Investors Guide El Salvador 2023
Investors Guide El Salvador 2023
Investors Guide El Salvador 2023
Cost-effective location
The Financial Times’ investment journal fDi
Intelligence has classified us as the most
cost-effective location in the Americas. The
country has one of the lowest inflation rates in
Latin America.
Modern infrastructure
The Global Competitiveness Report p laces
El S alvador among the nations with the best
infrastructure in the region. In Central America, we
rank in the 1st place in road connectivity.
El Salvador
General information
GDP (billion USD): GDP per capita (USD): FDI stock: USD$ 10.6
$28.7 (2021) $4,542 (2021) billion (III trim. 2022).
53.3% 46.7%
are women are men
41.7% 58.3%
are women are men
Underemployment 37.6%
Unemployment 6.3%
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Investors certify that Salvadoran labor force is world-famous for its i ndustriousness,
efficiency, and work ethic. El Salvador’s labor force is composed of 2.9 million
people2, 54% of whom is 40 years or younger. Thus, it offers a highly p roductive
labor force capable of developing new skills in a short period of time. The c ountry’s
labor force is qualified as ideal for manufacturing, agro-industrial and service
activities. Furthermore, there is a growing population with higher education that
can face the challenges of a modern and globalized economy.
Roberto Kriete
President of the board of directors of
AEROMAN (Aeronautics sector)
2 Economically active population: Defined as the population over 16 years of age that is occupied
or seeking employment.
Logan McCune
People and Culture Manager
of Rulesware (ITO)
Some of the technical careers available linked to FDI growth sectors are:
Moderate Proficiency
Moderate Proficiency 519
Low Proficiency
Strategic Location
It takes a short flight (2-5 hours) from proximity to main maritime trade
El Salvador’s International Airport to routes. Likewise, in the context of
reach major cities in North and South international services, El Salvador is on
America. El Salvador’s International U.S. Central Standard Time (CST, GMT
Airport serves as the regional hub of -6). This makes El Salvador’s location
Avianca Airlines. Cargo transportation ideal for offshore business services.
also benefits by the country’s
Central America Republic
El Salvador Colombia
CACM: Central American FTP: Free Trade Agreement
Common Market PSA: Partial Scope Agreement
CACM: Central American FTP: Free Trade Agreement AA: Association Agreement
Common Market PSA: Partial Scope Agreement
3 Celaya Guanajuato
4 Reynosa Tamaulipas
5 Irapuato Guanajuato
7 Chihuahua Chihuahua
10 Saltillo Coahuila
Ecuador 0.6
Panama 0.9
Bolivia 1.8
El Salvador 2.3
Costa Rica 3.1
Peru 3.3
Guatemala 4.3
Colombia 4.5
Paraguay 4.6
Chile 4.8
Honduras 5.1
Mexico 5.1
Dominican R. 5.3
Brazil 5.7
Nicaragua 5.8
Uruguay 8.4
Note: Argentina and Venezuela are excluded for their high rates.
Canada South Korea
United States
Legal stability
Freedom to transfer Equal treatment to
for investments
funds abroad foreign investors
01 Procedure streamlining.
Equal treatment to all investors (foreign and local investors will have
the same rights and obligations. Discriminatory measures that hinder
02 the establishment, administration, use, extension, sale, and liquidation
of investments may not be used against them).
03 Freedom to invest.
Port of
Santo Tomás
de Castilla
A strong bet on
renewable energy
El Salvador is progressing to a broader El Salvador is among the top 10 leaders
diversification of the energy m atrix; in renewable energy generation in the
this is the result of i nternational region. As can be seen in the following
tenders for renewable energy supply. paragraph, around 76% of the total
As a result, new projects have generation has its origins in renewable
been developed as of natural gas, sources.
photovoltaic energy, and wind- based
Hydroelectric 8.6%
El Salvador is in the 3rd position out of 27 countries in Latin America and the
Caribbean and in the 2nd position in Central America regarding energy generation
of renewable origins.
