Paper Detail
S.No. Paper Code Paper Name Category Marks Obtained / Max Credits Grade Point Credit Grade
Marks Point
1 BA/BSC/BCOM/0 Environmental Studies Compulsory - 51 51 3 5.5 16.5 P
1/02/03/ENVSC (Skill based)
- 100 100
2 BCA0101 Mathematics-I Major 28 60 88 4 9.0 36.0 O++
30 70 100
3 BCA0102 Applied English Major 27 48 75 4 8.0 32.0 O
30 70 100
4 BCA0103 Computer Fundamentals Major 19 47 66 4 7.0 28.0 A+
30 70 100
5 BCA0104 C Programming Major 26 28 54 4 5.5 22.0 B
30 70 100
6 BCA0104(P) C Programming Lab-I Major Lab 13 31 44 3 9.0 27.0 O++
15 35 50
7 BCA0105 Office Automation Tools Major 23 34 57 4 6.0 24.0 B+
30 70 100
8 BCA0105(P) Office Automation Tools Major Lab 13 32 45 3 9.5 28.5 S
15 35 50
Total - - 429 26 - 197.50 -
- - 600
SemesterGrade Point Average (SGPA) : 7.60 Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA): - Semester Garde: O
Candidate has to obtain 40% marks each in ESE,CCA and Practical and 40% marks in aggregate to pass in a subject
Percent Marks Grade Letter Percent Marks Grade Letter Percent Marks Grade Letter
Point Grade Point Grade Point Grade
95% and above 10.0 S+ 70 to less than 75% Marks 7.5 A++ 40 to less than 50% Marks 5.0 C
90 to less than 95% Marks 9.5 S 65 to less than 70% Marks 7.0 A+ less than 40% Marks 0.0 F
85 to less than 90% Marks 9.0 O++ 60 to less than 65% Marks 6.5 A Audit Pass P
80 to less than 85% Marks 8.5 O+ 55 to less than 60% Marks 6.0 B+ Audit Fail X
75 to less than 80% Marks 8.0 O 50 to less than 55% Marks 5.5 B
* - CCA for the subject not entered *** - Both ESE and CCA not entered A,Abs - Absent
** - ESE for the subject not entered UMC - Unfair Means Case
In case of any discrepancy in grades, SGPA,CGPA the Cummulative Grade Card (CMC) provided at completion of Course by the University
will be considered final.