Online OPIc Intermediate

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About OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview – Computer)

1 What is OPIc?
The OPIc is an internet delivered test which provides
valid and reliable oral proficiency testing on a large
scale. It was developed in response to the increased
worldwide demand for the testing of oral language
proficiency. The computer delivered assessment
emulates the ‘live’ OPI, but delivery of questions is
through a carefully designed computer program, and
via a virtual avatar. Thus the test can be taken on
demand, and at a time convenient to the candidate
and proctor.

2 Taking the OPIc

Before beginning the OPIc, test takers complete a
Background Survey and a Self-Assessment. They also
receive a full overview and explanation of OPIc
procedures, including a sample test question.

3 Background Survey
The Background Survey is a questionnaire which
gathers information about the test taker's work,
school, home, personal activities, and interests. The
test taker completes the survey and the answers
determine the pool of topics from which the
computer will randomly select questions. The variety
of topics, the types of questions, and the range of
possible combinations the computer can generate
allow for individually designed interviews.

4 Self-Assessment
The Self-Assessment provides six different
descriptions of how well a person can speak a
language. Test takers select the description that they
feel most accurately describes their language ability.
Samples of speech accompany each descriptor; thus
test takers can also listen to samples to help select the
most appropriate description. The choices made by
the test taker in response to the Background Survey
and the Self-Assessment assure that each test taker
receives an OPIc that targets their range of ability and
provides questions on topics familiar to the candidate.

About OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview – Computer)

5 Test Process

6 Sample Test Screen


About OPIc (Oral Proficiency Interview – Computer)

7 OPIc Level System

Advanced Low(AL)
▪ narrate and describe in all major time frames in order
to have conversations about both personal experiences,
as well as topics related to community interest.
▪ handle a routine situation with an unexpected
▪ produce paragraph-length or connected discourse
when narrating and describing about a variety of topics.

Intermediate High (IH)

▪ able to demonstrate the ability to function at the
Advanced level most of the time.
▪ unable to sustain Advanced-level across all rating
criteria all of the time.

Intermediate Mid (IM)

▪ fulfill all of the requirements for the Intermediate
▪ produce Intermediate level responses with both
quantity and quality.

Intermediate Low (IL)

▪ fulfill all of the requirements for the Intermediate
▪ produce Intermediate level responses but struggles to
do so
▪ communicate primarily by using what they have
practiced and hear from their interlocutors.

NH(Novice High)
▪ able to demonstrate the ability to function at the
Intermediate level most of the time.
▪ unable to sustain Intermediate level across all rating
criteria all of the time.

NM(Novice Mid)
▪ able to communicate minimally by using a number of
isolated words and memorized phrases.

NL(Novice Low)
▪ able to exchange greetings, introduce themselves,
and name a number of familiar objects from their
immediate environment.

Part 1. General

Unit 1. Self Introduction

Unit 2. Describing People
Unit 3. Describing Places

P a r t

Unit 1. Self Introduction

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 introduce yourself using diverse adjectives
 describe your appearance and personality

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Name and Age

Hello. My name is David, and I am 36 years old.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
in my late 20’s
in my mid 30’s
in my early 40’s

2) Family and Martial Status

I have a younger brother and an older sister.
I am married with two children.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
be an only child,
have two siblings
live at home with my parents,
live alone
be married with a young son[no children]

3) Occupation
I work for a company called ABC.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
work at a bank
work as a marketing supervisor

4) Personality and Hobby

I am always at the center of attention.
I love to hang out with friends.
I am happiest spending time alone.
I consider myself to be sociable because I love to
talk to people.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
decision maker
one who plans everything
person people ask for advice
go out with a group
read on weekends
watch TV
play computer games
adventurous l ambitious l
confident l energetic l
enthusiastic l funny l faithful l
friendly l humorous l joyful l
open-minded l outgoing l
optimistic l passionate l

5) Appearance
People think I am pretty, but I think I am very plain

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
tall and thin
short and a bit overweight

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Let’s start the interview now. Please tell me a
little about yourself.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Name / Age
Body : Occupation / Personality / Family Status /
Residence / Hobby
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Name/Age : My name is Suhyeon Kim, but I also go
by James. I am in my late 30's. I would like to tell you
a little more about myself.

Occupation : I have been a marketing manager at
Doosan for 10 years.
Personality : My co-workers say I am a humorous,
ambitious, and a sociable person, but my family and
friends see me as a warm and caring person.
Family Status : I’ve been married for six years.
There are 4 people in my family, my hard-working
and attractive wife, a naughty but funny son, a shy
daughter, and me.
Residence : I live in the Gangnam district of Seoul.
It’s very close to where I work.
Hobby : In my free time, I go bike riding with my

Opinion/Impression : I have a busy life full of fun
and joy.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
As a self introduction usually decides a person’s first
impression, it is essential to practice your self
introduction fully. The most natural way of presenting
yourself would be starting with your name, age,
profession, family status, personality and hobby. It is
very important to utilize a variety of adjectives to fully
describe your personality and appearance.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Please tell me briefly about yourself and your

Answer Structure
Introduction : Name / Age
Body : Occupation / Family Status / Residence /
Personality / Hobby
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Name/Age : My name is Soomin Kim. I am in my
30's. I will tell you a bit more about myself.

Occupation : I work for a company called Samsung
Electronics as an engineer. I’ve worked at this
company for 10 years.
Family Status : I live in Suwon with my wife, son,
and daughter. It’s close to my office. I often go to a
park near my house with my family on the weekends.
Personality : In terms of my personality, my friends
say I am active and positive.
Hobby : As for my interests, I like cooking. I
sometimes cook for my family. Feeding them
delicious food makes me happy.

Opinion/Impression : I live a busy life but I’m happy
with the people around me.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Various questions including important parts of your
introduction like family and personality will be asked
during your self introduction. Listen to the questions
carefully and make sure your answer also includes
answers to the additional questions. It is
recommended to add one or two casual sentences
before and after your answer to show familiarity.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 Tell me something about yourself focusing on

your personality.


 Tell me a little bit about yourself and what you

do for a living.


 Tell me about yourself, your job, and what you

do in your free time.


P a r t

Unit 2. Describing People

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 describe a person near you
 describe a person of a specific profession

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Introducing family and friends

There are four people in my family: my wife, two
sons, and me.
I am married and have two children.
I would like to tell you about my sister; Jenna and I
are best friends.
I’ve known my best friend since high school.

You: _____________________________________

•Useful Expressions
have been friends for + (Period of Time)
have know each other for + (Period of Time)
since my college days
since I lived in America

2) Describing Personality
My brother is very independent and sociable.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
shy and quiet
kind and considerate
thoughtful but self-centered
humorous and ambitious

3) Everyday Life and Occupation

My girlfriend is a thin, beautiful woman who works
at a coffee shop near my apartment.
My wife is a full-time housewife.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
work for a bank
be a colleague in my office

4) Activities done Together

My friends and I always have a good time together.
We usually go to the movies together once a
I enjoy traveling with family once or twice a year.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
watch sports at a bar
go drinking on Fridays
play soccer
at the park
spend lots of time
like to go clubbing
when I feel down
when I’m bored
when I have free time

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Please tell me about your family.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce family members
Body : Appearance / Personality / Hobby /
Activities done together
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Introducing Family Members : I will tell you about
my family. There are four people in my family: two
daughters, my wife, and I.

Appearance/Personality/Hobby : My first daughter
is 12 years old. She has big eyes and long hair. She
likes her long hair. She is very active. My second
daughter is 9 years old. She has a beautiful face and
she is slim. She likes drawing. Lastly, my wife is two
years younger than me. She has big eyes and a
round face. She runs a small accessory shop. She
makes accessories and teaches others how to make
them there.

Activities done together : We do many things

together on the weekend like traveling, watching
movies, and cooking.

Opinion/Impression : I think I have a beautiful

-Now you Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Questions asking for a description of your co-worker,
friend and even neighbor frequently appear. Describe
your relation with the target, period of acquaintance,
appearance, personality and lifestyle. Also include
activities done together. Perfect your answer by
including your opinion and impressions about the
person in question.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Tell me something about your best friend.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduction of friend
Body : Period of Acquaintance / Personality /
Appearance / Characteristics / Activities done
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Introduction : I would like to tell you about my best
friend, Bill. We have known each other for more
than 15 years.

Period of Acquaintance : Currently, we work in the
Marketing Department of Samsung together.
Personality : I think Bill is a generous person. He
often buys coffee for our department.
Appearance : As for his appearance, Bill is a neat
and clean person. He is quite tall and very muscular.
He also has short hair and wears glasses.
Characteristics : When it comes to work, he always
shows up for meetings on time, and he often
says useful things.
Activities done together : About twice a week, we
go for a drink together after work.

Opinion/Impression : Everyone loves working with
Bill, and I also like him very much.
-Now You Try!

◈ High Score tip!

When describing several people, introduce them in
order in the body part. Introduce the person by
personality, appearance, characteristics and what
activities you do together. Do NOT use negative
expressions like ‘fat’, ‘ugly’ when describing a
person’s appearance.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

• Would you please tell me about one of your

closest neighbors?


• You said you live with your family. Please tell me

more about your family.


 You said you live with your family. Please tell me

more about your family.


P a r t

Unit 3. Describing Place

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 describe the location, function and characteristics
of a place.
 give an opinion/impression of a certain place.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Location/Type of Housing
I live in Suwon, which is near Seoul.
I live in an apartment.
The place where I live is a small apartment in a
residential area.
I live on the 10 floor of a 12-story apartment


You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
house | studio | dormitory
medium sized house
large apartment
spacious apartment

2) House Layout and Furniture

My house has three bedrooms, one living room,
and a kitchen.
When you come into my house, you will see the
living room first.
There is a master bedroom next to the living room.
There is a desk, a bed, a bedside table, and a
bookcase in my room.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
dressing room
baby’s room
guest room
dining room
utility room
dressing table

3) Mood and Advantage

The view from my apartment is really beautiful at
My room is neat (well-organized, messy, cozy).
It is a nice place to live.


