Isa-Tr84 00 07-2018
Isa-Tr84 00 07-2018
Isa-Tr84 00 07-2018
Tim-wm. Hamm *-
m-lwlummuntau nakupu "
“uuu-I .- m- imm l t m n m mm u: m m n d
nm:;mnhhrmummm- M H W - “ h w If
www-Wm pumu lh
mnm; mi:! tuLil'! k i n u :- 'lht unu-.
Hm m u m n m Inmr vlh- llum l'- m ,
M u f - n IHHIÚIF Farm. vidim-u" “"-iw
.n: mmm-Er: run-umihh-mdmy
MEMMHM Mau-lla.
IMTRH.OD.OT-2018. Gula-nu on Ihl Evllunlnn ůl' FIN. Cimbultlhll Gall. Ind Twin Gli
lan: Haman-nam
Dawnghl G 201! bar-15h A|| rluhu mai-ml. 'Prlnlcd lnih: umi-a smu- nf úmrtn- Nn m 101
[Iw- public-tunu muy hn ropmuunnd. mm In:! rlll'liwj snim. nr Hanu-mnie. m nm:Imm urbi
any m a n a illuctfmlc. mechanical. phuhmprřng. mmm-.g. trumf—vlna. cuul. 1:11. plic!
mnm FWHIUH ul' mu Publlůhiť
ar T w . Nuundnr Bmw
PD- lil-bx 1221?
Hmmm Triangl:Fm4.Núrth-Garůlfná “JÍDE-
-3 - rsn-resomor-sms
Thi—o protnou io inoludod for information purposes and i: not part of ISA—TRHQQGT-ÉNB.
Thi: toohniool ropdrt hdd hodnpropdrod do port dt trio urvioo of IBA. tho lntornotiortol aooioty of
Automation. To bo oi root vatu-o. thio dooumont ohould not do otoiio out should do do "not to
ooriodio roviow- Tot-rord into ond. tho Bounty woloornn otl oommonto ond oritioionro ond o: : thot
the; bo oddrouod to IM Boorotory, Standordo ortd Prootiou !oord: rsn. !? r.w_. Noxondor Drive:
F.CI. Box 122W; nuooron Triangl: Forit. M c . sms; Toioohono tits) 5494411: Fox (9191545-
5255; E-molt: dlondordontooorg.
Thin iSA stondordd ond Prooiiou Do ortntonl i| oworo ot tito growing nood tor ottontion to tito
motrio dnt-m ot unit! In gonorol. on tho Intornottonoi autom of Units [St] in oortloulor. In tito
oroooroir'on oi otondordo. rooornrnondod ordotiou. ond toohnrool rooorto. Tiro Dooortntont il
further oworo oi iho honor-to to users oi isnt dtondordo dooumonto ot inooroorotino ouitoitio
rotoronooo to the SI [and the motrlo system) In thoir husinoso ortd profession-:| doolinps with other
oounh-ios. Toward this omi the Doportmont WIII ondoovor to introduoo SI and oocoptohio motrii:
units in all now ono rowiood standards documents to the greatest extent possible. The Metric
Prdoiioo Guido. which hos Ideon publishooi by the Inoiituio of Elooiriool and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) os ANSUIEEE Sid. EEE-1592. ond futuro revisions. will be the reference guide Ior
oehnioone emboio. abbroviotions. and conversion factors-
It is the poiiotir of ISA to enoourage and welcome the partioipalion of all oonpemetl individuals and
interests in the development of ISA standards. Participation in the ISA standards-making prooess
by an individual ín no way oonstitutee endoreernent by the empioyer of that individual. of ISA or
of any of the standards. recommended practices, and technical reports that ISA develops.
Hl.m. FG! mm hmmm
lt him—nil Fee :::-cm Hanuma Gunmmmm
|. Barrem Ghuwún
D- Hadrbum Prulllps 55
A. Haier Brt'l'emEgeln-ns
11 Dtishnlm Phillips 55
R. Chittilapilly Dir & Namraf'Gamp-
F. Diegem men Safetyr
R. Dmn DuPont
L. Garcia Siemens
c . Geo-me Flint Hina Realu.-rm
|. Gwen Cumultnnt
N. GopnMwnml HUMWIII Prom Hudora
F amu Hunt ill Fram: sum
M. Hmmm-nr BIB- EGH Saluťm LP
w. Mam Run-im Funda:: Tach
P. Gluhn “Gautiera
5. Harman Eaton
F. Hendi Schneider Elmh'it:
P. Herena BekerHíeJt
F_ Janů: Ghemn
J. Kallambettu Bechtel
F. Kannan Peueleum Devehpnm Dmen
$. King Hnnewell
|.. W l Emmu
!. Lung Chlmn
J. M:! Mim-opaduLtd.
!. Mortal Kin-laduBantumi Corp
Westem Inchstť LH.
Jambs Engineering & W I.I.[:
SIS-TED-l Equium l_P
ASRC Energy Sam
Samar Energy.:r
FireBus System
MMMBSMDIHISA sundammmmmwmm
nm.mpmiuu Yokogawa UK Lu.
U_m Emma-Gabi!Raad- &Elm
—T — MMM-2015
Fawn -9-
Imm-ctím- .. .11.
1 Bm . ....... -15—
2 Rafal-mm .. . ....... -15-
: Mumdmmnwl ....... -11'-
4 mminFGSdt-ign..„.„„ -1I-
: FůSlnuim—nngndmumnuprqmmnnw
inm A — Samo-h uni-Quantum" Mummn ural: "|ta tui-minu...................................„.- 43 -
Mm ! - Dam:-armani unum-n: tlmnlquu „ - 53 -
mc —MWWMWM mne-pl . .. 43-
MMD—Amuummmmnmmm. „ “BT-
mwmwxmmmrr'"""WWREM'WWHW" .W.
-i - ISA-Tmmm-iůt!
The World tio develop this edition of ISA-mjufi? began in 2014 and was completed in 2018. At
the same time. the functional eafet etandard ensure—A 84.00.014004 wee undergoing updates in
poroitei with tec 51511. The i 4 Fire and Gee Warning Group maintained awareneee oi
oommittee activitiee nuncieted ivith rnodiiying the goveming etnndarde. The eoepe of updates to
the End Edition of this technical report tvoe limited by the I S A N committee. and it was not in the
group's charter to aiign tiris edition of the techniell report with the subsequent issuance
of ISA's functional safety standard-
This technical report describes how the underlying principles of the functional safety etandarde
oon he oppiied to the drtil! gas eyeteme. Those llli'nl unden Ii'i grindiplel lhůt were ueed to
develop the guidance in the teohnieoi report remein ooneietent n t e new ieeuance of rec 8151 t -
2015 and MENSA-515113015 [replacing ANSIiIEA-eo.DG.U1-20ůdt. Because of the liming
associated with approval and publication. this technical report retains the references to AHSIIISA—
M.DDIit-EDM. At the time of publication, the vrorlting group provides this achnowledgment that
the recent publication of MENSA-6151 1-2018 retains the same scope. application and underlying
principles associated with tire and gas systems.
ramenech-aute ie intended for uee in evoluoiing the effeotiveneee of fire end gae eyeteme
lFGSei in precese indurtry applications. lt addreeeee the implementation of Fine lo reduoe the
ridit of hazardous releases involving safety impact
NDTE_ Users can choose to apply the concepts in this technical report to environmental andi'or operational losa
netmonitor-zora ie provided for information purpoeee only and ie not part of nosnice.
annotation til: efdtl Modified) (reference 2.1).
Aliance-Madonnu and lec 61511 treterenee 2.9) are perfomance-heated standards that
provide the minimum requirements for designing and managing a safety instmmented system
[SIS-L As part of the safety lifecycle. the functional and integrity requirements are established for
safety functions that reduce the risk of hazardous events identified using a haaard and risk
analysis. Guidance io prouded in Port 3 of either nnoursnenouonaoor or iEG 51511 on the
vonoue methode ueed to evaluote rieit and aiiocote ririt reduction to identified eafety funouone. fin
underlying oenumption in all of the melhode ie that the identified eefety functione ore copehie oi
achievtng the aiiocated rten reduction in the operating environment.
The scope of ensures-acceptance covers electrical .i' electronic ! programmable electronic
systems for use in safety applications. Accordingiy, the lSAEt-t committee develops standards and
technical reports to provide guidelines for the implementation of automated for instrumenlddi
eyeteme in eotety applications. The purpoee of ise.Tae-i.oo.or.2oie to to provide guidance on
how to evaiuote the effectiveneee of identified PGS functione in a manner thet ie ooneielent with
the undeifying principles of m a t n o u - e n c o n i a o o r . PGS functions that are identified ae eefety
controls. alarms. or intertoclts should be implemented according to the applicable requirements of
ANSIHEA—BdBLDt-SEME (reference 2-10) and ANSIIISA-Bd-DD.D1-EUM„ based on the degree of
risk reduction being clairned for the FGB function, in addition to relevant application specific
practices. For example. FGB functions should be implemented per applicable requirements in the
loiioviing standardu. oaeed on the rieii reduction needed:
. General fire end gde eyetern eefeguarde ivith no eoeoino rielt reduction oieimed ehould oe
implemented per application-specific standardu from local ]uriedtctfon having authority.
: FGB functions with claimed F E S risk reduction factor [HRF] lees than or equal to 10 should be
implemented per a p p i b l e requirements of ANSIJ'ISA-BdBt .01-2012. Safety Contracts, Atanas
and frrferfoclrs in the Process industries-
e FGB function With ctaimed Fils rieit reduotioh feotor ti'tI'ti' in enceee ol tft ehould pe
implemented per the eppiioehie requiremente of ANBiriSA- „ H m - t i l t ! end molitan-
84-00.01—2004 (based on IEG 61511 con'pliance. Mnich includes cortsirierslicn tor IEC 61503
compliance mirror end-user prior usa approval of serlsnr, logic schra- and iaai element ard:-
Prescriptlve approaches for the daign of somelal components of a n FBS are provided in
recognized and generally accepted good engineering nechces (reference 2.2 and 2.3) for certain
applications. I n complex h e a r d ocel-iarics. especially lime involving high-risk exposure lea..
ollshore oil and gas installations)- and in sltuatlons iii-here no other prescriptiire guidance is
available supplementing these practices with pedormance-oased analysis can result in an
improved design with more effective coverage and lower nohahility of F G S faihire- It is ultimt'ltielgir
the users. decision on when to apply perfomance-based approaches. Nod-“ng in this techrícd
report suggests the preseriptive practices are invalid orthat illeg.:I should not befollmired a s required
by local jurisdictional authorities. The concepts urujertyiig a performance-ham approach are
suitable to the analysis and design ot" FGSs in proc-esa iridlistries, and these priiciples can be
used effective in conjunction with other good engineering practices.
. Vendors. crad-users, and cortsrlhrts who are mobilu the perfomance-hned concepts to
FGB filma, in addition to outer applicable good aúieering practices-
. Hazard and risk analysis teams Hat are allo-cating risk reduction to FGB functions.
- FGS designera who want to understand the impact of detector coverage and mitigatim
effectiveness on the integritycď FES functions.
. Any additional entltbes wm irish to grain further insimlt 'IEIID perlcnnmce based FBS deeim
- 11 - MMM-2015
The tence standards committee ionned a working group to etudy the anetysie and desigh
procesu: that are commonly used in the procoee Induetry for tire and pae eyetema tFGSe) and to
monde guidance on how theee proocuee can tic adapted tc incorporate pertcnnanoe-baeed
roce. ae their are coneidered in thie report. are c eubeet oi induetrial autor-nation cnd control
eyeteme that are employed in the roceee Induetriee for the purpcee ol detecting loee of
containrnent ot hoeocrdoue matericle rom the proceee and initiating c reepcnee to mitigcte the
relecee impact. Loee c i oohtclnrnent can toe a email lepit or a ccteetrcphic relecee. lt can be
detected o meaeuring the pieeenoe of the reieoeec molerleie tep,. oce concentration) or inierred
from the e iecte oi the releaee te.g„ thermal radiation trorn o hre).
Detection melhode considered in thie technical report con include detection of commenpte oee.
touto pae. emclie. ileme. ccouetic emieeion. or rapid hect riee in creee edieoent to the prooeee
lteelt and in critical areee. euoh ee occupied pultclnge or pulldinpe with unrated eleclrtcet
equipment- Detector coverage cnd eeeocicted detection capability vary eulietentielly depending on
the hazard ecenario and the characteristics of the detector.
Actions talten lotr the FGB con toe manually or automatically initiated and can affect a wide variety
of ereteme. auch oe eheltering in place or evacuation in reeponee to audiblc and visual didi-rn
indicatione: water detuge: tire auppreesant initiation: manipulation of heating. 1irehlilation. and air
conditioning [HUMI] system equipment; procese iaolation; or procese depressuriaalion. Similar to
detection capability. the effectiveness of these mitigatitre actions is highlyr acenan'o dependent.
Use of perfomance-based design is not widely adopted for FGEs within the process industrie-e.
However, MENSA-84.00.01 2004 or [EC 61511 can be employed as- a design basis for miligatiire
fire and gae safety functions by considering the following delinitions from ANEUIMDDDLEDM
or IEG 61511:
action that reduoee the eonsequence(s) of a hazardous event
NDTE I Etran-gloe ilechetle eirlergenrqr depe'eaatlization on detection of & oonfinmel fire organeledr.
action that reducee the likelihood of occurrence of a hazardous event
protection layer
any independent mechanism that reducee rialt oy control. prevention, or hitigation
NDTE i lt can be a prac-eee engineering mecheniern euch de the eiae of veeeele containing lucerdoue Meeth. e
mechenicel modemem.euch ee e relief iii-etue. e BIB. or en edminielreliue pracem." euch ee en eneergencp plen egeillet
ml.? ll'lililblfl
ln ii'llmiitont fluid- Theee W H ! M eurem-tec ůf by humll'l HMM—
[EWRCEr IEC clolhlzalilii. Definition modified » reference lic Figure il umo itemNote l )
eetety function
function to de implemented e:.: one or more protection Icyere. wnich ie intended to achieve or
melntcln o ecle etcte for the proceee. with reepect to o epeciiio haeardoue event
Nů'i'l l The eete elete cil the proceei tor eech identified "fet-i| iuiciicn ie defined well thet e etecle etete hee been
echieied eno the mm.: heeerocue event hee eeen eucloeo cr I-um'liil'lllf mltigetec.
ieounce: IIC eielhlzedlo. Definition lilie. codec Note l . derived lrcm idem!
eetety tnetrumented function (air)
eetety tunctlon to ne implemented IM" il eetettr inetrumehled eiretem tata:
NDTE ! ili GIF ie deei to echieve ! fetiulred Sil.. which ie tlelerrhh'led in retetionehlp with the mechem tepen
percepeting in the “cnet the eerne nett.
11|ere are ten boardy rh'lfemnt philosophical approaches used it Ile phones itdostries tor
sam designrequirements to ensure the availability and efhclieeness of FGSS: presmptnve
arrdperltnmhased. The chodce of design method is a n ownerfopaatu' decision FGSs have
hadilinnally been designed and implemented according to various good engineering practices
audi as HFPA 72 (reference: 2.2) and E N 5 4 (reference 13)- These meeuiptive glactícee do not
requ're mann of the risk reduction capability of the FGB as measued by B safety 'mtegrity
asd prababiityoffa'hre ondernand (PFD), nor do they considerquatntitatíeerheaamfor detector
Traditionalhazardand risltaalysls techniques are sulted tor hazads related toprocess deviatíons
from normal operaci:-L These process haaards have ltnown initiating causes and mnseouem.
allotu'nn the sekty hmction to be specll'lcalty designed to detect the eye-m and to resp-end hy
aettieuinn or mailtamin-n a safe state of the process. FGSs are typicatty anotace-oter! to reduoe
the rtslt ot neneral loss of containment, such as leatts trom equipment seats, ftaones, and Pipina,
and areotten not associated with a specific hazardous scenerie These hands can be sme to-
dlefme arte analyse and ohen require the use of advanced risk analysis martin-nes, such as nas
tiso—ersten- tire. ano explosion meeting.
Host often FEBE do not werent hazardous consequences from necim-"mg, tnrt rather mití'gate the
eflectsolt an celerithathas already occurred- FGSs typicaltyreúicethensagtřtude and severity
ol“ the ooelseqoence ierhead of etiminating it- Typiell haaard and risk anáysis metu-nes that the
iderrtitied saietytimction eliminates the consequence. Therefore, ais i::lmortrltl to utderstend and
evaluatetheluzaniscenarioresutting from FGS operationaeensm'ettatlheresidualrislt
[rehence 2 . 5 and 2.5)- The idtmiicalion cf FGB functions end aliocaliun of perfomance tanců
&) Item requires hazard and IH. conáderations that are beyutd typical LUPA implementáitn.
Futhermore, FGS perfomance vailiratim should include evolution ofthe detector coverage and
crmsider the effectiveness of the mitigatitre actions and the safety malability of FGB hardcore
end sottware design.
