual sections of a program at any point and alter the goal of the program, without having to append new code. This would correspond to being able to tryout any arbitrary procedure in a Pascal program, even after the program has been com- piled. This has been a brief overview of the unique features of Turbo Prolog. As you delve more deeply into this manual and begin writing programs, you'll discover more of its powerful abilities. Now let's turn to Chapter 2 and get started with the Turbo Prolog system. 6 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 2 A Short Introduction to the Turbo Prolog System This chapter describes the basic operation of the Turbo Prolog system, including how to make a system backup, use the menu system, run a Turbo Prolog program, and create a program file using the Turbo Prolog editor. Chapter 12, the technical reference, gives a complete list of the files supplied on the distribution disk and the files needed when using the Turbo Prolog system. Turbo Prolog comes pre-installed and ready to run on an IBM PC or fully compatible com- puter. If you aren't satisfied with some of the defaults (such as our choice of colors for the display) they are easy to change using pull-down menus. See page 168. For now, until you're familiar with the system, you can tryout Turbo Prolog as is. THE MAIN MENU Once you have a copy of the system on your working disk and you are in the appropri- ate directory, type PROLOG. You should see the logon message shown in Figure 2-1. Figure 2-1 The Logon Display 7 In addition to the version of Turbo Prolog you are using, the logon message shows you the configuration for Turbo Prolog on your computer. Now press the space bar and the Turbo Prolog main menu and four system windows will appear as shown in Figure 2-2. Figure 2-2 The Main Menu and the Four System Windows The Main Menu shows you the commands and pull-down menus available. You select an item on a menu by pressing the associated highlighted capital letter or by first moving the highlighted bar using the arrow keys, and then pressing lB. The use of each window is described throughout this chapter. The bottom line of the screen contains a status message describing the use of the function or cursor keys. The meaning of these keys changes depending on what you are doing with the system at a given time: tracing, editing, or running a program, etc. ENTERING YOUR FIRST TURBO PROLOG PROGRAM Consider the following introductory Turbo Prolog program. We'll be using it to illus- trate how to create, run, and edit Turbo Prolog programs. predicates hello goal hello. clauses hello:- makewindow(1,7,7,"My first program",L;,Sb,lO,22), nl,write(" Please type your name "), cursor(L;,S), readln(Name),nl, write(" Welcome ",Name). Select the Edit option either by moving the cursor with the arrow keys until it is over the word Edit and then pressing IB, or by simply pressing CD. The screen should now look like Figure 2-3. 8 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook In" COOIpile IDIl Options riles Setup Ilult Figure 2-3 Using the Editor Note that the editor window is highlighted and the status text at the bottom reflects the new meaning of the function keys. To see how to correct a mistake, type in the first line of the above program as predivates To correct the mistake, position the cursor over the erroneous letter v and then press @ill. Watch carefully what happens to the display. Now press!]) and look again. The mistake should be corrected. Now type in the first seven lines of the above program text, pressing ~ at the end of each line. When you type the end of the line that begins makewindow ........ . the rest of the text will scroll to the left inside the editor's window. Just to make sure it hasn't really disappeared, press ~ after typing in this line, then press the El key and hold it down until the cursor stops moving. After you see what happens, move the cursor back to where you left off and finish typing in the program. Once you are satisfied that the program text has been entered correctly, press 1E to leave the editor, then select the Run option from the menu. If you entered the program correctly, the program will be compiled and then executed and you should see the display shown in Figure 2-4. Now type your first name and press ~ " The program you have entered will respond Welcome Alfredo (or whatever your name is) and wait for you to press the space bar. The screen will then clear, leaving the main menu and the program text visible. Try running the pro- gram again and use an alias this time! A Short Introduction to the Turbo Prolog System 9 lim COIIpile Edit Option. riles s<!tup quit Figure 2-4 Executing a Program To see what would have happened had you made a typing error in your text, let's go back and insert a deliberate one. If you aren't there yet, go back to the main menu by pressing the space bar or IE. (If you've already gotten lost in the system, don't worry; pressing IE a few times-and the space bar whenever instructed to do so--will always eventually return you to the main menu). From the main menu, select the Editor again, move the cursor to the line containing the word goal, and add a period (.) after the word. Now press IE to leave the editor and select the Run option. Because this extra period is a syntax error, you should see a message telling you so at the bottom of the editor window. The cursor will flash over the offending period in the text in the editor window. You are now automatically in editing mode. DELete the period, press IE to leave the editor, and re-select Run. To save the program on disk, select the Files option and, from the pull-down menu it offers, select Save. Type in the filename MYFIRST in response to the Filename: prompt, then press ~ . The contents of the workfile will now be saved, with the default extension for Turbo Prolog source programs ( . P ~ O ) added automatically. To see a list of all Turbo Prolog programs on the currently selected directory of the currently selected disk, go back to the Files menu and choose Directory. Turbo Prolog will respond with a default current directory path name when you press ~ and a default file mask (press ~ here, too). A list of all programs in the default directory will appear on the screen, including MYFIRST.PRO. Press the space bar to exit the Direc- tory option, and re-select the Edit option. Now introduce two new errors into the program in the editor's workfile by replacing the second occurrence of hello with howdy and the third with hi. The first few lines in the editor window should now be: 10 predicates hello goal howdy clauses hi:- makewindow ..... Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Run the program and observe that, as before, the first error is detected and control returns to the editor so that you can correct the first "mistake"-howdy instead of hello. Do so now, but when you've finished, instead of typing lliil and Run, just press [l1[). [l1[) automatically exits the editor and causes the Turbo Prolog system to re-Run the program. But now the second error-hi-is detected. Correct it and press [l1[) once again. The program should compile and run normally this time. The Turbo Prolog editor is a full screen text editor that uses the same key commands as the Turbo Pascal editor and the WordStar and Multimate word processor systems. The next section gives a short introduction to the editor; a complete description can be found in Chapter 12. EDITOR SURVIVAL KIT You need only read this section if you are not familiar with either the Turbo Pascal editor, Word Star, or Multimate. It's a good idea to familiarize yourself with just a few basic features at first, so that you can easily remember the necessary key sequences. This particularly applies if you are new to the Turbo Prolog language, since you'll want to be able to concentrate your efforts on writing Turbo Prolog programs. If you don't like the key sequences, one way to reconfigure them is to use Borland's SuperKey. Basic Operation Select Editor from the main menu. If there is already text in the workfile, delete it using the @ill key. Type in your name and address in the format you would use on an envelope, for example Jeff Stoneham 32 E 24th New York NY 12345 Terminate editing by pressing th!= lliil key. Save the contents of the workfile by select- ing Files, then Save. Save what you have typed in the editor under the filename ADDRESS. Use @ill to delete what you have typed into the editor, and type in a list of your five favorite foods, each on a separate line. Now finish the editing session again (press lliil) and select Files from the main menu, then Load. When asked for a filename, type ADDRESS followed by [E). The system now asks if you want to save the text in the workfile. You do not, so press I]J and notice what has happened in the editor win- dow-your favorite foods have been overwritten by the ADDRESS file. Block Operations When deleting your name and address from the editor window, you may have won- dered if there was a better way to delete than pressing @ill all those times. Well, there is a better way, thanks to the editor's block operations: first, you mark the block of text to be deleted, and then you delete it. Once marked, you can also make a copy of the block in another place in the text, or move it to another place in the text. A Short Introduction to the Turbo Prolog System 11 Marking a block is easy. To try it, first re-select the Edit option. With your name and address still in the editor window, use the arrow keys to position the cursor at the top left corner. Mark the start of the block by pressing @li!)]J []J. Now move the cursor to the last character in the last line of your address and mark the end of the block by pressing @li!)]J []J. Observe what has happened to the text display. Let's make several copies of this block so that we've got more text to play with. Move the cursor to the end of your address and copy the block by pressing @li!)]J 1]). Move the cursor to the end of the newly created text and make another copy of the block. Repeat the process until you have a total of ten copies of your address in the editor window. Use the arrow keys and ~ and ~ to move around the text inside the editor window. Now let's mark a new block. First we must un-mark the old block by pressing @li!)]J ([) (notice that the original block is no longer highlighted). Insert a new line 4 into the file consisting of 20 letter X's. Now make line II a new line of 20 letter y's. Our new block will be lines 5 to 10. Mark it with @li!)]J []J and @li!)]J (!l as before. To delete the block, press @li!)]J GJ and you should now have a line of X's followed by a line of Y's. Next, mark a new block that consists of these two rows of X's and Y's. Move the cursor to the end of the text, then move the new block here by pressing @li!)]J !]l (check that it has been moved and not copied using ~ and ~ ) . Block operations can be carried out using fewer key presses by use of the function keys. As mentioned earlier, explanations about the function keys are listed at the bot- tom of the screen. Press the Help key, Iill, to display a pop-up menu containing information about the function keys (and all the built-in standard predicates, but more about those later). Press Iill now and select Help Information from the resulting menu. Browse through the information using ~ and ~ . When finished, press (E. 1liJ, illJ, and IEJ are used to copy, move, and delete blocks, as well as to actually mark the beginning and end of the block. To use them, first move the cursor to the beginning of a block, then press the required key to mark the beginning of the block. Then move the cursor to the end of the block, and press the same key again to mark the end of the block. If you want to delete, press IEJ. If you want to copy or move, move the cursor to where you want to put the text, and press either IliJ or !![l. Search and Replace Search and replace comes in handy if you decide to change the name of something in your program after you've written it. To use it, delete everything currently in the editor and type in this well-known phrase To be or not to be That is the question Now let's replace every occurrence of be with be,. Press [EJ and you will be prompted for a search string. Type be and press [EJ again. You will now be prompted for the string to replace the search string with. Type be, and you will be asked if the search and replace is to be global or local. 12 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook A global search will find and replace every occurrence of be in the text, one by one; a local search finds the next occurrence only. Select a global search. Now you will be prompted for whether or not you would like to be asked before each replacement is actually made. In this case, press []J. The search and replace will now be carried out and the text transformed to To be, or not to be, That is the question If you simply want to find a string in the text, you can use the search command (as opposed to search and replace). Press I!!] after which you will be prompted for a search string. Use the search function to find the first occurrence of he in the above text. Notice that the search text in both search and search and replace operations is termi- nated by pressing the same key that was used to initiate that operation. This means that the search string can include the "new-line" character and that the replace string can be used to insert new lines and to change the layout of the text (for example, the indenta- tion). For example, try replacing II) with (])E) in the above text. Note also that if a search or local search and replace is selected, that operation can be repeated with the same choice of options by typing ~ or 8ill, as appropri- ate, once for each desired repetition. Table 2-1 Summary of Editor Keystrokes Keys Purpose IE) or [!![) Arrow keys, ~ , ~ , I Home " IE Exit the editor Move the cursor @ill @!ill) !II @!ill) [l) lEI)[]J @!ill) []J @!ill)lII @!ill) []l Delete the character at the cursor Mark the beginning of a block Mark the end of a block Un-mark a block Copy a marked block to the position indicated by the cursor Delete a marked block Move a marked block to the position indicated by the current cursor position Help information Copy block Move block Delete block Search Repeat last search Search and replace Repeat last search and replace A Short Introduction to the Turbo Prolog System 13 TRACING In this section, we'll show you how to make 'a trace of a Turbo Prolog program. We'll be using the same example program we used earlier. If you have already saved it on disk, use the Files command to enter a copy into the editor's workfile: if not. type in the program again. To trace program execution, we must add the trace compiler directive to the beginning of the program so that the program begins trace predicates hello goal hello. Now select the Run command and notice what happens on the screen. In the editor window the cursor flashes at the end of the goal hello, and in the trace window, the start of execution of this goal is shown as CALL: goal ( ) IE[) can now be used to execute this goal in single step mode. Press IE[) once and the trace window will now show CALL: hello ( ) to record that the goal should satisfy the predicate hello. Another press moves the cursor on to the definition of hello. Press again and notice in the trace window that we have now CALLed the makewindow predicate. Another press causes the makewindow predicate to be executed, which is displayed in the trace window as RETURN: makewindow(1,7,7,"My first program",t;,Sb,1O,22) Notice that the window is drawn at the top right of the screen. Now press IE[) repeatedly and watch what happens in each window, until the trace window displays CALL: readln(_) The cursor should now be flashing at the place in our execution window where we are to type a name. Type TOM, then press ~ . The trace window now shows RETURN: readln(ITOM") Finally, press IE[) repeatedly until the trace window shows RETURN: hello ( ) RETURN: goal() at which point execution of our program has finished. Press IE[) one final time and the system instructs you to press the space bar to return to the main menu level. 14 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook ALTERING THE DEFAULT WINDOW SETUP Turbo Prolog provides four windows-four views on the programming environment: The editor window The dialog window The trace window The message window These windows can be used in any configuration, and any window can take up the entire screen or only a small part of it. At any time, you can switch your point of view and reconfigure a window's size and position. The size of the four system windows can be changed either during a program's execution by giving a Setup command, or perma- nently. so that each time the system is booted, your own preferred window layout is used. Temporary Changes to Windows Remove the trace compiler directive from the example program, run the result but don't reply when asked to type in a name. Instead, press ~ repeatedly and observe that each system window is highlighted in turn. Highlight the message window. Now try out the effect of the arrow keys and make the window as near a square in shape as possible. Repeat this for the other three system windows so that they are all square. Next, select any window, then use the arrow keys while holding down the ~ key to move the window around the screen. Reposition the system windows so that they appear in these positions: MESSAGE TRACE EDITOR DIALOG Let's assume these are where you want to put the system windows. To resume execu- tion of the program, press the space bar and type in your name as requested. After the program has executed, control returns to the main system via the pull-down menus, but the reorganized window display remains (until new changes are made, or the system is re-booted). To verify this, use the editor to alter the first write so that it reads write(1I What is your name ll ) and re-run the program. Select Window from the Setup menu to restore the. system windows to roughly their former positions. Select each window in turn and, having done so, use the ~ and arrow keys to re-size and move the windows. A Short Introduction to the Turbo Prolog System 15 Saving a Window Layout Select Save from the Setup menu to record a window layout in a disk file. By default. this file is called PROLOGSYS and if changes are saved in this file, the new window formats will be used whenever the system is booted. To avoid erasing the supplied defaults or to keep several window configurations filed away, the new settings should be saved under a different name, for example WINDOWS I.SYS. To use a different layout, select Read from the Setup window. 16 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 3 Tutorial I: Five Simple Programs This is the first of eight chapters giving a step-by-step tutorial introduction to the Turbo Prolog language. It begins with a study of the structure of a Turbo Prolog program, first by means of a simple example and then by examining the fundamental components of a program, one by one. In every case, our starting point will be a motivating example with the threads drawn together a little more formally at the end of the chapter. (Chapters II and 12 contain very precise definitions of all Turbo Prolog features. At this stage in the tutorial it's getting started that matters.) Apart from program structure, the two other important ideas introduced in this chap- ter are backtracking (which is how Prolog searches for all possible solutions to a goal) and how to make Prolog check if something is not true-at least as far as the available information makes it possible to determine. THE STRUCTURE OF A TURBO PROLOG PROGRAM Consider the following example program: 1* Program 1 *1 domains person, activity = symbol predicates likes(person,activity) clauses likes(ellen,tennis). likes(john,football). likes(tom,baseball). likes(eric,swimming). likes(mark,tennis). likes(bill,X) if likes(tom,X). 17 The clauses section contains a collection of facts and rules. The facts likes(ellen,tennis). likes(john,football). likes(torn,baseball). likes(eric,swirnrning). likes(rnark,tennis). correspond to these statements in English: ellen likes tennis. john likes football. tom likes baseball. eric likes swimming. mark likes tennis. Notice that there is no information in these facts about whether or not likes(bill,baseball). To use Prolog to discover if bill likes baseball, we can execute the above Prolog pro- gram with likes(bill,baseball). as our goal. When attempting to satisfy this goal, the Prolog system will use the rule likes(bill,X) if likes(torn,X). In ordinary English, this rule corresponds to: bill likes X if tom likes X. Type the above program into your computer following the method outlined in Chapter 2 and Run it. When the system responds in the dialog window, Goal : enter likes(bill,baseball). Turbo Prolog replies True Goal : in the dialog window and waits for you to give another goal. Turbo Prolog has com- bined the rule likes(bill,X) if likes(torn,X) with the fact likes(torn,baseball) to decide that likes(bill,baseball) is true. Now enter the new goal 18 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook likes(bill,tennis). The system replies No solution Goal : since there is neither a fact that says bill likes tennis nor can this be deduced using the rule and the available facts. Of course it may be that bill absolutely adores tennis in real life, but Turbo Prolog's response is based only upon the facts and the rules you have given it in the program. Variables In the rule likes(bill,X) if likes(tom,X). we have used the letter X as a variable to indicate an unknown activity. Variable names in Turbo Prolog must begin with a capital letter, after which any number of letters (upper or lowercase), digits, or underline characters (,,_") may be used. Thus the fol- lowing two names My_first_correct_variable_name Sales 10 11 86 are valid, whereas the next three 1stattempt second_attempt 'disaster are invalid. Careful choice of variable names makes programs more readable. For example, likes(Individual,tennis). is preferable to likes(I,tennis). Now type the goal likes(Individual,tennis). Turbo Prolog replies Individual = ellen Individual = mark 2 Solutions Goal : because the goal can be solved in just two ways, namely by successively taking the variable Individual to have the values ellen and mark. Note that, except for the first character of variable names, Turbo Prolog does not otherwise distinguish between upper and lowercase letters. Thus, you can also make variable names more readable by using mixed upper and lowercase letters as in: IncomeAndExpenditureAccount Tutorial I: Five Simple Programs 19 Objects and Relations In Turbo Prolog, each fact given in the clauses section of a program consists of a relation which affects one or more objects. Thus in likes(tom,baseball) the relation is likes and the objects are tom and baseball. You are free to choose names for the relations and objects you want to use, subject to the following constraints: Names of objects must begin with a lowercase letter followed by any number of characters (letters, digits and underscore ["_"]). Names of relations can be any combination of letters, digits and underscore charac- ters. Thus owns(susan,horse). eats(jill,meat). valuable(gold). car(mercedes,blue,station_wagon). are valid Turbo Prolog facts corresponding to the following facts expressed in ordinary English: susan owns a horse jill eats meat gold is valuable the car is a blue mercedes station wagon (Notice that a relation can involve one, two, three, or more objects). You may be wondering how Turbo Prolog knows that susan owns a horse rather than the horse owns susan; we'll discuss this in the next chapter. Exercise Write the following facts and rules in a form acceptable to Turbo Prolog: ellen likes reading john likes computers eric likes swimming david likes computers marybeth likes X if john likes X gina likes anything eric likes Domains and Predicates In a Turbo Prolog program, you must specify the domains to which objects in a relation may belong. Thus, in our example above, the statements domains person, activity = symbol predicates likes(person,activity) specify that the relation likes involves two objects, both of which belong to a symbol domain (names rather than numbers). 20 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Enter the following goal: likes(12,X). The system responds type error Goal : to indicate that it has realized that the number 12 cannot be invoked in the relation likes since 12 does not belong to a symbol domain. Similarly, likes(bill,tom,baseball). will give an error (try it!). Even though we can deduce from Program I that bill and tom both like baseball, Turbo Prolog does not allow us to express the fact in this way once the likes relation has been defined to take just two arguments. To further illustrate how domains can be used, consider the following program example: 1* Program 2 *1 domains brand, color age, price mileage symbol integer real predicates car(brand,mileage,age,color,price) clauses car(chrysler,130000,3,red,12000).
car(datsun,BOOO,1,red,30000). Here, the predicate cor (which is the blueprint for all the cor relations) has objects that belong to the age and price domains, which are of integer type, i.e., they must be numbers between - 32,768 and + 32,767. Similarly, the domain mileage is of real type, i. e., numbers outside the range of integers and possibly containing a decimal point. Erase the program about who likes whom using the method described in Chapter 2. Type in Program 2 and try each of the following goals in turn: car(renault,13,3.5,red,12000).
car(1,red,30000,BOOOO,datsun). Each of them produces a domain error. In the first case, for example, it's because age must be an integer and 130000 is too big for an integer. Hence, Turbo Prolog can easily detect if someone types in this goal and has reversed the mileage and age objects in predicate cor. By way of contrast, try the goal: car(Make, Odometer, Years_on_road, Body, 25000). which attempts to find a car in the database costing $25000. Turbo Prolog replies Tutorial 1: Five Simple Programs 21 Make=ford, Odometer=90000, Body=gray 1 Solution Goal : Compound Goals The last goal above is slightly unnatural, since we'd rather ask a question like: is there a car in the database costing less than $25000? We can get Turbo Prolog to search for a solution to such a query by setting the compound goal car(Make,Odometer,Years_on_road,Body,Cost) and Cost ( 25000. To fulfill this compound goal, Turbo Prolog will try to solve the subgoal car(Make,Odometer,Years_on_road,Body,Cost) and the subgoal Cost ( 25000 with the variable Cost referring to the same value. Try it out now. The subgoal Cost ( 25000 involves the relation < (less than) which is already built into the Turbo Prolog system. In effect, it is no different from any other relation involving two numeric objects, but it is more natural to put the < between the two objects rather than in the strange looking form ( (Cost,25000). which more closely resembles relations similar to likes(tom,tennis). Anonymous Variables For some people, cost and age are the two most important factors to consider when buying a car. It's unnecessary, then, to give names to the variables corresponding to brand, mileage, and color in a goal, the settings of which we don't really care about. But according to its definition in Program 2, the predicate car must involve five objects, so we must have five variables. Fortunately, we don't have to bother giving them all names. We can use the anonymous variable which is written as a single underline symbol ("_")' Try out the goal car(_,_,Age,_,Cost) and Cost ( 27000. Turbo Prolog replies Age = 3, Cost 12000 Age = Cost 25000 2 Solutions Goal 22 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook The anonymous variable can be used where any other variable could be used, but it never really gets set to a particular value. For example, in the goal above, Turbo Prolog realizes that "_", in each of its three uses in the goal, signifies a variable in which we're not interested. In this case, it finds two cars costing less than $27000; one three years old, the other four years old. Anonymous variables can also be used in facts. Thus, the Turbo Prolog facts owns(_,shirt). washes(_) . could be used to express the English statements everyone owns a shirt everyone washes Finding Solutions in Compound Goals-Backtracking Consider Program 3, which contains facts about the names and ages of some of the pupils in a class. /1 Program 3 1/ domains child symbol age integer predicates pupil (ch:i,ld, age) clauses pupil(peter,q). pupil(paul,10). pupil(chris,q). pupil(susan,q) . Delete Program 2 and type in Program 3. We'll use Turbo Prolog to arrange a ping- pong tournament between the nine-year-olds in the class (two games for each pair). Our aim is to find all possible pairs of stude('lts who are nine years old. This can be achieved with the compound goal pupil(Personl,q) and pupil(Person2,Q) and Personl (> Person2. (In English: Find Person I aged 9 and Person2 aged 9 so that Person I and Person2 are different). Turbo Prolog will try to find a solution to the first subgoal and continue to the next subgoal only after the first subgoal is reached. The first subgoal is satisfied by taking Person I to be peter. Now Turbo Prolog can satisfy pupil(Person2,Q) by also taking Person2 to be peter. Now we come to the third and final subgoal Personl (> Person2 Tutorial I: Five Simple Programs 23 Since Person I and Person2 are both peter, this subgoal fails, so Turbo Prolog backtracks to the previous subgoal. It then searches for another solution to the second subgoal pupil(Person2,9) which is fulfilled by taking Person2 to be chris. Now, the third subgoal Person1 <> Person2 is satisfied, since peter and chris are different, and hence the entire goal is satisfied. However, since Turbo Prolog must find all possible solutions to a goal, once again it backtracks to the previous goal hoping to succeed again. Since pupil(Person2,9) can also be satisfied by taking Person2 to be susan, Turbo Prolog tries the third subgoal once again. It succeeds since peter and susan are different. so another solution to the entire goal has been found. Searching for more solutions, Turbo Prolog once again backtracks to the second sub- goal. But all possibilities have been exhausted for this subgoal now, so backtracking continues to the first subgoal. This can be satisfied afresh by taking Person I to be chris. The second subgoal now succeeds by taking Person2 to be peter, so the third subgoal is satisfied, fulfilling the entire goal. The final solution is with Person I and Person2 as susan. Since this causes the final subgoal to fail, Turbo Prolog must backtrack to the second subgoal, but there are no new possibilities. Hence, Turbo Prolog backtracks to the first subgoal. But the possibilities for Person I have also been exhausted and execution terminates. Type in the above compound goal for Program 3 and verify that Turbo Prolog responds with Person1=peter, Person2=chris Person1=peter, Person2=susan Person1=chris, Person2=peter Person1=chris, Person2=susan Person1=susan, Person2=peter Person1=susan, Person2=chris 6 Solutions Goal : Figure 3-1 illustrates how Turbo Prolog backtracks to satisfy a goal. Exercise Decide what Turbo Prolog's reply to the goal pupil(Person1,9) and pupil(Person2,10). will be, then check your answer by typing in the exercise. Turbo Prolog the Matchmaker: Using Not Suppose we want to write a small-scale computer dating program containing a list of registered males, a list of who smokes, and the rule that sophie is looking for a man who is either a non-smoker or a vegetarian. The occurrence of or in sophie's selection rule indicates that we can use more than one Turbo Prolog rule to express it: 24 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook sophie could date(X) if male(X) and not(smoker(X)). sophie could date(X) if male(X) and vegetarian(X). These rules are used in Program 4, which you should now type into your computer. pupil(Person1,9) and pupil(Person(2,9) and Person1()Person2 I I I I peter
pupil(paul,10) pupil(chris,9) pupil(susan,9) peter
pupil(paul,10) pupil(chris,9) pupil(susan,9) peter peter FAILS No (more) possible choices here so BACKTRACK pupil(Person1,9) and pupil(Person2,9) and Person1()Person2 I I I I peter
pupil(paul,10) pupil(chris,9) pupil(susan,9) chris pupil(peter,9)
peter chris SUCCEEDS No (more) possible choices here so BACKTRACK pupil(Person1,9) and pupil(Person2,9) and Person1()Person2 I I I I peter
pupil (paul, 10) pupil(chris,9) pupil(susan,9) susan pupil(peter,9) pupil(paul,10) pupil(chris,9) peter susan SUCCEEDS
No (more) possible choices here so BACKTRACK No (more) possible choices here so BACKTRACK pupil(Person1,9) and pupil(Person2,9) and Person1()Person2 I I I I chris pupil(peter,9) pupil(paul,10)
pupil(susan,9) peter
pupil(paul,10) pupil(chris,9) pupil(susan,9) chris peter SUCCEEDS No (more) possible choices here so BACKTRACK Figure 3-1 Backtracking Tutorial I: Five Simple Programs 25 1* Program L; *1 domains person symbol predicates goal male(person) smoker(person) vegetarian(person) sophie_could_date(person) sophie_could_date(X) and write("a possible date for sophie is ",X) and nl. clauses male(joshua) . male(bill) . male(tom) . smoker(guiseppe). smoker(tom). vegetarian(joshua). vegetarian(tom). sophie_could_date(X) if male(X) and not(smoker(X)). sophie_could_date(X) if male(X) and vegetarlan(X). Apart from the use of two rules (Turbo Prolog lets you use as many as you please), there are several other novel features in this e ~ a m p l e . First, notice the use of not as in not(smoker(X)) Turbo Prolog will evaluate this as true if it is unable to prove smoker(X) is true. Using not in this way is straightforward, but it must be remembered that Turbo Prolog cannot, for example, assume automatically that someone is either a smoker or a non- smoker. This sort of information must be explicitly built into our facts and rules. Thus, in Program 4, the first clause for sophie_could_date assumes that any male not known to be a smoker is a non-smoker. , Second, notice the incorporation of a goal within the program. Every time we execute our mini computer-dating program, it will be with the same goal in mind-to find a list of possible dates for sophie-so Turbo Prolog allows us to include this goal within the program. However, we must then include the standard predicate write( ) so that the settings (if any) of the variable X which satisfy the goal are displayed on the screen. We must also include the standard predicate nl which simply causes a new line to be printed. Standard predicates are predicates that are built into the Turbo Prolog system. Gener- ally, they make functions available that cannot be achieved with normal Turbo Prolog clauses, and are often used just for their side-effects (like reading keyboard input or screen displays) rather than for their truth value. Execute Program 4 and verify that Turbo Prolog displays a possible date for sophie is joshua 26 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Surprisingly. even though tom (being male and a vegetarian), would be eligible for a date, if we include a goal in the program, only the first solution is found. To find all solutions, try deleting the goal from the program, then give the goal in response to Turbo Prolog's prompt during execution (as we did earlier). This time all possible dates will be displayed. Even if the goal is internal (i.e., written into the program), it is possible for all solutions to be displayed; see Chapter 5. Comments It is good programming style to include comments that explain different aspects of the program. This makes your program easy to understand for both you and others. If you choose good names for variables, predicates, and domains, you'll be able to get away with fewer comments, since your program will be more self-explanatory. Comments in Turbo Prolog must begin with the characters 1* (slash, asterisk) and end with the characters */. Whatever is written in between is ignored by the Turbo Prolog compiler. If you forget to close with */, a section of your program will be unintentionally considered as a comment. Turbo Prolog will give you an error message if you forget to close a comment. 1* This is an example of a comment *1 1***********************************1 1* and so are these three lines *1 1***********************************1 A More Substantial Program Example Program 5 is a family relationships database that has been heavily commented. 1* Program 5 *1 domains person symbol predicates male(person) female(person) father(person,person) mother(person,person) parent(person,person) sister(person,person) brother(person,person) uncle(person,person) grandfather(person,person) clauses male(alan). male(charles). male(bob) . male(ivan). female(beverly). female(fay) . female(marilyn). female(sally) . Tutorial I: Five Simple Programs 27 mother(marilyn,beverly). mother(alan,sally). father(alan,bob) father(beverly,charles). father(fay,bob). father(marilyn,alan). parent(X,Y) if mother(X,Y). parent(X,Y) if father(X,Y). brother(X,Y) if male(Y) and parent(X,P) and parent(Y,P) and X () Y. sister(X,Y) if female(Y) and parent(X,P) and parent(Y,P) and X () Y. uncle(X,U) if mother(X,P) and brother(P,U). uncle(X,U) if father(X,P) and brother(P,U). grandfather(X,G) if father(P,G) and mother(X,P). grandfather(X,G) if father(X,P) and father(p,G) . I*The brother of X is Y if *1 I*Y is a male and *1 I*the parent of X is P and *1 I*the parent of Y is P and *1 1* X and Yare not the same *1 I*The sister of X is Y if *1 I*Y is female and *1 I*the parent of X is P and *1 I*the parent of Y is P and *1 I*X and Yare not the same *1 I*The uncle of X is U if *1 I*the mother of X is P and *1 I*the brother of P is U. *1 I*The uncle of X is U if *1 I*the father of X is P and *1 I*the brother of P is U *1 I*The grandfather of X is G *1 I*if the father of P is G *1 I*and the mother of X is P. *1 I*The grandfather of X is G *1 I*if the father of X is P *1 I*the father of Pis G *1 Type and execute this program and, by formulating appropriate goals, use Turbo Pro- log to answer the following questions: I. Is alan ivan's brother? 2. Who is marilyn's grandfather? 3. Who is fay's sister? 4. What is the relationship (if any) between marilyn and beverly? The relations uncle and grandfather are both described by two clauses, though only one is necessary. Try to rewrite uncle and grandfather using one clause for each. 28 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Summary A Turbo Prolog program has the following basic structure: dOlllains 1* ... domain statements *1 predicates 1* ... predicate statements *1 goal clauses 1* ... clauses (rules and facts) ... *1 If you don't include a goal in the program, Turbo Prolog will ask for a goal when the program is executed. Facts have the general form: relation(object,object, ... ,object) Rules have the general form relation(object,object, ... ,object) if relation(object, ... ,object) and relation(object, ... ,object). To be consistent with other versions of Prolog, if can be replaced by the symbol:- and a comma (,) can be used instead of and. Thus is_older(Person1,Person2) if age(Person1,Age1) and age(Person2,Age2) and Age1 ) Age2. and is_older(Person1,Person2) age(Person1,Age1), age(Person2,Age2), Age1 ) Age2. are exactly equivalent. . A predicate consists of one or more clauses. Clauses that belong to the same predicate must follow one another. Exercise Use Turbo Prolog to construct a small thesaurus. You should store facts like similar_meaning(big,gigantic). similar_meaning(big,enormous). similar_meaning(big,tall). similar_meaning(big,huge). similar_meaning(happy,cheerful). similar_meaning(happy,gay). similar_meaning(happy,contented). Tutorial I: Five Simple Programs 29 so that a goal of the form similar_meaning(big,X) would cause Turbo Prolog to display a list of alternative words for big. Exercise Given the following facts and rules about a murder mystery, can you use Turbo Prolog to find who dunnit? 30 person( allan, 25, m, football_player). person( allan, 25, m, butcher ). person( barbara,22, f, hairdresser ). person( bert, 55, m, carpenter ). person ( john, 25, m, pickpocket ) . had_affair( barbara, john ). had_affair( barbara, bert ). had_affair( susan, john). killed_with( susan, club ). motive( money). motive( jealousy). smeared_in( catherine, blood ). smeared_in( allan, mud ). owns( bert, wooden_leg ). owns( john, pistol ). 1* Background-knowledge *1 operates_identically( wooden_leg, club ). operates_identically ( bar, club ). operates_identically( pair_of_scissors, knife). operates identically( football_boot, club ). owns_probably(X,football_boot) if person(X,_,_,football_player). owns_probably(X,pair_of_scissors) if person(X,_,_,_,_). owns_probably(X,Object) if owns(X,Object). 1* Suspect all those who own a weapon with which susan could possibly have been killed *1 suspect(X) if killed_with(susan,Weapon) and operates_identically(Object,Weapon) and owns_probably(X,Object). 1* Suspect men that have had an affair with susan *1 suspect(X) if motive(jealousy) and person(X,_,m,_) and had_affair(susan,X). Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 1* Suspect females who have had an affair with a man susan knew*1 suspect(X) if motive(jealousy) and person(X,_,k,_) and had_affair(X,Man) and had_affair(susan,Man). 1* Suspect pickpockets whose motive could be money*1 suspect(X) if motive(money) and person(X,_,_,pickpocket). Tutorial I: Five Simple Programs 31 32 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 4 Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists This chapter will familiarize you with many of the Turbo Prolog features you'll be using the most. We introduce the concepts of free and bound variables, standard domain types, and compound objects. You'll learn how to use recursion in your programs, and see how to take advantage of Turbo Prolog's extensive list-handling facilities. If a Turbo Prolog variable has a known value, we say it is bound to that value and that otherwise it is free. This chapter begins by considering the bindings of variables during the evaluation of a. goal. Bound variables have values from a domain which is either itself of standard type or is a user-defined domain built up from one or more such domains. In the second part of this chapter, we study domains in some detail and learn how to build compound domains including those which allow lists of objects to be regarded as a single entity. Just as lists are one of Turbo Prolog's most important data structures, the most impor- tant Prolog programming technique is recursion; in particular, recursion allows us to process the elements of a list. This chapter concludes with several examples showing the use of recursion. FREE AND BOUND VARIABLES Turbo Prolog distinguishes between two types of variables: Free variable-Turbo Prolog does not know its value Bound variable-a known value Look at Program 6, and consider how Turbo Prolog will solve the following compound goal: likes(X,reading) and likes(X,swimming). 33 1* Program b *1 domains person, hobby = symbol predicates likes(person,hobby) clauses likes(ellen,reading). likes(john,computers). likes(john,badminton). likes(leonard,badminton). likes(eric,swimming). likes(eric,reading). Turbo Prolog searches from left to right. In the first subgoal likes(X,reading) the variable X is free (its value is unknown before Turbo Prolog attempts to satisfy the subgoal) but, on the other hand, the second argument, reading, is known. Turbo Prolog will now search for a fact that can fulfill the demands in the subgoal. The first fact is a match, so the free variable X will be bound to the relevant value in the fi rst fact, ellen. likes(ellen,reading). At the same time, Turbo Prolog places a pointer in the database indicating how far down the search procedure has reached. Next, the second subgoal must be fulfilled. Since X is now bound to ellen, Turbo Prolog has to search for the "fact" likes(ellen,swimming). Turbo Prolog searches from the beginning of the database, but in vain. Thus, the second subgoal is false when X is ellen. Turbo Prolog now attempts another solution of the first subgoal with X free once again. The search for a second fact that can fulfill the first subgoal starts from the place last marked (provided there are more untested possibilities). TURBO PROLOG'S STANDARD DOMAIN TYPES Turbo Prolog can deal with six standard domain types, as shown in Table 4-1. 34 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook char integer real string symbol Table 4-1 Standard Domain Types character enclosed between two single quotation marks (e.g. 'a'). integers from - 32,768 to 32,767. numbers with an optional sign followed by some digits; then (optionally) a decimal point (.) followed by some digits for the fractional part; and finally an optional exponential part-for example, an e followed by an optional sign and an exponent. Following are examples of real numbers: 42705 -9999 86.72 -9111.929437 -521 e238 64e-94 -79.83e+21 The permitted number range is I e- 307 to I e+ 308. Integers are automati- cally converted to real numbers when necessary. Any sequence of characters written between a pair of double quotation marks, e.g. "jonathan mark's book" Two formats are permitted for symbols: (I) a sequence of letters, numbers and underscores, provided the first character is lowercase; or (2) a character sequence surrounded by a pair of double quotation marks (this is used in the case of symbols containing spaces, or if a symbol does not start with a lowercase letter). Following are examples of strings:
