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Soal To Inggris #4

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Which statements are in line with? Which statements go with?

= Pernyataan yang sesuai teks

has similar meaning ... is similar in meaning to ... = SYNONYM

Kartu ucapan: Birthday Card, Graduation Card, Special Day Card
- What is the relationship? Apa hubungan pengirim dengan penerima

Personal experience, past experience: pengalaman pribadi penulis di waktu lampau.
- What does the writer feel? Perasaan si penulis
- What is the text about? Apa isi teks tersebut?

Recipe (Resep), Manual (Panduan)
- What is the writer’s intention to write the text? Tujuan penulisan
- If we don’t have sugar or honey, what will we use? Pengganti gula atau madu
- If we skip step 4, what will happen? Apa yang terjadi jika melewatkan langkah 4

Fable, Fairy Tale
- What is the characteristic? Sifat tokoh
- What is the moral value? Pesan moral
- Which statements are the problems of the text? Pernyataan mana yang merupakan masalah

5. DIALOG (Hope, Wish)

I hope ..., I wish ...
- What is the topic of the text? Topik/tema dialog
- Where does the dialog happen? Tempat kejadian

- How is the writer? Bagaimana si penulis
- Who is the song for? Lagunya untuk siapa

7. NOTICE (Pemberitahuan)
- Where do you find the notice? Di mana menemukan

8. ANNOUNCEMENT (Pengumuman)
- What should a person do to get information? Di mana menemukan infonya

- From the text we know that ….Dari teks kita tahu bahwa (Cari yang sesuai teks)


- How did the writer feel when visiting the forest? Bagaimana perasaan si penulis

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 1


Mata Pelajaran : Literasi Membaca

Kelas : IX (Sembilan)
Hari dan Tanggal : Senin, 23 Oktober 2023
Pukul :

1. Isikan identitas Anda dengan benar!
2. Tersedia waktu 120 menit untuk mengerjakan paket tes tersebut.
3. Soal terdiri atas soal pilihan ganda.
4. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya dengan cermat!
5. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum dikirim / submit!
6. Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan!

Pilihlah jawaban di bawah ini yang paling benar!
Read the text carefully.

1. Which statements go with the card above?

Pernyataan mana yang sesuai kartu?
1 Evelyn has many admirers.
2 Evelyn’s Dad is a brave man. = Ayah Evelyn seorang pemberani
3 Evelyn sends the card to make a wish.
4 Evelyn shows her amazement to her Dad. = menunjukkan kekaguman
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 3 and 4

2. From the text, we know that the sender of the card is probably a ….
Dari teks, kita tahu bahwa si pengirim adalah ...
A. daughter = anak perempuan
B. sibling
C. father
D. sister

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 2

Read the text carefully.
One day, when I was in the 7th grade, I arrived at school too late. I was afraid about
what would happen, because my teacher did not like a late student. However, when I
entered the classroom, something was going on. Every student was making noise and
some girls were screaming. All gathered in the back desks. I was confused about what
was happening. Then I turned around, only to see the teacher coming with her terrifying
face. She looked very angry.
Then I ran to the crowd. Soon, I realized that a monkey was sitting at the teacher’s
The teacher came and shouted at us, but when she walked to her chair, her
expression changed. She looked shocked. She screamed loudly.
Then, some boys took their rulers. They used the rulers to scare the monkey. The
monkey ran away through the window. All were relieved. We were back to our desks.
Thank God, the monkey did not come back and we got no anger from the teacher. Since
then, she became more friendly with us.

3. The text tells us about the writer’s …

Teks tersebut menginformasikan tentang .... si penulis.
A. feeling when he came late.
B. way to scare the monkey away.
C. experience when a monkey came in his class. = pengalaman ada monyet di kelas
D. sad moment when the teacher was angry with him.

