Calhas Chao HAGER Manual

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Floor installation systems

Basic manual

Floor installation systems

Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Table of Contents
Basic knowledge........................................................................................................................18
Basic planning principles ....................................................................................................................................20
Requirements for installation technology .......................................................................................................20
Requirements from building conception ........................................................................................................20
Requirements for organisation ......................................................................................................................20
Requirements for security ..............................................................................................................................21
Installation requirements / construction requirements ...................................................................................21
Duct systems ........................................................................................................................................................22
Screed-covered duct system .........................................................................................................................22
Screed-flush duct systems ............................................................................................................................23
On-floor duct system .....................................................................................................................................24
Raised floor installation system .....................................................................................................................24
Cavity floor installation system ......................................................................................................................25
Basic principles of screed ...................................................................................................................................26
Screed structure ............................................................................................................................................26
Screed work ...................................................................................................................................................27
Screed types ..................................................................................................................................................27
Floor structure ......................................................................................................................................................29
Floor structure 50 mm ...................................................................................................................................29
Floor structure 75 mm ...................................................................................................................................30
Floor structure 105 mm .................................................................................................................................30
Information on the floor covering and for the floor layer .................................................................................31
Information on the floor covering ........................................................................................................................31
Information for the floor layer .............................................................................................................................31
Determining the cable volume ............................................................................................................................32
Bend radii ......................................................................................................................................................33
Cable volume of most common installation cables ........................................................................................34
Power supply and device installation units .......................................................................................................36
IP degree of protection .........................................................................................................................................42
IK degree of impact resistance ...........................................................................................................................43
Mechanical/thermal loads ....................................................................................................................................44
Standardisation and testing ................................................................................................................................45
Erector specifications ..........................................................................................................................................48
Protection against electric shock ...................................................................................................................48
Mechanical load of cables .............................................................................................................................48
Separation of different services .....................................................................................................................49
Fire protection ................................................................................................................................................49
Equipotential bonding ..........................................................................................................................................50
Inter-unit working .................................................................................................................................................51
Inter-unit working - Screed work ....................................................................................................................51
General information for screed layers ...........................................................................................................51
Inter-unit working - Floor covering work ........................................................................................................51
Inter-unit working - Building cleaning .............................................................................................................51
Sound protection and impact noise ....................................................................................................................52
Impact noise reduction for floor installation systems .....................................................................................52
Appendix ...............................................................................................................................................................54
Overview of floor installation systems - cable assignment .................................................................................54
Reference sources of standards and specifications ........................................................................................61

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

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Floor installation systems


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Floor installation systems

7 questions - 7 answers
To meet all the requirements during the planning phase, you should get to grips with
these 7 questions. This ensures that you will obtain the right duct system solution for
your construction project.
The answers to your questions will provide you with the right solution for your con-
struction project. Starting with the right duct system, the screed height, the floor cov-
erings and their care through to the installation units.

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Floor installation systems

Question 1: Which floor installation system is to be

; Screed-covered floor system
; Screed-flush floor system
; On-the floor system
; Cavity floor system
; Raised floor system

Question 2: How is the cable volume calculated?

Cable volume calculation (d²)
; Data/communication technology
; Multimedia technology
; Energy technology

Question 3: How high is the planned floor structure?

; Nominal screed thickness, incl. possible insulation layers
; Thickness of floor covering

Question 4: Which floor covering will be laid?

; Parquet
; Vinyl
; Linoleum
; Tiles/granite
; Carpet

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Floor installation systems

Question 5: How will the floor covering be cleaned?

; Dry/moist cleaned
; Wet cleaned

Question 6: What are the maximum loads that can

; Standard
; Drive-over
; Heavy-duty

Question 7: Which supply and installation units are

; Size
; Number of installable devices
; Shape
; Material

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Floor installation systems

Answer 1: Which floor installation system is to be

A distinction is made between 5 standard floor systems. The appropriate floor system sets
the course from the very start. Depending on the system, only certain products may be used.
Whether this is a screed-covered duct system, which is often used in new buildings, or an on-
floor duct system, which is often used during renovations. The rough direction is entirely differ-
ent. Specific solutions and combination options are available for each system.

Using these aspects, it is possible to make a rough selection of the right duct system.

Screed-covered duct system

The screed-covered duct system is suitable for all
types of screed. No matter whether composite ce-
ment, floating screed, flowing screed or, with spe-
cial precautions, also mastic asphalt / hot floor
screed. The screed-covered duct system can be
used in residential and functional buildings.

Flush-screed duct systems

The screed-flush tehalit.BKB makes energy, data
and communication connections available around
the room. Besides its adaptability to state-of-the-art
technology, it is also open to any form of interior de-
sign: It can be assigned with all kinds of dry cleaned
floors. Here, the height adjustment, which is accu-
rate to the millimetre, can offer a “smooth” end -
whilst the comprehensive range of fittings adapts
exactly to any angle.

This height-variable system is used anywhere

where it is not clear how the “final installation” will
be and/or the highest level of flexibility is desired.
Duct widths of up to 600 mm allow the duct to be
used wherever high volumes of cables occur. The
shiny version of the screed-flush duct is used in pro-
duction halls and in office and administration build-
ings. Its very low height means that the duct is also
suitable for very flat screed heights of 30 mm or

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Floor installation systems
On-floor duct system
This duct system is particularly suitable for
renovations of old buildings and the modernisation
and expansion of building installations. The main
areas of use are renovations of office and
administration buildings, as well as construction
projects requiring the rapid erection of electrical
systems on already completed floors. If it is not
possible to install underfloor ducts in the screed due
to building protections on static or monument
protection grounds, then the on-floor ducts are
routed on the floors. The robust on-floor ducts are
also used in assembly facilities, laboratories or
industrial buildings.

Raised floor system

Open plan offices or large-area call centres divided
up into many computer workstations using partitions
and which must remain structured cannot avoid this
flexible system. This also applies to computer serv-
er rooms constructed with raised floors, which offer
the greatest possible flexibility through their con-
struction. In this way, completely networked power
and data networks are integrated into showrooms
or trade fair stands which are rebuilt according to

Cavity floor system

In cavity floors, prefabricated lined bodies are laid
out on the raw ceiling and then cast with screed. In
contrast to raised floors, in which individual plates
can be exchanged as required, a cavity floor is a
closed screed plate on stilts. In a similar manner to
the raised floor, wiring can be designed very flexibly
using plug and play systems.

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Floor installation systems

Answer 2: How is the cable volume calculated?

The cable volume is required to define the correct duct size. However, as, in practice, cables
can never lay next to each other in a perfectly parallel and space-saving manner, the formu-
la (d)² or the diameter squared is used. The ducts should only be 50% full, to leave space for
possible refitting later on. This means that the cables can also be pulled through the duct more

In addition, it should be noted that, in this calculation, no floor tanks or outlets which might inter-
rupt the cable path are taken into account.
In practice, power and data cables are routed separately in the duct. Separating webs divided
the duct up into multiple compartments. If this applies, then the space requirements must be cal-
culated for each compartment individually.

With stronger current loads of the cables, cable heating should be taken into account. In addi-
tion, all the relevant regulations, such as DIN VDE 0100, must also be taken into account.

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Floor installation systems

Answer 3: How high is the planned floor structure?

The height of the planned underfloor system also has a key role to play in the planning and in-
stallation of underfloor cable systems. In particular, with screed-covered floors and screed-flush
floors, this information is used to include the appropriate elements for height adjustment into the
planning and installation. Different products and solutions are used, depending on the height.

Ab 50 mm Ab 75 mm Ab 100 mm Ab 105 mm

P In general, the prescribed floor structure specifies the area available for the floor solution.
– Hinged cover with ultra-flat installation depth for a floor structure of 50 mm or more
– Standard supply units with floor covering recesses of 5 mm for a floor structure of 75 mm
or more
– Standard supply units with floor covering recess of 12 mm for a floor structure of 100 mm
or more
– Stainless steel cassettes for a floor structure of 105 mm or more

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Floor installation systems

Answer 4: Which floor covering will be laid?

Often, the floor covering is specified in a construction project. It is stated whether there will be a
carpeted floor, laminate, parquet, tiles, stone, PVC or a linoleum covering. Each covering has a
different height. This means that not every covering fits in every installation unit. Three different
heights are available here. Supply units are available for smaller covering heights up to 5 mm or
up to 12 mm and stainless steel cassettes are available for heights of up to 23 mm.