"railway_ticket" "Dorid_lnc" Symbols and strings can be used interchangeably, but they are handled differ- ently internally. Symbols are kept in a lookup table, which results in a very quick matching procedure during a search. The disadvantage is that the symbol table takes up room and the insertion takes time. You must determine which domain will offer the best performance in a given program. file The file domain type is described in Chapter 9. Let's look at some more examples of objects that belong to domains of standard type. Table 4-2 Simple Objects swift, abc, kenneth, "animal lover" -1,3,5,0 3.45,0.01, -30.5, 123.4e+5 'a', 'b', 'c' , '/', '&' "One two", "name number 5", "&&" (symbol) (integer) (real) (char) (string) Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists 35 Objects belonging to character and string domains, and that contain a \ (backslash) have a special meaning: \Number \n a character with the ASCII value Number Newline character \t Tabulate character Thus, the three objects below write('\13') write( '\n') nl will cause a newline to be displayed. We will now work out some predicate declarations using these standard domains. If standard domains are the only domains in the predicate declarations, the program need not have a domains section. For example, suppose we wish to define a predicate so that a goal similar to alphabet_position(A_character,N) will be true if A-character is the Nth letter in the alphabet. Clauses for this predicate would look like alphabet_position('a',1). alphabet_position('b',2). alphabet_position('c',3). alphabet_position( ,0). 1* other characters give II The predicate can be declared as follows: predicates alphabet_position(char, integer) and there is no need for a domains section. As another example, suppose we wish to declare a predicate that can be used in connection with addition. Thus, we need a predicate such that in the following goal add(X,y,Z). the arguments are the two numbers to be added and the number that represents the total, corresponding to the equation X + Y = Z Consequently, the predicates declaration must stipulate that add needs three numeric arguments, and it must describe the types of domain to which they belong: add(integer,integer,integer) or add(real,real,real) If both predicate declarations are used, the predicate add can be used for both integers and real numbers. This is due to the fact that Turbo Prolog permits multiple predicate declarations. In multiple declarations of the same predicate, the declarations must be given one after the other and they must all have the same number of arguments. 36 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Program 7 is a complete Turbo Prolog program that functions as a mini telephone directory that uses the standard predicates readln and write. The domains section has been omitted, since only standard domains are used. The program asks for a name to be typed in. When the name is entered, the corresponding telephone number is found from the database and displayed on the screen. 1* Program 7 *1 predicates reference(symbol,symbol) goal clauses write(IIPlease type a name :11), readln(The_Name), reference(The_Name,Phone_No), write (liThe phone number is II, Phone_No) , nl. reference(IIAlbert ll , 1101-1231;56 11 ). reference(IIBettyll, 1101-569767 11 ). reference(IICarol ll , 1101-2671;00 11 ). reference(IIDorothyll,1I01-191051 11 ). Finally, to illustrate the char domain type, Program 8 defines is/etter which, when given the goals isletter( '%'). isletter( 'Q'). will return false and true respectively. 1* Program 8 *1 predicates isletter(char) clauses isletter(Ch) if Ch (= 'z' and 'a' (= Ch. isletter(Ch) if Ch (= 'Z' and 'A' (= Ch. Exercise Type in Program 7 and try each of these goals in turn. (1) reference (IiCarol ll , y) . (2) reference(X,1I01-191951 11 ). (3) reference(IIMavisll,y). (1;) reference(X,y). Kim shares a flat with Dorothy and so has the same phone number. Add this informa- tion to the clauses for the predicate reference and try the goal reference(X,1I01-191051 11 ). to check your addition. Type Program 8 and try each of these goals in turn. (1) isletter('x'). (2) isletter('2'). (3) isletter(lIhello ll ). (1;) isletter(a). (5) isletter(X). Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists 37 COMPOUND OBJECTS CAN SIMPliFY YOUR CLAUSES! Turbo Prolog allows you to make objects that contain other objects. These are called compound objects. Compound objects can be regarded and treated as a single object, which greatly simplifies programming. Consider, for example, the fact owns(john,book("From Here to Eternltyl,"James Jones")). in which we state that john owns the book From Here to Eternity, which was written by James Jones. Likewise, we could write owns(john,horse(blacky)). which can be interpreted as: john owns a horse by the name of blacky. The compound objects in these two examples are book("From Here to Eternityl,"James Jones") and horse(blacky) If we had instead written two facts owns( john, "From Here to Eternity"). owns( john, blacky ). we would not have. been able to decide whether blocky was the title of a book or the name of a horse. On the other hand, the first component of a compound object, the functor, is used to distinguish between different objects. In the example above, we made use of the functors book and horse to indicate the difference. Compound objects consist of a functor and the sub-objects belonging to it: functor(object1,object2, ... objectN) A functor without objects is written as functor( ) or just functor Domain Declaration of Compound Objects We will now look at how compound objects are defined when domain declarations are used. In the subgoal
the variable X can be bound to different types of objects, either a book, a horse, or perhaps other types of objects. Because of this, we can no longer employ the old definition of the owns predicate owns(symbol,symbol) 38 Turbo Prowg Owner's Handbook where the second argument has to refer to objects belonging to a domain of symbol type. Instead, we use a new formulation of the predicate declaration: owns(name,articles) The articles can then be described with the domain declarations domains articles = book(title,author) ; horse(name) title, author, name = symbol The semicolon can be read as or. In this case, two alternatives are possible: a book can be identified by its title and author, and a horse can be identified by a name. The domains title, author, and name are all of symbol type. More alternatives can easily be added to the domain declaration: articles could also include a boat or a bankbook, for example. For boat we can make do with an object with a functor which has no objects. On the other hand, we wish to give the bank balance as a figure within bankbook. The domains declaration of articles is therefore extended to articles=book(title,author);horse(name);boat;bankbook(integer) Here are some examples of how compound objects from the domain articles can be used in some facts which define the predicate owns: owns(john,book("A friend of the familyl,"Irwin Shaw")). owns(john,horse(blacky)). owns(john,boat). owns(john,bankbook(1000)). With the goal owns(john,Thing). we will now receive the answers: Thing Thing Thing Thing book("A friend of the family", "Irwin Shaw") horse(blacky) boat bankbook(1000) How domain declarations are written-a summary. domain = alternativel(D,D, ... ); alternative2(D,D, ... ) Here, alternative I and alternative2 are arbitrary (but different) functors. The notation (0,0,,,.) represents a list of domain names that are either declared elsewhere, or are one of the standard domains symbol, integer, real or char. Notice: I. The alternatives are separated by semicolons. 2. Every alternative consists of a functor, and possibly a list of domains for the corre- sponding objects. Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists 39 Program 9 uses functors to move the cursor around the screen as a "side-effect" of the evaluation of goals. For example
moves the cursor up two lines from its starting position of row 4 and column 9 of the screen. It uses the built-in predicate cursor(row,column) to position the cursor at the specified row and column. /1 Program 9 1/ domains row, column, step = integer movement = up(step); down(step); left(step) ; right(step) predicates move_cursor(row,column,movement) clauses move_cursor(R,C,up(Step)) :- Rl=R-Step,cursor(Rl,C). move_cursor(R,C,down(Step)) :- Rl=R+Step,cursor(Rl,C). move_cursor(R,C,left(_)) :- Cl=C-l,cursor(R,Cl). move_cursor(R,C,right(_)):- Cl=C+l,cursor(R,Cl). If we added the alternative no, a movement could also include "no step" as in (R,c'no). Note that the functor no is sufficient to represent "no move- ment." No sub-objects are required. Going Down a Level Turbo Prolog allows you to construct compound objects on several levels. For exam- ple, in book("The Ugly Duckling", "Andersen") instead of using the author's surname, we could use a new structure that describes the author in more detail, including both the author's first name and surname. Calling the functor for the resulting new compound object author, the description of the book is changed to book("The Ugly Ducklingl,author("Hans Christianl,IAndersen")) In the old domain declaration book(title,author) we see that the second argument in the book functor is author. But the old declaration author = symbol 40 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook can only include a single name which is therefore no longer sufficient. We must now specify that an author is also a compound object comprising the author's first name and surname. This is achieved with the domain statement: author = author(firstname,surname) which leads us to the following declarations: domains articles = book(title,author) ; author = author(firstname,surname) title, firstname, surname = symbol When we use compound objects on different levels in this way, it is often helpful to draw a "tree": book I \ title author I \ firstname surname A domain statement describes only one level of the tree at a time and not the whole tree. For instance, a book cannot be defined with the following domain statement: book = book(title,author(name,surname As another example, consider how to represent the grammatical structure of the sentence "ellen owns the book" using a compound object. The most simple sentence structure consists of a noun and a verbphrose: sentence = sentence(noun,verbphrase) A noun is just a simple word: noun = noun(word) A verbphrose consists of either a verb and a nounphrose or single verb. verbphrase = verbphrase(verb,noun) ; verb(word) verb = verb(word) Using these domain declarations (sentence, noun, article, verbphrose and verb), the sen- tence "ellen owns the book" becomes: sentence(noun(ellen),verbphrase(verb(owns),noun(book) The corresponding tree is: sentence / \ nlun ellen owns the book Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists 41 Exercise Write a suitable domains declaration using compound objects that could be used in a Turbo Prolog catalog of musical shows. A typical entry in the catalog might be: Show: West Side Story Lyrics: Stephen Sondheim Music: Leonard Bernstein Exercise Using compound objects wherever possible, write a Turbo Prolog program to keep a database ofthe current Top Ten hit records. Entries should include the name of the song, the name of the singer or group, its position in the Top Ten chart, and the number of weeks in the charts. Recursion Program 10 illustrates an important Turbo Prolog programming technique called recursion. Recursion is usually used in two situations: when relations are described with the help of the relations themselves when compound objects are a part of other compound objects (i.e., they are recur- sive objects) The first situation occurs in Program 10. It gives a fact and a rule for the single predicate factorial which, when used in a goal like factorial(N,F) will return true if F is equal to N! i.e., if F = N*(N-1)*(N-2)* ... *3*2*1 Before we discuss how factorial works, type the program in and try out the following goals: 42 factorial(l,Answer). /* goal 1 */ factorial(2,Answer). /* goal 2 *1 factorial(3,Answer). 1* goal 3 *1 1* goal *1 factorial(S,Answer). 1* goal 5 *1 factorial(b,720). 1* goal b *1 factorial(10,2000). 1* goal 7 *1 1* Program 10 */ domains n, f = integer predicates factorial(n,f) clauses factorial(l,l). factorial(N,Res) if N ) 0 and N1 = N-1 and factorial(Nl,FacNl) and Res = N*FacNl. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook In the program, N I =N- I should be regarded as a more readable form of the clause: =(N1,-(N,1)) where - is a functor. Thus N I =N-I evaluates to true provided N I is bound to the value of N-I. Let's investigate how factorial works when satisfying the goal factorial(2,Answer) Using the rule, we have factorial(2,Res) if 2>1,N1=2-1,factorial(N1,FacN1),Res=2*FacN1. So we must evaluate the goal factorial(1,FacN1). Using the fact factorial(1,1). the goal is satisfied by binding FacN I to I. In turn, we now need to evaluate Res=2*FacN1 which is solved with Res bound to 2 * I, so the initial goal is satisfied with Answer bound to 2. For a more complicated evaluation like
we have the evaluation sequence if
factorial(3,FacN1) if 3>1,N11=3-1,factorial(3-1,FacN11),Res=3*FacN11 factorial(2,FacN11) if 2>1,N11=2-1,factorial(2-1,FacN111),Res=3*FacN111 factorial(2-1,FacN111) succeeds with FacN111 bound to 1 factorial(3-1,FacN11) succeeds with FacN11 bound to 2 succeeds with FacN1 bound to 6 succeeds with Res bound to Hence, factorial( 4,Answer) succeeds with Answer bound to 24. Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists 43 goal : calls: calls: calls: calls: calls: factorial(1,1) Figure 4-1 Evaluation of Factorial(4,Answer) Exercise Add domains and predicates declarations to the following facts and rules: factorial(X,Y) if newfactorial(D,1,X,Y). newfactorial(X,y,X,y). newfactorial(U,V,X,y) if U1=U+1, U1V=U1*V, newfactorial(U1,U1V,X,Y). and tryout the resulting program with the following goals: 1. factorial(3,Answer). 2. 3. factorial(S,Answer). Using pencil and paper, trace the execution of the first goal. Recursive Objects Recursion can also be used to describe objects where the number of elements is not known in advance. Consider this problem: Which object can describe the names of all pupils in a school class, without us knowing the number of pupils in advance? To solve this problem, let's formulate a corresponding domains declaration for the domain c/oss/ist, step by step. We start by describing an empty class with no students: classlist = empty Next, we formulate the recursive definition classlist = class(name,classlist) Thus, a typical object would be class(peter,X) which symbolizes a C/oss/ist with peter as the first member. X symbolizes a smaller c/oss/ist (without peter). Hence, a class consisting of two students could be described by class(peter,class(james,empty)) and a class consisting of three students by class(andrew,class(peter,class(james,empty))) 44 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Note that class(name,classlist) is a compound object where the functor is class, name is one student in the class, and classlist contains the other students. The final, complete domains declaration consists of the two alternative definitions classlist=class(name,classlist) ; empty Likewise a series of numbers could, for instance, be defined by integerlist = list(integer,integerlist) ; empty Exercise Write the compound Turbo Prolog terms that describe the following list of numbers: 1,3,6,0,3 and draw the corresponding tree. Exercise For the purposes of our Turbo Prolog programs, we wish to treat arithme- tic expressions, such as I + 2 - 3, as objects. Much of this is accomplished by the domains declaration: expr=plus(expr,expr) ; number(integer) which gives such object possibilities as
corresponding to the arithmetic expression 4+ 5. The expression I + 2 + 3 could simi- larly be written as: plus(number(1),plus(number(2),number(3))) or plus(plus(number(1),number(2)),number(3)) Append new alternatives to the above domains declaration so that objects that describe 2-4 or 2+ 3-log(5) are also permitted. THE FASCINATING WORLDS OF LISTS AND RECURSION Lists are the basic data structure in Turbo Prolog programs, corresponding roughly to Pascal's use of arrays. Because lists are so common, Turbo Prolog provides an easier way to represent them than as compound objects. A list that consists of the numbers I, 2, and 3 can be written as [ 1,2,3, 1. The elements of a list are separated by commas and enclosed by [ and ]. Here are some examples: [dog,cat,canaryl [livalerie ann","jonathan","michael"l Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists 45 To declare a domain for lists of integers, we use a declaration such as domains integerlist = integer* where the asterisk indicates that there are 0 or more elements in a list. The objects in a list can be anything, including other lists. However, all elements in a list must belong to the same domain and there must be a domains declaration for the objects that follows this form: domains objectlist = objects* objects Turbo Prolog processes a list by dividing it into two parts: the head and the tail. The head of the list [1,2,3] is the element I. The tail of [1,2,3] is the list you get when you remove the head, namely [2,3]. Table 4-3 List Processing List ['a','b','c'] [ I ] [ ] [[ 1,2.3],[2,3,4].[]] Head Tail 'a' ['b','c'] undefined [1,2,3] [] (an empty list) undefined [[2,3,4],[]] Turbo Prolog uses a vertical bar (I) to separate the head and tail of a list. Hence, a list with head X and tail Y is written [ X I Y ] If Turbo Prolog tries to satisfy the goal scores([XIY]) and finds the fact scores([0,1,0,2,6,0,0,1,2,3]) the variable X will be bound to the head of the list, i.e., to the integer 0, and Y will be bound to the tail of the list, i.e., the list [1,0,2,6,0,0,1,2,3,]. Table 4-4 gives several examples of list matching. Free variables are bound in the same way as X and Y in the previous example. List I [X,y,z] [7] [1,2,3,4] [1,2] 46 Table 4-4 List Matching List 2 [egbert,eats,icecream] [X I Y] [X, Y I Z] [3 I X] Variable Binding X = egbert,Y = eats,Z = icecream X=7, Y=[] X= I, Y=2, Z=[3,4] The comparison fails, since the heads of the two lists differ. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Using Lists In this and the following two sections, we'll examine some typical Turbo Prolog list- processing predicates. List Membership Suppose we have a list with the names [john, leonard, eric, frankJ -and would like to use Turbo Prolog to investigate if a given name is in the list. In other words, we must express the relation member between two objects-a name and a list of names--corresponding to the predicate statement member(name,namelist). In Program II, the first clause investigates the head of the list. If the head is equal to the Name we are searching for, we can conclude that Name is a member of the list. Since the tail of the list is of no interest. it is indicated by "_". Thanks to this first clause, the goal member(john,[john,leonard,eric,frankJ) is satisfied. 1* Program 11 *1 domains namelist = name* name = symbol predicates member(name,namelist). clauses member(Name,[Namel_J). member(Name,[_ITailJ) if member(Name,Tail). If the head of the list is different from Name, we need to investigate whether Name can be found in the tail of the list. In English: "Name is a member of the list if Name is member of the tail" and in Turbo Prolog: member(Name,[_ITailJ) if member(Name,Tail). Exercise Type in the above program and try the following goal: member(susan,[ian,susan,johnJ) Add domain and predicate statements so that the member predicate can also be used to investigate if a number is a member of a list of numbers. Try several goals to test your resulting new program, including
Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists 47 Exercise Does the order of the two clauses for the member predicate have any significance? Test the behavior of the program when the two rules are swapped. The difference appears if the goal
is tested in both situations. Writing Elements of a List Now we'll define a predicate that writes out elements of a list on separate lines. Again, we need to think recursively. write_a_list([)). write_a_list([HeadITail)) if write(Head),nl,write_a_list(Tail). The first clause says: Stop when there are no further elements in the list (the list is empty); the second says: Write the head of the list, write a newline, and then deal with the tail. Exercise Complete the write_a-1ist program above and test the following goal:
Appending One List to Another: Declarative and Procedural Programming As given, the member predicate of Program II works in two ways. Consider its clauses once again: member(Name, [Namel_)). member(Name, [_ITail)) if member (Name,Tail). We can think of these clauses from two different points of view. From a declarative viewpoint they say that, given a list, Name is a member of that list if its head is Name; if not, Name is a member of the list if it is a member of its tail. From a procedural viewpoint the two clauses could be interpreted: to find a member of a list, find its head, otherwise find a member of its tail. These two points of view correspond to the goals
since, in effect, the first goal asks Turbo Prolog to check that something is true, whereas the second asks Turbo Prolog to find all members of the list [1,2,3,4]. The beauty of Turbo Prolog lies in the fact that, often, if we construct the clauses for a predicate from one point of view, they'll work for the other. As an example of this, we'll now construct a predicate to append one list to another. For example, let's append the lists [1,2,3] and [4,5] to form the list [1,2,3,4,5]. We'll define the predicate append with three arguments: append(Listl, List2, List3) 48 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook This combines List I and List2 to form List3. Once again we are using recursion (from a procedural point of view). If List I is empty, the result of appending List I and List2 will be the same as List2. In Turbo Prolog: append([), List2, List2). Otherwise, we can combine List I and List2 to form List3 by making the head of List I the head of LisG. (Below, the variable X is used as the head of both List I and List3). The rest of List3 (its tail) is obtained by putting together the rest of List I and the whole of List2. (The tail of List3 is U, which is composed of the rest of List I (namely, L I) and the whole of List2. In Turbo Prolog: append([XIL1), List2, [XIL3)) if append(L1,List2,L3). The append predicate thus operates as follows: While List I is not empty, the recursive rule transfers one element at a time to List3. When List I is empty, the first clause ensures that List2 hooks onto the back of List3. Exercise The two predicates append and writelist are in the Turbo Prolog program below. Type in the program and run it with the following goal: append([1,2,3),[S,6),L) and writelist(L). Now try this goal: append([1,2),[3),L),append(L,L,LL),writelist(LL). 1* Program 12 *1 domains integerlist = integer* predicates append(integerlist,integerlist,integerlist) writelist(integerlist) clauses append([),List,List). append([XIL1), List2, [XIL3)) if append(L1,List2,L3). writelist([),([)). writelist([HeadITail)) if write(Head),nl,writelist(Tail). One Predicate Can Have Several Applications Looking at append from a declarative point of view, we have defined a relation between three lists. This relation also holds if List I and List3 are known but List2 isn't and if only List3 is known. For example, to find which two lists could be appended to form a known list, we could use a goal of the form
for which Turbo Prolog will find the solutions Tutorial II: A Closer Look at Domains, Objects and Lists 49 L1 [ ], L2 = [1,2, L; ] L1 [1], L2 = [2,L;] L1 [1,2], L2 = [L;] L1 [1,2,L;], L2 = [] L; solutions We can also use append to find which list could be appended to [3,4] to form the list [1,2,3,4] by giving the goal append(L1,[3,L;],[1,2,3,L;]). Turbo Prolog finds the solution L I = [1,2]. append has defined a relation between an input set and an output set in such a manner that the relation applies both ways. We can therefore ask "Which output corresponds to this given input?" or "Which input corresponds to this given output?" Exercise By amending the clauses given for member in Program II, construct clauses for a predicate evenmember which would be solved given a goal evenmember(2,[1,2,3,L;,5,6]). and which, given the goal evennumber(X,[1,2,3,L;,5,6]). would display X=2 X=L; X=6 3 solutions 50 Turbo Prolog Owner' s Handbook 5 Tutorial III: Turbo Prolog's Relentless Search for Solutions This chapter falls into two main parts. In the first, we examine in detail the process Turbo Prolog uses when trying to match a goal with a clause. This process is called unification and corresponds to parameter passing in other programming languages. In the second part, you'll learn how to control Turbo Prolog's search for solutions of goals. This will include techniques that make it possible for a program to carry out a task which would otherwise be impossible, either because the search would take too long or (less likely with Turbo Prolog) because the system would run out of free memory. MATCHING THINGS UP: THE UNIFICATION OF TERMS Consider Program 13 in terms of the (external) goal written_by(X,y). 1* Program 13 *1 domains title, author symbol pages integer publication book(title,page) predicates written_by(author,publication) long_novel(Title) clauses written_by(fleming,book("DR NO",210)). written_by(melville,book("MOBY DICK",bOO)) long_novel(Title):-written_by(_,book(Title,Length)), Length> 300. When Turbo Prolog tries to fulfill the goal, it must try each of the clauses for the predicate written-.by in turn, trying to get a match between the parameters X and Yand the parameters in each clause for written_by. This term matching operation is called unification. 51 Since X and Yare free variables in this goal, and a free variable can be unified with any other term, the very first clause unifies with the goal clause written_by ( X Y written_by(fleming,book("MOBY DICK",boo)) Thus X becomes bound to fieming and Y becomes bound to book(" MOBY DfCK",600) so Turbo Prolog displays X = fleming, Y = book("MOBY DICK",boo) 1 Solution If, on the other hand, we give Program 13 the goal written_by(X,book("MOBY DICK",Y)). then again unification is attempted with the first clause for written_by( X ,book("MOBY DICK", Y )). I I written_by(fleming,book("DR NOli ,210)). Since X is free, it becomes bound to fieming and a match is attempted between book("DR NOli ,200) and book("MOBY DICK", Y) A compound term can unify with another compound term provided they both involve the same functor and the same number of arguments, and all the subterms unify pair- wise. In this case, the functor is the same (book) and the number of subterms is two in each case. However, the constant MOBY DICK can unify only with itself or with a free variable. Thus, no match is possible between MOBY DICK and DR NO and unifica- tion fails. Turbo Prolog now attempts a match between written_by ( X , book( "MOBY DICK", Y )) and written_by(melville,book("MOBY DICK",boo)) The free variable X unifies (and becomes bound with) the constant melville. The com- pound terms book("MOBY DICK", Y ) and book("MOBY DICK",boo) unify, since they both involve the same functor book; they have the same number of arguments; the constant MOBY DICK unifies with itself; and the constant 600 can be unified with the free variable Y. Thus the goal succeeds and Turbo Prolog responds 52 X = melville, Y = bOO 1 Solution Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Finally, consider execution of the goal long_novel (X). When Turbo Prolog tries to fulfill a goal, it investigates whether or not there exists a matching fact or left side of a rule. In this case, the match is with the left side of a rule long_novel( X ) long_novel(Title):- written_by(_,book(Title,Length)),Length>300. since the free variable X can be unified with any other term and, in particular, another free variable. Next, Turbo Prolog makes the first clause on the right side of this rule the current sub-goal, and unification is achieved with the first fact for written-1Jyas follows: written_by( Name ,book(Title ,Length)) written_by(fleming,book("DR NOli, 210)) in which Length has become bound to 210. Now the second clause on the right side of the longJJovel rule becomes the current sub-goal Length > 300 Before unification is attempted, the bound variable Length is replaced with the value to which it is bound, 210. Since 210 > 300 is a legal comparison of two integer values, the comparison is made-and, of course, returns false. Turbo Prolog now attempts a different unification of written_by(Name,book(Title,Length)) (see the next section) and binds Title to "MOBY DICK" and Length to 600. Now Length > 300 unifies with Length replaced by 600 (the value to which it is bound) and indeed suc- ceeds, so that longJJovel also succeeds with Title bound to "MOBY DICK". Turbo Prolog displays X = "MOBY DICK" 1 Solution Summary of Turbo Prolog's Unification Algorithm A free variable can be unified with any term. The variable is then bound to the other term. A constant (an integer, for example) can unify with itself or with a free variable. A compound term can unify with another compound term, provided they both involve the same functor and have the same number of arguments. Further, all the subterms must unify pairwise. (Lists are treated as a special kind of compound term). Tutorial III: Turbo Prolog's Relentless Search for Solutions 53 Bound variables are replaced with the value to which they were bound prior to unification. Thus, unification takes care of: Assigning values to variables (i.e., parameter passing). Accessing data structures via a general pattern-matching mechanism. Certain kinds of tests for equality. CONTROLLING THE SEARCH FOR SOLUTIONS In this section we'll look at some techniques we can use to control Turbo Prolog's search for solutions of our goals. Let's start by looking at Program 14 in light of this goal, which cOl'1sists of two subgoals: likes(X,wine) and likes(X,books) 1* Program *1 domains name, thing = symbol predicates likes(name,thing) reads(name) is_inquisitive(name) clauses likes(john,wine). likes(lance,skiing). likes(Z,books) if reads(Z) and is_inquisitive(Z). likes(lance,books). likes(lance,films). reads (john) . is_inquisitive(john). When evaluating the goal, Turbo Prolog notes which subgoals have been satisfied and which have not. This search can be represented by a goal tree:
Before goal evaluation begins, the goal tree consists of two unsatisfied subgoals. In what follows below, subgoals already satisfied in a goal tree are underlined with a dotted line, and the corresponding satisfying clause head is shown underneath. In our example, the goal tree shows that two subgoals must be satisfied. To do so, Turbo Prolog follows the first basic principle: Subgoals must be satisfied from left to right. 54 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook The clause Turbo Prolog chooses to satisfy the first subgoal is determined by the second basic principle: Predicate clauses must be tested in the order they appear in the program. When executing Program 14, Turbo Prolog finds a suitable clause in the first fact. Let's look at the goal tree again: /\ likes(X,wine) likes(X,booksj likes(john,wine) The subgoal likes(X,wine) matches the fact: likes(john,wine). by binding X to the value john. Turbo Prolog next tries to satisfy the next subgoal to the right. The satisfaction of the second subgoal starts a completely new search procedure, with X = john. The first clause likes(john,wine) . does not match the subgoal likes(X,books) since wine is not the same as books. Turbo Prolog must therefore try the next clause, but lance does not match the value of X (john), so the search continues with the third clause likes(Z,books) if reads(Z) and is_inquisitive(Z). The parameter Z is a variable and so matches with X, and the second parameters agree. When X matches Z, Turbo Prolog demands that Z also be bound to the value john. We know now that the subgoal matches the left side of a rule. Continued searching is determined by the third basic principle: When a subgoal matches the left side of a rule, the right side of that rule must be satisfied next. The right side constitutes the new set of subgoals. From this we get the following goal tree: A likes(X,wine) likes(X,books) likes(john,wine) likes(Z,books) d / . \ ... rea s(Z) lS_lnqulsltlve(Z) Tutorial Ill: Turbo Prolog's Relentless Search for Solutions 55 The goal tree now includes the subgoals reads(Z) and is_inquisitive(Z) where Z has the value john. Turbo Prolog will now search for facts that match both subgoals. The resulting final goal tree is shown below: A likes(X,wine) likes(X,books) likes(john,wine) likes(Z,books) /\ reads(Z) is_inquisitive(Z) reads(john) is_inquisitive(john) According to the fourth basic principle: A goal has been satisfied when a matching fact is found for all the extremities (leaves) of the goal tree, so we know now that our initial goal is satisfied. Turbo Prolog uses the result of the search procedure in different ways, depending on how it was initiated. If the goal is a subgoal in a rule, Turbo Prolog keeps trying to satisfy the next subgoal in the rule. If the goal is a question from the user, Turbo Prolog replies directly: X = john 1 solution Goal : As we saw in Chapter 3, having once satisfied a goal, Turbo Prolog backtracks to find alternative solutions. It will also backtrack if a subgoal fails, hoping to resatisfy a previous subgoal in such a way that the failed subgoal is satisfied with new variable values. To fulfill a subgoal, Turbo Prolog begins a search with the first clause in a predicate. Two things can happen: I. A matching clause head is found. The following then happens: a. If there is another clause that can possibly resatisfy the subgoal, the first such clause is marked with a pointer to indicate a backtracking point. b. All free variables in the subgoal that match values in the clause head are assigned these values (the variables become bound). c. If the matching clause is the left side of a rule, that rule must be satisfied. This is done by treating the right side of the rule as a new goal. 2. A matching clause head cannot be found and the goal fails. Turbo Prolog back- tracks as it attempts to resatisfy a previous subgoal. All variables that were free before the subgoal was previously satisfied are made free again. 56 Turbo Prolog first searches the clause indicated by the pointer. If the search is unsuccessful, it backtracks again. If backtracking exhausts all clauses for all subgoals, the goal fails. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Use of Fail Turbo Prolog contains a standard predicate that forces backtracking-fail. The effect of fail corresponds to the effect of 2=3. We'll use Program 15 to illustrate the use of this predicate. 1* Program 15 *1 domains name = symbol predicates father(name,name) everybody clauses father(leonard,katherine). father(carl,jason). father(carl,marilyn). everybody if father(X,y) and write(X,1I is II,Y,II's father\n ll ) and fail. The goal father(X, Y) could be used in two different situations: As an inquiry to the Turbo Prolog system (an external goaO On the right side of a rule (an internal goaO, as in: grandfather(X,B) if father(X,y) and father(Y,B). With father(X, Y) as an external goal, Turbo Prolog will write out all possible solutions in the usual way: X= .... , Y= ... . X= .... , Y= ... . .... solutions With father(X, Y) as an internal goal, Turbo Prolog will continue with the next subgoal once it has been satisfied and will display only one solution. However, the predicate everybody in Program 15 uses the fail predicate to disturb the usual mechanism. The object of the predicate everybody is to produce neater responses from program runs. Compare the answers to the two goals Goal: father_to(X,y) X=leonard, Y = katherine X=carl, Y=jason X=carl, Y=marilyn 3 solutions Goal: everybody leonard is katherine's father carl is jason's father carl is marilyn's father No solution The predicate everybody makes use of backtracking to generate more solutions for father(X, Y) by trying to satisfy the right side of everybody: father(X,Y) and write(X,1I is lI,y,llIs father\n ll ) and fail. Tutorial III: Turbo Prolog's Relentless Search for Solutions 57 These subgoals must be satisfied from left to right. The first father(X,y) can be satisfied with X = leonard and Y = katherine, so that Turbo Prolog continues to the next subgoal, the standard predicate write. It fulfills its task by writing some values, and then continues to the last subgoal, the standard predicate fail. Fail can never be satisfied, so Turbo Prolog is forced to backtrack. write cannot be resatisfied (offer new solutions), so Turbo Prolog must backtrack again to the first subgoal. A new solution, namely X = carl and Y = sam, is found. Turbo Prolog can now continue to the next subgoal, where the values are written out, and finally reaches the last subgoal-fail-which once again initiates backtracking, and so on. Exercise Type in Program 14 and evaluate the following goals: father(X,y). and everybody. Why are the solutions to everybody terminated by False? For a clue, append: everybody as a second clause to the definition of predicate everybody and reevaluate the goal. PREVENTING BACKTRACKING: THE CUT ELEMENT Turbo Prolog contains an element that prevents backtracking under certain circum- stances. The element is called the cut and is written as an exclamation mark ( !). Its effect is simple: It is impossible to backtrack past a cut There are two main uses of the cut: When you know in advance that certain possibilities will never give rise to meaningful solutions, so it is a waste of time and storage space to backtrack over them. By using a cut in this situation, the resulting program will run quicker and use less memory. When the logic of a program demands the cut. In the following examples, we will use several schematic Turbo Prolog rules rl, r2, r3 which all describe the same predicate r, plus several subgoals a,b,c, etc. Using the Cut to Prevent Backtracking to a Previous Subgoal in a Rule r1 if a and band ! and c. This is a way of telling Turbo Prolog that we are satisfied with the first solution of subgoals a and b. As a concrete example, consider Program 16. It is based on the idea that two people might like one another if they have at least one interest in common. 58 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 1* Program 1b *1 domains name,sex,interest = symbol interests = interest* predicates findpairs person(name,sex,interests) member(interest,interests) common_interest(interests, interests, interest) clauses findpairs if person(Man, m, ILIST1 ) and person( Woman, f, ILIST2 ) and common_interest( ILIST1, ILIST2, _ ) and write( Man, II might like II,Woman) and nl and fail. findpairs:- write (II-----------end of the 1ist--- II ). common_interest( IL1, IL2, X ) if member(X, IL1 ) and member(X, IL2) and !. person(tom,m, [travel,books,baseball1).
