Ofr2013 1137
Ofr2013 1137
Ofr2013 1137
Department of Energy
Introduction challenges include the availability and use of surface water and
groundwater for hydraulic fracturing; the migration of stray
Unconventional natural gas and oil resources in the United
gas and potential effects on overlying aquifers; the potential
States are important components of a national energy program.
for flowback, formation fluids, and other wastes to contaminate
While the Nation seeks greater energy independence and
surface water and groundwater; and the effects from drill pads,
greener sources of energy, Federal agencies with environmental
roads, and pipeline infrastructure on land disturbance in small
responsibilities, state and local regulators and water-resource
watersheds and headwater streams (U.S. Government Printing
agencies, and citizens throughout areas of unconventional
Office, 2012). Federal, state, regional and local agencies, along
shale gas development have concerns about the environmental
with the gas industry, are striving to use the best science and
effects of high volume hydraulic fracturing (HVHF), including
technology to develop these unconventional resources in an
those in the Appalachian Basin in the northeastern United
environmentally safe manner.
States (fig. 1). Environmental concerns posing critical
Utica Shale—
United States Extent
0 100 200 MILES
Figure 1. Map showing extent of the Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale in the
Appalachian Basin in the northeastern United States.
Some of these concerns were addressed in U.S. Geological (Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 2013). Any water
Survey (USGS) Fact Sheet 2009–3032 (Soeder and Kappel, remaining downhole is considered to be a consumptive loss and
2009) about potential critical effects on water resources is no longer part of the hydrologic cycle.
associated with the development of gas extraction from the Sustainable water-supply practices for HVHF include the
Marcellus Shale of the Hamilton Group (Ver Straeten and continual but low-rate (relative to streamflow) withdrawal of
others, 1994). Since that time, (1) the extraction process has water from streams to onsite holding tanks or impoundments
evolved, (2) environmental awareness related to high-volume (fig. 2). This practice is designed to allow for adequate
hydraulic fracturing process has increased, (3) state regulations downstream flow for aquatic ecosystems and downstream water
concerning gas well drilling have been modified, and (4) the users. Permit requirements that prohibit water withdrawals
practices used by industry to obtain, transport, recover, treat, during low-streamflow (drought) conditions have resulted
recycle, and ultimately dispose of the spent fluids and solid in minimal additional stream and (or) groundwater impacts
waste materials have evolved. in Pennsylvania where intensive hydraulic fracturing has
This report updates and expands on Fact Sheet 2009–3032 recently taken place (Pennsylvania Environmental Digest,
and presents new information regarding selected aspects of 2010). Permitting of stream and groundwater withdrawals by
unconventional shale gas development in the Appalachian Basin state and regional agencies has proven to be an effective tool
(primarily Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, in mitigating the effects of HVHF water use during drought
Ohio, and New York). This document was prepared by the conditions. Consumptive loss of water over many decades
USGS, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy, and by conventional or unconventional oil and gas development,
reviews the evolving technical advances and scientific studies among other consumptive uses, has yet to be quantified.
made in the Appalachian Basin between 2009 and the present The gas industry has found that non-potable water sources
(2013), addressing past and current issues for oil and gas may suffice in the HVHF process, at least in Appalachian Basin
development in the region. shales. The current best-management practice also recycles
much of the flowback water into the next batch of HVHF fluid
after treatment to remove suspended solids, thus reducing the
Water Supply
amount of freshwater needed for drilling and hydraulically
Hydraulic fracturing of Appalachian Basin shales uses fracturing the next well. Non-potable water sources such as
about 3 to 5 million gallons of water per horizontal well (King, wastewater-treatment-plant effluent have been successfully
2012). Anecdotal information from drillers and the Susquehanna used for HVHF with proper chemical treatment, and the
River Basin Commission indicates that approximately Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has encouraged a study of
10 percent of all HVHF water used is recovered from the mine wastewaters for such use (Pennsylvania Department of
drilled and fractured formation in northeastern Pennsylvania Environmental Protection, 2012).
Figure 2. A, Holding-tank facility; B, filling of the lagoon using tanker trucks; and C, a freshwater holding lagoon.
