Assessment 6 Methyl Acetate
Assessment 6 Methyl Acetate
Assessment 6 Methyl Acetate
Competency level: Student must illustrate the ability to complete the provided assignment satisfactorily.
Students need to obtain a performance mark of 50% or higher, awarded according to the
weighted mark rubric (provided below).
Furthermore, demonstrated competency of the graduate attributes (GAs) at the appropriate
level as elaborated in the GA rubrics provided.
This is an individual assignment. It should be your sole effort. You may consult fellow students, internet
sources, and books (if you clearly cite and reference these sources). However, you may not copy other
students work, or ask (or even pay) another student or company (like tutoring websites) to provide you
with the solutions. Please refrain from plagiarizing websites or other sources. You are requested to be
ethical and professional in completing the assignment.
This assignment is copyrighted to UNISA and remains the property of UNISA. Please do not upload
this assignment on any website or distribute this assignment in any way.
Please include a signed declaration at the beginning of your assignment. Assignments that do not
include such a declaration will be penalized.
Example of a declaration:
“I declare that this assignment is my own work and that all sources quoted have been
acknowledged by appropriate references”.
The plant should operate for 330 days in a year, to allow for shutdown and maintenance.
In this final assessment, you will submit a complete report covering all the aspect that has
been considered in the previous five assessments. Please consider the feedback provided in
the previous assessments to improve your submission. Please ensure that you cover every
aspect given below in detail. The detailed requirements were provided in the previous
This entails the following:
1. Design basis
2. Literature Review
3. Process Synthesis
4. Process Description
5. Block flow diagram (BFD) and process flow diagram (PFD)
a. Block diagram of the entire process
b. Process flow diagram
6. Major equipment list
7. Preliminary sizing of the major equipment
8. Detailed design of one heat exchanger
9. Economic evaluation and profitability assessment
10. Sustainability of the process in terms of the safety and environmental impact
11. Site selection and plant layout
12. Self-assessment (compulsory to submit this-part of GA assessment)
Compile your findings in an appropriate technical report. Please refer to Learning Unit 3 of
your workbook for information regarding how the report should be structured. This is
Please follow the style of a technical report. Include an executive summary, introduction,
conclusion, references etc. Your workbook contains valuable information about what content
is required in the report and how to structure the report. Provide citations and references for
all sources of information. Substantiate all assumptions. Remember calculations should be
provided in an Appendix, not in the main report.
Mark Scheme
1. Design basis 5
2. Literature Survey 25 GA 9
In addition, the GA rubrics provided will be utilized to assess competence in the GAs assigned
to this assessment.
Graduate Attribute
5: Engineering Graduate Attribute 7:
Graduate Attribute Graduate Attribute 9:
methods, skills and Sustainability and
3: Engineering Independent
tools, including impact of engineering
design learning ability
information activity
Demonstrate critical Demonstrate
Perform procedural competence to use
awareness of the competence to
design and synthesis appropriate
sustainability and impact engage in
of components, engineering methods,
of engineering activity independent learning
systems, engineering skills and tools,
on the social, industrial through well-
works, products or including those based
and physical developed learning
processes. on information
environment. skills.
The final report will be automatically checked for similarity using the built-in Turnitin
function in myUnisa. Thus, please ensure that you submit your own work, as Turnitin
will flag work that has been copied from the internet, or other students’ work. To learn
more, please see the following website:
Please remember to accept the end use license agreement.
Please feel free to contact your lecturer if you have any questions or queries.