Part2 Sec5

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Section 5.


FIG- 5-l. Inspection chart-wing-center section.

Determine the condition of the wing and Inspect the internal brace fittings (struts or
center section by carefully inspecting fixed brace wires) where they attach to the wing
surfaces for signs of deterioration, distortion, structure, for distortion, cracks, or any other
and loose or missing rivets and screws, espe- defects. Inspect clevis pins or bolts for wear,
cially in the area of fabric or skin attachment cracks, worn or damaged threads, and any
to the structure. Inspect fabric or skin for other defects.
tears, cuts, or other defects; and examine con- If Any rigging adjustment of the external
dition of protective covering. Inspect fabric bracing has been accomplished, particular care
at windshield for deterioration and security should be taken to ensure that is a suf-
of attachment,. ficient number of threads holding in the ad-
justing terminals. Most terminals are provided
External distortion in any area may be an
with a test hole in the shank for making this
indication of internal failure. Inspect the in- inspection. If safety wire can be inserted
terior through available inspection doors or t.hrough the test hole, the terminal is not being
holes. If internal failure is suspected and no held by the required number of threads.
inspection doors or holes exist, contact a cer- Another method of ensuring that sufficient
tificated maintenance facility to ma,ke the neces- threads have been screwed into the barrel or
sary inspection and repair. female fittings is to count the threads on the
male fitting. If more than three threads show,
the connection &4Y not be satisfactory.
Determine that wing attachment fittings are
not distorted, cracked, or damaged in any way,
and that bolt holes are notP elongated. Check
wing attachment bolts for general condition
and security of attachment. If wing attach-
ment bolts are loose, determine the reason for
looseness. Tighten to the torque values speci-
fied by the manufacturer if no other defect
Be certain that hydraulic lines are free from
e kinks, dents, and leaks, and inspect for
security of attachment and wear due to chaf-
ing. Ensure that hydraulic actuators are se-
curely mounted and not. leaking.
Any defects noted in the hydraulic system
should be corrected by a properly
If the condition of the fabric is doubtful,
the advice and assist.ance of a qualified person FIGURE S-2. Indication of defective’ fabric.
should be sought,. Samples of the fabric may faces. These openings provide for drainage of
be taken from portions of the aircraft. MOST moisture and circulation of air to dry interior
affected by the elements and forwarded to an surf aces. Seaplane drainage grommets are
accredited testing laboratory for examination. identified by a hood over the center cutout
On fabric-covered surfaces, check drainage which minimizes effect of spray during takeoff
grommets for security of attachment and and landing. This type of grommet is some-
obstructions. Drainage grommets are reinf arced times used on landplanes in that part of the
openings usually located near the lowest. point structure subject to splash from the landing
at the trailing edges of wings and tail sur- gear when operating from wet or muddy fields.

FIGURE 53. Wood structure inspection points.

FIGURE S-4. Metal structure inmection
* *wints.

Remove all inspection plates and fairings, unless the surface is rebalanced. Control im-
and open all access doors so that. internal in- balance may cause a dangerous vibration or
spe~ction may be made. Examine the internal flutter condition. Rebalancing may only be
structure for condition of spars, ribs, com- accomplished by certificated personnel.
pression members, rib lacing, and any internal
form of skin attachment. -Inspect spars and
ribs for cracks, damage, and deterioration.
Check the condition of glued joints and the
protective finish on all internal structure.
Inspect compression members for security,
cracks, kinks, bends, and condition of finish.
Inspect dra g and antidrag wires for proper
tension, attachment, protective coating, and
corrosion. Check all fittings attached to spars
or ribs for security, protective coating, and
corrosion. Check all forms of internal skin
attachments for proper security.
Any defect or questionable item in the wing
structure should be brought to the attention FIGURE 5-6. Control belkrank checkpoints.
of qualified maintenance personnel.
Inspect movable surfaces (ailerons, flaps, Examine the control mechanism for freedom
and trim tabs) for proper operation. Check of movement and proper operation. Inspect
for loose or pulled rivets, distortion, and loose bellcranks for cracks, alignment, and security.
fabric or skin attachment. Examine hinges Check cables for proper tension, fraying, wear,
and horns for security of attachment, breaks, and proper routing through fairleads and
bends, loose or worn pins, proper lubrication, pulleys.
and safetying. Inspect hinges for breaks, cracks, distortion.
No repairs, refinishing, or repainting of and security of attachment.
balanced control surfaces (ailerons, elevators, Refer to the manufacturer’s recommended
rudders, and trim tabs) may be accomplished procedures for lubrication.

FICUIWZ5-5. Lightning damage-flap, lower surface.
FIGURE 5-7. Fuel tank vent.

FIGURE S-8.. Fuel cap, vent, and placard.

Inspect fuel tanks for security of mounting Improperly placed vents and lines that are
and signs of leakage. Ensure that filler caps kinked or otherwise distorted can cause “fuel
are secure and the vent is in the proper loca- starvation” and engine stoppage. As a pre-
tion and free from obstructions. Check fuel caution against using the wrong grade of fuel,
lines and connections for leaks, cracks, security make sure a legible placard is located at or
of attachment,, and chafing. Be sure overflow near the fuel tank filler neck.
and drain lines are not kinked or broken and Inspect pitot tubes or masts for obstructions,
are properly routed to the outside air. distortion, and security. Make sure static vents

FIG- 5-9. Pitot mast, airspeed.

(ports) are clean and free from obstruction.

Periodically, drain and clean 4out pitot and
static lines. Care must be used to ensure drains
are properly closed since leaks have an adverse
affect on the accuracy of instruments in the
Ensure that wiring is routed so that it can-
not possibly become entangled with movable
mechanisms. Inspect all wiring for chafing,
proper installation, and security. Check in-
stallation and condition of grommets, plastic
tubing, adapters, and proper taping.
Inspect leadin g edge of wing for damage.
Inspect wing tips for damage and/or security
of attachment.
The lens in the figure has been damaged
by solvent and/or cleaning agents and age.
Damaged or weakened lenses must be replaced
since their failure can lead to severe wing
damage. Inspect retractible landing lights for
proper extension, retraction, and general con-
dition. FIGURE S-10. Electrical wiring, proper routing.

FIGURE 5-l 1. Satisfactory leading edge of wing.

Ftctnw 5-U. Dented leading edge of wing.

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