PVC coverings are often only 3 to 4 mm thick. For

such coverings, and for thin carpets and linoleum,
standard supply units with a 5 mm frame height are

Carpeted floors and laminate generally have a thick-

ness of 8 to 10 mm, whilst some laminate types with
adhesive are thicker still. Here, standard frames of
10 mm height are insufficient. Therefore, Hager of-
fers, as the sole provider, standard supply units with
a 12 mm frame height. If the frame is too high, then
cover inlays of 1 to 2 mm can be inserted to support
the floor covering.

For coverings such as parquet or stone tiles, Hager

can offer stainless steel cassettes with a base re-
cess of up to 23 mm or up to 38 mm, according to
the version. Even with very thick floor coverings,
this guarantees tidy work without bumps and dips.

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Floor installation systems

Answer 5: How will the floor covering be cleaned?

The cleaning category is aligned to the type of floor covering. Carpeted floors are usually dry
cleaned, whilst tiles are normally moist or wet cleaned.

Dry cleaned and “moist cleaned” floors

Floor coverings that can be vacuumed (e.g. carpeted floors) or those which can be wiped over
with moist but not wet cleaning devices (e.g. laminate) are combined as “dry cleaned floors”. All
the standard supply units, cable outlets and pedestals from Hager can be used on such floors.

Image 1: Dry cleaned floors

Wet cleaned floors

Floors subject to serious degrees of contamination - such as stone floors in factory halls - must
be wet cleaned using liquid cleaning agents. For these “wet cleaned floors”, Hager can offer
“water-tight” system components, such as supply units with integrated water stream protection,
which is offered in either aluminium or polyamide.

Image 2: Wet cleaned floors


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Floor installation systems

Answer 6: Which loads can occur?

Different load requirements occur, depending on the circumstances. In everyday office life, loads
of up to 1500 N will generally occur. However, in public buildings, such as airports or stations,
this amount is usually incorrect. Daily work with luggage carts, cleaning machines or mobile
scaffolding increases the load. The ability to be driven on is often also a condition in car or other
showrooms. In assembly halls or warehouses, the load is frequently greatly increased by loaded
forklifts or trucks.

1500 N Standard

Image 3: 1500 N Standard

All the supply units and stainless steel cassettes are designed according to the standard for a
1500 N load. These include all the supply units, all the stainless steel cassettes, screed-flush
ducts, on-floor ducts, etc. This is fully sufficient for the normal loads of everyday office life.

7500 N drive-on

Image 4: 7500 N drive-on

VANR12 supply unit
The VANR12 supply unit is designed for increased loads. The supply unit is made of aluminium
and can be driven over in a car.

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Floor installation systems
20000 N heavy duty

Image 5: Heavy duty cassettes

The EKSQ405xx heavy duty cassette is used in car showrooms. This stainless steel cassette is
supported by a solid heavy duty frame, thus offering sufficient stability for extremely high loads.

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Floor installation systems

Answer 7: Which installation units are required?

Supply and installation units
To supply commercial buildings in a sensible manner, it is wise not to cut corners - with regards
to both energy and also information and data. The electraplan supply and installation units. VE-
EEs can cover any customer requirements.
They are compatible with almost any electraplan floor installation system and can be equipped
with six to twelve connector boxes, according to requirements. The supply units are available in
a range of materials, shapes and colours.
Each device casing can be equipped variably: With protective contact sockets or support bar
devices for network and multimedia technology.

Polyamide supply unit

The standard material for supply units is polyamide. Poly-
amide frames can withstand a load of up to 1.5 kN (DIN
specification) - ideal for classic floor use. Large selection for
use with 6, 9, 10 or 12 sockets, for example:

Aluminium supply unit

In conjunction with high-quality floor coverings - e.g. stone
tiles - it is wise to use aluminium supply units. They are not
only more stable, but also provide a more elegant floor
appearance. Hager can offer aluminium units that can
withstand loads of up to 7.5 kN for strong loads in public
buildings - e.g. showrooms, stations or airports. Sizes: 2
sizes for use with 6 or 12 sockets, for example.

Stainless steel supply units

Stainless steel supply units are particular robust:
They correspond to the DIN load specifications of 1.5 kN.
As a heavy duty cassette, they can even withstand loads
of up to 20 kN (see Page 48). A further advantage: Thanks
to their thin edge, they are barely noticeable in the floor - if
they are, then its due to their fine appearance.
Sizes: 2 sizes for use with 6 or 12 sockets, for example.

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Floor installation systems

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Basic knowledge

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Important note
This document explains the relevant principles for the installation of floor installation
systems and routing cables in these systems.
The contents of this document are based on the currently applicable rules and regula-
tions as well as our own test findings. No generally applicable legal obligation shall be
derived from the contents of this document.

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Basic planning principles

Image 6: Planning

Requirements for installation technology

When planning and selecting the floor installation system, the following points must be observed
with regard to the installation system requirements:
– Number of services (power, communication, data, multimedia)
– Filling factor of the electrical installation ducts
– Cable bend radii
– Reserve
– Concurrence factors
– Intended for indoor areas
Requirements from building conception
The following preconditions are to be taken into account on account of the use profiles of the
individual rooms or the overall building:
– Type of room (dry or wet)
– Floor covering version (dry or wet cleaned)
– Thickness of the floor covering
– Type and version of the screed
– Traffic loads
– Ambient temperature (interior, e.g. underfloor heating)
Requirements for organisation
Areas of use and the specifications of the customer regarding installation technology (power,
data, communication, multimedia) must also be taken into account during the planning of a floor
installation system:
– Flexibility of use (e.g. light adjustment to changing use specifications)
– Easy changing of device equipment
– Use of fixed or portable installations

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual
Requirements for security
Security and unauthorised access by third parties play an increasingly important role in the
planning and selection of a floor installation system. Therefore, in data infrastructure areas (e.g.
computer centres), particular attention must be placed on security, which must be taken into
account during planning.
Installation requirements / construction requirements
To be able to begin with the installation of a floor installation system, the following conditions
must be fulfilled:
– Approved and dimensioned routing plan, which specifies the position of all installation
– Project parts list with the materials to be used
– Information on the floor structure and floor covering
– A swept and approved raw construction ceiling in accordance with DIN 18 202 (tolerances
in building construction)
– Cutting check data as reference point for the appropriate screed height
– Data on the traffic loads, fire protection measures and the impact noise
– Installation area must be free of rubble and outside materials
– There must be guaranteed protection against the influence of weathering and moisture
– Details on the minimum installation depth and floor cleaning of the installation units must
be available

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Duct systems
A distinction is made between 5 standard floor systems. The appropriate floor system sets
the course from the very start. Depending on the system, only certain products may be used.
Whether this is a screed-covered duct system, which is often used in new buildings, or an on-
floor duct system, which is often used during renovations, the rough direction is entirely differ-
ent. Specific solutions and combination options are available for each system.
The following points, defined in the planning phase, are of decisive importance for the correct
selection of the right duct system:
– Building type (office/administrative building, car showrooms, etc.)
– Building substance (new building, old building with/without protection)
– Building structure (single or open plan offices)
– Use practices (flexible for changes of use)
Screed-covered duct system

Image 7: electraplan.UK
The electraplan.UK floor installation system is quick and easy to install and is suitable for virtually
all types of screed. The underfloor duct and floor boxes made from galvanised sheet steel, which
offers optimal protection against corrosion, are secured to the bare floor. Since the upper sections
of the basic profile are detachable, the cables can be placed into the duct from above and do not
need to be pulled in. The screed is administered flush with the upper edge of the floor boxes such
that the underfloor duct is covered. See catalogue

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual
Screed-flush duct systems

Image 8: tehalit.BKB / tehalit.BKG

The screed-flush tehalit.BKB makes energy, data and communication connections available
around the room. Besides its adaptability to state-of-the-art technology, it is also open to any
form of interior design: It can be assigned with all kinds of dry cleaned floors. Here, the height
adjustment, which is accurate to the millimetre, can offer a “smooth” end - whilst the compre-
hensive range of fittings adapts exactly to any angle.

