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Evaluation of maxillary and mandibular

growth patterns with cephalometric analysis
based on cervical vertebral maturation:
A Japanese cross-sectional study
Asuka Manabe1, Takayoshi Ishida ID1*, Eiichiro Kanda2, Takashi Ono1

1 Department of Orthodontic Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) Graduate School,
Tokyo, Japan, 2 Medical Science, Kawasaki Medical School, Okayama, Japan

a1111111111 * [email protected]
a1111111111 Abstract

Appropriate maxillofacial growth and development evaluation is important for effective
OPEN ACCESS orthodontic treatment. Growth evaluation is based on physiological age determined by indi-
Citation: Manabe A, Ishida T, Kanda E, Ono T vidual development, but not chronological age. One strategy for determining physiological
(2022) Evaluation of maxillary and mandibular age is using the cervical vertebral bone age.
growth patterns with cephalometric analysis based
on cervical vertebral maturation: A Japanese cross-
sectional study. PLoS ONE 17(4): e0265272. This study aimed to clarify the standard size of the upper and lower jawbones in Japanese
Editor: Essam Al-Moraissi, Thamar University, patients using the cervical vertebral maturation stages (CVMS) as an index and clarify the
Faculty of Dentistry, YEMEN growth pattern. And to use the cervical spine age as a diagnostic aid in orthodontic
Received: January 14, 2022 treatment.

Accepted: February 25, 2022

Material and methods
Published: April 6, 2022
Random sampling was performed from the outpatients who visited the Orthodontics depart-
Copyright: © 2022 Manabe et al. This is an open ment, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital, and 400 patients were enrolled
access article distributed under the terms of the
before treatment. Lateral cephalometric radiographs were obtained to measure the height
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and and length of the mandible and the maxilla length with cephalometric analysis. Standard val-
reproduction in any medium, provided the original ues were calculated for each cervical-spine-age group to analyze changes during mandibu-
author and source are credited. lar and maxillary growth. Furthermore, we compared the differences between males and
Data Availability Statement: All relevant data are females. The Kruskal–Wallis test was used to compare cervical-spine-age groups, and the
within the paper and its Supporting Information Steel–Dwass test was used for multiple comparisons. The reliability of CVMS was confirmed
by calculating the weighted kappa coefficient (κ).
Funding: The authors received no specific funding
for this work. The funders had no role in study
design, data collection and analysis, decision to
publish, or preparation of the manuscript. κ for the degree of intra-evaluator agreement and the degree of the inter-evaluator agree-
Competing interests: The authors have declared ment were calculated, and both indicated almost perfect agreement. We found that the dis-
that no competing interests exist. tance between the anterior nasal spine (ANS) and posterior nasal spine (PNS) (i.e., ANS–

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PNS) increased significantly between CVMS II and CVMS III in males. The distance
between Articulare (Ar) and Gonion (Go) (i.e., Ar–Go) and the distance between Go and
Pogonion (Pog) (i.e., Go–Pog) increased significantly between CVMS III and CVMS IV in

The findings suggested that CVMS is a reliable indicator of the growth stage of the maxilla
and mandible.