member( X, [XI_1 ). member( X, [_IL1 ) if member( X, L ). The use of the cut in the predicate is the reason the predicate finds only one common interest. If the cut were not employed, the same names would be written many times if the persons had many interests in common. Using the Cut to Prevent Backtracking to the Next Clause This is a way to tell Turbo Prolog that it has chosen the correct clause for this predicate. For example, given r1 if ! and a and band c. r2 if ! and d. r3 if c. the two cuts ensure that only one of the following clauses rl, r2 or r3 will be used. (Remember, rl, r2, r3 are clauses for the same predicate r). Our example in this case is based on Program 9 (Chapter 4), which defined the facto- rial predicate without the use of the cut: factorial(1,1). factorial(N,Res) if N>1 and N1=N-1 and factorial(N1,Temp) and Res=N*Temp. The condition N> I was necessary, since the second clause could be satisfied with N = I. Without this condition the first argument in factorial could become negative and the program would loop forever (or until memory was exhausted). Tutorial Ill: Turbo Prolog's Relentless Search for Solutions 59 With the use of the cut, however, we can adopt the new clauses factorial(1,1) if !. factorial(N,Res) if N1=N-1 and factorial(N1,Between) and Res=N*Between. where the cut indicates that, for N= I. the second clause should not be tested. Determinism and the Cut The member predicate (defined in Chapter 4) is an example of a predicate having non- deterministic clauses, i.e., clauses capable of generating multiple solutions through back-. tracking. In many implementations of Turbo Prolog, special care must be taken with non-deterministic clauses because of the attendant demands made on memory resources at run time. In Turbo Prolog, however, internal checks are made for non- deterministic clauses and these are dealt with in a special way, thus reducing the burden upon the programmer. However, for debugging (and other) purposes, it can still sometimes be necessary for the programmer to intercede and the checLdeterm compiler directive is provided for this reason. If check determ is inserted at the very beginning of a program, a warning will be displayed if any non-deterministic clauses are encountered during the evaluation of a goal. Pressing [!1[) causes the warning to be ignored, while pressing any other key aborts evaluation of the goal. Non-deterministic clauses can be made deterministic by inserting cuts. Thus, verifyJTlember with clauses verify_member (X,[XI_l)):-! verify_member (X,[_IY1):-verify_member(X,y). is a deterministic version of member, the only difference between the two being the cut to stop backtracking in the first clause. verifyJTlember can be used to check that an element is a member of a given list, but cannot be used in a goal like verify_member to successively bind X to the members of [1.2,3.4,5], since the goal succeeds with X bound to I and no backtracking takes place. 60 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Exercise Suppose an average taxpayer in the USA is a US citizen, a married person with two children, and earns no less than $500 a month and no more than $2,000 per month. Define a Turbo Prolog predicate speciaLtaxpayer which, with this goal special_taxpayer(fred). will succeed only if fred fails one of the conditions for an average taxpayer. Use the cut to ensure that there is no unnecessary backtracking. Exercise Players in a certain squash club are divided into three leagues, and players may only challenge members in their own league or the league below (if there is one). Write a Turbo Prolog program that will display all possible matches between club players in the form: tom versus bill marjory versus annette Use the cut to ensure, for example, that tom versus bill and bill versus tom are not both displayed. Tutorial III: Turbo Prolog's Relentless Search for Solutions 61 62 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 6 Tutorial IV: Arithmetic, Simple Input and Output, and Debugging Turbo Prolog's arithmetic capabilities are similar to those provided in programming languages such as BASIC, C and Pascal. It includes a full range of arithmetic functions and standard predicates as diverse as the arctangent function, and a family of predicates for bitwise logical operations. These are described in the first part of this chapter, along with standard predicates for basic input and output of numeric and non-numeric values. The final part of this chapter resumes the discussion of debugging at the point where Chapter 2 left off. As programs become larger and more complex, you'll require more control over the amount of information produced by the various trace facilities, and this section tells how to gain that control. PROLOG CAN DO ARITHMETIC TOO! We have already seen some simple examples of Turbo Prolog's arithmetic capabilities. Turbo Prolog can perform all four basic arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) between integer and real values, the type of the result being determined according to Table 6-1. Table 6-1 Arithmetic Operations Oeerand I Oeerator Oeerand 2 Result integer +, -, * integer integer real +, -, * integer real integer +, -, * real real real +, -, * real real integer or real integer or real real 63 The Order of Evaluation of Arithmetic Expressions Arithmetic expressions, such as the one on the right side of the = predicate in A = 1 + 6 / (11 + 3 ) * z may include operands (numbers and variables), operators +, -, *, I, and parentheses "("and")". Hexadecimal numbers are identified by a preceding dollar sign. The value of an expression can only be calculated if all variables are bound at the time of evaluation. This calculation must then be made in a certain order, determined by the priority of the arithmetic operators; operators with the highest priority are evaluated first. Thus, eval- uation of arithmetic expressions proceeds as follows: If the expression contains subexpressions in parentheses, the subexpressions are evaluated first. If the expression contains * (multiplication) or I (division), these operations are car- ried out next, working from left to right through the expression. Finally + (addition) and - (subtraction) are carried out, again working from left to right. Returning to our example expression, since variables must be bound before evaluation, assume that Z has the value 4. The value of (II + 3) is the first subexpression to be evaluated, and it evaluates to 14. Now 6/14 can be evaluated to give 0.428571 and then 0.428571 *4 gives 1.714285. Finally, evaluating 1+ 1.714285 gives the value of the expres- sion as 2.714285. If A belongs to a domain of real type, A will be bound to 2.714285, but if A belongs to a domain of integer type, A will be bound to 2. Comparisons In the following statement: X+L; < 9 - y Table 6-2 Operator Priority Operator +- * / mod div - + (unary) Priority I 2 3 4 (which is the Turbo Prolog equivalent of: The total of X and 4 is less than 9 minus Y), the relational operator < (less than) indicates the relation between the two expressions, X+4 and 9-Y. If Value I and Value2 represent the values of the two expressions, we could write this relation in a "normal" Turbo Prolog statement format as less_than(Value1,Value2) We could also write the Turbo Prolog sentences plus(X,L;,Value1) minus(9,L;,Value) 64 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Table 6-3 Relational Operators < less than <= > >= <> or >< less than or equal to equal greater than greater than or equal to different from to describe how X+4 and 9-Yare evaluated to Va!ue! and Va!ue2, respectively. The entire comparison X +4 < 9-Y could thus be formulated as: and minus(9,y,Value2) and less_than(Value1,Value2) Turbo Prolog allows the more familiar formulation we began with, but be aware that a single comparison such as X +4<9- Y (this is called inftx notation) corresponds to as many Turbo Prolog statements as there are operators in the original sentence. The complete range of relational operators allowed in Turbo Prolog is shown in Table 6-3. Besides numeric expressions, it is also possible to compare single characters, strings and symbols. Consider the following comparisons: 'a' < 'b' peter > sally "antony" > "antonia" Turbo Prolog converts the comparison 'a' < 'b' to the equivalent arithmetic expression 97 < 98 using the corresponding ASCII code value for each character. With two string or symbol values, the outcome depends on a character-by-character comparison of corresponding positions. The result will be the same as from a comparison of their initial characters, unless these two characters are the same. If they are, Turbo Prolog will compare the next corresponding pair of characters and return that result, unless these are also equal, in which case a third pair will be examined, and so on. Hence, the second expression above is false-as is determined by comparing the ASCII values for the characters that make up peter and sally, respectively. The character p comes before s in the alphabet, so p has the lowest ASCII value and the expression is false. (The ASCII values for the entire character set can be found in Appendix B). Similarly, the third comparison is true, since the two symbols first differ at the position where one contains the letter y and the other the letter i. Compound objects, however, must be compared for equality using an equal predicate, as shown in Program 17: 1* Program 17*1 domains d = pair(integer,integer) ; single(integer) none predicates equal(d,d) clauses equal(X,X). Tutorial IV: Arithmetic, Simple Input and Output, and Debugging 65 Type in Program 17 and try out these goals:
equal(pair(2,l),pair(2,l. equal(none,none). Try also
which will result in a domain error. Now append a new predicate declaration of equal. equal(integer,integer) and retry the goal
Special Conditions for Equality In Turbo Prolog, statements like N=N 1-2 indicate a relation between the three objects: N, N I and 2; or a relation between two objects: N and the value of N 1-2.lf N is still free, the statement can be satisfied by binding N. This corresponds to what other programming languages call an assignment statement; in Turbo Prolog, it is a logical statement. On the other hand, N I must always be bound to a value since it is part of an expression. When using the equal predicate to compare real values, care must be taken to ensure that the necessarily approximate representation of real numbers does not lead to unexpected results. Thus the goal
will fail, indicating that when comparing two real values for equality, it is better to check that the two are within a certain range of one another. Program 18 illustrates how to use the equal predicate and tries to find solutions for the quadratic equation A * X*X + B * X + C = 0 where the existence of solutions depends on the value of the discriminant D = D>O implies that there are two solutions, D = 0 implies there is one solution only, and D<O implies that there are no solutions if X is to take a real value. 66 1* Program 18 *1 predicates solve(real,real,real) reply(real,real,real) mysqrt(real,real,real) equal(real,real) clauses solve(A,B,C) :- D = reply(A,B,D), nl. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook reply(_,_,D) :- D < 0, write("No solution"), !. reply(A,B,D) :- D = 0, X=-8/ (2*A), write("x=" ,X), !. reply(A,B,D) :- mysqrt(D,D,SqrtD), X1 = (-B + SqrtD)/(2*A), X2 = (-B - SqrtD)/(2*A), write("x1 = ",n," and x2 = ",X2). mysqrt(X,Guess,Root) :- NewGuess = Guess-(Guess*Guess-X)/2/Guess, not(equal(NewGuess,Guess)),!, mysqrt(X,NewGuess,Root). mysqrt(_,Guess,Guess). equal(X, Y) :- X/Y ) 0.99999 , X/Y < 1.00001. The program calculates square roots by an iterative formula where a better guess (NewGuess) for the square root of X can be obtained from the previous guess (Guess): NewGuess = (Guess - (Guess * Guess - X) ) /2 Each iteration brings us a little closer to the square root of X. Once the condition equal is satisfied, no further progress can be made and the calculation terminates. Exercise Type in Program 18 and try the following goals: solve(1,2,1). solve(1,1,t;). solve(1,-3,2). The solutions should be x = -1 No solution x1 = 2 and x2 1 respectively. Exercise The object of this exercise is to experiment with the mysqrt predicate in Program 18. We can ensure that temporary calculations can be monitored by adding the following as the first subgoal in the first mysqrt clause: write(Guess) To see the effect of this amendment, try this goal mysqrt(8,1,Result). Next, replace the equal clause with this fact equal(X,X). and retry the goal. Experiment a little more with the properties of equal. Try, for instance equal(X,y) :- X/Y < 1.1 , X/Y ) 0.9. Tutorial IV: Arithmetic, Simple Input and Output, and Debugging 67 Exercise Turbo Prolog has a built-in square root function sqrt. Thus, X = sqrt(D) will bind X to the square root of the value to which D is bound. Rewrite Program 18 using sqrt and compare the answers with those from the original version. ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS AND PREDICATES Unlike other versions of Prolog, Turbo Prolog has a full range of built-in mathematical functions and predicates that operate on integer and real values. The complete list is given in Table 6-4. Table 6-4 Turbo Prolog Arithmetic Predicates and Functions Functional Predicate bitand(X, Y,Z) bitor(X, Y,Z) bitnot(X,Z) bitxor(X, Y,Z) bit/eft(X,N, Y) bitright(X,N, Y) XmodY XdivY abs(X) cos(X) sin(X) tan(X) arctan(X) exp(X) In(X) log(X) sqrt(X) Description If X and Yare bound to integer values, Z will be bound to an integer which is the result of ( I) representing the values of X and Yas signed 16-bit numbers and (2) performing the corresponding logical operation AND, OR, NOT, XOR on those numbers. If X and N are bound to integer values, Y is bound to the integer which is the result of representing X as a signed 16-bit number and shifting left or right the number of places specified by N. Returns the remainder of X divided by Y. Returns the quotient of X divided by Y. If X is bound to a positive value v, abs(X) returns that value; other- wise it returns -I IV. The trigonometric functions require that X be bound to a value representing an angle in radians. Returns the arctangent of the real value to which X is bound. e raised to the value to which X is bound. Logarithm to base e. Logarithm to base 10. Square root. Thus test1(Xreal,AnswerReal):- AnswerReal = In(exp(sin(sqrt(XReal'XReal))))) and test2(Xinteger,Answerlnt):- bitand(X,X,Y1),bitnot(Y1,Y2),bitor(Y2,X,Answerlnt). could be used as clauses for predicates test I and test2 in a test program. In particular, the goal tesU(t;,A) . will return 68 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook A= -0.756802 and tes t2 ( L; , B) . will return B=-1 since - I is the signed 16-bit integer equivalent of IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII in binary. Exercise Use the trigonometric functions in Turbo Prolog to display a table of sine, cosine and tangent values on the screen. The left column of the table should contain angle values in degrees, starting at 0 degrees and continuing to 360 degrees in steps of 15 degrees. Exercise Write a Turbo Prolog program to test the theory that myxor(A,B,Result):- bitnot(B,NotB),bitand(A,NotB,AandNotB), bitnot(A,NotA),bitand(NotA,B,NotAandB), bitor(AandNotB,NotAandB,Result). behaves like bitxor(A,B,Result) SIMPLE INPUT AND OUTPUT Writing The predicate write can be called with an optional number of arguments: wri te ( Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, ....... ) These arguments can either be constants (from domains of standard type) or variables, but variables must be bound beforehand. The standard predicate nl is often used in conjunction with write and causes printing on the display screen to continue from a new line. Thus pupil(PUPIL,CL), write(PUPIL,1I is in the II,CL,II class ll ), nl, write(II-----------------------------------II). might result in the display: Helen Smith is in the fourth class whereas .... , write( IIList1= II, L1, II, List2= II, L2 ). could give List1 = [cow,pig,rooster], List2= [1,2,3] Tutorial IV: Arithmetic, Simple Input and Output, and Debugging 69 Also, if in, domains clauses sentence subject sentence verb verb sentence( subject, sentence_verb subject( symbol ) ; sentence_verb( verb) ; ..... . symbol write( II SENTENCE= II, My_sentence ). My_sentence is bound to sentence(subject(john),sentence_verb(sleeps)) we might obtain this display: SENTENCE= sentence(subject(john),sentence_verb(sleeps)) Often write does not. by itself, give you as much control as you'd like over the printing of compound objects like lists, but it's easy to use it in programs that give better control. To conclude this section, we'll give you four small examples to illustrate the possibilities. The first. Program 19, prints out lists without the opening and closing brackets, [ and ]. 1* Program 19 *1 domains integerlist = integer* name list = symbol. predicates writelist(integerlist) writelist(namelist). clauses writelist([]). writelist([HIT]) :- write(H,1I II), writelist(T). Try typing in the program and evaluating this goal:
Our next example, Program 20, writes out the values in a list, with at most five ele- ments per line. 1* Program 20 *1 domains integer list = integer* predicates writelist(integerlist) writeS(integerlist,integer) clauses writelist( NL) :- ni, writeS( NL, 0 ), ni. writeS( TL, S) :-!, ni, writeS( TL, _). writeS( [HIT], N ) :- write(H,1I 1I),N1=N+1,writeS(T,N1). writeS ( [], _ ). If Program 20 is given this goal
Turbo Prolog responds with 70 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 2 L; 6 8 10 12 It; 16 18 20 22 Frequently, you may want a predicate that displays compound objects in a more read- able form. Program 21 displays a compound object like plus(mult(x,number(99)),mult(number(3),x)) in the form 1* Program 21 *1 domains expr = number(integer) plus(expr,expr) predicates writeExp (expr) clauses x ; log(expr) ; mult(expr,expr) writeExp(x) write('x'). writeExp(number(No)) :- write(No). writeExp(log(Expr)) : wri te( "log ("), writeExp (Expr), write( ') '). writeExp(plus(U1,U2)):- writeExp(U1), write('+'), writeExp(U2). writeExp(mult(U1,U2)):- writeExp(U1), write('*'), writeExp(U2). Program 22 is another, similar example. Try it with the goal write_sentence(sentence(name(bill),verb(jumps))). 1* Program 22 *1 domains sentence sentence(nounphrase,verbphrase) nounphrase nounp(article,noun); name(name) verbphrase verb(verb); verbphrase(verb,nounphrase) article,noun,name,verb = symbol predicates write_sentence(sentence) write_nounphrase(nounphrase) write_verbphrase(verbphrase) clauses write_sentence(sentence(S,V)) if write_nounphrase(S) and write_verbphrase(V). write_nounphrase(nounp(A,N)) if write(A,' ',N,' '). if write(N,' ')). write_verbphrase(verb(V)) if write(V,' '). write_verbphrase(verbphrase(V,N)) if write(V,' ') and write_nounphrase(N). Exercise Write a Turbo Prolog program that, given a list of addresses contained in the program as clauses of the form address("Sylvia Dickson","lt; Railway Boulevardl,"Any Town",272L;O). displays the addresses in a form suitable for mailing labels such as: Tutorial IV: Arithmetic, Simple Input and Output, and Debugging 71 Sylvia Dickson 14 Railway Boulevard Any Town 27240 Reading Turbo Prolog includes standard predicates for reading: whole lines of characters integer, real, and character values from the keyboard from a disk file By themselves, these predicates cannot be used to read compound objects or lists directly (but see readterm in Chapter II). The construction of compound objects or lists from users' input is the programmer's responsibility. Table 6-5 contains a list of available predicates. Program 23 illustrates both the use of readln and the extraction of compound objects from input lines. 1* Program 23 *1 domains person = p(name,age,telno,job) age = integer telno,name,job = string predicates readperson(person) run goal run. clauses readperson(p(Name,Age,Telno,Job)):- write(IIWhich name? 1I),readln(Name), write("Job ?"),readln(Job), write("Age ?"),readint(Age), write("Telephone no ?"),readln(Telno). run:- readperson(p),nl,write(P),nl,nl, write("Is this compound object OK (y/n)"), readchar(Ch),Ch='y' . run:- nl,nl,write("Alright, try again"),nl,nl,run. The final example in this section uses readint to read a list of integers. One integer per line is read until readint fails. 72 1* Program 2 ~ *1 domains list integer* predicates readlist(list) goal write("Write a list of integers"),readlist(L), write("\nThe Turbo Prolog list is ",L). Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook clauses readlist([HITl readlist([l). readint(H),!,readlist(T). Exercise Write and test clauses for a predicate reodbin which in the call readbin(IntVar) would convert a user-input 16-bit binary number to a corresponding Turbo Prolog integer value to which In tV or is bound. Check your work by writing a program that contains reodbin. Table 6-5 Standard Reading Predicates readln(Line) readint(X) readreal(X) file_str(Filename,X) readchar(CharParam) The domain for the variable Line must be of either string or symbol type. The variable Line must be free prior to the readln invocation. readln reads up to 150 characters for strings 64K and up to the limit from other devices (see Chapter 8). The string entered must be terminated by a carriage return. The domain for the variable X must be of integer type, and X must be free prior to the call. When the line read will be converted to an integer, readint will read characters from the current input device iE!:9bably the keyboard, but see Chapter 8) until the [t:J key is pressed. -If the line does. not correspond to the usual syntax for integers, readint fails and Turbo Prolog's backtracking mechanism is invoked. The domain for the variable X must be of real type, and X must be free prior to the call. readreal reads characters from the current input device until the IE) key is pressed. This input is then converted to a real number. If the input does not correspond to the usual syntax for a real number, readreal fails. The domains for Filename and X must be of symbol or string type (preferably string, since long texts slow down symbol- table lookup). The variable X must be free prior to the invocation of f/le-str. f/le-str reads characters from the file until an end-of-file character (normally a @ill)I)) terminates the process. The contents of the file Filename are transferred to the variable X so that. for example file_str( lit. datil, My _text) binds My_text to the contents of the file t.dat. In this way, the string can contain carriage return characters. Files that are read from a disk will automatically contain an end-of-file character as the last character. The file read must not exceed 64K bytes in length. CharParam must be a free variable prior to invocation of readchar and belong to a domain of char type. The predicate then reads a single character from the current input device. readchar returns as soon as a single character is typed. Tutorial IV: Arithmetic, Simple Input and Output, and Debugging 73 DEBUGGING AND TRACING Before a program is executed, it is first checked to see that it conforms with Turbo Prolog syntax and to verify that values from different domain types have not been mixed up. As we saw in Chapter 2, if any error is found, the system returns control to the editor and places the cursor where the error was detected. Once a program has been verified to be syntactically correct, Turbo Prolog provides unique debugging and tracing facilities for efficient program development. When a pro- gram has successfully compiled and Turbo Prolog is waiting for an external goal, the next stage in debugging is to choose goals carefully so that predicates can be tested for a representative sample of all possible values. If unexpected behavior occurs, the trace compiler directive introduced in Chapter 2 can be used to obtain a step-by-:-step trace of execution in the trace, edit and dialog windows. Turbo Prolog uses a good deal of optimization to increase execution speed. One important optimizing technique is tail recursion elimination (see Chapter II). Using the trace compiler directive, the trace contains all RETURNs that are logically part of pro- gram execution. To trace execution using these optimizations, use the shorttrace direc- tive instead. shorttrace also results in less trace output in the trace window. When tracing a fairly large program section, this may be an advantage in itself. It may be, however, that use of either directive generates too much tracing information, in which case you can use the trace predicate to dramatically reduce trace display. The trace predicate always succeeds, and works only when one of the compiler direc- tives trace or shorttrace appears at the top of a program. trace(on) turns tracing on and trace(off) turns tracing off, respectively. Thus, if the clauses for the predicate works_already were known to behave as expected, the clause for the predicate test defined by test(X):-works_already(X,Z), .... might be more effectively traced by temporarily redefining it as test(X):-trace(off), works_already(X,Z), trace(on), During the single-step execution of a program trace, I]ill)]J can be used to provide the same function as trace, since it toggles between trace(off) and trace(on). Another way of controlling the information supplied by the tracing facilities is to use trace or shorttrace in the form trace p1,p2,p3, ... or shorttrace p1,p2,p3, ... 74 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook which result only in calls to and returns from the named predicates p l,p2,p3,oo. occur- ring in the trace. Some Predicates are Special You may have noticed that write is not traced in the same way as other predicates (its CALL and RETURN are not marked). This is because write is implemented in a rather special way so that it is allowed to have an arbitrary number of parameters. Several other predicates are specially treated in a trace for similar reasons. These include: all comparison operators (=,< etc), not, (indall, free, bound, asserta, assertz, retract, writer. and readterm. (Several of these have yet to be introduced in the tutorial, but all are described in Chapter 12). An Exercise in Tracing Type in Program 25, which seeks to define the predicate intersect so that it serves two purposes. With this assumption, a goal intersect(X,List1,List2). would succeed if X is bound to the list of integers which List I and List2 have in com- mon, so that
succeeds with X bound to [2,3] and
succeeds with X bound to [2,3.4,5]. Use the Turbo Prolog trace facilities to discover why the program doesn't work as intended. 1* Program 25 *1 domains list integer* predicates member(integer,list) intersect(list,list,list) clauses member(X,[Xl_]). member(X,[_lY]):- member(X,y). intersect([],[],_). intersect([XlY],[XlL1],L2):- member(X,L2),intersect(Y,L1,L2). intersect(Y,[_lL1],L2):- intersect(Y,L1,L2). Tutorial IV; Arithmetic, Simple Input and Output, and Debugging 75 76 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 7 Tutorial V: Seeing Through Turbo Prolog's Windows Turbo Prolog allows you to incorporate windows in your programs (in full color if you have the necessary hardware) and have full access to DOS. Before introducing Turbo Prolog's first-class windowing capabilities, this chapter describes how to determine the screen attribute values that will be used in window commands to determine the colors both inside a given window and for the window frame (if there is one). The chapter concludes with two exciting illustrations of the potential of Turbo Prolog's windowing features (an arcade style "shoot-em-up" game and a word guessing game) and then gives a few simple examples of how to interface your Turbo Prolog programs with DOS. SETTING THE SCREEN DISPLAY ATTRIBUTES Turbo Prolog allows you to control such screen display characteristics as inverse video, underlining and colors. This information is passed to standard predicates via an attribute value which, among other things, determines the color of the characters (the fore- ground) and the color behind the characters (the background). It is possible to give attributes for single characters or for a whole screen area. If your computer has a Monochrome Display Adapter, display attribute values are calculated as follows: Choose the integer representing the desired foreground and background combina- tion from Table 7- I. Add I if you want characters to be underlined in the foreground color. Add 8 if you want the white part of the display to be in high intensity. Add 128 if you want the character to blink. 77 Table 7-1 Monochrome Display Adapter Attribute Values Black characters on a black background (i.e., blank) 0 White characters on a black background (normal video) 7 Black characters on a white background (inverse video) 112 To calculate the values of screen attributes for a Color/Graphics display, follow this procedure: Choose one foreground color and one background color. Add the corresponding integer values from Table 7-2. Add 128 if you want whatever is displayed with this attribute to blink. Table 7-2 Color/Graphics Adapter Attribute Values Background colors Foreground colors Black 0 Black 0 Gray 8 Blue I Blue 16 Green 2 Light Blue 24 Cyan 3 Green 32 Red 4 Light Green 40 Magenta 5 Cyan 48 Brown 6 Red 64 White 7 Light Red 72 Magenta 80 Light Magenta 88 Brown 96 Yellow 104 White 112 White (High Intensity) 120 Thus, for black and white display on a color monitor, the corresponding screen attri- bute is 0+7=7, whereas for red foreground on a yellow background the attribute value is 4+ 104= 108. WINDOWS IN YOUR PROGRAMS Turbo Prolog provides six standard predicates which allow your programs to handle windows, i.e., to define areas of the screen and direct output to these areas. These predicates are: 78 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook makewindow( ... ) shiftwindow( ... ) removewindow( ... ) clearwindow( ... ) window_str( ... ) window_attr( ... ) Also useful in this connection is the cursor positioning standard predicate cursor( ... ) We'll now consider each predicate, starting with makewindow. makewindow(WNo,ScrAttr,FrameAttr,Header,Row,Col,Height,Width) The predicate makewindaw defines an area of the screen as a window. All parameters except Header must be integers. Header must be a string or symbol, and it is used as a title in the upper frame line. Windows are identified by a number (WNa) which is used to select which on-screen window is active. If FromeAttr is greater or less than zero, a border is drawn around the defined area (i.e., the window is framed) in the color specified by that attribute. Once defined, the window is "cleared" to the background color and the cursor is moved to its topmost left corner. The row and column positions of the top left corner of the window-relative to the whole screen-are specified by parameters Raw and Cal respectively, and Height and Width give the dimensions of the window. Raw, Cal, Height and Width should corre- spond to the size of the display. Typically, display size is 25 rows of 80 characters, but this can be changed with the graphics standard predicate (see Chapter 8). Here's an example use of makewindaw: makewindow(1,7,135,IIMy first window ll ,1,20,L;,3L;) Here, makewindaw specifies window number I, with a black and white display. A bor- der will be drawn (FromeAttr is 135) with the header "My first window" and the win- dow itself will be 4 rows high, 34 columns wide and be positioned with the top left corner at row I, column 20 of the screen (note that rows and columns are numbered from 0 onwards). On the other hand makewindow(2,7,135,lIcount the rows ll ,8,20,19,3L;) will result in the error message the parameters in makewindow are illegal since a window with height 19 is impossible if positioned starting from row 8 (8+ 19 > 25 I). Notice also that if Height and Width are bound to 10 and 20 respectively, the actual display area of the window will be 8 rows and 18 columns if the window is framed (i.e., FromeAttr is bound to a non-zero value), since the frame will then occupy a total of two rows and two columns. Tutorial V: Seeing Through Turbo Prolog's Windows 79 Read and Write With Windows The standard predicates read, readint, readchar, write and nl automatically affect the most recently made window. Thus, in Program 26, the messages will be written in the appropriate window (first window I, then window 2) and the first call to readint will echo digits typed in window 2. Once the [E) key has been pressed, window 2 will be removed by the removewindow predicate. removewindow removes the currently active window and the screen returns to the display prior to the "making" of that window. Then readint will echo digits typed .in window I until [E) is pressed, when window I will be removed (being the currently active window). Hence the final readint will echo to the bottom of the screen as usual. predicates run clauses run :- 1* Program 26 *1 makewindow(1,20,7,IIA blue window ll ,2,5,10,50), write(IIThe characters are red ll ), makewindow(2,1M,7,IIA light cyan window ll ,M,55,10,20), write(IIThiswindow is light cyan and the II), write(lIletters are black and blink. II ), write(IIPlease type an integer to exit.II),nl, readint(_), removewindow, readint(_), removewindow, readint(_), write(1I Notice where the integer appearsll). Windows can overlap. To see this, replace the makewindow commands in Program 26 with makewindow(1,20,7,IIFirst ll ,1,3,20,30) and makewindow(2,1M,7,IISecond ll ,6,18,18,50) respectively. If the text is too big to fit in a window, the text will scroll, just as it would on the full display screen. To see this, replace the makewindow commands in Program 26 with makewindow(1,20,7,IIFirst ll ,1,3,20,15) and makewindow(2,1M,7,IISecond ll ,6,18,18,30) Output to the screen is re-routed to window WindowNo by the standard predicate shiftwindow(WindowNo) and that window becomes the currently active window. (Turbo Prolog remembers any previously active window.) The cursor returns to where it was when window Win- dowNo was last active. If window WindowNo does not exist, a runtime error occurs. 80 Turbo Prolog Owner' s Handbook You can change the attribute of the currently active window with the window_attr(Attr) standard predicate. windowattr causes the entire active window to receive the attribute Attr. The cursor standard predicate also gives more control over screen display. If Rowand Col are bound to positive integer values, then cursor(Row,Col) moves the cursor to the indicated position in the currently active window. (Rowand Col denote row and column values within the window, where the top left corner inside the window is at row 0, column 0). If Rowand Col are free, cursor(Row,Col) binds Rowand Col to the current cursor position. Program 27 uses the window standard predicates to turn your computer into a simple adding machine that repeatedly adds two integers and displays the result. Both oper- ands and the sum are displayed in windows. Note the redefinition of window 2 in the program. The new window definition is referred to by the same number; the latest definition is always used. clearwindow clears the currently active window by filling that window with the selected background color. To run the program, give the goal start. /* Program 27 *1 predicates start run(integer) do_sums set_up_windows clear_windows clauses start :- set_up_windows,do_sums. set_up_windows :- makewindow(1,7,7,1I11,0,0,25,80), makewindow(1,7,7,IILeft operand ll ,2,5,5,25), makewindow(2,7,7,1111,2,35,5,10), nl,write(1I PLUS II ), makewindow(2,7,7,IIRight operand ll ,2,50,5,25), makewindow(3,7,7,IIGives ll , 10,30,5,25), makewindow(L;,7,7,1I11,20,30,5,35). do_sums :- run(_),clear_windows,do_sums. run(Z) shiftwindow(1), cursor(2,1),readint(X), shiftwindow(2), cursor(2,10),readint(Y), shiftwindow(3),Z=X+Y,cursor(2,10),write(Z), shiftwindow(L;), write(1I Please press the space barll), readchar(_). clear_windows :- shiftwindow(1),clearwindow, shiftwindow(2),clearwindow, shiftwindow(3),clearwindow, shiftwindow(L;),clearwindow. Tutorial V: Seeing Through Turbo Prolog's Windows 81 SCREEN-BASED INPUT AND OUTPUT The basic read and write family of standard predicates is not adequate for more sophis- ticated uses of Turbo Prolog's screen and window display facilities. There are some other specially designed standard predicates that make full screen and window handling easier. In this section, we'll first describe the facilities available and then use some of them to construct a simple program which could be the basis of a "shoot-em-up" computer game. The entire screen or a window can be accessed and manipulated on three levels: One character at a time. One field at a time. (A field is any contiguous sequence of character display positions occurring on the same row.) One window at a time. On the character level, the important predicates for screen and window handling are scr _char and scr _attr. scr _char takes the form scr_char(Row,Column,Character) and is used both to read and write a character. With all three parameters bound, the Character will be written in the indicated position. With Rowand Column bound and Character free, a character is read from the indicated position. If Row or Column refers to a position outside the borders of the active window, a runtime error occurs. sccattr is used analogously to scr _char and takes the form scr_attr(Row,Column,Attr) The attribute of the character position (Row, Column) is assigned or read depending on whether Attr is bound or free. On the field level, (teld--str takes the form field_str(Row,Column,Length,String) and works similarly. It can be used to read text from, or write text to a field on the screen or inside a window. The position of the field is indicated by variables Row, Column and Length, which must refer to a position within the borders of the currently active window. If {teld--str refers to positions outside the screen or currently active window, the program will stop with a runtime error. If String is bound to a value containing more characters than Length indicates, only the first Length characters are used. If String is shorter than Length, the rest of the field will be filled with blank spaces. All the positions in a selected field can be assigned an attribute value with a single call of the standard predicate (teld_attr, which takes the form field_attr(Row,Column,Length,Attr) All parameters must be bound, although if {teld_attr is called with Row, Column and Length bound and Attr free, Attr will be bound to the current attribute setting of the specified field (which will be determined by the attribute of the first character in the field). 82 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook The window-str predicate takes the form: window_str(StringParam) If StringParam is free when window-str is called, StringParam will be bound to the string currently displayed in the active window and thus have the same number of lines as are in the active window. The length of every line in the string is determined by the last non-blank character in that line. If, on the other hand, StringParam is bound to a string value, that string is written in the window according to the following algorithm: If there are more lines in the string than there are lines in the window, lines will be written until the window space is exhausted. If there are fewer lines in the string than in the window, the remaining lines in the window will be filled out with blank spaces. If there are more characters in a string line than are available on a window line, the string line will be truncated to fit. If there are fewer characters in a line than there are columns in the window, the line will be filled out with blank spaces. A SIMPLE ARCADE GAME To illustrate the power of Turbo Prolog's window handling facilities, we'll now use scr _char to construct a very simple arcade game program. When the program is run, monsters will appear at the top of the screen and gradually make their way down towards the player who is stationed at the bottom. The player must direct the fire from the zapGun using the II) and I]) keys. The object of the game is to zap the monsters before they zap you. Since Turbo Prolog works so fast, we need to slow it down to give the screen display a chance to catch up. Otherwise the whole game would be played so quickly that we wouldn't see a thing. Thus, we define the predicate delay, whose sole purpose is to waste an amount of time indicated by its single integer parameter. Its clauses are: delay(N) :- N>O,!,N1=N-1,delay(N1). delayL) . Now, we can define the predicate zapGun which when called in the form
will simulate the firing of a laser beam from the bottom of the screen straight up the given Column. We do this by repeatedly drawing and erasing the "A" character. zapGun(N,C):- N>O,!,scr_char(N,C,'A'),delay(150), scr_char(N,C,' '),N1=N-1,zapGun(N1,C). zapGun(_,_). The attacking monsters are represented by a list of integers denoting the numbers of the columns down which they will descend. We want to be able to draw the monsters Tutorial V: Seeing Through Turbo Prolog's Windows 83 (represented by the character "#") and to erase them (to simulate movement). Predi- cate show Them takes three parameters: a list of columns occupied by monsters; the row on which they are to be displayed; and a character which will be displayed in every monster position. showThem([],_,_) :-!. showThem([MonsterITheRest],Row,Char) scr_char(Row,Monster,Char), showThem(TheRest,Row,Char). At different points in the game, we'll check to see which monsters still "live" and which row they have reached: testresult([],_):- write ("\ nWell done champion zapper !"), delay(32ooo),exit. testresult(_,Row):- testresult(_,_):- write("\nToo late, YOU have been zapped!"), delay(32ooo),exit. Once a monster has been zapped, it is deleted from the list of live monsters by the delete predicate: delete (_, [ ] , [ ] ) . delete(X,[XIR],R) :-!. delete(X,[YIR],[Y,R2]) !,delete(X,R,R2). There are a few other details to consider. We must prevent the zap gun from going off the sides of the screen, move it one column to the left if I1l is pressed, or one column to the right if II) is pressed. Pressing any other key has no effect. Here's the relevant code: test( 'z' ,0,0) :-!. tes t ( , x' ,79, 79) : -! . test('z',OldCol,NewCol):-!,NewCol=OldCol-l. test('x',OldCol,NewCol):-!,NewCol=OldCol+l. testC,C,C) . The internal goal for the program is
which starts the game with the zap gun in column 56, monsters in columns 42,45,50,55,56 and 59, and all monsters at row 0. The defining clause for doit is 84 doit(Initial,Monsters,Row):- testresult(Monsters,Row), showThem(Monsters,Row, '\1'), readchar(Ch),test(Ch,Initial,Final),
showThem(Monsters,Row,' '), doit(Final,LiveMonsters,NewRow). testresult([],_):- write(lI\nWell done champion zapper !II), delay(32000),exit. testresult(_,Row) :- testresult(_,_) :- write(lI\nToo late, YOU have been zapped !II), delay(32000),exit. showThem([],_,_) :-!. showThem([MonsterITheRest],Row,Char) scr_char(Row,Monster,Char), showThem(TheRest,Row,Char). zapGun (N, C) :- N>O,!,scr_char(N,C,'A'),delay(150), scr_char(N,C,' '),N1=N-1,zapGun(N1,C). zapGun(_,_). test('z',O,O):-!. tes t ( , x' ,79, 79) : -! . test('z',OldCol,NewCol):-!,NewCol=OldCol-1. test('x',OldCol,NewCol):-!,NewCol=OldCol+1. test(_,C,C) . delete <-, [ ] , [ ] ) . delete(X,[XIR],R):-!. delete(X,[YIR],[YIR2]) !,delete(X,R,R2). delay(N): N>O,!,N1=N-1,delay(N1). delay(O). Tutorial v; Seeing Through Turbo Prolog's Windows 85 A WORD GUESSING GAME USING WINDOWS Program 29 uses Turbo Prolog's window facilities to produce a word guessing game. To keep it fairly short, the operation of the program is quite primitive, but the windows make its on-screen presentation impressive nevertheless. The player must guess a total of three words in turn. First. s/he is asked to type in a letter. If that letter is in the word, it is put in the YES window. If not. the letter goes into the NO window. After each guess at a letter, the player is asked to guess the whole word, which must then be typed in letter-by-Ietter, and the IE) key pressed after every letter. A record is kept of the total number of guesses. 86 1* Program 29 *1 dOlains list=symbol* . scores=integer predicates goal member(symbol,list) run continue(list,scores) yes_no_count(symbol,list) guess_word(scores,list) word(list,integer) read_as_list(list,integer) makewindow(1,7,D,III1,D,D,2S,8D), makewindow(2,7,13S,IICounting ll ,1,2D,L;,3L;), makewindow(3,112,112,IIYES II ,S,S,7,30), makewindow(L;,112,112,IINO II ,S,L;D,7,3D), makewindow(S,7,7,III1,M,2D,1D,3L;), run. clauses run:- word(W,L), shiftwindow(1),clearwindow, write(IIThe word has II,L,II letters ll ), shiftwindow(2),clearwindow, shiftwindow(3),clearwindow, shiftwindow(L;),continue(W,O),fail. continue(L,R):- shiftwindow(L;),clearwindow, write(IIGuess a letter :11), Total=R+1,readln(T),yes_no_count(T,L), shiftwindow(L;),clearwindow, guess_word(Total,L),continue(L,Total). yes_no_count(X,List):- member(X,List),shiftwindow(2),write(X),!. yes_no_count(X,_):- shiftwindow(3),write(X). guess_word(Count,Word):- write(IIKnow the word yet? Press y or nil), readchar(A),A='y',cursor(O,D), write(IIType it in one letter per line \nll), word(Word,L),read_as_list(G,L), G=Word,clearwindow,window_attr(112), write(IIRight! You used II,Count,1I guess(es)II), readchar(_),window_attr(7),!,fail. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook guess_word(_,_). word([p,r,o,l,o,g],6). word([f,u,t,u,r,e],6). member(X,[XI_]):-!. member(X,[_IT]):-member(X,T). read_as_list([],O) :-!. read_as_list ( [Ch I Rest] , L) :- readln(Ch),L1=L-1,read_as_list(Rest,L1). A WINDOW TO DOS Turbo Prolog programs can provide access to DOS via the system predicate, which takes the form system("Any DOS command or the name of an executable file") If the argument is an empty string (" "), DOS will be called, as long as the DOS file COMMAND.COM is accessible from the current DOS directory (see Chapter 12, "Setup"). You can then give commands to DOS. To return to Turbo Prolog, type EXIT (Evaluation of the related standard predicate exit will stop the execution of a Turbo Prolog program and return control to Turbo Prolog). For example, to copy the file B:ORIGINAL.FIL to a file A:ACOPY.FIL from within the Turbo Prolog system, you could give the goal system("") . and then copy the file using the usual DOS command >copy b:original.fil a:acopY.fil and then return to Turbo Prolog A>EXIT after which Turbo Prolog replies Goal : You could combine this DOS-calling facility with windows to construct your own user interface to DOS. For instance,
