CySmart 1.2 API Reference Guide 002-11435 A V

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CySmart™ API Reference Guide

Document No.: 002-11435 Rev *A

Cypress Semiconductor
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Introduction .................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
CySmart Subsystem Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 7
CySmart APIs .............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Dongle Communicator ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Dongle Transport Channel .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Development Platform ................................................................................................................................................................. 8
API Design ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
ICySmartDongleCommunicator ................................................................................................................................................. 10
ICyBleMgr .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
ICyBleDevice ............................................................................................................................................................................. 10
ICyGattClient ............................................................................................................................................................................. 11
ICyL2CapMgr ............................................................................................................................................................................ 11
ICyL2CapChannel ..................................................................................................................................................................... 11
ICyBleDeviceList ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
ICyBleSecurityMgr ..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
API Reference ............................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Enumeration Type Documentation ............................................................................................................................................ 13
CyAddressResolutionControlInfo............................................................................................................................................... 30
CyAddToResolvingListInfo ........................................................................................................................................................ 31
CyAdvertisementData................................................................................................................................................................ 32
CyAdvertisementDataItem ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
CyApiErr .................................................................................................................................................................................... 38
CyAuthenticationKeys ............................................................................................................................................................... 41
CyBleBdAddress ....................................................................................................................................................................... 43
CyBleConnectionSettings .......................................................................................................................................................... 45
CyBleDeviceCallback ................................................................................................................................................................ 50
CyBleMgrCallback ..................................................................................................................................................................... 54
CyBleScanSettings .................................................................................................................................................................... 59
CyBondListDevice ..................................................................................................................................................................... 64
CyChannelClassificationInfo ...................................................................................................................................................... 64

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CyCharacteristicChangedInfo .................................................................................................................................................... 68
CyConnectInfo ........................................................................................................................................................................... 68
CyConnectionParameters .......................................................................................................................................................... 69
CyConnectResult ....................................................................................................................................................................... 71
CyConvertOctetToTimeInfo ....................................................................................................................................................... 72
CyConvertOctetToTimeResult ................................................................................................................................................... 73
CyCurrentConnectionParameters .............................................................................................................................................. 73
CyCurrentDataLength ................................................................................................................................................................ 74
CyDataLengthInfo ...................................................................................................................................................................... 75
CyDefaultDataLengthResult ...................................................................................................................................................... 76
CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback .................................................................................................................................................. 78
CyDeviceListCallback ................................................................................................................................................................ 80
CyDiscoverAllServicesResult..................................................................................................................................................... 83
CyDiscoverCharacteristicsByUUIDInfo ...................................................................................................................................... 84
CyDiscoverCharacteristicsCallback ........................................................................................................................................... 85
CyDiscoverCharacteristicsInfo ................................................................................................................................................... 86
CyDiscoverCharacteristicsResult ............................................................................................................................................... 87
CyDiscoverDescriptorsCallback ................................................................................................................................................. 88
CyDiscoverDescriptorsInfo ........................................................................................................................................................ 88
CyDiscoverDescriptorsResult .................................................................................................................................................... 90
CyDiscoverPrimaryServiceCallback........................................................................................................................................... 90
CyDiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUIDInfo.................................................................................................................................... 91
CyDiscoverPrimaryServicesResult ............................................................................................................................................ 92
CyDongleInfo ............................................................................................................................................................................. 92
CyEstablishL2CapChannelInfo .................................................................................................................................................. 94
CyFindIncludedServicesCallback .............................................................................................................................................. 96
CyFindIncludedServicesInfo ...................................................................................................................................................... 97
CyFindIncludedServicesResult .................................................................................................................................................. 98
CyGattAttribute .......................................................................................................................................................................... 98
CyGattCharacteristic ................................................................................................................................................................ 100
CyGattClientCallback ............................................................................................................................................................... 101
CyGattDescriptor ..................................................................................................................................................................... 105
CyGattExchangeMtuInfo .......................................................................................................................................................... 106
CyGattExchangeMtuResult...................................................................................................................................................... 107
CyGattIncludedService ............................................................................................................................................................ 108
CyGattReadInfo ....................................................................................................................................................................... 109
CyGattReadResult ................................................................................................................................................................... 111
CyGattService .......................................................................................................................................................................... 112

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CyGattWriteInfo ....................................................................................................................................................................... 114

CyGattWriteResult ................................................................................................................................................................... 117
CyGenerateBdAddressInfo ...................................................................................................................................................... 117
CyGenerateBdAddressResult.................................................................................................................................................. 118
CyGenerateSecureConnectionOobDataInfo ........................................................................................................................... 119
CyGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeyInfo ................................................................................................................................. 120
CyGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeyResult ............................................................................................................................. 121
CyL2CapConnectionResponseInfo ......................................................................................................................................... 121
CyL2CapDataReceivedInfo ..................................................................................................................................................... 123
CyL2CapDisconnectConfirmation............................................................................................................................................ 124
CyL2CapDisconnectIndicationInfo........................................................................................................................................... 125
CyL2CapMgrCallback.............................................................................................................................................................. 126
CyL2CapReceiveCreditLowInfo............................................................................................................................................... 129
CyL2CapSendCreditsInfo ........................................................................................................................................................ 130
CyL2CapSendDataInfo ............................................................................................................................................................ 131
CyL2CapTransmitCreditInfo .................................................................................................................................................... 132
CyNumericComparisonResponse ........................................................................................................................................... 133
CyOobData .............................................................................................................................................................................. 133
CyPairSettings ......................................................................................................................................................................... 135
CyPasskeyDisplayInfo ............................................................................................................................................................. 136
CyPasskeyEntryResponse ...................................................................................................................................................... 137
CyReadCharacteristicByUUIDInfo ........................................................................................................................................... 138
CyReadCharacteristicByUUIDResult....................................................................................................................................... 139
CyReadMultipleCharacteristicInfo ........................................................................................................................................... 139
CyReadMultipleCharacteristicResult ....................................................................................................................................... 141
CyRegisteredPsm.................................................................................................................................................................... 141
CyRegisterPsmInfo.................................................................................................................................................................. 142
CyReliableWriteInfo ................................................................................................................................................................. 143
CyResolvableAddressResult ................................................................................................................................................... 144
CyResolvableAddressTimeoutInfo .......................................................................................................................................... 144
CyResolvePeerDeviceInfo ....................................................................................................................................................... 145
CyResolvingListDevice ............................................................................................................................................................ 146
CyScanCallback ...................................................................................................................................................................... 147
CyScanRecord ........................................................................................................................................................................ 149
CyScanResult .......................................................................................................................................................................... 150
CySecureConnectionOobDataResult ...................................................................................................................................... 150
CySecurityMgrCallback ........................................................................................................................................................... 152
CySetSuggestedDataLengthInfo ............................................................................................................................................. 154

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CySmartDongleMgr ................................................................................................................................................................. 156

CyTxPowerInfo ........................................................................................................................................................................ 157
CyUUID.................................................................................................................................................................................... 158
CyWhitelistDevice .................................................................................................................................................................... 160
CyWriteBufferFullResponse ..................................................................................................................................................... 160
ICyBleDevice ........................................................................................................................................................................... 161
ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr ........................................................................................................................................................ 166
ICyBleDeviceList ...................................................................................................................................................................... 169
ICyBleMgr ................................................................................................................................................................................ 172
ICyBleSecurityMgr ................................................................................................................................................................... 180
ICyGattClient ........................................................................................................................................................................... 183
ICyL2CapChannel ................................................................................................................................................................... 192
ICyL2CapMgr ........................................................................................................................................................................... 194
ICySmartDongleCommunicator ............................................................................................................................................... 196
Revision History ......................................................................................................................................................................... 198
Document Revision History...................................................................................................................................................... 198

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CySmart™ is a Bluetooth® LE (BLE) host emulation tool for Windows PCs. The tool uses the
CySmart BLE dongle to emulate a Generic Access Profile (GAP) central device. The tool
provides an easy-to-use Graphical User Interface (GUI) to enable customers to test and debug
their Bluetooth LE peripheral applications. In addition to the GUI, the tool also provides C# APIs
to communicate with the dongle. These APIs allow custom GAP central applications to be
This document serves as the reference guide for the APIs exposed by the tool. The document
also captures the high level API design, development platform and general usage guidelines for
the APIs.

CySmart Subsystem Overview

Figure 1 shows an overview of the CySmart APIs module and the other CySmart modules that
the API module interacts. The following sections provide a brief description of these modules.

Figure 1: Subsystem Overview

CySmart APIs

Dongle Communicator

Hardware Manager
Other Hardware Dongle Transport
Manager Channel
Modules (UART)

CySmart BLE Dongle

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CySmart APIs
The CySmart APIs module exposes the APIs to build custom GAP central applications. The
module is essentially a wrapper over the ‘Dongle Communicator’ module and abstracts the
complexities of the dongle communicator module. See API Design section for details about the

Dongle Communicator
This module understands the CySmart BLE protocol and implements the protocol communication
state machine. This module is designed to be independent of the transport channel to the
CySmart BLE dongle.

Dongle Transport Channel

This module is part of the ‘Hardware Manager’ module and implements the transport channel
specific interfaces and methods. At present, only UART transport channel is supported by the
CySmart BLE dongle.

Development Platform
The CySmart APIs are developed in C# and built for .NET framework 2.0. To use the CySmart
APIs, add reference to the followings CySmart DLLs in your C# project. The DLLs can be located
in the CySmart installation directory.
 cybledonglecommunicator.dll
 cybleautobase.dll
 cyblecommonbase.dll
All CySmart APIs are defined under the CySmart.DongleCommunicator.API namespace in the
cybledonglecommunicator.dll. The other two DLLs contain data structure and utility methods
used by the API implementation.

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API Design

CySmart APIs communicates with the CySmart dongle to perform a BLE operation. Due to the
nature of communication (interface with hardware), the APIs are asynchronous and uses
callback mechanism to report the result and status of an operation. Depending on the purpose of
the APIs, the APIs are categorized into multiple modules.
Each module defines its own callback interface and provides a mechanism to register the
callbacks. The callbacks need to be implemented by the API client. When implementing the
callback method, ensure that long running operations are not performed on the thread in which
the callback is invoked. If long running operations needs to performed, execute them on a
different thread.









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API Design

This interface provides the following information about the CySmart BLE dongle and provides
access to the ICyBleMgr interface:
 Device ID – Identifies whether the dongle supports BLE version 4.1 or 4.2
 BLE stack version
 Firmware version
 Hardware version
Use CySmartDongleMgr class methods to get an instance of this interface.

This interface represents the BLE manager and provides APIs to perform the following BLE GAP
central operations:
 Scan
 Connect
 Set device IO capabilities
 Register and Unregister L2CAP PSMs
 Set Tx power level for advertisement and connection channel
 Set host channel map
 Set data length (BLE version 4.2 only)
 Enable / Disable Privacy 1.2 (BLE version 4.2 only)
The interface also provides access to the following interfaces
 ICyBleDevice
 ICyBleDeviceList
 ICyBleSecurityMgr
 ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr

An instance of this interface is created when a connection with a peer device is established. This
interface represents an active connection with a peer device. This interface provides the
following information about the peer device
 Device address
 Connection handle
The interface provides APIs to perform the following operations:
 Pair
 Update data length (BLE version 4.2 only)
 Update connection parameters

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API Design

The following interfaces can be accessed from this interface

 ICyGattClient
 ICyL2CapMgr

This represents the GATT client interface of the connected peer BLE device. This interface
provides APIs to perform the following operations
 Negotiate GATT MTU size
 Discover services and characteristics
 Read and write characteristics
 Read and write characteristic descriptors
 Receive notifications and indications

This represents the L2CAP Credit Based Flow Control (CBFC) channel manager interface for the
connected peer BLE device. This interface provides APIs to perform the following operations:
 Create new L2CAP channel
 Accept L2CAP channel request from peer device
 Disconnect L2CAP channels
 Send and receive data
 Send and receive flow control credits
This interface provides access to the ICyL2CapChannel interface.

An instance of this interface is created when an L2CAP CBFC channel is created. This
represents an active L2CAP channel. This interface provides the following information about the
 Channel ID
 Local MTU and MPS size
 Remote MTU and MPS size

This interface represents the device list manager and provides APIs to manage the following lists
in the CySmart dongle:
 Whitelist
o Add, remove and clear whitelist
o Get devices in the whitelist
 Bond list

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API Design

o Get devices in the bond list

 Resolving list (BLE version 4.2 only)
o Add, remove and clear resolving list
o Get devices in the resolving list

This interface represents the security manager of the CySmart dongle and provides APIs to
perform the following operations
 Get and set security keys (LTK, IRK, CSRK)
 Generate new security keys
 Get security keys of previously bonded devices
 Generate ECDH keys (BLE version 4.2 only)
 Generate OOB data for secure connection pairing (BLE version 4.2 only)

This interface provides APIs to manage the CySmart dongle address. The following operations
can be performed using the APIs
 Get and set dongle address
 Generate address based on address type
 Set dongle identity address

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API Reference

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum CyConnectionParametersResponse : ushort[strong]

Enumeration of response for connection parameter update request from remote device

ACCEPT Accept the new connection parameters requested by the remote device

REJECT Reject the new connection parameters requested by the remote device

enum CySecurityLevel[strong]

Security level enumeration

NO_SECURITY No security (no authentication and no encryption)

UNAUTHENTICATED_PAIRING_WITH_ENCRYPTION Unauthenticated pairing with encryption (Just


AUTHENTICATED_PAIRING_WITH_ENCRYPTION Authenticated pairing with encryption

LE secure connection pairing with encryption

UNAUTHENTICATED_PAIRING_WITH_DATA_SIGNING Unauthenticated pairing with data signing

AUTHENTICATED_PAIRING_WITH_DATA_SIGNING Authenticated pairing with data signing

enum CyPairingProperties : byte[strong]

Pairing properties

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API Reference


USE_MITM Use MITM (applicable only for secure connection)

USE_KEYPRESS_NOTIFICATION Use keypress notification (applicable only for secure connection)

enum CyKeyPressNotification : byte[strong]

Key press notification

DIGIT_ENTERED A passkey digit is entered by the user

DIGIT_ERASED A passkey digit is erased by the user

PASSKEY_CLEARED Passkey entry is cleared by the user

enum CyPairingResponseCode : byte[strong]

Pairing response code enumeration

REJECT Reject request

ACCEPT Accept request

enum CyGattCharacteristicProperty : byte[strong]

Enumeration of possible characteristic properties

NONE Unknown This is the initial state for a characteristic



WRITE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE Write without response

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AUTHENTICATED_SIGNED_WRITES Authenticated signed writes

EXTENDED_PROPERTIES Extended properties

enum CyL2CapConnectionResponseCode : ushort[strong]

Enumeration of responses

CONNECTION_SUCCESSFUL Connection successful

CONNECTION_REFUSED_PSM_NOT_SUPPORTED Connection refused - PSM is not supported

CONNECTION_REFUSED_NO_RESOURCE Connection refused - No resource available






Insufficient encryption key size

enum CyL2CapResultCode : ushort[strong]

Enumeration of L2CAP results


COMMAND_TIMEOUT Command timeout. If the L2CAP signaling timeout occurs, the application should


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API Reference

NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITS Not enough credits to perform an operation

CREDIT_OVERFLOW Credit overflow. Total credit exceeded 65535 (maximum)

UNACCEPTABLE_CREDIT_VALUE Invalid credit value. The received credit is zero

enum CyScanStatus[strong]

Scan status

IN_PROGRESS Scan is in-progress

STOPPED Scan stopped

ERROR Error starting or stopping scan

enum CyInitiatorAddrType : byte[strong]

Initiator address type enumeration

PUBLIC Use public address

RANDOM Use random address

RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS_OR_PUBLIC Use resolvable private address, if controller address generation

is enabled; otherwise use public address

RESOLVABLE_ADDRESS_OR_RANDOM Use resolvable private address, if controller address generation

is enabled; otherwise use random address

enum CyScanType : byte[strong]

Enumeration of supported device scan types

PASSIVE_SCAN Passive scan

ACTIVE_SCAN Active scan

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API Reference

enum CyScanInitiatorFilterPolicy : byte[strong]

Scan initiator filter policy

ACCEPT_ALL_ADV Accept all advertisement packets except directed advertising packets not addressed to
this device

ACCEPT_ADV_FROM_WHITELIST Accept only advertisement packets from devices where the

advertiser’s address is in the White list. Directed advertising packets which are not addressed for this device
shall be ignored.

ACCEPT_DIRECTED_RPA_ADV Accept all undirected advertisement packets, and directed advertising

packets where the initiator address is a resolvable private address, and directed advertising packets addressed
to this device.