Useful Expressions

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Please tell me about where you live. Do you
live in an apartment or a house? What does it
look like? How many rooms does it have?
Answer Structure
Introduction : Location/Type of Housing
Body : Layout / Furniture / Activities /
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Location/Type of Housing : I will tell you about my
house. I live in a 3-story apartment building. I live on
the first floor; there are two bedrooms, one living
room, and one bathroom.

Layout / Furniture : From the outside, the building
doesn’t look fancy or new but I like the interior of
my house. When you come into my home, you will
see the spacious entryway first. There are five
bookshelves along the wall. I like reading books, so I
have many books. If you go inside a bit further, you
can see the spacious living room. There is a sofa, a
big TV, and a table there.

Activities : On the weekend, my wife plays the piano

while I read books in the living room.

Neighborhood : Moreover, near my house, there are

various amenities such as a supermarket, a
pharmacy, a bakery, and a dry cleaner’s.

Opinion/Impression : My house is not really that
special but it is the perfect place for my wife and I to
-Now you Try!

◈ Answer tip!
Describing of your home and even neighborhood are
common questions. Prepare your answer in advance
on the layout of your home and your neighborhood.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Tell me about your neighborhood.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduction of neighborhood
Body : Three reasons you like the neighborhood
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Introduction of neighborhood : I will tell you about
my neighborhood, I like it for several reasons.

Reason 1(location) : First of all, my company is
located near my home. It takes just 10 minutes to
get there by car. That’s the main reason why I chose
this house. I don’t have to waste time commuting.
Reason 2(conveniences) : Secondly, there are many
stores near my house, such as a supermarket, a dry
cleaner's, and restaurants. It is within walking
distance to the shops, so it takes just ten minutes to
get there on foot.
Reason 3( (surroundings) : Lastly, the atmosphere is
so peaceful. It is the best place to relax after work.

Opinion/Impression : Those are the reasons why I
like my neighborhood.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

It is easier if you think up three keywords first. Do not
only describe the inside of your home but also
remember to describe the surroundings and the
conveniences around your home.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

• Please tell me about your house.


• Can you think of any memorable incidents that

happened in your house?


• What’s your favorite room? Why do you like that



Part 2. Survey Topics

Unit 4. Company Life

Unit 5. Movies
Unit 6. Café
Unit 7. Bar/Pubs
Unit 8. Park
Unit 9. Beach
Unit 10. Music
Unit 11. Jogging / Walking
Unit 12. Domestic Travel
Unit 13. Foreign Travel
Unit 14. Vacation at Home

P a r t

Unit 4. Company Life

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 answer questions about your company, including
history, size, work and duties.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Name and Location of Company

I work at an electronics company, which sells cell
The company is located in the center of Seoul.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
work for
be established [found] in

2) Additional Details
It is the one of the biggest companies in Korea.
My company manufactures electrical components
for the computer industry.
The company was founded over 20 years ago.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
major[large] company
small and medium-sized company
produce | develop | provide

3) Responsibilities and Tasks

I am a salesman responsible for software sales.
I go to the office at around 8:30 a.m.
I attend a business meeting for about an hour in
the morning.
I have lunch at 12 with my co-workers at the
company cafeteria.


Useful Expressions
deal with
in charge of
check e-mails
copy documents
evaluate products
report on progress
go over reports
keep a daily work log
review project specifications
submit a proposal

4) Opinion and Impression

I’m satisfied with what I do and the people I work

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
get off work
work by night
read a free newspaper
watch the game
watch the scenery
watch a movie
pass the time reading a book
get caught up in
frequently get slowed down in
be crowded
be full of cars
be at a standstill
caught [stuck up] in a traffic jam

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Can you tell me about the company you work
for? What kind of business is it? Please describe
your company in as much detail as possible.
Answer Structure
Introduction : Name / Industry
Body : Year of Establishment / Location / Business
Field / Main Product
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Name/Industry : I work for a large software
development company named Excel Corporation.

Establishment : Excel was founded over 10 years
Location : The company’s offices are located in
Seoul and Incheon.
Business Field : The company develops office system
software for large multi-national companies.
Main Product : The software package is an
integrated system that can handle all aspects of a
company’s day-to-day business. The unique thing
about the software is that it is designed to be an
easy-to-use business solution.

Opinion/Impression : The future of my company
looks bright and working for Excel is very interesting.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
There is a high possibility of a task related question
following a company related question. It is important
to check important information in advance
(establishment date, size, value etc.) Also practice
speaking about your daily tasks and ongoing projects
if any.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Please tell me about your typical day at work.
What do you usually do as soon as you arrive at
the office?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Company Life
Body : Morning Tasks / Lunch / Afternoon Tasks
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Company Life : I will tell you about my typical day at

Morning Tasks : I get to the office around 8 a.m. I
usually have a meeting with my co-workers in the
morning. After the meeting, I work on my project.

Lunch Break : I have lunch with my co-workers at

the company cafeteria at 12. They serve 7 or 8
different kinds of food every day. My favorite thing
to eat there is Korean food like kimchi stew.

Afternoon Tasks : After lunch, I am busier in the

afternoon and have to attend a lot of meetings.
That’s why I usually stay late at the office until 8 or 9

Opinion/Impression : Even though I am very busy, I
really enjoy my work.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Questions about a typical working day and about
commuting to work are very common. Commute time
and mode of transportation, how commute time is
spent, interesting incident/happening during
commute and so on could be asked. Prepare a good
response to these questions.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 What is your job title, and what kind of work do

you do? Tell me about your responsibilities.


 Can you tell me about your lunch time at work?

Where do you usually have lunch? Who do you
have lunch with?


P a r t

Unit 5. Movies
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 talk about movie plots and memorable scenes.
 talk about the actors/actresses

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Favorite Movies/Genres
I like all kinds of movies except horror movies..
My favorite movies are action and romantic movies.
I really like watching romantic comedies.
I like these kinds of movies because they are
Action movies always make me feel excited.
Those movies are fun and entertaining.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
horror | thriller |
martial arts |
independent films |
science fiction | adventure

2) Movie Viewing Pattern

On weekends, I go to the theater.
I often go to the movies with my husband on the
I prefer going to the movies early in the afternoon
on Sunday.
I usually choose a movie after checking the movie

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
read reviews
see what's showing
check the available seats
book a ticket
buy tickets
at the theater box office
grab a bite
write movie reviews on a blog

3) Movie Theater
The movie theater I usually go to is a brand new
multiplex theater near my house.
The movie theater has many screens and
comfortable seats.
I can get a discount with my membership card.


Useful Expressions
touching | moving | joyful |
melancholy | satisfying |
sympathetic | uplifting |
stimulating | refreshing |
encouraging | motivating |

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Tell me about the movie theater you go to
most often. Where is it? Why do you prefer that
Answer Structure
Introduction : Name / Location
Body : 3 reasons for your choice.
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Name/Location : I'll tell you about my favorite
movie theater. My favorite movie theater is the CGV
located in Pyeongchon. There are a few reasons why
I prefer it to other theaters.

Reason 1 (distance) : First of all, it's close to my
house. It takes me about 10 minutes by foot.

Reason 2 (facilities) : Also, it has many screens, so I

have many choices. They even have 3D, 4D, and
IMAX theaters there.

Reason 3( (convenience) : Lastly, the theater is

brand new with many convenient facilities. It has
comfortable seats with a lot of leg room. There are
many cafes, restaurants, and stores around, so I can
do many other activities before and after watching a

Opinion/Impression : For these reasons, I prefer this
movie theater.
-Now You Try!

◈ Answer tip!
Watching movies and enjoying hobbies are also high
frequency questions. Watching patters, favorite
genre, describing regular locations and talking about
special experiences are some examples. Practice
these questions before hand.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Please tell me about the most memorable
movie you have watched. What was the movie
about? Who was in it?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Most Recent Movie
Body : Stars / Scenario / My review
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Recent Movie : I like watching movies of all genres.
Recently, I saw a movie called Sully.

Star/Scenario : Tom Hanks starred in it. The movie is
about an American pilot. He became a hero after
landing his damaged plane on the Hudson River. He
saves the flight’s passengers and crew.

Review : It is a fun and entertaining movie. Also, it is

very touching.

Opinion/Impression : I think Sully is the best movie
of this year. If you haven’t seen it yet, you must
watch it.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Questions about watching TV and watching movies
are not only similar but the answers themselves also
overlap. Study for both at the same time for
maximum efficiency.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 How often do you watch movies? Do you ever go

to the movies alone? Who do you like to go with?


 What kind of movie do you enjoy watching?

Why do you like watching those kinds of movies?


P a r t

Unit 6. Cafe
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 describe a favorite café and what you do there.
 talk about a memorable experience at the café.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Describing a Café
I often go to a cafe near my house.
The cafe is small and cozy.
There is a cafe called Coffee in my neighborhood.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
close | around | by | not far from
big and luxurious
clean and simple
well decorated
European style

2) Favorite Drink
I often go to cafés to drink a café latte.
My favorite drink to order at a café is black coffee.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
what I like to order
I love to drink
the drink I like the most
cappuccino | americano |
cafe mocha | green tea latte | tea |
earl grey | english breakfast |
milk tea

3) Activity at The Café

I often meet my friends at a café.
I sometimes go to a café alone to read books or
I usually chat with my friends at a café.


Useful Expressions
enjoy various kinds of coffee
hang out with my friends
spend time with loved ones
rearrange my thoughts

4) Reasons You Enjoy The Café

My favorite part about the cafe is its cozy
The prices there are relatively cheap.
It is not far from my house.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
delicious drinks
lovely flatware
large parking lot
beautiful furniture
kind owner
popular among young people
owned by baristas
located near a park
it can be found easily
it has beautiful building

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. When do you usually go to a café? What do
you typically order, and what do you do there?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce a favorite café.
Body : Reasons / Café Facilities / Activities
Closing : Wrap up

-Sample Answer
Introduction of a favorite café : I’ll tell you about
what I usually do at a cafe. I often go to a coffee
shop called M’s Coffee near my house.

Reason for going : I like to go there because it’s near
my house and I like its black coffee. Also, I can use
the free Wi-Fi there.

