Basic Concepts-ETABS
Basic Concepts-ETABS
Basic Concepts-ETABS
Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 2
Basic Design Steps ..................................................................................................................... 2
ETABS, SAP2000 & SAFE ....................................................................................................... 3
Objects & Elements ................................................................................................................... 3
Coordinate Systems ................................................................................................................... 5
The Graphical User Interface (GUI) .......................................................................................... 7
Model Initialization .................................................................................................................... 9
Quick Templates .......................................................................................................... 10
Saving Models ......................................................................................................................... 11
The Right Mouse Button .......................................................................................................... 12
Labels and Unique Names ....................................................................................................... 13
Material Definition................................................................................................................... 14
Section Definition .................................................................................................................... 16
Load Patterns ........................................................................................................................... 21
SEISMIC ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................. 23
Lateral Force Method ................................................................................................... 27
Modal Response Spectrum Analysis ........................................................................... 30
Load Combinations .................................................................................................................. 33
P-Delta Effects ......................................................................................................................... 39
Stiffness Modifiers ................................................................................................................... 41
Real structures cannot be analyzed; they can only be “Load Tested” to determine response.
We can only analyze a “Model” of the real structure. To be able to do that, we need tools
to “Model the Structure” and to “Analyze the Model”.
Computer programs like ETABS, SAP2000, SAFE, GEOSLOPE, PLAXIS …etc. are tools
that help us to do these. They use the Finite Element Method (FEM) to analyze the model
you created in their interface.
Finite Element Method (FEM): is a numerical procedure for solving (partial) differential
equations associated with field problems, with an accuracy acceptable to engineers. The
differential equations are converted into a set of simultaneous equations.
In FEM, a body is idealized as an assembly of smaller pieces known as, Finite Elements,
with specified nodes. The infinite number of unknowns (Degrees of Freedom or DOF) of
the body is replaced by a finite number of unknowns (DOF) at the nodes.
Finite Element Analysis (FEA): is a discretized solution to a continuum problem using
FEM. Remember that FEA is an application of the Matrix Stiffness (Displacement) Method
at each node of the element. For example, for Linear-Static analysis, the equilibrium
equation is;
{F} = [K]{U} or
{U} = [K] {F}
{F} = Load vector
[K] = Stiffness Matrix {U} = Displacement vector (Δ&θ)
For 1D elements, the element matrix is exact & the solution is also exact (results are exact).
For 2D and 3D elements, the element matrix is approximate and exact solution cannot be
achieved. The more elements you use (fine mesh), the higher accuracy you achieve.
In the ETABS, the following object/element types are available:
1) Point objects
2) Line objects
3) Area objects
4) Solid objects (only SAP2000)
Each object type & which structural member/object they are used to model are discussed below.
Coordinate Systems
Coordinate systems are used to locate different parts of the structural model and to define the
directions of loads, displacements, internal forces, and stresses.
All coordinate systems in the model are defined with respect to a single global coordinate
system (GCS). Each object in the model has its own local coordinate system (LCS). In addition,
you may create alternate coordinate systems that are used to define locations and directions.
1) Global Coordinate System (GCS)
The properties of the Global Coordinate System (GCS) are listed below.
The GCS is a three-dimensional, right-handed, rectangular coordinate system.
All other coordinate systems in the model are defined with respect to the GCS.
ETABS always assumes that Z is the vertical axis, with +Z being upward.
Local coordinate systems are defined with respect to this upward direction.
Self-weight loading always acts downward, in the –Z direction.
The downward (–Z) direction is often called GRAVITY direction for load application.
The XY plane is horizontal.
The primary horizontal direction is in the +X direction.
Angles in the horizontal plane are measured from the positive half of the X axis, with
positive angles appearing counterclockwise when you are looking down at the XY plane.
2) Local Coordinate Systems (LCS)
Each object/element in the structural model has its own local coordinate system for defining
properties, loads, and for interpreting output for that object.
The axes of the local coordinate systems are denoted 1, 2, and 3. They are color coded and the
default colors are 1 = Red, 2 = Green & 3 = Blue. Remember R-G-B = 1-2-3.
In general, the local coordinate systems vary depending on the type of object. The default
orientatin of the local axes for each object type are discussed below.