ACCEPT_WHITELIST_DIRECTED_RPA_ADV Accept all advertisement packets from devices where the

advertiser’s address is in the White list, and directed advertising packets where the initiator address is a
resolvable private address, and directed advertising packets addressed to this device.

enum CyScanDuplicateFilterPolicy : byte[strong]

Scan advertisement duplicate filtering policy

DISABLE_DUPLICATE_FILTERING Disable duplicate filtering

ENABLE_DUPLICATE_FILTERING Enable duplicate filtering

enum CyDiscoveryType : byte[strong]

Enumeration of supported device discovery procedures

OBSERVATION_PROCEDURE Observation procedure - This procedure needs to be used to discover
directed advertisements

LIMITED_DISCOVERY Limited discovery - Discovers BLE devices in limited discoverable mode

GENERAL_DISCOVERY General discovery Discovers BLE devices in either limited or general

discoverable mode

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API Reference

enum CyConnectionInitiatorFilterPolicy : byte[strong]

Connection initiator filter policy enumeration

USE_PEER_DEVICE_ADDRESS Use the peer device address specified in the connection request. Whitelist
is ignored

USE_WHITE_LIST Whitelist is used to determine which advertiser to connect to. Peer device address in
the connection request is ignored

enum CyBleDeviceIoCapabilities : byte[strong]

DISPLAY_ONLY Display only

DISPLAY_YES_NO Display and Yes / No input

KEYBOARD_ONLY Keyboard only

NO_INPUT_AND_NO_OUTPUT No input and no output

KEYBOARD_AND_DISPLAY Display and keyboard


enum CyBleBdAddressType : byte[strong]

Bluetooth device address type enumeration

PUBLIC_ADDRESS Public address


PUBLIC_ID_ADDRESS Public Identity Address

RANDOM_STATIC_ID_ADDRESS Random (Static) Identity Address

enum CyExpandedBdAddrType : byte[strong]

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API Reference

Enumeration of the expanded Bluetooth device address type

RANDOM_NON_RESOLVABLE Random non-resolvable Bluetooth device address

RANDOM_RESOLVABLE Random resolvable Bluetooth device address

PUBLIC Public Bluetooth device address

RANDOM_STATIC Random static Bluetooth device address

enum CyChannelGroup : byte[strong]

Enumeration of link layer channel groups

ADV_CHANNEL Advertisement channel

CONNECTION_CHANNEL Connection channel

enum CyPowerLevel : byte[strong]

Enumeration of power level modes supported by the system









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API Reference

PWR_LEVEL_MAX Max possible

enum CyPhyType : byte[strong]

Physical layer type enumeration

PHY_1MBPS 1 Mbps physical layer

enum CyAuthenticationKeyFlags : byte[strong]

Authentication key distribution flags

NONE No keys are exchanged


Identification keys

INITIATOR_SHARES_IDENTITY_INFORMATION Initiator exchanges IRK and Identification address


INITIATOR_SHARES_SIGNATURE_KEY Initiator exchanges the CSRK information used for data


RESPONDER_SHARES_ENCRYPTION_INFORMATION Requests responder to distribute LTK and

Master Identity keys

RESPONDER_SHARES_IDENTITY_INFORMATION Requests responder to distribute IRK and

Identification address information

RESPONDER_SHARES_SIGNATURE_KEY Requests responder to distribute the CSRK information used

for data signing

INITIATOR_SHARE_ALL Initiator distributes all the keys

RESPONDER_SHARE_ALL Request responder to distribute all the keys

SHARE_ALL Initiator distributes all the keys and also requests the responder to distribute all keys

enum CyResolveAddressResult : byte[strong]

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API Reference

Result of private address resolution triggered by the client application

RESOLVED Peer device address was resolved and matches with an existing bonded device

NOT_RESOLVED Peer device address resolution failed or did not match with a device in the bond list

enum CyDongleID : uint[strong]

Dongle ID enumeration

UNKNOWN Unknown dongle

DONGLE_BLE_VERSION_4_1 CySmart dongle running BLE version 4.1

DONGLE_BLE_VERSION_4_2 CySmart dongle running BLE version 4.2

enum CyStatus : ushort[strong]

Enumeration of status and error codes


BLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER At least one of the input parameters is invalid

BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION Operation is not permitted

BLE_ERROR_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_FAILED An internal error occurred in the stack

BLE_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES Insufficient resources to perform requested operation


BLE_ERROR_NO_CONNECTION Connection is required to perform requested operation. Connection not


BLE_ERROR_NO_DEVICE_ENTITY No device entity to perform requested operation

BLE_ERROR_REPEATED_ATTEMTS Attempted repeat operation is not allowed

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BLE_ERROR_GAP_ROLE GAP role is incorrect

BLE_ERROR_TX_POWER_READ Error reading TC power


BLE_ERROR_SECURITY_FAILED Security operation failed






BLE_ERROR_L2CAP_PSM_NOT_IN_RANGE Specified PSM is out of range

BLE_ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_EXISTS Device cannot be added to whitelist as it has already been


BLE_ERROR_FLASH_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED Write to flash is not permitted

BLE_ERROR_MIC_AUTH_FAILED MIC Authentication failure



parameter value

BLE_ERROR_FLASH_WRITE Error in flash write


BLE_ERROR_MAX_FOR_HOST_STACK Maximum Error Code for Host/Device

BLE_ERROR_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED Characteristic notification is disabled

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BLE_ERROR_INDICATION_DISABLED Characteristic indication is disabled

BLE_ERROR_INVALID_STATE The state is not valid for the current operation










Synchronous Connection Limit to a Device Exceeded



Rejected Due to Limited Resources

Rejected Due to Security Reasons

Connection Rejected Due to Unacceptable Bluetooth device Address



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API Reference


Parameter Value




CES Remote Device Terminated Connection Due to Low Resources

Remote Device Terminated Connection Due to Power Off


Local Host





Unsupported LMP Feature




BLE_ERROR_HCI_INVALID_LL_PARAMETERS Invalid LMP Parameters / Invalid LL Parameters



Unsupported LL Parameter Value


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API Reference

BLE_ERROR_HCI_LL_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT LMP Response Timeout / LL Response Timeout





















Too Large

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API Reference


Pairing Not Supported by Host


Connection Rejected due to No Suitable Channel Found





Terminated due to MIC Failure





Rejected but Will Try to Adjust Using Clock Dragging

FW_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES Dongle firmware resources are insufficient to complete the


BLE_ERROR_GATT_INVALID_HANDLE The attribute handle given was not valid on this server

BLE_ERROR_GATT_READ_NOT_PERMITTED The attribute cannot be read

BLE_ERROR_GATT_WRITE_NOT_PERMITTED The attribute cannot be written

BLE_ERROR_GATT_INVALID_PDU Format of the attribute PDU was invalid

BLE_ERROR_GATT_INSUFFICIENT_AUTHENTICATION An access to an attribute is attempted on an

un-authenticated link. The attribute requires authentication before it can be read or written

BLE_ERROR_GATT_REQUEST_NOT_SUPPORTED Attribute server does not support the request

received from the client

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API Reference

BLE_ERROR_GATT_INVALID_OFFSET Offset specified was past the end of the attribute

BLE_ERROR_GATT_INSUFFICIENT_AUTHORIZATION Attribute server does not authorize the client.

The attribute requires authorization before it can be read or written

BLE_ERROR_GATT_PREPARE_WRITE_QUEUE_FULL Prepare write queue on the server is full.

Server cannot accept any more prepare writes from the client

BLE_ERROR_GATT_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND No attributes of the specified attribute type was found

in the given attribute handle range

BLE_ERROR_GATT_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_LONG The attribute cannot be read or written using the Read

Long or Write Long request

BLE_ERROR_GATT_INSUFFICIENT_ENC_KEY_SIZE The Encryption Key Size used for encrypting

this link is insufficient

BLE_ERROR_GATT_INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_LEN The attribute value length is invalid for the operation

BLE_ERROR_GATT_UNLIKELY_ERROR The attribute request that was requested has encountered an

error that was unlikely, and therefore could not be completed as requested

BLE_ERROR_GATT_INSUFFICIENT_ENCRYPTION The attribute requires encryption before it can be

read or written

BLE_ERROR_GATT_UNSUPPORTED_GROUP_TYPE The attribute type is not a supported grouping

attribute as defined by a higher layer specification

BLE_ERROR_GATT_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCE Insufficient Resources to complete the request






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BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_PASSKEY_ENTRY_FAILED User input of passkey failed, for example, the

user cancelled the operation


available, applicable if NFC is supported


performed as authentication* requirements cannot be met due to IO capabilities of one or both devices

BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_CONFIRM_VALUE_MISMATCH Confirm value does not match the

calculated compare value

BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_PAIRING_NOT_SUPPORTED Pairing is not supported by the device


security requirements of this device

BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED command received is not supported

BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_UNSPECIFIED_REASON Pairing failed due to an unspecified reason

BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_REPEATED_ATTEMTS Pairing or authentication procedure is disallowed

because too little time * has elapsed since last pairing request or security request

BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_INVALID_PARAMETERS Invalid Parameters in Request - Invalid

Command length and Parameter value outside range

BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_DHKEY_CHECK_FAILED DHKey check value received doesn't match with

the calculated value

BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_NUMERIC_COMPARISON_FAILED Numeric comparison confirm values

do not match

BLE_ERROR_GAP_AUTH_BR_EDR_PAIRING_IN_PROGRESS Pairing over LE link failed due to an

on-going pairing over BR/EDR link


generated on the BR/EDR transport cannot be used to derive and distribute keys for LE transport

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HARDWARE_ERROR BLE hardware error



BLE_ERROR_L2CAP_INVALID_CID_IN_REQUEST Invalid Connection Identifier (CID) in request


PSM is not supported



Connection refused - Insufficient authentication

refused - Insufficient authorization

Connection refused - Insufficient encryption key size

BLE_ERROR_L2CAP_COMMAND_TIMEOUT Command timeout. If the L2CAP signaling timeout

occurs, the application should disconnect


BLE_ERROR_L2CAP_NOT_ENOUGH_CREDITS Not enough credits to perform an operation

BLE_ERROR_L2CAP_CREDIT_OVERFLOW Credit overflow. Total credit exceeded 65535 (maximum)

BLE_ERROR_L2CAP_UNACCEPTABLE_CREDIT_VALUE Invalid credit value. The received credit is


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BLE_ERROR_TOOL_INVALID_RESPONSE_FORMAT Format of the response received from the dongle

is invalid

BLE_ERROR_MAX Error maximum


Holds the information necessary to enable / disable address resolution in controller

Public Member Functions

□ CyAddressResolutionControlInfo (bool enable)
Creates the information necessary to control the address resolution

□ bool Enable [get]
Gets whether the address resolution in controller should be enabled or disabled

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to enable / disable address resolution in controller

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyAddressResolutionControlInfo (bool enable)

Creates the information necessary to control the address resolution

enable True to enable address resolution; False to disable address

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Property Documentation

bool Enable[get]

Gets whether the address resolution in controller should be enabled or disabled


Holds the information necessary to add a device to the resolving list

Public Member Functions

□ CyAddToResolvingListInfo (CyBleBdAddress peerIdAddress, byte[] peerIRK, byte[] localIRK)
Creates the information necessary to add a device to the resolving list

□ CyBleBdAddress PeerIdAddress [get]
Gets the ID address of the peer device to be added to the resolving list
□ byte[] PeerIRK [get]
Gets the peer device IRK
□ byte[] LocalIRK [get]
Gets the local device IRK

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to add a device to the resolving list

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyAddToResolvingListInfo (CyBleBdAddress peerIdAddress, byte[] peerIRK, byte[]


Creates the information necessary to add a device to the resolving list

peerIdAddres Peer device ID address

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peerIRK Peer device IRK

localIRK Local device IRK

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddress PeerIdAddress[get]

Gets the ID address of the peer device to be added to the resolving list

byte [] PeerIRK[get]

Gets the peer device IRK

byte [] LocalIRK[get]

Gets the local device IRK


Represents advertisement or scan response data

□ CyBleAdvEventType AdvertisementType [get]
Gets the advertisement type
□ List< CyAdvertisementDataItem > Items [get]
Gets the advertisement data items
□ byte[] RawData [get]
Gets the raw advertisement or scan data

Detailed Description
Represents advertisement or scan response data

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Property Documentation

CyBleAdvEventType AdvertisementType[get]

Gets the advertisement type

List<CyAdvertisementDataItem> Items[get]

Gets the advertisement data items

byte [] RawData[get]

Gets the raw advertisement or scan data


Represents an item in the advertisement data

Public Attributes
□ const byte FLAGS = 0x01
□ const byte INCOMPLETE_16_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x02
Incomplete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs
□ const byte COMPLETE_16_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x03
Complete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs
□ const byte INCOMPLETE_32_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x04
Incomplete List of 32-bit Service Class UUIDs
□ const byte COMPLETE_32_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x05
Complete List of 32-bit Service Class UUIDs
□ const byte INCOMPLETE_128_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x06
Incomplete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs
□ const byte COMPLETE_128_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x07
Complete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs
□ const byte SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME = 0x08
Shortened Local Name
□ const byte COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME = 0x09
Complete Local Name
□ const byte TX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x0A

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Tx Power Level
□ const byte DEVICE_ID = 0x10
Device ID
Slave Connection Interval Range
□ const byte SERVICE_SOLICITATION_16_BIT_UUID = 0x14
List of 16-bit Service Solicitation UUIDs
List of 32-bit Service Solicitation UUIDs
□ const byte SERVICE_SOLICITATION_128_BIT_UUID = 0x15
List of 128-bit Service Solicitation UUIDs
□ const byte SERVICE_DATA_16_BIT_UUID = 0x16
Service Data - 16-bit UUID
□ const byte SERVICE_DATA_32_BIT_UUID = 0x20
Service Data - 32-bit UUID
□ const byte SERVICE_DATA_128_BIT_UUID = 0x21
Service Data - 128-bit UUID
□ const byte PUBLIC_TARGET_ADDRESS = 0x17
Public Target Address
□ const byte RANDOM_ADDRESS = 0x18
Random Target Address
□ const byte APPEARANCE = 0x19
□ const byte ADVERTISING_INTERVAL = 0x1A
Advertising Interval
LE Bluetooth Device Address
□ const byte LE_ROLE = 0x1C
LE Role
□ const byte URI = 0x24
Manufacturer Specific Data

□ int Type [get]
Gets the advertisement item type
□ int Length [get]
Gets the advertisement data item length
□ List< byte > Data [get]
Gets the advertisement item data

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Detailed Description
Represents an item in the advertisement data

Member Data Documentation

const byte FLAGS = 0x01


const byte INCOMPLETE_16_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x02

Incomplete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs

const byte COMPLETE_16_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x03

Complete List of 16-bit Service Class UUIDs

const byte INCOMPLETE_32_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x04

Incomplete List of 32-bit Service Class UUIDs

const byte COMPLETE_32_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x05

Complete List of 32-bit Service Class UUIDs

const byte INCOMPLETE_128_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x06

Incomplete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs

const byte COMPLETE_128_BIT_SERVICE_UUID = 0x07

Complete List of 128-bit Service Class UUIDs

const byte SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME = 0x08

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Shortened Local Name

const byte COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME = 0x09

Complete Local Name

const byte TX_POWER_LEVEL = 0x0A

Tx Power Level

const byte DEVICE_ID = 0x10

Device ID


Slave Connection Interval Range


List of 16-bit Service Solicitation UUIDs


List of 32-bit Service Solicitation UUIDs


List of 128-bit Service Solicitation UUIDs

const byte SERVICE_DATA_16_BIT_UUID = 0x16

Service Data - 16-bit UUID

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const byte SERVICE_DATA_32_BIT_UUID = 0x20

Service Data - 32-bit UUID

const byte SERVICE_DATA_128_BIT_UUID = 0x21

Service Data - 128-bit UUID

const byte PUBLIC_TARGET_ADDRESS = 0x17

Public Target Address

const byte RANDOM_ADDRESS = 0x18

Random Target Address

const byte APPEARANCE = 0x19



Advertising Interval


LE Bluetooth Device Address

const byte LE_ROLE = 0x1C

LE Role

const byte URI = 0x24

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Manufacturer Specific Data

Property Documentation

int Type[get]

Gets the advertisement item type

int Length[get]

Gets the advertisement data item length

List<byte> Data[get]

Gets the advertisement item data


Indicate success or failure, and if failure, what was the cause.

Public Member Functions

□ override string ToString ()
Stringify a CyApiErr.
□ override bool Equals (object obj)
□ override int GetHashCode ()

Static Public Member Functions

□ static bool operator== (CyApiErr a, CyApiErr b)
□ static bool operator!= (CyApiErr a, CyApiErr b)

Public Attributes
□ const int ID_OK = 0
□ const int ID_FAIL = -1

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□ StackTrace [get]
Get the stack trace at the point where the CyApiErr was created.
□ bool HasStackTrace [get]
Return true if the CyApiErr captured the stack.
□ Exception WrappedException [get]
Get the wrapped exception. Will return null if no exception was wrapped.
□ bool HasWrappedException [get]
Returns true if the CyApiErr is wrapping an exception.
□ int ErrorId [get]
□ string Message [get]
Get the message from a CyApiErr.
□ static CyApiErr Ok [get]
The cannonical "Ok" CyApiErr. When reporting success, always return CyApiErr.Ok.
□ static CyApiErr OK [get]
An alias for "Ok".
□ bool IsOk [get]
Check to see if the CyApiErr is the cannonical "Ok" instance. Used to indicate success.
□ bool IsOK [get]
An alias for "IsOk".
□ bool IsNotOk [get]
Check to see if the CyApiErr is not the canonical "Ok" instance. Used to indicate failure.
□ bool IsNotOK [get]
An alias for "IsNotOk".

Detailed Description
Indicate success or failure, and if failure, what was the cause.
CyApiErr may contain an exception, a string message, and an integer ID. A CyApiErr instances has been pre-created
to represent Ok. It is available as CyApiErr.Ok.
CyApiErr can also wrap exceptions. If no message is explicitly specified with the error, the exceptions message is
adopted by the wrapping CyApiErr instance.

Member Function Documentation

override string ToString ()

Stringify a CyApiErr.


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Returns message of the CyApiErr

Property Documentation

StackTrace StackTrace[get]

Get the stack trace at the point where the CyApiErr was created.

bool HasStackTrace[get]

Return true if the CyApiErr captured the stack.