Café facilities : When I walk into the cafe, there is a

cashier and there are many comfortable sofas and

Activity at Café : In the cafe, I can have a chat with

my family, friends, or co-workers. Sometimes, I go
there alone to study or read a book.

Wrap up : These are the things that I normally do at
a cafe.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
The topic Café was first introduced in the 2013 New
Opic Test. Describe a favorite café, explain what you
do there and introduce memorable incidents are
common questions so be prepared.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Tell me what you usually do at a cafe. When
do you usually go? Why do you go there?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduction
Body : Reasons for going / Activities done there
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Introduction : I enjoy drinking coffee and doing
many things at cafés.

Reason for Going : I go to a cafe near a subway
station when I have to wait for someone. There are
usually many major franchises like Starbucks near
stations and I can use free Wi-Fi there. Also, the
tables and chairs are comfortable.

Activity at Café 1 : If I go alone, I usually surf the

Internet using my phone.

Activity at Café 2 : But mostly, I will go to a café in

my office building with my co-workers to hang out. I
usually have a chat with them over coffee.

Opinion/Impression : Cafés are a nice place to
spend time with people.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Remember to use the Past Tense when talking about
a past experience in a café. Describing the café or the
flavor of coffee in detail will increase the quality of
your answer. Pay attention to the ‘F’ when
pronouncing ‘coffee’ and ‘café.’

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 Tell me about your favorite cafe. Where is it

located? What does it look like?


 Please tell me about your favorite place to drink

coffee. Where is it located and why do you like
the place?


P a r t

Unit 7. Bar/Pub
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 describe a favorite bar/pub and what you do there.
 talk about a memorable experience at the bar/pub.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Describing a Bar/Pub
I often go to a pub near my office after work.
A bar I often go to is called Q Bar.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
on Friday night
on Saturdays
almost every weekend
whenever have time

2) Favorite Drink And Snack

I often drink soju with my co-workers.
I enjoy the finger food there.
I love drinking beer especially Belgian beer.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
signature dishes
homemade burger
freshly cut fries
BBQ rib

3) Activity at The Bar/Pub

I often go to Korean style bars with my friend to
hang out.
We have a chat over beer and soju.
I sometimes go to a western style bar with my sister
to play darts and pool.
We have a chat and play darts or pool over beer.


Useful Expressions
enjoy homemade beer
drink imported liquor
watch a sport game
eat cheap wings
celebrate special days
talk about work
share personal thoughts
watch games
enjoy a ladies night
have special dishes
like to meet different people
can relieve stress

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Describe the bar that you go to most often.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce a favorite bar/pub.
Body : Drinks and snacks / Reasons
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Location of bar and who do you go with : I often go
to a western style bar near Gangnam subway station
with my friends.

Drinks/Snacks : They have many kinds of beer and
cocktails. Also, they serve great snacks and finger
food. I think their small hotdogs are especially

Reason 1 (mood) : I like the food and the mood at

the bar. Whenever I go there, I enjoy some snacks
over beer.

Reason 2 (service) : Moreover, the bartenders there

are very friendly. Even if I visit alone, I feel
comfortable and enjoy talking to them. For those
reasons, I often go to that bar.

Opinion/Impression : That Western style bar is one
of my favorite places to go for a drink.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
‘Describe a favorite bar/pub, explain what you do
there and describe a recent outing to a bar/pub’ are
expected questions. Prepare for these questions in

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Tell me about a memorable incident that
happened at a bar.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce a memorable bar
Body : Incident background/conclusion
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Introduce the memorable bar : I will tell you about
one of the most memorable incidents I have had at
a bar. I often go to a bar that is located in Gangnam.

Incident Background : Last year, I went to the bar
with my friends. We ate some finger food and
played darts. We had a really great time. We stayed
there for about 3 hours. After hanging out, we left

Incident Conclusion : After a few minutes, I realized

that I had left my mobile phone at the bar. I quickly
went back to the bar and fortunately, I found my

Opinion/Impression : From this experience, I
learned to check my belongings carefully before

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

If you enjoy doing your hobbies or interests in groups,
mention how it differs from enjoying them alone.
Mention 1) Why you enjoy it 2) How you became
interested in it 3) Experiences. Be specific in your
answer and explain your impressions and feelings.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 When do you usually like to go to a bar? How

often do you usually go there?


 Who do you go to a bar with?


 Tell me about what people normally do at bars.


P a r t

Unit 8. Park
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 describe a favorite park and what you do there.
 talk about a memorable experience at the park.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Describing a Park
There is a park near my apartment building called
Seoho Park.
It is about 10 minutes from my house on foot.
My favorite park is Central Park near my house.
It is a national park located near Seoul.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
back of my office
close to the river
next to a community center
in front of my house
by bus
by subway
by car

2) Park Facilities And Mood

There is a lake in the middle of the park.
There are many benches and exercise equipment
around the lake.
The park is very clean.
The park is very crowded on the weekend.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
jogging track
resting area
dog park
full of green
not polluted
quiet | relaxing | stress-relieving |

3) Activity at The Park

I often go to the park to exercise.
I go on a picnic in the park with my family on the
I go jogging in the park every morning.


Useful Expressions
walk | run | hike | jog | trek |
camp | stroll
walk my dog
ride a bike
take a walk
play frisbee
read books
listen to music
baseball | soccer |
basketball | catch

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Please tell me about a park that you go to

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce a favorite park.
Body : Facilities / Surroundings / Activity at Park
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Introduction of Park : I will tell you about a park
near my house. It is called Central Park.

Facilities : There are many facilities, like exercise
equipment, comfortable benches, soccer fields, and
badminton courts. I often see many people using

Surroundings : Also, there are famous restaurants

and cafes near the park.

Activities Done at The Park : Last weekend, I had

Chinese milk tea at one of the cafes. It is one of the
biggest parks in my city.

Opinion/Impression : I think it is a good place to
exercise and relax.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Going to the park is a popular outdoor activity topic.
It is effective to learn common outdoor activity
expressions. 1) frequency of activity, companions
and location description. 2) Reasons for enjoying the
activity. 3) Things to prepare are some questions.
Always give a detailed description in your answer.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. How often do you go to the park? What do
you usually do at the park?
Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce a favorite park.
Body : Surroundings / Activity at Park
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Introduction of Park : I often go to a park called
Olympic Park with my wife on the weekend. It takes
about 10 minutes by foot from our home.

Surroundings : There is a big lake in the center of
the park. Also, there are many flowers and trees.

Activity 1 : I like walking along the lake and taking

pictures there.

Activity 2 : As I mentioned, I spend time at the park

with my wife. It’s a good chance to have a
conversation with her.

Activity 3 : On the left side of the lake, there are

public exercise equipment. I sometimes exercise
there. I feel refreshed after exercising.

Opinion/Impression : I can relax and exercise for
free at the park. It is a great place.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

‘What do you do at the park? What park do you
often go to?’ are examples of questions asked. If
there is a lake in the middle of the park you are
describing, use it as the reference point and use
expressions like ‘On the right side of the lake...', ‘On
the left side of the lake... ‘ to describe other objects
more effectively.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.
 Please tell me about a memorable experience
you had at a park.


 What kind of things do you take when you go to

a park?


 Are there any issues or concerns you see with

parks and their facilities?


P a r t

Unit 9. Beach
Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 describe a beach and what you do there.
 talk about why you like it.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Describing a Beach
I like Haeundae beach in Busan.
I enjoy going to Sokcho Beach.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
I usually go to
the beach I love to go to is
I mostly want to go to
I am fond of
I love
I like
what do when I have free time is

2) Going to The Beach

I go to the beach at least three times a year.
I usually drive to the beach.
I take the train to the beach.
I go to my favorite beach once or twice a month.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
once a day
twice a week
three times a month
take a bus
take subway
take an express train

3) Activity at The Beach

I like playing in the water.
I enjoy walking along the beach.
I always go to the fish market near the beach.


Useful Expressions
swimming in the water
seeing a lot of marine life
drinking beer
watching the night sky
visit a small island
participate in activities
find the best site for diving
have seafood

4) Reason You Like The Beach

It has clear water and a wide sand beach.
I like the beach because it is clean and beautiful.


Useful Expressions
I can enjoy swimming
I like to watch the sea
it helps me relieve stress
beautiful white sand
unique geography
convenient infrastructure
different kinds of sea animals

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Tell me about your favorite beach.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce a favorite beach.
Body : 3 Reasons you like the beach
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Introduction of Beach : I'll tell you about my favorite
beach. My favorite beach is Haeundae in Busan. I
like going to the beach, even though it’s a bit far
from my house.

Reason 1 (scenery) : It is a wide sand beach, so the
scenery of the beach is very beautiful.

Reason 2 (food) : Also, there are many delicious

seafood restaurants along the beach. I especially like
eating prawns and crabs there.

Reason 3 (people) : Moreover, people there are very

friendly to tourists.

Opinion/Impression : I think it is one of the most
beautiful beaches in Korea.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Going to the beach, going to the park, camping are
classified as outside activities. Studying common
expressions related to these topics is highly
recommended. 1) frequency of activity, companions
and location description. 2) Reasons for enjoying the
activity. 3) Things to prepare are some questions.
Always give a detailed description in your answer.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. How do you get to the beach and what do you
take with you?
Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce a favorite beach.
Body : Getting to The Beach / Things to Take
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Introduction of Beach : When I have time, I go to my
favorite beach, Mangsang, with my wife.

Getting to The Beach : I usually drive there because
then I don’t have to make plans in advance. It takes
about 4 hours by car. I sometimes take the train to
get there. There is a bullet train from my town to
the beach. It only takes 3 hours and I can enjoy the
scenery from the train.

Things to Take : I just take a few items with me

when I go to the beach. They are my phone,
sunglasses, and a beach towel. I can take pictures
and listen to music using my phone. Also, I always
wear sunglasses at the beach. Lastly, I enjoy playing
in the water, so I need to take a beach towel.

Opinion/Impression : Those are the things I usually
take when I go to the beach.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

‘What would you take?’ is frequently asked in
outside activity related questions. Mention 3 – 4
items. Then explain their use and reasons why you
take them.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.
 How often do you go to the beach? Who do you
usually go with?