system("") . would confine any dialogue with DOS to an 8-row, 38-column window in the top right corner of the screen. Program 30 displays directories for the disk in drive A (left window) and drive B (right window), and returns to Turbo Prolog when the space bar is pressed. Tutorial V: Seeing Through Turbo Prolog's Windows 87 goal 1* Program 30 *1 makewindow(l,7,7,"Directory for disk AII,o,o,20,3S), system("dir a:"), makewindow(2,7,7,"Directory for disk B",o,L;o,2o,3S), system("dir b:"), makewindow(3,7,7,"I,21,2S,3,30). Program 31 illustrates a file copy utility with a very elegant, window-driven user inter- face. In this design, the user needn't remember whether it is the name of the copy or the name of the file to be copied that comes first in the DOS copy command (a point of confusion for many novice computer users). Program 31 uses the standard predicate concat (see Chapter 9) which takes the form concat(X,y,Z) and is true if Z is bound to the concatenated strings to which X and Yare bound. Thus concat("hello"," mother",X) will succeed and binds X to "hello mother" and concat("valerie","ann","valerie-ann") fails (because of the extra hyphen in "valerie-ann"). 1* Program 31 *1 goal makewindow(l,7,7,ISource",o,o,2o,3S), write("Which file do you want to copy ?"), cursor(3,B),readln(X), makewindow(2,7,7,IDestination",o,L;o,2o,3S), write("What is the name of the new copy ?"), cursor(3,B),readln(Y), concat(X," ",Xl) ,concat(Xl, Y, Z), concat("copy ",Z,W), makewindow(3,7,7,IProcess",M,lS,B,So), write(" Copying ",X," to ",Y),cursor(2,3), system(W) . Date and Time There are two other DOS-related standard predicates that are handy to use: date and time. They can each be used in two ways, depending on whether all their parameters are free or bound on entry. If all variables in time(Hours,Minutes,Seconds,Hundredths) are bound, time will reset the internal system time clock. If all variables are free, they will be bound to the current values of the internal clock. Date, which also relies on the internal system clock, operates in the same way, and takes the form date(Year,Month,Day) Program 32 uses time to display the time elapsed during a listing of the directory in drive A. 88 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook goal 1* Program 32 *1 makewindow(1,7,7,ITimer",8,1D,12,bO), time(O,O,O,O),system("dir a:"), time(H,M,S,Hundredths), write(H," hours "), write(M," minutes "), write(S,1I seconds "), write(Hundredths,1I hundredths of a second"),nl,nl. For a more sophisticated example of the use of time, see Program 60 in Chapter 10. Tutorial V: Seeing Through Turbo Prolog's Windows 89 90 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 8 Tutorial VI: Graphics and Sound Apart from windows, the other way to brighten up your programs is to use graphics and sound. Turbo Prolog offers a choice of point- and line-based graphics or a full set of Turtle Graphics commands. Complex shapes are easy to draw with Turtle Graphics- all you have to do is guide a little pen-carrying turtle around the screen. This chapter describes these facilities in detail, gives some attractive example programs and con- cludes with two applications of the sound standard predicate, one of which turns your computer into a piano! TURBO PROLOG'S GRAPHICS Before using Turbo Prolog's graphics commands, you must set up the screen in an appropriate way using the standard predicate graphics. When you've finished with graphics, the standard predicate text can be used to clear the screen and return to text mode. The graphics predicate takes the form graphics(ModeParam,Palette,Background) and initializes the screen in medium, high or extra-high resolution graphics. The possible values for ModeParam and the resulting screen formats are shown in Table 8-1. The standard IBM Color/Graphics Adapter supports modes I and 2: and modes 3,4, and 5 are supported by the Enhanced Graphics Adapter. In all cases, graphics clears the screen and positions the cursor at the upper left corner. In mode I four colors can be used (colors 0, 1,2, and 3), as shown in Table 8-2. Color is the current background color. Colors are determined by one of two palettes, selected according to whether Palette is bound to or I. Modes 3 and 4 offer sixteen colors, and mode 5 offers 3. Background (also an integer value) selects one of the background colors shown in Table 8-3. 91 Table 8-1 Graphics Resolution Choices Number Number ModeParam of Co Is of Rows Description I 320 200 Medium resolution, 4 colors. 2 640 200 High resolution black and white. 3 320 200 Medium resolution, 16 colors. 4 640 200 High resolution, 16 colors. 5 640 350 Enhanced resolution, 13 colors. Table 8-2 Palette Choices in Medium Resolution Palette Color I Color 2 Color 3 0 green red yellow cyan magenta white Table 8-3 Background Colors 0 black 8 gray I blue 9 light blue 2 green 10 light green 3 cyan II light cyan 4 red 12 light red 5 magenta 13 light magenta 6 brown 14 yellow 7 white 15 high intensity white The two fundamental graphics standard predicates are dot and line. The call dot(Row,Column,Color) places a dot at the point determined by the values of Rowand Column, in the specified Color. Rowand Column are integers from 0 to 31999 and are independent of the current screen mode. (Dot returns the color value if the variable Color is free prior to the call). Similarly, line(Row1,Co11,Row2,Co12,Color) draws a line between the points (Rowl, Col/) and (Row2, Co12) in the specified Color. Program 33 shows a typical sequence of standard graphics predicate calls. 92 II Program 33 II goal write("Before graphics"),readchar(_),
write("ordinary write during graphics mode"), readchar(_), text, write("After graphics"). Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Program 34 uses standard graphics predicates to construct a "doodle pad." A border is drawn around the screen, and you can draw by pressing the CD (for Up), []J (for Down), El (for Left), and El (for Right) keys. Try the program out before examining the code. Keys other than ([), []J, !Il and [[) are ignored, except that pressing 0 exits the program. /1 Program 3t; 1/ predicates move(char,integer,integer,integer) start changestate(integer,integer) goal start clauses start:- graphics(l,l,t;), line(1000,1000,1000,31000,2), line(1000,31000,31000,31000,2), line(31000,31000,31000,1000,2), line(31000,1000,1000,1000,2), changestate(15000,15000). changestate(X,Y):- readchar(Z),move(Z,X,Y,Xl,Yl),changestate(Xl,Yl). move('r',X,31000,X,31000):- !. move('r',X,Yold,X,Ynew):- !,Ynew=Yold+l00,dot(X,Yold,3). move('l',X,1000,X,1000):- !. move('l',X,Yold,X,Ynew):- !,Ynew=Yold-l00,dot(X,Yold,3). move('v',1000,Y,1000,Y):- !. move('v';Xold,Y,Xnew,Y):- !,Xnew=Xold-l00,dot(Xold,y,3). move('d',31000,Y,31000,Y):- !. move('d',Xold,Y,Xnew,Y):- !,Xnew=Xold+l00,dot(Xold,Y,3). move('I',_,_,_,_):- !,exit. move(_,X,y,X,y). Turtle Graphics Commands Standard predicates that produce effects similar to Program 34 are built into Turbo Prolog-the Turtle Graphics commands. When you enter graphics mode the screen is cleared, and a turtle appears in the middle of the screen facing the top of the screen vertically and with a "pen" attached to its tail. As the turtle is directed to move by various standard predicates, the "pen" leaves a trail on the screen. The effect of these predicates depends on The position of the turtle The direction of the turtle Whether the "pen" is drawing (activated) or not The color of the pen The standard predicate pendown activates the pen and penup deactivates it. Immedi- ately after a call to graphics, the pen is activated. The color of the trail left by the pen Tutorial VI: Graphics and Sound 93 is determined by the parameter Color in pencolor(Color) according to the colors in Table 7-1. The movement of the turtle is controlled by four standard predicates: forward, back, right and left. Thus forward(Step) indicates how many steps the turtle is to move from its current position along its current direction (the size of the step depends on the graphics mode). forward fails if the movement leads to a position outside the screen; there are 32000 horizontal steps and 32000 vertical steps. The current position of the turtle is updated only if forward is successful. The predicate back(Step) does the opposite of forward: back(X) corresponds to forward( - X). To make the turtle turn right. use the predicate right(Angle) If Angle is bound, the turtle will turn through the indicated angle in degrees to the right. If Angle is free prior to calling right, it is bound to the current direction of the turtle. The predicate left(Angle) works the same for left turns. Thus, the following sequence would draw a triangle on the screen and end up with the turtle facing in its original direction: pendown, forward(5DDD),right(12D), forward(5DDD),right(120), forward(5000),right(120). Program 35 draws a star in a similar way. 1* Program 35 *1 goal graphics(2,1,O),
Here are some more examples of what you can do with Turtle Graphics: Programs 36 and 37 draw spirals, Program 38 draws a pattern, and Program 39 a circle. 94 1* Program 36 *1 predicates polyspiral(integer) goal graphics(2,1,D),polyspiral(5DD). clauses polyspiral(X):- forward(X),right(62),Y=X+1DD,polyspiral(Y). Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook /1 Program 37 1/ predicates inspiral(integer) goal graphics(2,1,0),inspiral(10). clauses inspiral(X):- forward(SOOO),right(X),Y=X+1,inspiral(Y). /1 Program 38 1/ predicates square(integer) fillsquare(integer) goal fillsquare(SOOO). clauses square(X) :- forward(X),right(90),forward(X),right(90), forward(X),right(90),forward(X),right(90). fillsquare(X):-X>10000,!. fillsquare(X):-square(X),Y=X+SOO,fillsquare(Y). predicates goal clauses /1 Program 39 1/ circle circle. circle:-forward(1000),right(1),circle. Turbo Prolog's graphics can also be used within windows, as illustrated in Program 40. A window is drawn and a "spotlight" effect (several lines drawn from a fixed point to fifteen other points) is repeated at five different positions. Another overlapping win- dow is drawn and five more "spotlights" appear. Finally, a text window is drawn, which contains an invitation for the user to press the space bar. Each time the space bar is pressed, one of the windows is removed and the invitation reappears. Note that text and graphics can be used simultaneously both inside a window and on the full screen. /1 Program L;O 1/ domains list=integer l predicates spotlight(integer,integer,integer) xy(list) goal undo graphics(2,0,1), makewindow(1,7,7,"First",1,1,18,70), xy([O,0,0,9000,3000,26S00,20100,2L;L;00,201DO,1000J), makewindow(2,7,7,"Second",10,20,1t;,6D), xy([O,100D,D,9DOO,O,20DDO,1S0DO,200DD,1S000,100DJ), Tutorial VI: Graphics and Sound 95 makewindow(3,7,7,IText",1S,O,b,3S), write("This could be any text written by any"),nl, write("of the Turbo Prolog writing predicates."), undo,undo,undo. clauses xy([X,YIRestl):- spotlight(1S,X,Y),!,xy(Rest). xy(_). spotlight(O,_,_):-! . spotlight(N,R,C):- X=N I 1200,line(R,C,9000,X,1),N1=N-1, spotlight(N1,R,C). undo: write("\n\nPress the space bar"), readchar(_),removewindow. LET'S HEAR TURBO PROLOG Turbo Prolog has two standard predicates for making noises. The simplest takes the form beep and makes the computer beep. The other can be used to make more imaginative noises, and takes the form sound(Duration,Frequency) A note of the indicated Frequency is played for Duration hundredths of a second. Using the sound predicate, we can turn the computer into a miniature piano, given the fre- quencies of various notes. In Program 41 we have done just that, using the frequencies shown in Table 8-4 and using the keys WET Y U A S D F G H J K to mimic the normal piano keyboard layout. For example, pressing ASDFGHJK (in that order) would produce a C major scale. Keys not on our pretend piano keyboard produce a high-pitched peep thanks to the clause tone(_,SOOO). and thus only ~ interrupts the execution. 96 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Table 8-4 The Computer as Piano Note Frequency C (low) 131 C sharp 139 D 147 D sharp 156 E 165 F 175 F sharp 185 G 196 G sharp 208 A 220 A sharp 233 B 247 C (middle) 262 1* Program L;1 *1 Keyboard Character A W S E D F T G y H U J K predicates piano tone(char,integer) goal piano. clauses piano:- readchar(Note),tone(Note,Freq),sound(S,Freq),piano. tone('a',131). tone('w',139). tone('s',1L;7). tone('e',1Sb). tone('f',17S). tone('t',1BS). tone('g',19b). tone('y',20B). tone('h',220). tone('u',233). tone('j',2L;7). tone('k',2b2). tone(_,SOOO). I*all other keys squeak *1 Program 42 plays the nursery rhyme Jock and Jill by running up and down musical scales. 1* Program L;2 *1 domains direction=up;down predicates jack_and_jill(direction,integer) goal jack_and_jill(up,SOO). clauses jack_and_jill(up,F):- F<SOOO,!,sound(1,F),F1=F+200,jack_and_jill(up,F1). jack_and_jill(up,F):- jack_and_jill(down,F). jack_and_jill(down,F):- F>SOO,!,sound(1,F),F1=F-200,jack_and_jill(down,F1). jack_and_jill(down,F):- jack_and_jill(up,F). Tutorial VI: Graphics and Sound 97 98 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 9 Tutorial VII: Files and Strings Turbo Prolog is extremely rich in file and string-handling facilities. Rather than giving a long list of standard predicates that might seem daunting at first sight, this chapter gives the standard predicates in related families. Each family of predicates is followed by some example programs which illustrate the use of predicates in that family. A com- plete classified (and alphabetized) list of standard predicates can be found in Chap- ter 12. The chapter concludes with a description of the very important standard predicate {indoll (which is used to collect the values of a variable that satisfy a given clause into a list) and of the random number generator random. THE TURBO PROLOG FILE SYSTEM In this section, we'll take a look at the Turbo Prolog file system and the standard read and write predicates that are relevant to files. The standard predicates for reading and writing are elegant and efficient. With just a single command, output can, for instance, be routed to a file instead of being displayed on the screen. In fact, Turbo Prolog makes use of a currenueod_device, from which input is read, and a currenLwrite_device, to which output is sent. Normally, the keyboard is the current read device and the screen is the current write device, but you can specify other devices. For instance, input could be read from a file that is stored externally (on disk perhaps), and output could be sent to a printer. Moreover, it is possible to reassign the current input and output devices while a program is running. Regardless of what read and write devices are used, reading and writing are handled identically within a Turbo Prolog program. 99 To access a file, it must first be opened. A file can be opened in four ways: For reading For writing For appending to the file For modification A file opened for any activity other than reading must be closed when that activity is finished or the changes to the file will be lost. Several files may be open simultaneously, and input and output can be quickly redirected between open files. In contrast, it takes longer to open and close a file than to redirect data between files. When a file is opened, Turbo Prolog connects a symbolic name to the actual name of the file used by DOS. This symbolic name is used by Turbo Prolog when input and output are redirected. Symbolic file names must start with a lowercase letter and must be declared in the file domain declaration: file = fileL ; source ; auxiliary Only one file domain is allowed in any program, and the four symbols printer screen keyboard comL are automatically defined in advance in the file domain and must not appear in the file declaration. printer refers to the parallel printer port and com I refers to the serial communication port. Following are the standard predicates for opening and closing files. openread{SyrnbolicFileNarne,DosFileNarne) The file DosFileName is opened for reading. The file is then referred to by the symbolic name SymbolicFileName. If the file is not found, the predicate fails. If DosFileName is illegal, an error message is displayed. openwrite{SyrnbolicFileNarne,DosFileNarne) The file DosFileName is opened for writing. If the file already exists, it is deleted. Other- wise, the file is created and an entry made in the appropriate DOS directory. openappend{SyrnbolicFileNarne,DosFileNarne) The file DosFileName is opened for appending. If the file is not found, an error message is displayed and execution halted. openrnodify{SyrnbolicFileNarne,DosFileNarne) The file DosFileName is opened for both reading and writing. openmodify can be used in conjunction with the (ilepos standard predicate (see page 102) to update a random access file. ]00 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook closeFile(SymbolicFileName} The indicated file is closed. This predicate is successful even if the file has not been opened. readdevice(SymbolicFileName} Reassigns the current read device provided SymbolicFileName is bound and has been opened for reading. If SymbolicFileName is free, the call will bind it to the name of the current active read device. writedevice(SymbolicFileName} Reassigns the current write device provided the indicated file has been opened either for writing or appending. For example: The following sequence opens the file MYDATA.FIL for writing and directs all output produced by clauses between the two occurrences of writedevice to that file. In the following code excerpt, the file is associated with the symbolic filename destination appearing in a domains declaration of the file domain: dOlains file = destination goal openwrite(destination,"mydata.fil"), writedevice(destination), writedevice(screen), As another example, the following sequence will redirect all output produced by clauses between the two occurrences of writedevice to the printer device. (The printer need not be "opened," since this is handled by the system. Caution: If no printer is connected, the system will "hang" if such a sequence is executed; ~ can be used to allow Turbo Prolog to regain control). writedevice(printer), writedevice(screen), Also, the com I device is opened automatically. If your computer has no serial card, there will be a runtime error if com I is used in writedevice or readdevice. In Program 43, we have used some standard read and write predicates to construct a program that stores characters typed at the keyboard in the DOS file TRYFILE.ONE on the current default disk. Characters typed are not echoed on the display screen; it would be a good exercise for you to change the program so that characters are echoed. The file is closed when the W key is pressed. During text entry, each ASCII code for a carriage return received from the keyboard is sent to the file as two ASCII codes, carriage return and line feed. This is because the DOS TYPE command requires both characters to be present in order to produce a proper listing of the contents of the file. Tutorial VII: Files and Strings 101 1* Program ~ 3 *1 domains file myfile predicates start readin(char) clauses start:- open write (myfile ,"tryfile. oneil) , writedevice(myfile), readchar(X), readin(X), closefile(myfile), writedevice(screen), write("Your input has been transferred a file"). readin ( '#' ): -! . readin( '\13') :-! ,write(I\13\10") ,readchar(X) ,readin(X). readin( X ):- write(X),readchar(Y),readin(Y). The position where reading or writing takes place in a file can be controlled by the (tlepos predicate, which takes the form filepos(SymbolicFileName,FilePosition,Mode) This predicate can change the read and write position for a file identified by Symbolic- FileName, which has been opened via openmodify, or it can return the current file posi- tion if called with Fileposition free and Mode bound to O. Fileposition is a real value (any fractional part is disregarded). Mode is an integer and specifies how the value of Fileposition is to be interpreted, as shown in Table 9-1. Thus the sequence Text="A text to be written in the file", openmodify(myfile,"some.fil") writedevice(myfile), filepos(myfile,100,O), write(Text). will write the value of Text in the file starting at position 100 (relative to the beginning of the file). Using (tlepos, the contents of a file can be inspected position by position, and this is precisely what Program 44 allows you to do. The program requests a filename and then displays the contents of positions in the file as their position numbers are entered at the keyboard. 102 Mode o I 2 Table 9-1 Mode and Fileposition Fileposition Relative to the beginning of the file Relative to current position Relative to the end of the file i.e., the end of the file counts as position O. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook domains file input predicates II Program 1;1; II start inspect_positions goal start. clauses start:- write("Which file do you want to work with ?"), readln(FileName) , openread(input,FileName), inspect_positions. inspect_positions:- readdevice(keyboard),nl,write("Position No?"), readreal(X), readdevice(input),filepos(input,X,D),readchar(Y), write(Y) ,inspect_positions. In a similar vein, Program 45 dumps the contents of a file onto the display screen in (decimal) ASCII codes. It uses the eaf predicate, which has the form eof(SymbolicFileName) eaf can check whether the fileposition during a read operation is at the end of the file, in which case eaf succeeds: otherwise, it fails. II Program 1;5 II domains file input predicates start print_contents goal start. clauses start:- write ("Which file do yau want to work with ?"), readln(FileName) , openread(input,FileName), readdevice(input), print_contents. print_contents:- not(eof(input)),readchar(Y),char_int(Y,T), write(T,1I "),print_contents. print_contents:- nl,readdevice(keyboard), write("\nPlease press the space bar"),readchar(_). Following are the remaining file handling standard predicates. flush(SymbolicFileName) Forces the contents of the internal buffer to be written to the named file. ~ u s h is useful when the output is directed to a serial port and it may be necessary to send data to the port before the buffer is full. During normal disk file operations, the buffer is fiushed automatically. Tutorial VII: Files and Strings 103 existFile(DosFileName) This predicate succeeds if DosFileName is found in the DOS directory in the current default disk drive. The predicate fails if the name does not appear in the directory or if the name is an invalid filename or includes wildcards, e.g. *. *. The sequence open(File,Name):- existfile(Name),l,openread(File,Name). open(_,Name):- write(IIError: the file II,Name,1I is not found ll ). can be used to verify that a file exists before attempting to open it. deleteFile(DosFileName) DosFileName is deleted. De/eteFile always succeeds if the filename is a valid DOS file name; otherwise, a runtime error will occur. renameFile(OldDosFileName,NewDosFileName) The file OldDosFileName is renamed NewDosFileName provided a file called NewDos- FileName doesn't already exist and both names are valid filenames. The predicate fails otherwise. STRING PROCESSING The predicates described in this section are used to divide strings either into a list of their individual characters or into a list of corresponding symbols. The predicate frontchar(String1,CharParam,String2) operates as if it were defined by the equation String1 = (the concatenation of CharParam and String2). If String I is empty, the predicate will fail. In Program 46, frontchar is used to define a predicate that changes a string to a list of characters (or the other way around). Try the goal string_chlist("ABCII,Z) This goal will return Z bound to ['A','B','C']. 1* Program L;6 *1 domains charlist=char* predicates string_chlist(string,charlist) clauses string_chlist(lIlI, [1). string_chlist(S,[HIT1):- frontchar(S,H,S1), string_chlist(S1,T). Fronttoken can be used to split a string into a list of tokens. It takes the form fronttoken(String1,SymbolParam,Rest) 104 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook If (ronttoken is called with String I bound, it finds the first token of String I which is then returned in SymbolParom. The remainder of the string is returned in the third parame- ter, Rest. Preceding blank spaces are ignored. A sequence of characters is grouped as one token when it constitutes one of the fol- lowing: A name according to normal Turbo Prolog syntax. A number (a preceding sign is returned as a separate token). A non-space character. The following predicates can be used to determine the nature of the returned token: isname, str ~ n t , and str _len, as demonstrated in Program 48. But first, let's look at an illustration of the division of a sentence into a list of names. If Program 47 is given the goal string_namelist("bill fred tom dick harry",X). X will be bound to [bill,fred,tom,dick,harryl 1* Program ~ 7 *1 domains namelist = name* name = symbol predicates string_namelist(string,namelist) clauses string_namelist(S,[HIT1):- fronttoken(S,H,S1),!,string_namelist(S1,T). string_namelist(_,[l). As another example, we'll define the predicate scanner, which will transform a string into a list of tokens, this time classified by associating each token with a functor. 1* Program ~ B *1 domains tok numb(integer);char(char);name(string) tokl = tok* predicates scanner(string,tokl) maketok(string,tok) clauses scanner("",[l). scanner(Str,[TokIRestl):- fronttoken(Str,Sym,Str1), maketok(Sym,Tok), scanner(Str1,Rest). maketok(S,name(S)):- isname(S). maketok(S,numb(N)):- str_int(S,N). maketok(S,char(C)):- str_char(S,C). We conclude this section with a short summary of other useful string handling standard predicates. Tutorial VII: Files and Strings 105 concat(String1,String2,String3) concot states that String3 is the string obtained by concatenating String I and String2. At least two of the parameters must be bound prior to invoking concot, which means that con cot always gives only one solution (i.e., is deterministic). Thus concat(lcrocol,ldile",Animal) binds Animal to "crocodile". frontstr(NurnberOfChars,String1,StartStr,String2) String I is split into two parts. StartStr will contain the first NumberO(Chars characters in String I and String2 will contain the rest. Before (ronstr is called, the first two parameters must be bound and the last two must be free. str_len(StringPararn,IntegerLength) The predicate str ~ e n returns the length of StringParam or tests if StringParam has the given IntegerLength. isnarne( String ) Tests the String to verify whether it is a name according to normal Turbo Prolog syntax, i.e., whether it starts with a letter of the alphabet followed by any number of letters, digits and underscore characters. Preceding and succeeding spaces are ignored. Type Conversion Standard Predicates Following is a summary of the available type conversion standard predicates. Full details can be found in Chapter 12. The standard predicates convert between a character and its ASCII value, a string and a character, a string and an integer, a string and a real, and uppercase and lowercase characters. The predicates are: char_ascii(ACharacter,Anlnteger) str_char(OneCharlnAString,OneCharacter) str_int(AString,Anlnteger) str_real(AString,AReal) upper_lower(UpperCaseStr,LowerCaseStr) Conversions between the domain types symbol and string and between integer and real are handled automatically when using standard predicates and during evaluation of arithmetic expressions. This automatic conversion is necessarily performed when a predicate is called, as in the following example: predicates p(integer) clauses p(X) :-write("The integer value is _",X) ,nl. in which case the two goals X=1.23t;,p(X). X=1,p(X). have the same effect. 106 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook As another example, we define two predicates which explicitly describe the .conver- sions (the conversions are actually performed by the standard predicate equal). predicates clauses int_real(integer,real) str_symbol(string,symbol) int_real(X,y):- X=Y. str_symbol(X,y):- X=Y. FINDALL AND RANDOM (Indo" is used to collect values obtained from backtracking into a list. It takes the form findall(VarName,mypredicate( ... ),ListParam) {Indo" is called with three parameters: the first parameter specifies which variable in that predicate designates the values to be collected in a list; the second is a predicate that gives multiple values by backtracking; and the third parameter is a variable that holds the list of values from backtracking. (There must be a user-defined domain to which the values of ListPoram belong). Program 49 uses (Indo" to print the average age of some persons. 1* Program *1 domains name, address = string age = integer list = agel predicates person(name,address,age) sumlist(list,age,integer) goal findall(Age,person(_,_,Aqe),L),sumlist(L,Sum,N), Age = Sum/N write("Average =",Age),nl. clauses sumlist( [] ,0,0). sumlist( [H:T] ,Sum,N) :- sumlist(T,S1,N1),Sum=H+S1,N=1+N1. person("Sherlock Holmes l ,"22B Baker person("Pete Spiersl,"Flat 22, 21st Street",36). person("Mary Darrowl,"Flat 2, Omega Home",51). The standard predicate random(RealNumber) returns a real number X satisfying o (= X ( 1 Tutorial VII: Files and Strings 107 Program 50 uses random to select three names from five at random. 1* Program 50 *1 108 predicates person(integer,symbol) rand_int_l_5(integer) rand_person(integer) goal rand_person(3). clauses person(l,fred). person(2,tom). person(3,mary). person(L;,dick). person(5,george). rand_int_l_5(X):-random(y),X=Y*5+1. rand_person(O):-!. rand_person(Count):- rand_int_l_5(N),person(N,Name),write(Name),nl, NewCount=Count 1,rand_person(NewCount). Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 10 Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings In this final section of the tutorial, we present some example programs intended to stimulate your own ideas and to provide further illustration of the topics covered in the earlier tutorial chapters. Nearly all of the examples offer plenty of room for expan- sion; your own ideas can grow into full-blown programs using one of our programs as a basis. For complete information about the Turbo Prolog system, see Chapters II and 12. BUILDING A SMALL EXPERT SYSTEM We shall use Turbo Prolog to construct a small expert system that will figure out which of seven animals (if any) the user has in mind. It will do so by asking questions and then making deductions from the replies given. A typical user dialogue with our expert system might be: Goal :_run. has it hair? yes does it eat meat ? yes has it a fawn color ? yes has it dark spots ? yes Your animal may be a (an) cheetah ! Turbo Prolog's ability to check facts and rules will provide our program with the rea- soning capabilities germane to an expert system. Our first step is to provide the knowl- edge with which to reason, shown in Program 51. 109 110 1* Program 51*1 predicates animal_is(symbol) it_is(symbol) positive(symbol,symbol) clauses animal_is(cheetah) if it_is(mammal) and it_is(carnivore) and positive(has,tawny_color) and positive(has,dark_spots). animal_is(tiger) if it_is(mammal) and it_is(carnivore) and positive(has,tawny_color) and positive(has,black_stripes). animal_is(giraffe) if it_is(ungulate) and positive(has,long_neck) and positive(has,long_legs) and positive(has,dark_spots). animal_is(zebra) if it_is(ungulate) and positive(has,black_stripes). animal_is(ostrich) if it_is(bird) and negative(does,fly) and positive(has,long_neck) and positive(has,long_legs) and positive(has,black_and_white_color). animal_is(penguin) if it_is(bird) and negative(does,fly) and positive(does,swim) and positive(has,black_and_white_color). animal_is(albatross) if it_is(bird) and positive(does,fly_well). it_is(mammal) if positive(has,hair). it_is(mammal) if positive(does,give_milk). it_is (bird) if positive(has,feathers). it_is(bird) if positive(does,fly) and positive(does,lay_eggs). Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook it_is(carnivore) if positive(does,eat_meat). it_is(carnivore) if positive(has,pointed_teeth) and positive(has,claws) and positive(has,forward_eyes). it_is(ungulate) if it_is(mammal) and positive(has,hooves). it_is(ungulate) if it_is(mammal) and positive(does,chew_cud). We can ask questions like does it have hair? We want to add corresponding clauses to Turbo Prolog's database so it can reason with the new clauses. We can add facts to the Turbo Prolog database via the asserta standard predicate. Thus asserta(xpositive(has,black_stripes)) will cause xpositive(has,black_stripes). to be added to the Turbo Prolog database, provided xpositive has been declared in a database declaration at the top of the program: domains database xpositive(symbol,symbol) predicates clauses Clauses for a predicate declared in a database declaration must not contain any rules-only facts. For a more detailed discussion of database predicates, see Chapter II, "Dynamic Databases." Our database declaration will be as follows: database xpositive(symbol,symbol) xnegative(symbol,symbol) The relationship between xpositive and positive is contained in the first of two rules for positive: positive(X,y) if xpositive(X,Y),!. In other words, xpositive is the database equivalent of positive. We have a similar rule for negative: negative(X,y) if xnegative(X,Y),!. Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings 111 The other rule for positive will ask the user for information if nothing is already known which contradicts a certain fact:. positive(X,y) if not(xnegative(X,y)) and ask(X,y,yes). The second rule for negative is similar: negative(X,y) if not(xpositive(X,y)) and ask(X,y,no). Predicate ask asks the questions and organizes the remembered replies. If a reply starts with y, Turbo Prolog assumes the answer is yes; if it starts with n, the answer is no. ask (X, y, yes) :- write(X,1I it lI,y,lI\nll), readln(Reply), frontchar(Reply,'y',_),l, remember(X,y,yes). ask(X,y,no):- write(X,1I it lI,y,lI\nll), readln(Reply), frontchar(Reply,'n',_),l, remember(X,y,no). remember(X,y,yes):- assert(xpositive(X,y)). remember(X,y,no):- assert(xnegative(X,y)). We start the program by giving the goal run, with the following clauses: run:- run:- animal_is(X),l, write(lI\nYour animal may be a (an) II,X), nl,nl,clear_facts. write(lI\nUnable to determine what II), write(lIyour animal is. \n\nll),clear_facts. clear -facts removes any extra facts we may have added to the database, so that subse- quent goals for the same program are not confused by information added to the database during the execution of previous goals. CleaLfacts then waits for the user to press the space bar before returning to the Turbo Prolog system: clear_facts:- retract(xpositive(_,_)),fail. clear_facts:- retract(xnegative(_,_)),fail. clear_facts:- write(lI\n\nPlease press the space bar to exit\nll), readchar(_). For practice, type in the above "inference engine" and the "knowledge" clauses given earlier. Add appropriate declarations to make a complete program, and then try out the result. 112 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook PROTOTYPING: A SIMPLE ROUTING PROBLEM This program illustrates the properties that make Turbo Prolog especially useful as a prototyping tool. Suppose we want to construct a computer system to help decide the best route between two U.S. cities. We could first use Turbo Prolog to build a minia- ture version of the system (see Program 52), since it will then become easier to investi- gate and explore different ways of solving the problems involved. We will use the final system to investigate questions such as: Is there a direct road from one particular town to another? Which towns are situated less than ten miles from a particular town? 1* Program 52 *1 domains town symbol distance = integer predicates road(town,town,distance) route(town,town,distance) clauses road(houston,tampa,2DD).I*There is a road 200 miles long from Houston to Tampa*1 road(gordon,tampa,3DD). road(houston,gordon,1DD) road(houston,kansas_city,12D). road(gordon,kansas_city,13D). route(Town1,Town2,Distance):- road(Town1,Town2,Distance). route(Town1,Town2,Distance):- road(Town1,X,Dist1),route(X,Town2,Dist2), Distance=Dist1+Dist2. Figure 10-1 shows a simplified map for our prototype. KansasCr'ty . Tampa Houston Gordon Figure 10-1 Prototype Map Each clause for the road predicate describes a road, with a certain length in miles, that goes from one town to another The route predicate's clauses indicate that it is possible to make a route from one town to another over several stretches of road. Following the route, one drives a distance given by the third parameter. The route predicate is defined recursively; a route can simply consist of one single stretch of road. In this case, the total distance is merely the length of the road. Alternatively, it is possible to construct a route from Town I to Town2 by driving from Townl to X and afterwards following some other route from X to Town2. The total distance is the sum of the distance from Town I to X and the distance from X to Town2. Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings 113 Try the program with the goal route(tampa,kansas_city,X). Can the program handle all possible combinations of starting point and destination? If not, can you modify the program to avoid any omissions? The next example will give you ideas about how to get this program to collect names of towns visited enroute into a list. This prevents Turbo Prolog from choosing a route that involves visiting the same town twice, thereby avoiding going around in circles-and ensuring that the Turbo Prolog program doesn't go into an infinite loop. When you've solved problems of this type, you can enlarge the program by adding more cities and roads. ADVENTURES IN A DANGEROUS CAVE You are an adventurer who has heard that there is a vast gold treasure hidden inside a cave. Many people before you have tried to find it, but to no avail. The cave is a labyrinth of galleries connecting different rooms in which there are dangerous beings like monsters and robbers. In your favor is the fact that the treasure is all in one room. Which route should you follow to get to the treasure and escape with it unhurt? we can construct a Turbo Prolog representation of the map to help us find a safe route. Each gallery is described by a fact. Rules are given by the predicates go and route. Let's give the program the goal go(entry,exit) . The answer will consist of a list of the rooms we should visit to capture the treasure and return with it safely. An important design feature of this program is that the rooms already visited are collected in a catalog. This happens thanks to the route predicate, which is defined recursively; if one is standing in the exit room, the third parameter in the route predi- cate will be a list of the rooms already visited. If the gold_treasure room is a member of this list, we will have achieved our aim. Otherwise, the list of rooms visited is enlarged with Nextroom, provided Nextroom is neither one of the dangerous rooms nor has been visited before. 114 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 1* Program 53 *1 domains room symbol roomlist = room* predicates gallery(room,room) 1* There is a gallery between two rooms *1 neighborroom(room,room) 1* Necessary because it does not matter which direction we go along a gallery *1 avoid(roomlist) go(room,room) route(room,room,roomlist) 1* This is the route to be followed. Roomlist consists of a list of rooms already visited. *1 member(room,roomlist) clauses gallery(entry,monsters). gallery(entry,fountain). gallery(fountain,hell). gallery(fountain,food). gallery(exit,gold_treasure). gallery(fountain,mermaid). gallery(robbers,gold_treasure).gallery(fountain,robbers). gallery(food,gold_treasure). gallery(mermaid,exit). gallery(monsters,gold_treasure). neighborroom(X,Y) if gallery(X,y). neighborroom(X,Y) if gallery(Y,X). avoid([monsters,robbersl). go(Here,There) if route(Here,There,[Herel). route(exit,exit,VisitedRooms) if member(gold_treasure,VisitedRooms) and write(VisitedRooms) and nl. route(Room,Way_out,VisitedRooms) if neighborroom(Room,Nextroom) and avoid(DangerousRooms) and not(member(NextRoom,DangerousRooms)) and not(member(NextRoom,VisitedRooms)) and route(NextRoom,Way_out,[NextRoomIVisitedRoomsl). member(X,[XI_l). member(X,[_IH1) if member (X,H). After verifying that the program does find a solution to the goal go(entry,exit). you might want to try adding some more galleries, for example, gallery(mermaid,gold_treasure). and/or extra nasty things to avoid. Even though there is more than one possible solution to the problem, our program will only come up with one. To obtain all the solutions, we must make Turbo Prolog back- Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings 115 track as soon as one solution has been found. This can be done by adding the fail predicate to the first rule for route: route(Room,Room,VisitedRooms) if member(gold_treasure,VisitedRooms) and write(VisitedRooms) and nl and fail. We could use the list writing predicate write_a_list to write the list of names, without the containing square brackets [ and] or the separating commas. However, the rooms visited are collected in the VisitedRooms list in reverse order, i.e., exit first and entry last. write_a-.list must therefore be changed so that it first writes the tail of the list and then the head. HARDWARE SIMULATION Every logical circuit can be described with a Turbo Prolog predicate, where the predi- cate indicates the relation between the signals on the input and output terminals of the circuit. The fundamental circuits are described by giving a table of corresponding truth values (see the and_, or_ and noL predicates in Program 54). Fundamental circuits can be described by indicating the relationships between the inter- nal connections as well as the terminals. As an example, let's construct an exclusive OR circuit from and_, or_, and noL circuits, and then check its operation with a Turbo Prolog program. The circuit is shown in Figure 10-2. Input I N4p OR Output N3 Input2 Figure 10-2 Fundamental XOR Circuit In Program 54, this network is described by the xor predicate. 1* Program 5L; *1 116 domains d = integer predicates not_(D,D) and_(D,D,D) or_(D,D,D) xor(D,D,D) clauses not_(1,D). and_(D,D,D). or_(D,D,D). not_(D,1). and_(D,1,D). and_(1,D,D). or_(D,1,1). or_(1,D,1). and_(1,1,1). or_(1,1,1). xor(Input1,Input2,Qutput) if not_(Input1,N1) and not_(Input2,N2) and and_(Input1,N2,N3) and not_(Input2,N1,NL;) and or_(N3,NL;,D). Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Given the goal xor(Input1,Input2,Output) we obtain this result: Input1 0, Input2 Input1 = 0, Input2 Input1 = 1, Input2 Input1 = 1, Input2 L; solutions 0, Output 0 1, Output 1 0, Output 1 1, Output 0 which verifies that the above circuit does indeed perform the task expected of it. TOWERS OF HANOI The ancient puzzle of the Towers Of Hanoi consists of a number of wooden disks and three poles attached to a baseboard. The disks each have different diameters and a hole in the middle large enough for the poles to pass through. In the beginning all the disks are on the left pole as shown in Figure 10-3. A ( ) ( ) f ) Figure 10-3 The Towers of Hanoi The object of the puzzle is to move all the disks over to the right pole, one at a time, so that they end up in the original order on that pole. The middle pole may be used as a temporary resting place for disks, but at no time is a larger disk to be on top of a smaller one. Towers Of Hanoi can be easily solved with one or two disks, but becomes more difficult with three or more disks. A simple strategy for solving the puzzle is: A single disk can be moved directly. N disks can be moved in three steps: Move N-I disks to the middle pole. Move the last disk directly over to the right pole. Move the N - I disks from the middle pole to the right pole. Our Turbo Prolog program to solve the Towers Of Hanoi puzzle uses three predi- cates: hanoi, with one parameter that indicates just how many disks we are working with; move, which describes the moving of N disks from one pole to another using the remaining pole as a temporary resting place for disks; and inform, which displays what has happened to a particular disk. Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings 117 /* Program 55 */ domains loc = right ; middle ; left predicates hanoi(integer) move(integer,loc,loc,loc) inform(loc,loc) clauses hanoi(N) :- move(N,left,middle,right). move(1,A,_,C) :- inform(A,C),!. move (N , A, B, C) :- N1=N-1,move(N1,A,C,B),inform(A,C),move(N1,B,A,C). inform(Loc1,Loc2):- write("\nMove a disk from I,Loc1," to ",Loc2). To solve Towers Of Hanoi with three disks, we give the goal hanoi(3). The output is: Move a disk from left to right Move a disk from left to middle Move a disk from right to middle Move a disk from left to right Move a disk from middle to left Move a disk from middle to right Move a disk from left to right DIVISION OF WORDS INTO SYLLABLES A computer program can decide how to divide words into syllables using a very simple algorithm, which involves looking at the sequence of vowels and consonants each word contains. For instance, consider the two sequences below: I. vowel consonant vowel In this case, the word is divided after the first vowel. For example, this rule can be applied to the following words: ruler prolog ) ru-ler ) pro-log 2. vowel consonant consonant vowel In this case, the word is divided between the two consonants. For example: number anger ) num-ber ) an-ger These two rules work well for most words, but fail with words like handbook, which conform to neither pattern. To divide such words, our program would have to use a library containing all words. 118 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Let's write a Turbo Prolog program to divide a word into syllables. First, it will ask for a word to be typed in, and then attempt to split it into syllables using the above two rules. As we have observed, this will not always produce correct results. First. the program should split the word up into a list of characters. We therefore need the domains declarations domains letter = symbol word = letter' We must have a predicate that determines the type of letter-vowel or consonant. However, our two rules can also work with the vocals, that is, the usual vowels (a, e, i, 0, u) plus the letter y. The letter y sounds like (and is considered) a vowel in many words, for example hyphen, pity, myrrh, and martyr. Hence, we have the clauses vocal(a). vocal(e). vocal(i). vocal(o). vocal(u). vocal(y). for the predicate vocal. A consonant is defined as a letter that is not a vocal: consonant(L) if not(vocal(L)). We also need two more predicates. First, we need the append predicate (described on page 49). append(word,word,word) Secondly, we need a predicate to convert a string to a list of the characters in that string: string_word(string,word) This predicate will use the frontchar standard predicate (described in Chapter 9) as well as the standard predicates free and bound where free(X) succeeds if X is a free variable at the time of calling and bound(Y) succeeds if Y is bound. Now we are ready to attack the main problem: the definition of the predicate divide which separates a word into syllables. divide has four parameters and is defined recur- sively. The first and second parameters contain, respectively, the Start and the Remain- der of a given word during the recursion. The last two parameters return, respectively, the first and the last part of the word after the word has been divided into syllables. The first rule for divide is divide(Start,[T1,T2,T3IRestl,D,[T2,T3IRestl):- . vocal(T1),consonant(T2),vocal(T3), append(Start,[T11,D). where Start is a list of the first group of characters in the word to be divided. The next three characters in the word are represented by T I, T2 and T3, and Rest represents the Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings 119 remaining characters in the word. In the list D, the characters T2 and T3, and the list Rest represent the complete sequence of letters in the word. The word is divided into syllables at the end of those letters contained in D. This rule can be satisfied by the call divide([p,rl,[0,1,0,gl,P1,P2) To see how, let's insert the appropriate. letters into the clause divide( [p,rl,[o,l,ol[gll, [p,r,ol, [1,0 I [gll):- vocal(o),consonant(l),vocal(o), append([p,rl,[ol,[p,r,ol). append is used to concatenate the first vocal to the start of the word. P I becomes bound to [p,r,o], and P2 is bound to [I,o,g]. Program 56 shows the complete program. 120 domains letter = symbol word = letter l II Program 56 II predicates divide(word,word,word,word) vocal(letter) consonant(letter) string_word(string,word) append(word,word,word) repeat goal clearwindow, repeat, write("Write a word: "),readln(S),string_word(S,Word), append(First,Second,Word), divide(First,Second,Part1,Part2), string_word(Syllable1,Part1), string_word(Syllable2,Part2), write("Division: I,Syllable1,1-",Syllable2),nl, fail. clauses divide(Start,[T1,T2,T3IRestl,D1,[T2,T3IRestl):- vocal(T1),consonant(T2),vocal(T3), append(Start,[T11,D1).
