The Construction of Zemun Borca Bridge, Belgrade, Serbia
The Construction of Zemun Borca Bridge, Belgrade, Serbia
The Construction of Zemun Borca Bridge, Belgrade, Serbia
TheStructuralEngineer 9
August 2014
Peer-reviewed papers focusing on the structural engineering challenges faced during the
design and build stages of a construction project.
ˇ Bridge,
10 The construction of Zemun Borca
Belgrade, Serbia
Authors from project engineer, Louis Berger Group, describe a three year, $260M project to design and build
a 1.5km, 172m main span post tensioned box girder bridge for Belgrade, over the River Danube.
Figure 1
Borca Bridge
contract was awarded on a design and and Pancevo townships, reduces traffic containers with a total volume of 18 000
construct basis based principally on the congestion on the only existing Danube litres. The production capacity of the plant
FIDIC design and build form of contract. river crossing (Pancevo Bridge), alleviates was 100m3/h. On the right (Zemun) bank, a
The contractor submitted a lump sum bid traffic flow between Banat and Srem and fixed batching plant facility with a capacity
which was administered during construction improves the existing urban traffic network of 130m3/h was available for use.
through scheduled interim milestone in and around Belgrade. The overall length The Serbian code for reinforced
payments. of the bridge is approx. 1.5km. The length of concrete1 requires that discharge concrete
the associated south approach roadworks temperatures does not exceed 30°C and
Project location and site facilities to the Novi Sad highway is approximately that the maximum temperature within the
The Zemun Borca Bridge (Fig. 1) is located 1.4km and the length of the associated as-cast concrete mass does not exceed
on the outskirts of the City of Belgrade and north approach road to the Pancevo 65°C. For this reason, the batching plant
connects the Municipality of Zemun with highway is 18.6km. was fitted with a liquid nitrogen injection
the suburban township of Borca close to At works commencement, the contractor system for cooling cement. Liquid nitrogen
the confluence of the River Danube and the established site facilities on the left was used to cool the cement as it was
River Sava (Figure 2). Borca is located 8km (Borca) bank of the river that included off-loaded from the bulk transport into
north of downtown Belgrade, in the Banat both office and living accommodation the storage silo. A special nozzle system
section of the municipality of Palilula. facilities for 250–300 personnel, together for mixing cement and liquid nitrogen
The bridge crossing forms part of the with a production area which included a was mounted before the riser pipe of the
Belgrade North Tangent Road, a designated construction equipment storage area, a cement silo. With this system, liquid nitrogen
trunk road, and is an essential part of the pre-fabrication and steel processing area, a was activated when cement started flowing.
Belgrade Master Plan scheduled to be wood processing plant and a steel and raw The mixing action created by the liquid
implemented by 2021. The overall project material storage yard. nitrogen injection ensured efficient, uniform
axis extends from the Belgrade-Novi Sad A mobile concrete batching plant was cooling. The liquid nitrogen evaporated
highway to Zrenjaniski Road and onward erected next to the main site facility on during this process and the resulting gas
to the main Pancevo highway. This axis the Borca bank. The plant comprised three entered the silo with the cement, cooling it
consists of a dual three lane highway with cement silos with a total capacity of 380t, further. The refrigerating energy of the gas
central median and marginal edge strips. four separate fraction aggregate bins coolant meant that the system was capable
The North Tangent Road, including Zemun filled by front end loader, cold feed bins of reducing concrete temperatures by up to
Borca Bridge, provides access to Zrenjanin with a volume of 2500m3, two admixture 5–10°C.
700m but increases to 1100m during flood, Temporary jetty and tower cranes capacity of 160kN with a rated hoisting
when the main river channel moves towards Two temporary jetties (Fig. 1) were moment of 2500kNm. The tower cranes
the Borca bank. The minimum navigation constructed, extending from both banks of were 40m in height with a working jib length
water level at the bridge site is 70.1m while the river, to provide segregated pedestrian of 70m. The maximum operating wind speed
the maximum is 74.36m, which provides and construction vehicle access to all river was limited to 20m/s.
