Tutorial Chapter 5 Bivariate Analysis

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Chapter 5: Bivariate Analysis

FEB 2023

The owner of a coffee store promoted his business through social media platforms such as Facebook,
Instagram, and YouTube to increase the number of potential customers consuming more products from his
store. He decided to investigate the relationship between monthly advertising costs spent on social media
platforms (in RM hundred) and the monthly profit of store’s (in RM thousand) using sample data from January to
December 2021. The following information was obtained from the data of monthly advertising cost spent on
social media platforms and monthly profit earned by the coffee store.

∑ X=101 ∑ Y =64 ∑ X 2=902.5 ∑ Y 2=380.5 ∑ XY =582

a) Using an appropriate statistical measure, determine the percentage of variation in the coffee store’s monthly
profit that can be explained by monthly advertising cost spend on social media platforms. (4
b) Name the statistical measure used in a). (1
c) It was found that the regression equation used to represent the relationship between monthly advertising
costs spent through social media platforms and monthly profit earned by the coffee store is Y = - 1.625 +
0.827X. Based on this regression equation, interpret the meaning of the slope value.
(1 mark)
d) Using the regression equation given in c), estimate the monthly profit of the coffee store if the owner spent
RM850 on advertising costs. (2 marks)

JUL 2022

A study was conducted to investigate the influence of the fathers’ height on the sons’ height. The heights (cm) of
a random sample of fathers and sons were recorded and analysed by using IBM SPSS. The following results
were obtained from the bivariate analysis.
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .446 .199 .065 6.071

Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
Model B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 96.281 60.053 1.603 .160
Heights of fathers (cm) .432 .354 .446 1.220 .268
Answer the following questions based on the above output.
a) Name the independent and dependent variable involved in this study. (2
b) State the correlation coefficient value. Hence, interpret the relationship between the variables. (2
c) Write the least square regression equation. (1 mark)
d) Based on the equation in c), comment on the slope value in the context of the above study. (1
e) Predict the height of a son if the height of his father is 192 cm. (2
FEB 2022

Hashim Motors Sdn. Bhd. specializes in selling a secondhand car. Currently, the company has 12 used cars for
sale. The owner of the company wants to investigate the relationship between the age of the car and the
mileage of the car. The data were collected and analyzed using SPSS. The results as follow.
Car’s age (years) 6 4 2 2.5 3 4 3 5 5.5 4.5 4.5 3.5
Mileage (‘000 km) 93 60 33 36 53 59 48 77 79 61 63 50
Model Summary
R Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R Square Square Estimate
1 .975 .951 .946 4.036
a. b. Predictors: (Constant), Age
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients t Sig.
Model B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constan
3.927 4.134 .950 .365
Age 13.97
13.997 1.002 .975 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Mileage
a) Prove that the correlation coefficient is 0.975. (4 marks)
b) Interpret the value of the correlation coefficient in a). (1
c) State the value of the coefficient of determination. Interpret its meaning. (2 marks)
d) Based on the SPSS output, write the complete regression equation. (1
e) Based on the regression equation in d), interpret the slope in the context of the problem. (1
f) Predict the mileage of the car if the age of the used car is 4.3 years. (1

JUL 2021
A study was conducted to determine the relationship between a driver’s age and the number of accidents he or
she had over a 3-year period. The data collected for 10 drivers are shown below.
Driver’s age 16 24 16 18 23 27 32 24 28 21
No of accident 3 2 5 2 0 1 1 1 0 3
By assuming the driver’s age and the number of accidents is normally distributed, the data were analyzed and
the output is indicated below.
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 6.747 1.646 4.100 .003
Age -.216 .070 Z -3.077 .015
a) Identify the predictor and response variables. (1
b) Compute the value of Z. Explain the value obtained. (5 marks)
c) State the value of slope. Interpret its meaning. (2 marks)
d) Write down the linear regression equation for this data. (1 mark)
e) Predict the number of accidents for a driver who is 30 years old. (2

FEB 2021
In an effort to gauge the quality of employees employed, the senior manager in a manufacturing company
wanted to look at the effect of math aptitude test score (X, total of100) on the performance (Y) of all executives
working for the company. The performance score was measured on a total score of 1000 points. A survey was
conducted on 15 executives of the company and data on performance and math attitude test score were
collected. To investigate the effect, a simple linear regression model was proposed.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
X 77 82 95 78 81 91 68 84 92 90 70 73 82 84 71
Y 760 822 925 800 815 902 618 805 880 845 702 780 795 750 695
a) Compute the coefficient of correlation and interpret the coefficient. (5
b) Obtain the linear regression equation model and interpret the slope. (3
c) Calculate the coefficient of determination, and interpret the value obtain. (2
d) Predict the performance of an employee when his math aptitude is 75 points. (2
DEC 2019