Understanding the growth and development of the maxillofacial skeleton is essential in ortho-
dontics treatment. Specifically, maxillofacial growth evaluation is necessary for establishing a
proper diagnosis in orthodontic treatment, making decisions on treatment alternatives, and
determining treatment starting time. Orthodontists have adopted the bone age and tooth age
to evaluate physiological age growth, which is more accurate than chronological age growth.
There have been numerous reports on the use of carpal bones for bone age evaluation because
they contain multiple bone nuclei, can be radiographed easily, and require a smaller exposure
dose [1–3]. An alternative to this method is the cervical spine maturation method (CVM),
which evaluates the shape of the cervical spine obtained from lateral cephalometric radio-
graphs. In addition, there are various methods to evaluate tooth age: Hellman’s tooth age,
which is based on the eruption status; the Demirjian method [4], which evaluates the degree of
calcification in seven permanent teeth from panoramic radiographs; and the Cameriere
method [5], which evaluates the degree of root formation.
The cervical spine consists of seven vertebrae, and it supports the skull. Ossification of the
cervical spine continues from the embryonic stage into adulthood [6]. The original CVM was
proposed by Lamparski et al [7] in 1972, and in 2002, Baccetti et al. developed an improved
version of the CVM to facilitate staging [8].
Previous research has reported that CVM correlates with carpal bone age assessment and is
also suitable for mandibular growth assessment. The mandibular bone’s size and timing of
growth are important to achieve good intermaxillary relationships in orthodontic treatment
[9, 10]. However, to the best of our knowledge, only a few previous reports have investigated
the growth of maxilla and mandible [11–14] in the Japanese population with an unclarified
growth pattern. Furthermore, no previous research measured the size of both the maxilla and
mandible simultaneously.
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to (1) calculate standard values for the mandibular
height and length and maxillary length with cephalometric analysis, (2) evaluate the growth
pattern of maxillary and mandibular height and length, and (3) assess the usefulness of the
CVMS for growth assessment.

Study design
This cross-sectional study was conducted using a random sample from the patients who visited
the outpatient department of the Department of Orthodontics, Tokyo Medical and Dental
University Dental Hospital.

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Ethics statement
This cross-sectional study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Tokyo Medical and Den-
tal University Dental Hospital (D2021-026). Before participation in the study, patients and
their guardians provided written informed consent in accordance with the research protocol
approved by the Institutional Review Board.

The inclusion criteria were patients of Japanese descent, aged from 6 to 20 years old. Random
coefficients were assigned to 4,000 patients, and samples to be measured were randomly
selected. Furthermore, random sampling was repeated until the sample size in each CVMS
group was achieved [15]. Eighty patients were randomly selected and allocated to each group
based on the maturation stage, with 400 patients included in the study. The exclusion criteria
were: patients with syndromes that could influence maxillofacial morphology.

Cervical Vertebral Maturation Stages (CVMS)

The study groups were based on the CVMS I-V. In CVMS I, second (odontoid process, C2),
third (C3), and fourth (C4). The lower ends of the cervical vertebrae are all flat. C3 and C4 are
trapezoidal in shape. In CVMS II, a dent is present at the bottom of C2 and C3. C3 and C4 are
trapezoidal or horizontally long rectangles. In CVMS III, indentations are present on the lower
edges of C2, C3, and C4. C3 and C4 are rectangular in shape. In CVMS IV, C3 or C4 is square-
shaped. Moreover, the other cervical vertebrae are still long rectangular in the mesiodistal
direction. In CVMS V, C3 or C4 has a vertically long rectangle shape. The other cervical verte-
brae are also square-shaped [8] (Fig 1A). Descriptive characteristics of the patients are summa-
rized in Table 1.

Sample size calculations

We calculate sample size using G� Power software (latest ver.; Heinrich-Heine-Universi-
tät Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany). The a priori sample size estimation, performed at a 5%
level of significance (α = 0.05), with a power of 80%, revealed that a minimum of 40 subjects
were necessary per age group.

Outcome variables
Lateral cephalometric radiographs taken before initiating the orthodontic treatment were
traced, and measurement points were plotted (Fig 1B). Variables measured on each lateral
cephalometric radiograph are shown in Table 2. All lateral cephalometric radiographs were
acquired in accordance with international standards. ANS-PNS was measured as an evaluation
of the horizontal diameter of the maxilla, Ar-Go was measured as an evaluation of the vertical
diameter of the mandible, and Go-Pog was measured as an evaluation of the horizontal diame-
ter of the mandible [9, 10, 16, 17]. The WinCeph ver.9 (Rise Corp., Tokyo, Japan) software was
used to perform the measurements.

