Risk Factors For Asthma in Urban Ghana Addo Yebo

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Risk factors for asthma in urban Ghana

Emmanuel O. D. Addo-Yobo, MD,a Adnan Custovic, MD, PhD,b

Simon C. O. Taggart, MD, MRCP,b Mark Craven, MSc,b Baffoe Bonnie, MD,a and
Ashley Woodcock, MD, FRCPb Kumasi, Ghana, and Manchester, United Kingdom

Background: Asthma is increasing in prevalence and severity

in Africa. Previous studies have suggested that the prevalence
Abbreviation used
of atopy in West Africa was low.
OR: Odds ratio
Objective: We sought to investigate the risk factors for asthma
in Ghanaian school children.
Methods: Fifty children (age range, 9-16 years) with a physi-
cian diagnosis of asthma and asthma symptoms within the pre- There are very few studies on asthma in Africa com-
vious 12 months and 50 age- and sex-matched healthy control pared with the huge body of information from the devel-
subjects were randomly selected and evaluated by means of
oped countries. Most African studies conducted within
questionnaire, skin testing, total and specific IgE measure-
the last 3 decades were hospital based and involved a pre-
ments, and allergen level measurements from bed dust samples
(mite, cat, dog, and cockroach). dominantly adult population. Nevertheless, the results of
Results: Asthmatic children were exposed to higher levels of epidemiologic studies from Africa have shown important
mite allergens than were control children (geometric mean, 19 differences compared with those from the industrialized
µg/g [95% CI, 13.6-26.5] vs 11.2 µg/g [7.4-15.7]; P < .05). Cat countries. The prevalence of asthma in Africa has been
and dog allergen levels were low. There was a marked dissocia- low compared with that in developed countries, but it is
tion between skin test responses and the presence of specific probably increasing.1-3
IgE to cat and dog (CAP method). However, 84% of subjects Early studies in the 1970s stressed the late onset of
with positive cat dander–specific IgE levels in cat CAP tests asthma, usually in the second decade of life.1-3 However,
and negative skin test responses did not have Fel d 1–specific
more recent studies suggest that substantial numbers of
IgE (chimeric ELISA). In the univariate analysis significant
patients experience the first attack before the age of 2
associations with the patient group were found for sensitiza-
tion to mite (odds ratio [OR], 9.3; 95% CI, 3.7-23.4) and cock- years and that the prevalence of exercise-induced bron-
roach (OR, 3.9; 95% CI, 1.3-11.6), inner-city residence (OR, chospasm is in the range of 5% to 10.5% in schoolchil-
3.5; 95% CI, 1.4-8.9), asthma in family member (OR, 3.5; 95% dren.4-7 The prevalence of asthma in tropical Africa may
CI, 1.4-9.0), low (<5) position in sibship (OR, 3.6; 95% CI, 1.2- be changing in parallel with the social and economic
11), presence of smoker in home (OR, 3.7; 95% CI, 1.2-11.9), development that has occurred in the last few decades.
small household size (OR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.35-0.93), and use of However, there is very little information on risk factors.
electricity as domestic fuel (OR, 0.34; 95% CI, 0.12-0.97). In Atopy, which is a major risk factor for asthma in the
the multivariate analysis sensitization to mites remained the industrialized countries, seemed historically to be of low
strongest risk factor associated with the asthmatic group (OR,
prevalence in sub-Saharan Africa.8,9 This led to the sug-
10.4; 95% CI, 3.5-30.9). The other significant associations were
gestion that factors precipitating asthmatic attacks in
inner-city residence (OR, 4.8; 95% CI, 1.5-5.2), sensitization to
cockroach (OR, 4.9; 95% CI, 1.3-18.6), and position in sibship tropical Africa were apparently nonallergic, such as irri-
of less than 5 (OR, 6.3; 95% CI, 1.3-29.4). tants or climatic change.8
Conclusion: Sensitization to dust mite and cockroach aller- Urban living seems to be a substantial risk factor. We
gens, inner-city residence, and low position in sibship were have previously reported that the prevalence of exercise-
independent risk factors for asthma in Ghanaian children. (J induced bronchospasm was twice as common in a rich
Allergy Clin Immunol 2001;108:363-8.) urban population in Ghana compared with children from
Key words: Asthma, risk factors, allergens, Africa poor urban and rural communities,5 and this has also
been seen in Zimbabwe6 and Kenya.7 In the more devel-
oped South Africa, the risk factors for asthma are similar
to those in industrialized Western countries (eg, hay
fever, eczema, parental asthma, absence of paternal
From athe Department of Child Health, Komfo Anokye Teaching Hospital, income, maternal smoking in pregnancy, and presence of
PO Box 1934, Kumasi; and bNorth West Lung Centre, Wythenshawe Hos- household smokers).10
pital, Manchester, United Kingdom.
The aim of this study was to investigate the risk fac-
Supported by the Tropical Health and Education Trust and South Manchester
University Hospitals NHS Trust Endowment Trust. tors for childhood asthma in urban Ghana in a case-
Received for publication December 14, 2000; revised May 11, 2001; accept- control study.
ed for publication May 17, 2001.
Reprint requests: Adnan Custovic, MD, PhD, North West Lung Centre, METHODS
Wythenshawe Hospital, Southmoor Rd, Manchester M23 9LT, UK.
Copyright © 2001 by Mosby, Inc. The study was carried out in Kumasi, the second largest city in
0091-6749/2001 $35.00 + 0 1/81/117464 Ghana (population of approximately 1 million). The entire city is
doi:10.1067/mai.2001.117464 crowded, with light industry and considerable motor-vehicle pollu-
364 Addo-Yobo et al J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL

tion. A random sample of cases (children with asthma between the ate analysis at a P value of less than .1 were examined in multivari-
ages of 8 and 17 years) was recruited into the study from the Paedi- ate regression analysis. The size of the effect of each of the risk fac-
atric Asthma Clinic, Department of Child Health, Komfo Anokye tors was measured by using the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs.
Teaching Hospital (the only tertiary referral center in the area) if the Data were analyzed with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences
following criteria were met: physician diagnosis of asthma; use of (SPSS) software, version 8.0.
anti-asthma medication; and presence of asthma symptoms
(wheeze, cough, or both) within 12 months before the study. RESULTS
For each patient, 1 age- and sex-matched control subject without
respiratory symptoms (screened by means of an interviewer-admin- A total of 138 children were approached to recruit 100
istered questionnaire) was randomly selected from a local school participants matched by age and sex who agreed to take
within 2 weeks of enrolling a patient, and social and environmental part in the study. Demographics of the studied population
variables were matched with the general population. The study was are presented in Table I. Of 46 patients with reliable data
approved by the Komfo Anokye Hospital/Ministry of Health Ethi- on the age of onset of asthma, 38% had the onset of
cal Committee and the Ghana Education Service. All participants symptoms between the ages of 0 and 4 years (in 28%
underwent the following: skin prick testing; collection of stool sam-
within the first year of life), 30% between 5 and 8 years,
ples; home visit for the collection of dust samples; and interviewer-
administered standard respiratory questionnaire and questionnaires
28% between 9 and 12 years, and 4% between 13 and 16
on social and environmental characteristics (ATS-DLD-78 ques- years of age. One child had severe asthma (symptoms
tionnaire for children) every day), 9 had mild-to-moderate asthma (sympto-
Skin tests were performed by using the standard prick method on matic more than once a week), and 40 had mild asthma
the volar surface of the forearm with the standardized extracts of 12 (only occasional symptoms). The prevalence of eczema,
allergens (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, Dermatophagoides allergic rhinitis, and other allergies in the whole group
farinae, cat, dog, cockroach, Candida albicans, Aspergillus flavus, was 16%, 63%, and 23%, respectively.
Alternaria species, pine, maize, mouse, and grass mix) and a nega- Rhinitis was significantly more common among asth-
tive and positive (histamine dihydrochloride, 10 mg/mL) control matic subjects (76%) than among nonasthmatic subjects
(Bayer Corporation, Elkahrt, Ind). A wheal response at least 3 mm
(48%; OR, 3.2; 95% CI, 1.4-7.4; P < .01). The prevalence
in diameter larger than that produced by the negative control was
regarded as a positive response. The same trained investigator per-
of eczema was low, and there was no difference in this
formed all skin tests. prevalence between asthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects.
Specific serum IgE concentration to 5 allergens (D pteronyssi-
Atopic status assessed with skin tests and
nus, Blomia tropicalis, cat, dog, and cockroach) was determined by
using the CAP-RAST FEIA (Pharmacia-Upjohn, Upsala, Sweden), specific serum IgE measurements
and sensitization was defined as a concentration of greater than 0.35 The prevalence of positive skin test responses was