 What kind of things do you usually do at the

beach? Do you sunbathe or swim?


 What kind of clothes do you usually wear when

you go to the beach? Describe your favorite
beachwear in detail.


P a r t

Unit 10. Music

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 talk about your favorite music genres and artists
 talk about why you like music.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Favorite Music Genre and Artist

I like hip-hop music the best.
I enjoy listening to classical music.
My favorite singer is Radiohead.
I like him because of his voice.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
soundtracks | pop music |
rap music | live music |
heavy metal |
dance music | classical music |
rhythm and blues

2) Listening to Music
I usually listen to music when I commute.
I listen to music on the bus.
I always listen to classical music before going to
I use my smart phone to listen to music.
I play music on my car radio.
There are many music apps.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
while I’m on my way somewhere
while I commute to work
before I go to sleep
while I’m cleaning
when I feel gloomy
when I feel down
when I read a book
when I find it hard to concentrate

3) Reasons for Liking Music

Classical music is very relaxing.
I like old pop music because it makes me feel happy.
It cheers me up.


Useful Expressions
enjoyable | joyful | delightful |
cheerful | lively | uplifting |
relaxing | relieved | relaxed |
calm | comfort | entertaining |
amusing | consoled | comforted |
feel better | improve my mood

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. What kinds of music do you like? Who is your
favorite singer?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Favorite Genre.
Body : Favorite Artist / Singer’s Characteristics
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Favorite Genre : I listen to many kinds of music, but
my favorite is ballads.

Favorite Singer : My favorite singer is Sung Si-Kyung.
His ballad songs are famous and popular in Korea.
Among his songs, I love "On the street" the most.

Singer’s Characteristics : He has a sweet voice. I

listen to his songs while commuting or before going
to bed. They make me feel relaxed.

Opinion/Impression : I’m planning to go to his
concert next month.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Listening to music is one of the most popular
answers. Common question types are 1) When,
Where, Frequency 2) Favorite Genre 3) Memorable
incident (origin of interest, change in interest,
influence on self etc.)

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. What device do you use to listen to music?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Music Device / Place
Body : Favorite Music Device / Reasons for Device
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Music Device and Place : I usually listen to music
using my phone. I often listen to music on the bus
when I commute.

Favorite Music Device : I used to use an MP3 player
or a CD player but I mostly use my phone these days.

Reason 1 (Convenient) : First of all, my smartphone

is a very convenient way to listen to music. It’s very
portable and I take it with me wherever I go.

Reason 2 (Utility) : Moreover, it can store hundreds

of music files. Also, there are many consumer-
friendly music apps.

Opinion/Impression : So it’s a very useful device to
listen to music and I use it every single day.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Music devices related questions are appearing more
frequently. Listen to the questions carefully and
respond accordingly. There is a high possibility of
questions on describing your favorite music genre
and music player.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.
 When and where do you usually listen to music?


 Have you had a memorable experience while

listening to music?


 What changes have there been from the past

until now in the music style that you like?


P a r t

Unit 11. Jogging/Walking

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 describe your favorite jogging places
 talk about the advantages and disadvantages of

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Jogging/Walking Places
I often go to a park near my house to jog.
There is a nice jogging path in the park.
I enjoy walking along a river in my neighborhood.
I prefer to jog at the park next to my apartment.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
river | community stadium |
gym | schoolyard
well-paved jogging track
new walking path
wide tracks
safe path for walking
around a small mountain
along the lake
beside the river

2) Advantages of Jogging/Walking
It is a good way to stay in shape.
I can get fresh air when I walk in the park.
It is easy to do.
It doesn’t cost me anything.
Jogging is a good cardio exercise.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
perfect exercise
the best work-out
keep people healthy
lose weight
anywhere and anytime you want
necessary | essential | important |
significant | meaningful
relieve stress and tension

3) Things To Keep In Mind

You should wear comfortable clothes when you go
You need to wear proper running shoes.
You should warm up before jogging.


Useful Expressions
keeping your eyes on the road
wear clothes that keep your body
warm wear sunscreen to protect your skin
put on shoes designed for jogging

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Please tell me about a place you like to go
jogging. Where is it?
Please tell me about a place you like to go for a
walk. Where is it?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Jogging Place.
Body : Characteristics / Scenery / After Jogging
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Jogging Place : I usually go jogging at Suk-chon Lake
Park on the weekend.

Characteristics and Scenery : There are two big
lakes in the center of the park. I jog along the lakes
and exercise there. The walking track around the
lakes is really good for joggers. Also, there are many
trees and flowers. When I jog there, I can experience

After Jogging : After jogging, I often go to a cafe

next to the park. They have nice fresh juice.

Opinion/Impression : After jogging, I feel refreshed.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Prepare an answer to questions about regular
exercise. Exercise related question types are 1)
Exercise pattern (frequency, when, where) 2)
Describing a favorite exercise location and reason, 3)
Reasons for exercising and memorable experience.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Why do you enjoy jogging? What are the
advantages of jogging?
Answer Structure
Introduction : Reason for Jogging
Body : 3 Benefits of Jogging
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Reason for Jogging : I like jogging. It is good for my

Benefit 1 (Diet) : It is a good aerobic exercise. It is
the cheapest way to lose weight.

Benefit 2 (Convenient) : Also, it is easy to do. I didn’t

have to spend time or money learning how to do it.
Other sports, like swimming and skiing, need
practice. But jogging, you can start whenever you

Benefit 3 (Health) : Additionally, it is good for blood

circulation and prevents diseases, like diabetes and
high blood pressure.

Opinion/Impression : Those are the advantages of
jogging and the reasons why I enjoy it.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Jogging and Walking are different survey items but
the answer patterns are quite similar. Therefore, it is
more effective to prepare these two together.
Questions asking about experiences don’t have to be
answered truthfully so try and answer as naturally as

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.
 What do you do to prevent injuries when jogging?


 What do you usually take with you when you go



 What clothes or shoes do you normally wear

when you go jogging/walking?


P a r t

Unit 12. Domestic Travel

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 introduce your favorite domestic travel destinations
 talk about recent trips and memorable vacations

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Travel Destination
I enjoy traveling to Jeju Island with my family.
I sometimes go to a beach for my vacation.
I often travel to Busan with my friends.
I go to beaches in Korea on my vacation.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
in my free time
on the weekend
during the holidays
at Christmas
sometimes | frequently |
mountains | lakes | valleys |
camping sites | countryside |
new cities | foreign countries

2) Activities at Travel Destination

I love trying local foods.
I am a beach-goer; I always go to beaches while
I spend time visiting historical sites.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
taking a rest at the hotel
looking for delicious restaurants
making a new friends
visiting tourist attractions
experiencing new things

3) Travel Experience
I traveled to Busan with my family for a week last
I saw the magnificent night view.
I was thoroughly impressed.
I had a nice time with my friends.
It was one of our best family vacations


Useful Expressions
impressive heritages
unique culture
interesting architecture
fascinated | amazed | surprised |
touched | moved | afraid |
wished to visit there again
cannot forget about it
had very special moment

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. What is your favorite place to visit in your
country? Why do you like that place?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Favorite Travel Destination.
Body : 3 Reasons for Liking It
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Travel Destination : I sometimes travel to Jeju Island.

Reason 1 (Scenery) : I like going there because of
the nice scenery. It is a volcanic island. It is the only
place in Korea where you can see gigantic granite

Reason 2 (Lodgings/Food) : Also, there are many

good hotels and guesthouses. I usually stay at the
Shilla Hotel. The local food is incredible. I especially
love eating fresh seafood and pork there.

Reason 3 (Environment) : Moreover, there are many

beautiful places to go like the wonderful beaches
and Halla Mountain.

Opinion/Impression : It has beautiful natural sites
and many good tourist attractions as well. It is one
of the best tourist spots in Korea.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
1) Describe a (Domestic) travel destination, 2)
Activities during (domestic) travel, 3) Ways to enjoy
(domestic) travel are common Domestic Travel
related questions. Prepare for these questions by
acquiring and practicing travel related words and

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Where do you like to go to on vacation in your
country? Why do you like that place?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Favorite Travel Destination.
Body : Reasons
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Travel Destination : I like traveling in my country.
There are many good places to visit in my country.
Among them, I love visiting Busan the best.

Reason 1 (Environment) : It has lovely beaches and
many tourist spots. Last year, I went to Haeundae
Beach with my friends. The wide sand beach was
crowded with people and was very lively.

Reason 2 (Food) : Also, the local food is really nice.

For example, Busan is famous for seafood and
milmyeon among many other dishes. I always go to
the fish market in Busan to have fresh seafood. I
have been there many times with family and friends.
We have many good memories there.

Opinion/Impression : My family and I will travel to
Busan again soon.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

In the case of a combo question asking about what
items you would take on a trip, first list the items.
Then explain the use of each item in turn. Be careful
to use the present tense.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.
 When was the last time you traveled in your


 What do you pack when you go on a vacation in

your country?


 What kind of things do you usually prepare

before traveling?


P a r t

Unit 13. Foreign Travel

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 introduce a memorable travel destination
 talk about why people enjoy traveling
 talk about what to consider when traveling

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Travel Destination
I went on a three-week vacation to Norway.
I recently went to London for 9 days.
Last summer, I visited Hong Kong for the first time.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
receive five days’ annual vacation
go on a weekend retreat
travel for a year
take a short trip

2) Activities at Travel Destination

I like new experiences, so I try to go to a different
place each vacation.
When I go abroad on vacation, I enjoy sightseeing.
I like to buy presents for my friends.
I traveled with a group to Japan last year.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
experience different cultures
sightsee around the country
try different foods
meet local people
take [go on] a city tour
visit the museum and arboretum
participate in a festival
take pictures
mingle with new people
go on a pub crawl
drop by a souvenir store

3) Travel Experience
I did volunteer work in Cambodia, and it was an
unforgettable experience.
The local people there were very friendly.
I tried beef stew for the first time.
I saw a magnificent night view.
It’s breathtakingly beautiful.