A) Joint Object Local Axes
For joints; the 1, 2, and 3 axes are identical to the global X, Y, and Z axes, respectively.
B) Frame Object Local Axes
When a frame object is drawn, the first end joint created is the "End I" or the "Start" of the
object, and the second end joint is the "End J" or the "End" of the object.
Axis 1 is always the longitudinal axis of the element; positive direction being directed from
End I to End J. Axis 1 is always located at the centroid of the cross section & connects joint
I to J.
The joints j1 to j4 define the corners of the reference surface of the area element. The
reference surface is the mid-surface of the element.
Local axis 3 is always normal to the plane of the area element. This axis is directed toward
you when the path of the joints j1-j2-j3 appears counterclockwise.
The local 1 and 2 axes lie in the plane of the element.
The element is considered to be horizontal if the sine of the angle between the local 3 axis
and the Z axis is less than 10–3.
The default orientation of the local 1 and 2 axes is determined by the relationship between
the local 3 axis and the global Z axis.
The local 3-2 plane is taken to be vertical, i.e., parallel to the Z axis.
The local 2 axis points vertically upward (+Z) for vertical elements.
The local 2 axis is along the global +Y direction for horizontal elements
The local 1 axis is horizontal, i.e., it lies in the XY plane
For shell objects, to get a readable moment;
Axis 1 have to be parallel to each other
Axis 2 have to be parallel to each other
Axis 3 must point in the same direction.
1) Main Title Bar: The main title bar includes the program and model names. The main title
bar is highlighted when the program is in use.
2) Menu Bar: The menu bar contains the program's menus from which various commands can
be selected to perform specific actions.
In ETABS, you manage the File, Edit the model, change the View, Define properties or load
patterns and cases, Draw something new in the model, Select that something, Assign
properties or loads, Analyze the model, Display analysis results for checking, Design the
structure, apply various Options to achieve the desired outcome with optimum effort, utilize
plugin Tools to customize the program, and seek Help when you need it.
Those actions are the basis for the program menu structure. Thus, familiarity with the menu
commands and their function is key to expanding your ability to use ETABS.
3) Toolbars: Toolbars are made up of buttons. These buttons provide "single-click" access to
almost all commands that are available in the Menu. If you point the mouse over a toolbar
button, you will see a tooltip (short description of the button's function in a small text box).
4) Model Explorer: The model explorer allows easy access to model definition data, including
property forms, load definitions, and object forms, as well as analysis, design, and detailing
results in graphical, tabular, and report formats using a hierarchical tree structure. These
items are grouped in 4 tabs in the Model Explorer, namely Model, Display, Tables & Reports.
Trees may be expanded by clicking on a node, and a right click on a "leaf" in the tree will
Quick Templates
After model initialization, clicking the “OK” button on the Model Initialization form will
display the New Model Quick Templates form shown below.
The New Model Quick Templates form is used to specify the layout/geometry and type of the
model. There are three categories in the form and each are discussed below.
1) Grid Dimensions (Plan)
Specify the Number, Spacing & Label of the grid lines. You can use “Uniform Grid
Spacing” or “Custom Grid Spacing” option.
When a model file is saved, ETABS actually saves two different files. It saves both an ETABS
database file in a binary format with an .EDB extension and a text file with a .$et extension.
Both files have the same name, but with different extensions. The .EDB database file is the
primary file used by ETABS because it contains all information about the model. When an
existing ETABS.EBD file is opened, the program automatically saves a copy of this binary file
with an extension of .ebk as a backup.
When the analysis is run, additional files will be created in the same location.
The Right Mouse Button
The right mouse button (Right Click) has the following uses in ETABS. For all other mouse
functions, use the left mouse button.
Clicking the right mouse button displays a drop-down list of commands, or accesses
information forms or design details, depending on where and when the button is clicked.
Right click on the list and sub-list of the Model Explorer to access an action or a menu of
Right click the spreadsheet area of the Story Data form to display a drop-down list of
commands that can be used to copy and paste data on the form; add or delete a story in the
model; and set story names to default names.
If nothing is on display in the active window, right clicking on an object displays an object
information form.
If analysis results is on display in the active window, right clicking on a relevant object
displays a window showing detailed analysis results for that specific object, if applicable.
If design results is on display in the active window, right clicking on a relevant object
displays a window showing detailed design results for that specific object, if applicable.
Right click in the background (not on an object) of a display window to access a menu of
selected commands that include the following:
Add/Modify Grids:- Displays the Edit Story and Grid Systems Data form.
Material Definition
The material property definitions are used in defining the structural objects (frame sections,
tendon sections, Wall Sections).
The material types in ETABS include; Steel, Concrete, Aluminum, Cold Formed Steel,
Rebar, Tendon, Masonry and “Other” (material other than these e.g. Timber).
Materials are not applied directly to structural members, instead they are applied to the
frame section, slab section, wall section, etc ….
Materials are NOT assigned to joints or to link elements.
Go to “Define” “Material Properties” to display the Define Materials form shown below.
Click the “Modify/Show Material Property Design Data” button and notice the value of fck.
Click “OK” & “OK” to return to the Define Materials form.
If you want to add another grade, repeat the above steps, otherwise click “OK” to leave.
2) Rebar
To define a reinforcement bar grade as per EBCS, follow these steps.
Click the “Add New Material” button to display the Add New Material Property form.
Choose the following from their respective drop-down list.
Region = Europe
Material Type = Rebar
Since there are no pre-defined rebar grades for Europe, we have to input the parameters.
Click “OK”. The Material Property Data form appears.
In the Material Property Data form, edit the data as follows (e.g. let the grade is S-300);
Material Name = S-300
Weight per unit volume = 77 kN/m3
Modulus of Elasticity, E = 200,000 MPa
Click the “Modify/Show Material Property Design Data” button and edit as follows;
Note that the Minimum Yield Strength (fy = fyk) is the only value that is needed for normal
design. The “expected” yield stress and tensile strength are also called the “effective” yield
stress or tensile strengths. These effective values are needed for certain cases (for example,
AISC 341 seismic detailing calculations) when the yield or tensile strength is used to calculate
demand forces on members or connections.
Click “OK” & “OK” to return to the Define Materials form.
If you want to add another rebar grade, select the previously defined rebar material and
click the “Add Copy of Material” button. Then edit the values in a similar manner.
Click the “OK” button on the Define Materials form when you finish.
Section Definition
How to define Frame (beam & column), Slab and Wall sections is discussed below.
1) Frame
As an example let us define a 250x400 rectangular beam section and a 400x400 square column
section. Both are made up of a C20/25 concrete and S-300 rebar grade.
A) Beam
Go to “Define” “Section Properties” “Frame Sections” to display the Frame
Properties form shown below.
Click the “Add New Property” button to display the Frame Property Shape Type form.
The Frame Section Property Data form shown below will appear. Here specify;
Property Name = FB25x40
Material = C20/25
Depth = 400
Width = 250
Click the “Modify/Show Rebar” button and specify reinforcement data as follows.
Design Type = M3 design only (Beam)
Rebar Material = Select defined Rebar material for main & shear rebars.
Cover to rebar center = d ' cov s 0.5 (assuming single row of rebar)
Click “OK” & “OK” to return to the Frame Properties form.
If you want to define another beam section, you can use the “copy” of this section as follows
Select the previously defined Beam section and click the “Add Copy of Property” button.
Edit the Property Name and any other appropriate data.
Click “OK” & “OK” to return to the Frame Properties form.
To add a new load, specify its name, type, self-weight multiplier & Auto Lateral Load (only if
the Type is seismic, wind or Notional) then click the “Add New Load” button.
Set the self-weight multiplier to 1 for the load named “Dead” only. This indicates that this load
pattern will automatically include the self-weight for all members. All others load patterns
should have a self-weight multiplier of 0.
Section 4.3.3 of EBCS8 provides the following analysis options for the design of buildings and
for the evaluation of their seismic performance:
1) Lateral Force Method of Analysis (also called Linear Static or Equivalent Static Analysis).
2) Modal Response Spectrum Analysis (also called “Linear Dynamic Analysis”).
3) Non-Linear Static Analysis (commonly known as “Pushover Analysis”).
4) Non-Linear Dynamic Analysis (Time-History or Response-History Analysis).
The first two are linear analysis methods while the others are non-linear analysis methods.