This ISA technical report describes the analysis that should be mdertelten and the effectiveness
clieria that should be speciied when an FGS ls implemented in : sekty application. The report
integrates performance-besed fire end gas system design techniques htte the applicable pol-tions
oI the safety life cycle described in ei'dter ANSIJISA-B-mUm-zoůe or IEC 81511. The report also
Genesee the development of detector-covemge criteria applicable lie cech F B S function ano
ilchnies a series of applicatim exatmies [Anneat D ) that illustrate the technique-| used to Map
url veriy the detector coverage all nitigaftion effectiveness.
'I'Iis page irbnlintmlly len blank-
- 15 - ian-Tasemnr-aoie
1 Scope
This technical report is infcrrnalive end does not contain any mandatcry requirements.
This technical report Is intended to be used in conjunction with other good mgineering pli-action
applicable to FGB installations. it is not intended to stand alone crbe a replacement tor application-
specilio practices.
iSA-THBALDUD? is a derivative of the ANSHISA-d-t.0it.01-2004 n e c 61511 Mod) standard with
application tc process industries. This technical report is intended to address detedtion and
rnitigation c i tire. combustibie gas, and tcxic gas hazards in process areas. Fire detection and
mitigalion within ncnprccess areas is outside the scope of this document.
France—Hink First
cervence. Layer nt Protection Atelvtíe: skusim neseme.
Edition, New cr. Emili.
MTRM.UD.ůT-iů1i -1G -
'i'. cus-mmm. Rumuni: fur Channel Fru—anu Quantitative Hluk Antima. a d Human.
New Yuri-:. 1 999.
!. IEG 515112016. Funciinnli SIMM 30l imrrummild SHP-IM! for 1M Hutu MMII?
Sector. Film 1. ! & 3.
1D. M E N S A - 8 4 - 9 1 -D1-2012, Safety c.:-nm, Aiarme and interiecks in the Pmeeee industňee-
11. UH. HSE GTO GSD mmm Reise—re Reduction Campaign—Rapa! on the
Hydmcnraon Reina: incident inwuigaiinn Project—filmůmin 3132001.
12. UML HS! UTC 93 002 - Oiilhm Gas Delicia“ Sítiny Gdiirion innsiigaiion af Definici
Spinning. Aprn 1993.
13. IEG annie-231: Explosive atmospheree — Part 294: Gas detector: — oarmance
lequírementa of deieetors far Hamri-jable- gases.
15. A Review of Very Large Vapor Cloud Expioeions', U-K_ Heallh and Safetyr Executive,
Pipelinll and HaIardeua Materials Safety Administralim (U-S. Deparlment uf Transport)-
- 1T - MMM-2018
A performonoe-ůaud dcllgn ot soil-ty functions |: orooecded by annlvzing the hazard and hair ot
oredihie.r-oenarioe ondrcllooating rislr.reduction to eufety functions that wrli be apecllicatly deaigtttrd'
to address these. etrente-. Although a variety ot methods are used In “the prooees industries. e n
invereaeirt-glfgiI common methodrs t_ayerol' protection analyaie (LUPA) (reference 2 5 and 2.6). LUPA
ie an established method for e'u'aluatirtg haIBrdoua event propagation and aaaeaaing the capability
ef safety mentiona in reducing event Ptali.. itn important objective of LUPA ta to enaure adequate
independence and tie—partition at the initiating cause: from independent protection layers “to
mlrrirnile oornmoh cal-tee. dammeri mode. and svetem-the Failure:
„However, LDM dcee have "mutations which tancem clear ii.-hen examining FGB function. WPA
mutt-muy cenerdertt dihltr two panict- statu for :: candidate protection lov-r: wanna or failure it
. : prot—etec teror little. therei t a consequence Il the protectionIny-rtuccendut the mopngetion
ol the hataIdoue event ta haited and there re no conucucnhe. While thlc te ort appropriate
assumption tor many independent protection is not suitable tor FGSc. eince they typicalltr
do not stop the lose oi oontainmertt event from occurring. instead. a euooeeat'ul FES funetlon
Dmi-'Em an aiready had situation from adding werde. It is. dimi-nt to ensure mat common cause
and dependent mode iailures-“are evaluated between the FES and the Initiatíng source. if the end-
ttaer risk creatio- are based on never-teno the haamloue event [te.-„ predenting- me release et
etme cuisine.uranem—nu,
MWDm-fmm - na..
Il'iitút'liilii.. nn nnlL mauniim mil iii mamina far lni— FGB. Nevmlm. tin: nnnaiplna ii'i init tit-
“M a: und ia plein-:|:guaninu túr iiilbrůvůd.FESinf-guard dum-
T m inchninai runa" PHIIHH : mna-i| in iliuutrnin inn mnam ol mw imunitu. mim lili:
iiiin hn nnaiyna. I i dutinu" inn aut—aim :DWHWI. mint:- availability. and mullnniian
ltluntlwnuii. and lhll'lbii' alia-.v:ihn— tuninf: tn hl q u a l i a l i l y connu-na in the natural and mit
Minimum. Thu modni unu »: mnm-Hud want t r n to illunimin um iii-.h. analytu: nt mantinelů
Inllliitlrig iifiii'itii tram I.tia imlmlii'ru nuuntni to thii llnul autconutiii. Fur "551ml iilmplltliid l'ifll'li
lm tFlguru i ) cenama: litru annual!nf PGS Mfactlwenaaa: datami WFIÍDUU. FGB nalil?
Milabllllr. and miligalion aifeclwanaiil. Whita thin almplihed avan! lm shaw: mltlgutlhn
atlaatlvenaaa na a single prababillati: value. thiii Is Innu.r ta illuntmta ll'iii númnapta. Irl reality.
tha atleatliraniias af mihgaliun antiqua "ra attil'l :: mam :dl'l'lplůi collection af tantal-a. Thi: want tras
bi'ariahaa represent tha prababillt! ni suma! and tha probability nf failure af than-a aspects—thin
mathematical complamantii.
Tha event tree begins With a hazard aiiaíng Tram loss nr maminiriant within an area a f Bahnam
and follows the pmpagalina ahl-"ie ananarin thmugh the aumeaa „na “failure tria) nf each aapeqt
mntrlbuting tn effectiveness- Guantitative analysis can be uaed ta rapu-l ilia relalitra likelthand
and magnituda at the communaut- af each potential autu.—mne. Risk assessment delarmines thai:
lalarahllliy of the puianlinl mmm-nas hanna nn the annaequmne neverim and illielihanit by
nurnpnnng tria-nutnome lmquennif and Wnsaquanae nevanrf ta lh: and-mar rlaii anima.
Faso-unini- Fuss-un FWHitlilllln Hm"
nm:-lu Antal-Iti Itinininlu mm: autumn
m F ii-fil unum-
Ě-Ěr -,
mu ani mtm:
Bill!tim nu
l.!ll _ na: m unlim-
nan unmngnnii
Figure 1 — FBS affeativannšss model
“ii-.- Tiiat aspaci af FES ztratil-ranami: in tha prababliiiy mat m a bazaru la dataatithia niva" the
detector layout and citam vnitru armngerrt'ant. Far example. Hannan i: iaitan upnn acilwtian at
“mi: nr mara gata Helenium the hazard ia daleatahla Will.,f irl the SGEHITÍD invalvas a gas cloud lhal:
Gawain at lunar lwa dat-edm in the ali-ay. Luis a l nantninmani pingu a demand nn tha FBE.
mquiríng itn army ia dataci inn hai-Hiram canattian and in initial: required action. Fallaci
deimlon ailnws tnc inciplcni canaiucm tn nacnlnia to a in ll' magnitudu went T m "gamma
natural might nnt hi autoalanie air-nimi anianinni in the F a; unit li oriental: th: ř a s mi ht
nat ii- ntiqntlun Iri nim-anima in: larger hazard Thll Gamal-Mili na: nat him inuninarnind inte t .
'i'lllt rnndui in inu lin-hmm! maart. Far tha null- nl ulmpumlyl ||. ||! nnumud ihnl tin Inclpltiti
ůnndlilnn that is nat datumu dua in mndcqunln dnt-nim novemu vnutit l'i'inn unmiiinaind hanna
tl'iiil l l :|.t tha capability ol Iti! FGB- li: altaallirulir millgiilu.
Th: second branci-i ni Ilit ava-ni im (FES ani-i availability) Wann- thn igi-nluiilillltir ai-
iiuuuautui FES activaiim "WH : animated hazi: . ras functions mailu annaafliil..'lagt=-
numerisi. and tinal alumi'inllal. Failure uf tina FES lunatiim lu upnula lin dámami mann lti
. mm-ÉÉÉA; Hmmm
- 21- lůWůDDT—iůtl
The third branch o f the event tree i s the FGB mitigation action effectiveness which has a n impact
on the event dutcdmee and should be carefuli considered when avaiuaiinp overall eflectiveneee
of a n FGS function, The deelpn intent o i an F a ie typicaiiv not to prevent a haeardaue condition
tram tnltlolly occurring. but rather to redace (ar mltipaiei ine eeveritv ai consequences to a lower
level- a. small tire is prevented lrorn becoming a large fire that can escalate into a larger or
unacceptable consequence. A small gas release that presents a toxic andi'or fire hazard is
prevented from becoming a large gas accumulation that could result i n a larger o r unacceptable
consequence. Therefore. the residual rislt associated with a successful F B S operation should be
considered i n the overall determination of n'slt aocephabilily.
However. It would be lithl'llctllly incorrect to caneider tne FGB detector coverage. safety
availability. and mltipatian eliectiveneee in the same manner ae arie would consider Independent
protection layers. The separate depiciiarr in the event tree ol FGB detector coverage. eatetv
availability. and mitigation effectiveness i s simply intended t o highlight the aspects of the F G S that
matte its evaluation different from the typical instrumented safeguard- Personnel involved i n the
design o r modittcation of FGSs should consider that any change to the FGB or t o the content i n
which i t is installed will most likely result in changes t o the values o f all three o f these parameters.
Diilerent methade wiln diilerent degree: of quantitative ripor are ueed in the procese Induetriee to
implement the concepie dlecueeed in the preceding paragrapne. Theee methode range tram semi-
ouaniitatlve techniques to iull quantitative nett analysis rosa) meth arie. A quantitative rielt analysis
can b e used to mal-te decisions about the rislt reduction strategy (reference 2.1). The DRA should
be based o n a comprehensive risl-t analysis a n d consequence modeling for the hazardous event
under consideration- Semi-gu antitative methods utilize scoring methods that categon'ze the
attributes that define rislt and then select grades of F E S performance based on the results of the
scoring process (eee Annex A i .
Where poeeiale and practical. ather inetmmented ealeiiur eyeteme. auch ae eatetv lneirumenied
lunctiane. anould ae designed ta prevent iaee at containment, The development at a methodology
to allow the allocalion and verification of the rlslt reduction capability of an FGB function should
not be construed as a n endorsement o f the use of a n F G B function i n Iieu o f a properly designed
preventive safety irish'umenied function- Thus, i f rislt analysis determines that two orders of
magnitude of ríslt reduction i s required to address a high-pressure scenario i n a vesseL a safety
instrumentaci function e l ů E i l t D i n l e t feed to t h e v e s s e l upon d e t e c t i o n a i high pressure w i t h a rřllt
reduction Ut tWů ordere Cif m a g n i t u d e 't! p r e l e r a b i e . This t e c h n i c a l MPM dili-II n o t Chilli-tfii
addreeeing the above hazardaue event with a eatety Instrumenied fu nctlan achievinř ane order oi
magnitude In camainaiian with an PGS function providing the remaining ane order a magnitude in
risk reduction. This technical report focuses o n the implementation o f FGEs t o protect people a n d
the environment when the process is operating normally. but toss of containment has occurred due
to such factors as corrosion, erosion, a lealting gasltetr or tubing failure, o r the process i s operating
abnonnally, and preventative layers have failed. Thus. consider a different seenario where the
pressure i n the vessel i s within tolerable limits ( e g . . not hight and loss of containment has
owned. In this scenerie. an Ftls function ie an appropriate chatce lar reducing the rleit. because
thelůitl ltd Ectintldl far implementinp a preventive "illy inetrumented function t d prevent ioee of
con nmen .
IMTHMMQW-iůld -22 -
E- l ! Requirements
: &. ldeniify FGB Pertonnrmce Requiernente : Specinoatlon
I i :
: 'i'. FGB eonceptuei Deeicn E
I.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'_'.'.'.'. '1'.'.'.'.'.'..'. ''''''''''
: ' : Feriomlancs
: o. verlry Detector Coverege : vadneatlen
. i i
i o. Verity Fee Barely Availability :
i E
.|_ iii. Verity Effectiuenece of FGB Aciione
FGSs are beneiicial i n miligaiing the sel-ferity of haIards typical in the process industries-
Mdiiional information about these hozoroo can be found in CCF—$ (reference 2.7). The oeocri lion
here to Ihienoeo io old in definino Foo performenoe ohiectivee heeeo on the ciioeerl philoeop *:oi
the end Hilf.
To understand performance requirements for FGB. lt le important to have a dennitlon of the end
user's philosophy that le being applied to rnltlgsle hacards. Miliostlon systems usually need to
have a philosophy developed before a designer can proceed. Different users of this TR 1.irill haye
different philosophical approaches toward detection and mitigati-on of fire and gas hazards. This
section describes how the elements of the tire and gas philosophy translate to perfomance-based
FGB design- Some elements of a mitigation philosophy are included in codes. industry
recommended practices, or company standards. However, elements associated with detection and
mitígatíon are usually established by the end user.
The primary questions to be addressed in detinlng the perlormanoe objectives tor tire eno pes
e What magnituda of ha.-„eros should the FGB detection equipment oe designed fortl
. What FGB actions are required to successfully rnltipate the hazard?
This TR proúdes guidance on how the chosen philosophy will impact performance-based FGB
The ectione that are meet effective In the early tlnolplent) etape of e flre are:
W 201!ISA. Alldihtlm.
mramor-sms -se-
l'a'onpractical to deteetd potential tire hazards- Detection manner of an incipient tmu (earlyr
stage) or a fully developed laazant. Note that with longer Eee. optical flame detector perionranee
night be degradad. Safety actions can be as sirnpte asanofau'nment and isotaňoo offuel, cr as
oorrmliacated as isolalím„ depeessurizing, and sup-513ml.. The tire detection piiosophy should
specify 'rf alarms and FGB actions will occur on a single detedor in alan-n state (team ar ramku
more than one detector in alarm state l e a . . ionu).
I there is an absence of plrysiell mnt'rnement of the flarne front and ahsenoe of flame front
iieraction with turhulenne—iedueing ohstacles, then the ita-ne will not significantly aeeelerate. If
igied, the initial phenomenon is a short-duration, omnia-rt fire that hurns from lhe point of ignition
het-gh the gas cloud in short duration- The llarne tmm expands slowly near the noir-lt of ignition.
h the event the flame froult does not aocelerate. the vapor cloud fire will not produse a siprifrcanl
presswe wave Chlast). The frre ie therefore called a hash fire. A flash fire ls haaerdous. but the
esteru ls llmlled to the shaaefsiae at the flame envelope itself.
milever, gas can acmnnrlate in contin ed and seni-eonfined areas of a pro-seas- listuieolljr. a
niimum gas cloud aeurrmialion of 5 meters (reference 2 4 and 2.12) 1.lvas demmstra'led to he
seilirient for enabling a Ene front to aecelerate to a vetootty that has the potential to eouse a
significant pressure wave. This does n o t exclude the potatt'eel that under adverse conditions, an
amnnulation of less than 5 meters might result in siria' hazards. This pressure slave is also
wed a hlast, a n d the plsannenon is known a s a trap-rr cloud explosion WIZE)- The arteen of t h e
UCE hazard is governor! by the amount of gas aoctnmialion and the degree of oorrlinernent and
namestim. and it can be med a s the pressue generated by the blast and is duatlon.