Useful Expressions
by myself
with my friends as well as my family
stay with a host family
travel by bicycle
travel on a student visa to America
tour around Europe
backpack through Africa

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Where is the best place you’ve ever visited
overseas? Why do you like the place?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Foreign Travel Destination.
Body : 3 Impressive Points
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Travel Destination : I traveled to Italy 3 years ago. I
stayed there for a week.

Point 1 : There is beautiful architecture and many
interesting artifacts. When I walked into the Vatican,
I was shocked by its scale and its history.

Point 2 : In Italy, there are many amazing buildings,

like the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Duomo
Church in Florence.

Point 3 : In addition, I enjoyed the local food. There I

ate the best T-bone steak I’ve ever had.

Opinion/Impression : Italy is still the best place I
have ever visited.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
1) Describe a (foreign) travel destination, 2)
Activities during (foreign) travel, 3) Ways to enjoy
(foreign) travel are common Foreign Travel related
questions. Prepare for these questions by acquiring
and practicing travel related words and vocabulary.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Which country or city do you want to travel to
in the future?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Country you want to visit.
Body : Reasons
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Country you want to visit : I want to travel to New
Zealand and Iceland in the future.

Reason 1 : These days, I feel stuffy because of the
dirty air in Korea. There are too many cars and
factories in Korea. Also, the country is very densely
populated, so I want to experience nature and relax.

Reason 2 : One of my friends visited both countries

2 years ago. He showed me many breathtakingly
beautiful pictures of his trip and told me interesting
stories about his experiences traveling.

Opinion/Impression : If I visit New Zealand, I’ll rent
a camper and travel around with my wife.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Be careful to use the correct tense when answering

foreign travel related questions. Use the past tense to
answer questions about experiences and the present
tense for activities. Using the correct tense is an easy
and effective way to score high points.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.
 What activities do you enjoy when you travel?


 When you travel internationally, what do you

usually eat? Tell me about the food you like to


 Tell me about some changes in travel between

the past and the present.


P a r t

Unit 14. Vacation at Home

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 explain why you spend your vacation at home.
 talk about home activities and memorable

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own
1) Home Vacation
When I am on vacation, I just want to relax at home.
I enjoy traveling but sometimes I also enjoy
spending time at home.
I spend my vacations at home with family.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
take a rest
have time to oneself
catch up on my sleep
reconnect with one’s family

2) Activities at Home
My vacation is a chance to spend time with my kids.
Vacation time is when I catch up on household
During my vacation, I usually read books and watch
movies at home.
I try to cook some special food for my family.
I catch up on sleep.
I watch soap operas and TV shows I missed while I
was working.
I just enjoy being alone and listening to music.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
have people over for dinner
work on one’s hobbies
run some errand
repair things
having a party
going to a movie
going outside
playing sports

3) Home Vacation Experience

It was my most enjoyable vacation ever.
I had a really good time with my kids.
I could relieve all my stress from work.


Useful Expressions
memorable | unforgettable |
special | exciting | pleasant
forget about everything that bothered me
become even closer to each other
learn many things from it
think about myself and my future

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. What are some of your favorite indoor
activities? If you stay home during your vacation,
what do you do?
Answer Structure
Introduction : Joy of Home Vacation.
Body : 3 Activities
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Home Vacation : I enjoy spending my vacation at

Activity 1-2 (Watching Movies/Playing Games) : I
like the chance to relax and do many things I don’t
usually have time for. I enjoy spending time with my
family. We spend time together watching movies
and playing board games.

Activity 3 (Cooking) : Sometimes we make special

meals together, because we don’t normally have
time to cook. During vacation, I help my wife bake
cookies or pies or we order in pizza or chicken and
have a picnic at home.

Opinion/Impression : Staying home for vacation
gives me time to unwind and reconnect with my

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
1) Reasons for staying home for vacation 2) Home
Activities 3) Experience of Home Vacation are
common Home Vacation related questions. Prepare
for these questions by acquiring and practicing home
vacation, reasons and activities, experiences related
words and vocabulary.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. When you spend your vacation at home, what
do you usually do?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Home Vacation
Body : 3 Home Activities
Closing : Opinion / Impression

-Sample Answer
Home Vacation : I will tell you what I do when
vacationing at home.

Activity 1 (Rest) : The first thing I do is relax and try
to do nothing but recover. This is because I am
normally very busy at work.

Activity 2 (Sleep) : In addition, I sleep as much as I

can. It is a great chance to catch up on sleep. When I
work, I usually sleep less than 6 hours a night.

Activity 3 (House Chores) : After that, I do some

neglected housework. I sometimes push back doing
my chores because I don’t enjoy doing housework
but after getting it out of the way, I feel refreshed.

Opinion/Impression : Those are the things I usually
do while vacationing at home.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Questions about vacationing at home and what

activities you do need to have detailed answers.
Specific examples and a well structured answer needs
to be prepared in advance. Vacationing at home and
Weekend activities have similar answers so do not be
flustered when asked these questions.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.
 Tell me about a memorable experience you had
spending a vacation at home.


Part 3. Role Play

Unit 15. Ask Eva

Unit 16. Ask By Phone
Unit 17. Explain a Situation
Unit 18. Suggest a Solution

P a r t

Unit 15. Ask Eva

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 understand the situation and topic
 provide an answer that satisfies the interviewer’s
preference, work and activities related questions.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own
1) Making Questions 1
There are four people in my family.
▶How many people are there in your family?
My wife is good at cooking.
▶Is your wife good at cooking?

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
first off
first of all
the first thing is
the most
important thing is

2) Making Questions 2
I sometimes go shopping with my family on the
▶ What do you do with your family on the
▶ Do you often go shopping with your family on
the weekend?
I often go to a park near my house. It takes about 5
minutes to get there from my house by foot.
▶ How long does it take to get there from your

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
can I ... ?
what do I need to ... ?
how do I arrange ... ?
how can I ... ?
at last
the final thing is

3) Making Questions 3
I like listening to K-pop.
▶ What kind of music do you like?
I go grocery shopping with my husband once a
▶ How often do you go grocery shopping?
I went to a bar with my co-workers yesterday.
▶ What did you do yesterday?
▶ I am wondering what you did yesterday.
My best friend is James.
▶ What’s your best friend’s name?
▶ Who’s your best friend?


Useful Expressions
your time
your help
your assistance
I appreciate

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. I live with my family. Please ask me 3 or 4
questions about my family.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Greeting / Purpose of Question
Body : Related Story / 3 Questions
Closing : Closing

-Sample Answer
Greeting/Purpose : You told me you live with your
family. If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask a few
questions about your family.

Related Story : I also live with my family. There are
3 people in my family: my wife, my son, and me. My
wife is really kind and good at cooking. My son is 4
years old. He is very active and likes playing baseball.
We often go to mountains on the weekend.
Question 1 : How many people are there in your
Question 2 : Are you married? If so, do you have
Question 3 : What do you usually do with your
family on the weekend?

Closing : Thank you for your kind answers.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
For this part, you have to ask 3~4 questions related to
the given situation. This is divided into two types,
asking a third person or asking Eva. It is important to
be able to ask suitable questions related to the given
situation. Practice making questions related to daily
life, company life and hobbies.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. I often go to a park near my house. Please ask
me 3 or 4 questions about the park I visit often.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Greeting / Purpose of Question
Body : Related Story / 3 Questions
Closing : Closing

-Sample Answer
Greeting/Purpose : You said you often go to a park
near your house. I’d like to ask some questions
about the park you like to visit.

Related Story : I also often go to a park in my
neighborhood with my family. It takes only 10
minutes by foot. There is a big man-made lake in the
middle. We often walk along the lake. Around the
lake, we can see many trees and flowers. I like it
because I can relax there and enjoy beautiful views.
Question 1 : How far is the park from your house?
Question 2 : What can you see at the park?
Question 3 : Why do you go there often?

Closing : Thank you for your kind answers.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

In the case of asking Eva, listen for the Key Word and
then ask 3~4 related questions. Rather than just
asking simple questions, mix in your own related
story to make your answer more diverse and full.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 I went shopping with my sister last weekend. Ask

me 3 or 4 questions about our shopping trip.


 I also like to spend my vacation at home. Ask me

a couple of questions to find out about what I do
to enjoy my vacation at home.


P a r t

Unit 16. Ask By Phone

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 ask relevant questions for specific reasons.
 gain information and solve problems through asking
relevant questions by phone.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own
1) Travel Related Questions
Where do you want to go?
How many days do you want to stay there?
What kind of accommodations do you want to stay
Do you want to travel by plane or train?

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
I’m calling you about
I am wondering whether
this is concerning
I’ve got something to tell you about
there are some questions concerning
I’d like to ask

2) Rent Car Related Questions

What kind of cars do you have available?
Are there any special discounts?
How much is it per day?
Do you have a website where I can get more

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
first, I need to know if
is it possible to
finally, could you tell me
how can I

3) Fitness Center Related Questions

What kind of exercise equipment do you have?
Do you offer any special discounts?
How much is it for a month?
Do you have a website where I can get more
What time do you open and close?


Useful Expressions
thank you for your kind answer
I appreciate
you've been a big help

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to
act it out. You're planning to travel with your
friend. Call your friend and ask 3 or 4 questions
about the trip.
Answer Structure
Introduction : Greeting / Purpose of Call
Body : 3 Questions
Closing : Closing

-Sample Answer
Greeting/Purpose : Hi, Jessica. This is Mike. I am
calling you to talk about our trip.

Question 1 (Place you want to go): Where do you
want to go this time? You know John went to Busan
last weekend. He said it was really good. What do
you think about going to Busan? I haven’t been
there yet. I found some information and there are
many good hotels and guesthouses there.
Question 2 (accommodations) : If we go to Busan,
where do you want to stay? I’d prefer to stay in a
hotel rather than a guesthouse.
Question 3 (Transportation): We can get there by
plane or train. It only takes 2 and a half hours by
bullet train. Does that sound okay?

Closing : Please let me know what you think. I’ll call
you back. Bye!