Image 9: electraplan.BK
This height-variable system is used anywhere where it is not clear how the “final installation” will
be and/or the highest level of flexibility is desired. Duct widths of up to 600 mm allow the duct to
be used wherever high volumes of cables occur. This screed-flush duct is used in a shiny version
in production halls, but also in office and administrative buildings with duct covers with floor cov-
ering stuck on. Its very low height means that the duct is also suitable for very flat screed heights
of 30 mm or more.

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual
On-floor duct system

Image 10: electraplan.AK

For renovated properties or listed buildings, an on-floor duct is the perfect solution. Thanks to
the range of moulded parts available for it, the electraplan.AK system is easy to assemble. Blind
covers are screwed to the lower sections of the duct; these blind covers are angled towards the
floor and flooring can be laid over them. Installation apertures in the cover allow installation units,
supply units, floor connection columns or on-floor pedestals to be installed. See catalogue

Raised floor installation system

Image 11: electraplan.DB

Open plan offices or large-area call centres divided up into many computer workstations using
partitions and which must remain structured cannot avoid this flexible system. This also applies to
computer server rooms constructed with raised floors, which offer the greatest possible flexibility
through their construction. In this way, completely networked power and data networks are inte-
grated into showrooms or trade fair stands which are rebuilt according to requirements.

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual
Cavity floor installation system

Image 12: electraplan.HB

In cavity floors, prefabricated polystyrene or plastic shells are laid out on the raw ceiling and then
cast with screed. In contrast to raised floors, in which individual plates can be exchanged as re-
quired, a cavity floor is a closed screed plate on stilts.
In a similar manner to the raised floor, wiring can be designed very flexibly using plug and play

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Basic principles of screed

Screed structure
The screed structure is a key precondition for the correct installation of underfloor systems. With
screed-covered systems, it is essential that the screed thickness above the duct corresponds to
the value stated in the standard, in order to avoid crack formation.
The screed is located above the load-bearing storey ceiling or above the floor plate and beneath
floor covering.
The nominal screed thickness is dependent on the insulating layer, the individual load and the
screed type. Refer to DIN EN 13813 for more information on the nominal screed thickness.

The minimum nominal thickness1 is regulated according to the hardness class (DIN EN 13813)
for perpendicular loads ≤ 2 kN/m².
Under some circumstances, chemical or thermal loads may occur, which require additional
measures to protect the installed system.
The electraplan.BK screed-flush duct systems and the BKSA underfloor sockets only receive
their load capacity for correct use through being joined with the adjacent screed.
For this reason, the following points are important and must be observed:
– After the duct system has been permanently installed on the raw concrete, then the system
may no longer be walked on or subjected to similar loads
– The duct system must form a composite system with the adjacent screed
With electraplan.BK, the following points must be particularly observed:
– The side profiles need to be supported with screed, in order to achieve a good static support
in the screed. The screed is to be carefully worked and compacted
– The opened duct system may neither be walked on nor subjected to similar loads. Measured
for the necessary protection must be taken in agreement with the construction management
1) For increased use and surface loads, appropriately increased minimum nominal thicknesses shall apply



(3) (4)



Image 13: General floor structure

(1) Raw ceiling / floor plate
(2) Thermal insulation (e.g. polystyrene)
(3) Impact noise insulation
(4) PE film
(5) Cement screed with underfloor heating
(6) Floor covering

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual
Screed work
Ducts and accessory parts only obtain their full load capacity for correct use through the fixed
composite with the screed. For this, the following preconditions are of importance:
– The duct system must be sealed before screed is applied
– All the system elements are permanently anchored on the raw ceiling
– The installed duct system may neither be walked on nor subjected to any other loads
– Any hollow spaces created must be filled with screed
– The duct system may only be subjected to loads after the screed has hardened and must
be blocked off prior to this
– Screed deformations and shrinkages must be observed in advance
With a screed-covered duct, it is essential that the screed thickness above the duct corresponds
to the value stated in the standard, in order to avoid crack formation.
The nominal screed thickness is dependent on the insulating layer, the individual load and the
screed type. For more detailed information on screed types and the nominal screed thickness,
refer to DIN EN 13318, DIN EN 13813, DIN EN18560. Here, under certain circumstances,
chemical or thermal impacts may occur, which may require additional measures to protect the
installed system.
Screed-flush ducts (BKF/D and BKW/D) and floor boxes (UDHx,UDBx, UDSx) must be levelled
to the intended height before screed laying (construction side height line). The screed layer
should check the levelling height.
Smooth and compress screed well on the screed-flush ducts and floor boxes (no insulation
strip). Only this achieves the required load capacity.
The BKB/BKG screed-flush duct system is decoupled from the screed using an insulating strip,
as it could otherwise lead to damage to the screed and/or floor covering.
Screed types
When selecting the screed structure, it is necessary to clarify which screed mortar types are
possible for the application. There are difference types of screed mortars.
Flowing screed:
Before screed application, these tasks must be observed and completed:
– Duct system and boxes are to be weighed down --> Floating of the screed
– Duct system and boxes are to be sealed against the ingress of flowing screed and pro-
tected on the construction side
– Side profiles and film must be jacketed with sufficient screed.
– Avoid cavities
Aggressive screed:
When using aggressive screed types, all the metal parts must be insulated during construc-
tion using a chloride and alkali-free bitumen layer or other suitable means (VOB Part C).
Corrosion on metallic underfloor components is reduced to a minimum when
– The maximum moisture content of screeds corresponds to DIN EN 1264-4.
– Underfloor ducts are ventilated sufficiently for drying.

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual
Hot floor screed:
Screed-flush duct systems and boxes may not come into direct contact with the hot screed
mass. With film lining, there must be an approx. 10 cm-thick layer of cement screed, for
example, by the components for heat insulation. With metal lining and floor troughs, wa-
terproofed corrugated card, for example, can be used for insulation. Screed-covered ducts
must be protected against the hot screed mass with 2 - 3 layers of waterproofed corrugated
P Avoid cavities! Hager is not liable for any damaged cause by improper installation on the
duct system or the floor box in conjunction with hot screed!
Expansion pressure of the screed plate:
According to the size of the screed plate and the composition of the screen, it is possible that
the boxes may press against the electraplan.BK duct whilst the screed is hardening. For this,
Hager can offer a matching self-adhesive foam rubber strip (BKZM203), which is fitted in the up-
per profile area, in order to reduce the expansion pressure of the screed plate on the duct. The
use of the foam rubber strip must be agreed with the screed layer.

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Floor structure
A decisive criterion in the correct selection is the floor structure. The screed height specifies the
amount of play for the underfloor installation. Different products and solutions are used, depend-
ing on the height. It is ever often the case that the screed height is even thinner for reasons of
cost. Hager can offer a range of finished solutions for this. However, should the screed height
be extremely low, then special, project-related special solutions can be provide assistance here.

Ab 50 mm Ab 75 mm Ab 100 mm Ab 105 mm

Image 14: Floor structure

Floor structure 50 mm
The two hinged covers KDQ08x and KDE04x were developed
specially for the requirements, in which only a screed height of 50
mm or more is available.
Thanks to their horizontally arranged socket outlets in the
GBES2x device casing, the hinged covers are suitable anywhere
where the screed height is only very low. Special solutions can
also be used to install data technology in the two hinged covers.

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual
Floor structure 75 mm
From a screed height of 75 mm, standard supply units with device
carrier of type GTVR400, GTVR300 can be used for socket
outlets or GTVD300, GTVD200 for data technology.
Here, a large selection of sizes and combination options are

Floor structure 105 mm

Stainless steel cassettes can be used with floor structure heights
of 105 mm or more. The stainless steel cassettes can be
equipped with the standard device carriers in the same way as
the supply units.
Here too, there is a large selection of sizes and combination op-
tions. If a higher load is required, the heavy duty variant is availa-
ble in the same sizes.