The linear methods of analysis use the design response spectrum, which is essentially the elastic
response spectrum with 5% damping divided by the behaviour factor q. Internal forces due to
the seismic action are taken to be equal to those estimated from the linear analysis; however,
displacements due to the seismic action are taken as equal to those derived from the linear
analysis, multiplied by the behaviour factor q.
In contrast, when a non-linear analysis method is used, both internal forces and displacements
due to the seismic action are taken to be equal to those derived from the non-linear analysis.
The use of a linear method of analysis does not imply that the seismic response will be linear
elastic; it is simply a device for the simplification of practical design within the framework of
force-based seismic design with the elastic spectrum divided by the behaviour factor q.
ETABS is capable of performing any of the seismic analysis options mentioned above. We will
discuss two of the methods; The Lateral Force Method & Modal Response Spectrum Analysis.
Before discussing these methods, we should first discuss and define the following parameters
because both methods use these parameters. The parameters are;
1) Mass Source
2) Modal Load Case
1) Mass Source
The weight of the structure to be used for the calculation of seismic loads is based on the
specified mass of the structure, and is termed mass source in ETABS.
The story weight, Wi at story i, to be taken when calculating the seismic actions should
comprise the full permanent load plus a portion of the variable load (EBCS-8, cl.3.2.4).
Gk , j Ei Qk ,i EBCS-8, Eq. 3.17
Select the mass source and click the “Modify/Show Mass Source” button. In the Mass
Source Data form, specify the parameters as follows.
In the Mass Source region; Select “Specified Load Patterns” (uncheck the remaining)
In the Mass Multipliers for Loads Patterns region;
Select the load pattern name from the Load Patterns drop-down list.
Type in an appropriate multiplier in the Multiplier edit box.
For permanent load = 1
For variable load = ϕ×ψ2i
Click the “Add” button.
In the Mass Options region; Select “Include Lateral Mass” & “Lump Lateral Mass at Story
Levels” options.
Click “OK” & “OK” to finish the mass source definition.
The figure below shows a mass definition where there are different separate live load patterns.
The Load Cases form shows Load Cases for all Load Patterns defined previously and an
additional Load Case named “Modal”.
Select the load case “Modal” from the list and click the “Modify/Show Load Case” button
to display the Load Case Data form shown below.
In the form, notice that the Load Case Type/Subtype are set to “Modal” & “Eigen”.
The parameter we are going to edit is the Maximum Number of Modes. For preliminary
analysis, use a value equal to 3*Number of stories as discussed below.
Click “OK” & “OK” to accept the changes and leave.
Click “OK” to accept the changes and return to the Define Load Patterns form.
Follow the same procedure to modify the remaining three load patterns shown in the table.
Click the “OK” button on the Define Load Patterns form to accept the changes & leave.
The parameters for the seismic load pattern are discussed below.
1) Direction and Eccentricity
Use the direction and eccentricity data to choose the Global X or Global Y direction of the load
and the eccentricity associated with the load pattern for all diaphragms.
Specifying 0.05 (5%) in the eccentricity ratio input will satisfy EBCS-8 requirements regarding
minimum accidental torsion effect that need to be considered.
The eccentricity options have meaning only when diaphragms have been assigned to joint or
shell objects. The program ignores eccentricities where diaphragms are not present.
Where diaphragms are present, the program calculates a maximum width of the diaphragm
perpendicular to the direction of the seismic loading. This width is calculated by finding the
maximum and minimum X or Y coordinates (depending on direction of load considered) of the
joints that are part of the diaphragm constraint and determining the distance between these
maximum and minimum values.
After the appropriate diaphragm width has been determined, the program applies a moment
that is equal to the specified percent eccentricity times the maximum width of the diaphragm
perpendicular to the direction of the seismic loading times the total lateral force applied to the
diaphragm. This moment is applied about the diaphragm center of mass to account for the
Choose “EUROCODE8-2004” from the Function Type to Add drop-down list and click
the “Add New Function” button.
Click “OK” to finish the definition and return to the Load Cases form.
Click “OK” on the Load Cases form to accept the changes and leave.
Load Combinations
A Load Combination (Combo) is a named combination of the results from Load Cases or other
Load Combinations. Combo results include all displacements and forces at the joints and
internal forces or stresses in the elements.