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Asking questions by phone is similar to asking
questions but by phone. Therefore use expressions
suitable for phone conversation and follow the
following pattern. (greeting > reason for calling >
question > closing).

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to
act it out. You’re going to travel and you have to
rent a car. Call a rental agency and ask 3 or 4
questions about renting a car.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Greeting / Purpose of Call
Body : Related Information / 3 Questions
Closing : Closing

-Sample Answer
Greeting/Purpose : Hello, I’d like to rent a car.

Related Information : I want to use it for 3 days
starting next Monday. I need an automatic that seats
4 people.
Question 1 (Rental Cars Available) : What kinds of
cars are available?
Question 2 (Rental Cost) : And how much are they
per day?
Question 3 (Website Availability) : Do you have a
website where I can get more information?

Closing : My name is John and my phone number is
454-4545. Please call me back as soon as possible.
Thank you.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Avoid asking questions directly. Instead it is important
to explain the situation and the reason for asking the
questions first. If the situation and reasons are
explained sufficiently, it is acceptable to ask less than
three questions.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act

it out. You’re planning to travel overseas with
your friend. Call your friend and ask three or
four questions about your trip.

 I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act

it out. Let’s say that a gym has just opened in
your neighborhood. Call the gym and ask three
or four questions about it.


P a r t

Unit 17. Explain A Situation

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 explain a problem or situation effectively using
5W1H (who, when, where, what, why, how)
 explain the given situation personally or by phone.

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own
1) Explain The Question
We were supposed to meet this weekend and I was
looking forward to seeing you all.
I made a reservation for 4 people under the name
of Justin for dinner.
I ordered the tuna sandwich.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
I am calling to
I have a problem to solve
there is a little problem with
I just found out that

2) Explain The Problem

My boss just told me I have to go on a business trip
this weekend.
I just found out I have to attend a very important
business meeting this weekend.
I was just given a salmon sandwich as you can see,
not the tuna sandwich.
I cannot find my name on the list of reservations on
your website.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
not working
out of order
e-mail never arrived
have an argument with my supervisor
miss the deadline
make a mistake

3) Closing
I’m really sorry about canceling. I will join you next
time for sure.
Will I be able to get my tuna sandwich in the next
10 minutes?
Please just cancel my order.
Can you get me a table for dinner?


Useful Expressions
notice a broken window
▶ call the building manager
scrape neighbor’s car
▶ leave a note on his windshield
spill a can of paint
▶ have to clean it up
I was hoping we could
I have to
I wonder if you could

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to
act it out. You’re supposed to meet your friends
this weekend. However, you cannot meet them
for a certain reason. Call one of your friends and
explain the situation.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Greeting / Purpose of Call
Body : Explain Situation / Issue
Closing : Closing Greeting

-Sample Answer
Greeting/Purpose : Hi, Jessica. This is Mike. I am
calling you to talk about our plans this weekend.

Explain Situation: We were supposed to meet up
and I was really looking forward to seeing all of you.
But my boss asked me to go on a business trip to
China at the last minute.
Explain Issue : There are some serious issues with
our Chinese branch. I couldn’t say no. I am really

Closing : Please let everyone know about the
situation. I will come next time for sure. Sorry again.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
This roleplay type requires you to explain a given
situation to another person in detail. It is important to
understand the given situation accurately. Other
common situations are everyday life and company life

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. I’m sorry, but you have a problem to solve.
You made a reservation at a restaurant for dinner
with your family. However, you found out your
name is not on the online list of reservations.
Explain the situation to the restaurant’s manager.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Greeting / Purpose of Call
Body : Explain Situation / Issue
Closing : Closing Greeting

-Sample Answer
Greeting/Purpose : Hello, this is Dan. I’d like to
confirm my reservation with the manager.

Explain Situation: I made a reservation for dinner 2
days ago, but I can’t find my name on the
reservation list.
Explain Issue : There are some serious issues with
our Chinese branch. I couldn’t say no. I am really

Closing : Please call me back. Thank you for your

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

In most cases, you will need to explain the situation
by phone. However, sometimes, you would need to
solve the issue yourself personally.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 I’m sorry, but there is a problem you need to

solve. You ordered food in a restaurant but you
were served the wrong food. Explain the
situation to a manager.

P a r t

Unit 18. Suggest A Solution

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 explain the whole situation in your own words
 suggest 2-3 options as solutions/alternatives

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own
1) Explain Question Content
We made plans to go to the park this weekend.
I borrowed your MP3 player.
We have plans to go to the beach.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
it seems
it appears
it looks like

2) Explain The Issue

I found out that the park is not open because it’s
under construction.
I dropped it accidently.
I checked the weather forecast and it said it will rain

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
set another day
proceed as planned
change direction
set a meeting agenda now or
wait until next week
have the meeting now
have something urgent come up
have some news
have a problem arise

3) Give A Solution
Let’s see a movie and go shopping instead.
I want to buy you a new one.
What do think about going to the swimming pool
near your house?
If you want, I will buy you some clothes instead.
How about going to a pub in town?
I can take it to a repair shop.


Useful Expressions
let's think about
what do you think of
what about
do you think we could/should
what if we
would it be possible to
what are our options
can we
some options
some ideas
better solutions

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. I’m sorry, but there is a problem you need to
solve. Due to bad weather conditions, you have to
cancel your plans to go to the beach with your
friend. Call your friend and give your friend 3 or 4

Answer Structure
Introduction : Greeting / Purpose of Call
Body : Explain Situation / Problem / Solution
Closing : Closing

-Sample Answer
Greeting/Purpose : Hi, Jessica. This is Mike. I am
calling you to talk about our weekend plans.

Explain Situation : We were supposed to go to the
beach this weekend and I was really looking forward
to it.
Problem : But I just checked the weather forecast
and it said it will rain this weekend. I think we
should go another time. Let’s do something else this
Solution 1 : How about watching a movie? Or going
shopping at the mall near your house?
Solution 2 : If you want to go swimming, we can go
to the indoor swimming pool.

Closing : Please let me know what you think. I'll be
waiting for your call. Bye.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
This question type is the most difficult role playing
question type. The situation presented in the problem
has to explained as well as providing a solution. Make
sure to place more focus on providing a solution than
explaining the explaining the situation. Typical
questions would be about everyday life and company

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. I’m sorry, but you have a problem to solve.
You borrowed an MP3 player from your friend.
However, you broke it. Call your friend to explain
and give 2 or 3 alternatives.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Greeting / Purpose of Call
Body : Explain Situation / Provide Solution
Closing : Closing

-Sample Answer
Greeting/Purpose : Hello, this is Dan. I am really
sorry. I broke the MP3 player that I borrowed from
you last week.

Explain Situation : This morning I dropped it
accidently. I called the company and they said it can
be fixed. They gave me directions to a repair shop as
Solution 1 : If you don’t mind, I will take it there and
get it fixed.
Solution 2 : But if you don’t like that idea, I am
willing to buy you a new one or give you some
money as compensation. It’s all my fault and I am
really sorry once again.

Closing : Please call me back. Don’t hesitate to tell
me what you want me to do. I will wait for your call.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

You will need to explain the issues/problems and then
provide a solution personally or by phone. Therefore,
it is important to memorize several common patterns
that can be used. Providing a solution is essential as
well as accurately presenting the problem.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 I’d like to give you a situation and ask you to act

it out. You planned to go to the park with your
friend this weekend. However, you found out the
park is not open because it’s under construction.
Call your friend, explain the situation and give 3
or 4 alternatives.


Part 4. Sudden Topics

Unit 19. House Chores

Unit 20. Eating Out
Unit 21. Recycling
Unit 22. Seasons
Unit 23. Appointments
Unit 24. Shopping

P a r t

Unit 19. House Chores

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 discuss household chores
 talk about memorable childhood chores

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own
1) Household Chores
I vacuum the house. / I clean the bathroom.
I set the table. / I fold the laundry.
I go grocery shopping. / I throw away the food
I wash the dishes. / I do the laundry.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
scrub the bathtub
dust my bookshelves
sweep my backyard
wipe dirty surfaces
clean the window

2) Household Chores Expressions

I feel refreshed after finishing all my housework.
It takes a long time to finish.
It’s dirty and stinky.
It’s troublesome.
I hate it but my wife always asks me to do it.
I feel rewarded after finishing.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
achieved | pound | pleasant |
cheerful | delightful | exhilarated |

3) Childhood Chores
I organized my books and toys when I was young.
I often ran errands for my mother.
I had to take care of my little sister.


Useful Expressions
smelly | unpleasant | difficult |
damp | musty | irritating |
no one else will do it
it is my responsibility
I have to do it
I need to educate my kids

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. What housework do you usually do at home?
What are your responsibilities at home?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce Household Chores
Body : 3 Chores I Do / Chores Others Do
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Introduction : I’ll tell you about what I usually do at
home. We are a double income household, so I
share the housework with my wife.

Chore 1 : First of all, I clean our bedroom. After
organizing our things, I vacuum the floors.
Chore 2 : Secondly, I do the laundry. It’s easy to do,
but I hate hanging out the washing.
Chore 3 : Lastly, I’m responsible for taking care of
the dog. I feed it and take it for a walk every day.
Chores Others Do : My wife does other things, such
as cleaning the bathrooms and taking out the trash
and recycling.

Opinion/Impression : I don’t enjoy doing
housework, but I feel good after it is all done.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Household Chores is frequently appearing as a
surprise question. Make sure to get used to
expressions/words related to this topic.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Tell me about your favorite and least favorite
household chores.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Chores I Do
Body : Chores I like / Chores I Dislike / Reasons
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Chores I Do : I do chores at home like washing the
dishes, vacuuming, and doing the laundry.

Chores I like / Reason : My favorite chore is folding
the laundry. When the washing is dry, I fold
everything. It’s easy and fun to do. When it is folded
neatly, I feel satisfied.
Chores I Dislike / Reason : On the other hand, my
least favorite chore is cooking. I’m not good at it and
find it really difficult, so I prefer eating out to
cooking at home. Once in a while my husband cooks
for me. I think he is a much better cook than me,
because he can make many kinds of Korean food
and some Italian dishes as well.