- 25 .- ISA'TFBALULW—m
Parconu! located outdoors are otten not írtiured by the pressue wave itseii b u t can be huit by
Holt-velocity hagtnents. Hon-blast-reslstant shucha'es can be severe damaged or collapse.
musim hana to building occupants. Blast etlecls can resim in haaards at significant distance
beyond the bomdal'f o f the fiammabie cloud.
lt ted-stable to detect tlammable gas before ignition. especially i t i t i s in a confined and cortgmed
area where the gas can accumuiate. FGS can be benetiúal in detecting the presence of a
What-air mhtmre (or detecting & release of tigh—ptessure gas). Automatic actions can hl:
m by the FGB to minimize both the possibility of iglition and the setrerilgir of the vapo: dou!
tie hazard. Actions that are most effective in the eau stage o f a gas release or accmntlalim ae:
Willie a ten seconds o r less, a vapor hre will btm back to the point of ignition and me
the hazatts described above; however. the afterettecls can include a residual jet tie (for &
mnmhmdliven release) o r pool tire (for a limit! reieaseu'pooling). or perhaps both. The reeiihlal
tie 1litil continue to burn until the source of the fuel is isolated a n d any accumulated fuel "u
censu-ned- Widle i t i s highh.r preferable tio detect a Mobile gas hazard before ignition to
aafeguauti ife„ F G S can also b e benelicial in detedíng lie residual tire and taking actions to Iini
its theatiotn and intensity-
There ae seveial different philosophies for W & detection. Flammable gas detection
can be appied to detecting either a n acmlalion of gas or a release of gas- Actions cotld Ile
pronlpt attenuation. sheiter in place in response to an alarm notitication, or acting to limit the
mmm and ignition potential for a vapor cloud. The Folio—ím a r e two different philosophies ice
tlacmable pes detection. Each i s valid tor a particuar application
lt ia- impiaclical to detect all gas Ieaite, even all Ieaks that could be haIaJ'duue- Hele-ase enureea
and direction of díapersiun cannot always be predicled with certaintv- In some Iomliund. where
gas can be dispereed by wind or ventilation, a strategy of placing detectoro DI'IlY around Iiltelv
release source: can have limited effectiveneoo- The gaa detection philoaop'rqir should specify il
alarm: and F B S executive actions will occur on a single detector in alarm atate Modlit) or require
more than one detector in alarm state (Zoot—l). A well-defined philosophy vrill guide the FGB user
in determining the correct performance ohlectivee.
“analogy Therefore, one W "s to select a hazard acer-arie aid model the extent of the
Isa-zad (eg., dispersion, oornprm ihlid dynamics [CFD]:|. To model a toxic gas hazxd,
onrusider the smallest hazard soenaio that vrould require deteclicn: tlis can be based on either
riator a team-based review.r and should be likely to occur in the project lifeli'ne. A second approach
is to d'l'ecttv postulate the maglihste of a toxic gas volume Hat is of concem and then design
using a geographic technique (e_n. 5 m HES cloud size. El m H.?-!$ em size:-.
The objective of a tcxlc pas detection system is to detect cmmuations ol pas that could be
luzardous to personnel ln time tor proper protectlve actions to be taken. Molnatic actions can be
uren by the FGB to minimize ete severity of the hazard. Actions Ilut are mast effective In early-
stage of gas release cr acc-mutation se:
. m atd evacuationlsheltering of persomel
. ammmňc EBD isolalion atd dep-ensurizing equipment lu! eu be Iealring gas
'I'hefolon'ing is a n example plies-ruthy for toxic gas detectim-
„mademw Wants-storico"
manganem WWWNÉMHMM
Womanityhrslaaas W-MHWMMDMWDMW
manin'rniza pctmtiáfcr meamamgaammbnmmm
uhňaddlaliongashazsl'dtl'st "lonely-.
“"Bůh“ Marsem
! - áambemmalaperscrmeltoaafsiyu'slrhadů-mtdad
Iamm enm'tofadalea: mmm
Umím: 'aingasdouziatcea'lziůadhtmishm "armádu-m
madamlawmandspadngmúanuhadmb facilities
actiesselpcsehaiaslrscmsriss. Basama-el
mehdmnsuaossssras. delsdicnumiwsmemdrss
dots-crime Motion
Mmmmrrprcviconlldme Hummel
- mtmwndm aida-“hmm
Techniques used to select target FGS pedommncs should cortsider parameters that affect the
hazard and n'slt. Thev are chen appierl on an equipment-item oasis udetermine it an FGB shaun
he outsider—ed tc protect each eqiprnent item and, if promin is required. what degree of
performance should be targeted in the design. The hazard atd risk meters that should be
ouruidered itclude the following:
IMTRMDůDT-Eůti . 23 -
+ material itammahllttvitottldtr
. process temperature
. plocees pressure
. hazard frequency.r
& soutce Iealt size
. ignition sourooo
o potential tor atti aooun'luldtlon
o environmental oondltlona
Two lvoioal strategies for the haxard and neli assessment for the selection of FGB nei-immer
target: are used in industry. These hire general approaches are referred to aa send-quantitative
and fully quantitative tisk analysis- 1tiltihile the fully quantitative risit analysis rrtethodotpgies ara
more precise, the semi-quantitative methods are also aoceptahle-
. Semi-quantitative risir analysis has a level of effort similar to layer of protection analysis
(rate-rano: 2.5 ano 2.61. tt uses lookup tables ano "order of magnituda" selection: to categories
various iii-lt parameters and mereni; oatoolish the needed ooriormonoo lorqoto. Theta semi-
quontitativo toohnlquu need to od oatibrotod to lnaurd that t o m oooru level-oi-etlort tool.
provide oatltiootorv ruutla. Seo Ann-it it tor on automoto of a unii-quantitative naurd and
ridit analysid-
o Fully quantitative tiel-t analysis vei'il'iea that quantitative risk toleranoea have been achieved
using detailed quanlilicatien of the hazard and tisic. Whie the holit.r quantitative analysis
provides more accurate results, it is also more time consuming and can tte resouroe intensive
(see Atmel: D).
The following steps are tiroradlnr applicable to both strategies for hazard and risk anáysis.
Stop 1 - Identity areas of oonoorn
FG! inatottoliono in the promo induttriu oro would-oliv doolgnod to oddrua liquid: oaaooiotad
With idos-ot-oontalnmont event: oouaod oy lanka. corrosion. and orollon. ln many dont. r a s t
are only expected to provide generalprocera area coverage. Under these circumstances. the FGB
design can tal based on simple prescriptive practices img.. references 2 2 and 2.3). it available
for the application. In some process plants, their implementation ls benefielal, while irt others use
of an FBE 't's unnecessary- Hot all process plants will even undergo a formal anatysisol PGE
design requirements. The determination of whether tunnel assessment of PGE design
requirements analysis is required “i" be the “result of end-itempouďesipreoedumninndI'Eg'tJÍEtÚlT
realitami-y requirements
auditor iecdtrunertdatinna
PÉE screening analysis
e previousincident::
Jin FGB screening ondivala can be used to identity areas el ooneern where FBS installation aan
hl nenolielnl ll'l reduomq ook. nn FGB dementni: anulu-l: should oonaldlr the nerentabilitu and?
tonloitf ol lhl motorista bling pronese-d. union would identity diodou novtom-nt tnnt toordunu
en ono ol edita-rn tor oooulolo poriotmonoe-itaald FGB design. the plot. plano. prdu“ lloliv
. 29 . ISA-M.DQDT-Éů18
diopron'le. heot end meteriol bolet-ice. ilncl Pointe ehould be onolyeed to identify the prooeee
meterioltet end normoi operating conditions. end whether the rnoterlele prooeeeed oonleln llre
hourde. comhuetlhle ooo hoeorde. or tolilc poe hoeerde.
ll.! Step 2 - Identity hiul'dft'tllt idil'lil'lůi
Fotomonce-ooeed FGB deeign required idenllliootion or record eeenorloe tor which Hits
Modem are designed. Attl-iouph the FES is expected to perfoim ort dorriond for a vrldo ranpo of
general hazards. a few specitic hazards should be identified tio establish target performance and
allow measurement o f achieved performance.
Major equipment items should be analyzed to identify the type of tire or gas hazard, and this should
include storage lanlts. pressure vessels. pumps, compressors. separation equipment (distillation
totvers. etc.). and heat eschangers- The type of heeard depends on the process ttuld composition,
ttte process conditions (temperature and pressure). the state and duration of the credihle release,
and the type end locotlon of ignition sources.
Performance torpete ore defined with retpeol to the hozord ecenortoiet lhot FBS deeipn ie Intendetl
to detect ond odequotely rnitlpoie. Thle etep con involve direct hoeord ldenliliootlon (o.o.. dd ilw
radionl heot output tire. td rnl comhuetihle pile pcournulittlon. 20% LFL ooouniulotlont of
ldentiticntlon ol oredlhle ecenorioe involving releoee pl hazardouti material thdt oould plve rlee to
hre end pos hosordo. These include corroelon-inltloted leolio. tlonpe pocket leoliii. ond emoll
diameter tuhlnp failures. Where scenartos ore selected as the hostil of deeipn. the analysio ehduld
consider the attributes ln outliciont detail tio detennlne the potential physical oiioraotorlstloe of the
hazard scenario. such as fire s'oze or gas dispcfsion extent.
This step results in a list of equipment items and assoctied hazardslfscenarlos that are _lTi
forward to subsequent steps.
4.6.3 Step 3 - Analyze consequences
únos :: hre or gas scenerie is idenlilted, s consequence severity study should be undertaken to
determine the physical extent of the hecard and the potential to eseelete the severtty it not
detected. This either take: the tomi ol o model thol predict: the physical etlecls of the retence. or
ie hoeed on qualitative teen PHA letim ]ud menit or eemi-quonlitotive techniques. The end veer
ehoold decide the onlerlo o n o to onolyze t e eiitent of the unmitlpoled llre. oomhueilole poe. or
toiiio oce nosord econorlo touolltotive. eernl-ouonlitollve. ondlor lull ouontltotlvel. The following
eeotione oddreee ouontltotlve melhode only. The oppllcotlon ot consequence modeling ie not
addressed in detoll in this teohriicol report. l'teler to CCF! treterence 2.71 tor more guidance.
end.! Fire hoeorde
For tire scenarios, the extent of f'l'e and themtal radiation effects ale usually required to detem'lino
detector layout requirements. Fire detectors using optical or visual detection means are sensitive
to the amount o f radiant heat output from the tire, but limited by a threshold amount of radiation
received at the detector below which a fire cannot be detected- Consequence models predict these
physical effects as a function of orientation and distance from the tire. Results of fire models
provide the basis to determine the number and location of fire detectors necessary to detect a
given tire scenerie.
The tire onolyels ehould identity o threshold amount of rodinnt heat output that can mutt to o
potentiol hozord. or eeoololion of it hourd beeed on the type of prooeeelnp equipment end leyout.
The criterio thould he ueed oe the end point for the llre coneeouenoe onelyele.
end.: Cornhuetlhle pile heeorde
l'or e comhoetlhle poe hoeold. consideration ehould he given to the dieperelon end potential
ammulotidn of pos ln uncontined or smí-oonllned areas. and "hmotu should be developed ol
the extent of the oon'rouslihle gas hazard. Although this can be accompltahed oy delinlng the
volume of the gas aommuiatioh ol concern, gas dtsperstdnlaccurnulation modeling and explosion
analysis ln contined or cor'rgested areas should be considered.
Baa dispersion anatysic using simitanty models ia adequate tor same outdoor loeetiona where
olap-etalon is only affected oy mcmentum jet eftecta as well as atmospheric effects. Diepersion
modeling results should be generated for concentrations at the threshold tor alarm tor gas
detectors. Similarity models and other cimplilied empiricdl models can be misteading when
etudying gas dispereicn. especially tor indoor releases. Simplified models can yield uastly different
concentration profiles than tuti computational ltuid dynamice lCFD) nrcdeis. tn moet casea,
ventilation and geometry dominate the diepersion. ec moel simpiihedrempincat models cannot
accurately capture this tnlonnation to a sulticient resolution. Further. elmpirlied mcdele treauently
Willi solid surfaces. These play a significant role
do not account tor turbulence or the interactiontropor
in the shape. else. orta concentration at the cloud and thue need to co etraluated with
eultlclent resolution. Gee dlepersicn in ccnllned or cchaested epoces or enctased volume should
use consequence anatyete methods lec.. CFD) to elrantine concentration arctitee under the
influence ol lorceo ventilation systems rather than atmeepheric eltecls.
l'or liammeolerccmoustiole gas hazards. thedpae concentration to the tirirnenir means ct potential
hesard detection:hoeever. the actual hasar can include one or more ol vandr cloud eliptcelch
iconllned or semt-continedi. tire. cr tclria inhataticn elrpoeure.
The hazard is a tunction of volume of haserdoue material. concentration. and level ot continernenl
in the case ol \'o cloud exploeion. As the volume increased. a more cerne hacard becomes
more Iilrely. Therefore. the detector piaoemenl is predicaletl on criteria to detect the gae
concentration early enough that action can be taken before the release becomes a larger gas cloud
of potentially higher concentration- With earlier activation. the hazard potential can be Iowered
t e p „ maximum explosion oucrpressure that could be toiereled without severe damage of loss ol
lilo). The development of these criteria is provided by CGPB treterence 21) but is outside the
scope ol this technical report.
For facilities that store. handle, or proc-esa toxlc gases, the worst crediale science-io odn be a n
unoonlrollecl release of a toxio substance to the atmosphere. Facilities that deal with these
substances qEnetally' íl'lttest in equipment lla handle the substance- such 35 Vents to Hanes;
scroll-bere, tncinesalors- or alternate oantainrnenl. uissaeis. The failure ai this equipment, its
controls- o r t h e piping systemilzself lleaits. erostoh, and corrosion) can lead to otelwse- Gas
detection Stratenie are-onen utilized to help miligate this potential hazard?
it is common Ptacttce for companies handling tento gas releases to cortduol dlapetaion neodeling
of credilale scenarioe to delennirle the potential elfect of a given release. Dlapetsion modeling “till
address plant and surrounding area topograohy iniorrnalion, leaI-t rate rrrloonatim- plant.tueathdr
data, and toxicity information- ERPE temerpency response planning guidelines) numbers of lDLl-l
timmedlalely danger—otra to life and heath) number-rrr are alten terenu to characteristic the eutenl at
“the acute toxicity hama.
The desigh rnrent a l toute gas detection is to mitignle the ne'-rarity at the unnlitigaled hetero
aoenerln. This il' typlcaity aceompiiehed hy early detection-malachit: il'l mcroelfecoue ert-tiergci'ltltii
reaper-ine, conte'rnment. or the attenuation .at personnel to a. sale location Unmiligat'ed
cornequeheee should daline the attent o l impact of the unrnitlgaled hama autama.. which edn
include-onsite ondror potentially oltsrte consequences.
esse Eecalatloh ot mmmebie and totrla l e s haeartle
the enim. intant at line and ga- detection te. ueuelty to mlttgate eo cimca timeout attention.
'i't'rte re trainery accomolrehea oy tlmtttnp the eirtent at the heaerd'cn ih carne cash. manner
adrilimral lime before escdalion to an! for elfeclive emergency resources ard containment
mm alowfor the evacualion oď pelet-mel to a safe location-
ln arlriiion to an incipienl tire or gas release scenan'o used for establiáring detector location a n d
placa-ent. the consequence acrialyás mnu include an assessment ol the potential outcome of
tim scenerie if unmitigated by the FES- This could result in escalation ot the Interdous event into
:: larger. more severe consequence than the scenerie selected as the basis ol design tor FGS
detection. This severe consequence represents the potential cutoorne ol FGS lailure due to
inadequate detector coverage. poor FGS availability. or Inetlectlve midgation actions
esse outer consequence modiication factors
Dmeancy, lime at risk, and ignition uuhahility are other factors lhal crrricl lrc considered vvhen
msirg rislc to personnel safety. 'I'hese factors should b e justilied hurgh scenario-specilic
matysis that ensures that these [actors are reasonable a n d appropriate fu“ the scenario under
consideration. For example. commancy Ecely changes a s plant personnel responcl t o potential o r
redmd loss o f containmenL l n cmhast. the Iilcelihood that a release is narmnahle i s dependent
on the chemical properties release size and location and dispersion potentní t'lammable
Equus or gases are involved in the scenerie. it i s possible to estimate the potential for a tire or
explosion using qualitative. send-qualitative. cr quantitative methods Ignition probability data tor
cunhirstible liquids. liammabie liquids. cnd llammahle cases i s provided byl:-“CPS (reference 2.71
Grmioeon determining eppropriatevalues tor these lectors ls outside the scoped! this technical
ice.-r Step nt - Analyee hazardpomocy
Before establishing FGB perlonnaroe reqúrements, considerations should be given to the
ieirood o r frequency o f the hazena-[s] tlmtcould result i n t h e unmiligatedlescámed consequence
seuerity. Further, a decision can be made moct the tolerahility of a n unniigaterl ň'e a n d gas rislt,
Ulrich can guide decisions about the scope of a n FGS design- Release frequency can b e
determined by applying databases of equipment failure rates to the idenlilied scenario, but could
iso Ile based on qualitative (e- ., PHA temi judgmenl) or semi—quarlitalive techniques.
ln nuny cases. a rislr scenerie arises from equipment damage end faitue needianisrns. such as
general corrosion. that are well wider-stood In these cases applications! hrdosti-y lailure rate data
garanta he considered. For chmele soda databases include leolt "m tor oomponcma. .
srt-oh as prom Hannes. pressure vas-lis. and compressor seats Meli-ods hr detection induce-y
We data based on site-specific and maintenance cisto-res one also available.
ln some casas- the hazard scenerie can sense front unigUe faccors mat shoclid hne addressed in a
academic-specific analysis- An attempts is an nnoontroiied release o! :: ianfriahle gas in gas—
pronocíon mie due to-produced marimusic; erosive damage totionirec. i n this dese. industiy
“nikde rate databases are ol limited value. The end user's prior expertem-e a considerable
m of jodmnent can be pulsar: to eslaisish thelrequency o f the reieacee scenerie.
ttisoňen the case thatfi—re and gas neliecim "es provided in a n area to deeeeuetease'irommulliple
Wines of potential relEaae. ln mese came, mece should b e some Ecion!hlen to aggregate the
Emunim of the potential hadam searched in the area of connect- This is acoomplished ev
accounts-ig for a. number c l equipment lei: Soenartoe with similar mm and generating
dresu-m total or cumulative frequency ct'redease. Tide cicis ll'l minimalni the nunioer ol scensrlos
“loar need to ne il'tdt'vidually analyzed For example. sun-| the neumn- nf nit mooc mth od av
Manthre to the area of concern.
