Functions of Finance
Functions of Finance
Functions of Finance
Financial Management is nothing but management of the limited financial resources the organization has, to its utmost advantage.Resources are always limited, compared to its demands or needs This is the case with every type of organisation. Proprietorship or limited company, be it public or private, profit oriented or even nonprofitable organisation.
Traditional Approach:The scope of finance function was treated, in the narrow sense of procurement or arrangement of funds. The finance manager was treated as just provider of funds, when organisation was in need of them. The utilisation or administering resources was considered outside the purview of the finance function. It was felt that the finance manager had no role to play in decision making for its utilisation. Others used to take decisions regarding its application in the organisation, without the involvement of finance personnel. Finance manager had been treated, in fact, as an outsider with a very specific and limited function, supplier of funds, to perform when the need of funds was felt by the organisation. As per this approach, the following aspects only were included in the scope of financial management: (i) Estimation of requirements of finance, (ii) Arrangement of funds from financial institutions, (iii) Arrangement of funds through financial instruments such as shares, debentures, bonds and loans, and (iv) Looking after the accounting and legal work connected with the raising of funds.
The traditional approach was evolved during the 1920s and 1930s period and continued till 1950. The approach had been discarded due to the following limitations: (i) No Involvement in Application of Funds: The finance manager had not been involved in decision-making in allocation of funds. He had been treated as an outsider. He had been ignored in internal decision making process and considered as an outsider.
(ii) No Involvement in day to day Management: The focus was on providing long-term funds from a combination of sources. This process was more of one time happening. The finance manager was not involved in day to day administration of working capital management. Smooth functioning depends on working capital management, where the finance manager was not involved and allowed to play any role. (iii) Not Associated in Decision-Making Allocation of Funds: The issue of allocation of funds was kept outside his functioning. He had not been involved in decision- making for its judicious utilisation. Raising finance was an infrequent event. Its natural implication was that the issues involved in working capital management were not in the purview of the finance function. In a nutshell, during the traditional phase, the finance manager was called upon, in particular, when his speciality was required to locate new sources of funds and as and when the requirement of funds was felt. The following issues, as pointed by Solomon, were ignored in the scope of financial management, under this approach: (A) Should an enterprise commit capital funds to a certain purpose? (B) Do the expected performance? returns meet financial standards of
(C) How does the cost vary with the mixture of financing methods used? The traditional approach has outlived its utility in the changed business situation. The scope of finance function has undergone a sea change with the emergence of different capital instruments.
Modern Approach
Since 1950s, the approach and utility of financial management has started changing in a revolutionary manner. Financial management is considered as vital and an integral part of overall management. The
emphasis of Financial Management has been shifted from raising of funds to the effective and judicious utilisation of funds. The modern approach is analytical way of looking into the financial problems of the firm. Advice of finance manager is required at every moment, whenever any decision with involvement of funds is taken. Hardly, there is an activity that does not involve funds. In the words of Solomon The central issue of financial policy is the use of funds. It is helpful in achieving the broad financial goals which an enterprise sets for itself. Nowadays, the finance manger is required to look into the financial implications of every decision to be taken by the firm. His Involvement of finance manager has been before taking the decision, during its review and, finally, when the final outcome is judged. In other words, his association has been continuous in every decision-making process from the inception till its end.
the firm should rely more on the permanent capital like share capital to avoid interest burden on the borrowing component. 2. Proper Utilisation of Funds: Raising funds is important, more than that is its proper utilisation. If proper utilisation of funds were not made, there would be no revenue generation. Benefits should always exceed cost of funds so that the organisation can be profitable. Beneficial projects only are to be undertaken. So, it is all the more necessary that careful planning and cost-benefit analysis should be made before the actual commencement of projects. 3. Increasing Profitability: Profitability is necessary for every organisation. The planning and control functions of finance aim at increasing profitability of the firm. To achieve profitability, the cost of funds should be low. Idle funds do not yield any return, but incur cost. So, the organisation should avoid idle funds. Finance function also requires matching of cost and returns of funds. If funds are used efficiently, profitability gets a boost. 4. Maximising Firms Value: The ultimate aim of finance function is maximising the value of the firm, which is reflected in wealth maximisation of shareholders. The market value of the equity shares is an indicator of the wealth maximisation.