Source: CID Gallup. Answer to the question: To what extent do you think bribery speeds up
procedures with government agencies? Percent of respondents.
and Services
Textile and
El Salvador is a country that extends of the best for surfing, together with
from a coastal plain to a volcanic the "Surf City" strategy have
upland in the interior, bordering the the country as a key place for world
North Pacific Ocean to the south and surfing. surfing. El Salvador has
southwest, with Guatemala to the friendly and warm people with high
north and northwest and Honduras service-vocation, ideal for tourism
to the north northeast. The amazing related operations.
waves recognized worldwide as one
Key facts
Investment opportunities
1. Hotels/Boutique hotels
2. Convention centers
3. Spas and wellness centers
4. City projects
5. Theme parks and restaurants
In El Salvador, the Bitcoin Law e
ntered operations in the country related
into force in September 2021. This to Bitcoin and other sectors such
positions us as the first country in the as: tourism, real estate,
world to adopt the bitcoin as legal mining and energy, positioning El
tender. This has generated interest Salvador at the forefront of financial
from foreign investors to establish technology.
Key facts
Country in the world to adopt the bitcoin as legal tender to promote
1st financial inclusion and investment
Investment opportunities
1. Digital Wallets
2. Exchange Bureau
3. Bitcoin Custody
4. Bitcoin service providers
5. Bitcoin City
Key facts
Investment opportunities
1. Contact centers: product sales, order taking, cross sales & up sales, customer
relationship management, technical support, customer service, customer
prospecting, technical support/warranty, customer acquisition and retention,
inbound and outbound calling, appointment scheduling.
2. Business Processing Services: Data capturing, General ledger a
ccounting, Order
processing, Bank reconciliations, Transaction processing, Fixed asset a
Data reporting, Marketing surveys & research, Inventory accounting, Payroll
3. Information Technology Services: web development, mobile development, UX/
UI design, DevOps, quality assurance.
Key facts
+40 startups
Investment opportunities
1. Incubators
2. Accelerators
3. Investment funds
4. Innovative business ideas
Key facts
Investment opportunities
1. Logistics center for supplying extra-regional, intra-regional and domestic trade.
2. Product distribution service.
3. Package consolidation service with a variety of products.
4. Manage cargo from diverse origins: regional (imports and exports), transshipment,
transit and cargo generated by offshore manufacturing and logistics operators.
Key facts
Investment Opportunities
1. Power supply generation for the spot market where the nontraditional renewable
energy sources (solar and wind) have supply priority.
2. Bilateral contracts directly agreed between generator and distributor.
3. Distributed generation projects for industrial use.
Emilio Márquez
Investment specialist - Light Manufacturing and Medical Devices
Mobile: +503 7071-7029
Email: [email protected]
Andrea Pérez
Investment specialist - Textile and apparel
Mobile: +503 7069-5450
Email: [email protected]
Light manufacturing
El Salvador has a mature plastics and pportunities for companies in the
textile and apparel industries, with auto parts and electronic components
installed capacity to offer o
utsourcing sectors that want to establish
to international companies. In the metal manufacturing plants to export their
mechanics sector, there are computer products to the United States, Canada,
numerical control
w orkshops, Mexico, Central America and the
of sourcing precision Caribbean.
parts. El Salvador offers investment
Key facts
Production efficiency rates higher than 90% in the Light Manufacturing sector
Investment Opportunities
1. Auto parts: automotive harnesses, car seats, vehicle security systems (airbags,
seat belts) and automotive sensors.
2. Electronic components: tantalum and ceramic capacitors, transistors,
resistors, etc.
3. Manufacturing, assemblage, and refurbishment.
Medical Devices
International medical devices located at Don Bosco University,
manufacturers will find in El Salvador with more than 20 years’ experience
a strategic partner that provides an teaching biomedical engineering, as
export platform to North America, well as major and technical education
Central America, and the C aribbean. in prostheses and orthosis. During the
Furthermore, El Salvador has the pandemic, the industry expanded to
first training center in Latin America unusual levels as a result of increased
certified by the International Society manufacturing of personal protection
for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO) equipment.