Meneses. Hllůghlám.
MTM.W.W—3HB -32 -
user criteria for tolerability. This can be accomplished though M of a hazardirisit matrix
with suficierrtlydeta'led information regarding consequence sere-iyarid liketiiood. Alternatiyely,
tpanlibitiue risk ctiteria can be stated in tenns of toterabie rnitigate-d euentiltelihood- lf the criten'a
"liticete thatthe urmi'tigated hazardfristt scenario is toterabte- adritional risk reduction using FGB
filmům-[B] is not required unless othenlrise mandated by tuned legal requirements- If the
lazadfristr is higher than target criteria, then t h e rislr.reduction requirements should b e established
ftrthe appimue tire, combustible gas, or tosic gas detection function 'n the FGB-
if the odemne of this step results in an acceptabte situruim with no additional risk reduction,
father analysis of performance-based requirements for FGB design isoptional. Design of the FGB
and seirsor phcemeru should be based on existing nett-node tof system design, such a s the
appicaiite intimitu standard cr industry guidelines and relyiag on the jrldgment of a qualitied
engineer for ser-ser placen-rent. Good practice guidelines in mie: B nemu be considered for
serusor placement-
More itimnalion on the setection of FGB perftumance targets is iactuded Íl'l the annexes of this
TR. Armen A contains a n oumple of a semi-quantitaliyeqipmadthr setecitg FGB performance
tagets. and Antes D contains worked exampleB of FGB nemam hne! selection, using a
variety of methods for a variety of applications.
FGB perform targets shoutd be consistent with the crad-user pliesqily for hazard detection
alert mitigation. based on the level of hazard and tisk associated earl-i process heeards in a
emitored area. and agreed upon by the end user- Adrieueroent of FGB performance targets
studu be through application of one or more of the listed FGB neim mbics shown in table
4. in the absence ct spacího guidance from the end-user philosophy. the totiowing options should
be outsidered tor mice:
t . Applications with ctou-ned FGB risit reduction factor s to: Doanbticetion of detector
coverage as FGB performance metric. Qualitative outsideretim of other performance
2. Freeeritative FGB safetyr functions: Applications with clem-ert FGB risk reduction factor
[RBF] it eso-eee of 10. Quantity detector coverage atd safety arrahbility.
- hůgative FGB safety functions: Applications with clained FGB HRF in excess of 10.
Gila-diy detedor coverage, safety availability, and miigation action effectiveness. Note
thai: these types of functions it is difficutt to achieve ta'get HRF, as they require strong
FGB detector coverage, as WE" as FGB mitigation effectiveness-
m of an FGB function as either preventatiue or miligatiue is the responsibility of the
end userofllis technical report. Where unmitígated ha.-ard seuerity isdeemed to pose an eleyated
level of fazardirisk, FGB mitigation as well as other non- FGB means of risk reduction shouid be
corrsideled. Target FGB performance can be detined in various way-.s, such as a n FGB risk
rerhrction factor, percerd reduction in risk of unmitígated ita-end semity, or maxi-nom allowable
":lhuůf the FGSinciorL Target FBS pelhmlance StÍtl be mica to reduce tie
ApplicdiomntmcliimedFGE m 0
FEEl'riigáonectisn WM mmm-hun mc
Wl. claimdFGSr'ckwůdr-hcu
W:“ mmm mc
Dtmtitication of FES safety availability shouirl lie expressed based on 31 FBS function assou'derl
with coverage in a deiacl monitored area.
“linere applicable, perfonnance targets for FGS mitigation action electiveness should be
continued. and. Wiener the FGS target EHF eso-seus 10. FGB niigation action etlectiuenosns
slmld be ouantllied. Guidance on mitigatioo action ctlactiucnass is Med in ciausa 5.2.10 and
Annex G, Including hfonnao'on on estimation this meu'ic at a hazard scatauto-by-scenario level of
As illustrated in Flgu'e 3, FGB performance tageh should be selected such that the target rtů.
reduction can be achieved by the FES Mety function- F G S eifeciuerlces is the product cí
atplicable performance rneh'ics including detector coverage, FGB m availability, mt! FGB
niigaliue action eieciuenass accounting io: curl-non cause, cum-nn mode, and systermii:
_'__ era _mea
HmmawF-GS Melies
. eauaiatent with the ent-user philuaephy fer halami detection and mitigatiun
. buedanthe Ievelnhiakamcidatedwilhpimmha mmitaredaea
. Iikalihaod df hard
» aeverity ct eacalated heard if nat adequatedetected and miňgated
. the capability at the FGS actions to meet the target haaard niiligatian (eg.. reduce
severity by m e arder at maanitudei
. agreed upan mirne enduser
IIII'E Uaa-afapriaranatyaiacffreamgaahazafdeht—mlelpmaaaaafatyarlmmmahmdd
"Samantha príarhazardaráysisshucidaligtuithttmeápmiemanta
4.5.13 Design-basis When fire
Ehúd-eurech firee can be detected either during une hciienl ata-ge (early) ar inlhe hirdevelcped
stane. Automatic aalietyactiana icrtire auppreaeianalmidhe consideredin idanHyingthe design-
bags hand- Hyůntsm'hnn fire deledinn _ tyrpietillmI he based on detection of an inelpient tire.
Bottle plilo-sop-ties iii nul rts-mie initial! line ddeetion i n all areas, pnartirmladglir unmmned
installations. The Hinting talie pinea-ee g_iidance on several alternatives for selecting the
design—basis hazard.
Tal: 5 - amulet oddesign-basis tire haaards
DonationHůl-de DPP-5"
' l _ _ ' I'll-tlm
[ odioh
lt“ a ráeae soernio'ssdeded heated of aspecilied hazard magnitude, then tire mdelirtg shmid
be used to detemite the studenta!the Ee hazard and the deteclahility of tire effects as a fumion
of tisknoe. The Multi-ig end-pain critet'm should be mnsidered:
l$A-THB4.DD.DT—201B .as.
Dni-chonřtilooophy Deliah-BnihHuu-d WW
mamutitmmlemw Hmmmmmmm marty-incentiva
Wiedeengdetechm maintltosmhghpwap
Whmtdnityhmlm release
Fiennebtegasrmvdassomouih Laurie.-adm
W F' E_mů
] I'ma-dm
- ligisttíllžbsrsecitugasandhm
. DEhg'stUJ-tlbetsecjtu'rqid
FIElnmettegesolmdesao-ciaadutha mnu-tmu“
Date-et aluminum-ie"in E-nieliaI-ephmcei' Moneim Wiliúnpnceesmcf' nix-Eratem
MMEMÍ mammalian hm
FMM-3333“ T-mmm'
mama WMnmmďd-a
“lil-mehrspherieddusdmltthn Writúnproceesa'eesďhnmůmu'tall
Andieieofdereeanddihae _
WMĚWĚWĚ Imm-imeem wmmmmd
IWH" masa“ a núsrsluihblatnudehg smestmclreidanagsepdhmmtď
colalae museums-g)
It is the responsibility of the end user to determine if the pupese of gas deteclim is itcípient
[early] detection or major hazard detection, which implies quantilim of gas enotld be mesent that
it ignited could cause large-scale safety impacts.
- 3?- summer-tore
. “Minehaha—slety exposure
. “lest-old lieiyited average (TWM-threshold limit value Humanart-tam W init
[STELHpemiss-ibte exposure limit [FEL] for chronic health exp-omnes
ln adrition, lindelirg should address the threshold of detechbiity ot tunel huit: gas taing
selected gasdetecbon eqťpment and vendor-approved perfmon-cem.
When identilying sceriarics that are used to establish FGS performance targets. it is httportant to
cciuioer the design timitations c l automatic FGB activation. Ensirre stat the besis-ot-deeign
Maude are appropriate given the limitaticn of the system- For emnpie, detector
loosaticnlplacanent tor a tire suppression system design that exam-es otiym iiciúent fire will
need to be designed vrith detector location and placemertt sultirierl tio detect cody-stage fire
Design Maraida'the amount of time between when the baza-d i'iialybeoomes dete-stable
byttteselechedemimleotaidlhetimewhen lheexpecteddegreeofliskrerhcioncmmlonger
be adtieved dueto afutlyoolllated hazard. This will deltne Items:—.d! respolaetinereqňrement
4.5.3 Step b - detector coverage
11te|loposedlocationottie and gas detectors should be analyzedtodeternitebolveltectivethe
proposed array ot detectors with a given voting arrangement vvil be "li doteď-ig Ile hazard and
ililiaMg a spedlied safety action. An assessment of detector coverage involves analysis of the
potential sotuces of tire and gas within a given monitored process area and me peitormence of a
proposed detector design, including the number. type. location. olielitation. and set points of
detectors. There are lat least) two possible approaches that can be used tor ire and gas mapping
of detector coverage. tic coverage and scenerie coverage. In either case the analytical
method to determine achieved coverage should lnvolve a computer model to map detection
coverage. Reiter to Ameri B tor attributes that modeling software may contain
Design verihcetion should account tor common cause. common mode. ano oecervnncies between
the detector coverage, safety availability and mitigation effectiveness and between the FES and
the iritiating sorpce oilr the lla-rd or other IPLs. The coverage levels that have been achieved for
a g'vert proposed detector array are then compared against selected perfmvnance targets. lt the
average tauget las been achieved, the proposed design is acoeplable- If the target is not
aclieved, the type, number. andlor location of detectors should be reviews-d andntod'rlied unii the
coverage target is adieved.
wile-letne PFDevg is a function of the dangerous uideuctedfailure rate of each device. thevoting
arclitecuire of each device grouplng. and the proof test intervat of the devices. 1ilerll'lcatlon can be
aooornptished using the techniques presented in the ISA-TRN. OD.02 for aneiysis of SlFs
However, several significant differences between SlFs and FGS functlcns should be noted to
eltsiire an acc-italie assessment of FGB safety availability is achieved.
FISL proper definition of the FGB function is criticti to acmratiely assessing the FGB safety
“Hity. The mantity of detectors and possible vnthg schemes of the F G S function are ili-eclyr
relded to the detector design basis. which spedice: the gas cloud or flame size that the detector
may can detect with the goal of mitigatíng fmther aculmlhtion. such that the gas clo-lid or harte
size cannot escatete to a catastrophic event. FGB appiimtions cm be designed to act when a
álgle salsu goes into alarm- However, most systerrls implement some form of voting o f muttipie
sensors in an area of ooncern to reduce the tiitetihood of system activation from a single sensor
fit.-'e. Typicalty turn or more sensors in an ar— of mw“ must go into alarm before automatic
action taken- While this reduces the probabitity of nlisarloe trips from a single sensor failure, it
also reduoee the probability of successfully reeponring to a Ilaaardous event. It is less likely for
Moor more detectors. to be in the area of conoem, am.-ting the layout of detectors has not been
dlallged with the implementation of voting.
Detector voting schemes cannot be detem'llned umil a detector design besls is established te.g..
dtesensor array should be designed tc detect an aoctntualion of combustible ges with & maximum
dimter of 5 meters). If en area of concern oonuins three detectors. the ability of the detectors
to detect the event within the required time will determine whether the voting scheme is foot.
'Iu-ol 1003, or 2003. Thus, if the postulated 5—metetr gas m u t a t i o n is moved throughout lite
Here of normu and, at eny one time, only one (letech: Gen "see“ the accumulation, the ventily
sdleme is 1oo1. The other two detectors cannot 'see' the aocunulation volume irl question all
ttmsátuid not be considered as redundant measured-ena for the hazard scenerie.
Sentra one shnmd consider the source of the hilure rate data being used in the PFDm
mutation itself. Failure rate data is readity available from a variety of data sources [vendordda
"luhlstry data, site specific data, etc-)- However, it me looks dosely, this failure rate data na
presented typksslIy includes an assumption that the device 1lllill operate in a fail-safe, de-energize—
tio—hip diode. Most FGSs operate in an enemize—to—b'ip arrangement- Gonsider a failure mode
estate a logic sclver is unable to energies its output- In a de-energize-to—trip scheme. this type of
falus hill prevent one from initially opening a tail-closed valve during startup. Thus. it would be
classihed as a safe failure by the manufacturer. Howe-ref. in an energies-imdb scheme. this type
cl more prevents one trcm opening a suppresslon van-e chong & demand. Thus. lt shoota-be
dessihed as a dangerous failure- Thue. one needs to cerehtly leview the failure rate dete hem
WM for use in the calculations.
Abio+ radove terce needed for enyr energies-tomto nibgebve actions should tte avellebte feng
mougti to u'le-ettlre design intent of the FGB action. Fore-simple, the availability of dneluge or
minn systems shouldbe includedindie moon. FES deeigns typically involve odhadům
ofina eienaents lhal might be controlled byother systems. stitch as isolation valves oontroflied by
the safety it:-sournented system logic solver. Any eqtn'gmerrt that i s required for FGB operatiin
Shodit!be includedin the FGS availability calc-latine- tflhe associated wítl'l the FEi-Eis
used hy any other protection layer ior the-sono hoax-dns event the common cause intensit nu
overall fish reduetion of this design-should be evahratcsi
Tise-safety availability that has been achievedihr a given FGB function is then compared again!
& setected perfomance target. tl the safety avmablhtytorged has been achieved. the? mm:
and Macboo- of the FGB function are “capable if the target is not achieved. desig-l
garan'lelers such as redundancyi diagnostics. and testintetvats shouldbe lie-viewed andmobile:!
tutti the target avalebiflly ls echleved.
- 1! — ISAt-1'RB4.DD.D?-201B
Lito Stop " attestivmssofFGS actions
tutitigation action effectiveness is the cootirtence that the results of activating the final control
clementfs) of a n FGB ftmction will seiccesshly midgate the consequence of a detined hazard a e
expected (eg.. prevents a small tire or gas accumúation from escaiating to a large fire or
accumutationt- In this contingency. the FGS wooden can be ineřfective such that the outccrne of
the event is not significantly different than it would be if no detection or activation occurred. The
concept of effectiveness of the FES actions is madona only when considering FGS functions
that are intended to rnitigate hazards.:hverefore. this has also been referred to se *mitigatlcn
effectiveness: I n the less trewent oppidem where FGS hnvctions prevent a hazard. this branch
of the event tree is not meaningtul.
The reduction in severity atforded by a nibgation action will be related to the magnituda of the
hazard being acted upon and the fundamental limitahns of the capability of the FGS actions to
be effective. ln general. effectiveness of the FGS actions is likely to be very high when the
magnitude of the detected hazard is smal and detection occurs quickly, sc the desired safety
action can be taken well before there is the potential for hazard eocaiation. Conversely. even
conect detection and activation of the FES actions might be iieffective:
1. Duo to a n excessive time detay between initiation of the F G S action and when such actions
can be coi'isidered effective- For l—npte combuslibte gas detection that isolates &
process and opens depressuiziig tbbwdo-wnj valves can tatoo ED minutes or more before
the pressure in the system has sigriwrlty radim-d with a corresponding reduction'In the
discharge rate of a gas leur. Dui'ig the iriewening period, the gas that already leatted
from the autem court igrite.
2 . Due to severe consequences associated vrith ale hihat toss of omtainment event that
would reallt in a normalne ntagriude beyond the design of the F G B actions- For
exa'npte. a estasbbphic pipeite timhle wil very lirely result in a n immediate vapor cloud
explosion hazard that can have stara-e corisequences before the FGE function can
etTective rritigate them- The enstiig ie might be nitigated but not before severe safety
consequences haveal'eadyooulred.
As a result:. the design verše.-Him should auratum for these codependencies- Mitigalion
effectiveness is recogriaed a a vid FBS performance menit: that will fundamentally limit the
amount of claimed risk i'ecttiction form FGSitnction betovrthe ideal outcome of 100% confidence
in effective FGB actions- In eorioept. early detection of small or incipient. hazards provides “high"
confidence that FBS mitigatim actions vlil be successful- Late detection results in "low“
confidence. Similarty. low confidence resite i't under detection of a hazard that is an order of
magnitude larger than the nasim—bag hazard. Whie guidance on this topic continues to evolve.
as a minimum for all applications. users of this TR sliould even-line the existing or proposed F G S
function to enswe that FGS actions are creditabte a s being effective in reducing the magnituda
and severity of the umingated hazard- The concerns raised about mitigation effectiveness
highlight using a very cardio-tatry approach when considering FGB systems in applications where
ctalmed ristt reduction associated with FGB mitigation exceeds a factor of 10.
