Set 2 Tutorial Assignment - Eerd

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ERD Tutorial #2

Question 1

Galaxy Futsal Centre plan to have a database system for their futsal centre. At this moment, the
information of staff, payment, court and user. According to Encik Hairi; a manager of Galaxy
Futsal Centre, this futsal centre has 4 permanent staffs. Each staff will handle 2 – 3 courts.
However, each court will be in-charged by one staff. The responsible staffs must ensure the
condition of the courts. Currently, Galaxy Futsal Centre has 8 courts. The information for staffs
are staff ID, name. contact number and address. The important information for court such as
court ID and court name.

The staffs may take many payments. However, each payment will be issued by only one staff.
User may made more than one payments. But each payment will be belonged to one user. The
payment details including receipt no, total payment and date of payment. While the user
information consists of user IC, name, contact number, address and category of user. Category
of user divide into two categories: member and non-member. For users who register as
members, they are allowed to choose either package A or B. Each package has different
privillege. The privillege they may get such special discount and special accomodation. For non-
members, they may or may not get the discount. The discount for non-member only will be
given at certain season only.

The users may book many courts and each courts can be booked by one user. The details for
courts are court ID and court name.

Based on this information, draw complete ERD for Galaxy Futsal Centre database system.
Question 2

Lembaga Urusan dan Tabung Haji (LUTH) wants to have a database that is used to keep
information about pilgrim, package booked by jemaah from the agencies which is registered
with LUTH, accomodation and flight. The followings are all business rules related to LUTH daily

 Information regarding pilgrim are ic number, name, address, passport number and contact

 pilgrim may book only one package for their pilgrimage. Booking date must be recorded.

 Each agency may handle more than one package. Each package only will be handled by
one agency.

 There are three types of packages: (1) Berlian – It provides a visit package (2) Nilam – Offer
longer duration to stay in Mekah and Madinah. (3) Zamrud – It offers special meal package.

 Each package may allocate one hotel but a hotel may be used by more than one package.

 Flight information such as flight_code, flight_name, flight_time, departure_date and

departure_origin should be recorded.

Based on the given information, develop a complete ER model for the problem stated.

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