Opinions/Impressions : Those are my favorite and
least favorite household chores.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Explain what chores you do in what order or compare
chores you like and dislike by giving detailed reasons.
This would make your answers more full and well-

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 What kind of housework did you do when you

were young? Tell me how you helped out around
the house in your childhood.


P a r t

Unit 20. Eating Out

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 talk about favorite restaurants and food
 talk about experiences eating out

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own
1) Favorite Restaurant and Food
I often go to a Korean restaurant called Malipo.
I like a Chinese restaurant named Pal Sunsaeng in
my neighborhood.
They serve many kinds of Chinese food.
My favorite restaurant is Little India, an Indian
restaurant near my office.
I love their pasta.
My favorite food there is Samgyetang.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
Japanese restaurant
Thai restaurant
American restaurant
Vietnamese restaurant
steak house
noodle house

2) Experiences Eating Out

I went to an Italian restaurant for my sister’s
birthday last week.
My girlfriend and I went to a barbeque restaurant in
Suwon on the weekend.
I ate out at a buffet with my family 2 days ago.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
for my friend’s wedding
for the meeting
after the conference
before going to a movie
for having a party
to entertain a customer
dine out
go out

3) Merits
They serve the best steak in town.
I often go there because of the reasonable prices
and friendly staff.
The food there is always fresh and delicious.


Useful Expressions
the most delicious pasta
the freshest seafood
the most beautiful desert
clean and neat
sweet and savory
its convenient parking lot
its great location
good atmosphere
delicious dishes
spicy soup
fish dishes
seafood dishes
calamari fries
teriyaki chicken

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Please tell me about your favorite restaurant.
What kind of food do they serve?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce Favorite Restaurant
Body : 3 Reasons For Liking The Restaurant
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Introduction : I like eating out. I know many good
restaurants near my house and office. My favorite
food is sushi and one of my favorite restaurants for
it is a Japanese restaurant called Jun Sushi.

Reason 1 (Food) : I love to go there to enjoy nice
sushi. They always use fresh ingredients.
Reason 2 (Mood and Service) : Also, I like its
atmosphere and friendly staff. They play quiet
Japanese music there and it’s filled with Japanese
dolls and decorations.
Reason 3 (Price) : Moreover, it’s relatively cheap, so
I often take my other friends there.

Opinion/Impression : I like Jun Sushi very much. If
you like Japanese food, it’s a place I highly
recommend trying.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Describe a favorite restaurant and menu, recent
experience are some examples of this topic. Prepare
by learning related expressions and words.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. Tell me about a restaurant you ate at recently.
Where did you go? What did you eat?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Recent Experience
Body : Reasons / Food Taste
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Recent Experience : I will tell you about a restaurant
I ate out at recently. Last Sunday, I went to a
Japanese restaurant with my wife.

Reason : Actually, it was a conveyor-belt sushi
restaurant. During the week, I usually eat 3 meals a
day at my company cafeteria. That’s why I like eating
out on the weekend with my friends or family for a
Food Taste : I enjoyed various kinds of sushi like
salmon and tuna for dinner there. The food was
delicious and fresh.

Opinions/Impressions : I think I will become a
regular there.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Describe in detail some delicious food that you had at
a favorite restaurant and why you enjoyed it. Describe
the interior of the restaurant and how it is different
from others. Remember to use the past tense when
talking about dining out.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 How often do you eat out? When you eat out,

who do you usually go with?


 Please tell me about your favorite restaurant.

What makes it better than other restaurants?


P a r t

Unit 21. Recycling

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 talk recycling
 talk how recycling is done in Korea

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own
1) Recycling In Korea
There are very strict rules about recycling in Korea.
Regular waste has to be bagged in a special bag,
which you have to buy from a store.
People have to recycle items that are made of paper,
plastic, glass, and metal.
Recycling is important for the environment.
Recyclable items are picked up for free.
The recycling system in Korea is very effective and

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
well-implemented | well-planned |
meticulous | detailed | efficient | controlling
meaningful | necessary | essential |crucial | vital |
significant |required | needed

2) Recycling
I separate different recyclable items like metal cans
and plastic containers.
I take them to the pickup area once a week.
Every Thursday, a truck comes and picks up the
recyclable items.
Recycling is a bit troublesome.
There are designated areas to put recyclable items.

You: _________________________________

Useful Expressions
rinse recyclable items
identify recyclable item like paper and plastic
group them into 4 categories
collect recyclable items, keep recyclable waste
throw them away, throw them out, dump them
on Thursdays, every second Friday, every 1 and 15
st th

challenging | difficult | bothersome | upsetting |


2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Tell me about recycling in your country.

Answer Structure
Introduction : Recycling In Korea
Body : Recyclables / Frequency / Regular Waste
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Recycling In Korea : Recycling in Korea is pretty
effective and strict.

Recyclables : People have to recycle items made of
paper, plastic, glass, and metal. Recyclable items are
picked up for free. It encourages people to recycle.
Pick Up Frequency : Once a week, the recyclable
items are picked up.
Regular Waste : On the other hand, regular waste
has to be bagged in a special bag, which you have to
buy from a store. Also, you have to buy a separate
bag to dispose of food waste.

Opinion/Impression : Honestly, the recycling policy
is strict and following it is troublesome. However, it’s
really important for the environment.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Recycling related questions may also appear as role
playing questions. Therefore, it is important to know
about the recycling system in advance as to be able to
answer smoothly and fluidly.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. How do you recycle at home? How often do
you recycle?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Recycling at Home
Body : Recycling Process
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Recycling at Home : I will tell you about how I
recycle at home. I live in an apartment building.
There are very strict rules about recycling.

Process 1 : First, I separate the different types of
recyclable items like plastic bottles, metal cans, and
newspapers and I put them in different bags.
Process 2 : Every Monday, I take the bags out to the
recycling area next to my apartment building. There
are different containers for each recyclable item, so I
have to put the items into the correct container.

Opinions/Impressions : Frankly speaking, recycling
is a bit troublesome. But, I know it's really necessary
for the environment, so I'm happy to do it.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Beware of the below words. Be sure to know how to
differentiate them.

Recycle Recycling Recyclable


4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 Tell me about an unforgettable experience you

had while recycling.


 Describe each step of recycling from the

beginning to the end.


P a r t

Unit 22. Seasons

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 introduce the four seasons and their characteristics
 talk about seasonal activities

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Seasons of Korea
There are four distinct seasons in Korea: spring,
summer, fall, and winter.
The weather is very nice and mild in spring and fall.
It’s perfect picnic weather.
It is extremely hot in summer. We also have the
rainy season during summer.
It’s very hot and humid in summer.
It’s freezing cold and it sometimes snows in winter.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
covered in lush green
wrapped in many colors
alive with new growth
lose their leaves in fall
start to sprout in spring
turn lush and green in summer
summer | the rainy season
spring | the planting season
winter | the cold season
winter | dry, cold, and freezing
fall | pleasant and cool
fall | nice and mild
fall | turn chilly

2) Seasonal Activities
It’s nice to enjoy outdoor activities because of the
nice, warm weather.
I often go on picnics with my family in spring.
I go hiking to see beautiful autumn leaves in
Many people in Korea go to the beach and enjoy
water sports.
I often go to ski resorts during winter.


Useful Expressions
celebrate a harvest festival in fall
participate in summer vacation
going skiing in winter
going hiking in fall
gardening in spring
local produce
fresh-picked vegetables
domestic fruit

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Tell me about the seasons in your country.
How’s the weather in each season?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Introduce Korea’s Seasons
Body : Characteristics of Each Season
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Seasons Of Korea : As I mentioned, I live in Korea. It
has 4 distinct seasons: spring, summer, fall, and

Spring and Fall : The weather is usually nice and
warm in the spring and fall. It’s mild and perfect to
go on a picnic. But these days because of yellow
dust, sometimes we can’t enjoy outdoor activities in
Summer : On the other hand, the summer is very
hot in Korea. It rains often and it’s very hot and
humid. Many people enjoy water sports in this
Winter : Finally, winter is the polar opposite. It’s
freezing cold and it sometimes snows.

Opinion/Impression : I think we are lucky because
we can enjoy different scenery and activities each
season in my country.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Seasons is another high frequency topic. Questions
about 1) Seasonal Activities 2) Favorite Season 3)
Describing Seasons(weather) are common. Learn and
practice expressions and words related to ‘seasons’

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. What’s your favorite season? What activities
do you do in that season?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Favorite Season
Body : Favorite Season / Activities
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Favorite Season : There are four distinct seasons in
Korea: spring, summer, fall, and winter. Out of all the
seasons, my favorite one is fall.

Activity 1 : The weather is very nice and the
temperatures are very mild in the fall, so it’s good
for activities like going to the park or playing
badminton. I often do outdoor activities with my
wife during the week.
Activity 2 : Also, the fall scenery is very beautiful. In
fall, trees’ leaves change from green to yellow or red,
so the views on the streets and mountains are very
attractive. There is a mountain near my house. I love
going there to enjoy the autumn leaves.

Opinions/Impressions : For these reasons, I like fall.
If you have any plans to visit Korea, fall is the perfect

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

When describing seasonal activities, always give a
detailed explanation making connections with the
specific season’s characteristics. Describing special
activities for each particular season and changes in
nature is particularly important. Also remember to
use the present tense.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 What activities do people usually do in your

country in each season?


 What are the most popular activities for each



P a r t

Unit 23. Appointments

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 schedule, change and cancel appointments
 talk about experiences related to appointments

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Appointments
I usually call to set up a meeting with my co-
I frequently have to make dinner plans with my
I meet up with my friends once or twice a week.
I regularly have doctor’s appointments.
I need to make an appointment for the dentist.

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
check availability
establish a time
call for a time to see
arrange a meeting
regularly have a doctor’s appointment
meet up with my friends once or twice a week
most of my appointments include
call and ask for his or her available time
call to check on the time
make sure of the scheduled time
make meeting notes

2) Scheduling Appointments
I need to schedule a meeting with the project team.
I arrange meetings once in a while.
I’ll check my hairdresser’s schedule.
First, I’ll send an e-mail and establish a suitable
meeting time.
After we set a definite time, I decide on where to
I write the appointment in my day planner.
When I have a meeting, I call ahead and confirm
the date to make sure.