The method of verifying ntitigation action effectiveness will dep-end upon the type of action one
takes ie.g. evacuation ot metversus deptoyrnent of fire suppresston versus Isolation and
de-pressurizatton of the process) Fin-aver gradace on FGS rnitigatlon action effectiveness ls ln
Annex C
In addition, the estimated response time for the FGS safetv function should b e veriňed against the
requi'ement ntahlished during conceptual design. If the FGB safetyr response includes evawation
or other human actions, the FGB safeltir function response time evaluation should consider
nonoptimal conditions for personnel egress or sheltering that are likely to occur during a real
demand condition-
The results of the hazard and ristr analysis and performance target verification are compiled into
FGB performance requirements specifications.
Further, near the end of detailed engineering. the EU process model matures to the 90% milestone.
A final verification of the FGB mapping and evaluation of FGB effectiveness, if applicable. should
be performed to ensure that adjustments to me location of piping„ cable trays. atd ooruduit do not
hmede detector performance- TIB realne in a tind him! icr the FBS, eith m t i o n and
orientation remirernente for all determ in the FGB. Debiled engineering deirerairtee should be
completed for the FGB.
'I'Iispage milionaIIy len blan.
Ona-masa AIIlighlsresened.
— 43 — ISA—WDDBT—Ém&
Becoming on the end-user process hazard analysis (PHA) andFGB piilcscphies the factors used
to assess risk. effire and gas hasards in hydrocarbon processing areas cm oe evaluatedin a semi-
quantitative method. The factors in a serii-quantitative analysis yiefďmg performance targets for
FGB should be calibrated based on the assessment of typical haaard scerarios. consequences,
ieimds, and target risit reduction for the facility under evaluation- The abiityr of this method to
act-"eve the desired level of rislr redtnclim is contingent upon the process conditions and equipment
heiig consistent with the assurrpticne used to develop the performance targels- For situations that
do not conform to these assumptions. the usershouid consider altering the method based on site-
ad user-specific factors.
l-hzard rariring is a function of the enripmenl, hazards, consequences, Droit-cod, ccmpancy, and
ase-dd factors. Ranking requires an eqrilnent-bysequípment ease-samicím. including:
» Heidifying hydrocarbon procesního Balmont
. identify credlble scterces of hydrocarbon gas or liquid release
. identify amount and type of processing equipment in FES acne
. identify process conditionsinu could aggravatefmitigate coitsequeme severity
. measing consequence severity
. identify equipment that the FGS is intended to safegua'd
. asess magnituda of safelycutsequences (injury versus ie Ming)
. identify conlinement and megection in process areas that corid w combuslible
gas hazards
.- assessing hazard Iikeiihocd
. determine Iikeilhocd cf reiease ham all identified release scrlces
. identify credlble ignition scenes (Manaus and intenninenn
. identify the effective response action tc prevent safety infants
- assessing ievel c-cizupancylr in FGB mne
. identify ncnnalfrouiíneocmlcy [cperalions, maintenance, oorůactli
. identify ncnrouline commander lancraftu-is, maintenance, Macu
Watersem-igen lesem
li nn FGB mna is nat easay' character-med hy dm: ur mnm arm matná Hiatnummůhň FEE-
zune hazard Fani:r quantitative Í'ÍER analysis,- s'hould na considered.
.Flgure A..! shaw; the hazard mm;; procedura-
mmWHurem-nnumalmlmhmmnmmmnagmm Aa.
nn M b m ů n e . FGSmnarequring haha hazafdreňew Matem mmm
_— » - ... . . _. ., ;
_ Ent-Ennui“ _
&:mmm B
Jimram i '
_WJM 2.5
„Wegmann- 'a
_WD-mm 3 -_
M % -
mawa %. '
Bail-13513 .! .".
EaI-mam.? ? '
=m:- mm + '.
ĚWPTPEW * i_ ;_
Hm A.: - “Manipmnnthn hun "knih:-:| spáru
magmatu; mmm„
human-mam Gmšgqilrm
mmm ! *
WI! IWH. * g
15! _“
Figura A.: -- Wm: mnm-In!hulmani-aumu- umi
HBF = marhumm- mím
slabin Liquid T (Proma-i'it-FP (FM-Filmů:
F|| anu-HBF mtnm- mmmm-wumumm mm ulmimi.
“Winin- Lmuw FFHl T (nm-w == HBP
Gas T mmm) : NFH: Gan alsa unum armani: liquids. magnum-wa?-
JLZ Tm.: — Mjust Ilhelrhnotl sv.-zora fur aucupancf
The hala "kollha-ard scan ihnuld hp nulu-tu:! na hutním? ln rlflnt tha occupanqy invmnmmt
nm the mujnr iqmpmmt Imm. Tma uhnul: h: maid MII" nn lh: lm 1 ln ncl.-fu unu Immih-
mnqnphnm hunrd. nr thl Impact balad nn lh! unmullgnlnmmnlnhd ::a lhal1 i FBE dulun
mimi: mamuta. Flaw-u n..-t darme mupanny nájmu-nam factors. Tha mul: |: nn odium
'Illmlihmd fur taxu: humus. If nppllcnbln. Nu further lluullhond adjustment ln r m u q d for tmu:
“hazards. Additional adluslment ís required fur *Hre and Hammable hazard Fikelihnnds.
HETE FQUrE hd;M u m h r ú m tn dummlnu an idjui'lmanl'fantůr and mm rem-lamina Triu-mth
Wm m1 :anim farm- Thn umrti—an [n.g.. hlgr-m mm:: ldgLIllmlM finta lhnuH hn Imai
__F mmmmm
FBE PIM mm d 1“ n
Bmw: Emma“. .
hnrnadiitlInput ' nudu “" -AdiusmňnL-
. " 1 W 1 1EEE ' nm ů J (a
W mm: mm mi:-nwm
. . „mm. smat-ammmm
__ mmmw xmlmdrrunmmmmsh
.[rtgjínewmrmn mm:-uma) ._|.
„.in-4 MMM-Etna
M a; .
wwwaclav.: .1 -
MM t.t-
Mme i
Figure A 5 - lnu.-litina envwnnment adjustment
"fm .= Adjt'nehneitt
“meeting 41,5 "
m k)IEDÉ tt
muzeum m5
Santaumana 1 _,
“na 13.1
Fima: JLE— Frau-eee pressure ediuetmenl
“mtr MLM
-l “.EIDLW
gegen ! wee
'' 2 ' 'Em-QH“
Flanel? —.Fitlt|úbilřh environment adjuetment
mit-'reacoioreote- ,na-
E a c h o f the grades detines a relative level o f tire o r g a s risk, with grade A being the highest risk
areas a n d grade C being t h e lowest risk areas requiring detection-
Fire detection pertorman ce targets are selected based on the results of the semiquantitative FGB
screening procedure described in this annex, The result of the semi-quantitative method is the fire
hazard rank. which is representative of the relative tire risk. A higher hazard rank represents a
higher level of risk. which subsequently requires a higher perfomance target on the F G S to
mitigate risk. Figure A. 1U details the relation ship between the ftre hazard rat-th the hre grade. and
the detection perfomance target,
Fire grade A ta typicalltr assigned tc areas 'niith higher level: of the risk. These areas are
characterized by hydrocarbonhandling arena where email hrec could ecuee cigniticant damage in
a ehort period of time or i'apiciit,r eecntnie. Euch fire-c rnight he due to the potential “for a higher
coneequenco autoritu ( e g _ nighiprneeure gott from a comproecor) or from a higher liiteiihocd ct“
fire tmu.. email boro pipet-crt: und pump coolet. For the performance target: associated wrth
grade A, o minimum oi 90% detector coveroce Ie achieved tor detection oi o oeeicn-ooele fire elce.
Fire grcce ! ie oeeigneo to meet hydrocarbon proceeeing orece throughout the tocliittr. Theee
prece ore cotegorinc by 'norrnui' rict: proceeeing oreoe cnd typtcotty ccntoin fixed utprnerrt with
mcderote to tow iikeiinooo oi tire. For the perfcrmonce torgete oeeocioteo with groce . o minimum
oi citit detector coverage iu och'reveo tor detection ot u oeoign-ooeie tue size.
1nrt-rere i:
Fire grade i: to unsigned to areas the riott of o hre iu relatively;r tow. Grade areas cre
characterized by a tourr potential for severe consequences (for example, due to high tlaeh point
fuel). For the performance tatgets associated with grade (] a minimum of 60% detector coverage
ie achieved for a design-haste tire size-
Art F G S zonewilh a hazard rent: of T-ID or greater ehould have a fire grade A'- For zones graded"A*,
the installed tire detection eye-tem should be capable of exceeding the grade A perfomance
targete. F G S zones graded A' will likely have a risk reduction tactor target for the FGB function
that is greater than 10. Achieuing this ricir. reduction factor requires performance target: for system
availability and mitigation effectiveness, uit-rich are outside the scope of thin method. Rotor to the
tcrewcrd of the technical report tor additional guidance.
tn addition. the r c c zone enwrd otec ce subject to eddiitonet rtett etudtee. euch ee e DRA enelyeiet
to 'ii'li'llti' thet tire nett te edeouoteiy reduced.
(nemohla gas gsm:: targeis are selected based on the results of the sernt-gumbtatlive
FBS screening procedure Geocoin-ed in this annes. The result of the semi-quisniihttive meant ls
memmbestible gas hasardfaod: that is representative eines rctetlvecombusťbleges list:. Abigher
hatsan! rank represents a higher level of nek. Mich assembly requires & higher perfmaahee
target on the FBS to n1id-gate risk Figure A111details-the relationship between me nemame
gas hazardruns and the corltbttshble gas grade
lm _ _ _
=? _ .inšl _
„315 e __ .— c - __
'i'-E155 EL _1
"E!E-"í. _ “EF-' ___.
'i'-Ě: _ .ws“ iQue-Hives:
“Figure A.." - combustion-goa hlzard rank and detection perfomance umu
Miele gas grade A is typicaliv assigned to FBS mites subject to higher risk- eimer due to
„frequency release smrces (such a s rotating equipment) or a high degree of curt'mement of a
buning gas cloud that emld enttse damaging flame acceleration a n d overpressure nilsen subject
h a relative small gas releme. For this performance taget for grade A , the g:: delle-titul system
should b e capable otf action-"ng 90% coverage for deteclim oi a design-basis mrhnstíble gas
Coolhostible gas grade & ":s Wire assigned to areas subíect to a moderate degree of
oodinementofaburůtggasdoud. For this performanoetargetlor grade B. arenas-detection
system shguld b e capableot' adieving 3 0 % coverage tordetection of a design basis" cortMstible
gas naar .
Combrrstible gas grade 1: is moi—calle assigned to open hydrocarbon processing seas with rmed
emripment, relatively lm! operating pressure, and Ielmůolled ignition sol-ces.. The gas
detection system should lava EDGE detector coverage to detect a design-basis mumie gas
h some cases, the prim hazard of concem is lhe nig'ation of oombusliie gas beyond
hyriocarbon processing areas nasere access and iglilim mece are well cuůoued- ln niece
cases consider setin-lete dsteclion in Iieu of gas detection will-lin the area ot the Went
Mailing the hazardous material.
An F G S zone with a hazard rank of T.IJ or greater should result in a combustible gas grade Ar.
For zones graded N , the installed combustible gas detection system should be capable of
exceedíng the grade A perfomance targets. F G S zones graded A““ will likely have a risk reduction
factor target for the FGB function that is greater than til Achieving this rislt reduction factor
involves having performance targets for system availability and mitigation effectiveness, which are
outside the scope of this method. Refer to the foreword of the technical report for additional
ln addition, the FGE zone should also be subject to additional rislr studies, such as GRA analysis,
to verify that combustible gas rislr is adequately reduced-
Performance of HTS gas detection is based on the Iilrelihood and severity of the to:-tic gas hazards
present. Detining performance targets requires det'lning the hazard. For HzS, this is the smallest
gas cloud that has the potential to cause serious injury. This is descriptive of the magnitude of the
hazard that requires detection and is used to deline requirements for placing toxic gas detectors-
Toxic gas performance targets are selected based on the results of the semi-quantitative FGS
hazard rank procedure described in this annerr. The result of the semi-quantitative method is the
toxic gas hazard rank that is representative of the relative to:-tic gas rislt. A higher hazard ranlr
represents a higher level of rislt, which subsequently requires a higher performance target on the
FGS to mitigate rislt- Figure A.12 details the relationship between the toxic gas hazard ranlr and
the toxic gas grade.
mamma mamma
IEA-M3318 -i -
gradedh'. meimtaledtuňcgasdetadhnafstemsluiihemaueďemeeůagMdeň
pedmnancetargets. FGSzmesgmdedA'wiEkeiyluueaúskmdudimfacmrtargetfnftm
FGS funciinn that is greater than 10-Adliemg this. :isk reduction factor invdhres ham-ng
performance targets far system avaihbinty and niligaliun ananas-ms which are wiside the
smpaafthísmauiod. H a r e m m w a w a d m m m m w m w m In
addition m e ř ů m a m m m w m m m m m Madamanahais.
taverify that the toúdgaarishisadequaielyniúgated
nad cloud equal in sizetd Madistanceiomeacmeruiwmd mmmmhf dia dedica-
haais hazard s c e n a r i a . F o r m i c g a s h a a r d s . m u m a i m a d e d a n a m m m k m a n m
Galanta: to the dem linii Eur die minn-hadů hand samara. Thea: distance-l ara
- 53- IBA-WQDMT-Wii
Moci optical flame detection methods are sensitive to thermal radiation at various wavelengthe.
and the radlaled heat output of a tire ie an Important parameter ln determining the thruhold tor
detection. Guidance for detennlnlng the appropriate fire design-halls hazard tor detection ie
provided ln Clauee 5 of this TR. Selecting a very low threshold detection criterlon can be
appropriate in some instances that are extremely vulnerable to small tire effects or present a
severe potential for tire escalaticn; while in other situations. this criterion can lead to an excessive
number of flame detectors., because small iires cannot b e sensed at mcderate to large distanc-es
from a detector. O n the other hand. selecting a veryr large threshold critelicn can be appropriate
in instances where only minimal coverage ie required to annunciate a fire in a nonnally unoccupied
Diddl" area: ttil'llle in other eituatlcna. it can allow il tire to grow to do unacceptably large lili
beyond which automatic control actions (s.p.. auppreeeionl can be coneldered effective. rlote that
with larger flres. optical flame detector performance might be degradac.
4. I f 1ooN voting is proposed, flag the location as covered only i f it is within the field of view of
one (or more) fire detectors in the monitored area.
5. I f Eoofil voting is proposed, flag the location as covered only if it is within the lield of view of
two (or more) fire detectors in the monitored area-
E. Increment the analysis over all geographic locations in the monitored area-
?. Create a sum-total of all covered Iocations and determine the overall fraclion of geograplíc
area that is covered in the monitored area f i e . , detector geographic coverage).
3.2.2 Attributes o f fire detection coverage assessment
Although there are many methods for tire detector coverage assessment, ranging from rnanud
drawing to computer—aided design, there are some common critical attributes of effective
assessment studies- The tire coverage assessment (Le., tire detection mapping) should consider,
at a minimum. the following attributes for tire detection modeling- It should:
incrementthe analysis overall mmmmemútored area.
area that is enveredinthemnritnreda'ea [i_e.,deter:liorgengaphir: average).
BAE Attributes detection magie nasem-ent
Although there are nm:; mett'imls Eur gas detector entrerage assessment. ratgirrg fmrn manual
assessment shrdies- The gas mvemge assesanent (Le., gm detection napning) should ennsider,
. perimn emeragentqmirgitll'eerinereoinns
. model grintdeteetinnsystemsahegúthnpenpdtdelieeňnnsystenettem aeonuntingfnr
. presentreeutsmuueeďlnmsimsauiatausa'setededelevdimofhmrest
. present tabularrestitslhatiuiedethefracinnottheeuveredareanhere: mdeteeimsare
The advantages of the geograeitic coverage assessment include an easv4e-understand graphiml
representation of results. There is no reqriernent to generate speeitic seenario—bv-soenarío
coverage results. giving an easiv repeetahle and audirahle detection layout- Computational
requirements are high for this method (as well as scenerie coverage). The method also ensures
that if the cloud size of conoem exists. it vrill not remah mrdetected. The disedvanlages of
geographic coverage assessmnt iodide the tact that it does not account for the likelihood of gas
migration and ignition, Altematively. the method focuses on the aoctu'nulations that would result Íl't
unacceptahle consecuenoes. providing detectors. to ensure these high-risk instances do not romain
undetected. This allows the designer to focus otev on those areas where gas accumulation
presents a hazard o l oonoern. therehy optim vrhere gas aocurnutatim mov he credihle. but
would not present a signilicant haaard.
iso-mmm _ 55 _
Consequence ztatys'n generúes itiomwtion about the potential impact of the identified tire and
gas reteae scenarios- The inpaict meines se ovettaid on the plan view of the area under analysis-
Most often, tlte impact m se based on hlhulent difusion tire models, showing flame size and
shape, or gas ďapersion. tor mooni'iied orsemi—oohtined areas. A determination is made for each
detector in the mcnitcred area se to whether it is eepabie ot detecting the scenario.
