Maaløe - Stillbirths and Quality of Care During Labour at T
Maaløe - Stillbirths and Quality of Care During Labour at T
Maaløe - Stillbirths and Quality of Care During Labour at T
Background: To study determinants of stillbirths as indicators of quality of care during labour in an East African
low resource referral hospital.
Methods: A criterion-based unmatched unblinded case-control study of singleton stillbirths with birthweight ≥2000 g
(n = 139), compared to controls with birthweight ≥2000 g and Apgar score ≥7 (n = 249).
Results: The overall facility-based stillbirth rate was 59 per 1000 total births, of which 25 % was not reported in
the hospital’s registers. The majority of singletons had birthweight ≥2000 g (n = 139; 79 %), and foetal heart rate
was present on admission in 72 (52 %) of these (intra-hospital stillbirths). Overall, poor quality of care during
labour was the prevailing determinant of 71 (99 %) intra-hospital stillbirths, and median time from last foetal
heart assessment till diagnosis of foetal death or delivery was 210 min. (interquartile range: 75–315 min.). Of
intra-hospital stillbirths, 26 (36 %) received oxytocin augmentation (23 % among controls; odds ratio (OR) 1.86,
95 % confidential interval (CI) 1.06–3.27); 15 (58 %) on doubtful indication where either labour progress was
normal or less dangerous interventions could have been effective, e.g. rupture of membranes. Substandard
management of prolonged labour frequently led to unnecessary caesarean sections. The caesarean section rate
among all stillbirths was 26 % (11 % among controls; OR 2.94, 95 % CI 1.68–5.14), and vacuum extraction was
hardly ever done. Of women experiencing stillbirth, 27 (19 %) had severe hypertensive disorders (4 % among
controls; OR 5.76, 95 % CI 2.70–12.31), but 18 (67 %) of these did not receive antihypertensives. An additional 33
(24 %) did not have blood pressure recorded during active labour. When compared to controls, stillbirths were
characterized by longer admissions during labour. However, substandard care was prevalent in both cases and
controls and caused potential risks for the entire population. Notably, women with foetal death on admission
were in the biggest danger of neglect.
Conclusions: Intrapartum management of women experiencing stillbirth was a simple yet strong indicator of
quality of care. Substandard care led to perinatal as well as maternal risks, which furthermore were related to
unnecessary complex, time consuming, and costly interventions. Improvement of obstetric care is warranted to
end preventable birth-related deaths and disabilities.
Trial registration: This is the baseline analysis of the PartoMa trial, which is registered on
(NCT02318420, 4th November 2014).
Keywords: Tanzania, Low resource, Stillbirths, Labour, Quality of care, PartoMa, Caesarean section, Severe
hypertensive disorders, Oxytocin, Criterion-based audit, Case-control study, Guidelines, Partograph
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Global Health Section, Department of Public Health, University of
Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5, Building 9, 1353 Copenhagen K,
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
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International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Maaløe et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) 16:351 Page 2 of 12
Fig. 1 Sampling of case files. Facility-based stillbirth rate was 59 per 1000 total births. Stillbirths: All late foetal deaths with birthweight ≥1000 g.