Statistical analysis
One investigator performed the measurement three times, and the average value was used as
the measured value; however, the evaluation was verified by another investigator. Further-
more, the population was predicted by restoration extraction using bootstrapping with 1000
iterations. The measurement error in each measured value was calculated using Dahlberg’s
formula [18] For statistical analysis, the Kruskal-Wallis test was performed for comparison

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Fig 1. A. Definitions of CVMS. CVMS I: The lower borders of three vertebrae are flat. CVMS II: Concavities at the lower borders of both C2 and C3 are present. CVMS
III: Concavities at the lower borders of C2, C3, and C4 are present. CVMS IV: At least one of the bodies of C3 and C4 is squared in shape. CVMS V: At least one of the
bodies of C3 and C4 is rectangular vertical in shape. B. Cephalometric landmarks used to construct the two linear measurements and angular measurements analyzed in
this study. Linear parameters: ANS-PNS; Distance between ANS and PNS, Ar-Go; Distance between Articulare and Gonion, Go-Pog; Distance between Gonion and
Pogonion. Angular parameters: FMA; Mandibular plane to Frankfort-Horizontal plane, SNA; Sella-Nasion to Point A, SNB; Sella-Nasion to Point B.

between the groups, and then multiple tests were performed using the Steel-Dwass test. Addi-
tionally, to verify the reliability of the CVMS determination, the weighted Kappa coefficient

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of patient variables.

n = 40 n = 40 n = 40 n = 40 n = 40 n = 40 n = 40 n = 40 n = 40 n = 40
mean S.D. mean S.D. mean S.D. mean S.D. mean S.D. Mean S.D. mean S.D. mean S.D. mean S.D. mean S.D.
(median) (median) (median) (median) (median) (median) (median) (median) (median) (median)
age[Y] 10.08 3.14 9.85 3.01 11.06 3.13 10.70 3.04 12.16 1.82 11.72 3.06 16.06 3.10 15.22 2.89 17.29 3.48 16.96 3.37
9.33 9.25 9.33 9.17 12.13 10.75 16.46 15.71 18.50 18.54
FMA[˚] 29.79 4.84 29.47 5.52 26.45 5.06 29.01 5.54 28.03 5.20 27.00 4.56 26.85 4.94 29.11 4.55 30.22 6.92 31.01 7.09
30.05 29.30 30.00 28.00 27.70 27.05 27.35 28.80 29.70 32.35
SNA[˚] 79.99 3.22 81.77 3.19 80.61 3.22 81.07 3.39 80.97 3.86 81.64 3.19 81.11 3.39 79.41 3.64 81.48 3.34 80.93 2.97
80.25 82.25 80.15 82.25 81.66 82.15 81.05 79.35 81.30 81.05
SNB[˚] 76.73 3.44 76.95 3.90 76.78 3.58 77.37 4.16 76.59 4.31 78.59 3.65 79.67 4.60 76.31 4.61 80.19 4.74 78.49 4.87
76.85 76.65 76.90 77.10 76.10 78.22 79.05 75.30 80.05 78.55

S.D., Standard deviation; FMA, Mandibular plane to Frankfort-Horizontal plane; SNA, Sella-Nasion to Point A; SNB, Sella-Nasion to Point B; CVMS, cervical vertebral
maturation stages.

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Table 2. Definitions of measurements variables. Symbol.

Symbol Description Definition
S Sella The midpoint of the pituitary fossa
N Nasion The most anteroinferior point of frontal nasal suture
A Point A The deepest point on the curvature of the surface of the maxillary bone between ANS
and the alveolar crest of the maxillary central incisor
B Point B The deepest point of the curved part of the mandibular alveolar process point
ANS Anterior Nasal The cutting edge of anterior nasal spine
PNS Posterior Nasal The cutting edge of the posterior nasal spine
Ar Articulare Drafting intersection of mandibular process posterior margin and external skull base
Go Gonion plotting intersection of the tangents of the mandibular ramus and body
Pog Pogonion The most prominent point of the mandibular chin ridge

was calculated based on the degree of intra-evaluator and inter-evaluator agreement. The
degree of intra-evaluator agreement was based on two CVM staging decisions made by one
evaluator in 3 weeks interval. The degree of inter-evaluator agreement was based on the
CVMS determined by each of the two evaluators. SPSS version 25 (Statistical Package of Social
Sciences, Chicago, IL, USA) was used for statistical analyzes.