kU/L of the specific allergen, which is in line with previous stud- 80% (40/50) among asthmatic children versus 30%
ies.11 (15/50) among nonasthmatic children. The most preva-
Dust samples were collected from beds of the subjects during a lent sensitizations in all subjects were to D farinae
home visit. In 4 homes where a power supply was not available,
(42%), D pteronyssinus (41%), and cockroach (20%).
subjects were asked to bring their bedding (floor mat, blanket, and
pillows) to the hospital for samples to be taken. Dust collection was
Positive skin test responses to grass, mouse, and C albi-
done over a 1-m2 area of bedding for 2 minutes with a vacuum cans allergens were much less common (<10%). Multi-
cleaner (airflow, 45 L/s) adapted to collect the sample onto a 100- ple sensitization to allergens was predominantly a feature
cm2 sheet of bed linen supported by a dust trap. Dust was sieved of asthmatic children: 68% of asthmatic children were
through a 355-µm diameter mesh screen (Endecotts Ltd, London, sensitized to 2 or more allergens compared with 20% of
United Kingdom) to obtain fine dust samples. One hundred mil- control subjects.
ligrams of fine dust was extracted with 2 mL of borate-buffered Total serum IgE was significantly higher in asthmatic
saline solution with 0.1% Tween-20, pH 8.0. House dust mite (Der subjects compared with control subjects (mean differ-
p 1 and Der f 1), dog (Can f 1), cat (Fel d 1), and cockroach (Bla g ence, 5.1-fold; 95% CI, 3.2- to 8.0-fold; P < .0001, Table
2) allergens were assayed with mAb-based ELISAs, as previously
I). There was a good correlation between skin prick test
The participants were given stool-specimen bottles and asked to
positivity and the presence of detectable specific IgE lev-
collect a fresh stool sample. The presence of parasites was deter- els in CAP tests in the case of dust mite and cockroach
mined on a wet film (iodine preparation), and more detailed analy- allergen but not for cat and dog. Thirty-one children who
sis of the concentration of cysts and eggs was performed with For- had negative skin test responses to cat had detectable cat
mol-Ether Sedimentation.15 The Stolls method was used for the dander–specific IgE levels on cat CAP testing. Similarly,
quantitative estimation of ova in feces. although none of the children had positive skin test
Initially, risk factors were assessed by means of univariate analy- responses to dog allergen, dog-specific IgE on dog CAP
sis to see how each potential explanatory variable affected the prob- testing was detectable in 38 subjects. Total IgE was
ability of being asthmatic. Allergen exposure data were initially below 1500 kAU/L in all of these subjects. Measurement
analyzed as continuous variables. In addition, allergen levels were
of major allergen content (Fel d 1 and Can f 1 ELISA)
categorized by using the cut-off points previously suggested as sig-
nificant (2 and 10 µg/g Der p 1, 8 µg/g Fel d 1, 10 µg/g Can f 1, and
confirmed the high potency of the skin testing reagents.
0.8 µg/g Bla g 2). Variables were then tested in a forward stepwise To address the apparent dissociation between skin test
multivariate analysis combining the relevant variables to control for data and cat dander–specific IgE levels, we determined
the effect of each explanatory variable on the other variables stud- the level of Fel d 1–specific IgE by using a chimeric
ied. Factors that were associated with asthma group in the univari- ELISA, as previously described (lower detection limit
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL Addo-Yobo et al 365

