What Is Sin
What Is Sin
What Is Sin
Hamartema – to miss the mark. Here sin may be pictured as any attitude or act
of man, which does not hit the bull’s eye of God’s glory target.
SIN Is “any want of conformity unto or transgression of the law of God” (1 John
3:4; Romans 4:15), in the inward state and habit of the soul, as well as in the
outward conduct of the life, whether by omission or commission (Romans 6:12-
17; 7:5-24). It is “not a mere violation of the law of our constitution, nor of the
system of things, but an offense against a personal lawgiver and moral governor
who vindicates his law with penalties. The soul that sins is always conscious that
his sin
A. Lucifer brought the origin of sin into the universe – (Isaiah 14:12-15). Lucifer
led a wicked revolt against God himself in an insane attempt to dethrone the
rightful King, the Lord Jesus Christ. Lucifer degenerated into the devil and
became the source and strength of sin.
B. The origin of sin into the world – was brought by Adam and Eve ( Gen. 2:16,
Genesis 3:6:
All that’s in the world is the
Lust of the Flesh – Saw that the tree was good for food
She took of the fruit thereof and gave also unto her husband with her, and he did
The enemy had to first sow into the minds of man the seeds of distrust and
unbelief to get them to eat the forbidden fruit.
The Kinds of Sin
a. Sin of ignorance (Luke 23:34)
b. Sin of Infirmity (Romans 8:26)
c. Sin of Carelessness (1 Corinthians 10:12)
d. Sin of presumption (Romans 1:32)
Upon man it brings Physical Death and Spiritual Death.
Because of sin, all unsaved people will someday be forever separated from God
in the lake of fire.