Investment Opportunities
1. Medical – hospital supplies: disposable laboratory and diagnostic equipment,
hospital lingerie and reusable and disposable clothing, wound treatment supplies.
2. Orthopedic Products: Prosthesis, Orthosis, Internal fixing devices.
3. Hospital furniture.
4. Health and hygiene products: Wipes, surgical covers, blankets, masks, hats,
hospital bed products, surgical hosiery, surgical gloves, sports medicine products,
compression garments, exchanges.
5. Surgical sutures.
6. Mastectomy and prostheses bras and swimsuits.
7. Lactation accessories.
8. Stoma/ostomy and urology care, such as: ostomy bags and ostomy accessories
9. Consumables and accessories: dialysis bags, drainage systems and bags.
10. Cables, connectors, harnesses, sensors for medical devices.
11. Packaging supplies (plastic containers, boxes, bags, film) to supply the region.
Key facts
Investment Opportunities
1. Yarns and fabrics manufacturing (Natural and synthetic).
2. Knitted garments with accessories and embellishments (embroidery, screen
printing, heat transfers, etc.), athletic wear, sportswear, performance wear and
swimwear manufacturing.
3. Garments manufacturing included in the “Cut and Assemble” Rule of Origin
category: bras, girl dresses, boxer shorts, sleepwear, luggage, among others.
Key facts
Investment Opportunities
1. Establish a pharmaceutical laboratory for the manufacturing of generics, v accines,
medicines for chronic diseases, multivitamins, psychotropics, among others.
2. Services in pharmacovigilance, review of protocols, registration process, label
modifications, advertising, web services among others.
3. Exclusive logistics hub for the pharmaceutical industry for Central America and
the Caribbean.
4. Contract manufacturing.
5. Industry suppliers for the region.
Key facts
USD 1.38 B Exports of the agroindustry, food and beverages sector (2022)
Investment Opportunities
1. Ornamental plants: El Salvador has the right ecological and climate conditions
for year- round harvest, meeting the supply-demand needs. There are opportunity
niches of rooted cuttings to be produced at destination and high-value tropical
2. Aquaculture: El Salvador enjoys biodiversity and stock of marine species,
availability of industrial and artisan fishing fleet, appropriate climate for aquaculture
and other advantages that offer opportunities for the extraction and processing
of non-traditional fishery products and of large pelagic, as well as continental and
marine aquaculture.
3. Crops: The main advantage of the country are the microclimates to produce
crops all year round. Likewise, it has the capacity to develop organic crops.
8 Workplace Registration
3 If your company is located in San Salvador or Santa Ana, this step can be done online www. Otherwise, it will have to be done at the corresponding Mayor’s Office.
Note: El Salvador’s legal framework provides generous tax incentives, including full exemption
from income tax, municipal taxes, taxes on transfers of real-estate property, as well as customs
duties and taxes on the import of machinery, equipment, raw materials and other articles used in
the production of goods and services. For more information about tax incentives, see section III of
this guide, “Legal Framework and Incentives”.
A 30% tax rate is applied over taxable Branches of foreign companies are
income. For legal entities with a subject to the same tax rates as
taxable income less than or equal to Salvadoran companies.
USD 150,000.00, a reduced tax rate of
25% is applied.
Municipal taxes:
Taxes are paid according to a table
established by each municipality
based on the company’s total assets.
For example, in San Salvador rates are
determined by the company´s activity
(industrial, commercial, or other).
Eligible activities5:
1. The production, assembly or maquila, manufacture, processing, t ransformation,
or commercialization of industrial goods included in Chapter 3 and Chapters 25
onwards of the Harmonized System.
2. Fishing of maritime species to undergo industrial transformation, including
preparation, canning, derivatives, or sub products, as well as their respective
processing and commercialization.
3. Cultivation, processing, and commercialization of flora species grown in
protected structures in greenhouses and laboratories.
4. Breeding and commercialization of amphibian and reptile species in
5. Dehydration of ethyl alcohol.
6. The production, assembly or maquila, manufacturing, processing, t ransformation,
or commercialization of compensating products that use alcohols as raw material
or input6.
San Salvador
For the following For the following
Metropolitan 60%
10 years 5 years
Area (SSMA)
Shareholders also benefit with full exemption from income tax on the distribution
of profits and dividends – originating from the incentivized activity – during the
first 12 years.
San Salvador
For the following 10 For the following 5
Metropolitan 90%
years years
Area (SSMA)
7 The increase in investment must be done in the purchase of land, in the construction of buildings
and in the purchase of machinery and equipment linked to the incentivized activity. In addition,
holders of companies dedicated to the manufacture of microprocessors; integrated circuits; parts
of terrestrial, aerial, and maritime vehicles; parts of computer equipment and medical devices;
equipment for generation, to be installed in a Free Zone, shall be entitled to an additional period
of five years of total exemption from payment of municipal and income taxes. Also, the owners
whose industrial activity has been declared as strategic and are authorized to operate under the
free zone regime, shall be entitled to an additional period of ten years to the total exemption from
payment of municipal and income taxes.
Eligible activities9:
Activities to Operate only Activities to Operate in Service Activities to Operate
within Service Parks Parks or as Service Centers in Ports or Airports
International distribution: International call centers or Maintenance and repair of
storage, gathering, consolidation contact centers airplanes
and de-consolidation of third
parties’ merchandise with the
purpose of being exported or
International logistics Business processing outsourcing Maintenance and repair of
operation: Planning, control and (BPO) maritime vessels
handling of inventories, selec-
tion, packing, crating, dividing,
classification, ticketing, labeling,
signaling, invoicing, inspection
of cargo and others
Research and development Information technologies: design Maintenance and repair of
and development of software, containers
systems, and IT applications
International financial services Medical and Specialized services to aircrafts
Financial institutions manage- hospital services Services provided to passenger
ment process outsourcing or cargo airplanes to s upply
nonalcoholic beverages,
prepared meals, consumable
and disposable products
inventory administration; orga-
nization, laundry, and cleaning
of reusable items in aircrafts10.
Technological equipment repair Elderly and convalescent care
Telemedicine: post-checkup medical
advice and specialized consultation,
laboratory tests, pathological and
image-based studies, clinical history
management and treatment support
Cinematography: Post-production
services carried out on recorded ma-
terial, that may include subtitling and
translation, among other services.
1. Full exemption (during the first 10 years) from customs duties on imports
of machinery, equipment, materials, and supplies intended exclusively for
pre-investment and investment activities in the construction of the electrical
power generation centrals11.
2. Full exemption from income tax for a five-year period, for projects greater than
10 (MW), and ten years for projects equal or under 10 megawatts (MW)12.
3. Total exemption from taxes on revenues originated from the sale of Certified
Emissions Reductions (CER) in the framework of the Clean Development
Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol or similar carbon markets.
Geothermal plants may deduct from income tax (for up to 10 years), all e
xpenses or
costs on associated with the reinjection process of the total geothermic resource13.
8 Companies that provide services can also operate inside any Free Zone; it will be considered as if
they were operating in a Service Park.
9 The following incentivized activities can allot part of their services to the national market:
international distribution (50%), international logistics operations (50%), international call center
(40%), information technologies (30%), research and development (30%), international financial
services (40%).
10 The operations related to Maintenance and Repair of Containers and Specialized services to
Aircrafts can be located within a 6.21 miles radius from ports or airports.
11 It includes the construction or expansion of the substation, transmission, sub-transmission lines
required to transport energy from the plant to the transmission and/or distribution grids.
