addictive behaviors
sleep problems
There are some cognitive distortions which effect our mood, behavior and emotions. In
REBT we focus on cognitive distortions and we try to change these cognitive distortions
with positive behavior.
People are not disturbed by things but rather by how they view things
Root cause of the problem is that people mistakenly blame external events for
their unhappiness
REBT generally posits that disturbed evaluations to a large degree occur through
overgeneralization, wherein people exaggerate and globalize events or traits.
A core concept of REBT is the ABCDE model. This model explains how, while we
may blame external events for our unhappiness:
A (Activating) – He yelled at me
B (Beliefs) – I can’t believe he dared to yell at me That’s totally unprofessional.
He should never have acted that way. I can’t stand it. I want a drink (and I have
to have what I want when I want it). I can get a way with it. It won’t matter
An important part of the REBT process is learning how to replace your irrational
beliefs with healthier ones. This process can be daunting and upsetting, and it’s normal
to feel some discomfort or to worry that you’ve made a mistake.
However, the goal of REBT is to help people respond rationally to situations that would
typically cause stress, depression, or other negative feelings.
You are worthy of self-acceptance no matter what even when you struggle or
make mistakes; there is no need for shame or guilt.
Others are also worthy of acceptance, even when their behavior involves
something that you don’t like.
Negative things will sometimes happen in life, and that doesn’t mean that things
are happening in a way they shouldn’t be. Life is not positive all of the time, and
there’s no rational reason to expect it to be.
Benefits of REBT
REBT is effective at reducing irrational beliefs and changing behavior.
Overall, REBT offers several behavioral benefits, like:
Cognitive techniques
Imagery Techniques
Time projection: this technique is designed to show that one’s life, and the
world in general, continue after a feared or unwanted event has come and gone.
Ask the client to visualize the unwanted event occurring, then imagine going
forward in time a week, then a month, then six months, then a year, two years,
and so on, considering how they will be feeling at each of these points in time.
The ‘blow-up’ technique: this is a variation of ‘worst-case’ imagery, coupled with the
use of humor to provide a vivid and memorable experience for the client.
Behavioral Techniques
One of the best ways to check out and modify a belief is to act. Clients can be
encouraged, for instance, to check out the evidence for their fears and to act in ways
that disprove them.
Probably the most important REBT strategy is homework. This can include such
activities as reading, self-help exercises, and experiential activities. Therapy sessions
are really ‘training sessions’, between which the client tries out and uses what they
have learned.