Pre-hospital stillbirths: No documented positive foetal heart rate on admission. Intra-hospital stillbirths: Documented positive foetal heart rate on
admission. *Groups compared by the case-control study
Maaløe et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) 16:351 Page 4 of 12
rate among controls (12/249 (5 %); OR 3.52, 95 % CI Foetal heart rate (FHR)
1.67–7.39; Table 3). In all intra-hospital stillbirths, FHR was reassuring on
Of women reaching active labour and admitted before admission. However, in 60/72 (83 %) >90 min. elapsed
second stage, significantly more in the pre-hospital still- between FHR assessments during active phase of labour,
birth group did not have a partograph filled in, when which was the case for 137/204 (67 %) controls (OR
compared to both intra-hospital stillbirths (OR 9.78, 2.45, 95 % CI 1.23–4.85; Fig. 2). Among 63 intra-hospital
95 % CI 2.56–37.42) and controls (OR 3.39, 95 % CI stillbirths, median time from last FHR recording till
1.52–7.56; Fig. 2). In all groups, 237/276 (86 %) women delivery or detected intrauterine foetal death was 3 h
with a partograph applied had the first cervical dilata- and 30 min. (IQR: 1 h and 15 min.–5 h and 15 min.),
tion appropriately plotted on the alert line (Table 3). compared to 2 h and 0 min. in 176 controls (IQR: 1 h
Maaløe et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) 16:351 Page 6 of 12
and 3 min.–3 h and 58 min.). For each one-hour in- which was a common complication among intra-hospital
crease in duration from last FHR assessment, the odds stillbirths when compared to controls (Table 5). After
of stillbirth increased 20 % (OR 1.20; 95 % CI 1.08– crossing the alert line, in 18/33 (55 %) and 9/51 (18 %),
1.34). In 58/72 (81 %) of the intra-hospital stillbirths, respectively, ≥3 h elapsed before next vaginal examination
there was no documentation of foetal distress or foetal (OR 5.60, 95 % CI 2.07–15.13). After crossing the action
death prior to delivery (Table 4). line, in 2/16 (13 %) intra-hospital stillbirths and 9/21
(43 %) controls, membranes were still intact, and in an
Labour progress additional 3/16 (19 %) and 5/21 (24 %), there was no infor-
The highest proportion of women admitted in the latent mation regarding membranes. Moreover, severe delays in
phase of labour with no cervical assessments recorded surveillance were found after crossing the action line.
during active labour occurred among pre-hospital still- Oxytocin for labour augmentation was administered in
births: 14/23 (61 %) compared to 24/68 (35 %) controls 26/72 (36 %) of intra-hospital stillbirths, compared to
(OR 2.85, 95 % CI 1.08–7.55; Table 5). 58/249 (23 %) controls (OR 1.86, 95 % CI 1.06–3.27).
In 27/69 (39 %) women experiencing intra-hospital However, in 8/26 (31 %) of those, there was no indication
stillbirth, ≥5 h elapsed between any two vaginal exami- for augmentation, and in an additional 7/26 (27 %) the infu-
nations during active labour, compared to 40/207 (19 %) sion was started between the alert and action line with the
controls (OR 2.68, 95 % CI 1.48–4.86; Fig. 2). This re- membranes still intact. Likewise, 34/58 (59 %) controls had
sulted in delays in diagnosing poor labour progress, the infusion started before crossing the alert line (Fig. 3). In
Maaløe et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) 16:351 Page 7 of 12
Fig. 2 Proportion of labouring women reaching each of six criteria for minimal acceptable routine surveillance during labour. Significant
differences were found in FHR (OR 0.41, 95 % CI 0.21–0.81), cervical dilatation (OR 0.37, 95 % CI 0.21–0.68), and contractions (OR 0.26, 95 % CI
0.14–0.47). Intra-hospital stillbirths: documented positive FHR on admission, birthweight ≥2000 g. Controls: Apgar score ≥7, birthweight ≥2000 g.
* Of all women at the hospital during active first stage of labour (n = 69 and n = 207, respectively). ** Of women with at least one FHR reading
(n = 72 and n = 204, respectively). *** Of women reaching active phase of labour (n = 70 and n = 235, respectively). **** Of all women in the study
(n = 72 and n = 249, respectively). FHR, foetal heart rate; BP, blood pressure; Temp, temperature
Maaløe et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) 16:351 Page 8 of 12
Table 4 Intrapartum surveillance of the foetus severe pre-eclampsia cases, 4/13 (31 %) had no documen-
Case-control study tation of having received magnesium sulphate.
BW ≥2000 g In 43/139 (31 %) stillbirths and 104/249 (42 %) con-
Cases Controls trols, there was no maternal temperature recording from
Intra-hosp. Apgar 7–10 admission till delivery (OR 0.63, 95 % CI 0.40–0.97;
Fig. 2). Intrapartum fever or infection were rare diagno-
N (%)
ses with five stillbirths related to infection and none
Of women with at least one FHR reading: (n = 72) (n = 204)
among controls.
FHR in normal range on admission 72 (100.0 %) 202 (99.0 %)
(110–160 beats per min.)
Foetal distress detected prior to delivery 15 (20.8 %) 0 (0.0 %) The overall facility-based stillbirth rate was 59 per
<90 min. between any 2 recordings 12 (16.7 %) 67 (32.8 %) 1000 total births. Approximately 80 % of the singleton
of FHRa
stillbirths had a birthweight ≥2000 g. In half of these,
Median time from last FHR till delivery 210 120 the FHR was still present after admission to hospital.
or detected IUFD (min.)b,c
In all groups, major challenges were identified in intrapar-
BW birthweight, CI confidence interval, FHR foetal heart rate, min. minutes, OR
odds ratio
tum surveillance, timely decision-making, and documenta-
Difference between intra-hospital stillbirths and controls: OR 0.41, 95 % tion. This resulted in stillbirths as well as unacceptable
CI 0.21–0.81 maternal and neonatal risks for all women and babies. The
It was possible to calculate average time from last FHR till delivery in 63
(86 %) cases and 176 (86 %) controls. The interquartile ranges were 75–315 min. findings are largely in line with the limited number of other
and 63–238 min., respectively
stillbirth studies from sub-Saharan Africa [3, 11, 13, 14].
For each one-hour increase in duration from last FHR assessment, the odds of
stillbirth increased 20 % (OR 1.20; 95 % CI 1.08–1.34)
Our study provides a more in-depth assessment of intrapar-
tum care, which may contribute to effectively target inter-
ventions to reduce risks through improved quality of care
0.65, 95 % CI 0.40–1.04; Fig. 2). Overall, 13/27 (48 %) of (Table 6).
all stillbirth cases with severe hypertension had significant
proteinuria (≥2+ on urine dipstick). However, urine ana- Causes of stillbirths
lysis was not recorded in an additional 6/27 (22 %) cases, As suggested in other studies, the high number of intra-
and information about clinical symptoms were too sparse hospital stillbirths appeared primarily to be a sensitive
to analyse for signs of organ failure. In 18 (67 %) of all 27 indicator of substandard quality of care [3, 32, 33]. For
stillbirth cases with severe hypertension, there were no re- instance, primigravid women suffered an increased risk
cordings of relevant antihypertensive treatment. Of the of intra-hospital stillbirths, which may be associated with
Table 6 Seven target areas for improving intrapartum quality of Maternal risks
care at the study site Substandard quality of risk assessment on admission as well
1. Strengthened risk assessment on admission, with particular focus on foetal as poor intrapartum surveillance and decision-making were
heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and previous obstetric history. associated with profound maternal risks and appeared to be
2. Improved routine surveillance during latent and active phase of labour, major determinants of the death of three women
regarding all key parameters (foetal heart rate, dilatation of cervix and (Additional file 2). Women with foetal death on ad-
descent, contractions, maternal vital signs, and urinary output). mission were the most neglected. While they were in
3. Increased prioritization of women with already diagnosed intrauterine particular high intrapartum risk due to the often
foetal death for routine assessments during labour.
underlying morbidity and further at increased postpartum
4. Timely prevention and management of prolonged labour, with focus risk of e.g. obstetric fistula, labour progress and vital signs
on alternative and less harmful interventions than oxytocin infusion
for labour augmentation (e.g. artificial rupture of membranes and were often undocumented throughout active labour
emptying of bladder), and more restrictive dosages and improved [40, 41].
