Solid Mechanics Exam Notes
Solid Mechanics Exam Notes
Solid Mechanics Exam Notes
Principle of Moments: The first two of Equa�ons reduce a given system of forces to a force–couple system at an arbitrarily chosen but
convenient point O. The last equa�on specifies the distance d from point O to the line of ac�on of R, and states that the moment of the
resultant force about any point O equals the sum of the moments of the original forces of the system about the same point. This is called
the principle of moments.
Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies:
Equilibrium Condi�ons:
-For a rigid body, the condi�on of sta�c equilibrium means that the body under study does not translate or rotate
under the given loads that act on the body.
-The necessary and sufficient condi�ons for the sta�c equilibrium of a body are that sum of forces (resultant force ),
and moments about any point (resultant moment) are both zero.
Example Free Body Diagrams:
Analysis of Structures:
When forces tend to pull the member apart, it is in tension. When the forces tend to compress the
member, it is in compression.
Virtual Work: