Salem 2017
Salem 2017
Salem 2017
Abstract—In the last two decades the concept of microgrid has main grid). This is called today as a microgrid. These
been introduced. The advantages of microgrid encompass less advantages associated with challenges that face the new
power outages, less power losses during transmission, centralized concept in the control and protection. During island mode
power generated and improving environmental effects due to Loads must be the same amount of generation for continuity of
clean power generated. The wide application of microgrid
supply without any failure during emergency effects. MCC
concept leads to challenges for traditional protection of
distribution networks result from bidirectional power flows, introduces the solution of the control based on new
short circuit level during different modes of operation. The communication technology and with the knowledge of network
protection coordination may be compromised and nuisance or topology during different mode of operation. One of the main
delayed tripping may be experienced. In this paper, a prober major challenges when the DGs are operated in parallel with
relay coordination using adaptive schemes is introduced. The the main grid is protection relay coordination between the
group setting capability of Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) to backup and primary relay [3].The conventional protection
achieve system protection during different modes is used and a schemes need to be readjusted to guarantee system security
minimum number of group setting is selected and simulated. In with the new configuration changes of the distribution
this paper the coordination was achieved with minimum number
networks. In radial distribution network overcurrent protection
of setting groups for all modes of operation assumed
communication aid system to accelerate tripping time. schemes are set based on one direction current flow. But with
the new concept DGs connected to lower feeder causes
Index Terms—Adaptive protection, directional overcurrent bidirectional power flow and this leads to meshed
relays, distributed generation, protection coordination, IED, configuration of distribution system [4].
Group Setting, ETAP. New associated challenges are resulted, including blinding of
feeder protection, sympathetic tripping, auto-reclosing fail to
operate and fuse-recloser miscoordination, which affect the
Table I. list of abbreviations coordination and might cause maloperation of existing
protection scheme[5].
RES Renewable energy sources DOCR Directional overcurrent relay
Dominant and most effective protection solution has been
DG Distributed generation PCC Point of common coupling
introduced the so-called adaptive protection scheme, which is
MCC Microgrid control center CTI Coordination time interval
IDMT Inverse definite minimum CT Current transformer
actually an online activity that modify the settings of protection
time functions to cope with the new system configuration [6]. In
TMS Time setting multiplier PSM Plug setting multiplier order to overcome bi-directional flow of power and low short-
circuit current levels in microgrid during island mode
Microgrid in power system lead to easier control and connected to RES with power electronic interfaces a developed
supply of the load without the complicity of the main grid, far protection strategy is required, where directional overcurrent
generation, long distance transmission and huge amount of with different setting group parameters of relays must be
power that need to be transferred from place to other place. checked and re-adjusted periodically with different
The choice of microgrid offers a new solution to the previous configuration to ensure that the protection is still attuned.
challenges. The search for new RES and the development of The organization of paper is as follows: In section II, the
DG technology beside loads to satisfy the growth of the basic concept of adaptive protection relaying and group
world’s demand are the worldwide trend. DG is a small-scale setting feature in IED are presented. Section III discusses the
unit of local power generation system providing an usages of DORs in protection coordination in distribution
independent operation [1,2]. networks with DGs. Section IV introduces the proposed relays
Network with DGs can feed loads in case of system setting in microgrid. A case study of microgrid with different
disturbances on the transmission system level which lead to mode of operation is simulated to apply the proposed relay
main source failure and to continue operate in the islanded coordination with some discussion in section V. Finally,
mode (loads can be totally fed independent of the state of the section VI highlights the study conclusion.
II. ADAPTIVE PROTECTION IN MICROGRID IEDs can communicate between themselves and MCC. By
In the last years, various protection solutions have been these communications, IEDs enabling fast and reliable
introduced. The most used protection solution the so-called modification of settings to the relays and exchange
adaptive protection relay coordination [6]. Adaptive protection information about the actual system topology.
is as “an online procedure that modifies the protection relays
setting parameters in response to a change in system III. COORDINATION OF DIRECTIONAL OVERCURRENT RELAYS
configuration or conditions in a timely manner by means of
Coordination of DOCRs are achieved to operate according
externally generated signals or control action ".Main
to protection criteria of selection, speed and sensitivity, the
requirements of Adaptive protection are Digital microprocessor
basic concept is the nearest relay to the fault operates first to
based overcurrent relays with many setting groups. The
ensure the smallest part of the system is disconnected, if the
appropriate setting group is selected in correspondence with
first relay fails to operate a second relay or backup relay will
distribution network or microgrid state by receiving signal
operate after coordination time interval CTI. Typical CTI
through communication infrastructure and standard
values are ranged from 0.2 s to 0.4 s. Overcurrent protection
communication protocols (i.e., Modbus , IEC61850).
scheme used as backup protection in case of generation and
Individual relays can send and receive information with a
transmission levels but mainly in MV and LV distribution.
central computer or between other individual relays quickly
Overcurrent relay pickup and start to operate when the
and reliably to ensure the required protection application
current level exceeds a preset value through the relay. DOCRs
object. The other side of adaptive protection is an offline
are used in distribution network equipped with DGs or mesh
analysis which is performed to choose the appropriate setting
configuration network to avoid false tripping due to the
parameters for relays during different modes of operation and
bidirectional flow current and the direction out of bus is
different network configuration. During the online operation,
considered as the forward direction
network status is transmitted to MCC to update relay setting
through communication infrastructure. The protection system A. Setting of the time current
should be suitable for protecting the network indifferent There are many kinds of overcurrent operation
possible configuration. In normal operation DGs operate in characteristics(i.e., definite time, definite current and IDMT).
