Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sem 2
Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sem 2
Modul Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sem 2
Look at the picture and answer the teacher’s questions.
Lihat gambar dan jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan guru
• Guru meminta siswa mengamati gambar dan memberikan pertanyaan dan instruksi tentang gambar yang
berkaitan dengan topik.
• Siswa menjawab dan melakukan instruksi guru.
• Guru menyampaikan materi pokok unit 1.
Listen and Write Number
Dengarkan dan beri nomor
• Guru membacakan kosa kata • Guru membacakan kosa kata tentang pakaian beserta nomor urutnya
tentang pakaian dan siswa • siswa menuliskan nomor urut kata yang dibacakan guru di bawah gambar yang
mengulanginya sesuai
Gilang Sasa
6. …………………………………………………………………
7. …………………………………………………………………
8. …………………………………………………………………
9. …………………………………………………………………
10. …………………………………………………………………
• Guru meminta siswa memperhatikan gambar dan menuliskan kalimat sesuai seperti contoh
He == dia (laki-laki)
What is Randy wearing?
She == dia
He is wearing ………………………….. (perempuan)
Look and write.
• Guru mengajak anak untuk menuliskan kalimat berdasarkan gambar yang tersedia
Lihat dan tulislah
• Contoh: Tie the shoe lace
Study the Dialogue.
Pelajari dialog berikut
Look and tick the correct option.
Lihat dan berilah tanda cek list pada pilihan yang benar
Look and Say
Lihat dan katakan
2. …………………………………………………….
3. …………………………………………………….
4. …………………………………………………….
My Favourite T-shirt
Do you like to wear a T-shirt? Well, I do. One of my favourite T-shirt is the one that
I bought when I was in fourth grade. At that time, I won a puzzle competition, and
the prize is money. I bought the T-shirt with this money. I like it because it is very
The colour of my favourite T-shirt is green. It is made of cotton. Right now, the colour
is not as bright as it used to be, but the picture printed on the front side is still as
good as it was. It is a picture of a dictionary. The colour of the picture is yellow. The
condition of the T-shirt is not as perfect as it was, because right now there are some
holes on the T-shirt. One of the biggest hole is on its back.
1 1 2
4 2 5
4 6
5 7 8 6
Across Down
1. 5. 1. 5.
2. 6. 2. 6.
3. 7. 3. 7.
4. 4. 8.
1. I am wearing a ….
A. dress
B. skirt
C. tie
D. shirt
3. What is he wearing?
He is wearing ….
A. trousers and t-shirt
B. t-shirt and shorts
C. blouse and skirt
D. jacket and shorts
7. Can you … ?
A. hang the t-shirt
B. polish the shoes
C. zip up your jacket
D. button up the shirt
Peserta Didik
Saya Senang
1. Mengenal kosa kata tentang pakaian
2. Membaca ungkapan tentang pakaian
3. Mengenal preposisi
4. Membaca cerita tentang pakaian
5. Bermain peran
Saya Dapat
1. Menggunakan kosa kata baru untuk membuat kalimat
tentang pakaian yang kita pakai
2. Mengungkapkan pakaian yang dipakai seseorang
3. Membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan preposisi
4. Membuat kalimat berdasarkan hasil observasi di luar
On = pada
Back = belakang Orange = oranye
Biggest = terbesar Pants = celana
Black = hitam Picture = gambar
Blouse = blus Polish = menyemir
Blue = biru Print = mencetak
Bought = membeli (bentuk kata Purple = ungu
kerja kedua dari “buy”) Put = meletakkan
Bright = cerah Prize = hadiah
Brown = coklat Raincoat = jas hujan
Button up = kancingkan Red = merah
Color = warna Scarf = syal
Comfy = nyaman Shelf = rak
Clothes = pakaian Shirt = kemeja
Cupboard = lemari Shoes = sepatu
Dictionary = kamus Shorts = celana pendek
Dress = gaun Skirt = rok
Front = depan Suit = cocok/ pantas
Give = memberi Sweater = sweater
Glasses = kacamata T-shirt = kaos
Grey = abu-abu Table = meja