12 In both cases - with the start of operations of the renewable energy project, corresponding to
the fiscal year in which revenues are obtained.
13 The deduction may not be greater than 20% of the previous year’s gross income and will be
carried out via annual quotas that will not exceed 25% of the income obtained in each fiscal year
up to its total amortization.
Eligible activities
1. Aeronautics 8. Health Services
2. Agroindustry 9. Offshore Business Services
3. Aquaculture 10. Tourism
4. Electronics 11. Telecommunications
5. Energy 12. Light Manufacturing
6. Strategic Infrastructure 13. Science and Technology14
7. Logistics
Once a Legal Stability Contract is signed, private investors shall benefit with the
following guarantees15.
To be eligible for these benefits, investors shall comply with the requisites stated
in this law, among which is the commitment to invest an amount on fixed a ssets
greater than or equal to four thousand two hundred and twenty times the industry
minimum wage (USD 365.00). This is equal to USD 1,540,300.00 in new investment
projects or the expansion of existing investments. Benefits are granted for a period
of up to 20 years depending on the amount of the investment16.
14 Other activities may be eligible if they comply with the requisites stated in this law and with the
technical analysis performed by specialized institutions.
15 Indirect taxes are excluded from the tax stability regime.
16 Investments of up to 21,100 times the industry minimum wage (USD 7,701,500) may benefit with
a legal stability contract for a period of 5 years; investments of up to 42,200 times the industry min-
imum wage (15,403,000) for 10 years; and investments above this amount for a period of 20 years.
El Salvador has free zones designed for companies engaged in the production
and export of goods or services. These industrial parks provide companies with
the necessary services to operate efficiently and offer attractive tax incentives to
investors. These industrial parks stand out for their strategic location and easy
access to competitive infrastructure: they are near the capital and other major
cities and close to world-class highways, airports, and ports.
Time-differentiated metering
Low voltage
*Note: Rates are effective from November 2022 to January 2023. In addition to
the energy charge, a fixed monthly commercialization charge (customer service
and variable distribution charges - power (US$/kW-month) apply.
The National Administration for Sewers and Aqueducts (ANDA, for its acronym
in Spanish) is the government entity in charge of water distribution and sewage
management services. The following table shows the current rate structure for
potable water supply in El Salvador and other related services. The following
information shows price brackets for m3, including aqueduct and sewerage:
El Salvador’s telecommunications market has multiple service providers offering
a variety of voice and data services, as well as value-added solutions that meet
the needs of their clients. The following table presents average costs of land and
mobile telephone lines. Corporate clients can get reduced preferential rates.
Industrial spaces
El Salvador offers investors industrial land Monthly rental costs
in free zones and service parks where Average Monthly Cost
companies can benefit from generous tax (In USD per squaremeter)
incentives and can access quality services
to operate and export their products and Industrial space $4.80 - $2.25
services to foreign markets.
Source: Free Trade Zone Administrators. Prices are negotiated with the free zone administrators
and vary depending on the location of the free zone, the areas required, the services offered,
among others.
Wages are determined freely, but cannot be lower than the minimum wage
established by the National Wage Council, revised at least every three years.
Note: Rates in force since August 1st,2021. For more information regarding fringe
benefits see next section: Labor Market | Regulations | Labor benefits.
18 Costs vary according to the operator and technical specifications of the service.
Labor benefits: We have competitive labor costs.
7.50% 8.33%
4.17% 8.75%
1.25% 1.00%
Employer Monthly
Obligations Percentage
Annual paid Vacations are paid once per year and correspond to 30% of a
15-day salary. 1.25%
The employer pays an amount equivalent to 7.5% of the base
Social Security salary. For the calculation of this contribution, a maximum of
(ISSS) USD 1,000.00 will be considered as base salary.
