TP Smart Materials
TP Smart Materials
TP Smart Materials
ISSN: 1546-9239
©2013 Science Publication
doi:10.3844/ajassp.2013.876.880 Published Online 10 (8) 2013 (
Susmita Kamila
Department of Chemistry, East Point College of Engineering and Technology, Bangalore-560 049, India
Piezoelectric materials are very common example of Polymer gels, such as hydrogels, have a cross linked
such materials where they produce a voltage when stress polymer structure inflated with a solvent, such as water;
is applied. Since this effect also applies in the reverse the gel has the ability to swell or shrink (up to 1000
manner, a voltage across the sample will produce stress times in volume) due to small changes in, e.g.,
within the sample. Suitably designed structures made temperature or pH.
from these materials can therefore be made that bend, 1.2. Classification
expand or contract when a voltage is applied. They can
also be used in optical-tracking devices, magnetic heads, Smart materials can also be classified into two
dot-matrix printers, computer keyboards, high-frequency categories i.e., either active or passive. Fairweather (1998)
stereo speakers, accelerometers, micro-phones, pressure defined active smart materials as those materials which
sensors, transducers and igniters for gas grills. possess the capacity to modify their geometric or
Thermo-responsive materials, either Shape Memory material properties under the application of electric,
Alloys (SMA) or shape memory polymers, are materials thermal or magnetic fields, thereby acquiring an inherent
that can hold different shapes at various temperatures. capacity to transduce energy. Piezoelectric materials,
They can be deformed and returned to their original shape SMAs, ER fluids and magneto-strictive materials are
by heating. In the process, they generate an actuating considered to be the active smart materials and
force. Shape memory alloy, such as nitinol, an alloy of therefore, they can be used as force transducers and
nickel and titanium, which has a corrosion resistance actuators. Kumar (1991) showed that SMA has large
similar to stainless steel, making it particularly useful for recovery force, of the order of 700 MPa (105 psi),
biomechanical applications. Such types of materials can which can be utilized for actuation. Similarly
be used in coffee-pot thermostat, super elastic spectacle piezoelectric materials, which convert electric energy
frames, stents for veins, whereas shape memory polymer into mechanical force, are also ‘active’.
has the ability to regain its original shape when heated. On the other part, the materials, which are not active,
These are generally used in biodegradable surgical sutures are called passive smart materials. Although smart, they
that will automatically tighten to the correct tension and lack the inherent capability to transduce energy. Fiber
also in self repairing car bodies that will recover shape on optic material is a good example of a passive smart
material. Such materials can act as sensors but not as
gentle heating after a dent.
actuators or transducers.
Magneto restrictive materials similar to
piezoelectrics, respond to only magnetic fields rather 1.3. Applications
than electric. They are typically used in low-frequency,
Smart materials find a wide range of applications due
high-power sonar transducers, motors and hydraulic
to their varied response to external stimuli. The different
actuators, along with the shape-memory alloy Nitinol, areas of application can be in our day to day life,
magneto restrictive materials are considered promising aerospace, civil engineering applications and
candidates for achieving active damping of vibrations. mechatronics to name a few. The scope of application of
PH-sensitive materials are the materials that change smart material includes solving engineering problems
their colour as a result of changing acidity. This can be with unfeasible efficiency and provides an opportunity
applicable for paints that can change colour to indicate for creation of new products that generate revenue.
corrosion in the metal underneath them. Important feature related to smart materials and
Chromogenic systems change colour in response to structures is that they encompass all fields of science and
electrical, optical or thermal changes. These include engineering. As far as the technical applications of smart
Electrochromic materials, which change their colour or materials is concerned, it involves composite materials
opacity on the application of a voltage. Very common embedded with fiber optics, actuators, sensors, Micro-
Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMSs), vibration
example of such type is Liquid crystal displays.
control, sound control, shape control, product health or
Likewise, photochromic materials, which change colour lifetime monitoring, cure monitoring, intelligent
in response to light. This can be observed in light processing, active and passive controls, self-repair
sensitive spectacles that darken when exposed to bright (healing), artificial organs, novel indicating devices,
sunlight. There are also certain paints such as the designed magnets, damping aeroelastic stability and
rmochromic and photochromic paints, which change stress distributions. Smart structures are found in
colour on heating and on exposure to light respectively. automobiles, space systems, fixed-and rotary-wing
1.9. Biomedical Applications product life may be longer. Manufacturers are now
looking for ways to extend product life with packaging
In the field of biomedicine and medical
by utilizing smart materials.
diagnostics, still investigations are being carried out.
