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Presented by Group 3
What is Marriage?
- Marriage or Matrimony is a holy observance that sanctifies for a
specific mission in working up the Church and gives beauty to
fulfilling that mission.

- An agreement, a holy bond between a man and a lady organized by

and openly went into before God and typically culminated by sex.
- Matrimony is a sacrament that sanctifies and provides grace for
fulfilling a particular mission of building up the Church

- According to (CCC 1601), Marriage is "the matrimonial covenant by

which a man and a woman establish between themselves a
partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward the
good of spouses and the procreationnd education of offspring; this
covenant between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the
Lord to the dignity of a sacrament."
The Tradition of marriage goes back to the start of the
Bible and stayed especially the same as the ceremony that
we have and perform today. "The Lord God stated: "It isn't
great that the man ought to be separated from everyone
else; I will make an assistant as his accomplice." (Genesis
Catechism of the Catholic Church
CCC 1602 - "Sacred Scripture begins with the creation of man
and woman in the image and likeness of God and concludes with
a vision of "the wedding-feast of the Lamb." Scripture speaks
throughout of marriage and its "mystery, its institution and the
meaning God has given it, its origin and its end, its various
realizations throughout the history of salvation, the difficulties
arising from sin and its renewal "in the Lord" in the New Covenant
of Christ and the Church.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
CCC 1621 - In the Latin Rites, the celebration of marriage between two Catholic
faithful couple normally takes place during Holy Mass, because of the
connection of all the sacraments with the Paschal mystery of Christ. In the
Eucharist the of the New Covenant is realized, the New Covenant in which
Christ has united himsel£ for ever to the Church, his beloved bride for whom
he gave himself up. It is therefore fitting that the spouses should seal their
consent to give themselves to each other through the offering of their own
lives by uniting it to the offering of Christ for his Church made present in the
Eucharistic sacrifice, and by receiving the Eucharist so that, communicating in
the same Body and the same Blood of Christ, they may form but "one body" in
Why is Matrimony a Covenant of Love?
A true Marriage is established out of Love, which is the virtue of
giving oneself to the other, as Jesus declared: "No one has greater
love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends (John 15:13).

Christian Love is called Agape, or the selfless commitment of

promoting the spouse's good, and not Eros, or the selfish attitude of
exploiting the other for one's interest.
Why is Matrimony a Covenant of Love?

Marrying for other reasons, such as physical attraction or financial

gains, begets no everlasting happiness; as by the Bible's warning:
"Were one to offer all the wealth of his house for love, he would be
utterly despised" (Song of Songs 8:7).
What ls the Difference Between Divorce,
Separation, and Annulment?

It is the temporary living-apart
It is the legal dissolution of a It is the declaration that a
of the spouses due to a
valid Civil Marriage, which certain Marriage was null and
serious cause, such as
allows the spouses to remarry void from the beginning,
infidelity or unbearable
civilly with another person. meaning: it never existed,
violence. It is allowed by the
This act is absolutely because of an impediment.
Church, provided the spouses
prohibited by Jesus, who said: Since Marriage enjoys the
remain single, and strive to
"What God has joined favor of law, its validity must
reconcile as soon as the
together, no human being be upheld until the contrary is
cause for separation is
must separate" (Mark 10:9). proven.
Why is Matrimony "Between a Qualiied
Man and Woman"?
Christian Matrimony is monogamous, as opposite to polygamous; and
heterosexual, as opposite to homosexual; as Jesus declared: The Creator made
them male and female and said, 'For this reason a man shall leave his father and
mother and be joined to his wife" (Matthew 19:4-5).
Why is Matrimony "Between a Qualiied
Man and Woman"?
- The two parties must be qualified for Matrimony, meaning, they
should not incur any impediment that will make the Sacrament invalid.

- The perverted relationship with a person of the same gender is

against Nature and God's will and, if unrepented, begets eternal
Why is Matrimony Intended for the
Spouses' Common Good?

The primary purpose of Husband and wife complement

Matrimony is the reciprocal each other at the physical and
wellbeing of the spouses; as spiritual level, since their bodies
God said: "It is not good for the were created paired to provide
man to be alone, I will make a intimacy and procreation; and
helper suited to him" (Genesis their intellectual faculties, to be
2:18). harmoniously interactive.
Why is Matrimony Intended for the
Procreation and Education of Children?

The secondary purpose of

Those spouses who cannot
Matrimony is giving life to
have children for natural
children, as by God's command,
causes can nevertheless
"Be fertile and multiply, fill the
engage in spiritual parenthood,
earth" (Genesis 1:28); as well as
by engaging in adoption, charity,
educating them to be holy
social services, and prayer.
Christians and honest citizens.
What Are the Marriage
The Impediments are the 13 obstacles
that render a Matrimony illicit or invalid;
some of them can be dispensed by the
1. AGE: A man cannot validly enter Matrimony before completing 16 years of age, or a woman
14. In the Philippines, the lawful celebration of Marriage requires both parties to be 18 years old,
and to obtain the consent of their parents or guardians until the age of 21.