a navigation clearance of 150m × 9.5m. piers. The Zemun bank temporary jetty
The river is used mostly by pleasure cruise was approx. 190m long with the Borc̆a Piling, integrity testing and static load
ships and cargo vessels. The lowest ever bank being 780m. Both were arranged with testing
recorded water level is 68.67m (November loading platforms and gangways at all pier All piling on the Zemun Borc̆a Bridge
1983) and the highest is 75.70m (April locations. The jetties had a working width comprised bored reinforced concrete piles,
2006). Elevation of the bed of the main for construction vehicles of 5.8m and a 1.0m varying from 1.2m diameter on the approach
river channel of the Danube is 62–65m. segregated pedestrian access. Designated viaducts to 2.0m diameter on the main
The riverbed where the bridge is situated vehicle turning areas were provided. A river crossing. Steel reinforcement to piles
is alluvial channelled, with the Borca bank maximum vehicle speed of 20km/h was was welded using automatic cage welding
scoured and the Zemun bank deposited. posted. Supporting systems including fire machines and installed full length. 336 piles
Seasonal floods produce alluvium matter fighting equipment and over-water buoyancy were designed and installed for the crossing
resulting in cross sediment transport and aids were provided in cabinets secured and approaches, with the deepest piles
shore morphology. The riverbed is highly to the edge barriers. A typical longitudinal extending 41m below pile-cap founding level.
permeable with underground waters span was 9m. The transverse distance The bored pile construction used shallow
existing from 2m below ground level. from the edge of the access jetty from the steel casing and direct excavation to toe
Underground waters and the river waters longitudinal centre line of the main bridge level under bentonite by means of rotary drill
have a direct hydraulic connection resulting was approximately 18.75m, and the elevation and kelly. The bore was stabilised using a
in seasonal reservoirs and artesian of the surface of the trestle bridge was locating guide frame with temporary steel
conditions. The depth of the underground set at +76.00 mnv. The temporary jetty casings installed in the upper alluvial layers;
water under the riverbed at the bridge is construction comprised steel casings of the length of the casing being determined
2–3m. The average flow velocity at the diameter 720mm × 8mm with a transverse from the in situ soil conditions encountered.
bridge site is 0.5–1.2m/s while the maximum spacing of 5.2m. A grillage of transverse The steel casings were rolled and welded
velocity in the main river navigation channel and longitudinal girders were topped with on-site with the initial drive using an 80t
is 3-4m/s. transverse load bearing distributing beams crane and vibratory hammer (Figure 6). The
With the main river piers being placed of rectangular steel hollow section 200 × lengths of casing varied from 20–27.5m for
within the main navigation channel, fluvial 100 x 6mm. the main bridge foundations.
studies and prediction of scour depth Two self-climbing tower cranes were Bentonite slurry was used as the drilling
were essential. The shape of the predicted located at each of the bridge main river fluid to stabilise the bored hole during
fluvial abrasion hole and accumulation Piers 4 and 5 (Fig. 1) and were founded and boring and concreting. During the boring
area around the main bridge pier and pile anchored to the main river pier pile-caps. process, the level of bentonite slurry was
group was determined; with the maximum Each tower crane had a maximum hoisting kept as high as possible within the casing,
permissible scour depth around the well above the existing ground water. A
foundation being assessed at 4–6m. A turbine pump was used to remove the slurry
bathymetric survey of the riverbed was loaded with soil particles in suspension from
carried out at both works commencement the bottom of the casing. The slurry was
and during the contract period, to monitor pumped to open lagoons for land based
scour and to ensure scour depths were not piles and storage tanks on the temporary
exceeded. jetty loading platforms for river based
Figure 4
Deck cross-section: main bridge
Figure 5
Geological conditions:
Zemun side
the need for mechanical vibration. Concrete
was delivered via a custom built hopper and
8m3 delivery regulator. Integrity testing of
piles was undertaken using a testing regime
comprising both ultrasonic cross hole testing
and, separately, low strain seismometric
echo testing. Every pile on the project was
tested, using low strain integrity testing with
15–20% of all piles being additionally tested
using ultrasonic cross hole testing. Between
Pier 22 and 23, the contractor undertook
a pre-production static pile load test to
twice working load (20 000kN) to confirm
design parameters. The test pile was 2.0m
in diameter and represented one of the
main bridge river piles. The reaction system
comprised two anchor piles of diameter
1.5m with a pre-stressed concrete reaction
beam. The basis for the test pile was the
ASTM's Test Methods for Deep Foundations
under Static Axial Compressive Loads2.