As food becomes less fresh, chemical reactions
Certain materials like poly-electrolyte gels are being
take place within the packaging and bacteria build up.
experimented for artificial-muscle applications, where
Smart labels have been developed that change colour
a polymer matrix swollen with a solvent that can
to indicate the presence of an increased level of a
expand or contract when exposed to an electric field
chemical or bacteria in it.
or other stimulation. In addition, due to
Storage temperature has a much greater effect than
biodegradability of these materials, it may make it
time on the degradation of most products. Some
useful as a drug-delivery system.
companies have developed ‘time-temperature
1.10. Reducing Waste indicators’ that change colour over time at a speed
dependent on temperature.
All over the world, the electronic wastes are the
fastest growing components of domestic waste. During 1.12. Health
disposal and processing of such wastes, hazardous and
recyclable materials should be removed first. Manual Biosensors made from smart materials can be used to
disassembly is expensive and time consuming but the use monitor blood sugar levels in diabetics and communicate
of smart materials could help to automate the process. with a pump that administers insulin as required.
Recently fasteners constructed from shape memory However, the human body is a hostile environment and
materials are used that can self release on heating. Once sensors are easily damaged. Some researches on barrier
the fasteners have been released, components can be materials are going to protect these sensors.
separated simply by shaking the product. By using Now-a-days different companies are developing
fasteners that react to different temperatures, products smart orthopedic implants such as fracture plates that can
could be disassembled hierarchically so that materials sense whether bones are healing and communicate data
can be sorted automatically. to the surgeon. Small scale clinical trials of such
implants have been successful and they could be
1.11. Reducing Food Waste
available within the next five years. Other possible
Food makes up maximum waste among all others. devices include replacement joints that communicate
Most of the food grown for consumption is thrown away when they become loose or if there is an infection.
without consumption due to their reaching of expiry Current technology limits the response of these devices
date. These dates are conservative estimates and actual to transmitting data but in the future, they could respond
Trabajo Práctico 4
The general feature of all of them is the fact that one or more
properties might be significantly altered under controlled
2) La OVERVIEW: Lea atentamente cada sección de este paper y relice las actividades porpuestas.
De un ejemplo de los materiales mencionados en el cuadro
Piezoelectricos Teclados de computadora
Con respuesta térmica Stents
Magnéticos Motores
Sensibles al PH Pinturas que cambian de color para indicar la
corrosión de un metal
Sensibles al calor Anteojos
Geles de polímeros
Según los tipos de materiales, ¿cómo los clasifica el autor? Complete el cuadro.
Clasifica los materiales en pasivos y activos.
Piezoelectricos Activo
Con respuesta térmica Activo
Magnéticos Activo
Sensibles al PH Pasivo
Sensibles al calor Pasivo
Geles de polímeros Pasivo
Lea las siguientes afirmaciones y decida si son verdaderas o falsas
...... La ciencia y la ingeniería resuelven todos sus problemas usando materiales inteligentes.
...... Los materiales compuestos embebidos en fibra óptica, los actuadores, los sensores MEMS y los distribudores de
estabilidad y tensión son algunos ejemplos de aplicaciones.
Embedding sensors within structures to monitoring stress and damage can reduce maintenance costs and increase
La integración de sensores dentro de las estructuras para monitorear el estrés y los daños puede reducir los costos
de mantenimiento y aumentar la vida útil.
Responda: ¿Por qué es importante que los materiales sean autoreparantes?
Es importante porque puede ser de gran ayuda para entornos que no son facilmente accesibles (Por
ejemplo, bajo el agua o en el espacio)
Lea las secciones 1. 10 y 1.11 y resuma lo que expresa el autor acerca de los desperdicios.
El autor explica que los residuos electrónicos son los componentes de la basura domestica de mayor
crecimiento. Estos residuos requieren un tratamiento especial para separar los materiales que son
reciclables, pero realizar este proceso manualmente es muy lento y costoso. Utilizando materiales
inteligentes este proceso podría automatizarse, por ejemplo, utilizando sujetadores que reaccionen a una
temperatura determinada para hacer el proceso de desarme más eficiente.
Los otros desechos que constituyen gran parte de la basura doméstica son los alimentos. Como se busca
extender la vida útil de los productos, los fabricantes intentan utilizar materiales inteligentes para el
packaging (Por ejemplo, etiquetas inteligentes que cambian de color para indicar la presencia de un nivel
aumentado de un químico o bacterias en él)
¿A qué conclusión llega el autor? Expresela en sus propias palabras.
El autor concluye que la tecnología de materiales inteligentes tiene una gran cantidad de aplicaciones en múltiples
disciplinas, lo que hace que a pesar de que los avances en la ciencia de los materiales son rápidos, en algunos casos
estos tarden en ser aplicados en el campo de la ingeniería. También expresa que muchas de las tecnologías más
prometedoras de la actualidad incluyen materiales inteligentes y resalta la importancia de comprender la estructura
de materiales nuevos para mejorar la producción de futuros materiales inteligentes.