4. Which statements are in line with the text?

Pernyataan mana yang sesuai teks?
1 The teacher came later than the writer. = guru hadir setelah si penulis
2 The teacher was angry with the writer
3 The writer didn’t know what happened before. = si penulis tidak tahu yang terjadi
4 The writer scared the monkey away.
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 3 and 4

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 3

Read the text carefully.
2 cups self-rising flour
2 eggs
1½ cup milk
1/3 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla essence

1. Whisk eggs, milk, sugar and vanilla together in a bowl.
2. Sift flour into a large bowl. Add the milk mixture. Whisk until well combined.
3. Heat a large non-stick frying pan over medium heat.
4. Grease the pan with butter or cooking oil.
5. Pour 1/4 cup mixture per pancake, cook for 2 minutes or until bubbles appear on
6. Turn up and cook for further 1-2 minutes or until cooked, then put it on a plate.
7. Repeat with remaining mixture until finished.
8. Serve with honey and extra butter.

5. Which statements are in line with the text?

Pernyataan mana yang sesuai teks?

1 We should mix the flour with the milk first.

2 We should cook pancakes on high heat.
3 We should cook the pancakes twice. = masak pancake dua kali
4 We can use cooking oil to grease the pan. = minyak sayur untuk mengolesi wajan
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 3 and 4

6. What should we serve the pancake with, if we don’t have any honey?
Apa yang bisa kita gunakan jika tidak ada madu?
A. Cooking oil
B. Milk mixture
C. Melted butter
D. Maple syrup = sirup maple

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 4

Read the text carefully
Once, there was a crow named Jasper. He was known for his intelligence and quick
thinking. One day, as he soared through the sky, he spotted a big feast. A group of animals
had prepared it near a riverbank.
Slowly, Jasper flew down to investigate. To his disappointment, he discovered that the
feast was only for the animals who could swim well, like the ducks and the otters.
Unwilling to accept defeat, Jasper perched on a tree branch, observing the scene
below. He noticed that the animals took turns diving into the river to catch fish. Then they
return to the feast after proving their swimming skills.
Jasper was a bird and could not swim. He felt left out. However, he didn't give up.
Instead, he made a plan.
Suddenly, Jasper saw a turtle resting by the riverbank. He approached the turtle and
said, "dear friend, if you let me ride on your back, I can pluck fish from the water and share
them with you. We both get to enjoy the feast!"
The turtle agreed. Jasper jumped onto the turtle's back, and they ventured into the
water. Using his beak, Jasper skillfully plucked fish from the river, sharing them with the
The other animals, astonished by Jasper's intelligence, welcomed him to the feast.
The crow not only enjoyed a delicious meal but also made new friends among the animals
of the riverbank.
7. Which of the characteristics match for the characters?
Sifat manakah yang sesuai tokoh?
Crow Turtle
1 Smart = cerdas Kind = baik
2 Fair = adil Helpful = penolong
3 Humble = rendah Clever = pintar
4 Powerful= kuat Skillful = terampil
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 3 and 4

8. Which statements state the moral values of the text?

1 Cooperation can lead to mutual benefit.

2 True friends involve a willingness to sacrifice for each other.
3 Intelligence and cleverness can overcome apparent limitations.
4 Loyalty and responsibility can bring people together in times of need.
A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 4
D. 3 and 4

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 5

Read the text carefully.
Rambo : Hi Suzan, I heard you've been selected in a student exchange program,
right? Good job, dear!
Suzan : Yes. Thank you, Uncle.
Rambo : I'm proud of you. It's not easy to pass the selection, but you've made it. I
hope you do well out there.
Suzan : Thank you, but I need to study harder from now on. I need to improve my
English skills. I wish I have enough time to practice.
Rambo : Don't worry. I am sure you'll get better along the way.
Suzan : Thanks. All I need is your support and prayers.
Rambo : Of course. I will always pray for your best. Good luck. By the way, where is
your dad?
Suzan : Oh, he’s at the back yard.
Rambo : Okay. I’ll see him.