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Information on the floor covering and for the floor layer

Information on the floor covering
When selecting the floor covering materials, it should be noted that floor installation systems
are subject to the impacts of payloads and must be classified using testing loads of 500 N up to
20,000 N, in accordance with DIN EN 500 85.
In so doing, dynamic bending of up to 6 mm and residual deformations of up to 3 mm shall not
be considered faults. Evenness dimensions for finished floors can be found in DIN 18202 Tab. 3
Line 3.
Self-carrying layer thicknesses for facing concrete, artificial resin, mastic asphalts, as well tiles
or natural stone can therefore prevent later crack formation of the covering with changing dy-
namic loads.
Even small bends can cause damage to thin, hard floor coverings, such as tiles. Thick floor cov-
erings, such as granite plates, increase the load capacity of the underfloor system, producing a
more beneficial load distribution.

Information for the floor layer

The floor covering, carpet, tiles, laminate, etc. to be laid must be installed correctly according
to VOB Part C/DIN 18352, DIN 18353 and DIN 18365. In addition, possible trip points must be
avoided using suitable measures, in accordance with the Workplaces Ordinance ArbStättV ASR
A1.5/1.2 Floors of the German Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.
Preconditions for laying floor coverings
Before the floor covering can be laid, the following conditions must be fulfilled:
– Dust and dirt must be removed from the floor ducts and universal floor boxes, in order to im-
prove the adhesion of the floor coverings.
– Coverings made of wooden materials for covers must be treated on both sides, so that they
do not warp. With single-sided adhesion, use double-sided carpet tape.
– With many wooden materials, it is wise to plan for expansion joints, which compensate for
expansion and also shrinkage. These are then located, for example, along the side walls of
floor ducts and on outer frames of cassettes.
– With floor coverings, observe the course of the surface structure.
– Long-tufted floor covers can get in the way when inserting the duct covers.
Laying floor covers on BKB / BKG ducts
When laying floor coverings on BKB and BKG ducts, particular attention must be placed to
these two points:
– With hard floor coverings, such as wood or tiles, expansion joints must be planned for.
– With floor coverings that tend to fray, the edges should be sealed.
Laying floor covers on BKF(D) / BKW(D) ducts
– A covering joint cover (BKZBSA7011) should be preferred to the covering joint edge for light-
ly fraying textile floor coverings. These are available in 2.4 m lengths.
– Use the cut floor covering to lay the duct covering.
– Work hard floor coverings, such as wood or tiles, up to the inner side of the plastic profile.
– With hard floor coverings, such as wood or tiles, expansion joints must always be planned
– A PVC floor covering can be welded to the covering joint edge.
Special features for cassettes with covering joint edge
– Work hard floor coverings, such as wood or tiles, up to the cassette which has already been

inserted. Always plan for an expansion unit to the supply unit.

– With hard coverings, an expansion joint should also be planned in the cover flap.
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Determining the cable volume

A key point in the selection of the correct trunking is the cable volume, i.e. the quantity of cables
that must be routed in the trunking. As cables cannot usually be routed in an absolutely straight
line on account of their properties (mostly sold from reels), cables can thus not be located close
together and in parallel in the duct system.

Image 15: Cable volume

To calculate the cable volume, not only the cable diameter must be used as a basis, but the
formula (d)² must be included as a basis for calculation.

Image 16: Determining the cable volume

On the next page, we have listed the space requirements/duct cross-section for the most com-
mon duct types.
P The listed values are average values, which can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer.
P Refer to the manufacturer’s data for the exact values.
Use the following table for the correct selection of the duct size. In addition, these factors from
the current DIN/VDE standards must be observed:
– Usable cross-section of the duct
– Filling factor
– Heating up of the routed cables
– Separation of heavy and weak current
– Bend radii

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Art. number Art. designation Width Height Height Duct cross sec- Number of
[mm] min max tion cables (3 x 1.5
[mm] [mm] [cm²] 2 mm²) 3
AKU1500401 On-floor duct base 150 40 X 60 24
On-floor duct, screed-flush
BKF400105 416 105 150 540 223
with the film
On-floor duct, screed-flush
BKW200060 216 60 100 88 36
with the trough
On-floor duct, screed-flush
BKFD150065 170 65 110 121 50
with the film/sealing option
On-floor duct, screed-flush
BKWD200090 220 90 130 143 59
with the trough/sealing option
Screed-flush floor duct with
BKB25085 250 85 X 212 45
BKG30060 Screed-flush floor duct, closed 300 60 X 154 16
Underfloor duct, 3-compart-
UK340483 340 48 X 163 65
ment, screed-covered
2) Values are rounded 3) Values are rounded / duct assignment of 50 %

Table 1: Duct size/duct cross-section/number of cables

P Further details on Table 1 can be found in the Appendix.
Bend radii
Bend radii are dealt with in the standard VDE 0298 (Part 3) and must be complied with when
routing cables in floor installation systems.

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Cable volume of most common installation cables

Jacketed cable, rigid

External diameter Bending Cable volume

[mm] radius [cm²]
NYM-J 3G1.5 8.4 4xD 0.71
NYM-J 3G2.5 9.6 4xD 0.92
NYM-J 3G4 11.3 4xD 1.28
NYM-J 3G6 12.8 4xD 1.64
NYM-J 3G10 14.7 4xD 2.16
NYM-J 3G16 19.0 4xD 3.61
NYM-J 5G1.5 10.0 4xD 1.00
NYM-J 5G2.5 12.0 4xD 1.44
NYM-J 5G4 14.0 4xD 1.96
NYM-J 5G6 15.5 4xD 2.40
NYM-J 5G10 19.5 4xD 3.80
NYM-J 5G16 23.4 4xD 5.48
Table 2: Cable volume, jacketed cable, rigid

Jacketed cable, flexible

External diameter Bending Cable volume

[mm] radius [cm²]
H05VV-F 3G1.5 8.2 3xD 0.67
H05VV-F 3G2.5 9.8 3xD 0.96
H05VV-F 5G1.5 10.2 3xD 1.04
H05VV-F 5G2.5 13 3xD 1.69
Table 3: Cable volume, jacketed cable, flexible
P The data for the external diameter and cable volume is estimates and is rounded. Refer to
the manufacturer’s data for exact details.

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IT data cables

External diameter Bending Cable volume

[mm] radius [cm²]
Cat 5e 1x4xAWG 22/7 shielded 6.5 4xD 0.42
Cat 6 4x2xAWG 23/1 shielded 7.4 4xD 0.55
Cat 6 4x2xAWG 23/1 unshielded 6.4 4xD 0.41
Cat 6a 4x2x AWG 23/1 U/UTP 6.4 4xD 0.41
Cat 6a 4x2x/ AWG 23/1 U/FTP 7.2 4xD 0.52
Cat 6a 4x2x/ AWG 23/1 F/FTP 7.5 4xD 0.56
Cat 6a 4x2x/ AWG 23/1 S/FTP 7.4 4xD 0.55
Cat 7a 4x2x/ AWG 22/1 S/FTP 8.6 4xD 0.74
Cat 7a 4x2x AWG 26/7 flex S/FTP 5.8 4xD 0.34

Cat 6 2x(4x2xAWG 23/1) shielded 7.4 x 15.0 4xD 11.10

Cat 6 2x(4x2xAWG 23/1) unshielded 6.4 x 12.8 4xD 8.19
Cat 6a 2x (4x2x AWG23/1) U/FTP 7.4 x 15.0 4xD 11.10
Cat 6a 2x (4x2x AWG23/1) F/FTP 7.5 x 15.2 4xD 11.40
Cat 6a 2x (4x2x AWG23/1) S/FTP 7.4 x 15.0 4xD 11.10
Cat 7a 2x (4x2x AWG22/1) S/FTP 8.6 x 17.5 4xD 15.05
Table 4: Cable volume, data cables

Fibre optic cables

External diameter Bending Cable volume

[mm] radius [cm²]
Internal cables 1x6 6.5 15xD 0.42
1x8 6.5 15xD 0.42
1 x 12 6.5 15xD 0.42
1 x 24 7 15xD 0.49
2 x 12 8.3 10xD 0.69
4 x 12 8.6 10xD 0.74
6 x 12 8.6 10xD 0.74
8 x 12 9.9 10xD 0.98
12 x 12 11.4 10xD 1.30

Duplex cables 2x1 5.6 x 3.2 5xD 1.79

Table 5: Cable volume, fibre optic cables
P The data for the external diameter and cable volume is estimates and is rounded. Refer to
the manufacturer’s data for exact details.