5.1.1 Procedure Iort'me detector [mdo] coverage assessment
t . Selertahazardscenarioinhiemcoitored area.
2 , setectthe first consequenceoutccmeot thescenario. F o r a tire each outconte Is represented
3 . Detennine if the ccriseooence outoome is within the field of view of each tire detector in the
nanitcred area. For optical tire detection. enstii'e that obstructions between the detector and
the geographic location are amounted tor in matting this determination.
4 . If toctt voting is proposed. flag the scenerie outcome as covered only if it Is within the Iield ol
viewofone iornwettiredetectorsiithentcnitored area.
5. locotingispicposed.nagmesoenariocutoomeasccveredontyiiitiswithinthetieldoi
E- lnuementtheatalyeisotalscenarioootomnestordteseiected hazard.
T- lnuementtheuatyeisoverdlhmdsoelmioshtthemonitoredarea.
The ratio of detectahle releases to the total "5 lie detedor [scenerie] coverage tor tire detection
itt Ete monitored sea.
.5? . EP.-WMMB
. Fuet type, timidtire, gas tie., ete: Thetypecitiammahte material deteminee tt'teeieuicn
of tire detectim required-
. inventory: A large Inventory can potenh'athr dras'dcaly change an FGB philosophy tnr
ctsenglng the seuerity ot misi consequences.
e Volatilityillail'i point: The materiel volatilttvilloeh point con eigniiloentlv alter potentiei
hesardoue outoomee. For example. hloh llaeh aolnt iuele have a elgnlfioentllf tower
potential tor severe ooneeouencee than low ltaeh aoint fuels.
e Pfůůlli pIISl-UfiffIlMl-I VCHCIIF! Higher P ť l i i u f i l and "linii FUINÍHOI Ull'i Gli-III .
hlůhii' discharge role. Thi! can result “1 G j i t lir! ii'liliůd Cif & DNI lift.
e Process temperalure: Temperature can significantly change the trolatilttlr oi fuel and the
density of released gas. Flammabiiity limita: The flammability limits cen deten'nina il pool
fire or _iet lire are credihle outcomes., which affects detector posili oning.
Coverage area: CDrlgBSiim is a major factor to consider, a s large equipment c r highly
conguted píping mtr simitie-ntiy biocit the view of flame detectors and limit migralion of
Boundaries of the area to be covered by fire detection: Boundaries define the extent of the
area surrounding monitored equipment that is intended to be covered rar hydrocarbon tire
hazards. Factors considered for setting the boundary area inctude existing constraints. such
ae ali equipment in a bounded area should have similar fire hazards. should activate the same
alarms and executive actions and initiate the come arocedural personnel orotective actione
lmueter or evocuationi.
Target ltre etaerdeetgn oasn tire else: eee oiauee : ot thie Tit ior guidance on target tire else.
Fuet entit contalnntent areaidroinage: Containntent and drainage influence the location of tire
detection based on containment or liquid tutti aoiila.
"ID.Ignition sources: Tha location of strong ignition sources could influence detector layout (o.o..
a pump seal fire hazard requires Iocaiized delectioni.
14. Available technologies for hydrocarbon fire detection: The inilial detector layout is affected by
the type of lire detection technology selected. Some technologies are more sensitive than
others at detecling early stage or incipient fire hazards- FEWEI' detectors are needed when
selecting more sensilive technology types. Also, spuricus alarm avoidance should be
considered, because some typ-es of detectors are less robust in certain applications where
false alan-n stimuli are present- Refer to Flv'l Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets 5-43 for
guidance about the slrengths and weairness of the various detector technologies and
applications. Typical detector technologies include the following:
e Frangiote oulo:Designed to meoond to the energy of a tire lhal increases the temperature
oi a heel-eeneillve element. A lrangloie bolo ueee a tiuid-liiied bulb.
o Blmetalllc heat: Designed to respond to the energy ot a tire that increases the temerahre
of a heat-sensitive element. Bimetallic heat usa a tempem-sensitive strip
. Closed-circuit television [CCMlvisuak Designed to resp-cnd to the visual signatrn'e of a
flame. using onboard algorithms to distinguish between real flat-nes and cum norvvisual
background radiative sources (i.e-. flare radiation turbine exhaustsl The Wugy uses
imaging sensors in the visuallnear-IR region at the etecbomagnetic spectrum to rnoritnr
the tielo of view for the presence of flame-
Infrared i_lřtiz This technology is designed to resp-cnd to ale spectial signatue of the hot
CGE energy emitted by hydrocarbon fires in the 4.34.4- rrimtirnetas rurge- The benim
combines spectral analysis with flictcer frequency ( 1 to 2 0 Hz) ágmilrms to prevent fůr:
alanhing that results from black-body radiation-
Multispectral I R (multi-im: The technology designed to níiirize fate stana aid
increase sensitivity by analyzing signals corriig from Irree u“ tou“ sensors ttvat filter
wavelengths within the infrared spectrtm- "mrtire ratialim souoes ale rejeched umu:
the detector internal algorithms.
. Ultraviolet (Ulf) flame detection: The technologyis designed to reqmnd to ratiatim errittied
by a wide variety of fires including hydrocarbm. hydrogen. and metal based. The detector
typically operates with vravelengths shorter than 250 n m tio avoid irtecferenoefrom the srl:
and other sources of radiation present in the Ultraviolet spectrum-
. UWIR [ultravioletiinfraredlz The technology is designed to mir'mize false alanne by using
sensors that are sensitive to both Ultraviolet and irfrared radialim melenghs and by
comparing their thresholds simultaneously. For that reason. the detector has a good
i m u n i t y to false alanning and is suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications-
15- Execution Logic toohl (Alarm Coverage) versus Executive Action Coverage [EnoNk Zoo"
provides the system with robustness and reliability [smrious flip avoithiceL Int it reqies
more detectors to achieve the target coverage. 1ool'il provides aderpate áigle detectoraian
coverage with fewer detectors, but it does not consider ňre need for continued tie detection
[voted] before safety actions are taken-
catamount-tot B . ED.
Wemalsnt Nlrighlsresewed
- 51 - l$eRB4.W.W-ED1B
accmmlion or emiiement may occur. Fur light gasesr identify locatiurs there gases can
become happed aleve process equipmeri where accunulation lil" eoniinenlent may obul.
T. ignition sources: Sources of ignition include the fclloning:
. open iamesispatrs
. high temperatures (above atmo-igrútiaon)
. nemine sources (s.p.. vehicles)
Úbsmictions ipenrtanentiterrma'ytr Coltgeelionfcoliiernent are factors to coi'isider tor both
indoor and cutdoorgas detection, because they cat sigtilicanlyinpact gas migration atd the
behavior oi ignition-
ventilation characteristics - HVAC. forced ventilation. or wind: Ventilation has a strong
influence on the irrigation of gas indoors and affects the opt—ina location for gas detectors.
Gas detect-ars should be located slrategicdy b a s e d m known ventilation dtatacterislics, both
normal and worst-case ventilation characteristics- FGSs using forced ventilation as a miligation
action are often energized to trip systems. Fans. blowers. and air handling units require
ccnsideraoly more power than other typical tinal elements. The UPS system for the sensors
and Iog'c solvers typically does not have enough capacity to pottera forced ventilation system ,
and entergency standby generators may need to be considered-
ln outdoor gas detection applications. the initial detector layout should beintluencedby the
direction of the prevailing wind but also should address nonnal and abnormal
meteorologie-ll conditions such as nighttime atd low wind conditions, where gas can
accu-nulate in areas of partial conhnement and curgestion-
10. Available technologies for gas detection:1he initial detector layout should be sensitive to the
type of gas detection technology selected. This Is particularly important if one selects open-
path gas detection instead of point gas detection. Feurer detectors are used will more sensitive
technology types or lower alarm set points. Also spurious dann avoidance shotdd be
considered. because diferent types of detectors can be less mbust in certain applications
where the detector is cross-sensitive to nontarget gases. Many detector teclmologies exist.
including but not limited to, the tollovdng:
. Infrared (|l Gornbustible gases have a cltaacterislic absorption signatue- This
tedmology relies on the absorption of IR radiation bebveen:! source and a receiver. This
can be implemented as either open path or point intrared gas detectors.
. Caldytic bead: 'i'h'es technology relies m a catalystboxidizeany contmstíble gas elielitg
at lowtemperahl'ee.
. Ultrasonic: This technology uses the detection of an acoustic signatu'e of a leair rather
than the presence of a gas
. Meta oxide satioonductor 01051: The technoiogy is designed to measure a sigla that
restiled from a manga in the eiectricá conductiuiy of a hated meta colide citit
exposed to the ionic gas.
. Electrochemical cetl: This teehnoiogy is used I'OI' tootic gas detection. Tris toci-nology is
designed to measure a signal promotional to the gas dithiaed into a cell tilled with a n
eleciolyte solution.
. Laser absorption spectroscopy: This approach Mines the absorption characteristicsot the
indiyimal mciectde of the target gases to determine the concentration ol gas. Devices sro
tuned to see speríic flan'mable or tatér.: gases. Hormally impiemented as open path.
11- Target gm typeis) and detectahiity: Maier gas type targets include oombuslille and tosic gas,
Deteotahility for cornbustible gas is determined through iealt sauce cr acc.-relation detection
the site of the leatt and the size ot accumulation being varied respectively. Toxic gas
detectabdity is determined tltmlgh Ieai-r detection with leait sine being varied.
ISA-TRHN.W-2018 -62 -
air. Ae the derlttil'ir of the target gde retain-e to an'lbient air increases. detector eleiietion ehotdd
be |ovmed from incipient reieaee elevations. Convereely. it dei-Bity is ligtrter than ambient air.
detector elevation shoda tie increased.
13. Execution logic tooN (alarm coverage) versus executive action coverage Boom: Zoo"
provides robustness am reliability to the system (sportem trlpavoidanceL but itrequlree more
dete-ctou to achieve the target coverage. 100" provides adequate single detector alarm
detection-i (votedl before safety actions are taken.
14. Personnel eno-vand enitlocetione (lomiogadeteetionk Toxiogasdetedionmberemied
15. Vendor-specific oharaoterirtioe:Detection rnits. alarm eet points, and vendor specifications
will affect the location and number of gas detectors.
16. Nonideal conditions mat limit detection ooverage: This lrtcludee dirty option on geo detectors.
potential utalyet poieone. end oroee sensitivity of gene.
17. Application environment
. OoahpadigasdeteodsogAtmheaandmmomsidWIordetecu
. Mgadetecm:vmereeoaoeisomoeeledmdwohmmeuedooenm
detectors. more sm'taoie for unprediotaole applications and trimer rislt sees.
18- Detector performanoe odnbe affected ov site ternperoture. l'ltl'l'e'dity RF interierenoe. and my
site considerations for detector coverage or detector interference from false alarm elimuli.
!- Summit—j of detector to nonlarget gas
. "nemoc elem-ls can stem from factors such a s Wind. viiration. or dirtidut
Detectorsvvith sell-dwi“ cen lowermeoomnenoeofwcli nuisaneeelenne.
19.Eleotrit=l tea dassim Gomiderotione should hohnde Miether there are end-user
it is- possible to detect a hazard and haye successful calibration of the final element-[s] associated
with the FGB function. and yet the result is not complete or effective hazard miligalion. The
reduction in severi'ty afforded by a mitigation action will be related to the magnitude of the hazard
being acted upon and the fundamental Iimitations of the capability of the FGS actions to b e
effective. tn general. the effectiveness of the FES actions is tittety to be very high when the
magnituda of the detected haccrd is smalt cnd detection occurs cutcitty, which alicvie the desired
safety action to be tatren 1.velt before there is the potential tor haaard escalaticn. Conversetyt even
correct detection end activattcn of the FGB actions might be ineitective due to:
1. An excessive time delay in the initiation of the F G S action, resulting in hazard escalation. For
. Gombustible gas detection that isolates a process and opens depressuri zing [blowdown]
valves can require 2 0 minutes or more before the pressure in the system has significantly
reduced. with a corresponding reduction in the discharge rate of a gas teett. During the
intervenlng period the gas already teolred from the system could tgnite.
2. Human factors that result in a degradac response action. For example:
. Personnel addreesing the hazard do not evacuate the facility In a timely fashion
. Personnel cannot evacuatie a facility as planned [e.g., temporary scaffold bloclts the
evacuation route)-
3 . Severe consequences that are associated with the initial toss of ccntainrnent event that have
a consequence magnitude beyond the design of the PGS actions. For example:
e A catastrophic pipeline rupture vnit very litreiy result in an immediate vapor cloud explosion
hazard that can cause severe censeouencas before the FGB function is able to effectively
mitigate it- The eheuing fire might be ntittgated but not before severe safety consequences
have already occurred.
. Ftupture of a tottic gas ( e g . , chlorine) storage container rapidly causes impacts beyond the
i m m e d i a t e area. resulting if't toss of life before atarming a n d precauticnary a c t i o n s bocnim
The method of evaluatihg mittgation action etfectlvenese depends on the type of FG! response
action that is tali-en. These actions can be classified in the following general categories:
1. The FGS safety action involves direct actions on the process, including isolation and
depressurizaticn. such that this action meets the intention of the rislt acceptance criteria
without further miligation. Thus, Ihe hazard is mitigated, and escalalion avoided. A hazardous
outccme may still occur. The severity could be small in magnitude ( e g . . a small flash tire
instead of a vapor cloud explosion with a severe impact to equipment and personnel). ort
depending cnother factors. it may be large In magnituda. The probability of failure of the direct
actions vrce already addressed in the FGB safety availability anatyeie. A mitigattcn action
effectiveness would be a number greater than tt and less than t.d. depending on the ability of
the direct actions on the process to mitigate the hazard.
2- The F G S safety action involves nonprocess actions tl'tat mitigate the severity of consequence
[e.g., suppression. delugei. The effectiveness of the nonprocess actions is dependent upon
the magnitude of the initial hazard being within the basis of design of the FGB mitigation
system- For ham cases that td Iliithin the basis of design, a nitigation etiecliveness of 1.0
maybe used if the niigation system is verihed & su'table foruse in the appioefíon thai: alias
with the FES basis of design. Considerations should iii-rhide sullicient inventory tor
suppression material and sufficient energy availability for transport of the material. Ftefer to
step 9 for guidance about the inclusion of these systems in the availability analysis. fr.:
which the hazard magnitude exoeeds the mitigation system capability [ e . g . , the seenario beg'ns
with a catastrophic equipment failure that results in an initial tire larger than the design
moabilitv of the suopression system or a large touic gas cloud that precludes safe evacualion)
where the rlslt associated with tailures exoeeds the basis of design should be anaiyaed
separatelv and addressed usinginherently safer design or risk redtiction means other than the
FGB. This separate risk analysis falls out of the scope of this TR.
3 . The FGB safety action primarily involves evawation or sheler'ng of personnel. Miligatiol
action effectiveness is tvpicaliv lees than 1 „D for lumen response to the alarm Determination
of the mitipatiori schon effectiveness can be based on demorlstrated evanration dried
performance in similar operating envionments-
In sollte cases, the uerlited safety function may ilvvdve diverse actions in response to the
activatim of the FGS- As these actions are not independent, the FGB effectiveness is evaluated
as a single complex function. ln adiiion not all of diese actions result in ful niligation of the
consequence ol concern. This can be expiicitlv incfuded by expanding the FGB risk model (event
tree) to include the range of the factors that modify the outcornes and associated severities.
Consider the following lr-mple of a natural gas compressor station consisting of an enctosed
compressor building containing a sirgle compressrx. The con'nr'essor station is emipped with
optical tire detectors that will. upon detection of a fire. activate a mamina! fire suppressant system
that is designed to entinguish the fire. The compressor station is controlled and maintained by two
staff members who are primarily located in a control room adjacent to the compressor building.