The test pile was instrumented with strain
gauges and extensiometers to measure
the transfer of load along the length of the
pile. The maximum settlement under twice
working load was 32mm compared to a
predicted settlement of 25mm. An additional
post-production load test was undertaken
at the Zemun abutment to prove the pile
load settlement behaviour in the difficult
loess sub-strata and sub-formation. An
additional pile to the production piles was
installed within the pilecap footprint. The
pile was loaded via a load cell fitted under a
reaction beam stressed to the pile-cap using
16 x 350kN tension bars. The pile was load
tested to the pile service load of 4800kN.
On the Zemun Plateau (Fig. 5) there were
a number of residential properties in close
proximity to the site boundary. A vibration
mapping and monitoring program was
implemented to measure and monitor
vibrations and settlements during piling
supports to be removed so the base could units. Piers incorporated box outs to mm2) in HDPE sheathing. Typically, six
be constructed with the cofferdam pumped accommodate temporary works for the tendons were pre-stressed per segment,
out. In order to overcome water buoyancy launched moveable support system (Figure four (two paired) top flange 19-strand
the concrete plug thickness was sized over 9). tendons and two 27-strand in-web tendons
2m, such that its mass counter-balanced the all locked off within the box cross-sectional
dewatered depth. For the remaining piers at Main bridge and approach viaduct — area (Figure 10b). Continuity tendons
shallow depth, de-watering equipment had segment configuration and prestress were typically 19-strand tendons locked
sufficient capacity, such that only a nominal The main bridge span geometrics over the off within bottom flange/web anchorage
0.5m plug was required. main river channel resulted in a configuration blisters. Shear enhancement to the box
The main bridge piers' pile-caps utilised comprising three spans; a main span of structural properties was provided by using
a braced cofferdam comprising a hybrid 172m and two side-spans of 95m. The vertical pre-stress within the main span
arrangement of 1420mm diameter x 10mm superstructure segments were simple pre- webs. 8 x 32mm diameter full-height pre-
thick steel pile casings interlocked with stressed box sections of variable height and stressing bars (nominal strength
conventional sheet piles for additional length but with constant width. The single 1030N/mm2) per segment were anchored
strength and stability. The cofferdam cell box girder was 10m deep above each within the web/bottom flange haunching,
foundation pit geometry was 36.7m x pier and 4m deep at midspan. The box was with live end anchorages and stressing
20.4m overall with a lattice configuration of dual single cell construction with a 2.5% through the top flange.
of cross beams and walings (Figure 8). All crossfall. The overall width of each box The approach viaduct segment length
cofferdams were designed for hydrostatic girder was 13.95m, with the box width being was typically 48m and designed for span
water forces together with dynamic forces 7.45m wide. The height of the box girder by span construction. Pre-stress comprised
due to currents, waves and accidental and the thickness of the bottom flange slab conventional full span by span pre-
loads. Vibration hammers were used for was set to a parabolic profile. The segments stressing tendons, 5 x 27-strand tendons
installation. Scour of the riverbed around all varied in length from 3.0–4.5m (to provide per web, stressed sequentially to provide
cofferdams was monitored. uniform segment weight) with a 2.0m closing minimum deck eccentricity. Transverse top
The approach viaduct and the main segment (Figure 10a). flange pre-stressing tendons comprised
bridge piers were constructed using Post tensioned tendons consisted of 19 or 3 x 15.7mm strand in flat HDPE sheathing
conventional cast in place reinforced 27 x 15.7mm diameter low relaxation seven at 0.5m centres with live and dead end
concrete construction using steel formwork wire superstrand (nominal strength 1860N/ anchors staggered. Pre-stressing tendons
7 to 11 pH indicator
(12 re-cycled) strips
Sand content Less than 4% Screen
Figure 7
Typical pier cofferdam
Figure 8
Main bridge Pier 5 cofferdam
Figure 10a
Segment layout: main span
Figure 10b
Prestress layout: main span
a rear pendular hanging beam to support the girders were launched to the next span. river piers. Two pairs of custom-made form
rear end of the launcher during launching. During the launching operation the main traveller carriages, each weighing 37t, were
After concreting a typical 48m long rear pendular suspension leg was moved to set up on rails on the pier heads to support
segment in one complete pour, and the its next position on runway beams seated the formwork for the main and side span
curing and tensioning of the pre-stressing on the top deck flange slab. The two main segments (Figure 14). The form traveller
tendons, the MSS main beam and truss girders were jacked transversely and joined carriages were self-launching using short-
girders were lowered by the main jacks in the middle of the transverse beam system. stroke hydraulic jacks to push forward the
fitted at the rear pendular suspension leg The main girders were set to line and level entire overhead assembly on runway beams.