append(Start,[T1,T21,D1). divide(Start,[T1IRestl,D1,D2):- append(Start,[T11,S), divide(S,Rest,D1,D2). vocal(a).vocal(e).vocal(i).vocal(o).vocal(u).vocal(y). consonant(B):-not(vocal(B)), B (.z , a (= B. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook string word ("" , [ 1 ) : -! . string:word(Str,[HIT1):- bound(Str),frontstr(1,Str,H,S),string_word(S,T). string_word(Str,[HIT1):- free(Str),bound(H),string_word(S,T),concat(H,T,Str). append( [1 ,L,L) :-!. append([XIL11,L2,[XIL31) repeat. repeat:-repeat. append(L1,L2,L3). THE N QUEENS PROBLEM In the N Queens problem, we try to place N queens on a chessboard in such a way that no two queens can take each other. Thus, no two queens can be placed on the same row, column or diagonal. To solve the problem, we'll number the rows and columns of the chessboard from I to N. To number the diagonals, we divide them into two types, so that a diagonal is uniquely specified by a type and a number calculated from its row and column numbers: Diagonal = N + Column - Row Diagonal = Row + Column - 1 (type 1) (type 2) When the chessboard is viewed with row I at the top and column I on the left side, type I diagonals resemble the "\" character in shape and type 2 diagonals resemble the shape of"/". The numbering of type 2 diagonals on a 414 board is shown in Figure 10-4. I 2 3 4 I I 2 3 4 2 2 3 4 5 3 3 4 5 6 4 4 5 6 7 Figure 10-4 The N Queens Chessboard To solve the N Queens problem with a Turbo Prolog program, we must record which rows, columns and diagonals are free and also make a note of where the queens are placed. A queen's position is described with a row number and a column number, as in the domain declaration Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings 121 queen = q(integer,integer) to represent the position of one queen. To describe more positions, we can make use of a list: queens = queen* Likewise, we need several numerical lists indicating the rows, columns and diagonals that are not occupied by a queen. These lists are described by: freelist = integer* We will treat the chessboard as a single object via the domains declaration: board = board(queens,freelist,freelist,freelist,freelist) (reelist represents the free rows, columns and diagonals of type I, and the free diago- nals of type 2, respectively. By way of example, let's let board represent a 4*4 chessboard in two situations: (I) without queens and (2) with one queen at the top left corner. ( I) board wihout queens
(2) board with one queen board([q(1,1)], The problem can now be solved by describing the relation between an empty board and a board with N queens. We define the predicate placeN(integer,board,board) with the two clauses below. Queens are placed one at a time until every row and column is occupied. This can be seen in the first clause, where the two lists of (reerows and (reecols are empty: placeN(_,board(D,[],[],X,Y),board(D,[],[],X,Y)). placeN(N,Board1,Result) :- place_a_queen(N,Board1,Board2), placeN(N,Board2,Result). In the second clause, the predicate place_a_queen gives the connection between Board I and Board2. (Board2 has one more queen than Boardl). We use the predi- ca tes declaration place_a_queen(integer,board,board) The core of the N Queens problem is in the description of how to add extra queens until all have been successfully placed, starting with an empty board. To solve this problem, we add the new queen to the list of those who are already placed: [q(R,S)IQueens] Among the remaining free rows, Rows, we need to find a row R where we can place the next queen. R must, at the same time, be removed from the list of free rows resulting in a new list of free rows, NewR. This is formulated as findandremove(R,Rows,NewR) 122 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Correspondingly, we must find and remove a vacant column C. From Rand C, the numbers of the diagonals can be calculated on which a queen in row R and column C is placed. Then we can determine if D I and 02 are among the vacant diagonals. The clause is shown below: place_a_queen(N,board(Queens,Rows,Columns,Diag1,Diag2), board([q(R,C)IQueens],NewR,NewS,NewD1,NewD2)):- findandremove(R,Rows,NewR), findandrernove(C,Colurnns,NewC), D1=N+S-R,findandremove(D1,Diag1,NewD1), D2=R+S-1,findandremove(D2,Diag2,NewD2). Program 57 is the complete program. It contains a number of smaller additions to define nqueens, so we need only give a goal like nqueens(5) to obtain a possible solution (in this case, for placing five queens on a 5*5 board). 1* Program 57 *1 domains queen=q(integer,integer) queens=queen* freelist = integer* board=board(queens,freelist,freelist,freelist,freelist) predicates placeN(integer,board,board) place_a_queen(integer,board,board) nqueens(integer) rnakelist(integer,freelist) findandremove(integer,freelist,freelist) clauses nqueens(N):- rnakelist(N,L),Diagonal=N*2-1,makelist(Diagonal,LL), placeN(N,board([],L,L,LL,LL),Final),write(Final). placeN(_,board(D,[],[],D1,D2),board(D,[],[],D1,D2)):-! . placeN(N,Board1,Result):- place_a_queen(N,Board1,Board2), placeN(N,Board2,Result). place_a_queen(N,board(Queens,Rows,Columns,Diag1,Diag2), board([q(R,C)IQueens],NewR,NewC,NewD1,NewD2)):- findandremove(R,Rows,NewR), findandrernove(C,Colurnns,NewC), D1=N+C-R,findandrernove(D1,Diag1,NewD1), D2=R+C-1,findandrernove(D2,Diag2,NewD2). findandremove(X,[XIRest],Rest). findandrernove(X,[YIRest],[YITail]):- findandrernove(X,Rest,Tail). rnakelist(1,[1]). rnakelist(N,[N:Rest]):- N>O,N1=N-1,rnakelist(N1,Rest). Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings 123 USING THE KEYBOARD When using full-screen input/output, our program must be able to read and react to special keys, such as the arrow and function keys. This is often tricky, because these keys are sometimes described by more than one ASCII value and may not have an associated printable image. Thus, the left arrow is represented by a single ASCII value, '\75', and the function key I![) is represented by two ASCII values, '\0' and '\68', but neither key corresponds to any printable character. Program 58 shows how all keys can be read and recognized. We take advantage of the fact that keys represented by two ASCII codes always produce 0 when pressed without the ~ , []![) or I]ill) keys. A predicate readkey is defined which returns symbolic values for the keys read. Symbolic values are easier to use than sequences of numerical values. The predicates key_code and key_code2 specify the relationship between the symbolic names and the ASCII values. 1* Program 58 *1 domains key cr;esc;break;tab;btab;del;bdel;ins;end;home; fkey(integer);up;down;left;right;char(CHAR);other predicates readkey(key) key_code(key,char,integer) key_code2(key,integer) goal clearwindow, write(IIKeyboard test. Press a key!II), readkey(Key),nl, write(IIThe II,Key,lI-key was pressed ll ). clauses readkey(Key):- readchar(T),char_int(T,Val),key_code(Key,T,Val). key_code(Key,_,O):- readchar(T),char_int(T,Val),key_code2(Key,Val),!. key_code(break,_,3):-!. key_code(bdel,_,8):-!. key_code(tab,_,10):-!. key_code(cr,_,13):-!. key_code(esc,_,27):-!. key_code(char(T),T,_). key_code2(btab,15):-!. key_code2(up,72):-!. key_code2(right,77):-!. key_code2(down,80):-!. key_code2(del,83):-!. key_code2(home,71):-!. key_code2(left,75):-! . key_code2(end,79):-!. key_code2(ins,82):-!. key_code2(fkey(N),V):- V>58, V<70, N=V-58, !. key_code2(other,_). Program 59 uses the readkey predicate to build a simple field editor defined by the predicate scr. When the program is run, the left and right arrow keys are used to move the cursor's position without modifying the contents of the field being edited. In the program, these arrow keys are referred to by the objects left and right, respectively. The I![) key is used to terminate editing (and, therefore, to accept the amendments made up to that point), while the ~ key is used to abandon editing and to ignore any changes made. If a key is pressed that is not recognized by the program, the computer beeps. 124 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Program 59 makes use of the readkey predicate from Program 58. If Program 58 has been saved in a disk file called PROG58.PRO, the definition of readkey can be easily incorporated into Program 59 using the include compiler directive (see Chapter II). It takes the form include "filename" and causes the contents of the named text file to be inserted into the containing pro- gram at the position of the include directive. Thus, using include IPROG58.PRO" after compilation, Program 59 will contain the complete text of Program 58. However, since we wish to give a different goal. to initiate the field editor from that used to demonstrate readkey, it is necessary to save Program 58 on disk without the goal it contains. II Program 59 II include I prog58.pro" I'excluding the goal'l domains row,col,length=integer field=f(row,col,length) position=pos(row,col) predicates scr(field,position,key) goal Row=lO,Col=lO,Length=30,cursor(Row,Col), makewindow(1,23,1,"Example Editor",O,O,25,80), write("Edit the text. Use the arrow keys to move"), field_attr(Row,Col,Length,112), scr(f(Row,Col,Length),pos(Row,Col),home),nl,nl, field_str(Row,Col,Length,Contents), write("Edited contents: ",Contents). clauses scr(_,_,esc):-l, fail. scr(_,_,fkey(lO)):-l. scr(f(Row,Col,L),pos(R,C),char(Ch)):- scr_char(R,C,Ch),Cl=C+l,Cl<C+L,cursor(R,Cl), readkey(Key), scr(f(Row,Col,L),pos(R,Cl),Key). scr(f(Row,Col,L),pos(R,C),right):- Cl=C+l,!,Cl<C+L,cursor(R,Cl),readkey(Key), scr(f(Row,Col,L),pos(R,Cl),Key). scr(f(Row,Col,L),pos(R,C),left):- Cl=C-l,Cl>=Col,cursor(R,Cl), readkey(Key),scr(f(Row,Col,L),pos(R,Cl),Key). scr(Field,Pos,_):- beep,readkey(Key),scr(Field,Pos,Key). As an exercise, add predicates to Program 59 to move a part of the field to the right or the left and thereby add insert and delete functions to the simple field editor. To conclude this section, we give an example of how to use the inkey standard predi- cate which takes the form inkey(CharParam) Tutorial VIII: Spreading Your Wings 125 If a key has been pressed since the last read operation was performed, inkey succeeds by binding the variable CharParam to the ASCII character associated with the key pressed. inkey fails if no key has been pressed. Thus inkey-unlike readchar-allows execution to continue even if a key has not been pressed. The example below uses inkey and time to test a person's reaction time. 126 II Program bD II predicates wait(char) equal(char,char) test(string) goal makewindow(3,7,D,IIII,D,D,2S,8D), makewindow(2,7,7,IIKey to press now ll ,2,S,b,7D), makewindow(:L,7,7,IIAccepted letters ll ,8,:LD,:LD,bD), Word = IIPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppersll), write("Please type :\n\tll,Word,\n\t), time(O,O,O,D),test(Word), timeL, _, 5, H), write(lI\nYou took 11,5,11 seconds and II,H,II hundredthsll). clauses wait(X):- inkey(Y),equal(X,Y). wait(X):- shiftwindow(2),write(X),wait(X). test(W):- frontchar(W,Ch,R),wait(Ch), shiftwindow(2),write(Ch),test(R). test(lIlI) . equal(X,X) :-!. equal(_,_):-beep,fail. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 11 Programmer's Guide This chapter is intended for the professional programmer (which includes all those who have worked through the tutorial chapters 3 through 10). The first section summarizes the difference between Turbo Prolog and other versions of Prolog, and then gives a detailed summary of Turbo Prolog's syntax. Like an encyclopedia, this chapter is not intended to be read from beginning to end in one sitting. Sections on memory management (page 134), compiler directives (page 135), flow patterns (page 144) and programming style (page 145) should be read by everyone. Some of the information given in Chapter 12 will only make sense after reading "Control of Input and Output Parameters: Flow Patterns," on page 144. For details about system-level operation-including installation and the specifications of the menu commands-see Chapter 12: AN OVERVIEW OF THE TURBO PROLOG SYSTEM Turbo Prolog is a typed Prolog compiler, which means that while it contains virtually all the features described in Programming in Prolog by Clocksin and Mellish (Springer, 1981), it is much faster than interpreted Prolog. Compiled Turbo Prolog makes Prolog a practical tool for several reasons, some of which are listed below. I. It is possible to produce stand-alone programs for the IBM PC and compatibles using the full capabilities of the hardware, windows, and full (color) graphics. Any window can contain mixed text and graphics. Turbo Prolog provides easy access to the PC's memory and I/O ports, as well as facilities for including machine code subroutines in Turbo Prolog programs. 2. Unlike the Clocksin and Mellish version of Prolog, Turbo Prolog maintains the programmer's own variable names. This means you can maintain control over your source code, even though the program is compiled. During debugging, the trace facility allows you to watch the execution of your program through a win- dow onto the source text, and to single step through the evaluation of any goal. 127 3. The unique type system in Turbo Prolog not only offers a more secure program development environment, but also reduces the space requirements of the Prolog language. 4. Turbo Prolog is an integrated, fully modular program development environment. Modules written in Prolog or other languages (such as C and assembly language) can be linked into an executable unit. It is even possible to access the built-in system editor via a standard predicate call, so that a stand-alone program written in Turbo Prolog can include the complete editing subsystem. 5. Standard predicates for file handling allow the use of random access files. 6. Both integer and real arithmetic are built into the system, as are a complete range of mathematical operators and functions. These include all the usual trigonometric functions, as well as predicates defining bit-wise operations for control and robotic applications. 7. Turbo Prolog permits arithmetic expressions written in infix notation (including relational operators, arithmetic functions, and bracketed subexpressions). There are a few other ways that Turbo Prolog differs from other versions of Prolog: I. You are not allowed to define your own infix operators; full functorial notation must be used instead. 2. = is both a standard predicate and an operator. 3. The result of arithmetic operations (e.g., X/Y) depends on the types of their argu- ments. BASIC LANGUAGE ELEMENTS Names Names are used to denote symbolic constants, domains, predicates, and variables. A name consists of a letter or underscore followed by any combination of letters, digits, and underscores. Two important restrictions are imposed on names: Names of symbolic constants must start with a lowercase letter. Names of variables must start with an uppercase letter or an underscore symbol. Otherwise, you can either use upper or lowercase letters in your programs. For instance, you could make a name more readable by using mixed upper and lowercase, as in MyLongestVariableNameSoFar or by using underscores, as in pair_who_might_make_a_happy_couple(henry,ann) 128 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Reserved Names The following are reserved words and must not be employed as user-defined names: and asserta assertz bound clauses database domains fail Restricted Names findall free global goal if include not or predicates readterm retract The following words have a special meaning in Turbo Prolog and should be avoided in user-defined names to prevent confusion: arctan cursorform frontstr openwrite shorttrace attribute date fronttoken pencolor sin back deletefile trace pendown sound beep diagnostics graphics penup sqrt bios dir include porLbyte storage bitand disk inkey project str_char bitleft display isname ptr_dword stcint bitnot div left random str _real bitor dot length read char system bitright edit line readdevice tan bitxor editmsg In readint text char_int eof makewindow readln time checLcmpio existfile membyte read real trace checLdeterm exit memword reference trail clearwindow exp mod removewindow upper_lower closefile field-O.ttr nl renamefile window-O.ttr code file-str nobreak right window-str co n cat filepos nowarnings save write consult flush openappend scr_attr writedevice cos forward openmodify scr_char writef cursor frontchar openread shiftwindow Program Sections A Turbo Prolog program consists of several program sections, each identified with a keyword and given in the sequence shown in Table II-I. You need not include all sections in your programs. For example, if you omit the goal section, your program will behave more like the Clocksin and Mellish version, in which all goals are given at runtime. Alternatively, a program could consist entirely of a single goal section. For example: goal readint(X),Y=X+3,write(IX+3=",y). Programmer's Guide 129 Table 11-1 Keyword Contents domains global domains database predicates global predicates goal clauses Zero or more domain declarations. Zero or more domain declarations. Zero or more database predicate declarations. One or more predicate declarations. Zero or more predicate declarations. Goal. Zero or more clauses (facts or rules). Usually, a program will require at least predicates and clauses sections. For large programs, a domains section will help you economize on code for the same reason that types are used in Pascal. (This is a system requirement if any of the objects in a Turbo Prolog program belong to domains of a non-standard type). For modular programming, the keywords domains and predicates can be prefixed with the word global, indicating that the subsequent domain declarations or predicate declarations affect several program modules globally (modular programming is dis- cussed on page 152). A program can contain several domains, predicates, or clauses sections, provided the following restrictions are observed: A program section must be prefaced with the corresponding keyword (domains, database, predicates, clauses, or goal). Only one goal must be met during compilation. All clauses that describe the same predicate must occur one after the other. At most, one global predicates section may be encountered during compilation, and then only if there have been no ordinary predicates declarations earlier. Sections containing database predicates must occur before all global and ordinary predicates declarations. Domain Declarations A domains section contains domain declarations. Four formats are used: I. name = d 130 This declaration declares a domain, name, which consists of elements from a stan- dard domain type, d, which must be either integer, char, real, string, or symbol. This declaration is used for objects that are syntactically alike but are semantically different. For instance, NoOfApples and HeightlnFeet could both be represented as integers and thus be mistaken for one another. This can be avoided by declaring two different domains of integer type apples,height = integer This allows Turbo Prolog to perform domain checks to ensure that apples and heights are never inadvertently mixed. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 2. mylist = elementDom* This is a convenient notation for declaring a list domain. mylist is a domain consist- ing of lists of elements, from the domain e/ementDom. e/ementDom can be either a user-defined domain, or one of the standard types of domain. The asterisk should be read as "list" so that, for example number list = integer* declares a domain for lists of integers, such as [1, -5,2, -6] . 3. myCompDom=f1(d11, .. ,d1N);f2(d21, .. ,d2M); .. ;fM(dN1, .. ,dNK) Domains that consist of compound objects are declared by stating a functor and the domains for all the subcomponents. For example, we could declare a domain of owners comprising elements like owns(john,book(wuthering_heights,bronte)) with the declaration owners = owns(name,book) where owns is the functor of the compound object, and name and book are domains of the subcomponents. The right side of such a domains declaration can define several alternatives, separated by a semicolon or the word or. Each alternative must contain a unique functor and a description of the domains for the actual subcomponents. For example, owners = owns(name,car);credit_card_purchase(name,car) could be two alternative domain definitions for compound objects in the owners domain. 4. file = name1 ; name2 ; ... ; nameN A file domain must be defined when the user needs to refer to files by symbolic names. A program can have only one domain of this type, which must be called file. Symbolic file names are then given as alternatives for the file domain. For example file = sales ; salaries introduces the two symbolic file names sales and salaries. Shortening Domains Declarations As we saw in the name=d declaration, the left side of a domains declaration (except for a file domain) can consist of a list of names mydom1, mydorn2, .. mydomN = ... thereby declaring several domains, mydom I, ... mydomN, at the same time. Programmer's Guide 131 Predicate Declarations Sections that follow the keyword predicates contain predicate declarations. A predi- cate is declared by stating its name and the domains of its arguments predname ( domainl, domain2, ... ,domainN ) where predname stands for the new predicate name and domain I, ... , domainN stand for user-defined domains or standard types of domain. A predicate can consist of a name only, so that, for example, we could have a rule for the predicate choose_teams which looks like choose_teams:- same_league(X,y),never_played(X,y),write(X,y). Multiple predicate declarations are also allowed. As an example, we can declare that member works on both numbers and names by member(name,namelist) member(number,numberlist) where name, namelist, number and numberlist are user-defined domains. The alterna- tives need not have the same number of arguments. Clauses A clause is either a fact or a rule corresponding to one of the declared predicates. In general, a clause is either an atom or consists of an atom followed by :-, then by a list of atoms separated by commas or semicolons. Also: The keyword if can be used instead of:- (a colon and hyphen) The keyword and can be used instead of, (a comma) The keyword or can be used instead of; (a semicolon) (The precise syntax for c1auses-as well as the rest of Turbo Prolog--can be found in Chapter 12). For example, the Turbo Prolog fact same_league(ucla,usc). consists of a single atom (which is itself a name, same-.Jeague), and a bracketed list of terms (uc/a,usc). A term is either a (simple) constant, a variable, or a compound term. We'll look at these three syntactic elements in greater detail now. Simple Constants Simple constants belong to one of the six standard types of domain: A character belongs to the char domain type (an 8-bit ASCII character enclosed between two single quotation marks). An ASCII character is indicated by the ESCAPE 132 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook symbol (\) followed by an ASCII code. \n and \t produce a newline and a tabulate character, respectively. \ followed by any other character produces the character itself. An integer belongs to an integer domain type and is a whole number in the range - 32,768 to 32,7C,Z A real number belongs to the domain of real type and is a number in the range I e-307 to I +e308, written with a sign, a mantissa, a decimal point, a fractional part, a sign, an e and an exponent, all without included spaces. The sign, fractional, and exponent parts are optional (though if the fractional part is omitted, so is the decimal point). Integers will be automatically converted to real numbers when necessary. A string belongs to the string domain type (any sequence of characters between a pair of double quotation marks). Strings can contain characters produced by an ESCAPE sequence as mentioned under character above. A symbolic constant belongs to the symbol domain type (a name starting with a lower- case letter). Strings are accepted as symbols too, but symbols are kept in a lookup table for quicker matching. The symbol table does take up some storage space, as well as the time required to make an entry in the table. A symbolic filename belongs to the file domain (either a name starting with a lowercase letter and appearing on the right side of the file domain declaration, or one of the predefined symbolic filenames: printer, screen, keyboard, and com I), Variables Variables are names starting with an uppercase letter or, to represent the anonymous variable, a single underscore character. The anonymous variable is used when the value of that variable is not of interest. A variable is said to be free when it is not yet associated with another term and bound when it is instantiated, i.e., when the variable is unified with a term. The predicate free(X) determines whether the variable X is free or not. free succeeds only if the value of the variable is still unknown when tree is called. bound(X) succeeds only if X is bound to a value. Compound Terms or Structures A compound term (or structure) is a single object that consists of a collection of other objects (called components) and a describing name, the functor. The components are enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. The functor is written just before the left parenthesis. For example, the compound term below consists of the functor author and three components: author(emily,bronte,1818) A compound term belongs to a user-defined domain. The domains declaration corre- sponding to the author compound term might look like dOlains authors = author(firstname,lastname,year_of_birth) firstname,lastname = symbol year_of_birth = integer Programmer's Guide 133 Lists-a Special Kind of Compound Term. Lists are a common data structure in Turbo Prolog; they are actually a form of compound object. A list consists of a sequence of terms enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas. A list of integers would appear as [1,2,3,9,-3,2] Such a list belongs to a user-defined domain, such as domains ilist = integer' If the elements in a list are of mixed types, for example, a list containing both characters and integers, this must be stated in a corresponding declaration. Thus the declarations domains element = c(char) ; i(integer) list = element' would allow lists like
TURBO PROLOG MEMORY MANAGEMENT From the point of view of the Turbo Prolog system, available memory is divided into the areas shown in Figure II-I. 1- Stack Heap Code Source Figure ll-l Memory Partitioning in Turbo Prolog The Stack is used for parameter transfer, especially in recursive programs where tail recursion cannot be eliminated. The area used for the user's program Source text. The area used for the Code the compiler generates from the user's source text. The area allocated for the Trail, which is used to register the binding and unbinding of reference variables. The area allocated for the Heap. 134 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook The Heap is used for two different purposes and, depending upon the purpose, spare Heap resources can be released in two ways. Within the Heap, a stack is used for building structures, storing strings, etc., and stack storage is released when predicates fail. Hence, the principles of programming style discussed starting on page 145 (espe- cially rules 3 and 5) should be carefully observed. The Heap is also used when facts are inserted in a database. These areas are automatically released whenever possible to keep Heap demands to a minimum. Since individual programs vary in their demands on different memory areas, users can control memory partitioning as follows: Stack. To allow for greater recursion in programs in which tail recursion cannot be eliminated, stack size should be increased. The size of the Stack can be reconfigured using the Miscellaneous option of the Setup command by specifying the numbers of paragraphs (I paragraph is 16 bytes) between 600 and 4000 as required. The configuration via Setup must then be saved. then loaded (via Setup) so that the new Stack is correctly installed. Source. The capacity for source text can be increased by using include files (see page 137). Code. By default, 16K bytes are allocated for code. This default can be altered using the compiler directive code (see page 136). Trail. By default, no space is allocated for the trail, because the trail is not normally needed in Turbo Prolog. However, this can be changed via the compiler directive trail (see page 139). Heap. Once the Stack, Source, Code, and Trail areas have been allocated, any remain- ing memory is used for the Heap. The standard predicate storage(StackSize,HeapSize,TrailSize) returns the available size of the three runtime memory areas used by the system (Stack, Heap, and Trail, respectively). COMPILER DIRECTIVES A number of compiler features are controlled through compiler directives. One or more of the following directives can be introduced as keywords at the beginning of the program text: check_cmpio, check_determ, code, diagnostics, nobreak, nowarnings, project, shorttrace, trace, trail and the include directive can appear wherever one of the program section keywords can be used. checLcmpio When the chec/ccmpio compiler directive is specified, a warning will be given when- ever compound flowpatterns are used. If a predicate can be called with a parameter that is partly used for input (that is to say, some subcomponents are bound). and with other subcomponents used for output (that Programmer's Guide 135 is, free), then we say that this parameter has a corresponding compound flowpattern or a compound input/output pattern. As an example, consider a list of compound objects: domains object = int(integer) ; str(string) ; real(real) list = object* predicates member(object,list). A call member(int(X),List) to the member predicate with a compound flowpattern could then be used to return all the ints in a list. Compound flowpatterns tend to produce more code, so it is sometimes more appro- priate to test a parameter on return from the predicate. checLdeterm When checLdeterm is specified, a warning will be given for each program clause that results in a nondeterministic predicate. checLdeterm can be used to guide the setting of cuts (see page 149). Turbo Prolog itself performs extensive tests to decide whether a predicate is deterministic or nondeterministic, so your programs need not be filled with cuts merely to save stack space. code code is used to specify the size of the internal code array. The default is 16K bytes. For very large programs it may be desirable (or even essential) to specify a larger size. For computers with limited RAM capacity, you may want to specify a smaller size to make more room for stack space, for instance. The format is code = Number_of_paragraphs where Numbecof-paragraphs represents the number of memory paragraphs (16 bytes each) required in the code array. Thus Code = l 0 2 ~ sets the size of the code array to 16K bytes. diagnostics When diagnostics is specified, the compiler will display an analysis of the user's program containing the following information: The names of the predicates used. Whether or not all the clauses for the predicate are facts. Whether the predicate is deterministic or nondeterministic. The size of the code for each predicate. 136 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook The fiowpattern for each predicate. The domain types of the parameters. An example display is shown in Figure 11-2. Predicate Name Dbase Determ Size Doml--flow pattern goal NO YES o -- person YES NO 168 name,address,age,sex,inter --outp,outp,outp,inp,outp list311 NO NO 176 -- shared_inter NO YES 80 inters,inters--inp,inp member NO NO 72 inter,inters--outp,inp member NO NO 87 inter,inters--inp,inp Total size 583 Figure 11-2 Sample Diagnostic Display include include is used in programs or modules when the contents of a text file are to be included in a program during compilation. The syntax is include "dos-file-name" dos-file-name may include a path name. Include files can only be used on "natural" boundaries in a program. Thus, the keyword include may appear only where one of the keywords domains, predicates, goal, or clauses is permitted. An include file may itself contain further include directives. How- ever, include files must not be used recursively in such a way that the same file is included more than once during compilation. The use of many levels of include files requires more storage during compilation than if the same files were included directly in the main program (at one level). Include files can contain a goal or domains and predicates declarations, provided the restrictions on program structure are observed (see page 130). In the example in Figure 11-3 a file is included in a program, and that file in turn contains an include directive. grammar.pro scanner. pro .... include "scanner. pro" - ~ douins douins tok = .... str = string tokl = predicates predicates test(str,tokl) scanner(str,tokl) start clauses clauses start ;- include "sdeL pro" f- readln(L), scanner(L,T), test(L,T). sdeLpro scanner ;- .......
Figure 11-3 Example Use of the Include Directive Programmer's Guide 137 nobreak In the absence of the nobreak compiler option, code will be generated to check the keyboard before each predicate call to ensure that the CCifil]fijk) or I]liiJ]J key com- bination has not been pressed. This slows down program execution slightly and takes up a little extra program space. nobreak stops this automatic generation of code. When the nobreak option is in operation, the only way to escape an endless loop is to reboot the entire operating system. It should only be used, therefore, when a program has been thoroughly tested. nowarnings nowarnings suppresses the warnings given when a variable occurs only once in a clause, and when a variable is not bound on return from a clause. project project is used in modular programming. All Turbo Prolog modules involved in a project need to share an internal symbol table. project must appear on the first line of a module to specify which project it belongs to. For example project "MYPROJ" See page 152 for complete details about modular programming. trace and shorttrace trace prevents Turbo Prolog from carrying out the elimination of tail recursion (see page 145) and various other optimizing tricks so that the trace shows all RETURNs. shorttrace shows a trace with these optimizations being used. If either trace or shorttrace is specified, all predicates will be traced. If trace or shorttrace is followed by a list of predicate names, only those predicates in the list will be traced. Turbo Prolog displays the information shown in Table II -2. CALL RETURN FAIL REDO 138 Table 11-2 Trace Window Messages Each time a predicate is called, the predicate's name and the values of its parameters are displayed in the trace window. RETURN is displayed in the trace window when a clause is satisfied and the predicate returns to any calling predicate. If there are further clauses that match the input parameters, an asterisk will be displayed to indicate that this clause is at a backtracking point. When a predicate fails, the word FAIL is displayed, followed by the name of the failing predicate. ~ O indicates that backtracking has taken place. The name of the predicate that is being retried, together with the values of its parameters, are displayed in the trace window. Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook For example, given trace domains list=integer* predicates eq(integer,integer) member(integer,list) clauses member(X,[XI_l). member(X,[_IL1):-member(X,L). eq(X,X). and a goal that uses the eq predicate to determine whether 2 is a member of the list [/,2], we obtain the trace shown in Figure 11-4. d' 1 la og Goal: member(X,[1,21), eq(X,2) X = 2 1 Solution trace CALL: member (_, [1,21 ) Goal: RETURN:*member(1,[1,21) CALL: eq(1,2) FAIL: eq(1,2) REDO: member (_, [1,21 ) CALL: member(_,[21) RETURN:*member(2,[21) CALL: eq(2,2) RETURN: eq(2,2) REDO: member(_,[21) CALL: member(_,[l) FAIL: member(_,[l) Figure 11-4 Use of trace trail trail is used to specify the size of the internal trail array. The format is: trail= Number_of_words The trail array is used to register side effects (primarily bindings of reference variables). Since, by default, there is no trail array, if reference variables (see page 149) have been used, a trail size must be given explicitly; otherwise, a trail overflow error will result. For most purposes trail = 100 will be adequate. Programmer's Guide 139 DYNAMIC DATABASES IN TURBO PROLOG Because Turbo Prolog represents a relational database as a collection of facts, the Turbo Prolog language can be utilized as a powerful query language for dynamic data- bases. Its unification algorithm automatically selects facts with the correct values for the known parameters and assigns values to any unknown parameters, and its backtracking algorithm gives all the solutions to a given query. In this section we'll talk about how to update a dynamic database-insert new information and remove the old during execution. To increase speed when processing large databases, facts belonging to dynamic databases are treated differently from nor- mal predicates. Dynamic database predicates are distinguished from normal predicates by declaration in a separate database section. Declaration of the Database The keyword database marks the beginning of a sequence of predicate declarations for predicates describing a dynamic database. A dynamic database is a database to which facts can be added during execution, or fetched from a disk file by a call to the standard predicate consult. A database declaration must precede all normal predicate declarations, as shown in this code excerpt: domains name, address = string age = integer sex = male ; female database person(name,address,age,sex) predicates male(name,address,age) female(name,address,age) child(name,age,sex) clauses male(Name,Address,Age) if person(Name,Address,Age,male). The predicate person can be used in precisely the same way as the other predicates, the only difference being that it is possible to insert and remove facts for the person predicate during execution. Facts added in this way are stored in internal memory. Manipulation of a database is carried out by three standard predicates. asserta inserts a new fact before any existing facts for a given relation, assertz inserts a new fact after all existing facts for the given relation, and retract removes a fact from the database. For example, the first of the following two goals inserts a fact about 'John" for the person predicate. The second retracts the first fact about "Fred": assertz( person(IJohnl,"New York",35) ). retract( person(IFred",_,_) ). To modify a fact in the database, the fact is first retracted and then the new version of the fact is asserted. The whole database can be saved in a text file by calling the predicate save with the name of the text file as its parameter. For example, after the call to 140 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook save("mydata.dba") the file mydata.dba will resemble an ordinary Turbo Prolog program with a fact on each line. Such a file can later be read into memory using the consult predicate: consult("mydata.dba ll ) consult succeeds if the program in the file does not contain errors; otherwise, it fails. Handling Facts The readterm predicate makes it possible to access facts in a file. read term can read any object written by the write predicate and takes the form readterlname>,TermParam). where (name) is the name of a domain. The following code excerpt shows how read- term might be used. domains name,addr = string one_data_record = p(name,addr) file = file_of_data_records predicates person(name,addr) moredata(file) clauses person(Name,Addr):- openread(file_of_data_records,lIdd.datll) , readdevice(file_of_data_records), moredata(file_of_data_records), readterl(one_data_record,p(Name,Addr)). moredata(_) . moredata(File):-not(eof(File)),moredata(File). Provided the file dd.dat contains facts belonging to the description domain, such as p(IPeter l ,"28th Street ll ) p(ICurtl,"Wall Street ll ) the following is an example of a dialog that retrieves information from that file: Goal: person("Peterll,Address). Address="28th Street" 1 Solution Goal: person("Peterll,IINot an address"). False Goal : ... Facts that describe database predicates can also be manipulated as though they were terms. This is made possible by the dbasedom domain, which is automatically declared by the Turbo Prolog system and constitutes one alternative for each predicate in the database. It describes each database predicate by a functor and by the domains of the arguments in that predicate. As an example, consider the declarations database person(name,telno) city(cno,cname) Programmer's Guide 141 The Turbo Prolog system generates the corresponding dbasedom: domains dbasedom = person(name,telno) ; city(cno,cname) This domain can be used like any other predefined domain. Thus, if it were not already supplied as part of the Turbo Prolog system, a predicate my_consult, similar to the standard predicate consult, could be constructed as follows: dOlains file = dbase database predicates my_consult(string) repeat(file) clauses my_consult(FileName):- openread(dbase,FileName), readdevice(dbase), repeat(dbase), readterl(dbasedom,Term), assertz(Term), fail. my_consult(_):- eof(dbase). repeatL) . repeat(File):-not(eof(File)), repeat(File). If, for example, the database program section contains the declaration p(string,string) and a file called dd.dat exists with contents as described on page 141 we could obtain the following dialog: Goal:my_consult("dd.dat"). True Goal:p(X,Y). X = "Peter", Y = "28th Street" X = "Curt", Y = "Wall Street" 2 solutions Extending the Database onto Files The next example program illustrates how to implement new predicates that are like assertz and retract except that the resulting database is maintained in files, rather than in RAM. This extends the normal database facility, since database facts are part of a Prolog program and are therefore restricted by the size of available RAM. With the database in files, the only limit is the size of available disk space. This means that your Turbo Prolog database could be anything up to 100M bytes. In the program, two new predicates, dbassert and dbretract, are implemented using an index file to record the positions of the facts in the data file. Each position is repre- sented by a real number specifying where that fact is stored relative to the beginning of the datafile. The use of an index file in this way is not essential, but it could be the basis for binary search or hashing techniques to speed up access to the facts in the database. 142 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook domains file name, address age sex interest interests datafile; string integer m or f symbol interest* index file database person(name,address,age,sex,interests) predicates dbassert(dbasedom) dbretract(dbasedom) dbread(dbasedom) dbass(dbasedom,string,string) dbaaccess(dbasedom,real) dbret(dbasedom,string,string) dbret1(dbasedom,real) dbrd(dbasedom,string,string) clauses 1* Entry routines. These can be changed to fit the actual application: for example, extended to a pool of open files in order to access several databases at a time, or to allow more than one datafile. *1 dbassert(Term):- dbass(Term,ldba.indl,ldba.dat"). dbretract(Term):- dbret(Term,ldba.indl,ldba.dat"). dbread(Term):- dbrd(Term,ldba.indl,ldba.dat"). 1* dbass appends a term to the data file and updates the index file * I dbass(Term,IndexFile,DataFile ):- existfile( DataFile ), existfile( IndexFile ),!, openappend( datafile, Datafile ), writedevice( data file ), filepos( datafile, Pos, 0 ), write( Term ),nl, closefile( datafile ), openappend( index file ,IndexFile ), writedevice( indexfile ), writef( 1%7.0\n",pos ), closefile( indexfile ). dbass( Term, IndexFile, DataFile ) openwrite( datafile, Datafile ), writedevice( datafile ), filepos( datafile, Pos, 0 ), write( Term ),nl, closefile( datafile ), openwrite( index file ,IndexFile ), writedevice( indexfile ), writef( 1%7.0\n",Pos ), closefile( indexfile ). Programmer's Guide 143 /1 dbrd returns terms from the database. The files are closed after the database has been read. 1/ dbrd( Term, IndexFile, DataFile ) :- openread( datafile, DataFile ), openread( indexfile, IndexFile ), dbaaccess( Term, -1 ). dbrd(_,_,_) :- closefile( data file ), closefile( indexfile ), fail. dbaaccess( Term, Datpos ):- Datpos>=O, filepos( datafile,Datpos,O ), readdevice( datafile ), readterl( Dbasedom, Term ). dbaaccess(Term,_) :- readdevice( indexfile ), readreal( Datpos1 ), dbaaccess( Term, Datpos1 ). /1 dbret retracts terms from the database. A term is retracted by writing a negative number in the index file. 1/ dbret(Term,Indexfile,Datafile):- openread( datafile, DataFile ), openmodify( indexfile, IndexFile ), dbret1( Term, -1 ). dbret1( Term, Datpos ):- Datpos>=O, filepos( datafile,Datpos,O ), readdevice( datafile ), ( Dbasedom, Term ),!, filepos( indexfile, -9, 1 ), flush(indexfile), writedevice(indexfile), writef( 1%7.0\n", -1 ), writedevice(screen). dbretl(Term,_) :- readdevice( index file ), readreal( Datposl ), dbret1( Term, Datpos1 ). CONTROL OF INPUT AND OUTPUT PARAMETERS: FLOW PATTERNS Most standard predicates can be used to perform several functions depending on how the predicate is called. In one situation, a particular parameter may have a known value; in a different situation some other parameter may be known; and for certain purposes all of the parameters may be known at the time of the call. 144 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook We can call the known parameters the in parameters for a predicate, and the unknown parameters the out parameters. The pattern of the in and out parameters in a given predicate call indicates the behavior of that predicate for that call. This pattern is called a ~ o w pattern. If a predicate is to be called with two arguments, there are four possibili- ties for its flow pattern: (i,i) (i,o) (o,i) (0,0) It may not make sense to use a certain predicate in as many ways as there are flow patterns. For example, there would be no point in a call to readchar like readchar(X) with the variable X bound (i.e., with an in parameter). However, as the following example shows, it is possible to produce predicates (in this case, the plus predicate), which can be called with any combination of free and bound parameters: II Program 61 II predicates plus(integer,integer,integer) numb(integer) clauses plus(X,Y,Z):- bound(X),bound(Y),Z=X+Y. plus(X,Y,Z):- bound(Y),bound(Z),X=Z-Y. plus(X,Y,Z):- bound(X),bound(Z),Y=Z-X. plus(X,Y,Z):- free(X),free(Y),bound(Z),numb(X),Y=Z-X. plus(X,Y,Z):- free(X),free(Z),bound(Y),numb(X),Z=X+Y. plus(X,Y,Z):- free(Y),free(Z),bound(X),numb(Y),Z=X+Y. plus(X,Y,Z):- free(X),free(Y),free(Z),numb(X),numb(Y),Z=X+Y. II Generator of numbers starting from 0 II numb(O). numb(X) :- numb(A) , X=A+1. PROGRAMMING STYLE This section provides some comprehensive guidelines for writing good Turbo Prolog programs. We open with a discussion of tail recursion, and follow with a number of rules for efficient programming style. Stack Considerations and Eliminating Tail Recursion To conserve space and for faster execution, Turbo Prolog eliminates tail recursion wherever possible. Consider the definition of the predicate member: member(X,[XI_1). member(X,[_IY1):-member(X,Y). The essentially iterative operation of checking or generating elements of a given list one by one has been implemented in a recursive manner, with recursion's attendant demands on stack space (and therefore on execution time). Programmer's Guide 145 Tail recursion elimination is a technique for replacing such forms of recursion with iteration, and in spite of its name, it is also useful in situations in which there is no direct recursion or even no recursion at all-just a long chain of procedure calls. To see how it works, suppose we had defined demopred, which uses member as follows: demopred(X,Y):- ... ,member(A,B),test(A), .... When member is first activated, the system must remember that once member has been successfully evaluated, control must pass to the predicate test. This means that the address of test must be saved on the stack. Likewise, for each recursive call of member, the system must remember the address the member predicate needs to return to after successful evaluation-namely, itself. Since there are no backtracking points between member(X,[_IY1) and the recursive call member(X,y) there is no need to stack the address of member several times. It is enough to remem- ber that on successful termination of member. control should pass to test. This is tail recursion elimination. Where the system itself cannot eliminate recursion, the program- mer can do a lot to limit its effect (and limit demand on the stack) by adopting a few rules of thumb about programming style. Rule I. Use more variables rather than more predicates. This rule is often in direct conflict with program readability, so a careful matching of objectives is required to achieve programs that are efficient both in their demands upon relatively cheap machines and upon relatively expensive human resources. Thus, if writing a predicate to reverse the elements of a list reverse(X,y):- reverseL([),X,y). reverseL(Y,[),Y). reverseL(XL,[UIX21,Y):- reverseL([UIXL),X2,Y). makes less demands upon the stack than reverse ( [ ) , [ 1 ) . reverse([UIX),Y):-reverse(X,YL),append(YL,[U),Y). append([l,Y,Y). append([UIX),Y,[UIZ)):- append(X,y,Z). which uses the extra predicate append. Rule 2. When ordering subgoals in a rule, those with the most bound variables should come ftrst. Thus, if writing a Turbo Prolog predicate to solve the simultaneous equations X + L = t; X + Y = 5 and using a "generate and test" method, solve(X,y):- numb(X),plus(X,l,t;), numb(y),plus(X,y,S). 146 Turbo Prolog Owner' s Handbook is better than solve(X,y):- numb(X),numb(Y),
(The numb and plus predicates are imported from Program 61). numb generates num- bers and plus(X,Y,Z) is a predicate that works for all possible flow patterns and suc- ceeds if Z is bound to the sum of the values to which X and Yare bound, etc. Rule 3. Try to ensure that execution fails efficiently when no solutions exist. Suppose we want to write a predicate singlepeak that checks the integers in a list to see if, in the order given, they ascend to a single maximum and then descend again. Thus