Linear comparisons
The average values of the distance between ANS and PNS (ANS-PNS) in males were
49.31 ± 2.74 mm in (cervical vertebral maturation stages) CVMS I Group, 50.76 ± 2.99 mm in
CVMS II, 53.11 ± 2.56 mm in CVMS III, 54.95 ± 3.19 mm in CVMS IV, and 55.88 ± 3.42 mm
in CVMS V. There was a significant decrease in the ANS-PNS value in CVMS I compared to
CVMS III, IV, and V, in CVMS II compared to those in CVMS III, IV, and V, and in CVMS
III compared to that in CVMS V (Fig 2).
The average values of ANS-PNS in females were 49.10 ± 2.61 mm in CVMS I, 49.46 ± 2.45
mm in CVMS II, 50.66 ± 2.24 mm in CVMS III, 51.56 ± 2.34 mm in CVMS IV, and 51.53 ± 2.13
mm in CVMS V. There was no significant decrease in the ANS-PNS value across all groups;
however, there was a significant decrease in this value between CVMS I and CVMS V (Fig 3).
The average values of Ar-Go in males were 46.80 ± 3.76 mm in CVMS I Group,
45.55 ± 4.88 mm in CVMS II, 46.93 ± 5.16 mm in CVMS III, 53.15 ± 6.44 mm in CVMS IV,
and 54.94 ± 5.87 mm in CVMS V. There was a significant increase in the Ar-Go value in
CVMS I compared to those in CVMS IV and V, in CVMS II compared to those in CVMS IV
and V, and in CVMS III compared to those in CVMS IV and V (Fig 4).
The average values of Ar-Go in females were 45.36 ± 5.24 mm in CVMS I Group,
45.11 ± 4.56 mm in CVMS II, 46.75 ± 5.45 mm in CVMS III, 50.57 ± 6.25 mm in CVMS IV,
and 50.76 ± 6.66 mm in CVMS V. There was no significant increase in the Ar-Go value across
all groups; however, there was a significant increase in this value between CVMS I and CVMS
V (Fig 5).
The average values of Go-Pog in males were 79.57 ± 3.97 mm in CVMS I Group,
80.24 ± 5.22 mm in CVMS II, 80.73 ± 5.56 mm in CVMS III, 85.80 ± 6.55 mm in CVMS IV,
and 87.97 ± 6.35 mm in CVMS V. There was a significant increase in the Go-Pog value in
CVMS I compared to those in CVMS IV and V, in CVMS II compared to those in CVMS IV
and V, and in CVMS III compared to those in CVMS IV and V (Fig 6).

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Fig 2. The average values of ANS-PNS in males (� p<0.05).

The average values of Go-Pog in females were 80.23 ± 4.96 mm in CVMS I Group,
80.68 ± 4.20 mm in CVMS II, 82.04 ± 4.48 mm in CVMS III, 84.14 ± 5.63 mm in CVMS IV,
and 86.66 ± 7.23 mm in CVMS V. There was no significant increase in the Go-Pog value across
all groups; however, there was a significant increase between CVMS I and CVMS V (Fig 7).

Growth pattern comparisons

There is a difference in the timing of large growth between the maxilla and mandible. The tim-
ing of the large growth of mandible height and length is the same. There are differences
between male and female in the growth patterns of maxillary length and mandibular length
and height. (Figs 2–7).

Reproducibility and reliability

The κ coefficient for the degree of intra-evaluator agreement was 0.89, and the κ coefficient for
the degree of inter-evaluator agreement was 0.91, both showing almost perfect agreement.

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Fig 3. The average values of ANS-PNS in females (� p<0.05).