(Fig. 12) and on the front pier bracket (Fig. ready for concreting. As the superstructure proceeded towards
9). The joints in the middle of the formwork mid-span, box sections became shallower.
supporting the transverse beam system Main bridge balanced cantilever The internal web forms were constructed in
were released. Front and rear formwork construction sequence, load testing removable segments, the outer steel forms
supporting jacks were lowered until the of travelling formwork hung down beneath the permanent works.
formwork separated from the concrete. The main bridge construction sequence The construction of cantilever segments
The main beam box girders and formwork is shown in Figure 13. The construction was targeted at a two week cycle with
were moved into a position where the methodology used for the main span super- stressing at five days.
tranverse beams could pass the piers. The structure, incorporated in situ balanced After assembly of the balanced cantilever
pier bracket transfer operation involved cantilever construction. A 14m long formwork, a simulated load test was
releasing the forward propulsion launching pierhead segment was cast on conventional undertaken to 105% of the segment dead
jacks, releasing the transverse bracket formwork supported on temporary props. load by a reaction force applied to a custom
pre-stress and winching the pier brackets This provided a platform for launching the designed steel bracket anchored to the
along glide runways located within the main travelling formwork. Using this technique, pier head unit (Figure 15). The loading was
beam and truss girder lower flange to the the formwork was suspended from the end applied incrementally in 20% increments
new pier locations. The MSS was then ready of the last segment. The new segment was with each increment of load being held for
for launching. The launching operation to cast, and after the concrete had developed 10min. The total force applied was 254.7kN,
the next span and concreting position was a predetermined strength, the section was with the maximum weight of segment plus
executed using a short stroke re-cycled jack post-tensioned to the previous segment. formwork being 242.8kN. The maximum load
operation to the underside of the main box Segments were cast as complete units was successfully held for 2h. The maximum
beams. The two main girders and nose truss and stressed in pairs, one each side of the weight of one segment was 245t.
E Figure 11
Pre-load testing the
MSS launcher: cross sectional
N Figure 12
Moveable support system
ready for launching
Control of out of balance forces longitudinal bumper connection at Pier 6 and horizontal friction in
Each pier had a cast in place pier head unit. Out of balance forces the main bridge bearings. Water tanks using steel casings were
arising from cantilever construction were resisted by temporary deployed to provide balanced load distribution during main span and
twin steel tubular props on either side of the main span river piers side span closure casting of concrete. The weight of the water tanks
supported from the pile-caps. Props were 1200mm diameter casings was equivalent to the weight of the closure segment, with water
14mm thick filled with 45MPa concrete. A secondary inner prop being released incrementally as the closing segment was cast.
(720mm diameter and 8mm thick) was also supported from the
pile-caps and this, together with brackets on the 1200mm diameter Deformation control during construction of balanced
casings, was used for supporting formwork for the zero segment pier cantilever main span
head unit. In-plan rotation of the cantilevers under differential wind Strict control of deflections during construction was crucial
loading was controlled during construction by bracing the props from because this type of bridge has historically shown propensity
the piers. Strains and associated forces in the props were monitored to develop larger time-dependent deflections than could be
during construction. In addition to the provision of temporary predicted in design. This is largely due to deformation prediction
propping, in order to provide an encastré fully secured stable not being reliable as a result of the high degree of uncertainty
connection between the pier head unit and the substructure during in creep and shrinkage prediction and estimating model
cantilevering, the pier head unit was stressed via concrete outriggers parameters (such as temperature and relative humidity), the
to the substructure using pre-stressing bars (Figure 16). A temporary complex segmental construction process and the sensitivity
concrete frangible pack surrounded the permanent bearings. of deformations to variations in the construction schedule.