Compensation for voluntary resignation or Compensation for unjustified dismissal (only one
of the two will apply):
This compensation is due in the case of voluntary resignation
from the employee. The law does not obligate to maintain a
reserve to pay this compensation, but it does mandates it shall
be paid in the case of voluntary resignation of an employee
that has at least two continuous years of service for the same
Compensation employer. For managers, department heads and specialized
for voluntary workers, to have right to this compensation, it is an o
bligation 4.17%
resignation that such employees give the employer a 30-day written
notice. All other employees may give written notice 15 days
in advance. 15 days of salary will be paid for every year of
service. For effects of calculating the payment, no base salary
may be higher than two times the current minimum wage.
Day Night
Shift Shift
6:00 am and 7:00 pm 7:00 pm and 6:00 am
Maximum of 8 hours per day Maximum of 7 hours per day
44- hour workweek 39-hour workweek.
25 % surcharge (applied on the salary
of a similar work in day hours).
National holidays
El Salvador has the following statutory holidays with full salary benefits according
to the Labor Code of El Salvador:
•January 1st (New Year’s Day) •June 17th (Father’s Day)
•Thursday, Friday, and Saturday •August 6th (Festivities of San Salvador)*
of Holy Week •September 15th (Independence Day)
•May 1st (Labor Day) •November 2nd (All Saints Day)
•May 10th (Mother’s Day) •December 25th (Christmas Day)
* Note: Additionally, August 3rd and 5th are stablished as holiday in San Salvador.
In the rest of the national territory the main day of the local festivities is stablished
as holiday according to traditions.
Social security
El Salvador’s social security system contemplates the following:
Health and
Aging and
For one year or less of disability, a percentage of the worker’s salary is covered
by the social security, exceeding that period, the retirement fund provides a
percentage of the worker’s salary according to the disability degree.
Access to labor
The Government of El Salvador productive sectors, with the a bility
is c reating an employment office to identify and provide qualified
“El Salvador Emplea”, which aims personnel, thus contributing to cover
to become a strategic partner for the needs required both by companies
investors while linking the labor
seeking to establish in the country or
supply and demand of human capital. companies planning to expand their
This office will facilitate the access to operations in El Salvador.
suitable human capital for different
Foreign businesspersons
01 Persons who have the quality of president, members of the board of
directors, legal representative, shareholder of a commercial company;
Owner or general manager of a company that enters the country with
the purpose of carrying out activities of promotion or identification of
investment opportunities in the areas of, industry, commerce, tourism,
suppliers of goods or services or any lawful economic activity.
Foreign investors
02 Foreign person who has the quality of president, members of the
board of directors, legal representative, shareholder of a commercial
company legally established in Salvadoran territory; owners or general
managers of a company that has an active investment in the country in
accordance with the provisions of the Investment Law.
Commercial representatives
03 A foreign person who enters and temporarily remains as head of
management to supervise or train employees of a company legally
constituted in Salvadoran territory. Likewise, those who enter to attend
specialized matters, traveling agents, commercial delegates, technical
support, supervisor, and auditor exceptionally linked to the activities of
the company or companies based in El Salvador.
Foreign personnel who wish to work in El Salvador require work permits, along
with temporary residence in the country. The hiring of the professional s ervices
of a foreign worker requires prior authorization from the Ministry of L abor. This
authorization is for a period of one or two years, if the company hires and trains
an equal number of Salvadorans. The authorization may be extended for equal
Quality of life
El Salvador offers the right
combination services and connectivity; and it is
between quality of life and a ffordability. the 2nd country in the region with
It ranks 2nd in C entral America in the lowest cost of living, b
eing up to
living conditions measured in terms
25% cheaper than countries like Costa
of material resources, shelter, basic Rica.
a. Living Conditions Index b. Cost of living index
(Legatum Institute)
The most recent public security policies are focusing on the reduction of violent
crimes and the eradication of criminal groups on rural and urban sectors.
