Solid Mechanics Exam Notes

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Solid Mechanics

Force Systems: The principle of transmissibility states that a force may be

applied at any point on its given line of ac�on without altering the resultant
effects of the force external to the rigid body on which it acts.
Parallelogram Law: If two vectors are considered to be the adjacent sides of a
Parallelogram, then the resultant of two vectors is given by the vector which
is a diagonal passing through the point of contact of two vectors.
Triangle law of vector addi�on: states that when two vectors are represented
by two sides of a triangle in magnitude and direc�on taken in same order
then third side of that triangle represents in magnitude and direc�on the
resultant of the vectors.
Moment About a Point: In addi�on to the tendency to move a body in the
direc�on of its applica�on, a force can also tend to rotate a body about an
axis. The axis may be any line which neither intersects nor is parallel to the line of ac�on of the force. This rota�onal tendency is known as the moment M of the force. Moment is
also referred to as torque. The moment is a vector M perpendicular to the plane of the body. The sense of M depends
on the direc�on in which F tends to rotate the body.
Moment direc�ons may be accounted for by using a stated sign conven�on, such as a plus sign (+) for
counter clockwise moments and a minus sign (-) for clockwise moments, or vice versa
Couple: The moment produced by two equal, opposite, and non-collinear forces is called a couple.
Couples have certain unique proper�es and have important applica�ons in mechanics: Consider the ac�on of two
equal and opposite forces F and -F a distance d apart. The combined moment of the two forces about an axis normal
to their plane and passing through any point such as O in their plane is the couple M. This couple has a magnitude

Principle of Moments: The first two of Equa�ons reduce a given system of forces to a force–couple system at an arbitrarily chosen but
convenient point O. The last equa�on specifies the distance d from point O to the line of ac�on of R, and states that the moment of the
resultant force about any point O equals the sum of the moments of the original forces of the system about the same point. This is called
the principle of moments.
Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies:
Equilibrium Condi�ons:
-For a rigid body, the condi�on of sta�c equilibrium means that the body under study does not translate or rotate
under the given loads that act on the body.
-The necessary and sufficient condi�ons for the sta�c equilibrium of a body are that sum of forces (resultant force ),
and moments about any point (resultant moment) are both zero.
Example Free Body Diagrams:

Analysis of Structures:
When forces tend to pull the member apart, it is in tension. When the forces tend to compress the
member, it is in compression.

Centroids and Centre of Gravity:

-The centroid of an area is analogous to the center of gravity of a body; it is the “center of area.” The concept of the first moment of an area is used to locate the centroid.
-The earth exerts a gravita�onal force on each of the par�cles forming a body – consider how your weight is distributed throughout your body. These forces can be replaced by a
single equivalent force equal to the weight of the body and applied at the center of gravity for the body
Determining the Center of Gravity:
-To determine mathema�cally the loca�on of the center of gravity, we apply the
principle of moments to the parallel system of gravita�onal forces.
-The moment of the resultant gravita�onal force W about any axis equals the
sum of the moments about the same axis of the gravita�onal forces dW ac�ng on
all par�cles treated as infinitesimal elements of the body.

Centroid of Plane Figures:

Applica�on: Do airliners have to adjust their sea�ng or cargo arrangements to balance their centre of gravity? What large commercial jets do is, they try to keep the Centre Of
Gravity at the centre of the aircra�s. For this, there shouldn't be more concentra�on of weight either in the aircra�’s forward sec�on or in the rear sec�on.
This is done because, if the total weight of the passengers and cargo, is shi�ed to the a� of the aircra�, it will �lt backwards, like the image belowAlso, a point is to be noted that
the centre of Li� should be at almost the same place as centre of Gravity. If they shi� from there original places, the aircra� will not be stable anymore and will either shi� to
backwards or forwards. When there will be less number of passengers, they will try to seat the few number of passengers close to the wing, to maintain the CoG. When there are
more passengers, what they do is, they seat almost the same number of passengers in the forward sec�on and the a� sec�on of the aircra�. The remaining passengers will be
seated close to the wing, to maintain the centre of gravity.
Fric�on and Tribology:
In preceding chapters, it was assumed that surfaces in contact were either fric�onless (surfaces could move freely with respect to each other) or rough (tangen�al forces prevent
rela�ve mo�on between surfaces).
-Actually, no perfectly fric�onless surface exists. For two surfaces in contact, tangen�al forces, called fric�on forces, will develop if one atempts to move one rela�ve to the other.
-However, the fric�on forces are limited in magnitude and will not prevent mo�on if sufficiently large forces are applied.
-The dis�nc�on between fric�onless and rough is, therefore, a mater of degree.
-There are two types of fric�on: dry or Coulomb fric�on and fluid fric�on. Fluid fric�on applies to lubricated mechanisms. The present discussion is limited to dry fric�on between
nonlubricated surfaces

Mechanism of Dry Fric�on:

-Block of mass m is placed on a horizontal surface. Forces ac�ng on the
block are its weight and reac�on of surface N.
-Small horizontal force P is applied. For the block to remain
sta�onary, in equilibrium, a horizontal component F of the surface
reac�on is required. F is a sta�c-fric�on force.

Moments of Iner�a and Pure Bending:

Virtual Work:

Kinema�cs of Par�cles:Kinema�cs: -Relates displacement, velocity,

accelera�on, and �me without reference to the cause of mo�on. -
Study of the geometry of mo�on
Kine�cs: -Study of the rela�ons exis�ng between the forces ac�ng on a
body, the mass of the body, and the mo�on of the body. - Kine�cs is
used to predict the mo�on caused by given forces or to determine the forces required to produce a given mo�on.
Seminar 7 - Moments of Iner�a and Pure Bending Knowing that the couple shown acts in a ver�cal plane, determine the stress at (a) point A, (b) point B.

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