P Further details on the duct area and cable volume can be found in the “Appendix”

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Power supply and device installation units

Supply units VQ/VE/VR
The supply units are the tried-and-trusted solution for office installations with carpeted floors.
They are available in plastic or metal. The solution is not connected to the substrate, but is
clamped to the UDB floor box or directly onto the screed using the universal fastening claw.

Supply units

Nominal sizes Q12, R12, R10,E09, Q06, R06,

Number of socket 12,10,9,6
Floor covering depth 5 mm, 12 mm
Version Blank, cable outlet
Minimum installation 60 mm, 75 mm, 82 mm
Material Plastic, stainless steel
Colours RAL 7011, RAL 9005, stainless steel
Table 6: Overview of supply units

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Stainless steel cassette EKQ/EKR/EKSQ/EKSR
The cassettes can be levelled to be flush with the height of the floor and can be completely
decoupled from the socket base. Cassettes are particularly suitable for floor coverings like tiles
or parquet. Various versions are available for dry/moist and wet cleaned floor coverings. The
stainless steel cassettes offer continuous quality and also look attractive.
Levellable stainless steel cassettes for dry or moist cleaned floors are available in two versions.
The minimum installation depth from the top edge of the finished floor is 100 mm for the blank
stainless steel cassette and between 105 and 115 mm for stainless steel cassettes with device
casing. The device casings can be lowered in stages down to 18 mm and a mounting device for
a locking extension is possible.

Stainless steel cassette EKQ/EKR/EKSQ/EKSR


Nominal sizes Q12, R12, Q06, R06,

Number of socket 12.6
Floor covering depth 23 mm, 38 mm
Version Blank, cable outlet, cone
Minimum installation 100 mm, 105 mm, 115 mm
Material Stainless steel
Colours Stainless steel
Table 7: Overview of stainless steel cassettes

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Wet-cleaned supply units VANR

The VANR wet-cleaned supply units are suitable for greater

loads, such as car showrooms, and especially for floor coverings
such as tiles or stone floors. The supply units are made of alumin-
ium and are available with various cover versions.

Wet-cleaned supply unit VANR


Nominal sizes R12, R02

Number of socket 12/6
Floor covering depth 3 mm, none
Version Tube
Minimum installation 90 mm
Material Aluminium
Colours Aluminium, Aluminium/RAL9005, Aluminium/Al-
Table 8: Overview of wet cleaned supply units

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UD floor box set UDKPQ

The UD floor box set series is supplied as a complete installation

unit. The installation unit consists of a floor box as a screed lining
and either a stainless steel cassette or supply unit for device
installation. The individual elements for device installation are
included in the scope of delivery. The floor box is installed directly
on the raw concrete and connected with flexible installation tubes.
In addition, if necessary, the floor tank can be combined individu-
ally from the individual parts and assembled on the construction

UD floor box set


Nominal sizes Q06

Number of socket 6
Floor covering depth 5 mm, 23 mm
Version Cable outlet
Minimum installation 95 mm, 105 mm
Material Plastic/stainless steel
Colours Stainless steel, RAL 7011, RAL 9005

Table 9: Overview, UD floor box set


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Floor socket outlets BSR02

The BS floor socket outlets are particularly suitable where aes-

thetics, a high load capacity and versatile functionality are re-
Handling is both safe and simple: Insert the pipelines into the
installation space. The installation space is closed with a cover.
The installation box of the floor socket outlets is pre-equipped
with two sockets outlets. Next to the socket outlets, there is space
for a maximum of two connection sockets for network applica-

Floor socket outlet BSR02


Nominal sizes R02

Number of socket 2
Floor covering depth None
Version Cable outlet, cone
Minimum installation 86 mm
Material Plastic, die-cast zinc
Colours Old copper, old brass, silver, RAL 7011, RAL 9005

Table 10: Overview, floor socket outlet BS


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Hinged cover for flat floor mounting KDQ/KDE
Special solutions are required for low assembling heights. The
KDQ/KDE series contains hinged covers special for very flat floor
With the help of a special socket outlet GBExx, this series can al-
low power supplies, even with a floor mounting of 50 mm of more.

Supply units

Nominal sizes Q08, E04

Number of socket 8/4
Floor covering depth 5 mm, 8 mm, 12 mm
Version Blank, cable outlet
Minimum installation 50 mm, 60 mm
Material Plastic
Colours RAL 7011, RAL 9005

Table 11: Overview, hinged cover for flat floor structure


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IP degree of protection
The IP degree of protection of floor installation systems is tested and categorised according to
EN 50085-2-2 and the type of floor care according to EN 60529. Floor installation systems are
only intended for use in interior areas.
The supply unit is tested in its used and unused states to determine the degree of protection. All
the duct systems and supply units must fulfil at least the IP 20 degree of protection in the used
and unused states.
In addition to the categorisation of the IP degree of protection, with wet cleaning, it must be en-
sured that, in the used state, all the openings through which cables exit must be at least 10 mm
above the floor surface.
The floor covering cleaning type - dry, moist, wet - is the decisive factor in the selection of the
suitable supply unit.
Dry cleaning
Dry cleaned floors are primarily textile floor covers, which are cleaned by sucking up the dirt
(with small amounts of liquids or completely without). Should a cleaning solution be used, then
it must be dosed as low as possible, in order to prevent puddle formation or the floor covering
being soaked through.
Moist cleaning
Smooth floor coverings such as linoleum, PVC, laminate, parquet or polished stone floors fulfil
the requirements for moist care of the floor covering. The building cleaning trade defines this
type of floor covering as a manner of binding dust with moistened or prepared cleaning textiles.
Wet cleaning
Wet cleaning is primarily used with stone coverings, tiles, ceramic floors, linoleum and PVC.
This type of cleaning removes particularly tough and sticky contamination. In so doing, as much
cleaning liquid is applied in the first cleaning operation with cleaning textiles as is required to
soften contamination and release it. In a second operation, this liquid is wiped up again, togeth-
er with the contamination, using cleaning textiles.

IP 2 3

(International Protection)

Gegen Eindringen von festen


Gegen Eindringen von


Image 17: Arrangement of IP code


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Component Digits or letter Meaning for the protec- Meaning for the pro-
tion of the resource tection of people
Code letters IP - -
First code digit Against the ingress of sol- Against access to dan-
id foreign bodies gerous parts with
0 Not protected Not protected
1 ≥ 50 mm diameter Back of the hand
2 ≥ 12.5 mm diameter Finger
3 ≥ 2.5 mm diameter Tool
4 ≥ 1.0 mm diameter Wire
5 Dust-protected Wire
6 Dust-tight Wire

Second code digit Against the ingress of wa-

ter with hazard impacts
0 Not protected
1 Vertical droplet
2 Droplet (15° incline)
3 Spray water
4 Splash water -
5 Water jet
6 Strong water jet
7 Temporary immersion
8 Continuous immersion
9 High pressure and high
water jet temperature
Table 12: Components of the IP code and their meaning

IK degree of impact resistance

The IK code according to (DIN) EN 50102 is a dimension for knock and impact loads. The IK
code specifies the maximum mechanical load of housings of electrical resources/equipment.

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Mechanical/thermal loads
Mechanical and thermal loads (load) are forces impacting on the floor installation duct system
from outside. With improper installation and use, mechanical forces can cause deformations
and destruction. Thermal forces, cause by excessive sunlight and/or heated screeds, cause the
installed materials to expand. This can lead to crack formation.
Loads and their impacts on installation systems
Floor installation duct systems are exposed to the traffic loads typical for the building. They must
withstand the loads occurring at the place of use and, in so doing, maintain their function. The
loads can be triggered by different factors:
– Being walked over by people
– Stands of office furniture
– Loads from vehicles and means of transport
The load is applied directly to the floor or the entire ceiling construction. This means that the
load also has a direct influence on the installation floor installation systems.

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Standardisation and testing

The EN 50085 series of standards specifies the general requirements for electrical installation
duct systems. In particular, Part 2-2 describes the requirements for floor installation systems
and took effect in July 2009.
The standard is divided up into two sections:
– Erector specifications
The electrical installation engineer is usually responsible for compliance with the require-
ments described in the erector specifications.
– Device testing specifications
The device test specifications specify the testing criteria of the products/devices. The manu-
facturer of the products/device is responsible for compliance with it.
Device testing specifications
– Define the function of the product/device
– Define the load capacity of the product/device
– Define the area of use of the product/device
– Are primarily responsible for the safety of the product/device (e.g. protection against
electric shocks)
Classification of floor installation systems
EN 50085-1, as a general section for electrical installation duct systems, and EN 50085-2-2, as
a system-specific section for floor installation systems, prescribe a classification of the products.
This standardises product properties across Europe. For the first time, a standard for installa-
tion systems has also been given an optional load test for vertical loads that impact over a large
area (heavy duty).

