Basic Science Pry 4 2nd T-Examss
Basic Science Pry 4 2nd T-Examss
Basic Science Pry 4 2nd T-Examss
SECOND TERM EXAMINATION 2023/2024 18. ________ is the first step before planting of crops.
SECTION A – OBJECTIVE A. Soil preparation B. Planting of crops C.
1. Which of these living things cannot be found in the Removing the weeds from the soil
soil? (a) monkey (b) earthworm (c) termite 19. _____ is the best place for all the weeds removed.
2. ______ is the thin layer of materials on the earth’s A. Waste bin B. Compost pit C. Waste bag
surface where plants grows (a) minerals (b) soil (c) 20. Water the crops ________. A. regularly B. once
water C. occasionally
3. ______ soil contains many small particles of broken- 21. ___ is the combination of two or more substances
down rocks. The particles stick together (a) sandy which have been stirred or shaken together (a)
(b) loamy (c) clayey gaseous (b) mixture (c) manure
4. ____ are important to human beings. We gets 22. _____ means any invention, including tools,
different kinds of food crops on them (a) land (b) machines, materials, techniques, and sources of
plant (c) soil power that makes work and lives easier for the
5. Which of the following is not an example of people (a) technology (b) computer (c) Facebook
gardening tools? (a) cutlass (b) watering can (c) 23. Which of the following is not an importance of
plant technology? (a) cooking gas (b) washing machine
6. _____ is a farm tool which consists of a very long (c) trade by barter
wooden handle with a strong metal head attached to 24. All of the following are examples product of
its base (a) rake (b) spade (c) hoe technology except (a) ATM machine (b) book (c)
7. _____ are used in tilling the soil, harvesting of crops motorcycle
like cassava, sweet potato and cocoyam, weeding 25. The standard metric units of volume are as follows
between the rows of crops (a) rake (b) spade (c) hoe except___(a) Litre (L) (b) Centilitre (CL) (c)
8. The_____is one of the commonest used farm tools Milligram (MG)
in Nigeria (a) rake (b) cutlass (c) shovel
9. ______ is a large metal container with a wheel at MARKING GUIDE (ANSWERS)
the front, two handles at the rear and two legs under 1.A 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C
the base also at the rear. It is pushed by lifting the 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.B 10.A
two handles slightly upward (a) watering can (b) 11.A 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.A
wheelbarrow (c) bicycle 16.C 17.C 18.C 19B 20.A
10. ______ soils have enough nutrients for healthy 21.B 22.A 23.C 24.B 25.C
growth of plants (a) fertile (b) soil (c) sand
11. ________ must be added to it to make plants grow
well (a) fertilizer (b) chemical (c) sun
12. Which of the following is not an example of
fertilizers to grow plants? (a) compost manure (b) THEORY
clayey (c) animal dung 1a. Define soil?
13. Before we grow crops, it is necessary to prepare 1b. List 3 type of soil?
the_____ (a) house (b) water (c) garden 1c. Mention any three animals that live in soil
14. Which of these is not a caution of taking care of 2a. Define Plant
growing plants? (a) do not touch hairy caterpillars 2b. Mention 3 different types of plant we grow
(b) water your plants everyday (c) use chemical 2c. Mention 3 examples of gardening tools and draw
everyday anyone and label it
15. ______ preparation is the process getting the ready 3a. List three things plant needs to grow
soil for cultivation of crops.It is an important step in 3b. Explain the meaning of mixture.
farming before planting of crops (a) soil (b) land (c) 3c. Enumerate 5 examples of common mixtures.
farm 4a. Meaning of Technology.
16. What is unwanted plants? A. Crops grown in a 4b. Mention 5 Importance of technology.
particular place. B. Crops not grown in a particular
place. C. Crops grown and transplant in a
particular place
17. ________ are unwanted plants. A. Plants B.
Crops C. Weeds