The operators have the means to manuallv extinguish the tire. The end user wants to consider
horth automatic and manual actions i n the risk analysis. For this roi-nn, the effectiveness of the
activatima of the F G S is not a simple probability that the dry oherriieal system puls the tire od.
lnstead. it is a complex combination oi mechanism and human iiteractions. Some oci the factors
that wii determine that amount of mitigaWn that is aci'iieved will niciude:
1. Wtat is the probadity that the dry ohemical system will extinguish the fire? Ttl's probability is
a filaction of the size of the tire atd other oonhiiut'mg factors. The independent review ofthe
dry diernical system identified Eaíture mdes that oor.ild resil i: insutticient performance and
the taiure to omeleteiv mitigate the hazards. Faiiure of the dry dien'iical system to entinguish
the tire could be caused by:
. massive Hvar.: action removing the charita! agent too rmidty
. doors left open, preventing the chemical ageli from pr'operty'mu'nutatíng
. odes—r l'actors
2. lf the automatic fie extinguistmrent system tais, nil an operations staff rriernher mama"
estilgu'erh the fire with handheld equipment?
3- i f the automatic lie extinguishment system fais amd operations staff athenlis to control the
tire lnanuallv, wil they be injured during the pro-sees?
4. if the automatic tire extinguishment system does elfectlvelv operate. will opel-aions staff sti
be “lime-d as the resim of entering the room before extinguishing chemicals and ocmbustion
bypluiurds are verůted.
11te mlat-"lg event free depicts mame of tt'm oompteit safetyI function.
m namm
_ ET _ Iamm-2015
Ilt Application example - tire deteotioh and suppression ln oil and gas well bay
This example involves hydrocarbon tire detection i n the 1.n'ell hay ot" a n integrated offshore oil and
gas production platiolTn. 111e plationn handles flammahle hydrocarbon liquids and gases under
high pressure. An ignited release of flammaole material presents a signilioent hazard tio personnel
on the platform- The end user has a n existing tire detection philosophy that was developed to guide
the pertmnanoe—hased design-
Figure ili - Example: Dlishore hor m
D. 1.2 tillllgu hazard asmeh'lont
T M M inel-'s fire muahahaa Includes anonim of nepronese-lila! megahit
. minulem-d
. panenspremleandlmnůmm
- Wmteothlhrilwolwďinalire
. neomyďthelacility
. WmWon
Emme lil—E is a ponese module oontaining Harte-name [trumf-ou průoeeeed at high pressure
with the potadial presence o f personnel o n the platform the mana! Ee llazardlrislr analysis.
deleroůted the need For tire detection, with a requiremerrt for an FES lisi: reduction target ot less
than 10. Since there is no requirement for FGS n'slr reduction emeding tl), a oerni—quantitatiue
hazardfrtshasseasmem (Annex A) was Lrs ed to establish FES pericenmrcelargels i n this example.
A.: a result. the perřormance metrics used in this example m]! indude detector coverage
lmntiiaiiwel. FGS safety availability lousiitaiiwei. and miiigaňon aolion olieotiveness louaiitauvel.
The aid laseťs detection philosophy is for incipient (early-ml detection. automatic shuloff
ol the process. and Matula iirowator doiugo b y aotivatinp lilie fire water plump and opening the
doing: value.
Stop 1 - ldelllhy arena of oonoorn
The open—am oompamr tor this platform has atandanliaed denim maoioeo ln place lhal require
inoiliem lie deleciion to be installed i n all areas of ollshore ladies Int Mille well production
Copyright Ellis r a m e n e m
-EE- lea—meccaar-aaie
. Dornmonalily of hazards.: All weilheada in the well bay operate under the same conditions;
therefore, the haaard presented by a release is the same regardleaa of the source.
. Actions taken automatically by the F B E : A continued tire (200W) will cause chut-in of the wells,
iniliate platform ESD, and initiate the fixed tire auppreeaion system.
Step e _ Identity FBS perfomance target:
A eemi-ouantitativo anafyaie (Anne: A) wae carried out to determine the performance ta te for
the cancel flame detection eyetem. Performance target: include fire detector coverage. rat
key inpull are reouired to perform the semi-ouantitotiire performance target eeleotion. Theee inom
were gathered from diecueeion with the end ueer of the olatton'n and from engineering document:.
including celo-. FFDe. plot alone. and plant 3D modele.
AnFGB philoeophy wee developed to guide the deeign teamin mpeg out the perfomance-bond
design of the detection eyatem. Key inpute for the analyeie that were documented in the FGB
philoaophy include:
. Early [inoipient) detection of hydrocarbon tire hazarde ie done using optical tire detectors-
W M these inputs. the smol-quantitative hazard ranking methodologyI was applied ae described in
Annex A o f thin reporL T h e semiaquantitative methodology is a p p l i e d once for each ma'or
equipment item. In the ease of the well bay. the anatysia ia identical for all wellheada and therefore
cm be performed once and applied to aii wetlheads- The result.-. are aa toltowc:
111: med FGB swat—tm dealer: is hned na ma W amd hwrlrtřcs through the
mm:-m nf m: pream'pthfe requiremunts of the app-rum: Itanium! mandarda and mduiw'
guidelines (Annex 3). ln the Initial design tm optical flame due-ctu: were specified. These
detecturs ar: located in apposing camera nf the we! bar a sim “m Frgure Dia and D.2h.
igir ,, --"?; ; > !
immmms .n.
alma-VHÚ? Marcum-mne
assessment f o r h y d r m m m i m m . m m g a h l i s m t m m m
taxa-dala). with 2 m ů w m a 1 w m m a d m m m Thema
wan 5515195“
___.3_ $$$—mm
Hmm-Well hajma-hulmana Murat-da Bare-a
Hume lla sm the achieved mara-age fur the Initial design uf tun nama detem ln
Flame DA, areas med by hran of mara Geranium are displayed &: green: areas covered by a
single detector are snu—n m ran.-fw. má areas mt novared (tl.. 3 a: :: this Imation M ml
b= deteciahle by me FES) are ahcmn hn ned In the Image na 111: cm the deteclor cnw is
Espina-caiu:mama-tl“ hay. Whitem nametenmhmveragg mlywitlitlh:
monitor: areas.
lan-mmman -in-
— 751- mmmnnmw
Haul-l D.! - Hr- dimltnn giwmphlu cnw—raut mup. mndlllid Hilmar Ilrout
In the modilíed design it Was dehennined that approximately 95% of the mmitored area is mmm!
by unu or more nemam: Hour—I). and 52% i: covered by hw cr mora aeternam [:::-om. Ennui:
'thil dulgn nchďtm un 30% loan QM! : tnmt for th. grod- B nm:, ml: duign uhnul:
mm: ammablu platím-mnu m nm: uf ro dutuclor mnm-gu
J?— Isa—WWE“
I&hrTHBil-DQDT-mtú - TB -
i: s
ĚŘ. %
Fully quantitative hazardirislr analysis was selected far this applicaticn example tc determine FGB
ristt reduction requirements. The results c t step 1 thrduph step B will demonstrate a target FGB
tielt reduction greater than 10 far scenarids within the basis ct design tie.. early [incipiant] stage
pae datactlant. Hazard acanarias that exceed the FGB desi n hasta wara anal ad saparatel ti
h'iaicr haaarde analysis and addressed through means a rletr reduction c er than the c
(Annett'ct. The FBS aedcrmance metrics were detectar coverage twantitatiret. FGB eatetii
etiitiilatiiiitiir [quantitatiuet and mitigation eiiecttireneee tauanutatiiie).
Step i - identity areae c t canaem
The area of cchcern iifca identiiietl far title facility ea the entire dectt ct the piatiarrh aanteihinp the
well tray. aa ahawn in Figure DJ.
The Iealr. to be analyzed was ídealized a s a 'A-in [“S-mm]- equivalent hole diameter releasing
ttammahle methane gas at 11[lltl psi and 1t_'i[l"F [TECH]ltPa and EB'CJ- Because the platform is open
to the atmosphere, the end user wanted an analysis of this hazard that was sensitive to the tel-I
meteorological conditions at the facility, including a variety of typical wind speeds and wind
directions. For the purposes ot the example. only two vrind speeds ivere considered: a typical vvind
speed at 11 miiasrhr (s mist and a low tncn-tavorabiet wind speed ort 3.4 miiesihr (1.5 mist.
Step a - Analyse consequences
in this example a ranoe ol consequence analysis options vrere considered. Including qualitative
estimates. llmorrtred hazard correlation tahlee. and one dleperslon rnodeiino, In this case. the ose
dispersion model was selected to analyse the sise of the tlammahle envelope and Its possible
location with respect to the otop-osad location ot gas detection equipment. The disperslon model
selected allowed tor analysis of the tlammahle profile. and the model was sensitive to the quantity
of material released. the rate of release and meteorological conditions.
Gas discharge models 1.vere used to calculate the release rate from the tit.-in (El-mm) diameter hole
under H D D psi and “FTF nooo ltPa and 3B"C]| process emdilions- The discharge model
ntwlated a release rate of 0-5 lhi'sec (0.23 lapis). The dispersion model results showed dispetsim
in the downwind direction to an end point equivalent to 5015 LFL. This value was chosen trs
cortelate with the sensitivity of the combustihie gas detection equipment to be nl.-sed in this
ttesulie at the pae dispersion model show the potential tor a comousuple gas accumulation ot za
it to rn)in the doivnvrihd direction and approximately to it to rn)in the croeewind dlreclion. Analysis
shows an accurnulation cl isoo cumc test (55 cubic meterel. ln addition. olast modeling vrae
conducted to show that this accumulaiion can result in a pero (21 hPa) overpressure ot concern on
the structure. The results tvare obtained under credible meteorologicat conditions tor the facility at
wind speeds ot 3.4 miiesihr (1.5 mist The model was studied and deten-nlned to ide relatively
insensitive tc atmospheric stability tor this example problem and relatively sensitive to assumed
speed- Figure Dj! illush'ates the output of the gas dispersion and accumulalion model-
Copyright2i318l5A. Allrightsreserved.
mvnetaoareme seu.
-$'l - El.-WMHT-ENB
Wm = Emmti—HĚW
.=-» Lammr-15h italie)
.r- IDE-l per pair
mramor-me - BI -
“terefone a baget FES eifectiveness of approximately 0.51 IE redace lithia leveliliat satisties
the riů atria ol'no more than 1.0E-4 per year.
In addition the design and implementation of the FBS furltdion ilin & chi-ed FES risk reduction
fact: (HRH geatef than 1 0 1|r|.|ill oonfortn to the appiedie mile-HB ci "EMEA-34.91.01-
21112 (molto-e 1101 and ANStliSA-Btl-DtlDl-EUM (reference 2-1).
?> e
Flame 0.9 - Initial nee detection system design: Open path gas detector placement
The gas detector: generate s 4-20 m signal proportiooat to me measured gas concentration and
also generate olse-“ete alarms When the combustible gas menu-aim is detected above a
tlveshotd vane as measured in LFL-meters for a detected gas level- The sensoreignal ie received
by a logic solver. which sends a command to shut down ali wels in the well hay when gas is
sensed- This mld effectively shut off the source of the oomtiustible gas from the |||-lt point and
rrilígate the Hammel-Je hazard over a short period of time as the pressure a t the source drops.
Cunhustiůe gas detectors will be contigured with sensitivity that slows for detection of a
ooninistihle gas cumenttatim of 0-5 LFL-meters or greater. This will plm'ide adequate sensitivity
to dehet the hazard seeneu'io of concern given the overal ditiatsittns of the module and the
proposed location of detectors- T h e initial design did not specify whether sty single detector in
alarm stáe 1ilrill _IIE the shutdown system to activate [e.g-. hrou voting arrangement), or if
nuliie dete-clocs are requ'md to cause isolation- Epurious activation of the FES does not result
"na m a l a t e - d e s i r e d eventfrom an economicstaimdiii.
A computer model wa: uttlld to analyse geographic coverage consistent with the Methodology
ll'l Annex B oi thit. technical report. The model generated coverage factors tor both a loolti
arrangement lany einale detector has the capability lo inltiala a ehutdcttnl as well os a
voting arrangement ttwo or more detectore are reauired to he in alarm etate to initiate a
;hutdolšnl Graphical output cl the model that calculated geographic coverage ie" provided ln
law. Flair
_ E'Mn'l. 1 Drt— Dae-i|
Reliability dete tor the selected FGB equipment wee identified. Any tailu'e rate dete used should
be in conlonnsnce vriltr ANBllISA-Be.UD.D'l—2W4 (reference 11).
Type šumu "wheels-rl Era-afT'eet
File Hatelm (pu hour) Interval
Gompdtilřtgadetectt “ALDE—CE 12 months
FGS logic solver 11250? 12 months
Welltitsad start-in value 1,451!— 12 months
'l'lvdudinglitá element “IHW
To calculate the FIG-$ safetyavailalíily forme fmction. the PFDavg should be ceiculated for eadi
of the FGS motion cornbonenls
The iool PFDavgeriuaionwas used. The FFDavg for the open path IFt gas detectors ls calculated
as icllovn's:
PPD“ = :
Fortlte Smernice lojem. the PFDavg atlfte prescribed test interval vras tůminmlhe
veruiur's safety rue-tuti as 4.454-
For lie línal element (ESD value). the FFM is calculated using the simplilied 10:11 equation
fmm ISATRBLWHE (refetuvce 2.5).
__uE-_ _ E!E!
Wiki: =
"= l_iE-llparwarxt'l—DJ'É)
Dfahnu'l 4-
The overall Iihelihuad ufths hazardsuauzinuas Mas EEE-:gayeartalňdmmil
1D.Dliliperyearj.11iís m a n a m u u m m m m m m m m m m r
Ibis scenaňd u“ Blancem iEDDilperysarUFpuysaritdiuidmlňstdm “Ela-fara,
ihe initial design-
. adding aneurmaadnílhdgasdeladmshbumddamrm
. inueasingmehaqumdíhmmdmeeňsňmsmmhmřůs
safety availability
I n this case, the and use: mladtomalyza hewúlmwůmapmpahgasdetsdumled
suuth nftha nine m ů s h ů ů m m m m m m m w m m k
positioned in a mai-maf that would detect gas Bun Eels in an misii-Draha wind colitidou (eg..
wind blnwing frmn the noru-mast). Figure D J I slim the maxim delam tsm Tha mays
mudai was ranu-| furthis mario. and mtmnsnsmmbshwhřm 0,13.
„ “ “%% %
.:.-». Emma-m1:
0.3 Application example -Tomic 0115) gas detection In onshore gas processing
Ttisexanmieínvduestmicgasdetedioninanonshoregas processmgptmt'i'heptunea
,; být i
Fiume 0.14 - m:
-|?=s onshore gas processing focal!
DJ.! umre mem-ent
The end usu's ptiosochy of toa-dc gas detection is to detect oonoentrattons ot gas that could be
hazardm to genomu, so mat action can tte taken to evaooete personnei to saty mm 15
Wes. Eerty [umeni-tt aid effective detection aliows personnel to evacoate- take sheiter, snu!
reapend by satety shutting down the process. The |::hilosooh).r requires identifying Ieaiďreiease
some-es end size and locating detectors in the correct proximity and orientation of release sni-eee
in order to provide early [asistent] indication of a hazard. Based on these philosophy eiemeru.
the decision to detect lze-lime releases by slrate-gicalljur placing detection eqnňpment'll m
to leiease soclees to nu'ligate the size, extern. and duration of the HzS gas name.
Dnealeaofooeeanuasidemitiedmrtiúseamnpteprobtemjhe gas oornwessorů—1M.Becmse
Hůfaciilyeolmsipiiieuimmermations of HIE in the proc.—ga,scree|ůgclie1h
A range ot release sizes are considered l::redihle. To simplify this example, the analysis of only
one rislt scenario is included. The scenario involves a release from the compressor seal [tull seal
failure. annular release). resulting in a release ot propane gas containing 1% HzS. This is the most
tikety release scenario that will place a demand on the gas detection system- The tealt to be
analyzed is represented as a 'r'i-in [12-mm) equivalent hole diameter releasing process gas at
compressor discharge pressure of 500 psig and 1DD'F. Gas discharge models were used to
catculate the release rate. The discharge model calculated a total release rate of 3 lpfsec [t.-t
tigris) ot process gas containing 15“- Hes.
h-w— F-Ta'l-rn-P
: T. [1- [ -F T* '-
I:.- ;
1- E
5' .=
» v ,.
1 |
"=*-*="'==.r-Ptrtuzrw-H : "“L==Éířiíčiiiíššiili
rll'nll'Hb-I-l..1 -.- '
mama martina 'Iayars ware Hama that nabuduce the imf af tha haaalt
53526 an me operating Baumax-'s na: urna-tn m: “stihnou Drais uuma wanna semta- smulu
ba reduced tn Esa than “was—cimca: Tn mam.-ups yaar [BE-5 net masti Miniunidatu: titulů!;
Thefreqmanq afthe hazard EEEIÍEÚD mmm Itebenatít Mihai-HE madatadíaw W m :
alaulatéi as ati-1!- par yaar tím: :hances "m m.— par read. Therm: uf the sua-mňa & :: taatar
am túgtťrm tha HEH uit-aim nf 3EěpammT1HEFmt- t'fEtíEk criteria Hra:-lat ham
mmm farmunmftlgateuMn.