Exception WrappedException[get]

Get the wrapped exception. Will return null if no exception was wrapped.

bool HasWrappedException[get]

Returns true if the CyApiErr is wrapping an exception.

string Message[get]

Get the message from a CyApiErr.

CyApiErr Ok[static], [get]

The cannonical "Ok" CyApiErr. When reporting success, always return CyApiErr.Ok.

CyApiErr OK[static], [get]

An alias for "Ok".

bool IsOk[get]

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Check to see if the CyApiErr is the cannonical "Ok" instance. Used to indicate success.

bool IsOK[get]

An alias for "IsOk".

bool IsNotOk[get]

Check to see if the CyApiErr is not the canonical "Ok" instance. Used to indicate failure.

bool IsNotOK[get]

An alias for "IsNotOk".


Holds the authentication keys

Public Member Functions

□ CyAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeyFlags keyFlags, byte[] ltk, byte[] masterIdKeys, byte[] irk, byte[] csrk)
Creates an instance of the authentication keys

□ CyAuthenticationKeyFlags KeyFlags [get]
Keys to be exchanged between the pairing initiator and responder
□ byte[] LTK [get]
Gets the 16-byte Long Term Key (LTK)
□ byte[] MasterIDKeys [get]
Gets the 10-byte Master Identification Keys - Encryption Diversifier (EDIV) and a Random number
□ byte[] IRK [get]
Gets the 16-byte Identity Resolution Key (IRK)
□ byte[] CSRK [get]
Gets the 16-byte Connection data Signature Resolution Key (CSRK)

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Detailed Description
Holds the authentication keys

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeyFlags keyFlags, byte[] ltk, byte[]

masterIdKeys, byte[] irk, byte[] csrk)

Creates an instance of the authentication keys

keyFlags Keys to be exchanged between initiator and responder
during pairing

ltk Long Term Key (LTK)

masterIdKeys Master Identification Keys - Encryption Diversifier (EDIV)

and a Random number

irk Identity Resolution Key (IRK)

csrk Connection data Signature Resolution Key (CSRK)

Property Documentation

CyAuthenticationKeyFlags KeyFlags[get]

Keys to be exchanged between the pairing initiator and responder

byte [] LTK[get]

Gets the 16-byte Long Term Key (LTK)

byte [] MasterIDKeys[get]

Gets the 10-byte Master Identification Keys - Encryption Diversifier (EDIV) and a Random number

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byte [] IRK[get]

Gets the 16-byte Identity Resolution Key (IRK)

byte [] CSRK[get]

Gets the 16-byte Connection data Signature Resolution Key (CSRK)


Represents the Bluetooth device address

Public Member Functions

□ CyBleBdAddress (ulong address, CyBleBdAddressType addressType)
Creates an instance of the Bluetooth device address class
□ override bool Equals (object obj)
Check if the addresses are equal
□ override int GetHashCode ()
Gets the hash code for the address

Public Attributes
□ const ulong MAX_ADDRESS = (ulong.MaxValue & ADDR_MASK)
Maximum value for the address
□ const ulong MIN_ADDRESS = ulong.MinValue
Minimum value for the address

□ CyBleBdAddressType AddressType [get]
Gets the address type
□ ulong Address [get]
Gets the address

Detailed Description
Represents the Bluetooth device address

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Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyBleBdAddress (ulong address, CyBleBdAddressType addressType)

Creates an instance of the Bluetooth device address class

address Bluetooth device address The address should be within
0x000000000000 and 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF (inclusive)

addressType Device address type

Member Function Documentation

override bool Equals (object obj)

Check if the addresses are equal

obj Bluetooth device address

True if equal; otherwise, false

override int GetHashCode ()

Gets the hash code for the address

Hash code

Member Data Documentation

const ulong MAX_ADDRESS = (ulong.MaxValue & ADDR_MASK)

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Maximum value for the address

const ulong MIN_ADDRESS = ulong.MinValue

Minimum value for the address

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddressType AddressType[get]

Gets the address type

ulong Address[get]

Gets the address


Holds the settings to be used for connection establishment

Public Member Functions

□ CyBleConnectionSettings ()
Creates a connection parameter info object with the default settings
□ CyBleConnectionSettings (ushort minConnectionInterval, ushort maxConnectionInterval, ushort minCeLength, ushort
maxCeLength, CyConnectionInitiatorFilterPolicy connectionInitiatorFilterPolicy, CyInitiatorAddrType
connectionOwnBdAddrType, ushort slaveLatency, ushort connectionSuperVisionTimeout, ushort connectionScanInterval,
ushort connectionScanWindow)
Creates a connection parameter info object

Public Attributes
Default minimum connection interval
Default maximum connection interval
□ const ushort DEFAULT_SLAVE_LATENCY = 0x0000
Default slave latency
Default supervision timeout
□ const CyConnectionInitiatorFilterPolicy DEFAULT_INITIATOR_FILTER_POLICY

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Default initiator filter policy

□ const CyInitiatorAddrType DEFAULT_INITIATOR_ADDRESS_TYPE = CyInitiatorAddrType.PUBLIC
Default initiator address type
□ const ushort DEFAULT_MINIMUM_CE_LENGTH = 0x0000
Default minimum CE length
□ const ushort DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CE_LENGTH = 0x0000
Default maximum CE length
□ const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL = 0x0010
Default scan interval
□ const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_WINDOW = 0x0010
Default scan window

□ ushort MinimumConnectionInterval [get]
Gets the minimum connection interval
□ ushort MaximumConnectionInterval [get]
Gets the maximum connection interval
□ ushort SlaveLatency [get]
Gets the slave latency
□ ushort ConnectionSupervisionTimeout [get]
Gets the connection supervision timeout
□ CyConnectionInitiatorFilterPolicy ConnectionInitiatorFilterPolicy [get]
Gets the connection initiator filter policy
□ CyInitiatorAddrType ConnectionInitiatorBdAddrType [get]
Gets the connection initiator Bluetooth address type
□ ushort MinimumCeLength [get]
Gets the minimum CE length
□ ushort MaximumCeLength [get]
Gets the maximum CE length
□ ushort ConnectionScanInterval [get]
Gets the connection scan interval
□ ushort ConnectionScanWindow [get]
Gets the connection scan window

Detailed Description
Holds the settings to be used for connection establishment

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyBleConnectionSettings ()

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Creates a connection parameter info object with the default settings

CyBleConnectionSettings (ushort minConnectionInterval, ushort

maxConnectionInterval, ushort minCeLength, ushort maxCeLength,
CyConnectionInitiatorFilterPolicy connectionInitiatorFilterPolicy, CyInitiatorAddrType
connectionOwnBdAddrType, ushort slaveLatency, ushort
connectionSuperVisionTimeout, ushort connectionScanInterval, ushort

Creates a connection parameter info object

minConnectio minimum connection interval

maxConnectio maximum connection interval


minCeLength minimum CE length

maxCeLength maximum CE length

connectionIniti connection initiator filter policy


connectionOw connection initiator Bluetooth address type


slaveLatency slave latency

connectionSu connection supervision timeout


Member Data Documentation


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API Reference

Default minimum connection interval


Default maximum connection interval

const ushort DEFAULT_SLAVE_LATENCY = 0x0000

Default slave latency


Default supervision timeout

const CyConnectionInitiatorFilterPolicy DEFAULT_INITIATOR_FILTER_POLICY

Initial value:=
Default initiator filter policy



Default initiator address type

const ushort DEFAULT_MINIMUM_CE_LENGTH = 0x0000

Default minimum CE length

const ushort DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_CE_LENGTH = 0x0000

Default maximum CE length

const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL = 0x0010

Default scan interval

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const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_WINDOW = 0x0010

Default scan window

Property Documentation

ushort MinimumConnectionInterval[get]

Gets the minimum connection interval

ushort MaximumConnectionInterval[get]

Gets the maximum connection interval

ushort SlaveLatency[get]

Gets the slave latency

ushort ConnectionSupervisionTimeout[get]

Gets the connection supervision timeout

CyConnectionInitiatorFilterPolicy ConnectionInitiatorFilterPolicy[get]

Gets the connection initiator filter policy

CyInitiatorAddrType ConnectionInitiatorBdAddrType[get]

Gets the connection initiator Bluetooth address type

ushort MinimumCeLength[get]

Gets the minimum CE length

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ushort MaximumCeLength[get]

Gets the maximum CE length

ushort ConnectionScanInterval[get]

Gets the connection scan interval

ushort ConnectionScanWindow[get]

Gets the connection scan window


Device callback Defines device specific method callbacks

Public Member Functions

□ virtual void OnUpdateConnectionParameterRequestReceived (CyConnectionParameters request)
Connection parameter update request received from remote device
□ virtual void OnUpdateConnectionParameter (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleDevice.UpdateConnectionParameter
□ virtual void OnConnectionParameterChanged (CyCurrentConnectionParameters connectionParameters)
Reports the updated connection parameter values
□ virtual void OnSetDataLength (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of the ICyBleDevice.SetDataLength
□ virtual void OnDataLengthChanged (CyCurrentDataLength dataLength)
Reports the updated data length for the connection
□ virtual void OnPairRequestReceived (CyPairSettings settings)
Reports the pairing request received from the remote device
□ virtual void OnPairingSettingsNegotiated (CyPairSettings settings)
Reports the negotiated pairing settings
□ virtual void OnPasskeyEntryRequest (CyPasskeyEntryResponse response)
Passkey entry request
□ virtual void OnPasskeyDisplayRequest (CyPasskeyDisplayInfo info)
Passkey display request
□ virtual void OnNumericComparisonRequest (CyNumericComparisonResponse response)
Secure connection numeric comparison request
□ virtual void OnSendKeyPressNotification (CyStatus status)

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Reports the status of ICyBleDevice.SendKeyPressNotification

□ virtual void OnPairingCompleted (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleDevice.Pair
□ virtual void OnSetOob (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleDevice.SetOob

Detailed Description
Device callback Defines device specific method callbacks

Member Function Documentation

virtual void OnUpdateConnectionParameterRequestReceived (CyConnectionParameters


Connection parameter update request received from remote device

request New connection parameters requested by the remote
Use ICyBleDevice.SendConnectionParametersResponse method to send the response

virtual void OnUpdateConnectionParameter (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleDevice.UpdateConnectionParameter

status Status of ICyBleDevice.UpdateConnectionParameter

virtual void OnConnectionParameterChanged (CyCurrentConnectionParameters


Reports the updated connection parameter values


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connectionPar Current connection parameters


virtual void OnSetDataLength (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of the ICyBleDevice.SetDataLength

status Status of ICyBleDevice.SetDataLength

virtual void OnDataLengthChanged (CyCurrentDataLength dataLength)[virtual]

Reports the updated data length for the connection

dataLength Current data length for the connection

virtual void OnPairRequestReceived (CyPairSettings settings)[virtual]

Reports the pairing request received from the remote device

settings Remote device pairing settings

virtual void OnPairingSettingsNegotiated (CyPairSettings settings)[virtual]

Reports the negotiated pairing settings

settings Negotiated pair settings

virtual void OnPasskeyEntryRequest (CyPasskeyEntryResponse response)[virtual]

Passkey entry request

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response Contains the response for passkey entry request
Use ICyBleDevice.SendPasskeyResponse to send the response

virtual void OnPasskeyDisplayRequest (CyPasskeyDisplayInfo info)[virtual]

Passkey display request

info Passkey to be displayed

virtual void OnNumericComparisonRequest (CyNumericComparisonResponse


Secure connection numeric comparison request

response Contains the numeric comparison request details and the
response for the request
Use ICyBleDevice.SendNumericComparisonResponse to send the response

virtual void OnSendKeyPressNotification (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleDevice.SendKeyPressNotification

status Status of ICyBleDevice.SendKeyPressNotification

virtual void OnPairingCompleted (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleDevice.Pair


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status Status of ICyBleDevice.Pair

virtual void OnSetOob (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleDevice.SetOob

status Status of ICyBleDevice.SetOob


BLE manager callback The interface defines callback methods which needs to be implemented
by the API client

Public Member Functions

□ virtual void OnSetDeviceIoCapabilities (CyStatus status)
This callback reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.SetDeviceIoCapabilities method
□ virtual void OnGetDeviceIoCapabilities (CyBleDeviceIoCapabilities ioCapabilities, CyStatus status)
This callback reports the IO capabilities of the local devices
□ virtual void OnGetRssi (sbyte rssi, CyStatus status)
This callback reports the RSSI and the status of the ICyBleMgr.GetRSSI method
□ virtual void OnConnected (CyConnectResult result, CyStatus status)
This callback reports the result and status of the ICyBleMgr.Connect method
□ virtual void OnCancelled (CyStatus status)
This callback reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.CancelConnection method
□ virtual void OnDisconnected (CyBleBdAddress deviceAddress, CyStatus status)
This callback reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.Disconnect method
□ virtual void OnRegisterPsm (CyRegisteredPsm psm, CyStatus status)
Reports the registered PSM
□ virtual void OnUnregisterPsm (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.UnregisterPsm method
□ virtual void OnSetHostChannelClassification (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.SetHostChannelClassification method
□ virtual void OnSetTxPower (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.SetTxPower method
□ virtual void OnGetTxPower (CyTxPowerInfo result, CyStatus status)

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Reports the channel transmission power

□ virtual void OnGetDefaultDataLength (CyDefaultDataLengthResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the default data length
□ virtual void OnSetSuggestedDataLength (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.SetSuggestedDataLength method
□ virtual void OnConvertDataLengthOctetToTime (CyConvertOctetToTimeResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the result of the octet to time conversion
□ virtual void OnSetResolvableAddressTimeout (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleMgr.SetResolvableAddressTimeout
□ virtual void OnSetAddressResolutionControl (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleMgr.SetAddressResolutionControl

Detailed Description
BLE manager callback The interface defines callback methods which needs to be implemented by the API client

Member Function Documentation

virtual void OnSetDeviceIoCapabilities (CyStatus status)[virtual]

This callback reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.SetDeviceIoCapabilities method

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.SetDeviceIoCapabilities method

virtual void OnGetDeviceIoCapabilities (CyBleDeviceIoCapabilities ioCapabilities,

CyStatus status)[virtual]

This callback reports the IO capabilities of the local devices

ioCapabilities IO capabilities of the local device

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.GetDeviceIoCapabilities method


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virtual void OnGetRssi (sbyte rssi, CyStatus status)[virtual]

This callback reports the RSSI and the status of the ICyBleMgr.GetRSSI method

rssi RSSI of the last received packet This field is valid only if the
status is OK

status Status of ICyBleMgr.GetRSSI method execution

virtual void OnConnected (CyConnectResult result, CyStatus status)[virtual]

This callback reports the result and status of the ICyBleMgr.Connect method

result Contains the connection result if the status is OK;
otherwise is null

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.Connect method execution

virtual void OnCancelled (CyStatus status)[virtual]

This callback reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.CancelConnection method

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.CancelConnection method

virtual void OnDisconnected (CyBleBdAddress deviceAddress, CyStatus


This callback reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.Disconnect method


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deviceAddres Contains the address of the disconnected device if the

s status is OK; otherwise is null

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.Disconnect method execution

virtual void OnRegisterPsm (CyRegisteredPsm psm, CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the registered PSM

psm Registered PSM

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.RegisterPsm method execution

virtual void OnUnregisterPsm (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.UnregisterPsm method

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.UnregisterPsm method execution

virtual void OnSetHostChannelClassification (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.SetHostChannelClassification method

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.SetHostChannelClassification
method execution

virtual void OnSetTxPower (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.SetTxPower method


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status Status of the ICyBleMgr.SetTxPower method execution

virtual void OnGetTxPower (CyTxPowerInfo result, CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the channel transmission power

result Channel power level

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.GetTxPower method execution

virtual void OnGetDefaultDataLength (CyDefaultDataLengthResult result, CyStatus


Reports the default data length

result Default data length of the local device (dongle)

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.GetDefaultDataLength method


virtual void OnSetSuggestedDataLength (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of the ICyBleMgr.SetSuggestedDataLength method

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.SetSuggestedDataLength method

virtual void OnConvertDataLengthOctetToTime (CyConvertOctetToTimeResult result,

CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the result of the octet to time conversion

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result Contains the conversion result if status is OK; Otherwise
is null

status Status of ICyBleMgr.ConvertDataLengthOctetToTime

method execution

virtual void OnSetResolvableAddressTimeout (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleMgr.SetResolvableAddressTimeout

status Status of ICyBleMgr.SetResolvableAddressTimeout

virtual void OnSetAddressResolutionControl (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleMgr.SetAddressResolutionControl

status Status of ICyBleMgr.SetAddressResolutionControl


Holds the scan settings

Public Member Functions

□ CyBleScanSettings ()
Creates an instance of the scan parameters with default settings
□ CyBleScanSettings (CyScanType scanType, ushort scanInterval, ushort scanWindow, CyInitiatorAddrType
scanOwnBdAddrType, CyScanInitiatorFilterPolicy scanFilterPolicy, CyDiscoveryType scanProcedureType, ushort
scanTimeout, CyScanDuplicateFilterPolicy scanDuplicateFilterPolicy)
Creates an instance of scan parameters info

