Presented by Group 3
What is Marriage?
- Marriage or Matrimony is a holy observance that sanctifies for a
specific mission in working up the Church and gives beauty to
fulfilling that mission.
It is the temporary living-apart
It is the legal dissolution of a It is the declaration that a
of the spouses due to a
valid Civil Marriage, which certain Marriage was null and
serious cause, such as
allows the spouses to remarry void from the beginning,
infidelity or unbearable
civilly with another person. meaning: it never existed,
violence. It is allowed by the
This act is absolutely because of an impediment.
Church, provided the spouses
prohibited by Jesus, who said: Since Marriage enjoys the
remain single, and strive to
"What God has joined favor of law, its validity must
reconcile as soon as the
together, no human being be upheld until the contrary is
cause for separation is
must separate" (Mark 10:9). proven.
Why is Matrimony "Between a Qualiied
Man and Woman"?
Christian Matrimony is monogamous, as opposite to polygamous; and
heterosexual, as opposite to homosexual; as Jesus declared: The Creator made
them male and female and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and
mother and be joined to his wife" (Matthew 19:4-5).
Why is Matrimony "Between a Qualiied
Man and Woman"?
- The two parties must be qualified for Matrimony, meaning, they
should not incur any impediment that will make the Sacrament invalid.
2. IMPOTENCE: Antecedent and Perpetual Impotence, which is the incapacity of having sexual
intercourse, whether on the part of the man or the woman, nullifies Marriage; while Sterility, or
the incapacity of having children, neither forbids nor invalidates a Marriage.
as well as perpetually professed religious, invalidly attempt Marriage; unless the Pope has
granted a Dispensation.
6. ABDUCTION, FORCE OR GRAVE FEAR: No Matrimony can exist when a party was
kidnapped in view of contracting Marriage, or married by reason of force or of grave fear;
unless the victim chooses Marriage of her own accord after being separated from the captor
and established in a safe and free place.
7. CRIME: Anyone who in view of entering Marriage with a certain person has brought about
the death of that person's spouse, or of his own, invalidly attempts Marriage.
9. AFFINITY: The legal relationship existing between a spouse and the blood-relatives of the
other spouse, known as Affinity, invalidates a Matrimony in any degree of the direct line (step-
father with step- daughter; father-in-law with daughter-in-law).
10. PUBLIC PROPRIETY OR QUASI-AFFINITY: A partner of a public concubinage, or of an
invalid marriage, cannot validly marry those related by consanguinity in the first degree of the
direct line to the other party: for instance, a live-in partner cannot marry the natural daughter,
nor the mother, of his companion.
11. LACKING SUFFICIENT USE OF REASON: Those who do not have sufficient use of reason,
or the psychological capacity, to understand and assume the three essential properties (Unity,
Indissolubility, Openness to life), cannot contract a valid Matrimony.
12. ERROR: The Matrimony is invalid when one party has married a different person from the
one he intended; or when the party was mistaken about an important quality of the other party
which was directly and principally intended for the Marriage..
13 DECEIT: The Marriage is invalid when one of the parties was deceived concerning some
quality of the other party, which of its very nature can seriously disrupt the partnership of
conjugal life
Why Is the Christian Family Called
the Domestic Church?
Traditionally, personal
During the exchange of the covenants and business
Matrimonial Consent, the contracts were sealed by a
Spouses join their right Hands right hand-shake, which was
to signify their total equivalent, if not more binding,
commitment to one another. than the present written
Marriage Contract.
What is the Meaning of the
Round-Shaped Wedding Rings?