The measurement error for mandibular height (Ar-Go) was 0.63 mm, as calculated using
Dahlberg’s formula, and that for mandibular length (Go-Pog) was 0.67 mm, which was a suffi-
ciently small error.

Identifying the growth spurt of the maxilla and mandible is important for orthodontic treat-
ment during the growth period. However, it is considered difficult to predict this growth
because of the differences resulting from the growth spurt of height [10]. At present, carpal
roentgens are regarded as the gold standard to assess bone maturation [9]. Indeed, there were
several reports on the correlation between the ages determined using carpal bones and the cer-
vical spine [10, 17, 19, 20], while the British Orthodontic Society stated that there was uncer-
tainty using carpal radiography in predicting patient’s adolescent growth spurt [10]. Lateral
cephalometric radiographs are indispensable for clinical orthodontic treatment planning and

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Fig 4. The average values of Ar-Go in males (� p<0.05).

are often taken at the time of the first visit. It is considered clinically valuable to identify growth
predictors using these radiographs.
We found that with the growth pattern, the height of the mandible was significantly
larger in males than in females. In contrast, there was no significant difference in the man-
dibular length between males and females. As previously reported in the literature, the
height and length of the mandible are significantly larger in males [21–23]. Accordingly,
we measured the actual mandibular length to determine the differences between males
and females.
A headgear, known as an extra-oral anchorage device, can suppress or redirect the over-
growth of the maxilla by using the head or neck as a fixative anchorage [24]. In the past, it has
been reported that using a removable functional appliance in the treatment of maxillary ante-
rior protrusion during the growth period results in slight suppression of maxillary growth
[25]. Maxillary length ANS-PNS showed a significant increase from CVMS II to CVMS III in

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Fig 5. The average values of Ar-Go in females (� p<0.05).

males, revealing the appearance of maxillary growth spurts. Therefore, it is necessary to predict
growth tendency via the growth patterns during diagnosis and thereafter.
In this study, the mandibular height (Ar-Go) and length (Go-Pog) were increased in the
period between the CVMS III and CVMS IV. In patients with mandibular prognathism, ortho-
dontists try to achieve normal overbite and overjet with a skeletal discrepancy in dental com-
pensation. However, a normal overbite and overjet cannot be constructed by dental
compensation alone when a large skeletal discrepancy is present. To correct the anteroposter-
ior jaw position and realign the intermaxillary relation with consideration for the mandible
(toward the tendency of elimination of dental compensation) after tooth movement, orthog-
nathic surgery can be used to achieve an adequate maxillo-mandibular relation by splitting the
maxillo-mandibular jaw bone in combination with orthodontic treatment [26, 27]. Specifi-
cally, the decompensation direction in maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth revealed the
opposite from dental compensation in non-surgery mandibular prognathism cases.

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Fig 6. The average values of Go-Pog in males (� p<0.05).

Orthodontists establish a treatment plan in accordance with the degree of skeletal discrepancy.
Nevertheless, if the mandibular spurt is misread, the construction of a normal overbite and
overjet cannot be achieved by orthodontic treatment alone. Mistakes in treatment decisions
can lead to complications, such as prolonged treatment and root resorption. Moreover, in
cases of maxillary prognathism with mandibular retraction, a good intermaxillary relationship
can be obtained by inducing the anterior growth of the mandible. Therefore, it was suggested
that it is desirable to initiate treatment during CVMS III in males when inducement of man-
dibular growth is needed. In addition, mandibular prognathism during the growth period may
be managed using a combination of orthodontic and surgical treatment when mandibular
growth is remarkable [18, 20]. Previous reports have indicated that controlling mandibular
growth with functional orthopedic appliance devices is effective in growing patients with skele-
tal discrepancy [28]. In cases where the observation of mandibular growth is needed, it is con-
sidered difficult to determine the appropriate timing for treatment initiation based on the
CVMS III findings. Both CVMS and chronological ages should be considered to anticipate

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Fig 7. The average values of Go-Pog in females (� p<0.05).