2. IMPOTENCE: Antecedent and Perpetual Impotence, which is the incapacity of having sexual
intercourse, whether on the part of the man or the woman, nullifies Marriage; while Sterility, or
the incapacity of having children, neither forbids nor invalidates a Marriage.

3. PREVIOUS SACRAMENTAL MARRIAGE: A Catholic bound by a prior Sacramental Marriage

invalidly attempts a second one, unless the spouse is dead, or the Church has issued a
Declaration of Nullity. A valid Marriage cannot be dissolved by any authority - not even by the
4. MIXED MARRIAGE AND DISPARITY OF CULT: The Marriage between a Catholic and a non-
Christian (Mixed), or a non-Catholic Christian (Disparity of Cult), is invalid, unless the Local
Ordinary has granted dispensation.

as well as perpetually professed religious, invalidly attempt Marriage; unless the Pope has
granted a Dispensation.

6. ABDUCTION, FORCE OR GRAVE FEAR: No Matrimony can exist when a party was
kidnapped in view of contracting Marriage, or married by reason of force or of grave fear;
unless the victim chooses Marriage of her own accord after being separated from the captor
and established in a safe and free place.
7. CRIME: Anyone who in view of entering Marriage with a certain person has brought about
the death of that person's spouse, or of his own, invalidly attempts Marriage.

8 . CONSANGUINITY: Marriage is invalid between those related by Consanguinity, both

legitimate and natural, or by Legal Adoption, in all degrees of the direct line (parents and
children; grandparents and grandchildren), or in the second degree of the collateral line
(brothers and sisters). The impediment of Consanguinity in the third and fourth degree of
collateral line (first cousins; nephews and uncles) can be dispensed.

9. AFFINITY: The legal relationship existing between a spouse and the blood-relatives of the
other spouse, known as Affinity, invalidates a Matrimony in any degree of the direct line (step-
father with step- daughter; father-in-law with daughter-in-law).
10. PUBLIC PROPRIETY OR QUASI-AFFINITY: A partner of a public concubinage, or of an
invalid marriage, cannot validly marry those related by consanguinity in the first degree of the
direct line to the other party: for instance, a live-in partner cannot marry the natural daughter,
nor the mother, of his companion.

11. LACKING SUFFICIENT USE OF REASON: Those who do not have sufficient use of reason,
or the psychological capacity, to understand and assume the three essential properties (Unity,
Indissolubility, Openness to life), cannot contract a valid Matrimony.

12. ERROR: The Matrimony is invalid when one party has married a different person from the
one he intended; or when the party was mistaken about an important quality of the other party
which was directly and principally intended for the Marriage..
13 DECEIT: The Marriage is invalid when one of the parties was deceived concerning some
quality of the other party, which of its very nature can seriously disrupt the partnership of
conjugal life
Why Is the Christian Family Called
the Domestic Church?

The Christian Family is called

The model of the Domestic
the Domestic Church because it
Church is the Holy Family of
is the basic community of faith
Nazareth, where Jesus, Mary
and love, essential for the
and Joseph lived in perfect
growth of the Church as well
harmony among themselves,
as the wellbeing of society;
with God and with their
moreover, it is the seedbed of
religious and priestly vocations.
Who Are the Ministers of Matrimony?

The Priest who assists at the Rite

The Ministers of Marriage are of Marriage is appointed to
the Spouses, who mutually receive the consent of the
confer upon each other the spouses and to give the blessing
in the name of the Church.
Sacrament of Matrimony by
However, he is the Minister of the
expressing their consent
Holy Mass during which the
before the Church. Sacrament of Marriage takes

The Matter of the Sacrament of Matrimony is the

Exchange of Consent, which is the human act by
which the spouses mutually give themselves to
each other, by declaring: "I take you to be my wife"
- "I take you to be my husband." "I DO"
Under What Conditions is the Matter
Considered Valid?
The Matrimonial Consent is considered valid if exchanged under these three conditions:


The Spouses must have Both parties ought to express
The Bride and Groom had to
sufficient use of reason to their Consent free from
be free from these canonical
physical and emotional
understand the three essential impediments: Age; Impotence;
hindrances, such as abduction,
properties of Matrimony, Previous Marriage; Disparity of
force, or grave fear. Even
namely: Unity (that it is Religion; Ordination or
though preparations are done,
exclusive and monogamous); Perpetual Vow of Chastity;
and the guests are already
Indissolubility (that it lasts till the seated on the Church
Crime; Consanguinity, Affinity
death of one of them); and benches, it is better to have a and Quasi- Affinity in the
Openness to Life (that it must runaway bride than a lifetime prohibited degree; Error; and
be open to procreation). of misery. Deceit.
What Is the Form of Matrimony?