By default, each Combo produces a pair of values for each response quantity: a maximum and
a minimum. These two values may be equal for certain type of Combos.
Five types of Combos are available in ETABS. The two Combo values (Max & Min) are
calculated as follows:
Linear Add type: The Combo maximum is an algebraic linear combination of the maximum
values for each of the contributing cases. Similarly, Combo minimum is an algebraic linear
combination of the minimum values for each of the contributing cases.
Envelope type: The Combo maximum is the maximum of all of the maximum values for each
of the contributing cases. Similarly, Combo minimum is the minimum of all of the minimum
values for each of the contributing cases.
Absolute Add type: The Combo maximum is the sum of the larger absolute values for each of
the contributing cases. The Combo minimum is the negative of the Combo maximum.
SRSS type: The Combo maximum is the square root of the sum of the squares of the larger
absolute values for each of the contributing cases. The Combo minimum is the negative of the
Combo maximum.
Range type: The Combo maximum is the sum of the positive maximum values for each of the
contributing cases (a case with a negative maximum does not contribute.) Similarly, the Combo
minimum is the sum of the negative mini- mum values for each of the contributing cases (a
case with a positive minimum does not contribute.)
Only additive Combos of single-valued Load Cases produce a single-valued result, i.e., the
maximum and minimum values are equal. All other Combos will generally have different
maximum and minimum values.
The combination definitions for structures with no prestressing is discussed below.
1) Gravity Load Combinations
The combination equation for ULS in persistent & transient situation is;
j 1
G, j Gk , j Q,1Qk ,1 Q,i 0,i Qk ,i
i 1
EBCS-0, Eq. 6.10
For structures where the only variable load is the live load, the above equations becomes;
1.35 Gk 1.5 Qk
Gk Qk
Click “OK” to finish the definition and return to the Load Combinations form.
To define the ULS load combination;
Highlight the previousely defined Combo in the Load Combinations form and click the
“Add Copy of Combo” button to display the Load Combination Data form.
Name it COMB-2 & change the scale factor to 1.35 (for Dead, SD & WALL) and 1.5 (for
Live). Then click “OK” to finish the definition and return to the Load Combinations form.
The value of ψ2i is given in Table A.1.1 of EBCS-0 for each occupancy category.
Note that the live load multiplier used here is different from the one used in the definition of
the mass source. The mass source is used for the calculation of “Global effects” (such as overall
seismic shear or overturning moment in a storey, etc…) while this equation is used for “Loacl
effects” (the verification of members and sections).
In the above equation, AEd is the design value of the design seismic action. According to
EBCS8 Art., the horizontal components of the seismic action shall be taken as acting
simultaneously. Two options are given to combine the seismic effects;
The Square Root of the Sum of the Squared values (SRSS method)
E EX 2 EY 2
The “0.3 rule” given in Eq. 4.18 & 4.19 of EBCS8.
E E X 0.3EY
E 0.3E X EY
Depending on the which seismic analysis method is used and how the seismic components are
combined, the combination definitions are discussed below.
First, define a “Linear Add” combination (let us call it “EqGrav”) that accounts the gravity
loads part of Equation 6.12. The equation is;
EqGrav = Dead + SD + WALL + ψ2*Live
E.g., if ψ2 = 0.3 (building category A or B), the definition is shown in the figure below.
The combo names shown in the discussions below start with COMB-3 since we already have
COMB-1 & COMB-2 (defined for the non-seismic combinations).
Then define two “Linear Add” type combos to join the above combos with EqGrav.
COMB-3 = EqGrav + Abs(X&0.3Y)
COMB-4 = EqGrav + Abs(0.3X&Y)
Then define a “Linear Add” type combo to join the above combo with EqGrav.
COMB-3 = EqGrav + SRSS(X&Y)
P-Delta Effects
The P-Delta effect refers specifically to the nonlinear geometric effect of a large tensile or
compressive direct stress upon transverse bending and shear behavior. A compressive stress
tends to make a structural member more flexible in transverse bending and shear, whereas a
tensile stress tends to stiffen the member against transverse deformation.
Consider the frame object shown in the figure below, which is extracted from a story level of
a larger structure. As shown in the figure, there are two types of P-Delta effects;
Global lateral translation of the frame.