Finance function is the most important function of a business. Finance is, closely, connected with production, marketing and other activities. In the absence of finance, all these activities come to a halt. In fact, only with finance, a business activity can be commenced, continued and expanded. Finance exists everywhere, be it production, marketing, human resource development or undertaking research activity. Understanding the universality and importance of finance, finance manager is associated, in modern business, in all activities as no activity can exist without funds.
Financial Decisions or Finance Functions are closely interconnected. All decisions mostly involve finance. When a decision involves finance, it is a financial decision in a business firm. In all the following financial areas of decision-making, the role of finance manager is vital. We can classify the finance functions or financial decisions into four major groups: (A) Investment Decision or Long-term Asset mix decision (B) Finance Decision or Capital mix decision (C) Liquidity Decision or Short-term asset mix decision (D) Dividend Decision or Profit allocation decision
substantial loss. When a brand new car is sold, even after a day of its purchase, still, buyer treats the vehicle as a secondhand car. The transaction, invariably, results in heavy loss for a short period of owning. So, the finance manager has to evaluate profitability of every investment proposal, carefully, before funds are committed to them. Short-term Investment Decisions: The short-term investment decisions are, generally, referred as working capital management. The finance manger has to allocate among cash and cash equivalents, receivables and inventories. Though these current assets do not, directly, contribute to the earnings, their existence is necessary for proper, efficient and optimum utilisation of fixed assets.
capital is not repayable and does not have fixed commitment in the form of dividend. However, preference share capital has a fixed commitment, in the form of dividend and is redeemable, if they are redeemable preference shares. Barring a few exceptions, every firm tries to employ both borrowed funds and shareholders funds to finance its activities. The employment of these funds, in combination, is known as financial leverage. Financial leverage provides profitability, but carries risk. Without risk, there is no return. This is the case in every walk of life! When the return on capital employed (equity and borrowed funds) is greater than the rate of interest paid on the debt, shareholders return get magnified or increased. In period of inflation, this would be advantageous while it is a disadvantage or curse in times of recession.
Return on equity (ignoring tax) is 20%, which is at the expense of debt as they get 7% interest only. In the normal course, equity would get a return of 15%. But they are enjoying 20% due to financing by a combination of debt and equity.
The finance manager follows that combination of raising funds which is optimal mix of debt and equity. The optimal mix minimises the risk and maximises the wealth of shareholders.
Dividend: The term dividend relates to the portion of profit, which is distributed to shareholders of the company. It is a reward or compensation to them for their investment made in the firm. The dividend can be declared from the current profits or accumulated profits. Which course should be followed dividend or retention? Normally, companies distribute certain amount in the form of dividend, in a stable manner, to meet the expectations of shareholders and balance is retained within the organisation for expansion. If dividend is not distributed, there would be great dissatisfaction to the shareholders. Non-declaration of dividend affects the market price of equity shares, severely. One significant element in the dividend decision is, therefore, the dividend payout ratio i.e. what proportion of dividend is to be paid to the shareholders. The dividend decision depends on the preference of the equity shareholders and investment opportunities, available within the firm. A higher rate of dividend, beyond the market expectations, increases the market price of shares. However, it leaves a small amount in the form of retained earnings for expansion. The business that reinvests less will tend to grow slower. The other alternative is to raise funds in the market for expansion. It is not a desirable decision to retain all the profits for expansion, without distributing any amount in the form of dividend. There is no readymade answer, how much is to be distributed and what portion is to be retained. Retention of profit is related to Reinvestment opportunities available to the firm. Alternative rate of return available to equity shareholders, if they investthemselves.