would succeed and
would fail. Definition I disobeys rule 3, since the failure of a list to have a single peak is only recognized when append has split the list into every possible decomposition: Definition I singlepeak(X):-append(X1,X2,X),up(X1),down(X2). up([ 1). up([U1). up([U,VIY1):- U<V,up([V,Y1). down([ 1). down( [U1). down([U,VIY1):- U>V, down([V,Y1). append([ 1, Y, Y). append([UIX1,Y,[UIZ1):- append(X,y,Z). On the other hand. definition 2 recognizes failure at the earliest possible moment: Definition 2 singlepeak([l). singlepeak([U1). singlepeak([U,VIY1):-U<V,singlepeak([VIY1). singlepeak([U,VIY1):-U>V,down([VIY1). down ([ 1) . down([U1). down([U,VIY1):- U>V, down([V,Y1). Definition 3 shortens singlepeak further by observing rule I. Thus, using definition 3 singlepeak(Y,up) succeeds if Y is bound to a single peaked list appended to an ascending list and singlepeak(Y,down) succeeds if Y is bound to a descending list. Programmer's Guide 147 Definition 3 singlepeak([l,_). singlepeak([_l,_). singlepeak([U,VIW1,up):- U<V,singlepeak([VIW1,up). singlepeak([U,VIW1,_):- U>V,singlepeak([VIW1,down). Rule 4. Let Turbo Prolog's unification mechanism do as much of the work as possible. At first thought, you might think to define a predicate equal to test two lists for equality as equal ( [ 1 , [ 1 ) . equal([UIX1,[UIY1):- equal(X,y). but this is unnecessary. Using the definition equal(X,X). Turbo Prolog's unification mechanism does all the work! Rule 5. Use backtracking instead of recursion to effect repetition. Backtracking decreases stack requirements. The idea is to use the repeat . .. fail combination instead of recursion. This is so important that the next section is dedicated to the technique. Use of the Fail Predicate To have a particular sequence of subgoals evaluated repeatedly, it is often necessary to define a predicate like run with a clause of the form run:- readln(X), process(X,y), write(Y) , run. thus incurring unnecessary tail recursion overheads that cannot be automatically elimi- nated by the system because process(X, Y) involves backtracking. In this case, the repeat . .. fail combination avoids the need for the final recursive call. Given repeat. repeat:-repeat. we can redefine run without tail recursion as follows: run:- repeat, readln(X), process(X,y), write(Y) , fail. fail causes Turbo Prolog to backtrack to process, and eventually to repeat, which always succeeds. 148 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Determinism, Non-determinism and How to Set the Cut The compiler directive checLdeterm is useful when you need to decide where to place the cut, since it marks those clauses which give rise to non-deterministic predicates. If you want to make these predicates deterministic, the cut will have to be inserted to stop the backtracking (which causes the non-determinism). As a general rule in such cases, the cut should always be inserted as far to the left as possible without destroying the underlying logic of the program. Domains Containing References Consider the predicate lookup in Program 62 during the evaluation of the goal lookup(tom,27,Tree), lookup(dick,28,Tree), lookup(harry,26,Tree). II Program 62 II domains tree reference t(id,val,tree,tree) id = symbol val = integer predicates lookup(id,val,tree) clauses lookup(ID,VAL,t(ID,VAL,_,_)):-l. lookup(ID,VAL,t(ID1,_,TREE,_)):- ID<ID1,l,lookup(ID,VAL,TREE). lookup(ID,VAL,t(_,_,_,TREE)):-lookup(ID,VAL,TREE). After matching with the first rule, the compound object to which Tree is bound takes the form t(tom,27,_,_) and even though the last two parameters in t are not bound, t must be carried forward to the next subgoal evaluation lookup(dick,28,Tree) which in turn binds Tree to t(tom,28,t(dick,28,Tree,_),_) Finally, the subgoal lookup(harry,26,Tree) binds Tree to t(tom,28,t(dick,28,_,t(harry,26,_,_)),_) which is the result returned by the goal. Because an unbound variable is passed from one subgoal to another, the domain tree has been declared as a reference to a compound object. This indicates that-inter- nally-Turbo Prolog will have to pass references (or, loosely, addresses) rather than values. If t had not been declared as a reference object, Turbo Prolog would display a warning at runtime saying that references must be passed. Programmer's Guide 149 In many cases, the use of reference objects is avoidable. If they are used, however, they must be declared as such; otherwise, Turbo Prolog will display a warning, "The variable is not bound in this clause" during compilation. Program 63 uses several reference declarations to implement a Turbo Prolog interpreter which, given the goal call(atom(likes,[symb(john),Xl)) will respond X = symb("baseball") 1 Solution The program contains clauses representing Program I (see "The Structure of a Turbo Prolog Program" in Chapter 3) except for the fact likes(tom,baseball). which will be inserted dynamically in the clause database during the dialog below. Notice that the fact likes(mark,tennis). is represented in the interpreter as claoses(atom(likesr[symb(mark)isymb(tennis)J)t[J). As given, the interpreter does not understand all of regular Turbo Prolog syntax. That would require a parser which reads a string and transforms it into a "parse tree" according to the domains in the program. However, it can produce the following dialog: 150 Goal: call(atom(likes,[symb(bill),Xl)) No solution Goal:assertz(clause(atom(likes,[symb(tom),symb(baseball)l),[l)). True Goal: call(atom(likes,[X,Yl)) X symb("ellen"), Y symb("tennis") X symb("john"), Y symb("football") X symb("eric"), Y symb("swimming") X symb("mark"), Y symb("tennis") X symb("bill"), Y symb("baseball") X symb("tom"), Y symb("baseball") 6 Solutions 1* Program 63 *1 code=1000 trail=1000 domains term reference var(vid);symb(symbol);cmp(fid,terml) terml = reference term* atom atom(aid,terml) atoml = atom* e = e(vid,term) env = reference e* fid,aid,vid = symbol database clause(atom,atoml) Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook predicates call(atom)
unify_terml(terml,terml,env) unify_littl(atoml,env) member(e,env) clauses I*The clauses below form the Turbo Prolog interpreter*1 call(atom(Id,Terml)):- clause(atom(Id,Termll),Body), free(E),unify_terml(Terml,Termll,E),unify_littl(Body,E). unify_terml([l,[l,_). unify_terml([TrmlITLll,[Trm2ITL21,E):- unify_term(Trml,Trm2,E),unify_terml(TL1,TL2,E). unify_term(Term,var(X),Env):-member(e(X,Term),Env),l. unify_term(symb(X),symb(X),_). unify_term(var(X),var(X),_) unify_term(cmp(ID,Ll),cmp(ID,L2),E):-unify_terml(Ll,L2,E). unify_littl([l,_). unify_littl([atom(Id,Terml)IAtomll,Env): unify_terml(Call,Terml,Env),call(atom(Id,Call)), unify_littl(Atoml,Env). member(X,[XI_l). member(X,[_IL1):-member(X,L). 1* These are the clauses that represent the part of a program already entered into the interpreter's database. They could all be asserted instead of being included statically as part of the program body. *1 clause(atom(likes,[symb(ellen),symb(tennis)1) , [1). clause(atom(likes,[symb(john),symb(football)l), [1). clause(atom(likes,[symb(eric),symb(swimming)l), [1). clause(atom(likes,[symb(mark),symb(tennis)l) , [1). clause(atom(likes,[symb(bill),var(X)l):- [atom(likes,([symb(tom),var(X)l)l). GENERATING EXECUTABLE STAND-ALONE PROGRAMS A Turbo Prolog program can be compiled and linked to form a stand-alone executable file. Turbo Prolog actually does this for you: just set the Compile switch in the Options pull-down menu to "Compile to EXE file", and then give a Compile command. Pro- vided the program is error free, an OBJ file is generated (with the same name as the source program text) and the linker is automatically invoked via a DOS batch file source called PLlNK.BAT. To ensure a successful link process, the following conditions must be satisfied: COMMAND.COM must be present in the DOS directory defined in Setup. The file PLlNK.BAT (supplied on the distribution disk) must be present in the OBJ directory. Programmer's Guide 151 The DOS linker, LlNK.EXE, must be present in the OBJ directory or in a directory that is searched via a path set by the DOS Path command when the linker is called from the OBJ directory. There must be enough memory available to contain the complete linked program. If memory resources are limited, you can compile the program to an OBJ file, exit from the Turbo Prolog system via the Quit command, and finally start the link pro- cess by hand without the Turbo Prolog system resident. To do so, use the following command to call the linker: PLINK MYPROG where MYPROG is the name of the Turbo Prolog program to be linked. The PLINK file and the link process are described in detail in Appendix C. MODULAR PROGRAMMING A powerful feature of the Turbo Prolog system is its ability to handle programs that are broken up into modules. Modules can be written, edited, and compiled separately, and then linked together to create a single executable program. If you need the program, you need only edit and recompile one of the modules, not the entire program-a feature you will appreciate when you write large programs. Also, modular program- ming allows you to take advantage of the fact that, by default, all predicate and domain names are local. This means different modules can use the same name in different ways. Turbo Prolog uses two concepts to manage modular programming: projects and global declarations. Among other things, these features make it possible to keep a record of which modules make up a program (called a project), and to perform type checking across module boundaries. In this section, we'll define the two concepts and then, by way of a simple example, show how some modules can be combined into a single, stand-alone program. Projects When a program is to be made up of several modules, Turbo Prolog requires a project definition specifying the names of the modules involved. You must create a file (called the LIBRARIAN) containing the list of the module names. The contents of the librarian file take the form name_of_firstmodule+ name_of_secondmodule+ Each module is specified by its first name only (no file type) followed by a +. The filename of the project definition file becomes the name of the project, and it must have file type PRJ. The first step in modular programming is to make up a name for the project and then create a corresponding LIBRARIAN file containing the names of the modules in the project. This is done via the Librarian option in the Setup pull-down menu. Each project is associated with a unique LIBRARIAN. 152 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook The project concept has two purposes: I. The contents of the LIBRARIAN file are used during linkage; the names of the modules are inserted into the link command (given via PLlNK.BAT) from that file. 2. The project name is used during compilation to identify a symbol table shared by all modules in that project. The symbol table is stored in a file in the OBJ directory with the same name as the project and file type .SYM . This file is automatically generated and updated during compilation. To achieve the second purpose, the name of the project must be given in each module via the project compiler directive, which takes the form project "MYPROJ" Global Domains and Global Predicates By default. all names used in a module are local. Turbo Prolog programs communicate across module boundaries using predicates defined in a global predicates section. The domains used in global predicates must be defined as global domains, or else be domains of standard types. All the modules in a project need to know exactly the same global predicates and global domains. The easiest way to achieve this is by writing all -global declarations in one single file, which can then be included in every relevant module via an include directive. global domains A domain is made global by writing it in a global domains program section. In all other respects, global domains are the same as ordinary (local) domains. global predicates global predicate declarations differ from ordinary (local) predicate declarations in that they must contain a description of the flow pattern(s) in which each given predicate may be called. A global predicates declaration must follow the scheme mypred(dl,d2, .. ,dn) - (f,f, ... ,f)(f,f, .. ,f) ... where d l,d2, ... ,dn are global domains and each group (f, f, ... , f) denotes a flow pattern where each (is either i (input parameter) or 0 (output parame- ter). Note that if any global definition is changed, all modules in that project must be recompiled. Programmer's Guide 153 Compiling and Linking the Modules Before compiling and linking the modules, the following conditions must be fulfilled: I. Each module must be headed with the two compiler directives project and include. For example: project "MYPROJ" include "GLOBALS.PRO" (assuming that the project name is MYPROj and that the global declarations are saved in the file GLOBALS.PRO) 2. One and only one module must contain a goal section! This module is regarded as the main module. Any facts describing a database predicate given in the program text must be written in the main module. 3. PLlNK.BAT, LlNK.EXE, and COMMAND.COM must satisfy the conditions neces- sary for successful linking, as described on pages 151 and 152. The modules in the project can be compiled with the compile option switch set to either "Compile to OBJ" or "Compile to EXE". Once you have compiled all the other modules in a project, the best way to compile the last module is by using the compile Option set to "Compile to EXE". This automatically invokes the linker and runs the compiled program. Otherwise, if memory resources are limited, all modules should first be compiled with the compile Option set to "Compile to OBj." By exiting the Turbo Prolog system, control can then be given to DOS and the DOS linker will handle the job. The link process can be initiated for MYPROj by giving the command PLINK MYPROJ (see Appendix C). An Example Now let's look at the steps involved in combining two modules into a single program. Assume that the two modules and the project are called MAIN.PRO, SUB I.PRO, and MYPROj respectively, and that the necessary global declarations are saved in the file GLOBDEF.PRO. Step I. Create a LIBRARIAN file via the Librarian entry in Setup by giving the name MYPROJ to the "Name of module list?" prompt and then edit the contents to: MYPROJ.PRJ main+suh1+ Step 2. Create, edit, and save the global declarations file so that it appears as follows: 154 GLOBDEF.PRO global dOlains name=string global predicates welcome(name)-(i) Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Step 3. Create, edit, and save the main module file so that it appears as follows: MAIN.PRO project "MYPROJ" include "globdef.pro" predicates test goal test. clauses test:-clearwindow, write("Please write your name"), nl,nl,nl, read(ThisName), welcome(ThisName). Step 4. Set the Compile Switch in the Options pull-down menu to "Compile to OBJ" and give a Compile command, thus generating the files MAIN.OBj and MYPROj.SYM. Step 5. Create, edit, and save the sub-module file as follows: SUB1.PRO project "MYPROJ" include "globdef.pro" clauses welcome(Name):- write("Welcome ",Name), write(" Nice to meet you."), sound(100,200). Step 6. Set the Compile Switch in the Options pull-down menu to "Compile to EXE" and give a Compile command, thus generating the file SUB I.OBj and performing an autolink process. This link process links the files INIT.OBJ, SUB1.0BJ, MAIN.OBJ, MYPROJ.SYM and PROLOG.LIB to give the file MYPROJ.EXE INTERFACING PROCEDURES WRITTEN IN OTHER LANGUAGES Although Turbo Prolog is an excellent tool for many purposes, there are still reasons to use other languages. For example, it's easier to perform numeric integration in FORTRAN; interrupt handling is probably done better in assembly language; and, of course, if someone has developed a large program in Pascal that already solves some aspect of the problem, this work should not be wasted. For these reasons, Turbo Prolog allows interfacing with other languages. Currently, the languages supported are Pascal, C, FORTRAN, and assembler. Programmer's Guide 155 Declaring External Predicates To inform the Turbo Prolog system that a global predicate is implemented in another language, a language specification is appended to the global predicate declaration: global predicates add(integer,integer,integer)-(i,i,o),(i,i,i) language C scanner(string,token)-(i,o) language Pascal Turbo Prolog makes the interfaced language explicit to simplify the problems of activa- tion record and parameter format, calling and returning conventions, segment defini- tion, and linking and initialization. Calling Conventions and Parameters The 8086 processor family gives the programmer a choice between NEAR and FAR subroutine calls. Turbo Prolog requires that all calls to and returns from subroutines be FAR. When interfacing to a routine written in C, the parameters are pushed on the stack in reverse order and, after return, the stack pointer is automatically adjusted. When inter- facing to other languages, the parameters are pushed in the normal order and the called (unction is responsible (or remuving the parameters {i-om the stack. In many language compilers for the 8086 family, there is a choice between 16-bit and 32-bit pointers, where the 16-bit pointers refer to a default segment. To access all of memory, Turbo Prolog always uses 32-bit pointers. Turbo Prolog types are implemented in the following way: integer 2 bytes real 8 bytes (IEEE format) char 1 byte (2 bytes when pushed on the stack) string ~ byte dword pointer to a null terminated string symbol ~ byte dword pointer to a null terminated string compound ~ byte dword pOinter to a record An output parameter is pushed as a 32-bit pointer to a location where the return value must be assigned. For input parameters, the value is pushed directly and the size of the parameter depends on its type. Naming Conventions The same predicate in Turbo Prolog can have several type variants and several flow variants. A separate procedure is called for each type and ~ o w variant. To call these different procedures, a separate name must be assigned to each procedure. This is done by numbering the different procedures with the same predicate name from 0 upwards. For example, given the declaration 156 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook global predicates add(integer,integer,integer)- (i,i,o),(i,i,i) language pascal the first variant with flow pattern (i,i,o) is named add_O and the second with flow pattern (i,i,i) is named add_I. An Assembler Routine Called from Turbo Prolog Suppose an assembly language routine is to be called into operation via the clause double(MyInVar,MyOutVar) with MylnVar bound to an integer value before the call so that, after the call, MyOutVor is bound to twice that value. The "activation record" placed on top of the stack when double is activated will take the form shown in Figure 11-5. The basic assembly language outline is MOV AX,[BP]+6 ;get the value to which ;MyInVar is bound ADD AX,AX ;double that value LDS SI,DWORD PTR [BP]+6 ;Store the value to MOV [SI],AX [BP]+8 .... [BP]+6 .... [BP]+2 .... [BP]+O .... ;which MyOutVar is to ;be bound in the ;appropriate address. The value to which MyInVar is SIZE = 2 bytes Address in which the value for MyOutVar must be placed. SIZE = 1; bytes bound. Address from which execution is to continue after double has been executed. SIZE = 1; bytes Previous BP setting before execution of double began. SIZE = 2 bytes Figure 11-5 Activation Record After adding the statements necessary to preserve Turbo Prolog's SP and BP registers, and to be able to combine the assembly language fragment with a Turbo Prolog .OBJ module, we obtain the following code: s Guide 157 A_PROG PUBLIC double double_D A_PROG END SEGMENT BYTE ASSUME CS:A_PROG double_D PROC FAR PUSH BP MOV BP,SP MOV AX, [BP]+6 ADD AX,AX LDS SI,DWORD PTR [BP]+6 MOV [SI],AX POP BP MOV SP,BP RET ENDP ENDS The Turbo Prolog program containing the call to double must contain the global pred- icates declaration global predicates double(integer,integer) - (i,o) language assembler but otherwise is no different from any other program. if this assembiy ianguage program module is into the file and the calling Turbo Prolog object module is MYPROLOG.OBJ, the tWo can be linked via LINK INIT+MYPROLOG+MYASM+MYPROLOG.SYM,MIXPROG"PROLOG and thus produce an executable stand-alone program in the file MIXPROG.EXE (using the Turbo Prolog library in PROLOG. LIB). It is important that MYPROLOG.SYS appear last in the above link command. In general, the format of an activation record will depend upon the number of parame- ters in the calling Turbo Prolog predicate and the domain types corresponding to those parameters. Thus, if we wanted to define add(Va11,Va12,Sum) with Vall, Val2 and the Sum belonging to domains of integer type, the activation record would take the form shown in Figure II -6. Notice that each parameter occupies a corresponding number of bytes. For output parameters, the size is always 4 bytes (used for segment address and offset). For input parameters, the size is determined by the value actually pushed on the stack and is thus dependent on the corresponding domain type. Thus, Vall and Val2-belonging to a domain of integer type and being used with an (i) flow pattern-both occupy 2 bytes, whereas Sum-being used with an (0) flow pat- tern-occupies 4 bytes. Note also that, within the Turbo Prolog compiler, a call to an external predicate takes the form 158 1* push parameters *1 MOV AX,SEGMENT DATA MOV DS,AX CALL FAR PTR EXTERNAL_PREDICATE_IMPLEMENTATION Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook so that the data segment addressed while a procedure for an external predicate is being executed is the one called DATA. Address in which the value for Sum must be placed. [BP]+W ... SIZE. = 1; bytes The value to which Va12 is bound. [BP]+B ... SIZE = 2 bytes The value to which Vall is bound. [BP]+6 ... SIZE = 2 bytes Address from which execution is to continue after add has been executed. [BP]+2 ... SIZE = 1; bytes Previous BP setting before execution of add began. [BP]+O ... SIZE = 2 bytes Figure 11-6 Activation Record Calling C, Pascal and FORTRAN Procedures from Turbo Prolog Program 64 demonstrates how to access a subroutine written in C from a Turbo Prolog program. The process with Pascal and FORTRAN is similar. 1* Program 61; *1 global predicates goal treble(integer,integer) - (i,o) language c write("Type an integer"),readint(A), treble(A,T), write("Treble that number is ",T),nl. In the Turbo Prolog program that contains the call to treble. the language used to implement it must be specified in the global predicates section. In the C source (shown in Program 65). you must use the Turbo Prolog naming convention for the names of the C-subroutines. The name of the predicate (treble) must be followed by an integer corresponding to the flow pattern. 1* Program 65 *1 treble_O(x,y) int x; int *y { *y=3*x; I*The value of x can be used in treble *1 Low-Level Support The Turbo Prolog standard predicate bios gives the programmer access to the low- level bios (basic i/o system) routines. These routines are documented in any IBM DOS Programmer's Guide 159 manual. Information is passed to and from the bios functions via the predefined com- pound object reg( .. ), so that, using the variables AXi, BXi, eXi, DXi, SIi, O/i, OSi, ESi to represent the register values passed to bios and AXo, ... , ESo for those returned by the bios, the Turbo Prolog predicate takes the form bios(IntNo,reg(AXi,BXi,CXi,DXi,SIi,Dli,DSi,ESi), reg(AXo,BXo,CXo,DXo,SIo,Dlo,DSo,ESo)) The domain for the compound object reg(AX,BX, .. .) is predefined as regdom = reg(integer,integer,integer, .... ) Program 66 uses the bios standard predicate and three of the other four low-level support standard predicates: ptr _dword, memword, membyte, and portbyte. These take the following formats: ptr_dword(StringVar,Segment,Offset) portbyte(PortNo,Byte) memword(Segment,Offset,Word) membyte(Segment,Offset,Byte) ptr _dword returns the internal Segment and Offset address of StringVar. portbyte sets or returns the value at PortNo, depending on whether Byte is bound or free. memword sets or returns the value of the Word at the memory address given by Segment and Offset, depending on whether Vvord is bound or free. membyte acts the same as mem- word, but for a single byte. Program 66 defines four predicates: dosver returns the actual DOS version number. diskspace returns the total number of bytes and number of available bytes on the given Disk. The Disk is specified by a number: 0 denotes the default disk, I denotes drive A:, 2 denotes drive B:, and 3 denotes drive C:. makedir creates a subdirectory. removedir removes a subdirectory. In light of Program 66, try out the following three goals: dosver(DosVersionNumber). diskspace(DriveNumber,TotalSpace,RemainingSpace). makedir("testdir"), 160 write("Notice that testdir appears in the directory"), readchar(_),system("dir"),remove("testdir"), write("Notice that testdir is removed"), readcharL) , system("dir"). 1* Program bb *1 predicates dosver(real) diskspace(integer,real,real) diskname(integer,symbol) makedir(STRING) removedir(STRING) Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook clauses dosver(VERSION):- AX=L;8*256, bios(33,reg(AX,O,O,O,O,O,O,O),reg(VV,_,_,_,_,_,_,_)), 1* you could use hex notation, bios($21 ... ) instead of bios(33 ... ) *1 L=VV/256, H=VV-256*L, VERSION=H+L/100. diskspace(DISK,TOTALSPACE,FREESPACE):- AAX=5L;*256, bios(33,reg(AAX,O,O,DISK,O,O,O,O), reg(AX,BX,CX,DX,_,_,_,_)), FREESPACE=1.0*BX*CX*AX, TOTALSPACE=1.0*DX*CX*AX. makedir(NAME):- ptr_dword(NAME,DS,DX), AX=256*57, bios(33,reg(AX,O,O,DX,O,O,DS,O),_). removedir(NAME):- ptr_dword(NAME,DS,DX),AX=256*58, bios(33,reg(AX,O,O,DX,O,O,DS,O),_). ACCESSING THE EDITOR FROM WITHIN A TURBO PROLOG PROGRAM The following predicates are used to call the Turbo Prolog editor. edit(InStringParam,OutStringParam) The Turbo Prolog editor is invoked in the active window. All the usual editor facilities are now available. (The operation of the editor is described in Chapters 2 and 12.) The editor will be used on the text given in InStringParam, and OutStringParam will receive the edited result. Thus, the following call could be used to start editing an empty screen: edit (1111, Text) . display( String) The Turbo Prolog editor is invoked in the active window. The text in String can be examined under editor control but cannot be altered (and therefore only a subset of the editor's facilities are available in "display" mode). editmsg(InString, OutString, LeftHeader, RightHeader, Message,Position, HelpFileName, Code) The Turbo Prolog editor is called, and InString can then be edited in the currently active window to form OutString. Two texts are inserted in the header given by LeftHeader and RightHeader. The cursor is located at the Position-th character in InString and the Programmer's Guide 161 indicated Message is displayed at the bottom of the window. The file loaded when the "help" key [EJ is pressed is HelpFi/eName. The value returned in Code is used to indi- cate how the editing was terminated (Code=O if terminated by IE!) and Code= I if aborted by IE). DIRECTORY AND FORMATTING FACILITIES The following predicates can be used to access the Turbo Prolog file directory and to format output. dir(Path,FileSpec,Filename) The Turbo Prolog file directory facilities are invoked. The indicated Path and FileSpec define the files to appear in the directory. Cursor keys can then be used to select one of the filenames. Pressing ~ selects the file to which the cursor is currently pointing. An example of a call could be dir(l\mydirl,lt.pro",NameOfSelectedProgram) writef(FormatString,Argl,Arg2,Arg3, .... ) This predicate allows the production of formatted output. Arg I to ArgN must be con- stants or variables that belong to domains of standard type. It is not possible to format compound domains. The format string contains ordinary characters, which are printed without modification, and format specifiers of the form: % m.p where the optional (-) indicates that the field is to be left-justified (right-justified is the default). The optional m field is a decimal number specifying a minimum field, with the optional .p field specifying the precision of a floating-point image or the maximum number of characters to be printed from a string. For real numbers, p can be qualified by one of the letters: f, e, or g with the following denotation: f Reals in fixed decimal notation. e Reals in expoenntial notation. g Use the shortest format (this is the default) For example: Goal: person(N,A,I), writef("Name= -%15, Age= %2, Income=$%g.2f \n",N,A,I). would produce output such as the following: 162 Name= Pete Ashton Name= Marc Spiers Name= Kim Clark , Age= 20, Income=$ 11111.11 , Age= 32, Income=$ 22222.22 , Age= 28, Income=$ 33333.33 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 12 Reference Guide This chapter provides a comprehensive reference to all aspects of the Turbo Prolog system. We'll discuss files on the distribution disk, the menu system, the editor, and how to calculate screen attributes. The remainder of the chapter is a classified. alphabetical lookup for all functions, predicates, and compiler directives. FILES ON THE DISTRIBUTION DISK The distribution disk contains the following files: PROLOG.EXE contains the editor, compiler, file handler and runtime package. PROLOG. ERR contains error messages. This text file need not be present if you don't mind the absence of explanatory compile-time error messages. If the file isn't present, errors will be indicated only by an error number; Appendix B contains explanations for all error messages. If you want complete error messages to be displayed, these can either be in a disk file (which must be called PROLOG.ERR) or can be stored in mem- ory (for the details, see Appendix B). PROLOG.HLP is an ASCII text file containing help messages. If you wish, you can edit the help text to your liking. READ.ME (if present) contains the latest updates and suggestions about Turbo Prolog. It may also contain addenda or corrections to this manual. *.PRO files contain the source text for sample Turbo Prolog programs. PROLOG.LlB is the library needed when OBject files are linked to form EXEcutable files. INIT.OBJ must be included as the first OBJ file in all LINK commands when creating executable files. INIT.OBJ contains code to initialize the computer before processing the actual Turbo Prolog program code. PLlNK.BAT contains linking information (see Appendix 0). 163 FILES NEEDED WHEN USING TURBO PROLOG To start Turbo Prolog. The only file necessary to load Turbo Prolog is PROLOG.EXE. However, if during a previous Turbo Prolog session the system configuration was changed, a file PROLOG.5YS will have been created (using the Save configuration option on the Setup menu). If such a file exists, its contents will be used to define system parameters (such as size of windows) when Turbo Prolog is started up. To give error messages. Error messages (rather than just error code numbers) will only be displayed if PROLOG.ERR is present in the same directory as PROLOG.EXE. To use DOS commands within Turbo Prolog programs. DOS commands can be used from within a Turbo Prolog program, provided that the directory speCified via a path in the Setup pull-down menu contains the version of COMMAND.COM as was used to boot the computer. When generating EXE files. PLlNK.BAT must be present in the same directory as PROLOG.EXE (the Turbo directory), the files INIT.OBJ and PROLOG.L1B must be present in the OBJ directory, and the LINKER must be present in the OBJ directory or accessible via a DOS path. T T ... .J.. ... u ... ......... '-J.J.. ... Installation of colors, directories, windows, and other features can be performed via the Setup pull-down menu described on page 168. Any changes made can be saved in a .5YS file in the same directory as the Turbo Prolog system (the Turbo directory). The default .5YS file is PROLOG.SYS but several .5YS files can be maintained via the Setup menu. When a .5YS file is read via the "Read Configuration" command, the system is automatically configured from the named file .. SYS files contain ASCII text that can be modified directly with a text editor. The contents of .SYS files are explained in detail in Appendix D. THE MAIN MENU This section is a functional reference to the Turbo Prolog menu system. If you need help with the keystrokes required to use the menus, see Chapter 2. The Run Command The Run command is used to execute a program residing in memory. If a compiled program is already in memory, and the source of that program has not been modified in the editor since the last Run, it will be executed immediately. If not, the source program in the editor will first be compiled, after which the resulting program will be executed. Turbo Prolog programs can be executed in two ways: 164 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook I. If the program contains a goal, the goal is executed, and any output from Turbo Prolog appears in the dialog window. After execution, the user can press the space bar to return to the main menu. 2. If the goal is not internal (written in the program), the user can try several goals; the "conversation" between the user and Turbo Prolog will appear in the dialog window. During program execution, some of the function keys have special meanings:
@]!1[) I]ID]l (toggle) Automatically retypes the previous goal on the next line in the dialog window. Calls the editor. Selects a system window to be resized. Re-sizes or moves the dialog window. the output of a program to the screen. Pressing Ctrl S again continues output. Interrupts program execution and returns control to the main menu or the dialog window. Automaticall echoes any output sent to the screen to the printer. Pressing Ctrl P again stops output to the printer. The Compile Command The Compile command compiles the program currently in the editor. Compilation may result in a program resident in memory (default), in an OBj file, or an EXE file, depending on the current setting of the compile option switch in the Options pull- down menu. When compiling to an EXE file, all linking is performed automatically. If the compiled program is part of a project, the linking process depends on the project definition. (See page 152.) When compiling to OBj files, if the program is part of a project, it must begin with the keyword project and the name of that project (see page 152). The project must have been defined via the Librarian entry in the Setup menu. Instead of using the automatic linking process, you can give the LINK commands in DOS. This might be desirable, for example, if there is not enough memory to allow linkage with the Turbo Prolog system resident. To link in DOS, quit the Turbo Prolog system, switch to the OBj directory, and give a PLINK command in one of the following ways: PLINK PROGRAM or PLINK PROJECTl The first command links a single compiled program (where the source was in PROGRAM.PRO) to an executable file. The second command links a project called PROJECT I to an executable file. Reference Guide 165 The Options Menu The Options pull-down menu is shown in Figure 12-1. Figure 12-1 Options Menu The current compile setting is shown as the first (non-selectable) entry. You can select either of the other two options if desired. Compilation to OBJ and EXE files is described under the Compile Command (see previous section). The Edit Command The Edit command invokes the built-in editor for editing the file defined as the workfile (via the Filename entry in the Files pull-down menu). If no workfile filename has been specified, WORK.PRO is assumed. In addition to editing the current workfile, you can also edit another file from inside the editor without disturbing the editing of the workfile. Also, you can incorporate some or all of the contents of another file into the one being edited. For more information about the editor, see page 172. The Files Menu The Files pull-down menu is shown in Figure 12-2. Load Load selects a workfile from the PRO directory. The workfile can then be edited, compiled, executed, or saved. After issuing a Load command, you will be prompted for a file name. You can enter either of the following: I. Any legal filename. If the period and file type (extension) are omitted, the .PRO extension is automatically assumed. To specify a file name with no extension, enter the name followed by a period. 166 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 2. A filename from a directory. The directory facility is consulted when the File nome: prompt is answered either by pressing S or with a pattern containing wildcards followed by S. If no file pattern is given, all files with the .PRO extension will be listed. In either case, the cursor can then be moved up and down in the resulting list of file names by the arrow keys, I Home I, 1El, ~ and ~ . Choose a file by pressing S. If lE is pressed, the cursor will return to the File nome: prompt. Figure 12-2 Files Menu Save Save saves the current workfile on disk. The old version of the named file, if any, is given a .BAK extension. Directory Directory is used to select the default directory for .PRO files. It can also be used to browse in the .PRO directory. After issuing the Directory command, you will be prompted for a directory path. Any legal path name can be given. See the Setup command, page 168 for a description of the other directories used by the system. File Name File is used to rename the workfile (by default, WORK. PRO). This operation does not affect any files on disk. This is useful, for example, for saving an edited program, so that the program previously saved under the current workfile name is not erased. Reference Guide 167 Zap File in Editor Zap erases the text currently in the editor. The current workfile name is maintained. Print Print sends the program to the printer. It will initiate a dialog in which the user is asked to mark the program block to be ,printed. Erase Erase erases a disk file. The file can be specified by name, or it can be selected from the directory as described on page 167. Rename Rename renames a disk file. After issuing the Rename command, you will be asked for the name of the original file by the From: prompt: respond with a legal file name (possibly prefixed with a path). Then type the new name after the To: prompt. As with the Erase command, files can be specified by name, or selected from the directory. Operating System Operating system calls the DOS operating system; Turbo Prolog remains resident in memory. The version of DOS used during the boot process must be available in the DOS directory. Once DOS has been called, any DOS commands can be executed, including MD and FORMAT. Control is returned to the resident Turbo Prolog system with the EXIT command. Setup Menu Setup should be selected when any of the setup parameters are to be inspected, temporarily changed, or recorded permanently in a .SYS file. The Setup menu is shown in Figure 12-3. Defining Directories The P, 0, E, T, and D entries define a drive and path for each of the five directories used by the system. When you select a directory, you will be prompted for a drive and a path. Type in the drive and/or path, press ~ . and Turbo Prolog will accept your specification; if you change your mind and want to start over, press IE. The PRO directory is used by default in all file-handling operations performed'from the Files pull-down menu. This includes Loading and Saving Turbo Prolog programs. OBJ directory is used for files of .OBJ and .PRJ type and, possibly, the IBM PC linker, LIN K.EXE. 168 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook The EXE directory is used for the files generated by the Turbo Prolog system of .EXE type. The TURBO directory is used for the Turbo Prolog system itself, i.e., for the system files PROLOG.EXE, PROLOG.ERR, PROLOG.HLP, PROLOG.SYS, and PROLOG.L1B. The DOS directory should contain the version of COMMAND.COM that was used when the computer was booted. Whenever the Operating system entry in the Files menu is selected or when Quitting the Turbo Prolog system, COMMAND.COM is consulted again. This directory is also used as the default for any DOS command issued from within the Turbo Prolog system. Run C"",pil" Edit Options riles mm quit Figure l2-3 Setup Menu Librarian When you select Librarian, you will be asked for the name of the file containing the list of modules in a given project. Type in a name, or select it from a catalog of project names found in the OBj directory. For example, if you specify the name APROjECT. any existing module list of that name can be edited; otherwise, an empty file is pre- pared for editing. In either case, once the new module list is complete, exiting the editor with the fl2!l key automatically uprlates the module list file APROjECT.PRj in the OBj directory. Window Definition Window activates another menu, shown in Figure 12-4. Select E, D, M, T, or A, then do the following to define the selected window: Reference Guide 169 Window Width Window Length Window Position Press 8 to make the width smaller, or El to make it larger. Press II) or CD to decrease or increase the length of the window. To make changes in larger increments, hold down the []ill) key at the same time. Move the window to a new position by holding down the ~ key and pressing the arrow keys. ----- ------ Use tlrst letter of option 01' select with -) or (- Figure 12-4 Window Definition Menu Color Setting This entry is used to define the background and foreground colors of one or more system windows. When selected, a new pop-up menu appears (Figure 12-5) to enable you to select which window will be affected: Figure 12-5 Color Settings Menu 170 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Choose E, D, M, T, A, p, or S to select a window. Then use the arrow keys to alter the foreground and background colors. The status line at the bottom of the screen reflects the current meanings of these keys: <--, --) :Background color lA, Iv:Foreground color Any other:End Attr = 7 A[&k12H The El and El keys can be used to increase or decrease the selected window's background attribute value in steps, and II) and II) can be used similarly to control the foreground color. The actual attribute value selected is shown to the right of the status line. Miscellaneous Miscellaneous is used to define more specialized parameters. When selected, the pop- up menu shown in Figure 12-6 appears. Inn COIIpile Edit Options F i I ~ $ @I!I!!R quit Figure 12-6 Miscellaneous Menu I toggles special synchronization to improve performance on a color screen driven by the IBM Color/Graphics Adapter. By default, no special synchronization is provided. A toggles whether the text file containing error messages is to be loaded into memory (Autoload messages ON), or whether each error message is to be loaded from PROLOG. ERR each time an error occurs. By default. Autoload messages are OFF. S is used to (re)define the stack size. The default is 600 paragraphs (I paragraph is 16 bytes). When you issue the S command, you will be prompted for a new stack size in the interval 600-4000 paragraphs. Load Configuration Press L to load a .SYS file from the Turbo directory and reset the system according to the parameters it contains. Reference Guide 171 Save Configuration S saves the current setup in a .SYS file in the Turbo directory. The configuration can be given any name, but the default PROLOG.SYS is automatically used when the Turbo Prolog system is first started up. Quit Command Use the Quit command to leave the Turbo Prolog system. If the workfile has been edited since it was loaded, Turbo Prolog will ask you if you want to save the workfile before quitting. THE TURBO PROLOG EDITOR The Turbo Prolog editing commands can be grouped into the following four categories: Cursor movement commands Insert and delete commands Block commands Miscellaneous commands Each group will be described separately in the sections that follow. Table 12-1 provides an overview of the commands available. In the following sections, each of the descrip- tions consists of a heading defining the command, followed by the keystrokes used to activate the command. In some cases, there are two ways to give a command, using either the PC's function keys or WordStar-like commands; both will be shown. 172 Table 12-1 Editing Command Overview Cursor Movement Commands Character left Character right Word left Word right Line up Line down Page up Page down Beginning of line End of line Top of file End offile Beginning of block End of block Bottom of page Top of page Insert and Delete Commands Insert mode on/off Delete left character Delete character under cursor Delete right word Delete line Delete to end of line Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Table 12-1 Editing Command Overview (continued) Block Commands Mark block begin Copy block Move block Read block from disk Mark block end Repeat the last copy Delete block Hide/display block Miscellaneous Editing Commands Call the auxiliary editor Which line number Auto indent on/off Repeat last find Repeat last find & replace Cursor Movement Commands Go to line End edit Find Find & replace These commands are used to move the cursor to different areas in a text file. Character left El or @ill)]] Moves the cursor one character to the left without affecting the character there. This command does not work across line breaks; when the cursor reaches the left edge of the window, it stops. Character right El or []ill)]) Moves the cursor one character to the right without affecting the character there. When the cursor reaches the right edge of the window, the text scrolls horizontally until the cursor reaches the extreme right of the line; it then moves to the beginning of the next line (if there is one). Word left @li!)3 or @li!)]l Moves the cursor to the beginning of the word to the left. Word right @illEl or @illII Moves the cursor to the beginning of the word to the right. This command works across line breaks. Line up II) or@ill)l) Moves the cursor to the line above. If the cursor is on the top line, the window scrolls down one line. Line down CD or @li[)]) Moves the cursor to the line below. If the cursor is on the last line, the window scrolls up one line. Page up ~ or I]![)]l Moves the cursor one page up with an overlap of one line. The cursor moves one window, less one line, backward in the text. Page down ~ or []li!)]J Moves the cursor one page down with an overlap of one line. The cursor moves one window, less one line, forward in the text. Reference Guide 173 Beginning of line I Home I or @ill)]) !]J Moves the cursor all the way to the left edge of the window (column one). End of Line ~ or @ill)]) []l Moves the cursor to the end of the line, i.e., to the position following the last printable character on the line. Top of fiI e (CtrIJBOiTie) 0 r @ill)]) I]] Moves to the first character of the text. End of file ~ or @ill)]) @l Moves to the last character of the text. Beginning of block @ill)]) []J Moves the cursor to the block begin marker set with @.ill)]) (I). The command works even if the block is not displayed (see page 175), or the block end marker is not set. End of block @ill)]) CKl Moves the cursor to the block end marker set with @.ill)]) CKl. The command works even if the block is not displayed (see page 175), or the block begin marker is not set. Insert and Delete Commands These commands let you insert and delete characters, words. and lines. They can be divided into two types: one command that controls the text entry mode (insert or overwrite), and a number of simple delete commands. Insert mode on/off [ill or ~ Toggles between insert (default) and overwrite modes. The current mode is displayed on the status line at the top of the window. Insert mode is the default value when the editor is activated. In this mode, existing text to the right of the cursor moves to the right as you type in the new text. Overwrite mode is used to replace old text with new. In this mode, characters are replaced by the new characters typed over them. Delete left character IE This is the backspace key directly above the IB key. It moves one character to the left and deletes the character there. Any characters to the right of the cursor move to the left. Delete character under cursor !ill Deletes the character under the cursor and moves any character to the right of the cursor one position to the left. This command works across line breaks. Delete right word I][)=:l Deletes the word to the right of the cursor. Delete line @li!)E or !]ill)]) Deletes the line containing the cursor and moves any lines below one line up. Delete to end of line I][)=:l or @ill)]) fll Deletes all text from the cursor position to the end of the line. 174 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Block Commands These commands are used to mark and manipulate blocks of text. Mark block begin @ill]) []] Marks the beginning of a block. You can also use the begin block marker as a reference point to move to with the @li!)]l []] command. Mark block end @ill]) fI) Marks the end of a block. You can also use the end block marker as a reference point to jump to with the @li!)]lfI) command. Copy block !!D or @ill]) [I) !!D Marks the start and end of the block, then copies the block to the cursor position. First, press !!D to mark the beginning of the block. Then move the cursor to the end of the block, and press !!D again to mark the end of the block. Finally, move the cursor where you want to insert the block. Press !!D again to copy the block. @ill]) [I) Places a copy of a marked and highlighted block at the cursor position. The original block is left unchanged, and the markers are placed around the new copy of the block. Repeat the last copy ~ The block previously marked with !!D is inserted at the cursor position. Move block [!D or @ill]) []J [!D Marks the start and end of the block, then moves the block to the cursor position. First, press [!D to mark the beginning of the block. Then move the cursor to the end of the block and press [!D again to mark the end of the block. Finally, move the cursor to where you want to insert the block. Press [!D again to move the block. @ill]) []J Moves a marked and highlighted block from its original position to the cursor position. The block disappears from its original position and the markers remain around the block at its new position. Delete block flD or @ill]) III flD Marks the start and end of the block, then deletes it. First, press flD to mark the beginning of the block. Then move the cursor to the end of the block and press flD again to mark the end of the block. Finally, press flD to delete the block. @ill]) III Deletes a marked and highlighted block. Read block from disk [![J or @ill]) [!) Opens the Files menu and selects the Load option. You can then load the file and view it as though in the editor. The text to be copied is selected either by pressing I![) at the beginning and end of the block, or by marking the block with []ill)]) []J and @ill]) fI). The block is then inserted in the main edit text at the current cursor position. Hide/display block @ill]) f]] Causes block highlighting to be toggled off and on. @ill]) block manipulation com- mands (copy, move, delete, or write to a file) work only when the block is highlighted. Block-related cursor movements Uump to beginning/end of block) work whether the block is highlighted or not. Reference Guide 175 Miscellaneous Commands Call the auxiliary editor rl[) Establishes a separate window for temporary editing of another text file (before copy- ing a block from it. for example). Functionally, the auxiliary editor is exactly the same as the ordinary editor, and is especially useful when include files must be edited. After terminating the temporary edit of a file with the I!J:[l key, you can save the edited version of that file. Go to line CE[) When you press !![l, you will be prompted for a line number. Enter a line number, but don't press tEl. Press !![l again to move the cursor to the beginning of the indicated line. Which line number (BE] Displays the line number of the cursor at the bottom of the screen. Press another key to continue editing. End Edit fE or I!J:[l I!J:[l Terminates editing and, if the editing was due to a program syntax error, automati- cally recompiles the program. fE Terminates editing. Auto indent @ill)]) OJ Provides automatic line indentation. When auto indent is active, the indentation of the current line is repeated on all subsequent lines. When you press tEl, the cursor does not return to column one, but to the starting column of the line you just terminated. When you want to change the indentation, simply move the cursor to select the new column. When auto indent is active (the default), the message indent is displayed at the top of the editor window. Find (!D or @ill)])1Il Searches for any string up to 25 characters long. When you issue this command, you are prompted for a search string. Type in the search string. Then, if(!D was used as the find command, press (!D again. If @ill)])1Il was used, press tEl. The find operation can be repeated with the Repeat last find command. Repeat last find IBfD or @illI) Searches for the next occurrence of the search string. Find and Replace [El or @ill)]) []J Searches for any string up to 25 characters long, then replaces it with any other string up to 25 characters long. When you issue this command, you are prompted for the search string. Type in the search string. If you used [El, press [El again. If @ill)]) []J was used, press tEl. Next, enter the string to replace the search string, terminated in the same way as the search string. Then you are asked if you want a global or local find and replace. If local is specified, only one find and replace operation is carried out. Otherwise the find and replace operation is repeatedly carried out throughout the text, from the current cursor posi- tion onwards. 176 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Finally, you are asked if you want to be prompted before a replacement is carried out. If you answer No, the find and replace operation is carried out without further ado. If you answer Yes, the find string mayor may not be found. If it is found (and the Yoption is specified), you are asked the question: Replace (Y/N)? Press Y to replace or N to skip. You can also abort the search and replace operation by The find and replace operation can be repeated with the Repeat last find and replace command. Repeat last find and replace 8'EJ or @[(D This command repeats the latest Find and replace operation exactly as if all information had been re-entered. Function Key Summary Function Keys fill Help [lD Go to Line Actual Line