This can be rephrased in

question-and-answer format,
The Form of Matrimony are where the Priest asks to both
spouses: "N., do you take N. here
the words of Consent: "I take
present, for your lawful
you to be my wife" - "I take you husband/wife, according to the
to be my husband." rite of our Holy Mother, the
Church?" And the spouses
individually reply: "Yes, I do."
What Are the Requirements of a Valid Form
of Matrimony?
A valid Form of Matrimony must have these essential requirements:


It is essential for the validity of The Form must be declared in
The Form must be expressed
audible words, or in writing for
Marriage that both parties in words which have reference
the hearing impaired, lest the
utter the Form, and not only to present time; since
Marriage is invalid. The internal
one side; because Matrimony Matrimony is not a promise of
consent alone is insufficient,
is not a mere donation of a future commitment, but the
since Matrimony has
oneself to another, but a ecclesiastical and civil
actual union of the spouses
mutual agreement. relevance. for life.
In Which Church Should a Marriage Be

The Sacrament of Matrimony The so-called Garden

should be celebrated in the Marriages, as well as Marriages
Parish Church in which either Reservations should be made
outside Parish Churches, are
at least two months in
of the contracting parties has not allowed, unless with the
advance, to allow enough time
resided for at least one permit of the local Parish,
for preparing the necessary
month; however, they can where all documentation and
choose any other Parish for requirements are prepared.
serious reasons.
What Are the Church's
Requirments for
1. MARRIAGE LICENSE: To be requested from the municipal office where the
parties reside; if the couple is already civilly married, they must provide a
notarized copy of their Marriage Contract.

2. BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATE: To be requested from the Parishes where the two

parties were baptized; it lasts only for six months and must have the annotation:
"For Marriage Purposes."

3. CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATE: To be requested from the Church where the

two parties were confirmed; if they were not yet confirmed, they may do so in
any Catholic Church of their choice.
4. CANONICAL INTERVIEW: It is the official examination made by the Parish Priest,
or by a Priest delegated by him, to each flancée, individually, to ascertain whether
the couple is qualified to celebrate marriage.

5. MARRIAGE BANNS: These are public announcements of the incoming Marriage

to be posted for three consecutive weeks at the Church where the Rite will take
place, and at the Parishes where the fiancées were baptized.

6. PRE-CANA SEMINAR: The couple shall attend a seminar in preparation for

Marriage, either in the Church where the Marriage will take place or elsewhere,
where they must obtain a Pre-cana Certificate.
7. CONFESSION: In order to celebrate the Sacrament of
Matrimony in the state of grace, and to properly receive
Holy Communion, the couple ought to make a good
Confession before the Wedding Ceremony.

God created Eve from one rib on

During the Wedding Ceremony, Adam's left side, which is the
the Bride stands on the left closest bone to his heart (cf.
side of the Groom because it is Genesis 2:22); to signify that the
the closest to his heart. Wife must have a primary and
exclusive place in the Man's heart.
What is the Meaning of the Wedding
Gown and Veil?

The Veil, which preserves the

The white Wedding Gown Bride's beauty, has to be
symbolizes the purity and transparent and reveal her face, in
innocence that a Christian Bride deference to Jacob who, because
would preserve till the day of of a closed veil, mistakenly
her Matrimony. married Leah instead of her sister
Rachel (cf. Genesis 29:25).

Traditionally, personal
During the exchange of the covenants and business
Matrimonial Consent, the contracts were sealed by a
Spouses join their right Hands right hand-shake, which was
to signify their total equivalent, if not more binding,
commitment to one another. than the present written
Marriage Contract.
What is the Meaning of the
Round-Shaped Wedding Rings?

These are placed on the ring-

The Rings, made of gold or finger because it is believed
platinum, signify the everlasting that a vein runs directly from
love and fidelity of the Spouses there to the heart, and the ring
that, as a circle, has no end. would remind the Spouses of
their eternal covenant of love.
What is the Meaning of the Arrhae?

The Arrhae, or coins, that the Groom places on

the cupped hands of the Bride, symbolize the
Husband's responsibility of providing for the
material needs of the Bride and their future
What is the Meaning of the Marriage
Veil and the Eight-Shaped Cord?

The Marriage Veil, placed on The Eight-Shaped Cord, which is

placed around the Couple's
the Bride's head and extended
shoulders, signifies the
to the Groom's shoulder
indissolubility of Matrimony, whose
symbolizes their exclusive and yoke of love should be carried
eternal love. together.
Any Question?

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