Useful Expressions
confirm the meeting time a day
get ready for a meeting
postpone | put off | delay |
hold off | break off | call off |
reschedule | rearrange |
set[suggest] another time

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. When you have to schedule an appointment,
what steps do you take? How do you make

Answer Structure
Introduction : Usual Appointment Targets
Body : Type of Appointment / Things to Consider /
Method of Scheduling
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Target : Most of my appointments involve meeting
with customers.

Type of Appointments : I work in sales, so I travel a
lot. I often set up meetings several weeks in advance.
Things to Consider : It is complex setting up
meetings because I want to see several customers in
one trip. But people are sometimes not available
when I want to see them.
Scheduling Method : To set up appointments, I first
e-mail my customers to check their schedules. Then,
I call the airline to check flight availability. After that,
I confirm my schedule with everyone.

Opinion/Impression : Setting up several meetings at
once can be complicated.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
Appointments and Scheduling are frequent surprise
topics. Appointments can be divided into two groups,
private and personal appointments. Common
questions would be 1) Scheduling Method 2)
Explaining a change/cancellation of a meeting 3)
Recent appointment/meeting related experience.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. What kind of appointments do you make with

Answer Structure
Introduction : Usual Appointment Targets
Body : Appointment Target
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Target : I make many different kinds of
appointments with people. I have meetings with my
co-workers, doctor’s appointments, hair
appointments and so on.

Target 1 : When I want to see a doctor, I first call,
check their availability, and make an appointment.
Target 2 : When I arrange meetings with my co-
workers, I check everyone’s schedule. After that, I
set a place and date. I e-mail them to inform them
when and where we will meet.

Opinions/Impressions : I don’t want to waste my
time or others’ time, so I always try to keep my

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Some words are similar but are easy to be misused.
Be careful of the following words. Make sure to use
them appropriately.

Promise Appointment Plan


4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 Tell me about an experience you had when you

were unable to keep an appointment.


P a r t

Unit 24. Shopping

Learning Objectives
After this lesson, you will be able to
 introduce favorite shopping places
 talk about shopping patterns and experiences

1 Skill up! Expressions

Read the following expressions and make your own

1) Shopping
I often go to a department store in town.
I go shopping at a discount store near my house for
groceries and household items once a week.
I usually go shopping at a drug and cosmetics store
near my office.
I think underground shopping malls are the best
part of subway stations.
I like shopping at the department store near my
house because I can get almost anything in one

You: _____________________________________

Useful Expressions
underground shopping arcade
grocery store
electronics plaza
outlet mall
online shopping mall
street vendor
buy practical items
look for bargains
shop for the best price
look for quality items

2) Shopping 2
I like shopping at the local market in my town
because the veggies and fruit are very fresh.
Shopping with my wife is one of my favorite
weekend activities.
I buy beer when I go grocery shopping with my wife.
Some clothes were on sale, so I bought a pair of
I had some difficulties while shopping.
Two months ago, I bought a pair of shorts from an
online store. They were too big and I got a refund.
People were packed in the mall like sardines.


Useful Expressions
ask for an opinion about the item
search for shopping information
on the Internet
check the product reviews
look through brochures
grab a bite at the food court
browse around the shop
bargain [haggle] over the price
check the price tag
consider other options
pay with my cash card
use gift cards
stick to a budget
watch what I spend
limit my spending

2 How to Answer 1
Q1. Tell me about your favorite store to shop at.
Where is it? Why do you like shopping there?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Favorite Shopping Place
Body : Merits / Describe Store / Activities
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Favorite Shopping Place : I will tell you about my
favorite place to go shopping. I like shopping at a
department store near my house called AK.

Reasons For Liking The Place : I often go there with
my wife. Actually, it’s my wife’s favorite place. We go
shopping there because we can find almost anything
in one place.
Describe Store : On the 1 floor, there are many

clothing stores and cosmetic stores. My wife usually

spends one or two hours there. My favorite place is
the store selling sports items on the 2 floor. Also, it

has many different facilities.

Activities : So before or after shopping, we can do
other activities, like watch movies or drink coffee.

Opinion/Impression : Sometimes, I shop online and
go to other stores but my favorite place to go
shopping is the department store.

-Now You Try!


◈ Answer tip!
This topic is now a frequent topic since the
introduction of New Opic! Common questions are 1)
Shopping patterns (who, when, where, how often do
you go shopping) 2) shopping experience (payment
methods, refunding and shopping style) 3)
description of shopping locations. Prepare by
studying shopping related patterns and words.

3 How to Answer 2
Q2. When did you go grocery shopping most
recently? What did you buy?

Answer Structure
Introduction : Recent shopping experience
Body : Accompanied by / Purchased Item / After
Closing : Opinions/Impressions

-Sample Answer
Recent Shopping Experience : I went grocery
shopping last weekend with my family at a discount
store called Emart.

Accompanied By / Purchased Item : As I mentioned
before, I have 3 sons. It’s not really easy to go
grocery shopping with them. My sons always want
to buy sweets and snacks and my wife always wants
wine. Last weekend, I went shopping and bought
vegetables, meat, fruit, chips, and some chocolate
for my kids and 5 bottles of wine for my wife.
After Shopping : After shopping, we went to a
buffet on the 3 floor of the store.

Opinions/Impressions : Yes, shopping together is a
bit tough but I still love the time with my family.

-Now You Try!


◈ High Score tip!

Listing all the items purchased is O.K however also
describing what you did after shopping would
improve the quality of your answer. If you do not like
shopping, you can answer by describing grocery
shopping or buying games as part of your response.

4 Frequently Asked Questions

Extra Practice
Now practice using Frequently Asked Questions.

 When did you go grocery shopping most

recently? What did you buy?


 How often do you go shopping? Who do you

usually go with? Describe your routine at a
shopping mall.


 What do you prefer: online shopping or going to

the store? Why?


Part 5. Actual Tests

Actual Test 1
Actual Test 2

P a r t

Actual Test 1

1. Tell me about yourself and what you usually do

on the weekends.

2. Describe the geography of your country. Are

there mountains? Is the seashore part of the
geography? Are there lakes? Discuss all the
details you can about the geography and
landscape in your country.

3. I would like to know about a region that is

geographically special. Where is it? Why is it
special? Tell me about it in as much detail as

4. Have you ever been to a place that is

geographically unique or special? Where was it?
Why did you visit there? What did you see?

5. You said in the survey that you enjoy going to a

park. I would like to know about a park that you
usually go to. What is the name of the park?
Why is it so special to you? What can you see
there? Tell me about the park in as much detail
as possible.

6. What do you usually do at the park? What kind

of activities do you usually do? Who do you do
the activities with? Tell me about your routine
when you go to the park.

7. When was the last time you visited the park?

When was it? Where did you go? What
happened? Were you with anyone else? Please
tell me everything about it.

8. Tell me about a healthy person you know. What

does he or she look like? What kind of food does
he or she like to eat? How did you meet him or

9. If you wanted to be a healthy person, how

would you spend your daily life? What type of
activities would you have to do? What kind of
food would you need to eat? Tell me in as much
detail as possible.

10.Have you ever done anything to be a healthy

person? What did you do? What did you eat?
Tell me your experience in as much detail as

11.I will give you a situation to act out. You are

planning to travel and would like to rent a car.
Call a rental car agency and ask 3 or 4 questions
about renting a car.

12.I am afraid that there is a problem that you need

to resolve. Your travel agency called and told
you that your trip has been cancelled. Call your
friend, explain the situation, and offer 2 or 3

13.Have you ever had any difficulties planning a trip?

When was it? Where did you want to go? What
happened? How did you resolve the situation?
Tell me about it from the beginning to the end.

14.I would like to know what you think the

differences between Korean dishes and dishes
from other countries are. Are there any
similarities? Compare the dishes in as much
detail as possible.

15.Have you heard about any issues related to

water or food shortages around the world? Tell
me your opinion about these issues in detail.

P a r t

Actual Test 2

1. Tell me about yourself and what you usually do

on the weekends.

2. You indicated that you like to listen to music.

What type of music do you like? When and how
often do you enjoy them? Who do you like to
listen to? Why do you like them?

3. When did you first become interested in music?

Did anyone influence your musical preferences?
Do you still listen to the same kind of music you
did when you were a child? If not, how have
your preferences changed?

4. Do you have any unexpected or special

memories from when you went to a concert?
Whose concert was it? When did you go? What
happened? Why was it so special to you?
Explain your experience in detail.

5. Could you tell me about the banks in your

country? When do they open and close? What
do they look like? Where are they located? Also,
please describe the people who work at a bank.

6. Could you describe how banks in your country

have changed over time? Do you think they have
improved? Please describe the differences
between banks of the past and those of the
present in as much detail as possible.

7. Please tell me about the last time you went to a

bank. Which bank did you go to? Why did you
choose that bank? When was it? How long did
your visit take? Tell me about everything in

8. I would like to know about your house. What

does it look like? Describe your room. What can
you see there? Tell about your house and your
room in detail.

9. I would like you to tell me about the house you

are currently living in and then compare it to a
house you lived in before. What are some
differences? Are those differences better or
worse? Please compare the two houses in as
much detail as possible.

10.Have you ever done anything special at home?

What did you do? Tell me about your experience
in as much detail as possible.

11.I'll give you a certain situation to act out. Let’s

assume that you have a toothache. Call the
dentist’s office and ask 3 or 4 questions to make
an appointment.

12.I’m afraid that there is a problem you have to

solve. You are supposed to go to the dentist
tomorrow. But you cannot keep the
appointment and you can only go there next
week. Call the dentist’s office, explain the
situation and give a few alternatives.

13.Have you cancelled or delayed an important

appointment? Why did you do so? How did you
resolve the situation?

14.What are some differences between a trip you

took in the past and one that you might take in
the present? Please describe the differences in

15.Experts say it is important to have a vacation. Do

you agree or disagree? What are your reasons? I
would like you to tell me in as much detail as

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