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Public Attributes
Default scan type
□ const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL = 0x0010
Default scan interval
□ const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_WINDOW = 0x0010
Default scan window
□ const CyInitiatorAddrType DEFAULT_SCAN_OWN_ADDRESS_TYPE = CyInitiatorAddrType.PUBLIC
Default own Bluetooth address type
□ const CyScanInitiatorFilterPolicy DEFAULT_INITIATOR_FILTER_POLICY =
Default initiator filter policy
Default discovery procedure
□ const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_TIMEOUT = 0
Default scan timeout
□ const CyScanDuplicateFilterPolicy DEFAULT_DUPLICATE_FILTER_POLICY
Default duplicate filter policy

□ CyScanType ScanType [get]
Gets the scan type
□ ushort ScanInterval [get]
Gets the scan interval
□ ushort ScanWindow [get]
Gets the scan window
□ CyInitiatorAddrType ScanOwnBdAddrType [get]
Gets the own bluetooth address type to be used for scan
□ CyScanInitiatorFilterPolicy InitiatorFilterPolicy [get]
Gets the scan initiator filter policy
□ CyDiscoveryType ScanProcedureType [get]
Gets the scan procedure type
□ ushort ScanTimeout [get]
Gets the scan timeout in seconds
□ CyScanDuplicateFilterPolicy DuplicateFilterPolicy [get]
Gets the scan duplicate filtering policy

Detailed Description
Holds the scan settings

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API Reference

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyBleScanSettings ()

Creates an instance of the scan parameters with default settings

CyBleScanSettings (CyScanType scanType, ushort scanInterval, ushort scanWindow,

CyInitiatorAddrType scanOwnBdAddrType, CyScanInitiatorFilterPolicy scanFilterPolicy,
CyDiscoveryType scanProcedureType, ushort scanTimeout, CyScanDuplicateFilterPolicy

Creates an instance of scan parameters info

scanType scan type

scanInterval scan interval

scanWindow scan window

scanOwnBdA Own bluetooth address type to be used for scan


scanFilterPoli scan initiator filter policy


scanProcedur scan procedure type


scanTimeout scan timeout in seconds Specify zero for continuous scan

scanDuplicate Specify the scan duplicate filter policy


Member Data Documentation


Default scan type

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const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_INTERVAL = 0x0010

Default scan interval

const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_WINDOW = 0x0010

Default scan window



Default own bluetooth address type

const CyScanInitiatorFilterPolicy DEFAULT_INITIATOR_FILTER_POLICY =


Default initiator filter policy

const CyDiscoveryType DEFAULT_DISCOVERY_TYPE =


Default discovery procedure

const ushort DEFAULT_SCAN_TIMEOUT = 0

Default scan timeout


Initial value:=
Default duplicate filter policy

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Property Documentation

CyScanType ScanType[get]

Gets the scan type

ushort ScanInterval[get]

Gets the scan interval

ushort ScanWindow[get]

Gets the scan window

CyInitiatorAddrType ScanOwnBdAddrType[get]

Gets the own bluetooth address type to be used for scan

CyScanInitiatorFilterPolicy InitiatorFilterPolicy[get]

Gets the scan initiator filter policy

CyDiscoveryType ScanProcedureType[get]

Gets the scan procedure type

ushort ScanTimeout[get]

Gets the scan timeout in seconds

CyScanDuplicateFilterPolicy DuplicateFilterPolicy[get]

Gets the scan duplicate filtering policy

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Represents a device in the bond list

□ CyBleBdAddress DeviceAddress [get]
Gets the device address
□ byte DeviceHandle [get]
Gets the device handle

Detailed Description
Represents a device in the bond list

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddress DeviceAddress[get]

Gets the device address

byte DeviceHandle[get]

Gets the device handle


Holds the information necessary to modify the host channel classification

Public Types
□ enum Channels : ulong { NONE = 0x0000000000, CHANNEL_00 = 0x0000000001, CHANNEL_01 = 0x0000000002,
CHANNEL_02 = 0x0000000004, CHANNEL_03 = 0x0000000008, CHANNEL_04 = 0x0000000010, CHANNEL_05 =
0x0000000020, CHANNEL_06 = 0x0000000040, CHANNEL_07 = 0x0000000080, CHANNEL_08 = 0x0000000100,
CHANNEL_09 = 0x0000000200, CHANNEL_10 = 0x0000000400, CHANNEL_11 = 0x0000000800, CHANNEL_12 =
0x0000001000, CHANNEL_13 = 0x0000002000, CHANNEL_14 = 0x0000004000, CHANNEL_15 = 0x0000008000,
CHANNEL_16 = 0x0000010000, CHANNEL_17 = 0x0000020000, CHANNEL_18 = 0x0000040000, CHANNEL_19 =
0x0000080000, CHANNEL_20 = 0x0000100000, CHANNEL_21 = 0x0000200000, CHANNEL_22 = 0x0000400000,
CHANNEL_23 = 0x0000800000, CHANNEL_24 = 0x0001000000, CHANNEL_25 = 0x0002000000, CHANNEL_26 =
0x0004000000, CHANNEL_27 = 0x0008000000, CHANNEL_28 = 0x0010000000, CHANNEL_29 = 0x0020000000,
CHANNEL_30 = 0x0040000000, CHANNEL_31 = 0x0080000000, CHANNEL_32 = 0x0100000000, CHANNEL_33 =

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0x0200000000, CHANNEL_34 = 0x0400000000, CHANNEL_35 = 0x0800000000, CHANNEL_36 = 0x1000000000,

ALL = 0x1FFFFFFFFF }Enumeration of channels Two or more channels can be selected by OR'ing the corresponding
channel enumeration

Public Member Functions

□ CyChannelClassificationInfo (Channels channelClassification)
Creates the information necessary to update the host channel classification

□ Channels ChannelClassification [get]
Gets the channel classification

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to modify the host channel classification

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Channels : ulong[strong]

Enumeration of channels Two or more channels can be selected by OR'ing the corresponding channel enumeration

NONE No channels selected

CHANNEL_00 Channel 00

CHANNEL_01 Channel 01

CHANNEL_02 Channel 02

CHANNEL_03 Channel 03

CHANNEL_04 Channel 04

CHANNEL_05 Channel 05

CHANNEL_06 Channel 06

CHANNEL_07 Channel 07

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CHANNEL_08 Channel 08

CHANNEL_09 Channel 09

CHANNEL_10 Channel 10

CHANNEL_11 Channel 11

CHANNEL_12 Channel 12

CHANNEL_13 Channel 13

CHANNEL_14 Channel 14

CHANNEL_15 Channel 15

CHANNEL_16 Channel 16

CHANNEL_17 Channel 17

CHANNEL_18 Channel 18

CHANNEL_19 Channel 19

CHANNEL_20 Channel 20

CHANNEL_21 Channel 21

CHANNEL_22 Channel 22

CHANNEL_23 Channel 23

CHANNEL_24 Channel 24

CHANNEL_25 Channel 25

CHANNEL_26 Channel 26

CHANNEL_27 Channel 27

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CHANNEL_28 Channel 28

CHANNEL_29 Channel 29

CHANNEL_30 Channel 30

CHANNEL_31 Channel 31

CHANNEL_32 Channel 32

CHANNEL_33 Channel 33

CHANNEL_34 Channel 34

CHANNEL_35 Channel 35

CHANNEL_36 Channel 36

ALL All Channels

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyChannelClassificationInfo (Channels channelClassification)

Creates the information necessary to update the host channel classification

channelClassi Channel classification It is mandatory that at least one
fication channel is selected

Property Documentation

Channels ChannelClassification[get]

Gets the channel classification

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Holds the information of the characteristic value changed as a result of notification or indication

□ ushort Handle [get]
Gets the handle of the changed characteristic
□ byte[] Value [get]
Gets the changed value

Detailed Description
Holds the information of the characteristic value changed as a result of notification or indication

Property Documentation

ushort Handle[get]

Gets the handle of the changed characteristic

byte [] Value[get]

Gets the changed value


Holds the information necessary to connect to a BLE device

Public Member Functions

□ CyConnectInfo (CyBleBdAddress peerDeviceAddress, CyBleConnectionSettings settings)
Creates an instance of the connection information class

□ CyBleBdAddress PeerDeviceAddress [get]
Gets the address of the peer device to be connected
□ CyBleConnectionSettings Settings [get]
Gets the connection settings

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Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to connect to a BLE device

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyConnectInfo (CyBleBdAddress peerDeviceAddress, CyBleConnectionSettings settings)

Creates an instance of the connection information class

peerDeviceAd Address of the peer device to be connected

settings Connection settings to be used for this connection

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddress PeerDeviceAddress[get]

Gets the address of the peer device to be connected

CyBleConnectionSettings Settings[get]

Gets the connection settings


Connection parameter settings

Public Member Functions

□ CyConnectionParameters (ushort connectionIntervalMin, ushort connectionIntervalMax, ushort slaveLatency, ushort
Creates the connection parameter settings

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□ ushort ConnectionIntervalMinimum [get]
Gets the minimum value for the connection interval
□ ushort ConnectionIntervalMaximum [get]
Gets the maximum value for the connection interval
□ ushort SlaveLatency [get]
Gets the slave latency for the connection in number of connection events
□ ushort SupervisionTimeout [get]
Gets the supervision timeout for the LE link

Detailed Description
Connection parameter settings

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyConnectionParameters (ushort connectionIntervalMin, ushort

connectionIntervalMax, ushort slaveLatency, ushort supervisionTimeout)

Creates the connection parameter settings

connectionInt Minimum value for the connection interval This shall be less
ervalMin than or equal to connectionIntervalMax
Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80 Time: N * 1.25 ms; where N is the connection interval value

connectionInt Maximum value for the connection interval. This shall be
ervalMax greater than or equal to connectionIntervalMin
Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80 Time: N * 1.25 ms; where N is the connection interval value

slaveLatency Slave latency for the connection in number of connection
events Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F3

supervisionTi Supervision timeout for the LE link

Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80 Time = N * 10 ms

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Property Documentation

ushort ConnectionIntervalMinimum[get]

Gets the minimum value for the connection interval

ushort ConnectionIntervalMaximum[get]

Gets the maximum value for the connection interval

ushort SlaveLatency[get]

Gets the slave latency for the connection in number of connection events

ushort SupervisionTimeout[get]

Gets the supervision timeout for the LE link


Holds the connection result

□ ICyBleDevice Device [get]
Gets the connected device instance

Detailed Description
Holds the connection result

Property Documentation

ICyBleDevice Device[get]

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Gets the connected device instance


Holds the information necessary to convert octet to time

Public Member Functions

□ CyConvertOctetToTimeInfo (ushort octet)
Creates an information necessary to convert octet to time

□ CyPhyType PhysicalLayerType [get]
Gets the physical layer type
□ ushort Octet [get]
Gets the octet value to be converted

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to convert octet to time

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyConvertOctetToTimeInfo (ushort octet)

Creates an information necessary to convert octet to time

octet Octet value to be converted

Property Documentation

CyPhyType PhysicalLayerType[get]

Gets the physical layer type

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ushort Octet[get]

Gets the octet value to be converted


Holds the result of the octet to time conversion

□ ushort Octet [get]
Gets the octet value that was converted
□ ushort Time [get]
Gets the converted time value in µs

Detailed Description
Holds the result of the octet to time conversion

Property Documentation

ushort Octet[get]

Gets the octet value that was converted

ushort Time[get]

Gets the converted time value in µs


Holds the current connection parameters

□ ushort ConnectionInterval [get]
Gets the connection interval

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□ ushort SlaveLatency [get]

Gets the slave latency for the connection in number of connection events
□ ushort SupervisionTimeout [get]
Gets the supervision timeout for the LE link

Detailed Description
Holds the current connection parameters

Property Documentation

ushort ConnectionInterval[get]

Gets the connection interval

ushort SlaveLatency[get]

Gets the slave latency for the connection in number of connection events

ushort SupervisionTimeout[get]

Gets the supervision timeout for the LE link


Holds the current data length

□ ushort ConnectionMaximumTxOctets [get]
Gets the maximum Tx octet size for the current connection
□ ushort ConnectionMaximumTxTime [get]
Gets the maximum Tx time (in µs) for the current connection
□ ushort ConnectionMaximumRxOctets [get]
Gets the maximum Rx octet size for the current connection
□ ushort ConnectionMaximumRxTime [get]
Gets the maximum Rx time (in µs) for the current connection

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Detailed Description
Holds the current data length

Property Documentation

ushort ConnectionMaximumTxOctets[get]

Gets the maximum Tx octet size for the current connection

ushort ConnectionMaximumTxTime[get]

Gets the maximum Tx time (in µs) for the current connection

ushort ConnectionMaximumRxOctets[get]

Gets the maximum Rx octet size for the current connection

ushort ConnectionMaximumRxTime[get]

Gets the maximum Rx time (in µs) for the current connection


Holds the information necessary to change the data length for the current connection

Public Member Functions

□ CyDataLengthInfo (ushort maxTxOctets, ushort maxTxTime)
Creates the information necessary to set the preferred data length

□ ushort MaxTxOctets [get]
Gets the preferred maximum Tx octet size for the connection
□ ushort MaxTxTime [get]
Gets the preferred maximum Tx time (in µs) for the connection

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Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to change the data length for the current connection

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyDataLengthInfo (ushort maxTxOctets, ushort maxTxTime)

Creates the information necessary to set the preferred data length

maxTxOctets Preferred maximum Tx octet size for the connection

maxTxTime Preferred maximum Tx time (in µs) for the connection Use
ICyBleMgr.ConvertDataLengthOctetToTime API to convert
octet to time

Property Documentation

ushort MaxTxOctets[get]

Gets the preferred maximum Tx octet size for the connection

ushort MaxTxTime[get]

Gets the preferred maximum Tx time (in µs) for the connection


Holds the default data length of the local device (dongle)

□ ushort SuggestedMaxTxOctets [get]
Gets the suggested data octet size to be used for new connections
□ ushort SuggestedMaxTxTime [get]
Gets the suggested data transmission time (in µs) for new connections

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□ ushort SupportedMaxTxOctets [get]

Gets the maximum supported data transmission octet size
□ ushort SupportedMaxTxTime [get]
Gets the maximum supported data transmission time (in µs)
□ ushort SupportedMaxRxOctets [get, set]
Gets the maximum supported data receive octet size
□ ushort SupportedMaxRxTime [get]
Gets the maximum supported data receive time (in µs)

Detailed Description
Holds the default data length of the local device (dongle)

Property Documentation

ushort SuggestedMaxTxOctets[get]

Gets the suggested data octet size to be used for new connections

ushort SuggestedMaxTxTime[get]

Gets the suggested data transmission time (in µs) for new connections

ushort SupportedMaxTxOctets[get]

Gets the maximum supported data transmission octet size

ushort SupportedMaxTxTime[get]

Gets the maximum supported data transmission time (in µs)

ushort SupportedMaxRxOctets[get], [set]

Gets the maximum supported data receive octet size

ushort SupportedMaxRxTime[get]

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Gets the maximum supported data receive time (in µs)


Device address manager callback The interface defines callback methods which needs to be
implemented by the API client

Public Member Functions

□ virtual void OnBdAddressGenerated (CyGenerateBdAddressResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the generated Bluetooth device address
□ virtual void OnGetBdAddress (CyBleBdAddress address, CyStatus status)
Reports the Bluetooth device address of the local device (dongle)
□ virtual void OnSetBdAddress (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of the ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr.SetBdAddress method
□ virtual void OnSetIdAddress (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of the ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr.SetIdAddress method
□ virtual void OnGetPeerResolvableAddress (CyResolvableAddressResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the resolvable address of the peer device
□ virtual void OnGetLocalResolvableAddress (CyResolvableAddressResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the resolvable address of the local device

Detailed Description
Device address manager callback The interface defines callback methods which needs to be implemented by the API

Member Function Documentation

virtual void OnBdAddressGenerated (CyGenerateBdAddressResult result, CyStatus


Reports the generated Bluetooth device address

result Contains the generated Bluetooth device address, if status
is OK; otherwise is null

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status Status of the

method execution

virtual void OnGetBdAddress (CyBleBdAddress address, CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the Bluetooth device address of the local device (dongle)

address Contains the Bluetooth device address of the local device,
if status is OK; otherwise is null

status Status of the ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr.GetBdAddress

method execution

virtual void OnSetBdAddress (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of the ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr.SetBdAddress method

status Status of the ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr.SetBdAddress
method execution

virtual void OnSetIdAddress (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of the ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr.SetIdAddress method

status Status of the ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr.SetIdAddress
method execution

virtual void OnGetPeerResolvableAddress (CyResolvableAddressResult result, CyStatus


Reports the resolvable address of the peer device

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result Contains the resolvable private address of the peer device,
if status is OK; otherwise is null

status Status of the

method execution

virtual void OnGetLocalResolvableAddress (CyResolvableAddressResult result, CyStatus


Reports the resolvable address of the local device

result Contains the resolvable private address of the local device,
if status is OK; otherwise is null

status Status of the

method execution


Device list callback Defines callback method from device list APIs

Public Member Functions

□ virtual void OnAddDeviceToWhitelist (CyWhitelistDevice device, CyStatus status)
Reports the device added to the whitelist
□ virtual void OnRemoveDeviceFromWhitelist (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleDeviceList.RemoveDeviceFromWhitelist
□ virtual void OnClearWhitelist (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleDeviceList.ClearWhitelist
□ virtual void OnGetWhitelistDevices (List< CyWhitelistDevice > whitelist, CyStatus status)
Reports the whitelist devices
□ virtual void OnGetBondListDevices (List< CyBondListDevice > bondList, CyStatus status)
Reports the bond list devices

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□ virtual void OnAddDeviceToResolvingList (CyResolvingListDevice device, CyStatus status)