Classification according to EN 50085-1

6.1 Based on material
6.2 Based on impact resistance
6.3 Based on temperature
6.4 Based on resistance to flame propagation
6.5 Based on electrical conductivity
6.6 Based on electrical insulating properties
6.7 Based on degrees of protection afforded by housing/casing in accordance with EN 0529:1991
6.8 Based on protection against corrosive or contaminated substances
6.9 Based on fastening type for system duct cover
6.10 Based on electrical protection separation
Classification according to EN 50085-2-2
6.101 Based on type of floor care
6.102 Based on resistance to vertical loads applied to a small area (Ø +/-13 mm)
6.103 Based on resistance to vertical loads applied to a large area (Ø +/-130 mm)

Table 13: Classification according to EN 50085


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Load testing of electrical installation duct systems
Electrical installation duct systems for electrical installations must conform with the standard
(DIN) EN 50085-2-2.
The standard states that electrical installation duct systems must possess sufficient mechanical
Load capacity for screed-flush duct systems (BK) and their installation units
(DIN) EN 50085-2-2 defines load classes for two applications.
Tests are carried out according to:
– 6.102 with a stamp (Ø 13 mm) for standard applications (Image 18, left)
– 6.103 with a plate (Ø 130 mm) for high loads (Image 18, right)

D - Diameter 13.3 ± 0.1 mm D - Diameter 130 ± 0.5 mm

Image 18: Test die (left) / test plate (right)

Testing Load class (DIN) EN 50085

6.102.1 500 N
6.102.2 750 N
6.102.3 1000 N
Standard application (tested with test
6.102.4 1500 N
die 13 mm)
6.102.5 2000 N
6.102.6 2500 N
6.102.7 3000 N

6.103.1 2000 N
6.103.2 3000 N
High load (tested with a test plate Ø
6.103.3 5000 N
130 mm)
6.103.4 10000 N
6.103.5 15000 N

Table 14: Load classes according to (DIN) EN 50085-2-2

P The testing of the floor installation systems with high load requirements may be dealt with in
the standard (DIN) EN 500085-2-2, but the bending during the test (6 mm) permitted in the
standard and that after the test (≤ 3 mm) is not practical. Bending of this magnitude inevita-

bly leads to damage to hard floor coverings (e.g. tiles).

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Load capacity of screed-covered floor installation systems
Screed-covered duct systems are only subjected to a load during the installation phase. After
this, ducts are “protected” by the screed layer and the traffic loads are distributed across the
In general, it is considered that all screed-covered duct systems must be constructed in such a
way so as to be stable enough to withstand the loads occurring on the construction site during
storage, transport and processing.

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Basic manual

Erector specifications
The erector specifications according to DIN VDE describe a wide range of points, which the
electrician must observe and comply with during the construction and installation of the floor
installation systems.
The erector specifications are particularly important for:
– Safety (protection against electric shock)
– Maintenance of function - function maintenance
– Electromagnetic compatibility
– Fire protection
The following section explains some of the key points from the erector specifications:
Protection against electric shock
For the erection of a cable system with electrical installation duct systems, multiple standards
from the VDE 0100 series are important, in particular:
– DIN VDE 0100-410:2018-10, which describes the protection measures for protection against
electric shock, as well as
– DIN VDE 0100-520:2013-06, which describes the selection and erection of cable systems.
Electrical installation duct systems are a component part of the cable system (Section 520.3.1 in
DIN VDE 0100-520) and thus of the electrical installation. They are thus not covered by Section
411.3.1.2 of DIN VDE 0100-410.

In Section 410, DIN VDE 0100-410 refers to DIN EN 61140 (VDE 0140-1), which, as a basic
safety standard, describes the shared requirements for protection against electric shock for
electrical systems and resources. Accordingly, the basic rule of protection against electric shock
is that dangerous active parts may not be touchable and touchable, electrically conductive parts,
may not become dangerous active parts, neither under normal conditions, nor under conditions
of individual errors.

In addition, it describes that safety measures against electric shocks must consist of a suitable
combination of two independent protective measures - of a basic protection measure and an
error protection measure.

In a cable system, a basic protection measure would typically be basic insulation (e.g. wire insu-
lation) or a protective housing.
An error protection measure is frequently the automatic switch-off of the power supply (Section
411) or double insulation (Section 412).

Table A.52.1 of DIN VDE 0100-520 defines that insulated cables (wire cables) may only be used
in the electrical installation duct systems to be opened (including underfloor systems) if the duct
system offers at least the protection rating IP4x and can only be opened with a tool. Jacketed
cables can be used without restrictions.

In addition, Section 526.5 of DIN VDE 0100-520 defines that electrical connections must be
made in suitable jacketing (e.g. boxes or in resources, if planned).
Metallic duct systems must be included in the safety measures and the equipotential bonding.
This guarantees protection against electric shock according to DIN VDE 0100-410 and electro-
magnetic compatibility (EMC) according to EN 50310, EN 50173, EN 50174-2.

Mechanical load of cables

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According to DIN VDE 0298, specific values for strain relief and bend radii may not be under-
shot during the routing of heavy current cables and data cables. The standard also describes
the permitted types of fastenings of cables using clips and their strain reliefs.
Separation of different services
DIN VDE 0100-520 states that cables of different voltage classes may only be installed togeth-
er in a routing system if all the cables have protective insulation against the highest occurring
voltage. Separating webs can be used to separate the different cables, as can the guarantee of
a sufficient spacing.
Fire protection
The avoidance of fires, particularly in public buildings, is the main aim of fire protection. The
spread of fire and particularly of smoke into other fire sections must be prevented with all the
means available for a sufficiently long period of time. This provides the opportunity to take es-
cape, rescue and extinguishing measures.
Fire protection measures should be taken on duct systems connecting/crossing fire sections,
escape and rescue routes. The directives for cable systems (M)LAR system floors (M)SysBör
regulate this in more detail.

The main causes for a fire on heavy current cables are:

– Incomplete short circuits or ground faults, e.g. on mechanically or thermally damaged ca-
– Incorrect electrical connections, e.g. through a loose contact
– Heat build-ups

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Equipotential bonding
The certified floor installation system must offer the option of being included in the equipotential
All the Hager underfloor cable duct systems are constructed in such a way that the connection
and inclusion in the equipotential bonding is possible without major work.
The earthing clamp BKZSAK00 is used to include the duct system in the equipotential bonding.
The earthing clamp is inserted in the existing grooves and screwed tight. The terminal area is
designed for a conductor cross-section of up to 4 mm².

Touchable, electrically conductive electrical installation duct systems are not included in the
protective equipotential bonding (see Section 411.3.1.2 of DIN VDE 0100-410) and thus are not
to be used as an error protection measure. However, they can, for example, for EMC reasons,
be included in the functional equipotential bonding or in the additional protective equipotential
bonding and in the lightning protection equipotential bonding.

Conversely, this means that the resources installed within the electrical installation duct system
must automatically fulfil the requirements for basic protection and error protection. This also
includes the cable systems according to DIN VDE 410 Section 412.2.4.

The floor installation system is an electrical installation duct system and does not fulfil the
requirements for double insulation (VDE 0100-410 Section 412). This means that the use of
conductors with basic protection (e.g. H07V-K) is not permitted. At least jacketed cables (e.g.
NYM-J) must be used, which end or are connected in suitable jackets (e.g. in boxes or in re-
sources). Strain relief must always be provided.