Consider the following data on the number of song stored in MP3 player and the number of months the user has
owned the MP3 player for a sample of 15 owners. The data were recorded and analyzed using IBM SPSS
Statistics. The results are as follow:
Number of month owned MP3 Number of song stored on MP3
23 486
35 747
2 81
28 581
5 117
32 728
23 445
10 128
4 61
26 476
1 35
8 121
13 266
9 126
5 141
Unstandardized Coefficients
Model B Std. Error t Sig.
1 (Constant) -12.887 18.592 -.693 .500
Number of month the user has
21.126 .994 21.263 .000
owned the MP3
g) Dependent Variable: Number of song stored on a MP3
a) Based on the scatter plot, describe on the relationship between the numbers of month owned MP3 and the
number of song stored in MP3. (1
b) Calculate the correlation coefficient value. Hence, explain its meaning. (5
c) How many percent of the variation in number of song stored in MP3 is explained by the variation in number
of month owned MP3? (1
d) Name the statistic used in c). (1
e) Based on given output, write the complete estimated regression equation. Hence, interpret the slope in the
context of the problem. (2 marks)
f) Predict the number of song stored in MP3 if number of month owned of MP3 is 37. (2
JUN 2019

A study is conducted to determine the relationship between the length of advertisement (in seconds) aired on TV
and sales (in hundreds of RM) of selected ten companies. The data were recorded and analyzed using SPSS.
The results are shown below.
Length of 16 36 22 6 15 12 5 29 28 21
Sales 48 69 71 14 15 29 20 39 65 30
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 8.017 10.521 .762 .468
Length of 3.40
1.683 .494 .769 .009
advertisement 6
a) Using the data given, calculate the correlation coefficient between the length of advertisement and sales.
Explain the value obtained. (5 marks)
b) Based on the output, write the least square regression equation. Hence, interpret the value of the slope.
(2 marks)
c) Calculate the value of the coefficient of determination. Hence, interpret the value. (2 marks)
d) Predict the sales of the company if the length of advertisement is 10 seconds. (2 marks)

DEC 2018

A study was conducted to determine the relationship between working experience (in years) and the monthly
salary (RM’00) of teachers at a primary school in Kuantan. The data were analyzed using SPSS and produced
the following tables.
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 M .878 .869 2.732
Model B Std. Error t Sig.
1 (Constant) 23.470 1.414 16.602 .000
Experience 1.194 .123 9.685 .000
Asnwer the following questions based on the given output.
a) State the dependent and independent variables. (2 marks)
b) State the value of the coefficient of determination. Hence, interpret the value. (2 marks)
c) Determine the value of M. Comment on the value. (2 marks)
d) Find the regression line for the above study. Explain the value of the slope. (2 marks)
e) Estimate the monthly salary for a teacher with 15 years of working experience. (2 marks)

JUN 2018

A study was conducted to investigate the effects of train ticket prices on the number of passengers per hour.
The data ape plotted on a scatter diagram and the SPSS outputs are given below.
Ticket Price (in RM) 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 9.00
Passengers/Hour 500 490 475 450 400 350 180
Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of
Model R R Square Square the Estimate
1 .897a .804 .765 54.91389
a. b. Predictors: (Constant), ticket price (in RM)
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 1110.893 157.044 7.074 .001
Ticket price (in RM) -93.929 20.756 -.897 -4.525 .006
h) Dependent Variable: number of passenger/hour
a) Based on the scatter diagram above, briefly describe on the relationship between the two variables.(2 marks)
b) Using SPSS output, write the linear regression equation. (2 marks)
c) What does the slope tell you about the ticket price and the passenger/hour? (1 mark)
d) State the value of the coefficient of determination. Interpret its meaning. (3 marks)
e) Estimate the number of passenger/hour if the train ticket price is RM7.90. (2 marks)

JAN 2018

The higher management of Spa Ayu is interested to assess the impact of advertising by looking at the monthly
advertising cost (RM thousands) and the monthly income (RM millions) for eight consecutive months. The data
were recorded and analyzed using SPSS. The results are as follows:
Monthly Advertising cost (RM thousands) 150 120 100 80 50 40 30 20
Monthly Income (RM millions) 20 15 10 7 4 6 5 3
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) -.221 1.354 -.164 .875
Advertising cost .122 .016 .953 7.697 .000
a) Show that the Pearson’s correlation coefficient is 0.953 and comment on the value. (4 marks)
b) Calculate the coefficient of determination. Interpret the value obtained. (3 marks)
c) State the slope and interpret the value in the context of the problem. (2 marks)
d) Estimate the monthly income (RM millions) if the monthly advertising cost is RM90,000. (2 marks)

JUL 2017

A researcher desires to know whether the typing speed of a secretary (in words per minute) is related to the time
(in hours) that it takes the secretary to learn to use a new word processing program, The data is plotted on a
scatter diagram and the SPSS outputs of the regression analysis are given below.
Speed (words per minute) 48 74 52 79 83 56 85 63 88 74 90 92
Time (in hours) 7 4 8 3.5 2 6 2.3 5 2.1 4.5 1.9 1.5

Model Summary
Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .974 W .944 .51335
Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig.
1 (Constant) 14.086 .755 18.647 .000
Typing_Speed -.137 .010 -.974 -13.639 .000
a) Using the data given, show that the Pearson’s correlation coefficient between the typing speed and the time
it takes the secretary to learn a new word processing program is -0.974. (4 marks)
b) Name the statistic represented by W in the output. Interpret the value in the context of the problem. (3 marks)
c) Interpret the value of slope in the context of the problem. (2 marks)
d) Predict the time it will take the average secretary who has a typing speed of 70 words per minute to learn the
word processing program. (2 marks)

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