Reports the device added to the resolving list
□ virtual void OnRemoveDeviceFromResolvingList (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleDeviceList.RemoveDeviceFromResolvingList
□ virtual void OnClearResolvingList (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleDeviceList.ClearResolvingList
□ virtual void OnGetResolvingListDevices (List< CyResolvingListDevice > resolvingList, CyStatus status)
Reports the resolving list devices

Detailed Description
Device list callback Defines callback method from device list APIs

Member Function Documentation

virtual void OnAddDeviceToWhitelist (CyWhitelistDevice device, CyStatus


Reports the device added to the whitelist

device Contains the device added to the whitelist, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyBleDeviceList.AddDeviceToWhitelist

virtual void OnRemoveDeviceFromWhitelist (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleDeviceList.RemoveDeviceFromWhitelist

status Status of ICyBleDeviceList.RemoveDeviceFromWhitelist

virtual void OnClearWhitelist (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleDeviceList.ClearWhitelist

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status Status of ICyBleDeviceList.ClearWhitelist

virtual void OnGetWhitelistDevices (List< CyWhitelistDevice > whitelist, CyStatus


Reports the whitelist devices

whitelist Contains the devices in the whitelist, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyBleDeviceList.GetWhitelistDevices

virtual void OnGetBondListDevices (List< CyBondListDevice > bondList, CyStatus


Reports the bond list devices

bondList Contains the devices in the bond list, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyBleDeviceList.GetBondListDevices

virtual void OnAddDeviceToResolvingList (CyResolvingListDevice device, CyStatus


Reports the device added to the resolving list

device Resolving list device

status Status of ICyBleDeviceList.AddDeviceToResolvingList

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virtual void OnRemoveDeviceFromResolvingList (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleDeviceList.RemoveDeviceFromResolvingList

status Status of

virtual void OnClearResolvingList (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleDeviceList.ClearResolvingList

status Status of ICyBleDeviceList.ClearResolvingList

virtual void OnGetResolvingListDevices (List< CyResolvingListDevice > resolvingList,

CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the resolving list devices

resolvingList Contains the devices in the resolving list, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyBleDeviceList.GetResolvingListDevices


Holds the result of service discovery

□ List< CyGattService > Services [get]

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Gets all the discovered services

Detailed Description
Holds the result of service discovery

Property Documentation

List<CyGattService> Services[get]

Gets all the discovered services


Holds the information necessary to discover characteristics by UUID

Public Member Functions

□ CyDiscoverCharacteristicsByUUIDInfo (CyUUID uuid, ushort startHandle, ushort endHandle)
Creates the information necessary to discover characteristics by UUID

□ CyUUID UUID [get]
□ ushort StartHandle [get]
Gets the start handle to begin the discovery
□ ushort EndHandle [get]
Gets the end handle to stop the discovery

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to discover characteristics by UUID

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyDiscoverCharacteristicsByUUIDInfo (CyUUID uuid, ushort startHandle, ushort


Creates the information necessary to discover characteristics by UUID

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uuid UUID of the characteristic to be discovered

startHandle Start handle

endHandle End handle

Property Documentation

Gets the UUID of the characteristics to be discovered

ushort StartHandle[get]

Gets the start handle to begin the discovery

ushort EndHandle[get]

Gets the end handle to stop the discovery


Defines the callback methods for characteristic discovery

Public Member Functions

□ abstract void OnCharacteristicsDiscovered (CyDiscoverCharacteristicsResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the discovered characteristics

Detailed Description
Defines the callback methods for characteristic discovery

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Member Function Documentation

abstract void OnCharacteristicsDiscovered (CyDiscoverCharacteristicsResult result,

CyStatus status)[pure virtual]

Reports the discovered characteristics

result Characteristics discovered

status Status of ICyGattClient.DiscoverCharacteristics or

ICyGattClient.DiscoverCharacteristicsByUUID method


Holds the information necessary to discover characteristics

Public Member Functions

□ CyDiscoverCharacteristicsInfo (ushort startHandle, ushort endHandle)
Creates the information necessary to discover characteristics

□ ushort StartHandle [get]
Gets the starting handle to begin the characteristic discovery
□ ushort EndHandle [get]
Gets the end handle to stop the characteristic discovery

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to discover characteristics

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Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyDiscoverCharacteristicsInfo (ushort startHandle, ushort endHandle)

Creates the information necessary to discover characteristics

startHandle Start handle This is typically set to a service start handle

endHandle End handle This is typically set to a service end handle

Property Documentation

ushort StartHandle[get]

Gets the starting handle to begin the characteristic discovery

ushort EndHandle[get]

Gets the end handle to stop the characteristic discovery


Holds the result of characteristic discovery

□ List< CyGattCharacteristic > Characteristics [get]
Gets the list of discovered characteristics

Detailed Description
Holds the result of characteristic discovery

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Property Documentation

List<CyGattCharacteristic> Characteristics[get]

Gets the list of discovered characteristics


Defines the callback methods for descriptor discovery

Public Member Functions

□ abstract void OnDescriptorDiscovered (CyDiscoverDescriptorsResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the discovered descriptors

Detailed Description
Defines the callback methods for descriptor discovery

Member Function Documentation

abstract void OnDescriptorDiscovered (CyDiscoverDescriptorsResult result, CyStatus

status)[pure virtual]

Reports the discovered descriptors

result Descriptors discovered

status Status of the ICyGattClient.DiscoverDescriptors method



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Holds the information necessary to discover descriptors

Public Member Functions

□ CyDiscoverDescriptorsInfo (ushort startHandle, ushort endHandle)
Creates the information necessary to discover descriptors

□ ushort StartHandle [get]
Gets the start handle to begin the discovery
□ ushort EndHandle [get]
Gets the end handle to stop the discovery

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to discover descriptors

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyDiscoverDescriptorsInfo (ushort startHandle, ushort endHandle)

Creates the information necessary to discover descriptors

startHandle Start handle This is typically set to the characteristic value
handle + 1

endHandle End handle This is typically set to the end handle of a


Property Documentation

ushort StartHandle[get]

Gets the start handle to begin the discovery

ushort EndHandle[get]

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Gets the end handle to stop the discovery


Holds the result of descriptor discovery

□ List< CyGattDescriptor > Descriptors [get]
Gets the list of discovered descriptors

Detailed Description
Holds the result of descriptor discovery

Property Documentation

List<CyGattDescriptor> Descriptors[get]

Gets the list of discovered descriptors


Defines the callback methods for primary service discovery

Public Member Functions

□ abstract void OnPrimaryServiceDiscovered (List< CyGattService > services, CyStatus status)
Reports the discovered primary services

Detailed Description
Defines the callback methods for primary service discovery

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Member Function Documentation

abstract void OnPrimaryServiceDiscovered (List< CyGattService > services, CyStatus

status)[pure virtual]

Reports the discovered primary services

services Primary services discovered

status Status of ICyGattClient.DiscoverPrimaryServices or

ICyGattClient.DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID method


Holds the information necessary to discover primary services by UUID

Public Member Functions

□ CyDiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUIDInfo (CyUUID uuid)
Creates the information necessary to discover primary services by UUID

□ CyUUID UUID [get]
Gets the UUID of the primary service to be discovered

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to discover primary services by UUID

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyDiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUIDInfo (CyUUID uuid)

Creates the information necessary to discover primary services by UUID

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uuid UUID of the primary service to be discovered

Property Documentation


Gets the UUID of the primary service to be discovered


Holds the result of primary services discovery

□ List< CyGattService > Services [get]
Gets the list of primary services discovered

Detailed Description
Holds the result of primary services discovery

Property Documentation

List<CyGattService> Services[get]

Gets the list of primary services discovered


Holds the information necessary to get a dongle communicator

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Public Types
□ enum CySmartDongleType { CY5670, CY5672, CY5677 }Enumeration of supported dongle types

Public Member Functions

□ CyDongleInfo (string comPortName)
Creates an instance of the DongleInfo class
□ CyDongleInfo (string comPortName, CySmartDongleType type)
Creates an instance of the DongleInfo class

□ string COMPortName [get]
Gets the COM port name of the CySmart dongle
□ CySmartDongleType DongleType [get]
Gets the dongle type

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to get a dongle communicator

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CySmartDongleType[strong]

Enumeration of supported dongle types

CY5670 CySmart BLE dongle (supports BLE v4.1)

CY5672 CySmart HID dongle (supports BLE v4.1)

CY5677 CySmart BLE dongle (supports BLE v4.2)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyDongleInfo (string comPortName)

Creates an instance of the DongleInfo class

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comPortName COM port name of the CySmart dongle

CyDongleInfo (string comPortName, CySmartDongleType type)

Creates an instance of the DongleInfo class

comPortName COM port name of the CySmart dongle

type CySmart BLE dongle type

Property Documentation

string COMPortName[get]

Gets the COM port name of the CySmart dongle

CySmartDongleType DongleType[get]

Gets the dongle type


Holds the information necessary to create a new L2CAP channel

Public Member Functions

□ CyEstablishL2CapChannelInfo (ushort remotePSM, ushort localPSM, ushort mtu, ushort mps, ushort initialCredits)
Creates the information necessary to establish an L2CAP channel

□ ushort RemotePSM [get]
Gets the remote PSM
□ ushort LocalPSM [get]

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Gets the local PSM

□ ushort MTU [get]
Gets the local MTU
□ ushort MPS [get]
Gets the local MPS
□ ushort InitialCredits [get]
Gets the initial credits

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to create a new L2CAP channel

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyEstablishL2CapChannelInfo (ushort remotePSM, ushort localPSM, ushort mtu,

ushort mps, ushort initialCredits)

Creates the information necessary to establish an L2CAP channel

remotePSM Remote PSM

localPSM Local PSM

mtu Local MTU

mps Local MPS

initialCredits Initial credits

Property Documentation

ushort RemotePSM[get]

Gets the remote PSM

ushort LocalPSM[get]

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Gets the local PSM

ushort MTU[get]

Gets the local MTU

ushort MPS[get]

Gets the local MPS

ushort InitialCredits[get]

Gets the initial credits


Defines the callback methods for find included services API

Public Member Functions

□ abstract void OnFindIncludedServices (CyFindIncludedServicesResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the discovered included services

Detailed Description
Defines the callback methods for find included services API

Member Function Documentation

abstract void OnFindIncludedServices (CyFindIncludedServicesResult result, CyStatus

status)[pure virtual]

Reports the discovered included services


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result Discovered included services

status Status of the ICyGattClient.FindIncludedServices method



Holds the information necessary to find an included service

Public Member Functions

□ CyFindIncludedServicesInfo (ushort startHandle, ushort endHandle)
Creates the information necessary to find included services

□ ushort StartHandle [get]
Gets the handle from which the discovery needs to be started
□ ushort EndHandle [get]
Gets the attribute handle till which the discovery needs to be executed

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to find an included service

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyFindIncludedServicesInfo (ushort startHandle, ushort endHandle)

Creates the information necessary to find included services

startHandle Start handle This is typically the start handle of a primary

endHandle End handle This is typically the end handle of a primary


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Property Documentation

ushort StartHandle[get]

Gets the handle from which the discovery needs to be started

ushort EndHandle[get]

Gets the attribute handle till which the discovery needs to be executed


Holds the result of included service discovery

□ List< CyGattIncludedService > IncludedServices [get]
Gets the included service discovered

Detailed Description
Holds the result of included service discovery

Property Documentation

List<CyGattIncludedService> IncludedServices[get]

Gets the included service discovered


Represents an attribute in the GATT server

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Protected Member Functions

□ CyGattAttribute (CyUUID uuid, ushort handle, byte[] value)
Creates an instance of the attribute

□ CyUUID UUID [get]
Gets the UUID of the attribute
□ ushort Handle [get]
Gets the attribute handle
□ byte[] Value [get]
Gets the attribute value

Detailed Description
Represents an attribute in the GATT server

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyGattAttribute (CyUUID uuid, ushort handle, byte[] value)[protected]

Creates an instance of the attribute

uuid Attribute UUID

handle Attribute handle

value Attribute value

Property Documentation


Gets the UUID of the attribute

ushort Handle[get]

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Gets the attribute handle

byte [] Value[get]

Gets the attribute value


Represents a GATT characteristic

□ CyUUID UUID [get]
Gets the characteristic UUID
□ ushort DeclarationHandle [get]
Gets the handle at which the characteristic is declared
□ ushort Handle [get]
Gets the handle to characteristic value
□ CyGattCharacteristicProperty Properties [get]
Gets the characteristic properties
□ CyGattService Service [get, set]
Gets the service which includes this characteristic
□ List< CyGattDescriptor > Descriptors [get]
Gets the list of descriptors associated with this characteristic

Detailed Description
Represents a GATT characteristic

Property Documentation


Gets the characteristic UUID

ushort DeclarationHandle[get]

Gets the handle at which the characteristic is declared

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ushort Handle[get]

Gets the handle to characteristic value

CyGattCharacteristicProperty Properties[get]

Gets the characteristic properties

CyGattService Service[get], [set]

Gets the service which includes this characteristic

This will be null, if the characteristic was discovered via ICyGattClient.DiscoverCharacteristics or

List<CyGattDescriptor> Descriptors[get]

Gets the list of descriptors associated with this characteristic

This will be null, if the characteristic was discovered via ICyGattClient.DiscoverCharacteristics or


Public Member Functions

□ virtual void OnGattMtuExchanged (CyGattExchangeMtuResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the negotiated GATT MTU size
□ virtual void OnServiceDiscovered (CyDiscoverAllServicesResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports all the discovered services
□ virtual void OnCharacteristicChanged (CyCharacteristicChangedInfo info)
Reports the received characteristic value notifications and indications
□ virtual void OnCharacteristicRead (CyGattReadResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the characteristic value that was read
□ virtual void OnCharacteristicReadByUUID (CyReadCharacteristicByUUIDResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the value of characteristics with a specific UUID
□ virtual void OnReadMultipleCharacteristics (CyReadMultipleCharacteristicResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the value read by ICyGattClient.ReadMultipleCharacteristic method

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□ virtual void OnCharacteristicWrite (CyGattWriteResult result, CyStatus status)

Reports the status of a characteristic value write
□ virtual void OnReliableWriteCompleted (CyStatus status)
Reports the result of a reliable write
□ virtual void OnWriteBufferFull (CyWriteBufferFullResponse response)
This callback is invoked when the peer device reports that the write buffer is full
□ virtual void OnDescriptorRead (CyGattReadResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the descriptor value that was read
□ virtual void OnDescriptorWrite (CyGattWriteResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the status of descriptor value write
□ virtual void OnGattStop (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyGattClient.GattStop

Member Function Documentation

virtual void OnGattMtuExchanged (CyGattExchangeMtuResult result, CyStatus


Reports the negotiated GATT MTU size

result Contains the negotiated GATT MTU size, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyGattClient.ExchangeMtu method execution

virtual void OnServiceDiscovered (CyDiscoverAllServicesResult result, CyStatus


Reports all the discovered services

result Contains the discovered services, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyGattClient.DiscoverAllServices method


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virtual void OnCharacteristicChanged (CyCharacteristicChangedInfo info)[virtual]

Reports the received characteristic value notifications and indications

info Characteristic that was changed

virtual void OnCharacteristicRead (CyGattReadResult result, CyStatus


Reports the characteristic value that was read

result Contains the characteristic value, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyGattClient.ReadCharacteristic or

ICyGattClient.ReadLongCharacteristic methods

virtual void OnCharacteristicReadByUUID (CyReadCharacteristicByUUIDResult result,

CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the value of characteristics with a specific UUID

result Contains the characteristic value, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyGattClient.ReadCharacteristicByUUID method

virtual void OnReadMultipleCharacteristics (CyReadMultipleCharacteristicResult result,

CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the value read by ICyGattClient.ReadMultipleCharacteristic method

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result Contains the value read, if status is OK; Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyGattClient.ReadMultipleCharacteristic method

virtual void OnCharacteristicWrite (CyGattWriteResult result, CyStatus


Reports the status of a characteristic value write

result Contains the characteristic that was written

status Status of
ICyGattClient.WriteLongCharacteristic or

virtual void OnReliableWriteCompleted (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the result of a reliable write

status Status of ICyGattClient.ReliableWrite method

virtual void OnWriteBufferFull (CyWriteBufferFullResponse response)[virtual]

This callback is invoked when the peer device reports that the write buffer is full

response Holds the information about the attribute reported by the
peer device and the response to be sent
Use ICyGattClient.SendReliableWriteBufferFullResponse to send the response

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virtual void OnDescriptorRead (CyGattReadResult result, CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the descriptor value that was read

result Contains the descriptor value

status Status of ICyGattClient.ReadDescriptor or

ICyGattClient.ReadLongDescriptor methods

virtual void OnDescriptorWrite (CyGattWriteResult result, CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of descriptor value write

result Contains the descriptor that was written

status Status of ICyGattClient.WriteDescriptor or

ICyGattClient.WriteLongDescriptor methods

virtual void OnGattStop (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyGattClient.GattStop

status Status of ICyGattClient.GattStop method execution


Represents a characteristic descriptor

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□ CyUUID UUID [get]
Gets the characteristic descriptor UUID
□ ushort Handle [get]
Gets the handle to the characteristic descriptor
□ CyGattCharacteristic Characteristic [get, set]
Gets the characteristic which includes this descriptor

Detailed Description
Represents a characteristic descriptor

Property Documentation


Gets the characteristic descriptor UUID

ushort Handle[get]

Gets the handle to the___14 characteristic descriptor

CyGattCharacteristic Characteristic[get], [set]

