goals of cybersecurity solutions against identity theft. Even in the unlikely event that
cybercriminals manage to intercept critical data, encrypting it while it’s in transit and at rest can
help prevent unwanted access to personal information. Information security and cyber security
are often used interchangeably; the latter views human involvement in the security process as an
extra dimension, while the former views human involvement as a potential target. Nonetheless,
because it centers on the ethical aspect of society at large, this kind of cyber security discourse
bears significant implications. Numerous strategies and models have been put out to address the
subject of cyber security. Together with information on workforces, frameworks, and protecting
personal data on computers, the concepts of cyber security are also introduced (Kong, A. Y.,
Myers, A., Isgett, L. F., & Ribisl, K. M.,2020).
Malware, in the opinion of many cybersecurity professionals, is the primary weapon of choice
for carrying out malicious intents to compromise cybersecurity efforts in the cyberspace.
Malware is a general term for a type of attacks that are installed on a system, usually without the
owner’s knowledge, with the intention of compromising it for the advantage of a rival. Malware
can take many different forms, but some examples are worms, Trojan horses, spyware, and bot
executables. Malware can infiltrate systems through a number of methods, including as
spreading from compromised computers, deceiving users into opening corrupted files, or
attracting them to websites that spread malware. More tangible instances of malware infection
include when a USB drive is put into an infected device, the malware may load onto it and then
infect every other machine that the device is entered into after that (K. Thakur, M. Qiu, K. Gai
and M. L. Ali, 2015)
A cybersecurity awareness program needs to focus on Increasing cybersecurity awareness while
employees carry out their job responsibilities, provide sufficient training that is in line with the
organization’s goals, and provide interactive communication between all parties involved in
cybersecurity issues. Awareness programs may fail if they are not designed to change people’s
behavior and likewise if a positive impact on any organization cannot be achieved. A
cybersecurity awareness program is a corporate long-term investment that will help to create a
cybersecurity culture if training is delivered on a continuous basis. A more aggressive vision of
the awareness aim is to go beyond the prevention of cybersecurity incidents. We believe that the
proposed Cybersecurity Awareness Training Model can represent a solid foundation for the
implementation of any organizational cybersecurity awareness program. CATRAM can also
review any awareness training model that is consistent and updated with the current cyberthreat
landscape. Despite enough cybersecurity measures, employees continue to be the weakest link in
cybersecurity. Staff are directly connected to financial losses related to data breaches and
cybersecurity incidents ( Sabillón, et al 2019).
Cybersecurity systems are crucial for safeguarding information assets across various sectors,
including government, military, and commercial domains. In Saudi Arabia, cybersecurity has
gained significant importance within the national security strategy, resulting in substantial
investments in technologies to protect information assets, combat cyber threats, and preserve
(Tahani Abdullah Abdurhman Alhumud 2023)
Cybersecurity and Privacy issues are becoming an important barrier for a trusted and dependable
global digital society development. Cyber-criminals are continuously shifting their cyber-attacks
specially against cyber-physical systems and IoT, since they present additional vulnerabilities
due to their constrained capabilities, their unattended nature and the usage of potential
untrustworthiness components. Likewise, identity-theft, fraud, personal data leakages, and other
related cyber-crimes are continuously evolving, causing important damages and privacy
problems for European citizens in both virtual and physical scenarios. In this context, new
holistic approaches, methodologies, techniques and tools are needed to cope with those issues,
and mitigate cyberattacks, by employing novel cyber-situational awareness frameworks, risk
analysis and modeling, threat intelligent systems, cyber-threat information sharing methods,
advanced big-data analysis techniques as well as exploiting the benefits from latest technologies
such as SDN/NFV and Cloud systems. In addition, novel privacy-preserving techniques, and
crypto-privacy mechanisms, identity and eID management systems, trust services, and
recommendations are needed to protect citizens’ privacy while keeping usability levels. The
European Commission is addressing the challenge through different means, including the
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program, thereby financing innovative projects That can
cope with the increasing cyberthreat landscape. This book introduces several cybersecurity and
privacy research challenges and how they are being addressed in the scope of 15 European
research projects. Each chapter is dedicated to a different funded European Research project,
which aims to cope with digital security and privacy aspects, risks, threats and cybersecurity
issues from a different perspective (Bernabe and Skarmeta, 2019)
In recent years, the Internet has become an integral element of people’s everyday lifestyles all
across the world. Online criminality, on the other hand, has risen in tandem with the growth of
Internet activity. Cyber security has advanced greatly in recent years in order to keep up with the
rapid changes that occur in cyberspace. Cyber security refers to the methods that a country or
organization can use to safeguard its products and information in cyberspace. Two decades ago,
the term “cyber security” was barely recognized by the general public. Cyber security isn’t just a
problem that affects individuals but it also applies to an organization or a government.
Everything has recently been digitized, with cybernetics employing a variety of technologies
such as cloud computing, smart phones, and Internet of Things techniques, among others. Cyber-
attacks are raising concerns about privacy, security, and financial compensation. Cyber security
is a set of technologies, processes, and practices aimed at preventing attacks, damage, and illegal
access to networks, computers, programmes, and data. The primary goal of this article is to
conduct a thorough examination of cyber security kinds, why cyber security is important, cyber
security framework, cyber security tools, and cyber security difficulties. Cyber security
safeguards the data and integrity of computing assets that are part of or connected to an
organization’s network, with the goal of defending such assets from all threat actors throughout
the life cycle of a cyber-attack (Dr. Perwej, Abbas, Dixit, Dr. Akhtar, Jaiswal, 2021).
In fact, interorganizational knowledge sharing establishes a relationship of competence,
expertise, and informed staff exchange between two or more firms. Although knowledge is
crucial to an organization’s performance, it receives relatively little attention when it comes to
information security, which is problematic because of the following reasons: First, retailing is the
channel that suffers from online commerce the most, thus security problems need to be
addressed. Secondly, if criminal wings within an organization are able to breach one company’s
information system, they can also target other companies.
Identity theft is therefore a problem that affects everyone and the main cause of security
breaches in online shopping, which rank among the top three business stories. A number of users
must share knowledge in order to prevent identity theft, which is a major problem for society as a
whole (Chohan R.,2016)
The best option of service model that has to be implemented is determined through a number of
factors. The important factors that are to be considered are flexibility, scalability, interoperability,
and control of service. Cloud computing requires extensive authentication and authorization
mechanism to secure its data and resources due to the complexity of usage. Lack of efficient
mechanism creates multiple challenges in cloud environment which include identity
management, risk management, trust management, compliance, data security, privacy,
transparency, and data leakage [5]. Another facet of cloud systems is complexity and their
associated security challenges. The loss of control and transparency issues are also created while
storing and processing user information by Cloud Service Providers (CSPs), or outside the
organizational boundaries. Due to these distinctive security challenges, the cloud environment
adoption is slow regardless of the assured and attractive features of the cloud. In spite of the
aforesaid problems, the organization has a tendency of reluctance in contributing their critical
identity information (Indu I., Anand L , Bhaskar V.,2018)