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Inter-unit working
On today’s construction sites, inter-unit working is a matter of course and the associated inten-
sive communication with the neighbouring units essential.
For this reason, we at Hager recommend, at the beginning of the construction phase and in
agreement with the construction management, co-ordination between electricians and the con-
terminous inter-unit working, in order to guarantee a flawless procedure for installing the floor
installation system and the quality of the entire construction section.
Inter-unit working - Screed work
Screed-flush cable duct systems and the connector boxes of the screed-covered duct system
are a binding draw-off gauge for the screed. The levelling height of the system components is
aligned to the structural specifications of the construction management (observe the cutting
The screed layer must work, compact and draw off the screed carefully in the area of the con-
nector boxes and cable trunking. Screed can be destroyed through crack formation. Screed-
flush systems and system components may not be subjected to loads before the screed has
finally hardened, in order to avoid crack formation in the screed.
General information for screed layers
The duct system levelled to the target screed height and the levelled floor boxes may not be
subject to a load, walked on or opened before the target screed stability is reached. With cov-
ers with snap fastenings, the transport lock screws of the cover may only be removed when
the screed has hardened. Screed-flush ducts and floor boxes must be levelled to the intended
height before screed laying (construction side height line). The screed layer should check the
levelling height. Smooth and compress screed well on the screed-flush ducts and floor boxes.
Only this achieves the required load capacity. All the duct openings larger than the grain size
used must be sealed.
Inter-unit working - Floor covering work
The company responsible for the floor covering work is also responsible for the exact routing
and adaptation of the floor covering to the connector boxes and cable outlets.
The exact joint dimensions must be clarified in advance with the construction management.
The covers of the screed-flush connector boxes must also be covered with floor covering.
Any carpet used must be permanently laid and must be resistant to cutting.
Inter-unit working - Building cleaning
In particular during the initial cleaning of the floor surfaces, building installation units and instal-
lation spaces must be carefully cleaned of construction dust and other impurities, so that their
function does not lead to impairments later.

P During the use phase, building installation units must be checked for their intended use and
possible damage, in order to avoid later damage (Facility Management / Electricians).
P In particular, device installation units for wet cleaned floors are to be maintained regularly
and the seals checked for their function. For this, it is necessary to relubricate the seal regu-
larly (Facility Management / Electricians).

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Sound protection and impact noise

The aim of sound protection in buildings is to prevent sound from being transferred between
various rooms and/or floors. The DIN 4109 standard contains guidelines on sound and impact
noise levels in residential buildings. Impact noise con‌sists of two types of sound.
Airborne sound travels through the air, whereas structure-borne sound travels through solid

Standard DIN 4109 specifies noise limits Ln,w that must not be exceeded in cert‌ain areas of
Examples of segment-related noise limits:
– Office buildings: Residential dividing ceilings and ceilings between third-party office rooms
Ln,w ≤ 53 dB
– Recreation rooms and hotels (increased sound protection requirements):
Ln,w ≤ 46 dB

The following always applies: The lower the values, the better the impact noise insulation is. The
value can be reduced, for instance, by laying a floor covering (such as carpet). The transfer of
impact noise can also be reduced by laying the screed on an insulation layer (“floating screed”).

Impact noise reduction for floor installation systems

Reducing the transfer of impact noise is also relevant when laying underfloor installations. A
test institute was therefore engaged to measure the impact noise reduction in selected Hager
products. The requested test consisted of the measurement of the vertical spread of the struc-
ture-borne sound, in other words the transmission of sound between floors.

Müller-BBM GmbH measured the impact noise reduction in the ceiling test station in accordance
with the DIN EN ISO 10140 standard and evaluated the findings in accordance with the ISO
717-2 standard.
The results of the measurement of the impact noise reduction are summarised below for the
floor duct and the stainless steel cassette.

The installation of the floor duct has no significant influence on the impact noise re-
duction of the sc‌reed.

The installation of the stainless steel cassette has no significant influence on the im-
pact noise reduction of the sc‌reed.

► You can find detailed information and an evaluation of the impact noise at

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Basic manual

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual


Overview of floor installation systems - cable assignment

Cable assignment, BKF ducts




Duct Max. cable as-

Nominal External Levelling Usable
height b signment Ø 11
Ducts dimen- width a range cross-section
max. mm
sion [mm] [mm] [cm2]
[mm] Filling level 0.5
BKF150045 150 166 70 45-70 77 31
BKF150065 150 166 110 65-110 121 50
BKF150105 150 166 150 105-150 165 68
BKF150145 150 166 190 145-190 209 86
BKF200045 200 216 70 45-70 112 46
BKF200065 200 216 110 65-110 176 72
BKF200105 200 216 150 105-150 240 99
BKF200145 200 216 190 145-190 304 125
BKF250045 250 266 70 45-70 147 60
BKF250065 250 266 110 65-110 231 95
BKF250105 250 266 150 105-150 315 130
BKF250145 250 266 190 145-190 399 164
BKF300045 300 316 70 45-70 182 75
BKF300065 300 316 110 65-110 286 118
BKF300105 300 316 150 105-150 390 161
BKF300145 300 316 190 145-190 494 204
BKF350045 350 366 70 45-70 217 89
BKF350065 350 366 110 65-110 341 140
BKF350105 350 366 150 105-150 465 192
BKF350145 350 366 190 145-190 589 243
BKF400045 400 416 70 45-70 252 104
BKF400065 400 416 110 65-110 396 163
BKF400105 400 416 150 105-150 540 223
BKF400145 400 416 190 145-190 684 282
BKF500045 500 516 70 45-70 322 133
BKF500065 500 516 110 65-110 506 209
BKF500105 500 516 150 105-150 690 285
BKF500145 500 516 190 145-190 874 361
BKF600045 600 616 70 45-70 392 161
BKF600065 600 616 110 65-110 616 254
BKF600105 600 616 150 105-150 840 347

BKF600145 600 616 190 145-190 1064 439

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Cable assignment, BKW ducts



Max. cable
Nominal Drawing Levelling assignment
External cross-sec-
Ducts dimen- height range Ø 11 mm
width [mm] tion
sion [mm] [mm] Filling level
BKW150040 150 166 28 40 - 60 37,5 15
BKW150050 150 166 38 50 - 70 50,9 21
BKW150060 150 166 48 60 - 100 64,3 26
BKW150070 150 166 58 70 - 110 77,7 32
BKW200060 200 216 48 60 - 100 88,3 36
BKW200070 200 216 58 70 - 110 106,7 44
BKW200080 200 216 68 80 - 120 125,1 51
BKW200090 200 216 78 90 - 130 143,5 59
BKW250060 250 266 48 60 - 100 112,3 46
BKW250070 250 266 58 70 - 110 135,7 56
BKW250080 250 266 68 80 - 120 159,1 65
BKW250090 250 266 78 90 - 130 182,5 75
BKW300060 300 316 48 60 - 100 136,3 56
BKW300070 300 316 58 70 - 110 164,7 68
BKW300080 300 316 68 80 - 120 193,1 79
BKW300090 300 316 78 90 - 130 221,5 91
BKW350060 350 366 48 60 - 100 160,3 66
BKW350070 350 366 58 70 - 110 193,7 80
BKW350080 350 366 68 80 - 120 227,1 93
BKW350090 350 366 78 90 - 130 260,5 107
BKW400060 400 416 48 60 - 100 184,3 76
BKW400070 400 416 58 70 - 110 222,7 92
BKW400080 400 416 68 80 - 120 261,1 107
BKW400090 400 416 78 90 - 130 299,5 123
BKW500060 500 516 48 60 - 100 232,3 96
BKW500070 500 516 58 70 - 110 280,7 116
BKW500080 500 516 68 80 - 120 329,1 136
BKW500090 500 516 78 90 - 130 377,5 156
BKW600060 600 616 48 60 - 100 280,3 115
BKW600070 600 616 58 70 - 110 338,7 139
BKW600080 600 616 68 80 - 120 397,1 164
BKW600090 600 616 78 90 - 130 455,5 188

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Cable assignment, BKFD ducts