Gets the characteristic which includes this descriptor

This will be null, if the descriptor was discovered via ICyGattClient.DiscoverDescriptors


Holds the information necessary to exchange GATT MTU size

Public Member Functions

□ CyGattExchangeMtuInfo (ushort gattMtu)
Creates the information necessary to exchange GATT MTU

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□ ushort GattMtu [get]
Gets the GATT MTU size to be used for negotiation

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to exchange GATT MTU size

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyGattExchangeMtuInfo (ushort gattMtu)

Creates the information necessary to exchange GATT MTU

gattMtu GATT MTU size to be negotiated

Property Documentation

ushort GattMtu[get]

Gets the GATT MTU size to be used for negotiation


Holds the result of GATT MTU exchange

□ ushort GattMtuRequested [get]
Gets the GATT MTU size requested
□ ushort NegotiatedGattMtu [get]
Gets the negotiated GATT MTU size

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Detailed Description
Holds the result of GATT MTU exchange

Property Documentation

ushort GattMtuRequested[get]

Gets the GATT MTU size requested

ushort NegotiatedGattMtu[get]

Gets the negotiated GATT MTU size


Represents an included service

□ ushort IncludedHandle [get]
Gets the handle at which the service is included
□ CyGattService IncludedService [get]
Gets the service which is being included
□ CyGattService Service [get, set]
Gets the service which includes the IncludedService

Detailed Description
Represents an included service

Property Documentation

ushort IncludedHandle[get]

Gets the handle at which the service is included

CyGattService IncludedService[get]

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Gets the service which is being included

CyGattService Service[get], [set]

Gets the service which includes the IncludedService

This will be null, if the included service was discovered via ICyGattClient.FindIncludedServices


Holds the information necessary to read an attribute value

Public Member Functions

□ CyGattReadInfo (CyGattCharacteristic characteristic)
Creates the information necessary to read a characteristic value
□ CyGattReadInfo (CyGattCharacteristic characteristic, ushort offset)
Creates the information necessary to read a long characteristic value
□ CyGattReadInfo (CyGattDescriptor descriptor)
Creates the information necessary to read a descriptor value
□ CyGattReadInfo (CyGattDescriptor descriptor, ushort offset)
Creates the information necessary to read a long descriptor value
□ CyGattReadInfo (ushort handle)
Creates the information necessary to read an attribute
□ CyGattReadInfo (ushort handle, ushort offset)
Creates the information necessary to read a long attribute value

□ ushort Handle [get]
Gets the attribute handle
□ ushort Offset [get]
Offset within the attribute value, to begin reading the value This is ignored if the operation is not a long operation

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to read an attribute value

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Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyGattReadInfo (CyGattCharacteristic characteristic)

Creates the information necessary to read a characteristic value

characteristic Characteristic to be read

CyGattReadInfo (CyGattCharacteristic characteristic, ushort offset)

Creates the information necessary to read a long characteristic value

characteristic Characteristic to be read

offset Offset within the characteristic value, to begin reading the


CyGattReadInfo (CyGattDescriptor descriptor)

Creates the information necessary to read a descriptor value

descriptor Descriptor to be read

CyGattReadInfo (CyGattDescriptor descriptor, ushort offset)

Creates the information necessary to read a long descriptor value

descriptor Descriptor to be read

offset Offset within the descriptor to begin the read

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CyGattReadInfo (ushort handle)

Creates the information necessary to read an attribute

handle Attribute handle

CyGattReadInfo (ushort handle, ushort offset)

Creates the information necessary to read a long attribute value

handle Attribute handle

offset Offset within the attribute value, to begin reading the value

Property Documentation

ushort Handle[get]

Gets the attribute handle

ushort Offset[get]

Offset within the attribute value, to begin reading the value This is ignored if the operation is not a long operation


Holds the result of an attribute read request

□ ushort Handle [get]
Handle to the attribute that was read

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□ byte[] Value [get]

The value that was read from the peer device
□ ushort Offset [get]
The offset from which the value was read.

Detailed Description
Holds the result of an attribute read request

Property Documentation

ushort Handle[get]

Handle to the attribute that was read

byte [] Value[get]

The value that was read from the peer device

ushort Offset[get]

The offset from which the value was read.


Represents a GATT service

□ bool IsPrimaryService [get]
Gets whether the service is a primary service or not
□ CyUUID UUID [get, set]
Gets the service UUID
□ ushort StartHandle [get]
Gets the start handle of the service
□ ushort EndHandle [get]
Gets the end handle of the service
□ List< CyGattCharacteristic > Characteristics [get]

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Gets the list of characteristics associated with the service

□ List< CyGattIncludedService > IncludedServices [get]
Gets the list of included services

Detailed Description
Represents a GATT service

Property Documentation

bool IsPrimaryService[get]

Gets whether the service is a primary service or not

CyUUID UUID[get], [set]

Gets the service UUID

ushort StartHandle[get]

Gets the start handle of the service

ushort EndHandle[get]

Gets the end handle of the service

List<CyGattCharacteristic> Characteristics[get]

Gets the list of characteristics associated with the service

This will be null, if the service was discovered via ICyGattClient.DiscoverPrimaryServices or

List<CyGattIncludedService> IncludedServices[get]

Gets the list of included services

This will be null, if the service was discovered via ICyGattClient.DiscoverPrimaryServices or

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Holds the information necessary to write a attribute value

Public Member Functions

□ CyGattWriteInfo (CyGattCharacteristic characteristic, params byte[] value)
Creates the information necessary to write a characteristic value
□ CyGattWriteInfo (CyGattCharacteristic characteristic, ushort offset, params byte[] value)
Creates the information necessary to write a characteristic value
□ CyGattWriteInfo (CyGattDescriptor descriptor, params byte[] value)
Creates the information necessary to write a descriptor value
□ CyGattWriteInfo (CyGattDescriptor descriptor, ushort offset, params byte[] value)
Creates the information necessary to write a descriptor value
□ CyGattWriteInfo (ushort handle, params byte[] value)
Creates the information necessary to write a attribute value
□ CyGattWriteInfo (ushort handle, ushort offset, params byte[] value)
Creates the information necessary to write a attribute value

□ ushort Handle [get]
Gets the handle of the attribute to be written
□ ushort Offset [get]
Gets the offset within the attribute value to be written This is ignored, if the operation is not a long operation
□ byte[] Value [get]
Gets the value to be written

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to write a attribute value

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyGattWriteInfo (CyGattCharacteristic characteristic, params byte[] value)

Creates the information necessary to write a characteristic value

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characteristic Characteristic to be written

value Value to be written

CyGattWriteInfo (CyGattCharacteristic characteristic, ushort offset, params byte[]


Creates the information necessary to write a characteristic value

characteristic Characteristic to be written

offset Offset within the characteristic value to be written

value Value to be written

CyGattWriteInfo (CyGattDescriptor descriptor, params byte[] value)

Creates the information necessary to write a descriptor value

descriptor Descriptor to be written

value Value to be written

CyGattWriteInfo (CyGattDescriptor descriptor, ushort offset, params byte[] value)

Creates the information necessary to write a descriptor value

descriptor Descriptor to be written

offset Offset within the descriptor, to begin the value write

value Value to be written

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CyGattWriteInfo (ushort handle, params byte[] value)

Creates the information necessary to write a attribute value

handle Attribute handle to be written

value Value to be written

CyGattWriteInfo (ushort handle, ushort offset, params byte[] value)

Creates the information necessary to write a attribute value

handle Attribute handle to be written

offset Offset within the attribute value to be written

value Value to be written

Property Documentation

ushort Handle[get]

Gets the handle of the attribute to be written

ushort Offset[get]

Gets the offset within the attribute value to be written This is ignored, if the operation is not a long operation

byte [] Value[get]

Gets the value to be written

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Holds the information about the completion of an attribute write

□ ushort Handle [get]
Gets the handle of the attribute that was written

Detailed Description
Holds the information about the completion of an attribute write

Property Documentation

ushort Handle[get]

Gets the handle of the attribute that was written


Holds the information required to generate Bluetooth device address

Public Member Functions

□ CyGenerateBdAddressInfo (CyExpandedBdAddrType type)
Creates the information required to generate Bluetooth device address Do not use this constructor to generate random
resolvable address
□ CyGenerateBdAddressInfo (byte[] irk)
Creates the information required to generate random resolvable address

□ CyExpandedBdAddrType AddressType [get]
Gets the type of address to be generated
□ byte[] IRK [get]
Gets the 16-byte IRK to be used to generate random resolvable address

Detailed Description
Holds the information required to generate Bluetooth device address

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Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyGenerateBdAddressInfo (CyExpandedBdAddrType type)

Creates the information required to generate Bluetooth device address Do not use this constructor to generate random
resolvable address

type Type of address to be generated

CyGenerateBdAddressInfo (byte[] irk)

Creates the information required to generate random resolvable address

irk IRK to be used to generate the random resolvable address

Property Documentation

CyExpandedBdAddrType AddressType[get]

Gets the type of address to be generated

byte [] IRK[get]

Gets the 16-byte IRK to be used to generate random resolvable address


Holds the generated Bluetooth device address

□ CyBleBdAddress GeneratedAddress [get]
Gets the generated Bluetooth device address

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□ CyExpandedBdAddrType AddressType [get]

Gets the address type of the generated Bluetooth device address

Detailed Description
Holds the generated Bluetooth device address

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddress GeneratedAddress[get]

Gets the generated Bluetooth device address

CyExpandedBdAddrType AddressType[get]

Gets the address type of the generated Bluetooth device address


Holds the information necessary to generate OOOB data for secure connection pairing

Public Member Functions

□ CyGenerateSecureConnectionOobDataInfo (byte[] rand)
Create information necessary to generate secure connection OOB data

□ byte[] Rand [get]
16-byte random number to be used for OOB data generation

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to generate OOOB data for secure connection pairing

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyGenerateSecureConnectionOobDataInfo (byte[] rand)

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Create information necessary to generate secure connection OOB data

rand 16-byte random number to be used for OOB data

Property Documentation

byte [] Rand[get]

16-byte random number to be used for OOB data generation


Holds the information necessary to get the authentication keys of a peer device

Public Member Functions

□ CyGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeyInfo (byte deviceHandle)
Creates the information necessary to get the authentication keys

□ byte DeviceHandle [get]
Gets the device handle of the peer device

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to get the authentication keys of a peer device

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeyInfo (byte deviceHandle)

Creates the information necessary to get the authentication keys


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deviceHandle Device handle to the peer device

Property Documentation

byte DeviceHandle[get]

Gets the device handle of the peer device


Holds the information necessary to get the authentication keys of a peer device

□ byte DeviceHandle [get]
Gets the device handle of the peer device
□ CyAuthenticationKeys AuthenticationKeys [get]
Gets the peer device authentication keys

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to get the authentication keys of a peer device

Property Documentation

byte DeviceHandle[get]

Gets the device handle of the peer device

CyAuthenticationKeys AuthenticationKeys[get]

Gets the peer device authentication keys


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Holds the L2CAP connection request details and the response to be sent

□ ushort LocalChannelID [get]
Gets the local channel ID
□ ushort LocalPSM [get]
Gets the local PSM
□ ushort RemoteMTU [get]
Gets the remote MTU
□ ushort RemoteMPS [get]
Gets the remote MPS
□ ushort InitialCreditsForLocalDevice [get]
Gets the initial credits sent by the remote device
□ ushort LocalMTU [get, set]
Gets/Sets the local MTU
□ ushort LocalMPS [get, set]
Gets/Sets the local MPS
□ ushort InitialCreditsToRemoteDevice [get, set]
Gets/Sets the initial credits
□ CyL2CapConnectionResponseCode Response [get, set]
Gets/Sets the response to the request

Detailed Description
Holds the L2CAP connection request details and the response to be sent

Property Documentation

ushort LocalChannelID[get]

Gets the local channel ID

ushort LocalPSM[get]

Gets the local PSM

ushort RemoteMTU[get]

Gets the remote MTU

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ushort RemoteMPS[get]

Gets the remote MPS

ushort InitialCreditsForLocalDevice[get]

Gets the initial credits sent by the remote device

ushort LocalMTU[get], [set]

Gets/Sets the local MTU

ushort LocalMPS[get], [set]

Gets/Sets the local MPS

ushort InitialCreditsToRemoteDevice[get], [set]

Gets/Sets the initial credits

CyL2CapConnectionResponseCode Response[get], [set]

Gets/Sets the response to the request


Holds the information about the data received over an L2CAP channel

□ ushort LocalChannelID [get]
Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel on which the data was received
□ CyL2CapResultCode Status [get]
Gets the status

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□ byte[] Data [get]

Gets the received data

Detailed Description
Holds the information about the data received over an L2CAP channel

Property Documentation

ushort LocalChannelID[get]

Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel on which the data was received

CyL2CapResultCode Status[get]

Gets the status

byte [] Data[get]

Gets the received data


Holds the result of an L2CAP channel disconnect request

□ ushort LocalChannelID [get]
Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel that was disconnected
□ CyL2CapResultCode ResultCode [get]
Gets result of the disconnect

Detailed Description
Holds the result of an L2CAP channel disconnect request

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Property Documentation

ushort LocalChannelID[get]

Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel that was disconnected

CyL2CapResultCode ResultCode[get]

Gets result of the disconnect


Holds the information about the L2CAP channel disconnected by the peer device or by the local
device stack

□ ushort LocalChannelID [get]
Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel that was disconnected
□ bool IsDisconnectedByPeerDevice [get]
Gets whether the channel was disconnected by the peer device
□ CyL2CapResultCode Reason [get]
Gets the reason for disconnect This will always be CyL2CapResultCode.SUCCESS, if the disconnect was triggered by the
peer device

Detailed Description
Holds the information about the L2CAP channel disconnected by the peer device or by the local device stack

Property Documentation

ushort LocalChannelID[get]

Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel that was disconnected

bool IsDisconnectedByPeerDevice[get]

Gets whether the channel was disconnected by the peer device

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CyL2CapResultCode Reason[get]

Gets the reason for disconnect This will always be CyL2CapResultCode.SUCCESS, if the disconnect was triggered by the
peer device


L2CAP manager callback Defines callback method for L2CAP manager APIs

Public Member Functions

□ virtual void OnChannelConnectionIndication (CyL2CapConnectionResponseInfo response)
Reports an L2CAP channel connection request received from a peer device
□ virtual void OnChannelDisconnectIndication (CyL2CapDisconnectIndicationInfo info)
Reports an L2CAP channel disconnect initiated by the local device stack or by the peer device
□ virtual void OnDisconnectChannel (CyL2CapDisconnectConfirmation result, CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyL2CapMgr.DisconnectChannel
□ virtual void OnChannelEstablished (ICyL2CapChannel channel, CyStatus status)
Reports the established L2CAP channel
□ virtual void OnDataReceived (CyL2CapDataReceivedInfo info)
Reports the data received over an L2CAP channel
□ virtual void OnReceiveCreditLowIndication (CyL2CapReceiveCreditLowInfo info)
Reports that the receive credit of an L2CAP channel is low
□ virtual void OnTransmitCreditIndication (CyL2CapTransmitCreditInfo info)
Reports the transmit flow credit received from a peer device, for an L2CAP channel
□ virtual void OnSendData (ushort channelID, CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyL2CapMgr.SendData
□ virtual void OnSendCredits (ushort channelID, CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyL2CapMgr.SendCredits

Detailed Description
L2CAP manager callback Defines callback method for L2CAP manager APIs

Member Function Documentation

virtual void OnChannelConnectionIndication (CyL2CapConnectionResponseInfo


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Reports an L2CAP channel connection request received from a peer device

response Contains the details of the channel request and the
response instance
Use ICyL2CapMgr.RespondToChannelRequest method to respond to the request

virtual void OnChannelDisconnectIndication (CyL2CapDisconnectIndicationInfo


Reports an L2CAP channel disconnect initiated by the local device stack or by the peer device

info Information about the L2CAP channel that was

virtual void OnDisconnectChannel (CyL2CapDisconnectConfirmation result, CyStatus


Reports the status of ICyL2CapMgr.DisconnectChannel

result Disconnect confirmation

status Status of ICyL2CapMgr.DisconnectChannel

virtual void OnChannelEstablished (ICyL2CapChannel channel, CyStatus


Reports the established L2CAP channel

channel Contains the newly created L2CAP channel, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

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status Status of ICyL2CapMgr.EstablishChannel. Ignore, if the

channel establishment was triggered by a peer device

virtual void OnDataReceived (CyL2CapDataReceivedInfo info)[virtual]

Reports the data received over an L2CAP channel

info Information about the received data

virtual void OnReceiveCreditLowIndication (CyL2CapReceiveCreditLowInfo


Reports that the receive credit of an L2CAP channel is low

info Information about the receive credit low indication

virtual void OnTransmitCreditIndication (CyL2CapTransmitCreditInfo info)[virtual]

Reports the transmit flow credit received from a peer device, for an L2CAP channel

info Information about the transmit flow credit received

virtual void OnSendData (ushort channelID, CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyL2CapMgr.SendData

channelID L2CAP channel ID on which the data was sent

status Status of ICyL2CapMgr.SendData

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virtual void OnSendCredits (ushort channelID, CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyL2CapMgr.SendCredits

channelID L2CAP channel ID on which the credits were sent

status Status of ICyL2CapMgr.SendCredits


Holds the information about the receive credit low indication

□ ushort LocalChannelID [get]
Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel on which the credit limit has reached the low watermark
□ ushort Credits [get]
Gets the current receive credits

Detailed Description
Holds the information about the receive credit low indication