Local deformation of members within the frame.
The overall global translation of this frame object is indicated by ∆. The local deformation of
the member is shown as δ. The total second order P-Delta effects on this frame object are those
caused by both ∆ and δ.
ETABS can analyze both of those P-Delta effects. However, it is recommended that the global
effect be accounted for in the analysis stage, and the local effect be accounted for in design
using the appropriate factors set out in the code. The ETABS design postprocessors assume
that this has occurred and includes those factors, where appropriate, in the design.
You can define a P-Delta load case using the preset P-Delta option in ETABS as follows.
Go to “Define” “P-Delta Options” to display the Preset P-Delta Options form.
Select the “Iterative - Based on Loads” option from the Automation Method category.
The P-Delta load case is computed from a specified combination of static load patterns.
Assuming the only lateral load is earthquake load (no wind), the load combination will be;
Dead + SD + WALL + ψ2*Live
E.g., if ψ2 = 0.3 (building category A or B), the definition is shown in the figure below.
Close the form and leave the Load Case form when you are done.
Stiffness Modifiers
Stiffness modifiers can be used to simulate various real life scenarios in the model. Here, how
to simulate cracked section properties of concrete members is discussed.
According to EBCS-8, cl.4.3.1(7); unless a more accurate modelling of the cracked member is
performed, the elastic flexural & shear stiffness can be taken to be equal to 50% of the
corresponding stiffness of the uncracked member, neglecting the presence of the reinforcement.
Torsion in beams, columns or bracings is almost irrelevant for their earthquake resistance.
Therefore, the effective torsional rigidity of members should be assigned a very small value.
In ETABS, these properties can be set using the stiffness modifiers.
Note that the modification factors affect only the analysis properties. They do not affect the
design properties.
Modification factors can be defined as part of section properties or they can be assigned
directly to objects.
Note: When modification factors are assigned directly to an object that also has modification
factors defined as part of its section properties, the two factors are multiplied. Therefore, it is
intended that modification factors be specified using the section property definition or object
assignment, not both.
A) Frames
For frames (beams and columns), the stiffness modifiers are;
Shear-2 = Shear-3 = 0.5 ………… for shear stiffness
Torsion = 0.1 ………… for torsional stiffness
Moments of Inertia; I2 = I3 = 0.5 ………… for bending stiffness
To assign the modifiers for beam and column objects;
Go to “Select” “Select” “Object Type” to display the Select by Object Type form.
Highlight Columns and Beams and click the “Select” button. Then click the “Close” button.
Go to “Assign” “Frame” “Property Modifiers” to display Property Modifiers form.
Insert the values shown and click “OK”.
Therefore, in ETABS, shell or area element has two types of stiffnesses i.e.
In-plane stiffness; which corrosponds to f11, f22 & f12.
Out-of-plane stiffness; which corrosponds to m11, m22 & m12.
Depending on how the slabs are modelled (shell or membrane), the modifiers are;
If slabs are modelled as membrane; f11, f22, f12 = 0.5
If slabs are modelled as shell; f11, f22, f12, m11, m22, m12, v13, v23 = 0.5.
Note that if rigid diaphragm is assigned for slabs; f11, f22, f12 are not important (makes no
difference) in both cases.
To assign the modifiers for slabs;
Go to “Select” “Select” “Object Type” to display the Select by Object Type form.
For walls, the modifiers depend on whether they are pier or spandrel as shown below.
Wall Pier; f11 = 1 f22, f12, m11, m22, m12, v13, v23 = 0.5
Wall Spandrel; f22 = 1 f11, f12, m11, m22, m12, v13, v23 = 0.5
The values shown above are assuming that the walls support out-of-plane bending. Generally,
walls are not designed for out-of-plane bending to avoid excessive longitudinal reinforcement.
In this case, use a small modifier (say 0.1) for m11, m22 & m12.
To assign the modifiers for wall pier (assuming you have already assigned pier labels);
Go to “Select” “Select” “Labels” “Pier Labels” to display the form shown below.
Highlight the pier labels and click the “Select” button. Then click the “Close” button.
Go to “Assign” “Shell” “Stiffness Modifiers” to display Stiffness Modifiers form.
Insert the values shown and click “OK”.