Search Search Again* E) Replace Replace Again* [![) Copy Copy Again* [ll Move Text !EJ Delete Text
Auxiliary Edit [![J External Copy
End editor Special Combinations IID3 Move to word at left Move to word at right (CfffJFOiW) Go to start of text Go to end of text (]!!J3 Delete line to left Delete line to right I]ill)E Delete line Toggle indentation Insert/Overwrite *These functions are activated when f3El is pressed at the same time as the function key. THE CALCULATION OF SCREEN ATTRffiUTES Turbo Prolog allows you to specify the colors and/or attributes for your particular screen type. The methods for a monochrome and color/graphics screen are outlined in the following sections. Reference Guide 177 Monochrome Display Adapter I. Choose the integer representing the required foreground and background combi- nation from Table 12-2. 2. Add I if you want characters to be underlined in the foreground color. 3. Add 8 if y ~ u want the white part of the display to be in high intensity. 4. Add 128 to this value if you want the character to blink. Table 12-2 Monochrome Display Adapter Attribute Values Black characters on a black background (i.e., blank) 0 White characters on a black background (normal video) 7 Black characters on a white background (inverse video) 112 Color/Graphics Adapter I. Choose one foreground color and one background color. 2. Add the corresponding integer values from Table 12-3. 3. Add 128 if you want whatever is displayed with this attribute to blink. Table 12-3 Color/Graphics Adapter Attribute Values Background colors Foreground colors Black 0 Black 0 Gray 8 Blue I Blue 16 Green 2 Light Blue 24 Cyan 3 Green 32 Red 4 Light Green 40 Magenta 5 Cyan 48 Brown 6 Red 64 White 7 Light Red 72 Magenta 80 Light Magenta 88 Brown 96 Yellow 104 White 112 White (High Intensity) 120 178 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook ARITHMETIC FUNCTIONS AND PREDICATES Table 12-4 Turbo Prolog Arithmetic Predicates and Functions Functional Predicate Description bitand(X. Y.Z) bitnot(X,Z) bitor(X. Y.Z) bitxor(X. Y.Z) If X and Yare bound to integer values. Z will be bound to an integer that is the result of (I) representing the values of X and Y as signed 16-bit numbers and (2) performing the corresponding logical operation AND. OR, NOT, XOR on those numbers. bitleft(X.N. Y) bitright(X.N. Y) If X and N are bound to integer values, Y is bound to the integer that is the result of representing X as a signed 16-bit number and shifting left or right the number of places specified by N. Binds X to a pseudo-random number x with 0 < = x < I. Returns the remainder of X divided by Y. Returns the quotient of X divided by Y. random(X) X modY X divY abs(X) If X is bound to a positive value v, abs(X) returns that value; other- wise it returns -I *v. cos(X) sin(X) tan(X) The trigonometric functions require that X be bound to a value representing an angle in radians. arctan(X) exp(X) In(X) log(X) sqrt(X) Returns the arctangent of the real value to which X is bound. e raised to the value to which X is bound. Logarithm to base e. Logarithm to base 10. Square root. CLASSIFIED INDEX OF STANDARD PREDICATES Below is a classified index of all standard predicates. Predicates are grouped by func- tion. Detailed descriptions are given in alphabetical order on the pages that follow this index. Reading readchar( CharVariable) readint(lntVariable) . readln(StringVariable) . readreal(ReaIVariable) . readterm(Term,Domain) . Writing nl ......... . write( {Variable I Constant}* ) . writedevice(SymbolicFileName) writef(FormatString,{VariableI Constant}* ) . File System closefile(SymbolicFileName) . consult(DosFileName) . . . Reference Guide Page 191 191 191 191 191 189 195 195 195 183 183 179 deletefile(DosFileName) . . . . . . . 184 dir(Pathname,FileSpecString,DosFileName) 184 disk(DosPath) . . . . . . . . . . . I 84 eof(SymbolicFileName) . . . . . . . 185 existfile(DosFileName). . . . . . . . 185 filepos(SymbolicFileName,FilePosition,Mode) 186 file-str(DosFileName,StringVariable). . . . 186 flush(SymbolicFileName) . . . . . . . . 187 openappend(SymbolicFileName,DosFileName) 189 openmodify(SymbolicFileName,DosFileName). 189 openread(SymbolicFileName,DosFileName) . 190 openwrite(SymbolicFileName,DosFileName) . 190 readdevice(SymbolicFileName) . . . . . . 191 renamefile(OldDosFileName,NewDosFileName). 191 save(DosFileName) . . . . . 192 writedevice(SymbolicFileName) 195 Screen Handling attri bute( A ttr) . . . I 82 back(Step) . . . . 182 101 LleUI VVIlIUVVV I U.J cursor(Row,Column) 183 cursorform(Startline,Endline) 183 display(String) . . , . . . 184 dot(Row,Column,Color) . . 184 edit(lnputString,OutputString) 184 editmsg(lnStr,OutStr,LeftHeader,RightHeader,Message, HelpFileName,Position,Code) . 85 field-'lttr(Row,Column,Length,Attr). . . 85 . . 85 forward(Step) . . . . . . . . . . . 87 graphics(ModeParam,Palette,Background) 88 left(Angle). . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 line(Rowl,Coll,Row2,CoI2,Color) . . . 88 makewindow(WNo,ScrAtt,FrameAttr,Header,Row,Col,Height,Width) 88 pencolor(Color) 90 pendown. . . 90 penup . . . . 90 removewindow 91 right(Angle) . . 92 scr _attr(Row,Col,Attr) . 92 scr _char(Row,Column,Char) 92 92 text. . . . . . . . . 94 window_attr(Attr) . . . 94 95 180 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook String Handling frontchar(String.FrontChar,RestString). . . . . frontstr(NumberOfChars,String I,StartStr,String2) fronttoken(String,Token, RestString) . isname(StringParam) . str _len(String, Length) . . . . Type Conversion char _int(CharParam,lntParam) . str _char(StringParam,CharParam) str _int(StringParam,lntParam) . . str _real(StringParam,ReaIParam) . upper _lower(StringlnUpperCase,StringlnLowerCase) . Data Predicates asserta( (fact) ). . . . assertz( (fact) ). . . . consult(DOSFileName). retract( (fact) ). . . . save(DOSFileName). . System Level Predicates beep ........ . bios(lnterruptNo,Regsln,RegsOut) date(Year,Month,Day). . . . . mem byte(Segment.Offset, Byte) . memword(Segment. Offset,Word) portbyte(PortNo,Value) . . . . ptr _dword(StringVar,Segment.Offset) . sound(Duration.Frequency). . . . . storage(StackSize,HeapSize,TraiISize) . system(DosCommandString) . . . . time(Hours,Minutes,Seconds,Hundredths) trace(Status). . . . Language Predicates bound(Variable) . . exit ...... . fail . . . . . . . findall(Variable, (atom), ListVariable) free(Variable) notatom) . . . . . . . . . ALPHABETICAL DIRECTORY OF STANDARD PREDICATES 187 187 187 188 193 183 193 193 193 194 182 182 183 192 192 82 82 84 89 89 90 90 92 93 94 94 94 183 185 185 186 187 189 This section lists all Turbo Prolog standard predicates in alphabetical order. Each predi- cate is described in the following format: predicate name and a typical invocation types of the parameters in corresponding positions of the predicate Reference Guide 181 list of the possible flow patterns for this predicate description of the outcome of a call to the predicate for each of the allowed flow patterns. asserta( (fact) ) (dbasedom) : (i) Inserts a (fact) in the RAM database before any other stored clauses for the corre- sponding predicate. The (fact) must be a term belonging to the domain dbasedom, which is internally generated. assertz( (fact) ) (dbasedom) : (i) (0) Inserts a (fact) in the RAM database after all other stored clauses for the corresponding predicate. The (fact) must be a term belonging to the domain dbasedom, which is internally generated. attribute (Attr ) ( i) Sets the default attribute value for all screen positions. (0) (integer) : (i) (0) Binds Attr to the current default attribute value for all screen positions. back(Step) (integer) : (i) Indicates how many Steps the turtle is to move from its current position along its current direction. back fails if the movement leads to a position outside the screen (screen is 32000 horizontal and 32000 vertical steps). The current position of the turtle will only be updated if back is successful. beep Beeps the computer's speaker. bios(InterruptNo, RegsIn, RegsOut) (integer,regdom,regdom) : (i,i,o) Causes BIOS interrupt InterruptNo with register values indicated in the parameter Regsln and binds the parameter RegsOut to the register values after the interrupt has been executed. Regsln and RegsOut both belong to the internal domain regdom, which is defined as: regdom = reg(AX,BX,CX,DX,SI,DI,DS,ES) where AX, BX, ex, OX, 51, 01, OS and ES are all of integer domain type. 182 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook bound(Variable) Succeeds if Variable is bound. char Jnt( CharParam,IntParam) (i,o) (variable) : (0) (char,integer) : (i,o) (o,i) (i,i) Binds IntParam to the decimal ASCII code for CharParam. (o,i) Binds CharParam to the character having the decimal ASCII code specified by IntParam. (i,i) Succeeds if IntParam is bound to the decimal ASCII code for CharParam. clearwindow Clears the currently active window of text by filling it with its background color. closefile( SymbolicFileN arne) (file) : (i) Closes the named file. c10sefile succeeds even if the named file has not been opened. consult(DOSFileName) (string) : (i) Adds a text file (created, for example, by saving a database with the save predicate) to the current database. The predicate succeeds by loading the facts (describing declared database predicates) from the file DOSFileName into memory. If the file contains any syntactic errors, consult fails. cursor(Row, Column) (integer,integer) : (i,i) (0,0) (i,i) Moves the cursor to the indicated position (relative to the top left corner at row 0, column 0) in the currently active window. (0,0) Binds Rowand Column to the current cursor position. cursorform(Startline, Endline ) (integer,integer) : (i,i) Sets the height and vertical position of the cursor within a single-character display area. Each character occupies 14 scan lines of the screen, so Startline and Endline must be bound to values between I and 14, inclusive. Reference Guide 183 date(Year, Month, Day ) (integer,integer,integer) : (i,i,i) (0,0,0) (1,1,1) Reads the date from the computer's internal clock. (0,0,0) Sets the date used by the computer's internal clock. deletefile(DosFileN arne) (string) : (i) Deletes the file DosFileName from the currently active disk. dir(Pathnarne,FileSpecString,DosFileN arne) (string,string,string) : (i,i,o) Calls the Turbo Prolog file directory command. The indicated PathName and FileSpec- String define the files to appear in the directory window. The user can select a name (returned in DosFileName) with the cursor keys, followed by !El when the desired filename is highlighted. dir fails if it is aborted with the [El key. disk(DosPath) (1) Sets the current default drive and path. (0) Returns the current default drive and path. display( String) (string) : (i) (0) (string) : (i) Displays the contents of String in the currently active window. The contents can be inspected (but not altered) using the editor's cursor control keys. dot(Row, Column, Color) (integer,integer,integer) : (i,i,i) (i,i,o) (1,1,1) Provided the screen is initialized to graphics mode, dot puts a dot at the point deter- mined by the values of Rowand Column, in the specified Color. The coordinates are both integers from 0 to 31999 and are independent of the current screen mode. (1,1,0) When used with Color as a free parameter, dot reads the color value at the point determined by Rowand Column. edit(InputString,OutputString) (string,string) : (i,o) Calls the Turbo Prolog editor. InputString can then be edited in the currently active window to form OutputString. 184 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook editrnsg(InStr, OutStr, LeftHeader, RightHeader, Message, HelpFileNarne, Position,Code) (string, string, string, string, string, string, string,integ er,integer) : (i,o,i,i,i,i,i,o) Calls the Turbo Prolog editor. InStr can then be edited in the currently active window to form OutStr. Two texts are inserted in the header given by LeftHeader and RightHeader. The cursor is located at the Position-th character in InStr and the indicated Message is displayed at the bottom of the window. The name of the file loaded when the' "Help" key !ill is pressed is HelpFileName. The value returned in Code indicates how editing was terminated (Code=O if terminated by IE[) and Code= I if aborted by []i)). eof( SyrnbolicFileN arne) (file) : (i) Checks whether the pointer to the current file position (see (tlepos) is pointing to the end of the file. If so, eof succeeds: otherwise it fails. existfile(D os File N arne) (string) : (i) Succeeds if the file DosFileName appears in the directory of the currently active disk (see disk). exit Stops program execution and returns control to the Turbo Prolog menu system. fail Forces failure of a predicate and, hence, backtracking. fielcLattr(Row, Colurnn,Length,Attr) (integer,integer,integer,integer) : (i,i,i,i) (i,i,i,o) (1,1,1,1) If Rowand Column refer to a position within the currently active window (see makewin- dow and shiftwindow) and a field of the given Length starting at that position can be contained inside that window, all the positions in that field are given attribute Attr. (1,1,1,0) The attribute of the field occupying Length characters at position Row, Column of the currently active window is bound to Attr. As above, the specified field must fit inside this window. fielcLstr(Row, Colurnn , Length , String) (integer,integer,integer,string) : (i,i,i,i) (i,i,i,o) (1,1,1,1) If Rowand Column refer to a position within the currently active window (see makewin- dow and shiftwindow) and a field of the given Length starting at that position can be Reference Guide 185 contained inside that window, the value to which String refers will be written at that position, subject to these conditions: If String is bound to a value that contains more characters than Length indicates, only the first Length characters are written. If String is shorter than Length, the rest of the field will be filled with blank spaces. . (1,1,1,0) The text occupying the field of Length characters at position Row, Column of the cur- rently active window is read into String. As above, the specified field must fit inside this window. filepos( SyrnbolicFileN arne, FilePosition, Mode ) (file,real,integer) : (i,i,i) (i,o,i) (1,1,1) Selects the position in the named file where a value is to be written by write. Positions are calculated according to the type of element stored in the file and the value of Mode. Thus, if SymbolicFileName refers to a file of bytes, and FilePosition and Mode are bound to II and 0 respectively, the next byte written into the file will be at byte position II (from the beginning of the file). (1,0,1) Returns the position relative to the beginning of the file where the next write will take place. Reading the file position therefore requires that Mode=O. Mode Position o Relative to the start of the file I Relative to the current position 2 Relative to the end of the file file-str(DosFileNarne,StringVariable) (string,string) : (i,o) Reads characters (maximum 64K) from the named file into the string until an end-of-file character (decimal ASCII code 26, normally 1]illJ]J) is received. findall(Variable,(atom),ListVariable) Collects the values from backtracking into a list. Thus, if (atom) is a predicate with its arguments represented by valid Turbo Prolog variable names, and Variable is the name of one of the variables in the predicate, ListVariable will be bound to the list of values for that variable that was obtained from instances when the predicate can succeed due to backtracking. 186 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook flush( SyrnbolicFileN arne) (file) : (i) Forces the contents of the internal file buffer to be written to the current writedevice. ~ u s h is useful when output is directed to a serial port and it may be necessary to send the data to the port before the buffer is full. (Normally file buffers are ~ u s h e d auto- matically). forward( Step) (integer) : (i) Provided the screen is initialized to graphics mode, forward moves the pen from its current position the indicated number of Steps along its current direct. forward fails if the movement leads to a position outside the screen (screen is 32000 horizontal and vertical steps). The current position of the turtle will only be updated if forward is successful. If the pen is activated, forward leaves a trail in the current pen color. free(Variable) (variable) : (0) Succeeds if Variable is not bound. frontchar(String, FrontChar, RestString) (string,char,string) : (i,o,o) (i,i,o) (i,o,i) (i,i,i) (o,i,i) Operates as if it were defined by the equation String=(the concatenation of FrontChar and RestString) so that either String must be bound or both FrontChar and RestString must be bound. frontstr(NurnberOfChars, Stringl, StartStr, String2) (integer,string,string,string) : (i,i,o,o) Splits String I into two parts. StartStr will contain the first NumberOfChars characters in String I and String2 will contain the rest. fronttoken(String, Token,RestString) (string,string,string) : (i,o,o) (i,i,o) (i,o,i) (i,i,i) (o,i,i) Operates as if it were defined by the equation String = (the concatenation of Token and RestString) so that either String must be bound or both Token and RestString must be bound. Thus, fronttoken succeeds if Token is bound to the first token of String and RestString is bound to the remainder of the String. A group of one or more characters constitutes a token in one of the following cases: they constitute a (name) according to Turbo Prolog syntax. they constitute a valid string representation of a Turbo Prolog integer or real (a preceding sign is returned as a separate token). it is a single character, but not the ASCII space character (decimal code 32). Reference Guide 187 graphics(ModeParam, Palette ,Background) (integer,integer,integer) : (i,i,i) Initializes the screen in medium, high or extra-high resolution graphics. ModeParam selects the resolution. The resulting screen formats are shown in Table 12-5. Table 12-5 Graphics Screen Formats ModeParam Co Is Rows Adapter and Resolution 320 200 CGA, medium resolution 4 colors. 2 640 200 CGA, high resolution, black and white. 3 320 200 EGA, medium resolution, 16 colors. 4 640 200 EGA, high resolution, 16 colors. 5 640 350 EGA, enhanced resolution, 3 colors. CGA: The standard Color/Graphics Adapter EGA: Enhanced Graphics Adapter Background (aiso an integer vaiue) seiects a background coior. in screen modes i and 2, the choice is made according to Table 7-1. isname(StringParam) (string) : (i) Succeeds if StringParam is a (name) according to Turbo Prolog syntax. left(Angle) (integer) - (i) (0) (i) Turns the turtle the indicated Angle (in degrees) to the left (counterclockwise). (0) Binds Angle to the current direction of the turtle. line(Row I, Coll,Row2, Co12, Color) (integer, integer, integer, integer, integer ) : (i,i,i,i,i) Provided the screen is initialized to graphics mode, line draws a Color line between the points defined by Rowl, Call, and Row2, Co12, respectively. The coordinates are integers from a to 31999 and are independent of the current screen mode. makewindow(WindowNo,Scr Att,FrameAttr, Header, Row,Col,Height, Width) (integer, integer, integer, string, integer, integer, integer ,integer) : (i,i,i,i,i,i,i,i) Defines an area of the screen as a window. Each window is identified by a number (WindowNo) which is used when selecting which window is to be active. If FrameAttr is 188 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook less than or greater than zero, a border is drawn around the defined area (i.e. the window is framed) and the upper border line will include the Header text. Once defined, the window is "cleared" and the cursor is moved to its top left corner. The row and column positions of the left corner of the window-relative to the whole screen-are specified by parameters Rowand Col, respectively, and Height and Width give the dimensions of the window. It is important that Row, Col, Height and Width be compatible with the size of the display-normally 25 rows of 80 characters. The size of the display can be changed using the graphics standard predicate. membyte(Segment, Offset,Byte) (integer,integer,integer) : (i,i,i) (i,i,o) (1,1,1) When Byte is bound, membyte stores the value of the Byte at the memory address given by Segment and Offset (calculated as Segment* 16 + Offset). (1,1,0) When Byte is free, membyte reads the value of the byte at the memory address given by Segment and Offset (calculated as Segment* 16+0ffset). memword(Segment, Offset, Word) (integer,integer,integer) : (i,i,i) (i,i,o) (1,1,1) When Word is bound, memword stores the value of the Word at the memory address given by Segment and Offset (calculated as Segment* 16 + Offset). (1,1,0) When Word is free, memword reads the value of the word at the memory address given by Segment and Offset (calculated as Segment* 16 + Offset). (Values in the range 32768 to 65536 are taken as negative integers). nl Causes a carriage-return, line-feed sequence to be sent to the current writedevice. not(atom) Succeeds if (atom) represents a goal that fails when evaluated. openappend(SymbolicFileName, DosFileName) (file,string): (i,i) Opens the disk file DosFileName for appending, and attaches the SymbolicFileName to that file for future reference within the Turbo Prolog program containing this call. openmodify(SymbolicFileName,DosFileName) (file,string) : (i,i) Opens the disk file DosFileName for both reading and writing, and attaches the SymbolicFileName to that file for future reference within the Turbo Prolog program Reference Guide 189 containing this call. This predicate can be used in conjunction with (tlepos to update a random access file. openread(SymbolicFileName, DosFileName) (file,string) : (i,i) Opens the disk file DosFileName for reading, and attaches the SymbolicFileName to that file for future reference within the Turbo Prolog program containing this call. openwrite(SymbolicFileName, DosFileName) (file,string) : (i,i) Opens the disk file DosFileName for writing and attaches the SymbolicFileName to that file for future reference within the Turbo Prolog program containing this call. If a file called DosFileName already exists on the disk, it is deleted. pencolor( Color) (integer) : (i) Determines the Color of the trail left by the pen. For the standard Color/Graphics Adapter, the color is determined according to Table 7-1. pendown Activates the pen used by the forward and back predicates. penup De-activates the pen used by the forward and back predicates. portbyte(PortNo, Value) (integer,integer) : (i,i) (i,o) (1,0) Binds Value to the decimal equivalent of the byte value at I/O port PortNo. (1,1) Sends the Value to I/O port PortNo. ptr _dword( StringVar, Segment, Offset) (string,integer,integer) : (i,o,o) (o,i,i) (1,0,0) When StringVar is bound, ptr_word returns the internal Segment and Offset address of StringVar. (0,1,1) When Segment and Offset are bound, ptLword returns the contents of location Segment* 16 + Offset and following as a string. The string consists of the characters with the given ASCII values and is terminated at the first location containing a NUL byte (i.e., a byte set to 0). 190 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook readchar( CharVariable) (char) : (0) Reads a single character from the current read device (the keyboard unless the default is changed via readdevice). readdevice(SymbolicFileN ame) (symbol) : (i) (0) (1) Reassigns the current read device to the file opened with the given SymbolicFileName, which may be the pre-defined symbolic file keyboard or any user-defined symbolic file name for a file opened for reading or modifying. (0) Binds SymbolicFileName to the name of the current read device, which may be the pre- declared keyboard or a file (see, for example, openread). readint(IntVariable) (integer) : (0) Reads an integer from the current read device (the keyboard unless the default is changed via readdevice) terminated by an ASCII carriage-return character. readln( StringVariable) (string) : (0) Reads characters from the current read device (the keyboard unless the default is changed via readdevice) until an ASCII carriage-return character is read. readreal(ReaIVariable) (real) : (0) Reads a real from the current read device (the keyboard unless the default is changed via readdevice) terminated by an ASCII carriage-return character. readterm(Domain, Term) (name),(variable) : (o,i) Reads any object written by the write predicate. Term is bound to the object read, provided it conforms with the declaration of Domain. readterm allows facts to be accessed on files. removewindow Removes the currently active window from the screen. renamefile( OldDosFileN ame,NewDosFileName) (string, string) : (i,i) Renames the file OldDosFileName (on the currently accessed disk) to NewDosFileName. Reference Guide 191 retract( (fact) ) (dbasedom) : (i) Deletes the first (fact) in the database that matches the given (fact). right(Angle) (integer) : (i) (0) (i) Turns the turtle the indicated Angle (in degrees) to the right (clockwise). (0) Binds Angle to the current direction of the turtle. save(DOSFileName) (string) : (i) Saves all the clauses for database predicates in the text file to which DOSFileName refers. save saves a fact on each line in the file. The file can later be read into memory by the consult predicate. The text file-and thus the entire database, can also be inspected and manipulated using the editor. scr _attr(Row, Col,Attr) (integer,integer,integer) : (i,i,i) (i,i,o) (1,1,1) Sets the attribute of the character at screen position Row, Col to the value referred to by Attr. (i,i,o) Returns the value of the attribute setting for the character at position Row, Col. scr_char(Row,Column,Char) (integer,integer,char) : (i,i,i) (i,i,o) (i,i,1) Writes the character Char on the screen with the current attribute at the position given by Rowand Column. (i,i,o) Reads a character from the specified position. shiftwindow(Window No) (integer) : (i) (0) (i) Changes the currently active window to the one referred to by WindowNo. (Any previously active window is stored in its current state.) The cursor returns to the position it was in when window WindowNo was last active. (0) Binds WindowNo to the number of the currently active window. sound(Duration,Frequency) (integer,integer) : (i,i) Plays a note through the speaker with given Frequency for Duration hundredths of a second. 192 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook storage(StackSize,HeapSize, TrailSize) (real,real,real) : (0,0,0) Returns the available size of the three run-time memory areas used by the Turbo Prolog system. str _char( StringParam, Char Param) (string,char) : (i,o) (o,i) (i,i) (i,o) Binds ChorPoram to the single character contained in the string to which StringPorom is bound. (o,i) Binds StringPoram to the character specified by ChorPoram. (i,i) Succeeds if ChorPoram and StringPoram are both bound to representations of the same character. str -int( StringParam, IntParam) (string,integer) : (i,o) (o,i) (i,i) (i,o) Binds IntPoram to the internal (binary) equivalent of the decimal integer to which StringPoram is bound. (o,i) Binds StringPoram to a string of decimal digits representing the value to which IntPorom is bound. (i,i) Succeeds if IntPoram is bound to the internal (binary) representation of the decimal integer to which StringPoram is bound. str jen(String,Length) (i,i) Succeeds if String has Length characters. (i,o) (string,integer) : (i,i) (i,o) Succeeds by binding Length to the number of characters in String. str-real(StringParam, RealParam) (string,real) : (i,o) (o,i) (i,i) (i,o) Binds ReolPoram to the internal (binary) equivalent of the decimal real number to which StringPoram is bound. (o,i) Binds StringPoram to a string of the decimal digits representing the value to which ReolPoram is bound. (i,i) Succeeds if ReolPoram is bound to the internal (binary) representation of the decimal real number represented by the string to which StringPoram is bound. Reference Guide 193 system(DosCommandString) (i) Sends DosCommandString to DOS for execution. text (string) : (i) Resets the screen in text mode. The call has no effect if the screen was already in text mode. time(Hours , Minutes , Seconds, Hundredths) (integer,integer,integer,integer) : (i,i,i,i) (0,0,0,0) (i,i,i,i) Sets the time used by the computer's internal clock. (0,0,0,0) Reads the time from the computer's internal clock. trace(Status) (symbol) : (i) (0) ( i) trace( on) turns tracing on (in whichever mode has been selected by the corresponding compiler directive-trace or shorttrace); trace(off) turns tracing off. (0) Binds Status to on or off. indicating whether tracing is being performed or not. upper -Iower(Stringln UpperCase, StringlnLowerCase) (string,string) : (i,i) (i,o) (o,i) (i,o) Binds StringlnLowerCase to the lowercase equivalent of the string to which Stringln- UpperCase is bound. (o,i) Binds StringlnUpperCase to the uppercase equivalent of the string to which Stringln- LowerCase is bound. (i,i) Succeeds if StringlnLowerCase and StringlnUpperCase are bound to lower and uppercase versions of the same string. window--attr(Attr) (integer) : (i) Gives the currently active window the attribute value to which Attr is bound. 194 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook window_str(ScreenString) (string) : (i) (0) (i) Binds ScreenString to the string currently displayed in the active window; therefore ScreenString has the same number of lines as there are lines in the active window. The length of each line is determined by the last non-blank character in that line. (0) ScreenString is written in the window according to the following criteria: If there are more lines in the string than there are lines in the window, lines will be written until the window space is exhausted. If there are fewer lines in the string than in the window, the remaining lines in the window will be filled out with blank spaces. If there are more characters on a string line than are available on a window line, the string line will be truncated to fit. If there are fewer characters in a line than there are columns in the window, the line will be filled out with blank spaces. write( el,e2,e3, ... ,eN) Writes the given constants or values in the currently active window on the current writedevice. Can be called with an optional number of arguments ei, which can either be constants or variables bound to values of the standard domain types. writedevice(SymbolicFileName) (symbol) : (i) (0) (i) Reassigns the current writedevice to the file opened with the given SymbolicFileName, which may be one of the predefined symbolic files (screen and printer) or any user- defined symbolic filename for a file opened for writing or modifying. (0) Binds SymbolicFileName to the name of the current writedevice, which may be the pre- declared screen or printer, or a file (see, for example, openwrite). writef(FormatString,Argl,Arg2,Arg3, .... ) (i,(i)* ) Produces formatted output. Arg I to ArgN must be constants or variables that belong to domains of standard type. The format string contains ordinary characters, which are printed without modification, and format specifiers of the form: %-m.p "_" indicates left justification; right justification is the default. The optional m field specifies the minimum field width. The optional .p field determines the precision of a floating-point image (or the maxi- mum number of characters to be printed from a string). This field can also contain one of the letters f, ~ or g denoting: Reference Guide 195 f - Reals in fixed decimal notation (default). e - Reals in exponential notation. g - Use the shortest format. COMPILER DIRECTIVES check_cmpio check_de term code=nnnnn diagnostics include "filename" nobreak nowarnings shorttrace shorttrace p1, p2 trace trace p1,p2, .. trail= nnn Table 12-6 Compiler Directives Check for use of compound flow patterns. Warn about the presence of nondeterministic clauses. Size of the code array in paragraphs (I paragraph is 16 bytes). Print compiler diagnostics. Include a Turbo Prolog file during compilation. Predicates should not scan the keyboard to see if @!fiJ8Fl has been pressed. Suppress warnings. Trace all predicates, but without destroying any system optimi- zation. shorttrace predicates p /,p2 only. Display complete trace information by removing various optimizations carried out by the compiler. For example, trace stops automatic elimination of tail recursion so that all RETURNs from predicate calls can be inspected. Trace predicates p /,p2, .. only. Size of the trail in bytes. BNF SYNTAX FOR TURBO PROLOG The following BNF notation is used to define Turbo Prolog syntax: <term> { X } * [Xl X!Y Names Names of language constructs are surrounded by u(" and U)". Represents zero or more repetitions of X. , Means that X is optional. Indicates that X and Y are alternatives and that either X or Y must be used. A Turbo Prolog (name) is defined by <name> ::= letter> ! _ ) { <letter> <digit>! } * 196 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook (name)s must start with a letter or an underscore, followed by a contiguous sequence of letters, digits and underscore characters. A list of names separated by commas is defined by <name-list> Similarly, <variable> <functor> "= <name> I <name> , <name-list> ( <capital-letter> I _ ) [<name>] <small-letter> [<name>] Note that a leading capital letter (or underscore) denotes a variable and a leading small letter denotes a constant. <letter> <small-letter> <capital-letter> <digit> Program Section <program> <program section> <small letter> I <capital letter> I "= a b x I y I z A B I Y Z D 1 6 9 { <directives> }I { <program section> }I "= <domain section> <predicate section> <clause section> <goal section> <database section> <include-directive> I I (This syntax is subject to the restrictions on program sections.) Directives <directive> check_cmpio check_deter. code= <integer> diagnostics <include-directive> nobreak nowarnings shorttrace trace trail=<digits> <include-directive>::= include "<filename>" Domains Section <domain-section> ::= [global] domains { <domain-definition> }I <domain-definition>::= <name-list> = [reference] <righthand> I file = <name-list> Reference Guide 197 <righthand> <domain-type> <d-alternatives> <d-alternative> <domain type> 1 <name> * 1 <d-alternatives> char integer symbol string real <d-alternative> <d-alternative> <or> <d-alternatives> <functor> [ ( [ <name-list> 1 ) 1 Predicate and Database Section <database-section> ::= database { <predicate-def>}* <predicate-section>::= predicates { <predicate-def> }* 1 global predicates {<global-predicate-def>}* <global-predicate-def>::=<predicate-def>[-{<flow- spec>}*[language<language>ll <flow-spec> ::=flow-param-list <flow-param-list> ::=<flow-param>1 <flow-param>, <flow-param-list> <flow-param> ::=ilo <language> ::=assemblerlclpascallfortran <predicate-def> <name> [ ( [ <name-list> 1 ) [.l Clause Section 198 <clause-section> <clause> <fact> <rule> <alternatives> <subgoal-list> <subgoal> <relational-expr> <findall-literal> clauses { <clause> }* <fact> I <rule> <relational-expr> <relational-expr> <if> <alternatives> <subgoal-list> [<or> <subgoal-list> <subgoal> 1 <subgoal> <and> <subgoal-list> <relational-expr> <comparison> <findall-literal> <database-literal> < flow-li teral> not( <relational-expr> ! <name> [ ( [<term-list> 1 ) 1 findallvariable>,<relational-expr>, <variable Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook <database-literal> <flow-literal> <and> <or> <if> Goal Section <goal> Terms <term-list> <term> <number> <digits> <exponent> <sign> <char> <string> <list> <element-list> <compound-term> Comparisons <comparison> <ascii> <arithmetic> - asserta{ <fact> assertz{ <fact> retract{ <fact> = free{ <variable> ) I I bound{ <variable> ) - and : : = or = if :- "= <subgoal-list> "= <term> : <term> , <term-list> - [<sign>] <number> <char> <list> <string> <variable> <compound term> "= <digits> [. <digits> [<exponent>] ::= <digit> I <digit><digits> ::= e [sign] <digits> = : : = = = + I - '<character>' : '\<character>' .. {<character>} * .. ] : <element-list> <term>[:<term>]: <term> , <element-list> <functor> [ ( [<term-list>] ) ] - <ascii> <operator> <ascii><arithmetic> : <compare> <arithmetic> ::= <functor> : <string> I <char> :<variable> ,,- <multexp> <adding> <arithmetic> I <multexp> Reference Guide 199 <multexp> <factor> <compare> <adding> <multiplying> <function> <factor> <multiplying> <arithmetic> <factor> <variable> <number> arithmetic <function> ( <arithmetic> <= 1 >= 1 >( 1<> 1=<1=>1<1> = + I - 00= I / 1 div I lod ::= abs cos arctan exp sqrt sin tan In log SYSTEM liMITS A (name) may consist of a maximum of 250 characters. A string constant may consist of a maximum of 250 characters. A string variable may be bound to a string containing a maxil)1um of 64K characters. The range of allowable integer values is - 32768 to + 32767. The range and format of real numbers follows the 8-byte IEEE standard. The expo- nent must be an integer between - 308 and + 308. No more than 50 parameters may be used in a predicate. It is not possible to give a goal for a submodule. The maximum number of include files is 10. The maximum number of domain names is 250. The maximum number of alternatives in a domain declaration is 250. The maximum number of predicate names is 300. The maximum number of variables in a clause is 100. The maximum number of literals in a clause is 100. The maximum number of clauses in each predicate is 500. 200 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook A ASCII Character Codes Following are the ASCII character codes as understood by Turbo Prolog. ASCII Character Set Special Characters (group I) char code char code char code char code 33 % 37 41 45 34 & 38 * 42 46 # 35 39 + 43 47 $ 36 40 44 Digits char code char code char code char code 0 48 3 51 6 54 9 57 49 4 52 7 55 2 50 5 53 8 56 Special Characters (group 2) char code char code char code char code 58 < 60 > 62 @ 64 59 61 63 Uppercase Letters char code char code char code char code A 65 H 72 0 79 V 86 B 66 I 73 P 80 W 87 C 67 J 74 Q 81 X 88 D 68 K 75 R 82 Y 89 E 69 L 76 S 83 Z 90 F 70 M 77 T 84 G 71 N 78 U 85 201 ASCII Character Set (continued) Special Characters (group 3) char code char code char code char code [ 91 93 95 \ 92 1\ 94 96 Lowercase Letters char code char code char code char code a 97 h 104 0 III v 118 b 98 105 P 112 w 119 c 99 j 106 q 113 x 120 d 100 k 107 r 114 y 121 e 101 108 5 115 z 122 f 102 m 109 t 116 g 103 n 110 u 117 Special Characters (group 4) char code char code char code char code { 123 124 } 125 126 202 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook The following characters are non-printable. Unprintable ASCII Characters Code Key Combination Effect I []![ill 2 @l!) 3 ~ Halt execution 4 @Il]) 5 []![)Il 6 @llIl 7 @liI)]) 8 @ill)]) Backspace 9 []li[[[) Tabulate character 10 @Ill) II @Iill 12 @illJI) 13 @illll (RETURN) 14 []liI)]l 15 @Il]) 16 f]li!)1) Toggles echoing to printer 17 @Il]) Continue printout 18 @!ill) 19 []![[[l Temporarily stops printout 20 @ill]) Turn tracing on and off 21 f]li!)]) 22 @ill)]) 23 ~ 24 []lillJ 25 @illill 26 @lliill End-Of-File character 27 []il Escape 28 29 30 31 32 SPACE Space character ASCII Character Codes 203 204 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook B Error Messages Following is a comprehensive list of the error codes returned by Turbo Prolog. I Illegal character 3 Illegal keyword 4 Use the format CODE=dddd or TRAIL=ddd 5 This size must not exceed 64 10 Illegal character II Character constants should be terminated by a ' 12 The comment is not terminated by 1/ 14 The name is too long. (max. 250 characters) 15 The textstring is too long. (max. 250 characters) 16 The textstring should be terminated with a " in the same line 17 Real constant is out of range 100 Undeclared domain (or misspelling) 102 Standard domains must not be declared 103 This domain was declared previously 104 Syntax error: = or , expected 105 Name expected (either a domain or a functor) 106 Alternatives in a list declaration are illegal 107 This functor has already been used in the domain declaration 108 Functor name expected 109 Domain name expected 110 Syntax error in domain declaration: ) or , expected III WARNING: Domain used as a functor (F 10=Ok, Esc=Abort) 112 WARNING: Domain declaration with a single functor (F 10=Ok, Esc=Abort) 200 Illegal start of domain declaration 201 This name is reserved for a standard predicate 202 This predicate is already declared 204 Domain name or ) expected 205 Undeclared domain or misspelling 206 Too many parameters used in this predicate 205 208 Syntax error in predicate declaration: ) or , expected 209 Illegal number of parameters 210 Only one database predicate declaration is allowed 211 This predicate is declared as a database predicate 220 Syntax error in declaration of global predicates: - expected 221 Syntax error: ( expected 222 Syntax error in flow pattern: i or 0 expected 223 Flow pattern has the wrong length 226 Syntax error: predicates or domains expected 227 Project name expected 228 At most one internal goal may be specified 229 The include file does not exist 230 Include files may not be used recursively; this file is already included 231 Too many include files; the maximum is 10 232 The include file is too big 233 database declarations must precede predicates 234 Global predicates must be declared first 400 Syntax error (Illegal start of predicate declaration) 401 No clauses for this predicate 402 Syntax error. AND , or . expected 403 Predicate name expected 404 Undeclared predicate or misspelling 405 ( expected 406 ) or, expected 407 Illegal number of parameters: refer to declaration 408 This sign should be followed by a number 409 Syntax error-this token is misplaced 410 Variable expected 411 , expected 412 Syntax error 413 Syntax error: , I or] expected 414 Number or variable expected 415 Clauses for the same predicate should be grouped 416 Comparison operator expected i.e., one of < <= >= >< <> 417 Text after. is prohibited here 418 Unexpected end of text 419 Syntax error in clause body 420 WARNING: the variable is only used once. ( FIO=Ok, Esc=Abort) 421 The parameter is missing 422 .:- or IF expected 423 , or ) expected 424 This facility is not implemented in this version 425 A list should be terminated by a] 426 Initializing a "database" is not allowed in a submodule 427 To generate an object module the program must contain a goal 450 Syntax error ' 206 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook 600 Too many domain names 601 Too many alternatives in the domain declaration 602 Too many predicate names 603 Too many parameters in this clause 604 Too many literals in this clause 605 Too many clauses 606 Too many arguments 607 Too many domain names on the left side of a domain declaration 608 Too many database predicates 610 Code array too small: use code=size to get more space 611 Trail array too small: use trail=size to get more space 612 Overflow: too many structures in clause 701 An internal system error has occurred; please contact your dealer 1000 The parameters in makewindow are illegal 1001 The cursor values are illegal 1002 Stack overflow; re-configure with Setup if necessary 1003 Heap overflow; not enough memory or an endless loop 1004 Arithmetic overflow. 1005 The window referred to is unknown 1006 There is not enough room in the editor for the text 1007 Heap overflow; not enough memory or an endless loop 1008 Code overflow; use code=size to get more space 1009 Trail overflow; use trail=size to get more space 1010 Attempt to open a previously opened file 1011 Attempt to re-assign input device to a unopened file 1012 Attempt to re-assign output device to a unopened file 1013 'system' call tries to execute a program which is too big or resident 1014 Division by zero 1015 Illegal window number 1016 Maximum number of windows exceeded 1018 The file isn't open 1020 Free variables are not allowed here 2000 Not enough storage space for the text 2001 Can't execute a write operation 2002 Impossible to open 2003 Impossible to erase 2004 Illegal disk 2005 > > > Text buffer full < < < 2006 Can't execute a read operation 2200 Type error 2201 Free variable in expression 2202 The free variable in findall can only be used inside findall 2203 The free variable in findall does not occur in the predicate 2204 This is the first occurrence of this variable 2205 Type error: illiegal variable type for this position Error Messages 207 2206 Type error: the functor does not belong to the domain 2207 Type error: the compound object has the wrong number of arguments 2208 Expressions may not contain objects of this type 2209 Comparisons may only be made between standard types 2210 Objects from these domains cannot be compared 2211 There is no corresponding list domain 2212 Type error: This parameter can't handle compound objects 2213 Type error: This argument can't be a real 3001 WARNING: Variable used twice with output flow pattern. (F 10=Ok, Esc=Abort) 3002 WARNING: Composite flow pattern. (FIO=Ok, Esc=Abort) 3003 This flow pattern doesn't exist for the standard predicate 3004 Free variable in NOT 3005 Free variables are not allowed in WRITE 3006 The last variable in FINDALL must be free 3007 WARNING: The variable is not bound in this clause (FIO=Ok, Esc=Abort) 3008 Free variable in expression 3009 WARNING: two free variables in expression. (FIO=Ok, Esc=Abort) 3010 Loop in the flow analysis; don't use a compound flow pattern here 3011 WARNING: this will create a free variable. (FIO=Ok,.Esc=Abort) 4001 WARNING: non-deterministic clause. (FIO=Ok, Esc=Abort) 4002 WARNING: non-deterministic predicate. (FIO=Ok, Esc=Abort) 5001 Error in reading symbol table 5003 Error in writing symbol table 5103 Row number too small 5104 Row number too big 5105 Column number too small 5106 Column number too big 5107 Illegal screen mode (should be in range 1-6) 5109 Direction should be 0 or I 5114 The line is outside the window 208 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook C PLINK USE OF THE FILE PLINK.BAT PLlNK.BAT is a batch file that is executed when PLINK is invoked from within the Turbo Prolog system (the auto-link feature), or when the user gives a PLINK command from DOS. PLINK can be given up to three parameters, which are referred to in PLINK via the symbolic variables % I, %2, %3: % I The name of the project or module. %2 A drive and path description for the directory to which the EXE generated file is to be added. %3 A drive and path description specifying the directory where the files INIT.OBJ and PROLOG.LlB are to be found. When used by the Turbo Prolog system (during auto-link), PLINK is given all three parameters automatically: % I The name of the project or program %2 The current path for the EXE directory %3 The current path for the Turbo directory When PLINK is initiated from DOS, at least the first parameter must be given. If the second and third parameters are omitted, the current default directory will be used, thus giving the command: PLINK MYPROJ when in the directory C\MYDIR has the same effect as giving the command PLINK MYPROJ C:\MYDIR C:\MYDIR PLINK checks whether an appropriate .SYM file exists and distinguishes between linking a project or a single OBJ file by means of the DOS EXISTS command. 