Property Documentation

ushort LocalChannelID[get]

Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel on which the credit limit has reached the low watermark

ushort Credits[get]

Gets the current receive credits

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Holds the information necessary to send L2CAP flow control credits

Public Member Functions

□ CyL2CapSendCreditsInfo (ICyL2CapChannel channel, ushort credits)
Creates the information necessary to send flow control credits

□ ICyL2CapChannel Channel [get]
Gets the L2CAP channel for which flow control credits need to be sent
□ ushort Credits [get]
Gets the flow control credit to be sent

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to send L2CAP flow control credits

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyL2CapSendCreditsInfo (ICyL2CapChannel channel, ushort credits)

Creates the information necessary to send flow control credits

channel L2CAP channel for which the credits need to be sent

credits Flow control credits

Property Documentation

ICyL2CapChannel Channel[get]

Gets the L2CAP channel for which flow control credits need to be sent

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ushort Credits[get]

Gets the flow control credit to be sent


Holds the information necessary to send data over an L2CAP channel

Public Member Functions

□ CyL2CapSendDataInfo (ICyL2CapChannel channel, params byte[] data)
Creates the information necessary to send data

□ ICyL2CapChannel Channel [get]
Gets the L2CAP channel over which the data needs to be sent
□ byte[] Data [get]
Gets the data to be sent

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to send data over an L2CAP channel

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyL2CapSendDataInfo (ICyL2CapChannel channel, params byte[] data)

Creates the information necessary to send data

channel L2CAP channel over which the data needs to be sent

data Data to be sent

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Property Documentation

ICyL2CapChannel Channel[get]

Gets the L2CAP channel over which the data needs to be sent

byte [] Data[get]

Gets the data to be sent


Holds the transmit flow credits received from a peer device

□ ushort LocalChannelID [get]
Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel for which transmit credits were received
□ ushort Credits [get]
Gets the current available transmit credits
□ CyL2CapResultCode Status [get]
Gets the status

Detailed Description
Holds the transmit flow credits received from a peer device

Property Documentation

ushort LocalChannelID[get]

Gets the channel ID of L2CAP channel for which transmit credits were received

ushort Credits[get]

Gets the current available transmit credits

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CyL2CapResultCode Status[get]

Gets the status


Holds the information necessary to respond to a secure connection numeric comparison request

□ uint Passkey [get]
Gets the 6 digit numeric value
□ CyPairingResponseCode Response [get, set]
Gets/Sets the response

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to respond to a secure connection numeric comparison request

Property Documentation

uint Passkey[get]

Gets the 6 digit numeric value

CyPairingResponseCode Response[get], [set]

Gets/Sets the response


Holds the OOB data to be set

Public Member Functions

□ CyOobData (byte[] oobKey)
Set the OOB key

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□ CyOobData (byte[] oobKey, byte[] oobData)

Set OOB key and data

□ byte[] OobKey [get]
Gets the 16-byte OOB key
□ byte[] OobData [get]
Gets the 16-byte OOB data

Detailed Description
Holds the OOB data to be set

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyOobData (byte[] oobKey)

Set the OOB key

oobKey 16-byte OOB key to be used

CyOobData (byte[] oobKey, byte[] oobData)

Set OOB key and data

oobKey 16-byte OOB key to be used

oobData 16-byte OOB data to be used

Property Documentation

byte [] OobKey[get]

Gets the 16-byte OOB key

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byte [] OobData[get]

Gets the 16-byte OOB data


Holds the settings to be used for pairing

Public Member Functions

□ CyPairSettings (CySecurityLevel securityLevel, bool bonding, byte encryptionKeySize, CyPairingProperties properties)
Creates the settings to be used for pairing

□ CySecurityLevel SecurityLevel [get]
Gets the security level to be used for pairing
□ bool Bonding [get]
Gets whether bonding is enabled or disabled
□ byte EncryptionKeySize [get]
Gets the encryption size
□ CyPairingProperties PairingProperties [get]
Gets the pairing properties

Detailed Description
Holds the settings to be used for pairing

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyPairSettings (CySecurityLevel securityLevel, bool bonding, byte encryptionKeySize,

CyPairingProperties properties)

Creates the settings to be used for pairing

securityLevel Security level

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bonding Enable/Disable bonding

encryptionKey Encryption key size Range: 7 to 16


Property Documentation

CySecurityLevel SecurityLevel[get]

Gets the security level to be used for pairing

bool Bonding[get]

Gets whether bonding is enabled or disabled

byte EncryptionKeySize[get]

Gets the encryption size

CyPairingProperties PairingProperties[get]

Gets the pairing properties


Holds the passkey information to be displayed

□ uint Passkey [get]
Gets the 6 digit passkey to be displayed

Detailed Description
Holds the passkey information to be displayed

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Property Documentation

uint Passkey[get]

Gets the 6 digit passkey to be displayed


Holds the information necessary to respond to a passkey entry request

□ uint Passkey [get, set]
Gets/Sets the 6 digit passkey
□ bool IsKeyPressNotificationRequired [get]
Gets whether keypress notification is required or not. This is applicable only for secure connection
□ CyPairingResponseCode Response [get, set]
Gets/Sets the response

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to respond to a passkey entry request

Property Documentation

uint Passkey[get], [set]

Gets/Sets the 6 digit passkey

bool IsKeyPressNotificationRequired[get]

Gets whether keypress notification is required or not. This is applicable only for secure connection
If true, use ICyBleDevice.SendKeyPressNotification to send the keypress notification

CyPairingResponseCode Response[get], [set]

Gets/Sets the response

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Holds the information necessary to discover characteristics by UUID

Public Member Functions

□ CyReadCharacteristicByUUIDInfo (CyUUID uuid, ushort startHandle, ushort endHandle)
Creates the information necessary to read characteristics by UUID

□ CyUUID UUID [get]
UUID of the characteristic to be read
□ ushort StartHandle [get]
Handle from which the search for the characteristic should begin
□ ushort EndHandle [get]
Handle at which the search for the characteristic should end

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to discover characteristics by UUID

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyReadCharacteristicByUUIDInfo (CyUUID uuid, ushort startHandle, ushort endHandle)

Creates the information necessary to read characteristics by UUID

uuid UUID of the characteristics to be read

startHandle Start handle from which the search for the characteristic
should begin

endHandle End handle at which the search for the characteristic

should end

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Property Documentation


UUID of the characteristic to be read

ushort StartHandle[get]

Handle from which the search for the characteristc should begin

ushort EndHandle[get]

Handle at which the search for the characteristic should end


Holds the result of read characteristic by UUID

□ CyGattReadResult[] Records [get]
Gets all the characteristics that were read

Detailed Description
Holds the result of read characteristic by UUID

Property Documentation

CyGattReadResult [] Records[get]

Gets all the characteristics that were read


Holds the information necessary to read multiple characteristic

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Public Member Functions

□ CyReadMultipleCharacteristicInfo (params CyGattCharacteristic[] characteristics)
Creates the information necessary to read multiple characteristics
□ CyReadMultipleCharacteristicInfo (params ushort[] handles)
Creates the information necessary to read multiple characteristics

□ ushort[] Handles [get]
Get the characteristic value handles to be read

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to read multiple characteristic

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyReadMultipleCharacteristicInfo (params CyGattCharacteristic[] characteristics)

Creates the information necessary to read multiple characteristics

characteristics Array of characteristics to be read

CyReadMultipleCharacteristicInfo (params ushort[] handles)

Creates the information necessary to read multiple characteristics

handles Array of characteristic value handles to be read

Property Documentation

ushort [] Handles[get]

Get the characteristic value handles to be read

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Holds the result of multiple characteristic request

□ byte[] Value [get]
Gets the value returned by the peer device

Detailed Description
Holds the result of multiple characteristic request

Property Documentation

byte [] Value[get]

Gets the value returned by the peer device


Represents a registered L2CAP PSM

□ ushort PSM [get]
Gets the registered PSM
□ ushort ReceiveLowWatermark [get]
Gets the receive low watermark value for the PSM

Detailed Description
Represents a registered L2CAP PSM

Property Documentation

ushort PSM[get]

Gets the registered PSM

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ushort ReceiveLowWatermark[get]

Gets the receive low watermark value for the PSM


Holds the information necessary to register a PSM

Public Member Functions

□ CyRegisterPsmInfo (ushort psm, ushort receiveLowWatermark)
Creates the info class object needed to register a PSM

□ ushort PSM [get]
Gets the PSM to be registered
□ ushort ReceiveLowWatermark [get]
Gets the receive low watermark value for the PSM

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to register a PSM

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyRegisterPsmInfo (ushort psm, ushort receiveLowWatermark)

Creates the info class object needed to register a PSM

psm PSM to be registered

receiveLowW Low credit watermark to be set for the PSM


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Property Documentation

ushort PSM[get]

Gets the PSM to be registered

ushort ReceiveLowWatermark[get]

Gets the receive low watermark value for the PSM


Holds the information necessary to perform a reliable write

Public Member Functions

□ CyReliableWriteInfo (params CyGattWriteInfo[] records)
Creates the information necessary to perform a reliable write

□ CyGattWriteInfo[] Records [get]
Gets all the characteristics to be written

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to perform a reliable write

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyReliableWriteInfo (params CyGattWriteInfo[] records)

Creates the information necessary to perform a reliable write

records Characteristics to be written

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Property Documentation

CyGattWriteInfo [] Records[get]

Gets all the characteristics to be written


Holds the local or peer resolvable private address

□ CyBleBdAddress PeerIdAddress [get]
Gets the identity address of the peer device
□ CyBleBdAddress ResolvableAddress [get]
Gets the resolvable private address

Detailed Description
Holds the local or peer resolvable private address

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddress PeerIdAddress[get]

Gets the identity address of the peer device

CyBleBdAddress ResolvableAddress[get]

Gets the resolvable private address


Holds the information necessary to set the resolvable address generation timeout

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Public Member Functions

□ CyResolvableAddressTimeoutInfo (ushort timeoutInSeconds)
Creates the information to set the address generation timeout

□ ushort TimeoutInSeconds [get]
Gets the resolvable address generation timeout in seconds

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to set the resolvable address generation timeout

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyResolvableAddressTimeoutInfo (ushort timeoutInSeconds)

Creates the information to set the address generation timeout

timeoutInSeco Timeout in seconds. Range - 0x0001 to 0xA1B8

Property Documentation

ushort TimeoutInSeconds[get]

Gets the resolvable address generation timeout in seconds


Holds the information necessary to resolve a peer device

Public Member Functions

□ CyResolvePeerDeviceInfo (CyBleBdAddress peerDeviceAddress)
Create the information necessary to resolve a peer device address

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□ CyBleBdAddress PeerDeviceAddress [get]
Gets the peer device address that needs to be resolved

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to resolve a peer device

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyResolvePeerDeviceInfo (CyBleBdAddress peerDeviceAddress)

Create the information necessary to resolve a peer device address

peerDeviceAd Address of the peer device This is typically the peer device
dress address in the received advertisement

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddress PeerDeviceAddress[get]

Gets the peer device address that needs to be resolved


Represents a device in the resolving list

□ CyBleBdAddress PeerIdAddress [get]
Gets the peer device ID address
□ byte[] LocalIRK [get]
Gets the 16-byte local IRK
□ byte[] PeerIRK [get]
Gets the 16-byte peer IRK

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Detailed Description
Represents a device in the resolving list

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddress PeerIdAddress[get]

Gets the peer device ID address

byte [] LocalIRK[get]

Gets the 16-byte local IRK

byte [] PeerIRK[get]

Gets the 16-byte peer IRK


Defines scan callback methods

Public Member Functions

□ abstract void OnScanResult (CyScanResult result)
This callback reports the discovered BLE devices
□ virtual void OnScanStatusChanged (CyScanStatus scanStatus)
This callback reports the scan status
□ virtual void OnStartScanError (CyStatus status)
Reports the ICyBleMgr.StartScan error. This callback will not be called when there is no error
□ virtual void OnStopScanError (CyStatus status)
Reports the ICyBleMgr.StopScan error. This callback will not be called when there is no error

Detailed Description
Defines scan callback methods

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Member Function Documentation

abstract void OnScanResult (CyScanResult result)[pure virtual]

This callback reports the discovered BLE devices

result Scan result
This callback may be called multiple times while the scan is active

virtual void OnScanStatusChanged (CyScanStatus scanStatus)[virtual]

This callback reports the scan status

scanStatus True if the scan is in-progress; otherwise, False

virtual void OnStartScanError (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the ICyBleMgr.StartScan error. This callback will not be called when there is no error

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.StartScan method execution

virtual void OnStopScanError (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the ICyBleMgr.StopScan error. This callback will not be called when there is no error

status Status of the ICyBleMgr.StopScan method execution

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Represents an advertisement or scan response of a BLE device

□ CyBleAdvEventType AdvertisementType [get]
Gets the advertisement type
□ bool IsDirectedRpaAdvertisement [get]
Gets whether the advertisement is a directed advertisement with RPA used for InitA This is applicable only when Privacy 1.2
is used
□ CyBleBdAddress LocalDeviceAddress [get]
Gets the local Bluetooth device address This is valid only if IsDirectedRpaAdvertisement is True
□ CyBleBdAddress PeerDeviceAddress [get]
Gets the address of the advertising BLE device
□ sbyte RSSI [get]
Gets the RSSI
□ CyAdvertisementData AdvertisementData [get]
Gets the advertisement or scan response data

Detailed Description
Represents an advertisement or scan response of a BLE device

Property Documentation

CyBleAdvEventType AdvertisementType[get]

Gets the advertisement type

bool IsDirectedRpaAdvertisement[get]

Gets whether the advertisement is a directed advertisement with RPA used for InitA This is applicable only when Privacy 1.2
is used

CyBleBdAddress LocalDeviceAddress[get]

Gets the local Bluetooth device address This is valid only if IsDirectedRpaAdvertisement is True

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CyBleBdAddress PeerDeviceAddress[get]

Gets the address of the advertising BLE device

sbyte RSSI[get]

Gets the RSSI

CyAdvertisementData AdvertisementData[get]

Gets the advertisement or scan response data


Holds the scan results

□ List< CyScanRecord > ScanRecords [get]
Gets the scan records

Detailed Description
Holds the scan results

Property Documentation

List<CyScanRecord> ScanRecords[get]

Gets the scan records


Holds the generated secure connection OOB data

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Public Member Functions

□ CySecureConnectionOobDataResult (byte[] oobKey, byte[] oobData)
Creates an instance to hold the generated OOB key and data for secure connection

□ byte[] OobKey [get]
Gets the 16-byte OOB key
□ byte[] OobData [get]
Gets the generated 16-byte OOB data

Detailed Description
Holds the generated secure connection OOB data

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CySecureConnectionOobDataResult (byte[] oobKey, byte[] oobData)

Creates an instance to hold the generated OOB key and data for secure connection

oobKey 16-byte OOB key

oobData 16-byte OOB data

Property Documentation

byte [] OobKey[get]

Gets the 16-byte OOB key

byte [] OobData[get]

Gets the generated 16-byte OOB data

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Security manager callback Defines callback method for security manager APIs

Public Member Functions

□ virtual void OnGetAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeys result, CyStatus status)
Reports the local authentication keys
□ virtual void OnGenerateAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeys result, CyStatus status)
Reports the generated authentication keys
□ virtual void OnSetAuthenticationKeys (CyStatus status)
Reports status of the ICyBleSecurityMgr.SetAuthenticationKeys method
□ virtual void OnGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeys (CyGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeyResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the peer device authentication keys
□ virtual void OnResolvePeerDeviceAddress (CyResolveAddressResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleSecurityMgr.ResolvePeerDeviceAddress method
□ virtual void OnGenerateSecureConnectionOobData (CySecureConnectionOobDataResult result, CyStatus status)
Reports the generated secure connection OOB data
□ virtual void OnGenerateLocalECDHKey (CyStatus status)
Reports the status of ICyBleSecurityMgr.GenerateLocalECDHKey method

Detailed Description
Security manager callback Defines callback method for security manager APIs

Member Function Documentation

virtual void OnGetAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeys result, CyStatus


Reports the local authentication keys

result Contains the current local authentication keys, if status is
OK; Otherwise is null

status Status of the ICyBleSecurityMgr.GetAuthenticationKeys

method execution

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API Reference

virtual void OnGenerateAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeys result, CyStatus


Reports the generated authentication keys

result Contains the generated authentication keys, if status is
OK; Otherwise is null

status Status of the

ICyBleSecurityMgr.GenerateAuthenticationKeys method

virtual void OnSetAuthenticationKeys (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports status of the ICyBleSecurityMgr.SetAuthenticationKeys method

status Status of the ICyBleSecurityMgr.SetAuthenticationKeys
method execution

virtual void OnGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeys

(CyGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeyResult result, CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the peer device authentication keys

result Contains the peer device authentication keys

status Status of

virtual void OnResolvePeerDeviceAddress (CyResolveAddressResult result, CyStatus


Reports the status of ICyBleSecurityMgr.ResolvePeerDeviceAddress method

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API Reference

result Contains the result of the peer device address resolution, if
status is OK; Otherwise is null

status Status of ICyBleSecurityMgr.ResolvePeerDeviceAddress

method execution

virtual void OnGenerateSecureConnectionOobData (CySecureConnectionOobDataResult

result, CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the generated secure connection OOB data

result Contains the generated OOB data, if status is OK;
Otherwise is null

status Status of
method execution

virtual void OnGenerateLocalECDHKey (CyStatus status)[virtual]