9. What is the topic of the text?

Apa topik teks tersebut?
A. Supporting in someone’s program.
B. Congratulating on someone’s job.
C. Hoping for someone’s success. = mengharapkan kesuksesan seseorang
D. Praying for someone’s health.

10. Where does the dialog probably take place?

Di mana dialog berlangsung?
A. At the back yard. = Ayah Susan ada di sini
B. At the front yard. = di halaman depan, dialog anatar Rambo dan Suzan
C. On the phone.
D. On the way.

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 6

Read the text carefully.
I've paid my dues
Time after time
I've done my sentence
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I've made a few
I've had my share of sand
Kicked in my face
But I've come through

And we mean to go on and on and on and on

We are the champions, my friends

And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions
We are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the World
11. From the text, we can infer that the writer …
Dari teks, kita bisa simpulkan bahwa si penulis ...
A. never gives up to face the world. = pantang menyerah menghadapi dunia
B. doesn’t have a time to compete.
C. doesn’t do anything for his life.
D. never makes any mistakes.

12. The song is likely suitable for …

Lagu ini sesuai untuk ...
A. teenagers who quit their school.
B. families who are enjoying their good time.
C. students who have broken the school rules.
D. members of a team that motivate each other.= anggota tim yang saling memotivasi

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 7

Read the text carefully.

13. Which statements go with the text?

Pernyataan mana yang sesuai teks?
1 Customers are permitted to dispense fuel without an attendant monitor.
2 It is illegal to dispense gasoline without an attendant on duty.
3 Filling service will be served when there is no attendant.
4 An attendant monitor is needed although it is self-service.
A. 1 and 2.
B. 1 and 3.
C. 2 and 4.
D. 3 and 4.

14. Where can we probably find the text?

Di mana kita bisa menemukan teks tersebut?
A. At the railway station. = stasiun kereta api
B. At the gas station. = DI POM BENSIN
C. At the harbour. = pelabuhan
D. At the airport. = bandara

Read the text carefully.

15. From the text we know that …

Dari teks kita tahu bahwa (Cari yang sesuai teks)
A. The airport closure is caused by the bad weather.
B. The passengers should arrive at the airport at that day.
C. The airport will be closed for couple days due to the storm.
D. The travellers need to arrive at the airport to know the flight updates.

16. What should the travellers do to get further information?

Apa yang harus wisatawan lakukan untuk memperoleh info lebih lanjut?
A. Visit the airport website.
B. Arrive at the airport on time.
C. Get in touch with their airlines. = KEEP COMMUNICATING = tetap berkomunikasi
D. Get another airline at that airport.

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 8

Read the text carefully.
Product A

Product B

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 9

17. Which statements go with the text?
Pernyataan mana yang sesuai teks?

1 Both products have the same amount of serving size.

2 We find more calcium in product B than in product A.
3 Product B contains more Vitamin D than product A.
4 Those who are allergic with milk will not consume them. = orang yang alergi susu
tidak akan mengonsumsi kedua produk
A. 1 and 2.
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4

18. From the text we know that ….

Dari teks kita tahu bahwa (Cari yang sesuai teks)
A. Both products show us the expiration dates
B. Product A contains more cholesterol than product B
C. We find the information about the brand of the products
D. Those who need sugar free will prefer product B to product A = yang memilih bebas gula bisa
memilih produk B daripada produk A.

Read the text carefully.

How To Remove a Background in Photoshop

This is the simplest way to remove the background of your image in Photoshop. This
method is most suitable if you are not too fussy about getting clean edges on your subject.
Pick your photo. Open your image in the Layers panel and unlock the layer.
Click to remove. In the Properties panel, click Remove Background under Quick Actions.
Refine your edges. Use the Brush tool to clean up any small bits of background
that remain.
Replace your background. Drag and drop a new image onto the canvas and press Enter /
Return to finalize.
Move it to the back. In the Layers panel, drag the new image underneath the original one.
There you have it
19. What benefit will the readers get from reading the text?
Manfaat bagi pembaca adalah...
A. Teachers discover the only one way to edit their presentation.
B. Students will produce clean edited images using the methods. = Murid dapatmembuat hasil edit
yang bersih
C. You Tube creators may use the information to create a tutorial.
D. All photographers always apply the methods to edit their images.