future growth potential. It is advisable to initiate treatment during CVMS IV, which corre-
sponds to the plateau of mandibular growth. The confirmation of the specific CVMS on lateral
cephalometric radiographs thus facilitates orthodontic treatment planning.
Compared to males, females were not acknowledged as having a relatively obvious growth
spurt of maxilla and mandible. A previous study reported that Japanese females revealed a clar-
ified presentation of growth spurt [29]. For orthodontic treatment during the growth period in
females, it is considered eligible/advisable to determine a treatment plan considering the dif-
ference in growth between females.
Previous research has demonstrated that CVM can be easily evaluated on lateral cephalo-
metric radiographs, and this measure is adequate for predicting the adolescent growth spurt
for mandibular growth [28]. Nevertheless, there are reports of this method lacking reproduc-
ibility among evaluators [30]. Numerous experienced orthodontists do not measure the shape
of the cervical vertebrae before initiating the treatment, which may be explained by a possible
lack of skills for tracing and measuring the cervical bone. However, in our research, the

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weighted kappa coefficient showed an intra-evaluator reproducibility of 0.89 and an inter-

evaluator reproducibility of 0.91, both of which were considered almost perfect. Additionally,
according to evidence, CVM evaluation can be inaccurate due to a rotation error [31]. It is
worth noticing that computed tomography (CT) had been performed without stabilizing the
head with the ear rod in the related study. Accordingly, lateral cephalometric radiographs were
used to determine CVM in our study. In lateral cephalometric radiographs, rotation of the
horizontal and vertical planes is regulated by ear rods, and rotation errors are significantly
minimized. Additionally, the x-ray tube is as long as the patient’s midsagittal plane, and the
films are always stabilized at a certain distance. Thus, the lateral cephalometric radiographs are
standardized, and it is widely known that their reproducibility is relatively high with fewer
errors. Numerous clinicians, including orthodontists, are aware of the changes in the shape
and size of the cervical spine that occur with growth and that lateral cephalometric radiographs
reflect the growth and age of the cervical spine. Furthermore, previous studies using CT in
orthopedics have reported a morphological change in the cervical spine with age [32, 33].
Appropriate treatment of patients based on a prediction of the mandibular growth, preferably
without additional radiational exposure, is recognized as a priority. We believe that it is partic-
ularly important for orthodontists to study the growth of the cervical spine for improved treat-
ment outcomes.
The limitations of this study included its cross-sectional design and inability to follow the
continuing growth in individuals. Even though the capability of a cross-sectional study survey-
ing a large subject number of participants and its insensitivity to the differences between indi-
viduals, we highlighted the compatibility of this method in our study with the calculation of
standard value [34, 35]. Ideally, a longitudinal survey would be preferable. Nonetheless, previ-
ous research has exhibited its reproducibility and statistical analysis [17, 34, 35]. It is difficult
to observe the original growth of the maxillary and mandibular in patients undergoing ortho-
dontic treatment because their maxilla-mandibular growth could be modified by the treat-
ment. Moreover, it is ethically difficult in modern times to take cephalometric radiographs
only for research purposes in patients who do not undergo orthodontic treatment. We rea-
soned that it was important to grasp the trends from both sides in both the cross-sectional sur-
vey and longitudinal survey.

The standard values of mandibular height and length and maxillary length were calculated,
and the mandible and maxilla growth patterns in Japanese were clarified according to sex. The
CVMS is a useful aid for growth assessment in patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Supporting information
S1 File.

Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Takayoshi Ishida.
Data curation: Asuka Manabe.
Formal analysis: Asuka Manabe.
Funding acquisition: Asuka Manabe.
Investigation: Asuka Manabe.

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Methodology: Asuka Manabe, Eiichiro Kanda.

Project administration: Asuka Manabe, Takayoshi Ishida.
Resources: Asuka Manabe.
Supervision: Takayoshi Ishida.
Writing – original draft: Asuka Manabe.
Writing – review & editing: Takayoshi Ishida, Takashi Ono.

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