parallel together with utility, once a fault occurs in the utility, Definite time relay operates with constant time interval without
the microgrid will be disconnected from utility at point PCC consideration of fault current level and the main drawbacks of
and DGs continue to deliver power to loads. Such operating this method is the long duration of clearing time of fault as the
mode is known as island mode. The induced impacts of DGs fault close to the source as more time needed to clear the fault,
on the protection scheme depends on the type of DGs as well IDMT characteristic provides reduction in operating time as the
as its size and the distribution system topology (radial or fault current increases related to its characteristics tripping
meshed), it has been shown that synchronous-based DG curve. The characteristics relay tripping is selected based on
(SBDG)inject fault current more than inverter-based DG the network topology and other protection devices i.e. fuses
(IBDG) and thus resulting in a m more difficult impacts on the and recloser. For this purpose, number of standard
protection systems. SBDG fault currents typically range from 5 characteristics are defined using IEC 60255 [12].Time current
to 10 per unit but IBDG has a limited fault current range from setting or TMS is determined by two main factors in
1 to 2 per unit [3]. overcurrent relays, the distance should be covered by the
References [7-9] introduce latest solutions concerning moving parts to close the contacts and the speed of this moving
relay parameter adaptation to guarantee with changes in parts [13].
network configuration, operating time of the over-current B. Current setting
relays (OCRs) are changed depends on presence of DGs. Relay
trip parameters are modified automatically by management Protection relay will not operate until the value of current
of protection system relying on extensive communication exceed a threshold value, this value is known as relay pickup
network. Adaptive Protection based on pre-calculated settings value. Pickup value is set depends on the criteria that the fault
during offline analysis of fault of a given microgrid to current increases as fault position becomes more near from
determine the suitable setting for all conditions and stored in source. Pickup value is related to CT ratio, as in (1).The pickup
the event table, during online fault the suitable setting is chosen current (Ip) is set at 1.25x IFLA, (IFLA= full load current in
from action table based on network status as in Fig 1,proper ampere)which is the overload limit. PSM for all relays is
communication infrastructure between the central computer specify with two parameters: minimum fault current and
system and the relays are implemented [10]. maximum load current, as in (2).
ൌ (2)
C. Directional overcurrent
Directional overcurrent relays (DOCRs) are used when the
fault current can be flow in both directions of relay location
mainly in mesh distribution network or parallel feeders. In
order to have the ability to specify current direction, voltage
measurement is required to specify relay operating direction.
Directional flow of current in microgrid depends on the
configuration, loading condition and operating mode, in
addition the low short circuit level during island
mode.(DOCRs) with several setting groups are considered
suitable solution in networks with DGs to avoid
maloperation and nuisances tripping. Many heuristic-based
optimization techniques algorithms were proposed for
optimum coordination of OCRs[4,14-16]. The optimum
settings values for(TMS)and(PSM)can be determined by the
use of various optimization methods. In some cases, researches
simplify the optimization by considering pickup currents are
determined based on experience and only the value of TMS is
Table II illustrates the summary of utility only mode
simulation results from load flow analysis and relay pickup
value also the three phase fault current at each bus to determine
the relay operating time for end fault, considering
instantaneous operating time for the downstream relay
protecting loads. A coordinated time interval between each
primary and backup relays should always be greater than 200
ms and in our case equals to 300 ms between IDMT relays and
200 ms between definite time relays.
Table II. Load flow analysis and SC for utility only mode
In island mode, the network has different topology related Relay 14 64 Relay 28 64
to DGs status in each condition, this leads to difference in fault Relay 15 108 Relay 29 76
current at each bus depends on DGs energized and the power Relay 16 100 Relay 30 95
Relay 17 94 Relay 31 64
flow direction, in this case the IDMT characteristics has a
Relay 18 96 Relay 32 95
problem with relay coordination in island mode. The proposed Relay 19 115 Relay 33 76
solution is to use definite time with fixed CTI between relays Relay 20 77
in the two directions to avoid the miscoordination resulting
from difference in short circuit level. C. Case 3 - Grid connected mode
There are two directions of coordination were considered,
one direction from PCC to load and another from DGs to PCC. In case of, fault in grid connected with Distributed Energy
Fig. 5 illustrates the operating time for relays in the both Resources (DER) high short circuit current is injected to fault
directions. These two directions are the two possible flow from the contribution of main grid together with DER, power
directions during the fault. In microgrid the fault is feed from flow in the distribution systems can be bi-directional. Fault
both sides and the two nearest relays to the fault point must current path may change depending on the location of the fault.
disconnect the faulty part from both sides. Constant relay settings may be invalid in case of microgrids
(especially for the microgrids with an inverter based DGs).
Adaptive overcurrent protection is proposed in which the
numerical directional overcurrent relays with directional
interlocking capability is used for the protection of radial
networks. As shown in Fig.6, adaptive directional interlock is
used to protect the microgrid mainly in grid connected mode. A
communication mean between relays have the same
direction is initiated to specify the faulty line. In case of fault in
forward direction a blocking signal is send to backup relay and
the same procedure for the reverse direction, i.e. relays on both
terminal sides of faulty element will trip and isolate the fault.
Setting from the grid only mode for forward direction and
setting for relays in opposite direction from island mode are
used as pickup value to start operation in grid connected mode.
[8] Contreras, A.F. & Ramos, Gustavo & Rios, Mario.” Methodology And
Design of an Adaptive overcurrent Protection for Distribution Systems
with DG”.International Journal ofElectrical& Computer Sciences. 12.