20. From the information above, we should apply the Brush tool in order to ….
Kita terapkan alat yaitu Brush untuk ...
A. make the images spotless = membuat gambar tanpa noda, bersih
B. enhance the background
C. finalize the process
D. create a new image

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 10

Read the text carefully.
Product A

Product B

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 11

21. Which statements are in line with the text?
Pernyataan mana yang sesuai teks?
1 Both products are safe for infants and adults.
2 Product B can be used to cure earache of babies.= Produk B bisa untuk mngobati
sakit telinga pada bayi
3 Those who suffer from itchy may use product B to cure it.
4 Those who are disappointed with the product will get money back.= Yang kecewa,
bisa mendapat uang kembali

A. 1 and 2
B. 1 and 3
C. 2 and 3
D. 2 and 4
22. Who will get benefit from reading the texts above?
Siapa yang memperoleh manfaat dari membaca teks?
A. Babies who need further recommendation from parents.
B. Those whose symptoms persist for more than 48 hours.
C. Doctors who will give warranty to their patients.
D. Mothers whose children suffer from light earache.= Ibu yang anaknya sakit telingan ringan

Read the text carefully.

Once upon a time, in a little village settled deep in the forest, there lived a young
girl named Lily. Lily had the most vibrant, golden hair that glistened like the sun. She also
had sparkling eyes with curiosity and wonder. She was known throughout the village for her
kind heart and firm spirit.
One bright morning, as Lily was picking wildflowers in the meadow, she stumbled
upon a tiny, injured bird with colourful feathers. The bird was seriously injured. With a
gentle touch and a soothing lullaby, she nursed the bird back to health. In gratitude, the bird
revealed a magical secret to Lily. She brought Lily to a hidden place where the rarest and
most beautiful flowers grew.
Filled with excitement, Lily set off on an adventure into the depths of the forest.
Along the way, she met talking animals, naughty fairies, and wise old trees. They all offered
her guidance, protection, and small gifts as a token of their admiration for her pure heart.
Finally, Lily accepted their gifts to the villagers’ prosperity.
23. Which statements are the problems of the text?
Pernyataan mana yang merupakan masalah teks?

1 There was a hidden place full of wondering creatures.

2 There was a seriously wounded bird in the forest. = ada burung yang terluka
3 Lily had beautiful hair and bright eyes.
4 Lily met a beautiful hurt bird accidently.= Lily bertemu burung yang terluka

A. 1 and 2.
B. 1 and 3.
C. 2 and 3.
D. 2 and 4.

24. “…, the bird revealed a magical secret to Lily. (Paragraph 2)

The word ‘revealed’ is closest in meaning to ….
Kata memperlihatkan bersinonim dengan
A. experienced = mengalami
B. exposed =membuka, mengungkap
C. explore = menjelajah
D. exist = ada

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 12

25. Read the text carefully.
Sacred Monkey Forest

When you visit Ubud, the Sacred monkey Forest Sanctuary is a must-see. It is
about a 20-minutes’ walk from the town centre, so it is not hard to find. The forest is large.
It is around 12.5 hectares. I was enchanted to see many monkeys there.
The forest is not only a fun place to hang out with friends and family, but it is also an
educational experience. I found a ton of information about the park and its history when I
visited it last month.
As soon as you step into the Sacred Forest Sanctuary, you will be greeted by a
cacophony of monkeys in every direction. It means there are plenty of monkeys. They
leap from tree to tree, screech and chatter. This is their home.

How did the writer feel when visiting the forest?

Bagaimana perasaan si penulis ketika mengunjungi hutan?
A. Fatigued = lelah
B. Delighted. = gembira
C. Disgusted. = jijik
D. Exhausted. = lelah

TO_ASPD thp-1 Literasi Membaca 13

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