surveillance when oxytocin is administered. CS is generally not indicated when there is foetal death
5. Reduction of caesarean sections after intrauterine foetal death, by [42]. However, a high proportion of CSs were done on
improved management of prolonged labour, and enforcement of doubtful indications, and many were related to insufficient
vacuum extraction and craniotomy use.
management of prolonged labour. Thus, 26 % CSs among
6. Improved management of severe hypertensive disorders, with
particular focus on antihypertensive treatment.
stillbirths is unacceptably high; in particular as the vast
majority had either foetal death diagnosed or did not have
7. Better intrapartum documentation as well as record keeping.
FHR recorded prior to surgery. Except for an even higher
Maaløe et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) 16:351 Page 10 of 12
rate found at three hospitals in Mozambique [11], this is based guidelines, it would be premature to conclude inef-
markedly higher than other studies from low- and middle- fectiveness of the WHO partograph. However, for the par-
income countries [33]. A high proportion of CSs were tograph to assist in surveillance and management, it must
done in the second stage of labour without an attempt of be coupled to a locally achievable and relevant labour
operative or destructive vaginal delivery. While short- and management protocol. Although often not prioritised in
long-term maternal risks of suboptimally treated pro- evaluations of partograph use, this has previously proven
longed labour and unnecessary CSs are widely established effective [14, 18]. For instance, when considering the low
[34, 43, 44], lack of transparency as to when to perform resources at the study site, it seems unrealistic to assure
CS is found in other African studies too [11, 45, 46]. close monitoring and titration of oxytocin augmentation if
Six women suffered from uterine rupture. When con- more than a few women are treated simultaneously [53].
sidering the low level of surveillance in 14 % of stillbirth This study identified 25 % underreporting of stillbirths
cases with one or more previous CSs, and the misuse of in the official hospital registers, and even though a sys-
oxytocin, many more appeared at risk of rupture. Fur- tematical surge was conducted through all piles of case
thermore, while foetal bradycardia is an early sign of files, a considerable number of files remained missing
impending rupture [47], substandard FHR assessments (Fig. 1). Initially, it was the intention also to include early
made it less useful in timely detection. neonatal deaths in the study. However, data collection
Of the 19 % with severe hypertensive disorders experi- revealed frequent default record keeping between the
encing stillbirth, more than half had severe pre-eclampsia obstetric and neonatal units as well as substantial under-
or eclampsia. A Nigerian study found a similar prevalence reporting of very early neonatal deaths in all registers,
and comparable insufficient antenatal and intrapartum which resulted in reluctance to include them. Further-
surveillance and treatment of these dangerous conditions more, missing documentation in medical records – or
[48]. Recent data from well-resource settings emphasize “blanks” – was a frequent finding, which is likely to have
suboptimally treated severe hypertension as an important affected patient care and labour outcomes. Incomplete
contributor to maternal mortality [38]; in our study, 67 % health information systems are notoriously linked with
of women with severe hypertension did not receive any poor health outcomes [3, 54]. It is warranted that the
antihypertensive treatment. underlying factors for these “blanks” in medical record-
ing are evaluated, and that quality of documentation and
Clinical implications record keeping as well as use of the data are improved.
At this East African referral hospital, facility births were
frequently not accompanied by skilled intrapartum at- Strengths and limitations
tendance. While widespread insufficiency in quality of The present pragmatic study was found suitable as a
routine and emergency labour care may partly be caused structured, simple, and low-cost method to identify
by massive structural constraints, suboptimal care often central challenges in intrapartum care at this real-world set-
resulted in more risk associated, complicated, and re- ting with limited information available. Classification in
source draining interventions. Some of the revealed defi- pre- and intra-hospital stillbirths was a useful, more achiev-
ciencies may be addressed even without high costs in able, and simple alternative to ‘fresh’ versus ‘macerated’
manpower and other resources, and the main risks and stillbirths, which, as in a study from Ghana, was found
determinants are crucial in effectively designing low cost unreliable [55]. Moreover, intra-hospital stillbirths may
interventions (Table 6). be seen as an even stronger indicator of intra-hospital
For many years, effectiveness of using the WHO quality of care than ‘fresh’ stillbirths. However, in 30 %
partograph has been questioned [49, 50]. Yet, when of pre-hospital stillbirths there was no FHR documen-
analysing quality of intrapartum care at low resource tation on or after admission, which may potentially hide
facilities, partograph use for timely surveillance and an even higher proportion of intra-hospital stillbirths.