Potential Effects on Drinking Water
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing fluids,
(USEPA) is conducting a study on the potential accidental releases of chemicals, well practices,
impacts of hydraulic fracturing on drinking-water water use, and wastewater treatment and disposal.
resources. Because of the increasing development Laboratory studies are being conducted to develop
of gas and oil resources in the United States and analytical methods for chemicals known to be used in
comments received from stakeholders during hydraulic fracturing fluids and assess the treatability of
development of the Plan to Study the Potential hydraulic fracturing wastewaters. Case studies provide
Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing on Drinking Water new information on potential impacts at existing
Resources (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, well sites, and computer modeling estimates the
2011), the scope of the research includes the full conditions needed for possible groundwater impacts
life cycle of water used in the hydraulic fracturing to occur during generalized well scenarios. The
process, from acquisition of the water through the USEPA research team is working in consultation with
mixing of chemicals and well stimulation to the other Federal agencies, state and interstate regulatory
management of flowback and produced water and agencies, industry, non-governmental organizations,
their ultimate treatment and disposal. The USEPA and others in the private and public sector. In
study is collecting and analyzing new and existing December 2012, USEPA published a progress report
data to evaluate possible impacts to both surface (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2012a)
water and groundwater (fig. 3). The data are provided describing the research projects underway as part
by nine hydraulic fracturing service companies of the study and the progress made as of September
and nine well operators, and are found in publicly- 2012. The study plan and progress report are available
available databases to better understand the products on USEPA’s website (http://www.epa.gov/hfstudy).
Figure 6. Mixing of drill cuttings with absorbent polymer prior to shipping and disposal in a secured landfill.
Unconventional natural gas and oil resources
in the United States are important components of
a national energy program that seeks both greater
energy independence and greener sources of energy.
Unconventional high volume hydraulic fracturing
(HVHF) shale gas and oil development in the
Marcellus Shale and Utica Shale is underway in
the Appalachian Basin within Pennsylvania, West
Virginia, and eastern Ohio and is proposed in
New York, Maryland and Virginia. Compared to
conventional gas production, the scale of shale gas
operations may be much larger and has the potential
to create significantly greater effects on landscapes,
watersheds, water supplies, and water quality. Because
of the potential effects, some states (New York and
Maryland as of spring 2013) have placed moratoriums
on development until these issues are resolved. At the
same time, development of the shale gas resource is
(Photograph courtesy of Curtis Schreffler, USGS) considered a major component of America’s energy
Pipeline construction in the Endless Mountain region near Trout Run, Pennsylvania. supplies for the foreseeable future.
Although the technology for directional
or horizontally drilled wells used in combination with
Construction and Transportation sophisticated hydraulic fracturing processes to extract gas
Hydraulic fracturing operations in the Appalachian Basin resources has improved over the past few decades, the
involve moving large amounts of heavy equipment, trucks, knowledge of how this extraction might affect water resources
supplies, storage tanks, and fluids into mostly rural areas. has not kept pace. Federal and state water-resource and
Transporting all this materiel to and from drill sites has caused regulatory agencies, the gas industry, and citizens desire a better
damage to some of the rural, steep, two-lane Appalachian understanding of the potential environmental effects from the
Mountain roads. Many of the roads have been repaved or totally hydraulic fracturing process. Advancements in the science
rebuilt by the gas drilling industry (Marcellus Shale Coalition, can provide that understanding and lead to the development
2011). Such intensive construction may result in considerable of best-management strategies for limiting adverse effects
of shale gas development in the Appalachian Basin, as well
land and wildlife disturbance within small watersheds (U.S.
as improvements in monitoring strategies designed to insure
Fish and Wildlife Service, 2013; Intermountain Oil and Gas
environmental quality.
BMP Project, 2013). The gas drilling industry has recently
adopted practices to help reduce truck traffic,
including the transport of freshwater by pipeline
(fig. 7) and the reuse of flowback water. Local
governments have worked with the gas industry
to implement management practices to reduce
well-pad construction and transportation impacts
(Marcellus Shale Coalition, 2012).
Some of the management practices include
keeping trucks off roads during specific times and
finding alternate routes to well pads on roads that
can accommodate heavy equipment. The road
restrictions are accomplished through road-use
agreements with the municipalities (Pennsylvania
State University, 2012). However, even with
agreements between the gas companies and state
regulators, some local environmental impacts
might occur (Slonecker and others, 2012; Drohan
and others, 2012); therefore, regulatory agencies
and the gas industry continue to support research
to improve management practices Figure 7. Pipeline construction in northeastern Pennsylvania.
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Completed well pad with brine holding tanks (green) with nearby wind turbines
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