As excessive deflection may lead to deterioration of the
Side span and main span closure bridge aesthetic, serviceability problems and traffic safety
The construction sequence for the 2m long main span and side span being compromised. Accurate prediction of the deformation
closure segments (Figure 17) required monitoring and observation was considered essential for the successful erection of the
of ambient day and night temperature in order to determine the superstructure, as well as the uncompromised state of the bridge
optimum time for locking and casting the closure segments. throughout its design life.
Following installation of temporary restraint beams (top and bottom As the construction methodology and chronology had such
flanges – Figure 18 and 19) to restrain and secure the main span and a determinative influence on deformations, a time dependent
side span closure, the transit plates for the main bridge Pier 3–6 phased structural analysis was required. During each segment
primary mechanical bearings were released to unlock and activate construction, the elevation of the entire span was measured
the bearings for horizontal translation movement. Overall longitudinal by levelling the forward tip of the travelling formwork. A
fixity against gravitational creep was provided by a temporary two-dimensional numerical algorithm computer model was
Figure 14
Balanced cantilever formwork
Figure 13
Main bridge: construction sequence Figure 15
Load testing balanced cantilever formwork
developed for the incremental analysis of the cast in place Articulation system and structural bearings
balanced cantilever segments. The numerical model simulated Structural bearings used on the bridge comprised two types; anti-
the segmental construction procedure through the entire life seismic high damping elastomeric bearings on the approach viaducts
span of the bridge. The model took into consideration effects and anti-seismic mechanical spherical bearings on the main bridge.
caused by differences in age of bridge segments, the sequential All bearings were designed and installed to the requirements of
application of permanent loads and pre-stressing, changes in BS EN 13373.
both segment temperature and ambient temperature, material Anti-seismic high-damping laminated elastomeric bearings (Figure
elastic modulus and shrinkage and creep of concrete, temporary 20) were installed on the continuous approach viaduct structures.
supports, relaxation and curvature of pre-stressing tendons and The bridge and approach viaduct structures are situated in an area
vertical and horizontal movements of the supports as well as their of moderate seismic activity. It was therefore desirable to isolate
rotations. It also evaluated redistribution of internal forces with the viaduct superstructure from ground movements by supporting
time after continuity. Critical segments were instrumented with the approach superstructure on flexible elastomeric bearings, i.e.
strain gauges and thermocouples, with data being fed back such providing a floating superstructure. This additional flexibility allowed
that the monitoring team could update the two dimensional model. the natural period of the structure to differentiate from the natural
Actual stresses were monitored against predicted stresses. The period of any earthquake. This served to lengthen the natural period
prescribed pre-camber was continually adjusted accordingly. of vibration and hence reduce the structure's response to seismic
Furthermore, a nominal time lag was inserted between Pier 4 and loads and resonance; in turn reducing the risk of damage or collapse
5 cantilevers in order that, if observed deflections should exist, a during a seismic event.
correction could be made to the lagging cantilever. Three overall The high-damping rubber bearings used, consisted of multiple
vertical control alignments were monitored: elastomer layers made of special dissipative rubber compounds,
separated by reinforcing steel plates moulded to the rubber layer.