decision-making appears central in ending preventable Selected audit criteria were unambiguously applicable.
complications [11, 14, 18, 35]. In 86 % of all cases where Yet, though intensive efforts were made for adapting
the partograph was applied, first cervical dilatation in ac- international evidence-based guidelines to reach local
tive phase of labour was plotted correctly on the alert line, reality, some criteria, such as <90 min. between FHR
and knowledge on accurate recording did not appear to recordings, might be too optimistic as a sensitive audit
be a major challenge. However, similar to other studies, standard for detecting quality improvements at this setting.
WHO’s recommendations for frequency of recordings A central limitation to the study is that a criterion-
were not followed and also did not seem achievable with based audit does not allow exploration of underlying de-
the resources available [35, 51, 52]. In the present study, terminants of substandard care, such as structural needs
even though the majority of intrapartum decision-making for supplies, space, and knowledge/skills among staff.
did not seem influenced by partograph use or evidence- Another limitation is the varying quality of data, which
Maaløe et al. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (2016) 16:351 Page 11 of 12
might bias results; there may be a tendency of staff to in criticaly revising the paper draft. All authors have approved to the final
forget reporting given care or to under-report mismanage- version to be published and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the
work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any
ment. Participant observations during the study period part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
also identified the issues presented in the current paper,
and qualitative analysis opened up to a complex tangle of Competing interests
both structural and process related underlying challenges The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
influencing health providers’ ability to deliver acceptable Jos van Roosmalen is a Section Editor for BMC Infectious Diseases. Tarek
Meguid is an Associate Editor for BMC Infectious Diseases.
quality of care.
Consent for publication
Conclusion Not applicable.
Stillbirths are both a devastating burden of avoidable lost
lives in itself and a strong and easy to assess indicator of Ethics approval and consent to participate
quality of antenatal and intrapartum care. Substandard Ethical approval was obtained from the Zanzibar Medical and Research
Ethical Committee (ZAMREC/0001/JUNE/014) and Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, and
care led to substantial maternal and perinatal risks, which
the PartoMa project is registered with (NCT02318420, 4th
furthermore were related to resource draining interventions November 2014). In this baseline study of case files, all patient identities
that were not always necessary. Furthermore, 25 % underre- were anonymized and assigned a research number. Individually obtained
informed consent was therefore not required.
porting of stillbirths in hospital registers indicates a poor
health information system. These findings are largely in line Author details
with other reports from sub-Saharan Africa, and improve- Global Health Section, Department of Public Health, University of
Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5, Building 9, 1353 Copenhagen K,
ment of intra-hospital obstetric knowledge, care, and docu-
Denmark. 2Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, Zanzibar, Tanzania. 3Julius Center for
mentation is central to end preventable birth-related deaths Health Sciences and Primary Care, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht,
and disabilities. Considering referral hospitals’ major The Netherlands. 4School of Health & Medical Sciences, State University of
Zanzibar, P.O.Box:146, Zanzibar, Tanzania. 5Department of Obstetrics,
teaching tasks for future health providers, it is war-
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Blegdamsvej 9, 2100
ranted to address the tertiary level in order to achieve Copenhagen Ø, Denmark. 6Athena Institute, VU University of Amsterdam, De
quality improvement of the entire health care sector. Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
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