1.5 ng/mL).16 The results of the chimeric ELISA were as TABLE I. Demographic data of the study population
follows: Control subjects Asthmatic subjects
• Both subjects with positive cat dander–specific IgE Age (y) 13.3 ± 1.5* 13.3 ± 2.3*
levels on cat CAP testing and positive skin test Girls25/50 25/50
responses to cat had measurable Fel d 1–specific IgE Type of house
levels (1.8 and 800 ng/mL; ie, both of these individu- Bungalow 17/50 (34%) 21/50 (42%)
als were allergic to cat). Flat 24/50 (48%) 13/50 (26%)
• Of 30 of 31 subjects with negative skin test responses Compound house 9/50 (18%) 16/50 (32%)
and positive cat CAP test results with sufficient serum Carpet at home 43/50 (86%) 48/50 (96%)
sample for the analysis, only 5 had detectable levels of Birth order
Fel d 1–specific IgE, whereas it was below the detec- 1 11/48 17/49
2 10/48 7/49
tion limit in all other 25 serum samples.
3 7/48 10/49
• None of the 31 subjects with negative skin test 4 6/48 10/49
responses and negative cat CAP test results had Fel d 5 5/48 3/49
1–specific IgE. 6 7/48 0/49
7 1/48 1/49
Allergen levels in homes 8 0/48 1/49
Table II shows the mean levels of various allergens in 10 1/48 0/49
dust samples from beds of children in the study. In the Pet ownership
analysis of dust mite allergen levels, the results of the 2 Cat 15/50 (30%) 21/50 (42%)
dust mite assays (Der p 1 and Der f 1) were added and Dog 23/50 (46%) 12/50 (24%)
Livestock at home 12/50 (24%) 9/50 (18%)
expressed in terms of total group 1 (Der 1) allergen.
Total serum IgE (kU/L) 96 (1.6-1023)† 485 (27.5-2803)†
Ninety-seven percent of participants had dust mite aller-
gen levels above the proposed threshold for sensitization *Mean ± SD.
(2 µg/g), and in 59% of participants, the levels were †Geometric mean (range).
above 10 µg/g. Total mite allergen levels (Der 1) were
significantly higher among asthmatic than among control
subjects (geometric mean, 19 µg of Der 1/g [95% CI, of persons eating from the same cooking pot, which
13.6-26.5] vs 11.2 µg of Der 1/g [7.4-15.7]; P < .05 for ranged from 3 to more than 20. Household sizes were
patients and control subjects, respectively; Table II). Lev- classified as small (≤9) or large (≥10) for analysis. The
els of pet allergens in these 100 Ghanaian homes were types of fuel used for cooking in homes were charcoal,
very low. firewood, liquefied petroleum gas, electricity, and
kerosene, and most of the households used a combination
Univariate analysis of the risk factors for of different types of fuel. A total of 35% of subjects
asthma reported keeping dogs in their homes: 36% had cats and
The results of the univariate analysis are presented in 2% had parrots. Forty-nine percent of participants did not
Table III. The asthmatic group was significantly associ- keep any pets at home. The keeping of cats was similar
ated with the following: sensitization to dust mite and in homes of asthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects. The
cockroach allergens but not to cat, dog, Alternaria presence of pets of any kind in homes was very similar
species, and grass; increasing levels of mite allergens and between asthmatic and nonasthmatic subjects (50%
being exposed to greater than 10 µg/g Der 1; a parental [25/50] vs 52% [26/50], P > .1). A total of 21% of sub-
history of asthma, second-degree relatives with asthma, jects kept livestock (mainly goats, sheep, guinea pigs,
and asthma in the family (first- or second-degree rela- rabbits, and poultry) in their compound, with no differ-
tives); living in the inner-city area (with no difference ence between the groups.
between the 2 groups with regard to the type of house or All subjects had stool samples tested. Helminths were
the presence of carpets); the presence of a smoker in the found in only 5 stool samples (Ascaris lumbricoides in 4
home; and low position in sibship (<5). and Schistosoma mansoni in 1). However, 88% of
The highest position in the sibship among the group of patients and 72% of control subjects had been prescribed
children studied was 10. Three subjects were excluded treatment for parasites within 6 months before enroll-
from the analysis because the position in sibship could ment. Because of the very low number of positive sam-
not be determined accurately. The categorization of birth ples, no further analysis was performed.
order into groups of up to 4 and 5 or more was made on
the basis of census data showing that most families in Multivariate analysis
urban Ghana have 4 to 6 children, as opposed to a figure Significant factors from the univariate analysis were
of 9 to 10 in rural families. considered in the multivariate regression analysis. Atopic
Asthma group was significantly and inversely associ- status was determined by using the skin testing data. Sen-
ated with the following: living in small households; use sitization to dust mites remained the strongest indepen-
of electricity for cooking at home; and dog ownership. dent risk factor associated with patient group (OR, 10.4;
The size of the household was defined as the number 95% CI, 3.5-30.9; P < .0001). The other significant asso-
366 Addo-Yobo et al J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL

TABLE II. House dust mite, cat, dog, and cockroach allergen levels in homes in Ghana (GM [95% CI])
Whole group Patients Control subjects Significance
(n = 96) (n = 50) (n = 46) (P value)

Der p 1 (µg/g) 13.3 (10.1-17.6) 17 (11.9-24.3) 10.2 (6.7-15.7) .07

Der 1* (µg/g) 14.7 (11.3-19.2) 19 (13.6-26.5) 11.2 (7.4 -16.8) <.05
Can f 1 (µg/g) 0.5 (0.4-0.6) 0.5 (0.4-0.6) 0.5 (0.4-0.6) .97
Fel d 1 (µg/g) 0.5 (0.4-0.6) 0.5 (0.3-0.6) 0.5 (0.4-0.6) .86
Bla g 2 (µg/g) 0.6 (0.5-0.7) 0.6 (0.5-0.8) 0.5 (0.4-0.6) .16
*The results of the 2 dust mite assays (Der p 1 and Der f 1) were added and expressed in terms of total group 1 (Der 1) allergen.

TABLE III. Univariate analysis of potential risk factors in patient groups

Control subjects Asthmatic subjects OR (95% CI) Significance (P value)

Sensitivity to allergen (skin prick testing)

Any allergen (atopy) 15 (30%) 40 (80%) 9.3 (3.7-23.4) <.0001
Dermatophagoides farinae 9 (18%) 33 (66%) 8.8 (3.5-22.4) <.0001
Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus 10 (20%) 31 (62%) 6.5 (2.7-16) <.0001
Any house dust mite 10 (20%) 35 (70%) 9.3 (3.7-23.4) <.0001
Cockroach 5 (10%) 15 (30%) 3.9 (1.3-11.6) .01
Cat 1 (2%) 2 (4%) NS
Dog 1 (2%) 0 (0%) NS
Alternaria species 1 (2%) 2 (4%) NS
Aspergillus species 0 (0%) 2 (4%) NS
Mixed grasses 7 (14%) 2 (4%) 0.26 (0.05-1.3) .1
Mouse 7 (14%) 1 (2%) NS
Pine 1 (2%) 0 NS
Corn 2 (4%) 0 NS
Sensitivity to allergen (specific serum IgE)
Any allergen 28 (56%) 45 (90%) 8.8 (2.3-28.3) <.0001
House dust mite 19 (38%) 42 (84%) 9.8 (3.7-26.2) <.0001
Blomia tropicalis 15 (30%) 37 (76%) 7.2 (2.9-17.5) <.0001
Cockroach 14 (28%) 37 (76%) 7.9 (3.2-19.4) <.0001
Cat 13 (26%) 20 (41%) 1.9 (0.84-4.6) .12
Dog 10 (20%) 28 (57%) 5.3 (2.2-13.0) .0002
Family history
Maternal asthma 2 (4%) 6 (12%) 3.3 (0.63-17.1) NS
Paternal asthma 4 (8%) 12 (24%) 3.6 (1.1-12.3) .04
Either parent with asthma 6 (12%) 16 (32%) 3.5 (1.2-9.8) .02
Sibling with asthma 5 (10%) 12 (24%) 2.8 (0.92-8.8) .07
Asthma in second-degree relative 4 (8%) 13 (26%) 4.0 (1.2-13.4) .02
Asthma in family 8 (16%) 20 (40%) 3.5 (1.4-9.0) .009
Environmental factors
Inner-city residence 9 (18%) 22 (44%) 3.5 (1.4-8.9) .002
Electricity domestic fuel 25/40 (62.5%) 34/41 (82.8%) 0.34 (0.12-0.97) .043
Small household size 7/40 (17.5%) 18/40 (45%) 0.26 (0.09-0.72) .007
Position in sibship (<5) 34/48 (70.8%) 44/49 (89.8%) 3.6 (1.18-11) .02
Smoker at home 5/38 (13.2%) 13/36 (36%) 3.7 (1.2-11.9) .025
Dog ownership 23 (46%) 12 (24%) 0.37 (0.16-0.87) .02
Der 1 (µg/g) 2.1 (1.0-4.5) .049
Der 1 >10 µg/g 21 (42%) 36 (72%) 3.06 (1.31-7.14) .009

ciations were inner-city residence (OR, 4.8; 95% CI, 1.5- asthma in Ghana were atopy (defined as a positive skin
15.2; P = .007), sensitization to cockroach (OR, 4.9; 95% test response to ≥1 allergen), exposure to tobacco smoke
CI, 1.3-18.6; P = .018), and position in sibship of less at home, position in sibship of less than 5, family history
than 5 (OR, 6.3; 95% CI, 1.3-29.4; P < .02). of asthma, and inner-city area of residence. The finding
of atopy, and especially of multiple allergen sensitiza-
DISCUSSION tion, as a major risk factor for asthma in Ghanaian chil-
dren is in keeping with numerous reports from developed
This study is the first to investigate the risk factors countries but sharply contrasts with the earlier reports
associated with asthma in children in West Africa. In the from West Africa, which suggested that factors responsi-
univariate analysis important risk factors for childhood ble for symptoms of asthma were nonallergic.3
J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL Addo-Yobo et al 367

Twenty years ago, atopy and atopic diseases, such as High levels of mite allergens in the current study con-
allergic rhinitis and eczema, were reported to be of very firm that dust mites are abundant in Ghanaian homes.
low prevalence in West Africa.8,9 In the current study Similar levels have been reported from other regions
none of the children had eczema on physical examina- where dust mite allergens constitute a significant risk
tion. However, allergic rhinitis was very common, partic- factor for asthma.24 In this Ghanaian study 97% of all
ularly among asthmatic subjects, which mirrors the find- participants had bed dust mite allergen levels exceeding
ings in the developed countries but contrasts with those the proposed threshold for sensitization of 2 µg/g dust. In
from the developing world. the case of cockroach allergens, the minimum level of
Sensitization to dust mite and cockroach allergens Bla g 2 recorded for the whole group was 0.1 µg/g. Dur-
were the most common types of sensitization in the cur- ing home visits, we observed that the use of pile carpets
rent study. Several studies have investigated dust mite in bedrooms was uncommon, but uncovered foam mat-
sensitivity in Africa. In 1973, Commey and Haddock tresses either on the floor or on the bed have become
found only 33% of 40 asthmatic adults sensitized to dust popular in Ghana within the last 2 to 3 decades.
mites in Accra, Ghana.8 Warrell et al1 in Nigeria report- We observed a considerable dissociation between skin
ed a prevalence of positive skin test responses to dust test responses and the presence of specific IgE to cat and
mites of 45% among predominantly adult asthmatic sub- dog measured with the standard CAP method. It has
jects. In Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) in 1975, sensitivity to recently been demonstrated that the use of the chimeric
mites was found to be 36% among asthmatic subjects and ELISA allowed accurate diagnosis of cat allergy.16 The
2% among nonasthmatic subjects.9 The proportion of results of a chimeric ELISA for Fel d 1–specific IgE sug-
Ghanaian asthmatic children sensitive to dust mites in gest that the vast majority (84%) of subjects with positive
this study (>60%) is the highest reported in West Africa. cat dander–specific IgE levels in cat CAP tests who had
Cockroaches are a major source of indoor allergen in negative skin test responses did not react with Fel d 1.
some parts of the world, particularly in the homes of Instead, they could have reacted either specifically with
patients of lower socioeconomic status. Sensitization to different cat proteins that are present in the RAST
cockroach allergens is an important risk factor for asthma columns but not in the skin testing solution or, much
in urban areas in the United States,17 in the Far East,18 and more likely, nonspecifically with nonspecific compo-
in France.19 Very few studies from Africa have investigat- nents present in the RAST columns but not in the skin
ed sensitization to cockroach. Fraser,20 in 1979, reported a testing solution. Thus any estimates of pet allergy in