209 CONTENTS OF THE FILE PLINK.BAT 210 if exist %1.sym goto symok rem ERROR: symbol file %1.SYM does not exist go to exit :symok if exist %1.prj goto linkprj if exist %1.obj goto linkobj rem ERROR: OBJ-file %1.0BJ (or LIBRARIAN file %1.PRJ) missing goto exit : linkobj link %3 init %1 + %1.SYM,%2%1,,%3PROLOG if errorlevel 1 go to exit goto run :linkprj link %3 init @%1.prj %1.SYM,%2%1,,%3PROLOG if errorlevel 1 go to exit :run Rem Press Return to execute the program, AC to Abort pause %1.exe :exit pause Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook D PROWG.SYS The table below describes the contents of the system-generated text file PROLOG. SYS. The first two columns give the meanings of the parameters in the order in which they appear in PROLOG.SYS. The third column gives an example value for each parameter. Example No. Meaning Value I Screen synchronization activated (I =active. O=not active) 0 2 Autoload error messages into RAM (I =active. O=not active) 0 3 Stack size in paragraphs (I paragraph is 16 bytes) 600 4 Screen attribute for the message window 120 5 Screen attribute for the trace window 32 6 Screen attribute for the dialog window 67 7 Screen attribute for the status line (options window) 15 8 Screen attribute for the edit window 7 9 Screen attribute for the auxiliary edit window 112 10 Screen attribute for areas outside the system windows. etc. 112 II Screen attribute for pull-down and pop-up menus and catalogs 7 12 Edit window format: TOP ROW coordinate 4 13 Edit window format: BOnOM ROW coordinate 22 14 Edit window format: LEFT COLUMN coordinate I 15 Edit window format: RIGHT COLUMN coordinate 78 16 Message window format: TOP ROW coordinate 18 17 Message window format: BOnOM ROW coordinate 22 18 Message window format: LEFT COLUMN coordinate I 19 Message window format: RIGHT COLUMN coordinate 32 211 Example No. Meaning Value 20 Dialog window format: TOP ROW coordinate 4 21 Dialog window format: BOnOM ROW coordinate 14 22 Dialog window format: LEFT COLUMN coordinate 35 23 Dialog window format: RIGHT COLUMN coordinate 78 24 Trace window format: TOP ROW coordinate 18 25 Trace window format: BOnOM ROW coordinate 22 26 Trace window format: LEFT COLUMN coordinate 35 27 Trace window format: RIGHT COLUMN coordinate 78 28 Auxiliary edit window format: TOP ROW coordinate 6 29 Auxiliary edit window format: BOnOM ROW coordinate 22 30 Auxiliary edit window format: LEFT COLUMN coordinate I 31 Auxiliary edit window format: RIGHT COLUMN coordinate 78 32 Path for the OBJ-directory C:\objdir 33 Path for the EXE-directory C:\exedir 34 Path for the TURBO-directory C:\prolog 35 Path for the DOS-directory C:\dosdir The warning "Variable not bound in clause" F 10=ok, Esc=abort as well as the warn- ings: 3001, 3009, 3011, warn that the variable used hasn't got a value. If you press!E[), the domain of that variable is automatically retyped to a reference domain, unless you are compiling to object modules which are part of a project. In this case, you must explicitly declare that the domain of that variable is a reference domain. For example: domains reflnt = reference integer. 212 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook E Using Turbo Prolog with Turbo Pascal TheTurbo Prolog system allows you to create .OBJ files. However, Turbo Pascal ver- sions I, 2, and 3 do not allow the linking of Turbo Pascal programs with such .OBJ modules. This means that for the time being, there is no simple way of interfacing Turbo Prolog modules with Turbo Pascal programs. However, Borland plans to release Turbo Pascal 4.0 by the second quarter of 1987. Turbo Pascal 4.0 will allow the inclusion of Turbo Prolog modules within Turbo Pascal programs. We at Borland look forward to these exciting new possibilities. 213 214 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook F Glossary anonymous variable The variable "_" used in place of an ordinary variable when the values that the ordinary variable may become bound to are of no interest. arguments Collective name for the objects and variable names in a relation. atom A relation, possibly involving objects or variables. attribute A positive whole number that determines the characteristics of the display in a given window, including color, blinking/non-blinking and normal/inverse video. backtracking The mechanism built into Turbo Prolog whereby, when evaluation of a given sub-goal is complete, Turbo Prolog returns to the previous sub-goal and tries to satisfy it in a different way. bound variable A variable that refers to a known value. calling a sub-goal (or predicate) An expression denoting that Turbo Prolog is now trying to satisfy a certain sub-goal (belonging to the given predicate). char An arbitrary character enclosed between two single quotation marks. compiler directives Instructions to the Turbo Prolog compiler to take special actions. clause A fact or rule for a particular predicate, followed by a period (.). compound goal A goal containing at least two sub-goals. compound object An object consisting of a functor and a list of objects separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. current input device The currently assigned readdevice from which standard predi- cates take input by default. current output device The currently assigned writedevice to which standard predi- cates send output by default. cut (or!) The cut commits Turbo Prolog to all the choices made so far in the evalua- tion of the predicate containing the cut. Once the cut has been evaluated as a sub-goal, Turbo Prolog may not backtrack past it. database predicates Predicates for which facts can be added to or deleted from the Turbo Prolog system during execution. dialog window The system window in which external goals are given and the results of those goals recorded. 215 domain Specifies the types of values objects may take in relation. editor window The window where text currently in the workfile can be edited. element of a list Either an object or another list. expert system A computer system that mimics the ability of an expert in a certain (usually very narrow) field. external goal A goal entered in the dialog window by the user and given to the program currently in the workfile. fact A relation between objects. In the fact likes(john,mary) likes is the name of the relation and john and mory are objects. fail A sub-goal that Turbo Prolog cannot satisfy. field A contiguous sequence of character display positions occurring on the same row of the screen display. filename Either a symbolic file name starting with a lowercase letter and appearing on the righthand side of a (tIe domain declaration, or one of the predefined symbolic file names printer, screen, keyboord, and coml. flow pattern The pattern formed according to whether the parameters in a predi- cate call are used for input (i.e., are known) or for output (i.e., are unknown). flow variant If a predicate is associated with several different flow patterns, a separate internal implementation of the routines corresponding to that predicate will exist for each flow pattern. These different implementations are called flow variants of the pred- icate. free variable A variable that does not currently refer to any value. functor A name for a compound object. global Qualifier used to allow more than one program module access to certain domains and predicates. goal The collection of sub-goals that Turbo Prolog attempts to satisfy. goal tree A diagrammatic representation of the possible choices that can be made in the evaluation of the constituent sub-goals of a goal. ' hand trace A trace produced by the programmer working with pen and paper rather than by the computer. head of a list The first element of a list. heap That part of memory used by Turbo Prolog for building structures, storing strings and inserting facts for database predicates. infix notation Writing arithmetic expressions with the operators between the two values or expressions on which they are to operate. integer A whole number in the range - 32,768 to 32,767. internal goal A goal contained in the goal section of a program. interative method A method that involves repeating the same basic action(s) over and over again until the desired objective is achieved. 216 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook list A special sort of object consisting of a collection of elements enclosed in square brackets and separated by commas. message window The window in which messages related to the operation of the Turbo Prolog system appear. module A Turbo Prolog program with global declarations forming part of a project. multiple predicate declarations Anyone predicate can have several declarations, each involving different domain specifications for the argument(s) of the relevant relation. name Any contiguous sequence of letters, digits, and underscore characters that start with a lowercase letter or underscore. object The name of an individual element of a certain type. operator priority The hierarchy that determines the order in which operators are obeyed in arithmetic expressions. parameters Collective name for the objects and variable names in a relation. pointer The device by which Turbo Prolog keeps a record of the next place in its database of facts and rules to which to backtrack. predicate Every Turbo Prolog fact or rule belongs to some predicate, which specifies the name of the relation involved and the types of objects involved in the relation. project A Turbo Prolog program consisting of more than one module. real A decimal number in the range I.OE- 307 to I.OE+ 308. recursion The technique whereby an entity is defined in terms of itself. reference objects and domains If an unbound variable is passed from one sub-goal to another, the domain containing the values to which the variable will eventually become bound must be declared as a reference domain. Elements of such a domain are refer- ence objects. relation A name describing the manner in which a collection of objects (or objects and variables referring to objects) belong together. repeat . .fail combination A technique that can be used to avoid tail recursion by using Turbo Prolog's backtracking mechanism instead. return from a sub-goal (or predicate) An expression used to denote that Turbo Prolog has now finished evaluating a certain sub-goal (belonging to the given predicate). rule A relationship between a "fact" and a list of sub-goals which must be satisfied for that "fact" to be true. satisfying a sub-goal The process by which Turbo Prolog chooses values for any unbound variables (if possible) in such a way that the sub-goal is true according to the given clauses for the corresponding predicate. search principle One of four basic rules that Turbo Prolog follows in attempting to satisfy a goal. stack The part of memory used by Turbo Prolog for parameter transfer. stand-alone programs Programs that can be run from DOS independently of the Turbo Prolog system. standard predicate A predicate already defined internally in Turbo Prolog. Glossary 217 standard type (of domain) A domain containing objects of a single type chosen from integer, real, char, string, symbol and file. string An arbitrary number of characters enclosed by a pair of double quotation marks. sub-goal A relation, possibly involving objects or variables, which Turbo Prolog must attempt to satisfy. sub-object One of the objects in a compound object. symbol A name starting with a lowercase letter. tail of a list The list that remains when the first element of a given list (and its separat- ing comma) are removed. tail recursion elimination Action taken internally by the Turbo Prolog system to reduce the space/time overhead of tail recursion in rules. term Either an object from one of the domains of standard type, a list, a variable, or a compound term, i.e., a functor followed by a list of terms enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. token A name, an unsigned (real or integer) number, or a non-space character. trace The production of a step-by-step report on the execution of a program show- ing all relevant details. trace window The window in which Turbo Prolog can generate a trace of program execution. trail The part of memory used by Turbo Prolog to register the binding and unbinding of reference variables. type system The means by which all objects in a relation or all variables used as arguments in a relation are constrained to belong to domains corresponding to those used in the relevant predicate's declaration(s). unification The process by which Turbo Prolog tries to match a sub-goal against facts and the left hand side of rules in order either to satisfy that sub-goal, or to determine one or more further sub-goals necessary to evaluate the original sub-goal. variable A name beginning with a capital letter that can be used to represent the (possibly unknown) value of a certain object. variable binding(s) The status-free or bound-of one or more variables. workfile The file in which a Turbo Prolog source program text is held ready for compilation or execution. 218 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook Index A Anonymous Variable, 22-23 Arithmetic Operations, 63 comparisons, 64-66 expressions, order of evaluation, 64 predicates and functions, 68-69, 179 special conditions for equality, 66-67 ASCII character codes, 201-203 Assembly language routine, calling from Turbo Prolog, 157-159 B Backtracking, 23-24 cut, used to prevent, 58-61 (ail predicate, used to initiate, 57-58 Block operations, I 1-12, 175 BNF syntax for Turbo Prolog, 196-199 c C language procedures, calling from Turbo Prolog, 153-157, 159 Clauses, 18, 132 deterministic, 60-61, 149 nondeterministic, 60, 149 Comments, 27 Comparisons, arithmetic, 64-66 Compile command, 165-166 options menu, 166 Compiler directives, 135-139 Compound goals, 22 Compound objects, 38-44 domain declaration of, 38 functors, use in, 38 levels in, 40-42 recursion in, 42-44 Compound structures, 133-134 Compound terms, 133-134 Constants, simple (see Simple constants) Cut, 58-61, 149 D Databases (see Dynamic databases) Date, 88 Debugging,74 Distribution Disk, 2 files on, 163-164 Domain Declarations, 38-39, 130-131 shortening, 131 Domains, 20-21 DOS, access to, 87-89 Dynamic Databases, 140-144 accessing facts, 141-142 declaration of database, 140-141 extending database onto files, 142-144 E Edit Command, 166-172 files menu, 166-168 setup menu, 168-172 Editor accessing from within Turbo Prolog program, 161-162 basic operation, I I, 172-173 block operations, 1 1-12, 175 commands, 172-177 search and replace operations, 12-13 summary of commands, 13 Entering a program, 8 Error messages, 205-208 Executing a program, 9-10 219 F File Directory access to, I 62 formatting of, 162 File System, 99-103 Files menu, 166-168 Files on distribution disk, 163-164 Flow patterns, 144-145 FORTRAN procedures, calling from Turbo Prolog, 153-157, 159 Functors, 38 G Games and Puzzles adventure, I 14-116 arcade, 83-85 N queens problem, 121-123 Towers of Hanoi, I 17-1 18 word guessing, 86-87 Global domains and predicates, 153 Goals, 18 external, 57 internal, 57 solution of, 54-57 Graphics, 91-96 turtle graphics commands, 93-96 H Hardware simulation, 116-117 Hexadecimal notation, 64 Input and Output, 69-73 fiow patterns, 144-145 keyboard, used in, 124-126 reading,72-73 screen-based, 82-83 writing,69-72 Installation, 164 Interfacing with other languages, 155-161 assembly language, 157-159 C. 159 calling conventions and parameters, 156 declaring external predicates, 156 FORTRAN, 159 low-level support, 159-161 naming conventions, 156-157 Pascal, 159 K Keywords, 129-130 L Language elements clauses, I 32 compound terms or structures, 133-134 domain declarations, 130-131 names, 128-129 predicate declarations, 132 program sections, 129-130 simple constants, 132-133 variables, 133 Lists, 45-50, 134 Logon message, 7 M Main menu, 7-8, 164-172 Compile command, 165-166 Edit command, 166-172 Files command, 166-168 Options command, 166 Quit command, 172 Run command, 164-165 selecting items from, 8 Setup command, 168-172 Memory management, I 34-1 35 Minimum system requirements, 2 Modular programming, 152-155 N compiling and linking modules, 154 example of, 154- 155 global domains and predicates, 153 projects, 152-153 Names, 128-129 reserved, 129 restricted, 129 not, use of, 24-27 o Objects, 20 Options menu, 166 220 Turbo Prolog Owner's Handbook p Pascal procedures. calling from Turbo Prolog. 153-157. 159 PLINK. 209-210 Predicates. 21 declarations of. 132 multiple. 35 standard. 26. 181 -196 Programmer's Guide. I 27ff Programming style. 145-151 domains containing references. 149-151 rules for efficiency of. 146-148 setti ng the cut. 149 tail recursion elimination. 145-146 use of fail predicate. 148 Program sections. 129-1 30 Program structure. summary of. 28-29 Projects. 152-153 PROLOG.SYS. 21 1-212 Prototyping. I 12-114 Pull-down menus. 8 Q files menu. 166-168 options menu. 166 setup menu. 168-172 Quit command. 172 R Recursion. 42-45 Recursive objects. 44-45 Relations. 20 Reserved names. 129 Restricted names. 129 Run command. 164-165 S Screen attributes calculation of. 177-178 how to set. 77-78 Search and replace operations. 12-13 Search for solutions. controlling. 54-58 Setup menu. 168-172 Simple constants. 132-1 33 Sound. 96-97 Stand-alone programs. generation of. 151-152 Standard domain types. 34-37 Standard predicates. 26 alphabetical directory of. 181-196 String processing. 104-106 System limits. 200 Index System windows. 8. 15-16 saving window layout. 15-16 temporary changes to. 15 T Tail recursion elimination. 145-146 Time. 88-89 Tracing. 14.74-75 Turbo Pascal. using with Turbo Prolog. 213 Turbo Prolog advantages of. 3-4. 127-128 compared to other languages. 4-6. 127-128 examples of use. 4 using with Turbo Pascal. 213 Tutorials I. introduction. 17-31 II. domains. objects. lists. 33-50 III. unification. solutions to goals. 51-61 IV. arithmetic. input and output. debugging. 63-75 V. windows. 77-89 VI. graphics and sound. 91-97 VII. files and strings. 99-108 VIII. spreading your wings. 109-126 Type conversion standard predicates. 106 U Unification. 51-54 V Variables. 19. 133 bound. 33-34 free. 33-34 W Windows. 77-89 access to DOS. 87-89 reading and writing with. 80-81 setting screen display attributes. 77-78 using in programs. 78-80 221 Borland Software 4585 Scotts valley Drive Scotts Valley, CA 95066 Available at bettBr dealers nationwide. 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SideKick and SuperKey are registered trademarks of Borland International. Inc, dBase is a trademark of Ashton-Tate IBM is a registered trademark and PC Ir, is a trademark of International Business Machines Corp AT&T is a registered trademark of American Telephone & Telegraph is a trademark of Popular Computing. Inc., a subsidiary of CW Communications Inc. Lotus 1-2-3 is a trademark of Lotus Development Corp. WordStar is a trademark of Micropro International Corp. Hayes is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, tnc. BOR0060 SideKick, the Macintosh Office Manager, brings information management, desktop organization and telecommunications to your Macintosh. Instantly, while running any other program. A full-screen editor/mini-word processor lets you jot down notes and create or edit files. Your files can also be used by your favorite word processing program like MacWrite TIl or MicroSoft Word. A complete telecommunication program sends or receives information from anyon-line network or electronic bulletin board while using any of your favorite application programs. A modem is required to use this feature. A full-featured financial and scientific calculator sends a paper-tape output to your screen or printer and comes complete with function keys for financial modeling purposes. A print spooler prints any text file while you run other programs. A versatile calendar lets you view your appointments for a day, a week or an entire month. You can easily print out your schedule for quick reference. A convenient "Things-to-Do" file reminds you of important tasks. A convenient alarm system alerts you to daily engagements. A phone log keeps a complete record of all your telephone activities. It even computes the cost of every call. Area code hook-up provides instant access to the state, region and time zone for all area codes. An expense account file records your business and travel expenses. A credit card file keeps track of your credit card balances and credit limits. A report generator prints-out your mailing list labels, phone directory and weekly calendar in convenient sizes. A convenient analog clock with a sweeping second-hand can be displayed anywhere on your screen. On-line help is available for all of the powerful SIDEKICK features. Best of all, everything runs concurrently. SIDEKICK, the software Macintosh owners have been waiting for. SideKick, Macintosh's Office Manager is available now for $84.95 (not copy-protected). Minimum System Conflgurltlon: SIDEKICK Is IVlllibie now for your Mlclntosh microcomputer In I formlt thlt Is not copy-protected. Your computer must hive It lelst 128K RAM Ind one disk drive. Two disk drives Ire recommended If you wish to use other Ippllcatlon progrlms. A Hlyes-compltlble modem Is required for the telecommunications function. To use SIDEKICK'S lutodliling caplbillty you need the 80rllnd phone link Interflce . ~ ~ ~ SIDEKICK is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc. Macintosh is a trademark of Mcintosh laboratory, Inc. MacWrite is trademark of Apple Computer, Inc. IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corp. Microsoft is a registered trademark of MicroSoft Corp. Hayes is a trademark of Hayes Microcomputer Products, Inc. BOA 0069 SlnBiCI The Organizer For The Computer Age! Traveling SideKick is both a binder you take with you when you travel and a software program - which includes a Report Generator - that generates and prints out all the information you'll need to take with you. Information like your phone list, your client list, your address book, your calendar and your appointments. The appointment or calendar files you're already using in your SideKick(l!) are automatically used by your Traveling SideKick". You don't waste time and effort reentering information that's already there. One keystroke generates and prints out a form like your address book. No need to change printer paper, you simply punch three holes, fold and clip the form into your Traveling SideKick binder and you're on your way. Because SideKick is CAD (Computer-Age Designed), you don't fool around with low-tech tools like scissors, tape or staples. And because Traveling SideKick is electronic, it works this year, next year and all the "next years" after that. Old-fashioned daytime organizers are history in 365 days. What's inside Traveling SideKick ADDRESS BOOK SECTION PREPRINTED FORMAT WITH DMDERS AND TABS FOR EASY REFERENCE CALENDAR SECTION YEARLY, MONTHLY, WEEKLY AND DAILY CALENDAR WITH APPOINTMENT SCHEDULER TRAVELING SIDEKICK SOFTWARE A REPORT GENERATOR TO CONVERT, PRINT AND UPDATE AUL INFORMAnON Traveling SideKick is only $69.95 - Or get BOTH Traveling SideKick and SideKick for only $125.00 - you save $29.90 (not copy-protected). What the software program and its Report Generator do for you before you go - and when you get back. Before you go: Prints out your calendar, appointments, addresses, phone directory and whatever other information you need from your data files When you return: Lets you quickly and easily enter all the new names you obtained while you were away - into your SideKick data files It can also: Sort your address book by contact, ZIP code or company name Print mailing labels Print information selective,) Search files for existing addresses or calendar engagements Minimum System Configuration: IBM PC, XT, AT, Portable, 3270 or true compatibles. PC-DOS (MS-OOS) 2.0 or later. 128K and SideKick software. SideKick is a registered trademark and Traveling SideKick is a trademark 01 Borland International, Inc, IBM PC, XT, AT, PCjr and PC-DOS are registered trademarks of International BUSiness Machines Corp. MS-DOS is a trademark 01 Microsoft Corp. INCREASE YOUR PRODUCTIVITY BY 500/6 OR YOUR MONEY BACK SuperKey turns 1,000 keystrokes into 11 Yes, SuperKey can record lengthy keystroke sequences and play them back at the touch of a single key. Instantly. Like Magic. Say, for example, you want to add a column of figures in 1-2-3. Without SuperKey you'd have to type seven keystrokes just to get started. ["shift-@-s-u-m-shift-(,l With SuperKey you can turn those 7 keystrokes into 1. SuperKey keeps your 'confidential' files . .. CONFIDENTIAL! Time after time you've experienced it: anyone can walk up to your PC, and read .your confidential files (tax returns, business plans, customer lists, personal letters ... ). With SuperKey you can encrypt any file, even while running another program. As long as you keep the password secret, only YOU can decode your file. SuperKey imple- ments the U.S. government Data Encryption Standard (DES). SuperKey helps protect your capital investment. SuperKey, at your convenience, will make your screen go blank after a predetermined time of screen/keyboard inactivity. You've paid hard-earned money for your PC. SuperKey will protect your monitor's precious phosphor ... and your investment. SuperKey protects your work from intruders while you take a break. Now you can lock your keyboard at any time. Prevent anyone from changing hours of work. Type in your secret password and everything comes back to life ... just as you left it. SUPERKEY is now available for an unbelievable $69.95 (not copy-protected). Minimum System Configuration: SUPERKEY is compatible with your IBM PC, XT, AT, PCjr. and 100% compatible microcomputers. Your computer must have at least 128K RAM, one disk drive and PC-DOS 2.0 or greater. SideKick and SuperKey are registered trademarks of Borland International,lnc IBM and PC-DOS are trademarks of International BUSIness Machines Corp. Lotus t -2-3 is a trademark at Lotus Development Corp BOR0062 REFLEX THE ANALYST T
Reflex" is the most amazing and easy to use database management system. And if you already use Lotus 1-2-3, dBASE or PFS File, you need Reflex-because it's a totally new way to look at your data. It shows you patterns and interrelationships you didn't know were there, because they were hidden in data and numbers. It's also the greatest report generator for 1-2-3. REFLEX OPENS MULTIPLE WINDOWS WITH NEW VIEWS AND GRAPHIC INSIGHTS INTO YOUR DATA. 1111111 III IUl Ui... diIPnnl-fil,_IOrth ... lUi. rail 'rinliflil 1iiCOr. I- lilt UiM Edil Pnnllfil. IIocordI S- Iin,1i I ... ,fl,ldllorll,III"""1- IUlIII:IR IDITH:!:B 1111E:_ IIFIUl:167 DoI,I,IIocord PtrfcnSort 1Ioto1, . CI",DoI'" IUlU .. 1> IJI3 IP!IIIIl: \leI.1I CllS1U"I:11I1 IlIPIIFI1 I_I: IIJ xllRill:I!.IX III1El: IIDITH ... -111 "'-15 ... -15 ... -15 ... -15 1 ... -15 ... -15 ... -15 ... -15 "'-15 ... -15 ... -15 FIiI-15 11ft I'11III: lIMn iIlIo lIMn IUs - Cwr. wort iIlIo Wort IUs wort ewr. PitrCt iIlIo Pltra IUs Pitree ewr. Ir_ iIlIo IUs lrwall ewr. - iIlIo 11F11l111l!!1I .. 11iii11_1 167 Ill! 1111 $173 lin 171 III! 1111 I'll 1317 1197 I9J IIlI 161 - 161 151 IJ7 IJI9 1166 !It IIIJ In 1111 171 151 !71 IIIl \a6 !JI 1129 \e'Z 1M III III l1li IJI! hlosbiPracll:I'orudlSioro hlosllocord IMIJI - I IDITH: ..... I ITIIE:_ 1!IIIItT: ewr. I- IIJIITI1Y:2JI ! IU Ill! IUl: Itl CllSI:11A PllFI1:M Ii: lIWortPlllXl(,IIrtt xllRill . " .-1 The FORM VIEW lets you build and view your database. The LIST VIEW lets you put data in tabular List form just like a spreadsheet. The GRAPH VIEW gives you instant interactive graphic representations. The CROSSTAB VIEW gives you amazing "cross-referenced" pictures of the links and relationships hidden in your data. UiM 1411 Prinl-fll. _.
I!IIIItT Fi.ld:I!f'l1 ewr. IU I I lIMn IJJI . 0 wort 11111 III A Pitrtt 1- 6M E 1 __ 1 1191 IJI .. 17J7 I'" I_ Ill! 2116 1m 1911 1111 1SII Crosstii IU - JJ66 Jrn J2A7 IIIJJ The REPORT VIEW allows you to import and export to and from Reflex, 1-2-3, dBASE, PFS File and other applications and prints out information in the formats you want. So Reflel shows you. Instant answers. Instant pictures. Instant analysis. Instant understanding. THE CRITICS' CHOICE: "The next generation of software has officially arrived." Peler NDrIDn, PC WEEK "Reflex is one of the most powerful database programs on the market. Its multiple views, interactive windows and graphics, great report writer, pull-down menus and cross tabulation make this one of the best programs we have seen in a long time ... The program is easy to use and not intimidating to the novice ... Reflex not only handles the usual database functions such as sorting and searching, but also "what-if" and statistical analysis ... it can create interactive graphics with the graphics module. The separate report module is one of the best we've ever seen." Marc Slern, INFOWORLD Minimum S,ltem Requlrementl: Reflel runl on the IBMe PC, Xl, AT Ind compltlbles. 384K RAM minimum. IBM Color Grlphici Hercules Monochrome Graphici Clrd", or equlvllent. PC-DOS 2.0 or grelter. Hard dllk Ind mouse optlonll. LotUI1-2-3, dBASE, or PFS File optlonll. Suggested Retail Price $149.95 (not copy-protected) Reflex is a trademark of BORLAND/Analytica Inc. lotus is a registered trademark and lotus 1-2-3 is a trademark of lotus Development Corporation. dBASE is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate. PFS is a registered trademark and PFS File is a trademark of Software Publishing Corporation. IBM PC. Xl, AT, PC-DOS and IBM Color Graphics Adapter are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Hercules Graphics Card is a trademark of Hercules Computer Technololgy. BOR0066 If you use an IBM PC, you need T U R B 0 Lightning'M Turbo Lightning teams up with the Random House Spelling DicUonary to check your spelling as you Iype! Turbo Lightning, using the 83,OOO-word Random House Dictionary, checks your spelling as you type. If you misspell a word, it alerts you with a 'beep'. At the touch of a key, Turbo Lightning opens a window on top of your application program and suggests the correct spelling. Just press ENTER and the misspelled word is instantly replaced with the correct word. It's that easy! Turbo Lightning works hand-in- hand with the Random House Thesaurus to give you inslanl access to synonyms. Turbo Lightning lets you choose just the right word from a list of alternates, so you don't say the same thing the same way every time. Once Turbo Lightning opens the Thesaurus window, you see a list of alternate words, organized by parts of speech. You just select the word you want, press ENTER and your new word will instantly replace the original word. Pure magic! II you ever write a word, think a word, or say a word, you need Turbo Lightning. The Turbo Lightning Dictionary. The Turbo Lightning Thesaurus. Suggested Retail Price: $99.95 Not copy-protected IBM PC, XT, AT, and PCjr. are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. Lotus 12-3 is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. WordStar is a registered Jrademark of MicroPro International Corp. dBASE is a registered trademark of Ashton-Tate. Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation SideKick is a registered trademark and Turbo Lightning and Turbo Lightning Library are trademarks of Borland International. Random House Dictionary and Random House Thesaurus are registered trademarks of Random House Inc Reflex is a trademark of BORLAND/Analylica Inc. MultiMate is a trademark of MultlMate Internalionallnc. Turbo Lightning's intelligence lets you teach it new words. The more you use Turbo Lightning, the smarter it gets! You can also teach your new Turbo Lightning your name, business associates' names, street names, addresses, correct capitalizations, and any specialized words you use frequently. Teach Turbo Lightning once, and it knows forever. Turbo LightningTM is the engine that powers Borland's Turbo Lightning LibraryTM. Turbo Lightning brings electronic power to the Random House Dictionary and Random House Thesaurus. They're at your fingertips - even while you're running other programs. Turbo Lightning will also 'drive' soon-to- be-released encyclopedias, extended thesauruses, specialized dictionaries, and many other popular reference works. You get a head start with this first volume in the Turbo Lightning Library. And because Turbo Lightning is a Borland product, you know you can rely on our quality, our 50-day money-back guarantee, and our eminently fair prices. Minimum System Requirements: 128K IBM P C ~ or 100% compatible computer, with 2 floppy disk drives and PC-DOS (MS-DOS) 2.0 or greater. BOR0070 FREE MICROCALC SPREADSHEET WITH COMMENTED SOURCE CODE! VERSION 3.0 THE CRITICS' CHOICE: "Language deal of the century ... Turbo Pascal: it introduces a new programming environment and runs like magic." -JIg Ounllm8nn, PC M8g8llnl "Most Pascal compilers barely fit on a disk, but Turbo Pascal packs an editor, compiler, linker, and run-time library into just 39K bytes of random-access memory." -08VI Gsrl8nd, Populsr Compul/ng "What I think the computer industry is headed for: well - documented, standard, plenty of good features, and a reasonable price." -Jlfry Pournll/I, BYTE LOOK AT TUR80 NOWI o More than 400,000 users worldwide. o TURBO PASCAL is proclaimed as the de facto industry standard. o TURBO PASCAL PC MAGAZINE'S award for technical excellence. OPTIONS FOR 16-81T SYSTEMS: 8087 math co-processor support for intensive calculations. Binary Coded Decimals (BCD): Eliminates round-off error! A must for any serious business application. (No additional hardware required.) THE FEATURES: Onl-Sllp Com pilI: No hunting & fishing expeditions! Turbo finds the errors, takes you to them, lets you correct, then instantly recompiles. You're off and running in record time. Buill-In Inllf8cI/vI Editor: WordStar-like easy editing lets you debug quickly. Aulomll/c Overl8Ys: Fits big programs into small amounts of memory. Mlcroc8lc: A sample spreadsheet on your disk with ready-to-compile source code. IBM PC VERSION: Supports Turtle Graphics, Color, Sound, Full Tree Directories, Window Routines, Input/Output Redirection and much more. o TU RBO PASCAL named 'Most Significant Product of the Year' by PC WEEK. o TURBO PASCAL 3.0 - the FASTEST Pascal development environment on the planet, PERIOD. Turbo Pascal 3.0 is available now for $69.95. Opl/ons: Turbo P8sc81 with 8087 or BCD 81 I low $109.90. Turbo P8SCII wllh bolh opllons (8087 Ind BCD) prlcld II $124.95. MINIMUM SYSTEM CONFIGURATION: To use Turbo P"caI3.0 "ful",64K RAM. on. dl,t drive. 1-80. 8088/86.80186 or 80286 mleroproell,or running .lth" CP/M-80 2.2 or g",flr. CP/M-86 1.1 or gru'er. MS-DOS 2.0 or gru'er or PC-DOS 2.0 gru'er. MS-DOS 2.0 or gru'er or PC-DOS 2.0 or gru',r. A XENIX veillon of Turbo Plical w/ll,oon b nnoune.d, .nd b.fore 'h nd 01 fh' yur. Turbo PIII:II will b. running on mo,' 68000-bllld mlcrocompUtlIl . ~ ~ ~ Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark of B o ~ a n d International, Inc CP/M is registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc: IBM an PC DOS are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp MSDOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corp zao is a trademark of Zilog Corp BOR0061 Learn Pascal From The Folks Who Created The Turbo Pascal Family. Borland International proudly presents Turbo Tutor, the perfect complement to your Turbo Pascal compiler. Turbo Tutor is really for everyone - even if you've never programmed before. And if you're already proficient, Turbo Tutor can sharpen up the fine pOints. The manual and program disk focus on the whole spectrum of Turbo Pascal programming techniques. For the Novice: It gives you a concise history of Pascal, tells you how to write a simple program, and defines the basic programming terms you need to know. Q) Programmer's Guide: The heart of Turbo Pascal. The manual covers the fine points of every aspect of Turbo Pascal programming: program structure, data types, control structures, procedures and functions, scalar types, arrays, strings, pointers, sets, files, and records . Advanced Concepts: If you're an expert, you'll love the sections detailing such topics as linked lists, trees, and graphs. You'll also find sample program examples for PC-DOS, MS-DOS and CP/M. A Must. You'll find the source code for all the examples in the book on the accompanying disk ready to compile. Turbo Tutor may be the only reference work about Pascal and programming you'll ever need! TURBO TUTOR - A REAL EDUCATION FOR ONLY $34.95. (non copy-protected) * *Minlmum system configuration: TURBO TUTOR Is available today for your computer running TURBO PASCAL for PCDOS, MS- DOS, CP/M86. Your computer must have at least 128K RAM, one disk drive and PCDOS 1.0 or greater, MSDOS 1.0 or greater, CP/M80 2.2 or greater, or CP/M86 1.1 or greater. Turbo Pascal and Turbo Tutor are registered trademarks of Borland International Inc. CP/M is a registered trademark of Digital Research Inc. MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. PC-DOS is a registered Irademark of International Business Machines Corp BOR 0064 2VRBO PASCAl. DATA BASEl OOr-SOX n Is The Perfect Complement To Turbo Pascal. It contains a complete library of Pascal procedures that allows you to sort and search your data and build powerful applications. II's another set of tools from Borland that will give even the beginning programmer the expert's edge. THE TOOLS YOU NEEDI TUR80ACCESS Files llsing 8+Trees- The best way to organize and search your data. Makes it possible to access records in a file using key words instead of numbers. Now available with complete source code on disk ready to be included in your programs. TllR80S0RT - The fastest way to sort data-and TURBOSORT is the method preferred by knowledgeable professionals. Includes source code. GINST (General Installation Program) - Gets your programs up and running on other ter- minals. This feature alone will save hours of work and research. Adds tremendous value to all your programs. GET STARTED RIGHT AWAY: FREE DATABASEI Included on every Toolbox disk is the source code to a working database which demon- strates the power and simplicity of our Turbo Access search system. Modify it to suit your individual needs or just compile it and run. Remember, no royalties! THE CRITICS' CHOICE I "The tools include a B+ tree search and a sorting system. I've seen stuff like this, but not as well thought out, sell for hundreds of dollars." -Jerry Pournelle, BYTE MAGAZINE "The Turbo Database Toolbox is solid enough and useful enough to come recommended." -Jeff Duntemann, PC TECH JOURNAL TURBO DATABASE TOOLBOX-ONLY $54.95 (not copy-protected). Minimum system configurations: 64K RAM and one disk drive. 16-blt systems: TURBO PASCAL 2.0 or grelter for MS-DOS or PC-DOS 2.0 or greater. TURBO PASCAL 2.1 or grelter for CP/M-86 1.1 or grelter. Eight-bit systems: TURBO PASCAL 2.0 or greater for CP/M-80 2.2 or grelter. Turbo Pascal IS a registered trademark and Turbo Database Toolboxs a trademark of Borland Infernational. Inc. CP 1M and CP IMS6 are registered trademarks of Digital Research. Inc IBM and PC DOS are registered trademarks of International BUSiness Machines Corp MS DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corp BOR0063 TII.R8O MS'CA GRAPHlX100tSOX" HIGH RESOLUTION GRAPHICS AND GRAPHIC WINDOW MANAGEMENT FOR THE IBM PC
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Dazzling graphics and painless windows. The Turbo Graphix ToolboxTM will give even a beginning programmer the expert's edge. It's a complete library of Pascal procedures that include: Full graphics window management. Tools that allow you to draw and hatch pie charts, bar charts, circles, rectangles and a full range of geometric shapes. Procedures that save and restore graphic images to and from disk. Functions that allow you to precisely plot curves. Tools that allow you to create animation or solve those difficult curve fitting problems. No sweat and no royalties. You can incorporate part, or all of these tools in your programs, and yet, we won't charge you any royalties. Best of all, these functions and procedures come complete with source code on disk ready to compile! John Markoff & Paul Freiberger, syndicated columnists: "While most people only talk about low-cost personal computer software, Borland has been doing something about it. And Borland provides good technical support as part of the price." Turbo Graphix Toolbox-only $54.95 (not copy protected). Minimum Systllm Configuration: Turbo Graphlx Toolbox Is aVllllbl1l todlY for your computllr running Turbo PlScal 2.0 or grllltllr for PC-DOS. or truly compillbill MS-DOS. Your computllr must havllit IlIIst 128K RAM. onll disk drlvlI Ind PC-DOS 2.0 or grllltllr. Ind MS-DOS 2.0 or grllitar wllh IBM Grlphlcs Adlptar or Enhlncad Graphics Adlptllr. IBM-compilibia Grlphlcs Adlptar. or Harculas Grlphlcs Clrd. Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark and Turbo Graphix Toolbox is a trademark of International, Inc. IBM and PC-DOS are trademarks of International Business Machines Corp. MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corp. BOR0068 2VRBO PASCAt EDJ2OR7tDr.BOX It's All You Need To Build Your Own Text Editor Or Word Processor. Build your own lightning-last editor and incor- porate it i"to your Turbo Pascal programs. Turbo Editor ToolboxTM gives you easy-to-install modules. Now you can integrate a fast and powerful editor into your own programs. You get the source code, the manual and the know how. Create your own word processor. We provide all the editing routines. You plug in the features you want. You could build a WordStar@-like editor with pull- down menus like Microsoft's Word, and make it work as fast as WordPerfect. To demonstra,te the tremendous power 01 Turbo Editor Toolbox, we give you the source code lor two sample editors: Simple Editor A complete editor ready to include in your programs. With windows, block commands, and memory-mapped screen routines. MicroStar A full-blown text editor with a complete pull-down menu user interface, plus a lot more. Modify MicroStar's pull-down menu system and include it in your Turbo Pascal programs. The Turbo Editor Toolbox gives you all the standard features you would expect to find in any word processor: Word wrap UNDO last change Auto indent Find and Find/Replace with options Set left and right margin Block mark, move and copy. Tab, insert and overstrike modes, centering, etc. MicroStar's pull-down menus. And Turbo Editor Toolbox has features that word processors selling for several hundred dollars can't begin to match. Just to name a few: [!J RAM-based editor. You can edit very large [!J Multiple windows. See and edit up to eight files and yet editing is lightning fast. documents-or up to eight parts of the same [!J Memory-mapped screen routines. In- document-all at the same time. stant paging, scrolling and text display. [!J Multi- Tasking. Automatically save your [!J Keyboard installation. Change control text. Plug in a digital clock ... an apPointment keys from WordStar -like commands to any that alarm-see how it's done with MicroStar's you prefer. "background" printing. Best of all, source code is included for everything in the Editor Toolbox. Use any of the Turbo Editor Toolbox's features in your programs. And pay no royalties. Minimum system configuration: The Turbo Editor Toolbol requires an IBM PC, Xl, AT, 3270, PCjr or true compatible with a minimum 192K RAM, running PC-DOS (MS-DOS) 2.0 or greater. You must be using Turbo Pascal 3.0 for IBM and compatibles. Suggested Retail Price $69.95 (not copy-protected) Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark and Turbo Editor Toolbox and MicroStar are trademarks of Borland International, Inc. WordStar is a registered trademark of MicroPro International Corp. Microsoft and MSDOS are registered trademarks of MicrosoM Corp. WordPerfect is a trademark of Satellite Software International. IBM, IBM PC, XT, AT, PCjr and PC-DOS are registered trademarks of International Business Machine Corp. BOR 0067 TM Secrets And Strategies 01 The Masters Are Revealed For The First Time Explore the world of state-of-the-art computer games with Turbo GameWorksTM. Using easy-to-understand examples, Turbo GameWorks teaches you techniques to quickly create your own computer games using Turbo Pascal@. Or, for instant excitement, play the three great computer games we've included on disk-compiled and ready-to-run. TURBO CHESS Test your chess-playing skills against your computer challenger. With Turbo GameWorks, you're on your way to becoming a master chess player. Explore the complete Turbo Pascal source code and discover the secrets of Turbo Chess. "What impressed me the most was the fact that with this program you can become a computer chess analyst. You can add new variations to the program at any time and make the program play stronger and stronger chess. There's no limit to the fun and enjoyment of playing Turbo GameWorks' Chess, and most important of all, with this chess program there's no limit to how it can help you improve your game." -George Koltanowski, Dean of American Chess, former President of the United Chess Federation and syndicated chess columnist. TURBO BRIDGE Now play the world's most popular card game-Bridge. Play one-on-one with your computer or against up to three other opponents. With Turbo Pascal source code, you can even program your own bidding or scoring conventions. "There has never been a bridge program written which plays at the expert level, and the ambitious user will enjoy tackling that challenge, with the format already structured in the program. And for the inexperienced player, the bridge program provides an easy-to-follow format that allows the user to start right out playing. The user can "play bridge" against real competition without having to gather three other people." -Kit Woolsey, writer and author of several articles and books and twice champion of the Blue Ribbon Pairs. TURBO GO-MOKU Prepare for battle when you challenge your computer to a game of Go-Moku-the exciting strategy game also know as "Pente"TI'. In this battle of wits, you and the computer take turns placing X's and O's on a grid of 19X19 squares until five pieces are lined up in a row. Vary the game if you like using the source code available on your disk. Minimum system configuration: IBM PC, XT, AT, Portable, 3270, PClr, and true compatibles with 192K system memory, running PCDOS (MS DOS) 2.0 or later. To edit and compile the Turbo Pascal source code, you must be using Turbo Pascal 3.0 .or IBM PC and compatibles. Suggested Retail Price: $69.95 (not copy-protected) . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark and Turbo GameWorks is a trademark of Borland International, Inc. Pente is a registered trademark of Parker Brothers. IBM PC, Xl, AT, PCjr and PC DOS are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. MSDOS is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. BOR 0065 - BOW2hBuy Borland Software w--- .to}' ... I YINTERNATIONAL II To Order .,. In II By Credit I , California I Card, ' ... ,1 call I I Call (800) I I (800) 742-1133 I I 255-8008 .J 1.. _____ _ - NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES NOTES } " < With because of its natural, logical approach, both people new to programming and professional programmers can build powerful applica- tions such as expert systems, customized knowledge bases, natural language interfaces, and smart information management systems. is a declarative language which uses deductive reasoning to solve programming problems. development system includes: o A complete Prolog incremental compiler supporting a large superset of the Clocksin and Mellish Edinburgh standard Prolog. o A full-screen interactive editor. o Support for both graphic and text windows. o All the tools that let you build your own expert systems and AI applications with unprecedented ease. Ii t,'! it i provides a fully integrated pro- gramming environment like Borland's Turbo Pascal, the de facto worldwide standard. You get the 200-page manual you're holding, software that includes the lightning-fast incremental compiler and interactive editor, and the free GeoBase natural query language database, which includes commented source code on disk, ready to compile. (GeoBase is a complete database designed and developed around U.S. geography. You can modify it or use it "as is. ") Turbo Prolog and GeoBase are trademarks and Turbo Pascal is a registered trademark of Borland International, Inc. IBM, AT, and PCjr are registered trademarks and XT is a trademark of International Business Machines Corp. MS DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. 4585 SCOTTS VALLEY DRIVE SCOTTS VALLEY, CALIFORNIA 95066 ISBN 0-87524-150-6 I3C.'10014