My Article of Main Idea & Supporting Details

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Title of our research:

The Effects of Mental Health to a Student’s Academic Performances

Article: The Impact of Mental Health Issues on Academic Achievement in

High School Students
Author: Patricia Lea Sutherland
Year Published: 2018

I. Main Idea:
The main idea regarding the impact of mental health issues on
academic achievement in high school students is that there is a
significant correlation between mental health struggles and
academic performance. High school students facing mental health
challenges such as anxiety, depression, or stress often experience
difficulties concentrating, retaining information, and engaging in
learning activities. This can lead to lower grades, decreased
motivation, absenteeism, and even school dropout rates.
Addressing mental health issues through support systems,
counseling services, and interventions can positively impact
academic outcomes and overall well-being in high school
students. Additionally, creating a supportive and inclusive school
environment that reduces the stigma surrounding mental health
can encourage students to seek help and thrive academically.
A.) Supporting detail: Correlation between Mental Health Struggles
and Academic Performance
Research Studies: Numerous studies have shown a strong correlation between mental
health issues such as anxiety, depression, and academic performance among high school
students. These studies often use standardized assessments, surveys, and longitudinal
data to establish the relationship between mental health and academic achievement.
Behavioral Observations: Observable behaviors in students experiencing mental health
challenges can also serve as evidence. These may include decreased participation in
class, difficulty concentrating, increased absenteeism, and poor performance on
assignments and exams.
Student Testimonials: Listening to the experiences of students themselves can provide
valuable insight. Many students openly discuss how their mental health struggles have
impacted their ability to succeed academically, highlighting the real-world effects of
these issues.

B.) Supporting detail: Importance of Support Systems and

Efficacy Studies: Research evaluating the effectiveness of various support systems and
interventions for addressing mental health issues in high school students can offer
compelling evidence. Meta-analyses or systematic reviews of intervention studies
provide synthesized findings across multiple research efforts, highlighting the overall
impact of interventions such as counseling services, peer support programs, or
mindfulness training on academic outcomes.
Comparative Analyses: Comparative studies that examine academic performance
outcomes between schools or educational systems with and without robust mental
health support systems can illustrate the importance of such interventions. These
analyses may involve cross-sectional surveys, quasi-experimental designs, or matched-
cohort studies to control for confounding variables and isolate the effects of mental
health support initiatives.
Longitudinal Research: Long-term studies tracking students' academic trajectories
before and after the implementation of mental health interventions can offer insights
into the sustained benefits of such programs. By analyzing academic data over multiple
years, researchers can assess whether improvements in mental health outcomes
correspond to positive changes in academic achievement indicators, providing evidence
of the long-term impact of support systems.

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