prevalence of cockroach sensitization of approximately Africa on the basis of the use of CAP testing need to be
30% among 30 asthmatic subjects in Durban, South interpreted with caution.
Africa. In a group of children and adults in Nigeria, a sig- Inner-city residence in Africa has been associated with
nificantly higher prevalence of cockroach sensitization high asthma morbidity for reasons that are not fully
was reported among asthmatic subjects (32%) compared understood. Features of urban areas that favor a high risk
with nonasthmatic subjects (10%).1 Similar results were of developing asthma could include overcrowding,
found in this study of Ghanaian children. dampness, the presence of modern buildings, and fur-
Recent studies highlight the importance of cat and dog nishings that promote the growth of dust mites. The inner
allergens in asthma in developed countries with a high pro- city of Kumasi is crowded and has considerable pollution
portion of pet ownership.21 Pet ownership in traditional from automobile fumes. However, proxy measures of
Chinese culture is rare, and asthma is not associated with crowding, such as type of housing, household size, and
pet allergy, whereas in urban Hong Kong, where pet own- number of persons sharing a bed, were not significant
ership is much greater, being sensitized to animal dander risk factors for asthma among children in this study.
represents a significant risk factor for asthma.22 In the cur- Higher risk of childhood asthma among inner-city than
rent study the frequency of cat ownership, dog ownership, among outer-city residents cannot be explained on the
or both, as assessed with the standard questionnaire, was basis of allergen exposure and atopy because levels of
comparable with that in the United Kingdom and other important allergens (mite and cockroach) and the preva-
developed countries (approximately 50%). However, the lence of atopy were similar between the 2 areas.
prevalence of sensitization to cat and dog assessed by skin Some studies in the developed countries have found
testing was remarkably low. Similarly, Awodetu at al23 in the prevalence of atopy to decline with increasing num-
Nigeria reported a prevalence of positive skin test respons- ber of siblings and family size,25 whereas others have
es to cat fur and dog hair of 13% and 12%, respectively, not.26 The association of asthma with a lower sibship
among asthmatic subjects aged 10 to 19 years, with none of position in this study is unlikely to be related to differ-
the nonasthmatic subjects being sensitized. The current ences in number or type of infections in early life.
study is one of the first to measure the levels of indoor aller- In conclusion, sensitization to dust mite and cockroach
gens in homes in Africa. Very low levels of pet allergens, allergens, inner-city residence, and position in sibship of
which we found in homes, might explain the low preva- less than 5 were independent risk factors for asthma in
lence of sensitization to cat and dog allergens. Although Ghanaian children. This is similar to what is found in the
reported pet ownership was high, allergen levels in homes developed countries but contrasts with some of the previ-
were low (probably because of the fact that in the Ghana- ous findings in the developing world. Indoor pollutants
ian community pets are kept predominantly outdoors). and allergens from pets and molds did not constitute a
368 Addo-Yobo et al J ALLERGY CLIN IMMUNOL

significant risk. Dust mite allergens appear to be impor- purification of Fel d I, N terminal sequence analysis and development of
a sensitive two site immunoassay to assess Fel d I exposure. J Immunol
tant and may be cofactors acting on a population at
increasing susceptibility as the lifestyle changes. 14. Pollart SM, Smith TF, Morris EC, Platts-Mills TAE, Chapman MD. Environ-
mental exposure to cockroach allergens: analysis using a monoclonal anti-
body-based enzyme immunoassay. J Allergy Clin Immunol 1991;87:505-10.
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