Usable Max. cable as-

Nominal Levelling
External width Duct height cross-sec- signment
Ducts dimen- range
[mm] max. [mm] tion Ø 11 mm
sion [mm]
[cm2] Filling level 0.5
BKFD150045 150 170 70 45-70 77 31
BKFD150065 150 170 110 65-110 121 50
BKFD150105 150 170 150 105-150 165 68
BKFD150145 150 170 190 145-190 209 86
BKFD200045 200 220 70 45-70 112 46
BKFD200065 200 220 110 65-110 176 72
BKFD200105 200 220 150 105-150 240 99
BKFD200145 200 220 190 145-190 304 125
BKFD250045 250 270 70 45-70 147 60
BKFD250065 250 270 110 65-110 231 95
BKFD250105 250 270 150 105-150 315 130
BKFD250145 250 270 190 145-190 399 164
BKFD300045 300 320 70 45-70 182 75
BKFD300065 300 320 110 65-110 286 118
BKFD300105 300 320 150 105-150 390 161
BKFD300145 300 320 190 145-190 494 204
BKFD350045 350 370 70 45-70 217 89
BKFD350065 350 370 110 65-110 341 140
BKFD350105 350 370 150 105-150 465 192
BKFD350145 350 370 190 145-190 589 243
BKFD400045 400 420 70 45-70 252 104
BKFD400065 400 420 110 65-110 396 163
BKFD400105 400 420 150 105-150 540 223
BKFD400145 400 420 190 145-190 684 282
BKFD500045 500 520 70 45-70 322 133
BKFD500065 500 520 110 65-110 506 209
BKFD500105 500 520 150 105-150 690 285
BKFD500145 500 520 190 145-190 874 361
BKFD600045 600 620 70 45-70 392 161
BKFD600065 600 620 110 65-110 616 254
BKFD600105 600 620 150 105-150 840 347
BKFD600145 600 620 190 145-190 1064 439

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Cable assignment, BKWD ducts



Usable Max. cable as-

Nominal Drawing
External width Levelling cross-sec- signment
Ducts dimen- height
[mm] range [mm] tion Ø 11 mm
sion [mm]
[cm2] Filling level 0.5
BKWD150040 150 170 28 40-60 37,5 15
BKWD150050 150 170 38 50-70 50,9 21
BKWD150060 150 170 48 60-100 64,3 26
BKWD200060 200 220 48 60-100 88,3 36
BKWD200070 200 220 58 70-110 106,7 44
BKWD200080 200 220 68 80-120 125,1 51
BKWD200090 200 220 78 90-130 143,5 59
BKWD250060 250 270 48 60-100 112,3 46
BKWD250070 250 270 58 70-110 135,7 56
BKWD250080 250 270 68 80-120 159,1 65
BKWD250090 250 270 78 90-130 182,5 75
BKWD300060 300 320 48 60-100 136,3 56
BKWD300070 300 320 58 70-110 164,7 68
BKWD300080 300 320 68 80-120 193,1 79
BKWD300090 300 320 78 90-130 221,5 91
BKWD350060 350 370 48 60-100 160,3 66
BKWD350070 350 370 58 70-110 193,7 80
BKWD350080 350 370 68 80-120 227,1 93
BKWD350090 350 370 78 90-130 260,5 107
BKWD400060 400 420 48 60-100 184,3 76
BKWD400070 400 420 58 70-110 222,7 92
BKWD400080 400 420 68 80-120 261,1 107
BKWD400090 400 420 78 90-130 299,5 123
BKWD500060 500 520 48 60-100 232,3 96
BKWD500070 500 520 58 70-110 280,7 116
BKWD500080 500 520 68 80-120 329,1 136
BKWD500090 500 520 78 90-130 377,5 156
BKWD600060 600 620 48 60-100 280,3 115
BKWD600070 600 620 58 70-110 338,7 139
BKWD600080 600 620 68 80-120 397,1 164
BKWD600090 600 620 78 90-130 455,5 188

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Cable assignment, BKB ducts


Max. cable as-
Duct width Duct height signment Ø 11
Ducts Version cross-section
[mm] [mm] mm
Filling level 0.5
BKB15085 150 85 2-compartment 10000 28
BKB25085 250 85 2-compartment 21250 45

Cable assignment, BKG ducts


Max. cable
Nomi- cross-section
Duct height Usable ment
nal di- External [cm²]
without lev- cross-sec- Ø 11 mm
Ducts men- width Duct height Version
elling screw tion Filling
sion [mm] incl.
[mm] [cm²] level 0.5
[mm] levelling
screw [mm]
BKG20060 2-compart-
200 200 60,3 73 104.7 8
BKG30060 3-compart-
300 300 60,3 73 154.2 16
BKG40060 3-compart-
400 400 60,3 73 214.2 37
BKG50060 4-compart-
500 500 60,3 73 263.7 50
BKG30080 3-compart-
300 300 80,3 93 205.6 28
BKG40080 3-compart-
400 400 80,3 93 285.6 60
BKG50080 4-compart-
500 500 80,3 93 351.6 77

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Cable assignment, UK ducts



Ducts Duct Duct Version Dimensions, Usable Max. cable as-

width height compartments cross-sec- signment
[mm] [mm] [mm] tion Ø 11 mm
[cm²] Filling level 0.5
UK190282 190 28 2-compartment 75/115 53,2 21(8 / 13)
UK190283 190 28 3-compartment 60/70/60 53,2 20(6 / 8 / 6)
UK190382 190 38 2-compartment 75/115 72,2 29(11 / 18)
UK190383 190 38 3-compartment 60/70/60 72,2 28(9 / 10 / 9)
UK190482 190 48 2-compartment 75/115 91,2 36(14 / 22)
UK190483 190 48 3-compartment 60/70/60 91,2 35(11 / 13 / 11)
UK240282 240 28 2-compartment 100/140 67,2 27(11 / 16)
UK240283 240 28 3-compartment 85/70/85 67,2 26(9 / 8 / 9)
UK240382 240 38 2-compartment 100/140 91,2 36(15 / 21)
UK240383 240 38 3-compartment 85/70/85 91,2 36(13 / 10 / 13)
UK240482 240 48 2-compartment 100/140 115,2 46(19 / 27)
UK240483 240 48 3-compartment 85/70/85 115,2 45(16 / 13 / 16)
UK340282 340 28 2-compartment 140/200 95,2 39(16 / 23)
UK340283 340 28 3-compartment 115/110/115 95,2 38(13 / 12 / 13)
UK340382 340 38 2-compartment 140/200 129,2 52(21 / 31)
UK340383 340 38 3-compartment 115/110/115 129,2 53(18 / 17 / 18)
UK340482 340 48 2-compartment 140/200 163,2 66(27 / 39)
UK340483 340 48 3-compartment 115/110/115 163,2 65(22 / 21 / 22)

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Cable assignment, AK ducts


Duct bases Duct Duct Version Usable Max.

width height cross-sec- cable assignment
[mm] [mm] tion Ø 11 mm
[cm²] Filling level 0.5
AKU1500401 150 40 Single-sided 60 24
AKU2000401 200 40 Single-sided 80 33
AKU2500401 250 40 Single-sided 100 41
AKU3000401 300 40 Single-sided 120 49
AKU1500701 150 70 Single-sided 105 43
AKU2000701 200 70 Single-sided 140 57
AKU2500701 250 70 Single-sided 175 72
AKU3000701 300 70 Single-sided 210 86
AKU3500701 350 70 Single-sided 245 101
AKU4000701 400 70 Single-sided 280 115
AKU1500402 150 40 Two-sided 60 24
AKU2000402 200 40 Two-sided 80 33
AKU2500402 250 40 Two-sided 100 41
AKU3000402 300 40 Two-sided 120 49
AKU1500702 150 70 Two-sided 105 43
AKU2000702 200 70 Two-sided 140 57
AKU2500702 250 70 Two-sided 175 72
AKU3000702 300 70 Two-sided 210 86
AKU3500702 350 70 Two-sided 245 101
AKU4000702 400 70 Two-sided 280 115

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Floor installation systems
Basic manual

Reference sources of standards and specifications

DIN VDE Normen VDE-Verlag GmbH
Merianstrasse 29
63069 Offenbach

Beuth-Verlag GmbH
Burggrafenstrasse 4-10
10772 Berlin, Germany

VBG Vorschriften Carl-Heymanns Verlag KG

Luxemburger Strasse 449
50939 Cologne, Germany

MLAR publication in the DIBt notifications

Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik
Kolonnenstrasse 30L
10829 Berlin, Germany

Procurement of DIBt notifications at

Verlag Ernst & Sohn
Bühringstrasse 310
13086 Berlin, Germany

VdS directives Gesamtverband der Deutschen

Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (GDV)
Amsterdamer Strasse 174
50735 Cologne, Germany

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