.n.. room-m or-aio
Step 5 „ _ _ Montty roquíromonts
FBE parliament:
The ono between Unrtiitiooted end totemhte risk "is a factoriit 15. Thommihopottoononoo target
is ňlh Fota otiootivonono ot asto. roooirinpo rloti induction tootor l'ttttFt-ot t o or more in the Fisti-
loit ormonoo-
Tho cotton ono Implementation o f this Foo function 1.littt'l clplmod FGS HRF ln onom ot t o Ilil'lll ho
ln GBHÍÚI'ITIBHGB with Uli applicable itoquirerncnta of meines—cost
tui-2012 tvarovanou atol-.
AMElllEAABELEDtE iretormce 2.191. andAhlEll'lEA M_oILD'I [retarence LIL
Etch ? .. Initial F GB design
Tits initio! po: polootion option to osm on footer: in Anno: 5.5. Tits onion lnvolvoo inc ulo ol
polnt H:! o : d l t l c l i o n idootroorrontiooi tri-"lil Wlth thin ostnem III. piooto |F| the pom II
ohonu In ipm oto.. This to the protorfoo nouipmont uno otf-this facility-. Hopu" hoo-ptlof
qli'lir-1I-—+Ir1iřr' I|+1++POQIr—Iqii-ů
HzS gas detectors generate a 4-20 m A signal proportional t o the measured Has gas concentration,
and also generate alarms when the to:-tic gas concentration i s detected above a Ih reshold value of
10 ppm turu). Tho sonoor signol ls roooivoo by o logic solvor. which annunoiotos ouoiolo ono visual
claims ln tno proont orca ono control room. This pivu porsonool tnc opportunity to ovoouoto tnc
tncllitv ono woulo mltigoto tno ionic ho.—raid. Toxic gps dotootoro will oo oonfuguroo with a sonoitlvlty
that allows tor detection a t a gas concentration of 1 0 ppm of greater. This will provide adequate
sensitivity to detect the hazard scenaric o f concem- The design specifies that a single detector i n
alarm state will cause the alarm system to activate ( e g - , tocit! voting arrangement)-
A Wer model woe used to mlyn coverage mlekem with the methodology shown ii
M52 ofthlo leotlmoulrepon. The model generatednowemgetootorfora mnm
Wlan? oinglemrmneealarm).
-se- mmmmaw
Wanted risk of tui: gas heard Illigated risk ot-tosic' gas hurd, mrte
coverage Ito-cln
__ _ __ tlamu
w l'—
_I-I H tu.-|- 1-- lbl
_. | . ... . luh-|
mm“ |
Egure U_m—Tůň: gas [H:-5) detector scenerie coverage map. init'ul dete-etiorhpou'l
“the coverage calcinaiicn remus cnw that spornou-stedy 35% of the pueblo orloomes are
coveredby detectors. His means the detector coverage is 3855.
Step ! - 'v'erlfv F G S satety availabil
The safety function was iriumly detineni to include a sriliciency criteria for one detem to sense
a hazard- Thus, a tou" voůlg architecture vfas muideeed- I n addition, it was. assumed that
tlnctimal testing of sense-s and the logic sohrer neule- ai an interval ct mice per year. Final
element taudibte and visual ahrms) functional testing necurs at an interval of m per month.
Helt'iods fcr calculating the PFDavg are adequatehr desu'med in lSA—TRBálDGDÉ [reierence 2.81.'ltg simplified egmtiuns, the reeultant PFDavg t'cu' the FGS function is ['l or an FES safety
availability of 141-01= 0.99- This includes sensors ttoo1 gas detector with ciagnoslics). logic
sotver (SIL 2 certified). and the final element [tooz visual and audible annmciatioot.
Step 10 - Verttv effectiveness o t FGS actions
TIistaciiitv undergoes annual evacuation drills. Basedco me orill performance record. on average
ale or more individuals do not evacuate in a timety runner 205% at the time. A5 & I'ESI, the 'l'iitřal
design uses a mitigatim action effectiveness of BDT- fcrthe evacuation resp-orma.
PGS ofiooiivonou ' Dotoolor Dov-nul ii Sal-ty Avalinbiliiy lt Mtilgailori Aotlori Eflooiivonm
. 0.3! ii 0.59 ii D.!
. D.IGB listi FGB oiioolivihnll
Unmiiigalod Rlllt = F..-num. l'l - FGB oilooihronml
' GDE-4 par year :: (1 - 0.285)
= 2.1E—4 per year
The overall lilrelihccd cf the h—d scenaric was ealmdated a s 2.1E-4 per year (a 2-1 chance in
10,000 per year). This is above the maximum likelihocd that was selected for this scenario ct“ two
cl'lanees in 100_0110 per year [amo—=* per year individual risk nl fatality)- Therefore, the risk has
improved over t h š unmitigaled design, b u t the risk criteria rave not been iůtiilied will'i the
proposed FGS design.
Tan. ll inruiiioioni io oohlovo lho dulrod porforrrliinoo larooi. Dni-olo: oovorool and millgoiloii
ooiion oflooilvonua should o. lmorovod.
lilodliy FGB d u l g n (ilorolo Stop ? through dtto 11)
Slnoo iho ridi orlloriori was not satiahod bylho Initial gali doloollon dorign. ihr onion wu n'iodii'iod
io moai thls objocuvo, Gallons that should bo explorer! include iho following:
- adding ona or more additional gas detectors to increase detector coverage
. increasing the frequency cf functional tests cf the existing system design to increase F G B
safety availability
. increasing the rigcr associated with evacuatidrdsheltering of personnel in the event o f Hoa
In this ease, the end user wanted to analyze the problem wilh three additional paint gas deteetdrs
mnou in proximity io mo oompresoor it.“-„litai1In additlon to lho oxaling ihroo dolooloro.
mnu: Ml.-Wiki
Figure 0.21 —Tm|:ir. gas (HEB) scunan'o coverage map for modified detector layout
Init-Hru nim.-Huml
Hum—ty indium-I Deum hrach Bum
it:-mil [pu-m “Hr-nim hlinitý mms Emrnpn Fun—if
BaH-allm- 111.01 hl UE,-13.1! Yu IDE-01
Smířiihn Laa-ul Mali 1135431 Yet Lu mm:
551Falun LEM Hi TIE-DI Yu LD ISE-01
Hail—r! mam “EME IQE-úl iu m 1 na:
inIFJIII-r! 10543: E uma vu 11: nm
5mFain" 15502E E.?E-Dl'n: Lu all!-03
immun- ine-mi; mm m m 5a m
5-11Flílhl'l' mm iii 11155: m u: mm
Sumín-';! mm 5 uve-uuu url: Ulli-m
kamna-u 1am:aw Um: “Ihr m : 5m
Whill-n !:IIB—Dl SW HEJL: tu 11: nm
Snu—“airw- xm: W LlE-m- Ya LU LIS-ul
Eniřiílw- & mm w iii-ml ?a- m nm
Email“- 1 am W HEI! ve.: Hr IIHF!
summitu-_: MBE-Di Mir Uli-91m „m nm
mann Lue—nz MIW NEM ťa u: WWE
Tui : iE—UI .wqrtm.: |:m mm.
Figura Url! _ Eman-iu manga malym: fur nad HH. dnlngtnr hrani
m: [&=q rar lm: modlila: datemr iam! :huw that 515.435 nt Quintal: hmm! IGEFIÍÍID nun-mm
ar: mama by th: dnlmmr ln you! and Dan b: samu by nt In:! un: duteťmr.
Th impmvl the n\ltlgauun nztřnn nl'faůtiuaneaa aunquntlnn route tnbeling hn: bann enhnnm
hmminnqnn detail: tmu; hlen added tn parum-mulbvnnuptián trnminu, grid qmduýdml: mn.-q
Gummi—unum. tghltmmd.
IBA-TRHMWT-iů'l! - BB -
1110 mrnll Iiholihond nf lhl hmm tunlrlo w u comme u ESTE-0 plr ynr il 2.0? china
in 100.000 pll' year). Thll unum u“ filk mttrla nf 02-0 M f mr 10:10" plr yur Indivbduol ml:
of utility). Thtrlforl. IM memu FGB dnlnn i: lltilflůlůfy.
In 1593, the UH. HSE released DTD 93 002 (reference 2.12), which subsequently became (and
is still widely regarded as) the standard document with respect to gas detection guidance for
partially enclosed volumes. This document allows a geographic gas detection placement process,
whereby the potential explosion overpressures of a given area can be correlated against a gas
cloud that provides these. This is a standard process for indusb'y external applications with an
allowance for a performance-based approach with respect to the target cloud one needs to detect-
It is relevant, however, where the environment is reasonably predictable and fully enctosed, to
explore other avenues of design, one of which is the application of IIBFD modeling to analyze gas
cloud behavior. This also corresponds to the overarching philosophy of CFD application ii
determining a specialized application where other methods are not suitable, or the time and lost
required to perform detailed CFD analysis is not of benefit.
Specialized applications, such as internal processing units with predictable airftow, can be a
potential route for the use of CFD. An example of why this application is specialized includes the
fact that airtlow is relatively predictable, meaning the designer can run a limited number of
scenarios with changing environmental data, and which can be classed a s a sufficient spread to
account for the diflering environment- This cuts the number of scenarios required down to a
suitable number of CFD scenarios from which to assist with gas detector placement-
111lce tools allow the user to analyza gas dispersicn and the results of ignition of various gas
accumulations based on the surrounding environment (explosion modeling)- There are signilillnt
differences, however, between t h e s e tools a n d the inherent capabilities o f the model a n d how the
Hevier-Stokes equations are solvedfconverged. Certain models, for example, are better suited for
momentum-driven releases than others, and certain models cannot account for buoyancy as well
as themially driven fluid flow in transient assessments. Ensuring that an appropriate model is used
is oucial.
Practicing CFD consultants will be aware of these Iimitations, and it is important to note that many
assumptions are included with any CFD modeling project. As a result of this, engineering judgrnent
is still vital i n achieving an appropriate model and subsequent design . Therefore, these
assumptions must be fullyjustitied and, where appropriate, provide a credible worst-case scenario-
to ensure the resulting design is tit for purpose and all associated risk is reduced to a s low as
Fur Interna! humana. gun-d W W puncem: ml nnnw fm : min thai Will be :an- buh
when l_he mm a m operation úr applmahiel and wem i: na nat. Therefore. for nemam-ns whee—
me;WAE is nam-ng. CFD can be Wired Ie rewew the probable behavior of the nioud aiu: aha
Efliljl'IE' whether the target gas doucí is eredíhte “nim me WAG mnm-;- This. “thefeíure gives
insíuht iran lnu: tn dee'lgn the ge detection, Símílz assessments can be carried out mm the
HVAC is nat running nr where Hlava: are signíflmnt dead zones in the m . How—ever due tn the
lac-k nl forte:! ventilation. the patrem oí mammalian becomee la: umre Unpredlmle. Gas
detaetínn new-n bar"-nd nn Then- aqalyies became; hl more :llfflcult an: inould :unslu'u mm:
hmmm :::-tam ta fr.-icq::one-mmm and plum: turbulence (=== Fiume E „+ The: hh:mm mu
specific luk samce rdentlfřed will pmvjde ; mmm hearing on the behavior nf the m;
melaďqre, aan he uhalfengimg tus-etec!& Gamble ml—mse Teak Irelhmae 115).
- 95 -- 1313430111313
me of this. and the CFD deeigner aware of he impact tim! removing shrne ofina-ce
obahuciímswídhaveonfhemetic gasdetection strategy.
it is aiso relevant mat incompiete geometry models are a significant cause o i enor h C F D design
that very difticutt to design out- i t is not ntriside the realm of pumila-Trh; that a dangerous cloud
can be mpmaded as “safe“ nr 'adeqttaely detected' in a CFD reňew, when "nt actual fact lie
blockagcs that ctntld cause the problem hatte been excluded from the model. What appear to be
n'iimie changes in boundary conditions can have a large effect on hid dynamic mncomes.
Minitar important point to note i s that the applied CFD moi must be appropnately 1irellidatend on an
apginpúate scaletitr the speciňt: application. tfan onshore refineryis being modeied. forexampie,
it “ot- uucial not to use ar: tmyenlied CFD tool, as it wii Eitely provide differing results from the
typical industry standard tenis. which have undergone signiticant full—scale yaiidation and testing
by Wooden: third-party testing facilities. Much of a CFD tool's 1tratidatlon ls carried out dirough
the product life, aid therefore CFD models in their iiiancy cen provide misleading residta sid
potml'mlly restdt "m an inaderpcete design.
The issue of competence is one that must be addressed, as simply having access to the soi'twate
is not a ouaiiiication to carry out the analysis discussed- The detailed analysis required to
adequately apply CFD modeling to t h e gas detection placenaent pnoHem i s not addressed in ilia
TR, and therefore ensuring that the analysis is performed by personnel competent in both FGB
desig methodologies and practicolities, as well a s the intricacies of CFD analysis. is critical to the
appropriateness of this' methodology.
Flnun- E.: - Ambit nt, gu hmm at m LFL Mutina)
.. 1:11 . mamma-mm
Figure E.:! _ H'Mc design 1 (mechanical enfant left and right sian)
1=L i
Finite č - 5 shows the carne gas Wooden iso—surface utilities tor ac design 1. As
Wed previously. the majority cí lie gas Iealr seems to be calcined into the exhaust lion
generated beheeen the left side iiitetleorhaustd as the eos LFL dotud has been slonllicanlty
reduced tn volume and area from the anibient case.
Figure E.? shows the gas eoiicenuation iso-surface lcr WAG design ?. is immediately
merit is that even though a greamr bull: ttuid movement is achieved mass the width of Ete
mtment. because this Iealr octa-ted on the left side [and lost nunerimn rniickly) this left-to-
rigtt HVAC design appears to distrinde the gas throughout the oompatmenl to a greater extent
than l-NAG design 1. This is certainly true in the case of Bitti. LFL
Tlis outocme is of course biased based on the details of this particiiar & teak- A similar gas
lati: comming on the right side tí the coinpartment would likely be etrtsausted much more
Elie-clively by HUAC. design S! tim the cin-rent lealr- Gonsider further. however. that if the Iealt did
ccctir on the right side of the cornpamnent but was in the left-side dream. and did not impinge
won a solid surface. the let itself cerno distribute the gas across the meteorit-neni lrom right to
leti. HVAC design 2 would redistribute that gas ageln from Iei't to right to a similar fashion as
deinoosuated here. but with a poteiitralty tess desirahle concenlrobon distribution.
Ween be concluded from a brief overview of these results is that the physical layout of the
ata-ce. lilie attributes and ler-tiun ofthe lealt, and. of course, the des'gn ot'me HVAC system (and
Ilaettier or not it is operational) can each have a profound inpact upon the evolution and
maequence of gas cloud formation fouoning a teak in a process area- me cert understand how
mention might affect species migration and cloud formation and how a i currents i n d u c e d by
WAG systems cen affect concentration distribution- One could filttidf sbidy the possibility of
indian-ventilation, wherebythe WAG system i s designed with gadoud action in m i n d , and one
cutid gain insight into “dead anna“ within the space where dEuticn ot hui ii.-Td is not suflicieolty
ln metical ten-ns. understanding the inherent limitatlons c l the BFD outlet results tooth the
irilierent assumptions and user-tim 1i.isii'latitlityl. as well as an triu-nisic appreciatlon tor the
underpinning science behind diegasdetectionmethodology. allows lhewer to interpret the results
as an additional piece ol information contributing to the best holtstic detection arrangement.
W is not advisable, or arguably even practical from the point of yiewot' a safety practitioner is
to use it percentage scoring system from a small number of leak smriarios as a n'slt-based
indication for detector location- Tlisnmy result m leaving large wok-na ofthe connartrnent with
no gas detection- The question ot“ acuiimting for an almost inlinite matter of potential teak
onbornnee with a finite number of (ndterently uncertain) models is an emeinety difficult ona to
me and to validate- To demonstrate that all credible Iealr scenaiios lnice been accounted for
with a limited number of CFD niodets would be difficult- Dne mld Imre lio categorize teak
soeiarios based on a range of arbiriitas. such as oritice siee. pre—strie. direction. location.
inpinging upon congesticn or minpeded _iet. atmospheric conditions. and inventory details.
Siniseouently. an appropriate rame of leatt models that represent a sufficient cross section cl a l
orectibte tealrs wlthin each category nwst be analyzed. Gestil—,tng the dehútion ol what oonstitutes
a 'sutfirient cross section“ ol potential credible cases is a painting prosp-ert alone. and ln all
ireliriood- building. analyzing (sensitivity analysis). and running the range of realistic model
acetate-s will be a very time—consulting endeayor- Consider furtherthat tor even a relatively small
iaciityreyiew, there can be zem [liethe one considered here- "menosts atd time requirement
hamr-e risproporlionately lage fortbe enpected yield or beneltt of the medy.
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ISBN: STB-134331535?