• After main span closure Steel plates were bonded to the rubber through a vulcanisation
• After completion of superimposed dead loading including deck process which increased the resistance of the bearing to vertical
finishes and asphalt loads. These steel plates were fully embedded within the elastomer
• At taking over — based on time dependent adjustment between for corrosion protection. The anti-seismic bearings dissipate energy
control alignment No. 2 and 10 years following opening to traffic by hysteresis and work on the principle of base isolation, limiting the
energy transferred from the ground to the structure, in the event
Spare continuity ducts were provided within the bottom flange of a seismic episode. The rubber and steel laminated bearing were
such that there was scope for level adjustment and correction designed to support the weight of the structure and to provide
should traffic or dead loading increase in the future. post-yield elasticity. This type of anti-seismic bearing is capable
Figure 16
Temporary propping
to balanced cantilever
to be compliant with SRPS EN 13174. The vacuum grit blasting. Underneath the design and construction presented major
barrier was precast on site in 6m panel asphalt roadway, the system comprised challenges to the Chinese contractor China
lengths and designed to contain and redirect a fast curing primer, two coats of MMA Road and Bridge Corporation. The area’s
vehicles without complete failure or damage with a final adhesive bond coat of polymer geology and geotechnics together with
to the bridge superstructure top flange slab modified bitumen. Underneath the cast in active river conditions and difficult third
and cantilever. Walkway slabs comprised situ concrete pedestrian walkways, because party interfaces made this an unusually
discrete in situ concrete slabs cast in 6m of the protection provided, the system was demanding project. The safety of all bridge
bay lengths to control creep and shrinkage. the same except only one coat of MMA was operations on multiple work fronts required
Walkway slabs incorporated telecom and applied with no final bond coat. close interaction between the contractors'
power cable ducting with associated draw workforce erecting the bridge and the
pits. The pedestrian/cycle walkways were Conclusions complex structural, mechanical and electro-
provided with a durable, slip resistant Zemun Borc̆a Bridge with a main navigation hydraulic components of the launching
surfacing system supplied in two colour span of 172m is the second crossing and balanced cantilever operations. The
tones — red and grey. The material was of the Danube River in Belgrade. The successful construction of this technically
liquid applied, three component, fast curing, bridge form is a versatile and economic demanding bridge, in less than three years,
UV stable slip-resistant surface coating form of construction and presents an using both established and innovative
based on Methyl Methacrylate (MMA) resins. aesthetically pleasing solution, in keeping construction methods, was the result of
The pedestrian safety guardrail comprised a within its attractive rural river setting. The continuous review of the project dynamics,
robust 1.25m high galvanized steel handrail
with vertical posts of 100mm and 100mm x
5mm thick square hollow section together
with 101.6mm diameter x 4mm thick handrail
W Figure 19
Temporary restraint
beam: bottom flange
and infill bars.
Expansion joints
Modular expansion joints (Figure 23) were
chosen to accommodate superstructure
deck end movements. Expansion joints
were positioned at the ends of the
balanced cantilever main bridge structure
at Piers 3 and 6, at the Zemun and Borc̆a
abutments and every fifth span on the
approach viaducts. Movements ranged S Figure 20
Elastomeric bearings
from 340–740mm on the main bridge
deck end joints, and 180–420mm on the
approach bridge deck end joints. The
expansion joint comprised edge beam,
centre beam, support bars with strip sealing,
sliding springs, sliding bearings and control
springs. This type of joint was designed
to accommodate longitudinal, transverse
and rotational movements and structure
deformations while also satisfying everyday
thermal requirements. The neoprene sealing
elements were mechanically locked into
the separation beam, with each traffic
bearing separation beam having a dedicated
support bar. The control springs provided
between the support bars ensured a uniform
distribution of the total movement to the
individual joint gaps. Steel stops were
provided at the support bars to prevent
opening of the individual gap by more than
80mm. The support bars were supported
by resilient compression spring bearing
elements within support boxes. Pre-
compression of the sliding springs prevented
the supports from lifting off the bearings. N Figure 18
Temporary restraint
beam: top flange
Figure 22
Restraint barrier and crash rail
high levels of skill, diligence and application
in the workplace, together with teamwork by
all project participants.
The rapid completion of the bridge is a
testiment to all involved. The design and
construction of the Zemun Borc̆a Bridge
was the combined effort of many individuals
in the following organisations:
E1 PBAB 87: Serbian Code for
Reinforced Concrete
E2 ASTM International (2013)
ASTM D1143/D 1143M-
07 Standard Test Methods
for Deep Foundations
Under Static Axial
Compressive Load, West
Conshohocken, PA:
ASTM International
E3 British Standards Institution
(2000) BS EN 1337-1:2000
Structural bearings. General
design rules, London: BSI
E4 Institute for Standardization
of Serbia (2013) SRPS Figure 23
Deck modular expansion joints
EN 1317-1:2013 Road
Restraint Systems Part 1:
Terminology and general Figure 24
Zemun Borca Bridge
criteria for test methods,
Serbia: ISS