IEEE PEDES 2024 will be held at National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal from 18-
21 December 2024. The goal of PEDES is to provide a platform for conference, exhibition and tutorial on selected
Patron topics of contemporary interest. The conference provides a unique forum for the exchange of knowledge and
B Ravi information among the professionals across the globe in the area of power electronics, drives and energy system
Director, NITK, India subjects which have greater significance owing to the emphasis on energy affected by the climate change. The
conference aims at bringing together the users and researchers of electrical energy conversion systems and sub-
Honorary Chairs systems with the emphasis on technical content of the papers.
Andy Knight
President-IAS, Canada About NITK
Brad Lehman The National Institute of Technology Karnataka
President-PELS, USA (NITK), Surathkal has established itself as one of
Milos Manic the top technological institutions in India and richly
President-IES, USA deserved recognition as an Institute of National
Shay Bahramirad Importance under the NIT Act 2007. NITK,
President-PES, USA Surathkal is located in Mangalore City, Karnataka
State, India. The Institute was established as
General Chairs Karnataka Regional Engineering College (KREC)
R Kalpana in 1960, and upgraded as National Institute of
NITK Surathkal, India About Department Technology Karnataka (NITK) in 2002. Mangalore
P Parthiban is the headquarters of the coastal district of
NITK Surathkal, India The Department of Electrical and Electronics Dakshina Kannada, and boasts an important centre
Engineering (EEE) is one of the core departments of of education, business and trade in the state. Sri. U.
Brij N Singh
National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK) Srinivasa Mallya, a visionary and a philanthropist,
John Deere, USA
right from its inception in 1960 as erstwhile contributed immensely to the development of the
Technical Program Chairs Karnataka Regional Engineering College (KREC) coastal region of Karnataka, and his effort towards
Chandan Kumar with the under-graduate programme. The post- establishment of KREC (now NITK) is the most
IIT Guwahati, India graduate programme specialized in Power and significant one. In recognition of his role as the
Energy Systems started in the year 1992. Research founder and architect of the institute, the campus
Sanjeet Dwivedi programmes leading to doctoral degree (Ph.D.) were premises is named after him as Srinivasnagar.
Danfoss Drives A/S, Denmark introduced in the year 2003. The department has
Dinesh Kumar well-equipped state-of-the-art laboratories to
Danfoss Drives A/S, Denmark augment the coursework and enhance the research
Deepak Ronanki potentials. It has a dynamic group of faculties with
IIT Madras, India profound experience in academics, research and
industry, dedicated in teaching-learning process and
Publication Chairs actively engaged in the cutting-edge R&D activities.
Pradyumn Chaturvedi The department also undertakes many consultancy
VNIT Nagpur, India projects from industry and other organisations. A
Jaison Matthew good number of publications including patents,
GEC Thrissur, India international journals & conferences comes
throughout the year from its academicians and
Prajof P
NITK Surathkal, India
Plenary Chairs Technical Tracks
Akshay Kumar Rathore
SIT, Singapore ❖ Power Converters, Devices, EMI/EMC ❖ Renewable Energy Systems and Energy
Vinod Khadkikar and Packaging Storage
Khalifa University, UAE ❖ Electrical Machines and Industrial ❖ Smart Grids & Power Quality
Drives ❖ Power Engineering Educations and Issues
Finance Chair ❖ Transportation ❖ Applications of AI and ML Techniques to
Tukaram Moger ❖ Control and Automation Power Electronics
NITK Surathkal, India
D N Gaonkar Authors Guidelines Opening date of submission of
NITK Surathkal, India digest: 15-02-2024.
Last date of submission of digest:
Important Dates
Contact Details
Conference Secretariat, PEDES2024
Email: [email protected]