Early childhood, basic and secondary Most of the private institutions include
education are mandatory and free (at competitive English programs and
public centers) for all children under there’s a great offer of international
16 years. There are 458 public schools schools that adjust to the quality
and 322 private educational centers in of countries like the United States,
the Metropolitan Area of San Salvador England, Germany, or France, among
(AMSS by its acronym in Spanish) that others.
fully or partially covers these courses
on the regular education system.
19 Taken from: Asamblea Legislativa de la República de El Salvador, Título II: Sistema Educativo,
Niveles y Modalidades; Capítulo I: Sistema Educativo. En Decreto N°917: Ley General de Educación.
Name Department Municipality
Liceo Francés (Lycée Français
Antoine et Consuelo de La Libertad Santa Tecla 1,310
Academia Británica Cuscatleca
La Libertad Santa Tecla 1,181
(British School)
Escuela Americana
San Salvador San Salvador 1,136
(American School)
Colegio Salesiano Santa Cecilia La Libertad Santa Tecla 1,095
Escuela Alemana
La Libertad Antiguo Cuscatlán 939
(Deutsche Schule)
Colegio “Highlands” (Highlands
San Salvador San Salvador 805
International School)
Financial services
El Salvador has a solid and strong banking sector, in line with international standards.
El Salvador ranks 1st in the region in the assessment of the financial system of
the Global Competitiveness Index 4.0, which measures the depth, availability of
credit, insurance and other financial products, stability and other indicators of the
financial system.
Assessment of financial system
Source: Global Competitiveness Report, World Economic Forum, Switzerland, 2019
(fDi Benchmark 2022)
El Salvador
Costa Rica
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70
Solid companies with ample experience in the electrical industry perform
electricity distribution in El Salvador. The main distribution companies are:
1. AES Group, with four electricity 2. Distribuidora de Electricidad del
distribution firms, reaching the Sur (DELSUR), which supplies energy
central-northern area of El Salvador
to the central-southern part of the
(CAESS), the western area (CLESA), and country.
the eastern area (EEO and DEUSEM).
The following table shows the main telecommunications operators in the country.
América Móvil,
Landline, mobile phone, cable TV, internet (fixed and mobile)
Landline, mobile phone, cable TV, internet (fixed and mobile)
Landline, mobile phone, internet (mobile)
(El Salvador Landline, internet
The National Law of Road Transport, Traffic and Road Safety (article 74) and its
Regulation (articles 157, 161 and 163) summarize the requirements that foreigners
must meet to obtain the permit to drive in the Salvadoran territory depending on
the expected time of stay of the person.
1. Those whose stay is less than 90 consecutive days are allowed to drive
with an official driver’s license or permit from their country of origin.
Belize: Belize
Canada: Toronto, Montreal Nicaragua: Managua
United States: Atlanta, Dallas, Houston, Costa Rica: San José, Liberia
Fort Lauderdale, Los Angeles, Miami, Panama: Panama
New York, Newark, Ontario, San Francisco, Ecuador: Guayaquil, Quito
Washington, Boston, Orlando Peru: Lima
Mexico: Mexico, Cancun Colombia: Bogota, Medellin, Cali
Guatemala: Guatemala, Flores Spain: Madrid
Honduras: Tegucigalpa, San Pedro Sula, Palmerola Dominican Republic: Santo Domingo
The tourist visa allows the visitors to stay in the country for a maximum of 180
01 02 03 04
Investment promotion:
1. Investment tours, conferences, and workshops (Campaigns and
promotional events).
2. Meetings with investors presenting investment opportunities and
the business climate.
3. Preparation of customized information.
4. Planning, organization, preparation and management of site visit to
the country (Ad Hoc Business Agenda).
Investment facilitation:
1. Investor advice with sectoral investment specialist for the
establishment of the company.
2. Connecting with public, private, and academic actors to foster
3. Advice on issues of procedures and establishment permits
(preparation of roadmaps).
Contact us:
Vanesa Bandak
Investment Promotion Manager
[email protected]