Green = hijau Tick = tanda centang
Guess = menebak Tie = dasi/ mengikat
Hang = menggantungkan Under = di bawah
Hat = topi Uniform = seragam
Hole = lubang Used to be = dulu
In = di dalam Veil = jilbab
Jacket = jaket Wear = mengenakan
Jeans = jeans Where = di mana
Look = melihat White = putih
Made of = terbuat dari Won = menang (bentuk kata
Money = uang kerja kedua dari “win”}
Yellow = kuning
Zip up = menutup resleting
Listen and Say. Dengarkan dan katakan
Give a Line. Berilah Garis
Post office
Police station
1. u – m – q – o – s – e =
2. c – h – r – c – h – u =
3. c – i – o – f – f – t – o – p – s =
4. k – a – n – b
5. I – o – p – i – e – c – s – a – i – t – t – n – o =
6. a – l – o – s – h – t – i – p =
7. d – u – r – s – g – e – o – t – r =
8. k – b – o – o – e – o – s – t – r =
9. r – m – k – a – t – e =
10. l – o – s – c – h – o =
Role play. Bermain peran
How did you go to
I went to
school on
Where did
I went to you go How did
I went there
drugstore yesterday? you go
by motor
. there?
bike with my
Is there … ?
√ Yes, there is.
X No, there isn’t
Are there … ?
√ Yes, there are
No, there aren’t
Listen and write the names of places that are missing in the map.
Dengarkan dan tulislah nama-nama tempat yang hilang di peta berikut
My Project. Proyekku
My School
Hi. My name is Ardila. I’ll tell you about my school. My Elementary school
building is not far from my house. I usually on foot to go there. It takes around 5
minutes to arrive in that place.
My school is big and amazing. It is different from another school. This place
has football field and auditorium for meeting and performing a drama. The main
building of this school has 30 rooms.
Each grade divided into 4 classes. So, the total rooms that can be used to
learning and studying by students is 24. Then, there are more rooms for another
activity like teacher office, headmaster room, canteen and etc.
In addition, my school also has one basketball court, one laboratory for
science, and one computer laboratory. Moreover, this school has 10 clean toilets and
large parking area for students and also guests.
One place that I love most at my school is the fish pond. At the break time, I always
sit there to find inspiration by seeing the fish swimming in the pond.
Word Search. Find the words about public places, write and translate into
Temukan kata-kata tempat umum dan tulislah
p b i k r u h k o p r e f g s b i
o m u s e u m h i m k e w d s i b
l a f i s b o o k s t o r e u k y
i l c u t g e s n i g u t v k i i
c l i b a k e r y h o s p i t a l
e y h u u u i e t u l c e f u i n
s e l g r e t u b s a h u u e u m
t r y g a s s t a t i o n a s h a
a u e u n e t h n r w o i t u m r
t d a c t m n i k c b l v e u k k
i l i b r a r y e y o p e c m u e
o i c h u r c h a g a i r p o r t
n h e t u k b y h i k l s a s g r
u r d u i e e w d b u i i h q y f
i e a p o t e k e e h d t u u r e
h p o s t o f f i c e s y f e f k
1. Museum = museum 6. ………………………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………………….. 7. ………………………………………………………….
3. ………………………………………………….. 8. ………………………………………………………….
4. ………………………………………………….. 9. ………………………………………………………….
5. ………………………………………………….. 10. ……………………………………………………….
Hi! I’m Diana. I went to the market yesterday. I ___________ there by bike.
The market is ___________ the City Mall. The City Mall is between the
Saya Senang
1. Mengenal kosa kata tentang tempat umum
2. Membaca texs tentang tempat umum
3. Mengenal preposisi yang berkaitan dengan tempat umum
4. Bermain peran
Saya Dapat
1. Menggunakan kosa kata baru untuk membuat kalimat
tentang tempat umum
2. Menggunakan ungkapan tentang tempat umum
3. Membuat kalimat dengan menggunakan preposisi
4. Menjawab pertanyaan dari teks