Reports the status of ICyBleSecurityMgr.GenerateLocalECDHKey method

status Status of ICyBleSecurityMgr.GenerateLocalECDHKey
method execution


Holds the information necessary to set the suggested data length

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API Reference

Public Member Functions

□ CySetSuggestedDataLengthInfo (ushort suggestedMaxTxOctets, ushort suggestedMaxTxTime)
Creates the information necessary to set the suggested data length

□ ushort SuggestedMaxTxOctets [get]
Gets the suggested max. Tx octets
□ ushort SuggestedMaxTxTime [get]
Gets the suggested max. Tx time in µs

Detailed Description
Holds the information necessary to set the suggested data length

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CySetSuggestedDataLengthInfo (ushort suggestedMaxTxOctets, ushort


Creates the information necessary to set the suggested data length

suggestedMa Suggested maximum Tx octet

suggestedMa Suggested maximum Tx time in µs Use

xTxTime ICyBleMgr.ConvertDataLengthOctetToTime API to get the
time from the octet value

Property Documentation

ushort SuggestedMaxTxOctets[get]

Gets the suggested max. Tx octets

ushort SuggestedMaxTxTime[get]

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API Reference

Gets the suggested max. Tx time in µs


Provides APIs to manage the CySmart dongle

Public Member Functions

□ CyApiErr TryGetCySmartDongleCommunicator (CyDongleInfo info, out ICySmartDongleCommunicator communicator)
Get the CySmart dongle communicator
□ CyApiErr CloseCommunicator (ICySmartDongleCommunicator communicator)
Close a communicator

Static Public Member Functions

□ static CySmartDongleMgr GetInstance ()
Gets the CySmart dongle manager instance

Detailed Description
Provides APIs to manage the CySmart dongle

Member Function Documentation

CyApiErr TryGetCySmartDongleCommunicator (CyDongleInfo info, out

ICySmartDongleCommunicator communicator)

Get the CySmart dongle communicator

info Information necessary to get the communicator

communicator When this method returns, contains the communicator for

the specified CySmart dongle, if the CySmart dongle is
valid; otherwise, the communicator is null This parameter is
passed uninitialized

CyApiErr.OK if the communicator was successfully created; otherwise, contains the error

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API Reference

CyApiErr CloseCommunicator (ICySmartDongleCommunicator communicator)

Close a communicator

communicator Communicator to be closed

CyApiErr.OK if the communicator was successfully closed; otherwise, contains the error
Once closed, the communicator instances cannot be used again. Get a new communicator instance by calling the
TryGetCySmartDongleCommunicator method

static CySmartDongleMgr GetInstance ()[static]

Gets the CySmart dongle manager instance



Holds channel power level information

Public Member Functions

□ CyTxPowerInfo (CyChannelGroup channelGroup, CyPowerLevel powerLevel)
Creates an instance of the channel Tx power level

□ CyChannelGroup ChannelGroup [get]
Gets the channel group
□ CyPowerLevel PowerLevel [get]
Gets the power level

Detailed Description
Holds channel power level information

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API Reference

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyTxPowerInfo (CyChannelGroup channelGroup, CyPowerLevel powerLevel)

Creates an instance of the channel Tx power level

channelGroup Channel group

powerLevel Channel power level

Property Documentation

CyChannelGroup ChannelGroup[get]

Gets the channel group

CyPowerLevel PowerLevel[get]

Gets the power level


Represents an UUID

Public Member Functions

□ CyUUID (ushort uuid16)
Create a 16-bit UUID
□ CyUUID (params byte[] uuid128)
Create a 128-bit UUID

Public Attributes
□ const int UUID_16_LENGTH_IN_BYTES = 2
□ const int UUID_128_LENGTH_IN_BYTES = 16
□ const int UUID16_START_INDEX_IN_UUID128 = 12

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API Reference

□ ushort UUID16 [get]
Gets the 16-bit UUID
□ bool IsUUID16Valid [get]
Gets whether the 16-bit UUID representation is valid or not
□ byte[] UUID128 [get]
Gets the 128-bit UUID byte array in little endian

Detailed Description
Represents an UUID

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

CyUUID (ushort uuid16)

Create a 16-bit UUID

uuid16 16-bit UUID value

CyUUID (params byte[] uuid128)

Create a 128-bit UUID

uuid128 128-bit UUID bytes in little endian format

Property Documentation

ushort UUID16[get]

Gets the 16-bit UUID

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API Reference

bool IsUUID16Valid[get]

Gets whether the 16-bit UUID representation is valid or not

byte [] UUID128[get]

Gets the 128-bit UUID byte array in little endian


Represents a device in the whitelist

□ CyBleBdAddress DeviceAddress [get]
Gets the device address

Detailed Description
Represents a device in the whitelist

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddress DeviceAddress[get]

Gets the device address


Holds the response to be sent when the peer device buffer is full before the complete write
request could be queued

Public Types
□ enum ResponseCode { ABORT, EXECUTE }Response to be sent

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API Reference

□ ushort Handle [get]
Gets the attribute handle that was not queued
□ ResponseCode Response [get, set]
Gets/Sets the response to be sent to the peer device

Detailed Description
Holds the response to be sent when the peer device buffer is full before the complete write request could be queued

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum ResponseCode[strong]

Response to be sent

ABORT Abort all queued requests

EXECUTE Execute all queued requests

Property Documentation

ushort Handle[get]

Gets the attribute handle that was not queued

ResponseCode Response[get], [set]

Gets/Sets the response to be sent to the peer device


Represents a remote device which is in connected state

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API Reference

Public Member Functions

□ CyApiErr RegisterCallback (CyBleDeviceCallback cb)
Register device callback
□ CyApiErr SetOob (bool enable, CyOobData data)
Set OOB status and data
□ CyApiErr Pair (CyPairSettings settings)
Initiate pairing with the remote device
□ CyApiErr SendKeyPressNotification (CyKeyPressNotification notification)
Send the key press notification This needs to be called only for secure connection pairing with keypress enabled
□ CyApiErr SendPasskeyResponse (CyPasskeyEntryResponse response)
Send passkey response for a passkey entry request
□ CyApiErr SendNumericComparisonResponse (CyNumericComparisonResponse response)
Send numeric comparison response for numeric comparison request
□ CyApiErr SetDataLength (CyDataLengthInfo info)
Set the data packet length for the current connection This data is then negotiated with the remote device
□ CyApiErr UpdateConnectionParameter (CyConnectionParameters settings)
Update connection parameters of the remote device
□ CyApiErr SendConnectionParametersResponse (CyConnectionParametersResponse response)
Send response to connection parameter update request received from peer device

□ CyBleBdAddress Address [get]
Gets the address of the remote device
□ ushort Handle [get]
Gets the connection handle
□ ICyGattClient GattClient [get]
Gets the GATT client
□ ICyL2CapMgr L2CapMgr [get]
Gets the L2CAP manager

Detailed Description
Represents a remote device which is in connected state

Member Function Documentation

CyApiErr RegisterCallback (CyBleDeviceCallback cb)

Register device callback


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API Reference

cb Device callback

CyApiErr.OK if the callback was successfully registered; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr SetOob (bool enable, CyOobData data)

Set OOB status and data

enable Enable or disable OOB

data OOB data received from the peer device

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status of this operation is reported via the CyBleDeviceCallback.OnSetOob callback

CyApiErr Pair (CyPairSettings settings)

Initiate pairing with the remote device

settings Settings to be used for pairing

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Based on the security settings and device IO capabilities, one of the callback may be invoked to complete the
pairing procedure
1. CyBleDeviceCallback.OnPasskeyEntryRequest
2. CyBleDeviceCallback.OnPasskeyDisplayRequest
3. CyBleDeviceCallback.OnNumericComparisonRequest
Status of the overall pairing procedure is report via the CyBleDeviceCallback.OnPairingCompleted callback

CyApiErr SendKeyPressNotification (CyKeyPressNotification notification)

Send the key press notification This needs to be called only for secure connection pairing with keypress enabled

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API Reference

notification Keypress notification

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status of this operation is reported via the CyBleDeviceCallback.OnSendKeyPressNotification callback

CyApiErr SendPasskeyResponse (CyPasskeyEntryResponse response)

Send passkey response for a passkey entry request

response Passkey entry response

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Response instance is received from CyBleDeviceCallback.OnPasskeyEntryRequest callback

CyApiErr SendNumericComparisonResponse (CyNumericComparisonResponse


Send numeric comparison response for numeric comparison request

response Numeric comparison response

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Response instance is received from CyBleDeviceCallback.OnNumericComparisonRequest callback

CyApiErr SetDataLength (CyDataLengthInfo info)

Set the data packet length for the current connection This data is then negotiated with the remote device


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API Reference

info Information necessary to set the data length for this


CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status of the method is reported via the CyBleDeviceCallback.OnSetDataLength. The change in data length
will be reported via the CyBleDeviceCallback.OnDataLengthChanged callback

CyApiErr UpdateConnectionParameter (CyConnectionParameters settings)

Update connection parameters of the remote device

settings New connection parameter settings to be used

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyBleDeviceCallback.OnUpdateConnectionParameter callback method If the
connection parameter changed, then the change is reported via the
CyBleDeviceCallback.OnConnectionParameterChanged callback method

CyApiErr SendConnectionParametersResponse (CyConnectionParametersResponse


Send response to connection parameter update request received from peer device

response Response to be sent

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

Property Documentation

CyBleBdAddress Address[get]

Gets the address of the remote device

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ushort Handle[get]

Gets the connection handle

ICyGattClient GattClient[get]

Gets the GATT client

ICyL2CapMgr L2CapMgr[get]

Gets the L2CAP manager


Device address manager Provides API to generate and set device address

Public Member Functions

□ CyApiErr RegisterDeviceAddressMgrCallback (CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback cb)
Register device address manager callback
□ CyApiErr GetBdAddress (CyBleBdAddressType addressType)
Get the current Bluetooth device address of the local device (dongle)
□ CyApiErr GenerateBdAddressOfType (CyGenerateBdAddressInfo info)
Generate Bluetooth device address
□ CyApiErr SetBdAddress (CyBleBdAddress address)
Set the Bluetooth device address of the local device (dongle)
□ CyApiErr SetIdAddress (CyBleBdAddress address)
Set the identity address of the local device (dongle)
□ CyApiErr GetPeerResolvableAddress (CyBleBdAddress peerIdAddr)
Get the resolvable private address of a peer device
□ CyApiErr GetLocalResolvableAddress (CyBleBdAddress peerIdAddr)
Get the resolvable private address of the local device for a peer device

Detailed Description
Device address manager Provides API to generate and set device address

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Member Function Documentation

CyApiErr RegisterDeviceAddressMgrCallback (CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback cb)

Register device address manager callback

cb Device address manager callback

CyApiErr.OK if the callback was successfully registered; otherwise, contains the error
The status of device address manager APIs are reported via the CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback callback

CyApiErr GetBdAddress (CyBleBdAddressType addressType)

Get the current Bluetooth device address of the local device (dongle)

addressType Type of address - public or random, to be returned

CyApiErr.OK if the callback was successfully registered; otherwise, contains the error
The Bluetooth device address is reported via the registered CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback callback

CyApiErr GenerateBdAddressOfType (CyGenerateBdAddressInfo info)

Generate Bluetooth device address

info Information required to generate Bluetooth device address

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The generated Bluetooth device address is reported via the registered CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback callback

CyApiErr SetBdAddress (CyBleBdAddress address)

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API Reference

Set the Bluetooth device address of the local device (dongle)

address Bluetooth device address

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status of this operation is reported via the registered CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback callback

CyApiErr SetIdAddress (CyBleBdAddress address)

Set the identity address of the local device (dongle)

address Identity address

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The ID address should be one of the bluetooth device address, set using SetBdAddress; otherwise, could result in
unexpected behavior.
The status of this operation is reported via the registered CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback callback

CyApiErr GetPeerResolvableAddress (CyBleBdAddress peerIdAddr)

Get the resolvable private address of a peer device

peerIdAddr Identity address of the peer device

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Notes: (1) The resolvable private address is reported via the registered CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback callback
(2) This feature is available from BLE version 4.2

CyApiErr GetLocalResolvableAddress (CyBleBdAddress peerIdAddr)

Get the resolvable private address of the local device for a peer device

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peerIdAddr Identity address of the peer device

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Notes: (1) The resolvable private address is reported via the registered CyDeviceAddressMgrCallback callback
(2) This feature is available from BLE version 4.2


Represents the whitelist, bond list and the resolving list of the local device (dongle)

Public Member Functions

□ CyApiErr RegisterDeviceListCallback (CyDeviceListCallback cb)
Register callback for all device list APIs
□ CyApiErr AddDeviceToWhitelist (CyBleBdAddress address)
Add a device to the whitelist
□ CyApiErr RemoveDeviceFromWhitelist (CyWhitelistDevice device)
Remove a device from the whitelist
□ CyApiErr ClearWhitelist ()
Remove all devices in the whitelist
□ CyApiErr GetWhitelistDevices ()
Get all devices in the whitelist
□ CyApiErr GetBondListDevices ()
Get devices in the bond list
□ CyApiErr AddDeviceToResolvingList (CyAddToResolvingListInfo info)
Add a device to the resolving list
□ CyApiErr RemoveDeviceFromResolvingList (CyResolvingListDevice device)
Remove a device from the resolving list
□ CyApiErr ClearResolvingList ()
Remove all devices from the resolving list
□ CyApiErr GetResolvingListDevices ()
Get devices in the resolving list

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API Reference

Detailed Description
Represents the whitelist, bond list and the resolving list of the local device (dongle)

Member Function Documentation

CyApiErr RegisterDeviceListCallback (CyDeviceListCallback cb)

Register callback for all device list APIs

cb Device list callback

CyApiErr.OK if the callback was successfully registered; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr AddDeviceToWhitelist (CyBleBdAddress address)

Add a device to the whitelist

address Address of the device to be added to the whitelist

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Result is reported via the CyDeviceListCallback.OnAddDeviceToWhitelist callback method

CyApiErr RemoveDeviceFromWhitelist (CyWhitelistDevice device)

Remove a device from the whitelist

device Device to be removed from whitelist

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status is reported via the CyDeviceListCallback.OnRemoveDeviceFromWhitelist callback method

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API Reference

CyApiErr ClearWhitelist ()

Remove all devices in the whitelist

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status is reported via the CyDeviceListCallback.OnClearWhitelist callback method

CyApiErr GetWhitelistDevices ()

Get all devices in the whitelist

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The whitelist devices are reported via the CyDeviceListCallback.OnGetWhitelistDevices callback method

CyApiErr GetBondListDevices ()

Get devices in the bond list

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The bond list devices are reported via the CyDeviceListCallback.OnGetBondListDevices callback method

CyApiErr AddDeviceToResolvingList (CyAddToResolvingListInfo info)

Add a device to the resolving list

info Information necessary to add a device to the resolving list

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status is reported via the CyDeviceListCallback.OnAddDeviceToResolvingList callback method

CyApiErr RemoveDeviceFromResolvingList (CyResolvingListDevice device)

Remove a device from the resolving list

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device Device to be removed from the resolving list

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status is reported via the CyDeviceListCallback.OnRemoveDeviceFromResolvingList callback method

CyApiErr ClearResolvingList ()

Remove all devices from the resolving list

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status is reported via the CyDeviceListCallback.OnClearResolvingList callback method

CyApiErr GetResolvingListDevices ()

Get devices in the resolving list

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The resolving list devices are reported via the CyDeviceListCallback.OnGetResolvingListDevices callback


BLE Manager Provides APIs to scan, connect and to perform other GAP central operations

Public Member Functions

□ CyApiErr RegisterBleMgrCallback (CyBleMgrCallback cb)
Register the callback for BLE manager APIs
□ CyApiErr StartScan (CyBleScanSettings settings, CyScanCallback cb)
Start scan The dongle starts scanning for nearby BLE devices. The discovered devices are reported in the CyScanCallback

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API Reference

□ CyApiErr StopScan ()
Stop an ongoing scan
□ CyApiErr Connect (CyConnectInfo info)
Connect to a BLE device Establishes connection with a BLE device
□ CyApiErr CancelConnection (CyBleBdAddress deviceAddress)
Cancels an ongoing connect request with the given device
□ CyApiErr Disconnect (ICyBleDevice device)
Disconnect from a BLE device
□ CyApiErr GetDeviceIoCapabilities ()
Get the current IO capabilities of the local device (dongle)
□ CyApiErr SetDeviceIoCapabilities (CyBleDeviceIoCapabilities ioCapability)
Set the IO capabilities of the local device (dongle)
□ CyApiErr RegisterPsm (CyRegisterPsmInfo info)
Register a L2CAP PSM
□ CyApiErr UnregisterPsm (CyRegisteredPsm psm)
Unregister a previously registered L2CAP PSM
□ CyApiErr GetRSSI ()
Get RSSI of the last received packet
□ CyApiErr SetTxPower (CyTxPowerInfo info)
Set channel transmission power
□ CyApiErr GetTxPower (CyChannelGroup channel)
Get the current channel transmission power
□ CyApiErr SetHostChannelClassification (CyChannelClassificationInfo info)
Set host channel classification
□ CyApiErr GetDefaultDataLength ()
Get default data packet length
□ CyApiErr SetSuggestedDataLength (CySetSuggestedDataLengthInfo info)
Set the default data packet length
□ CyApiErr ConvertDataLengthOctetToTime (CyConvertOctetToTimeInfo info)
Utility method to convert data length octet to time
□ CyApiErr SetResolvableAddressTimeout (CyResolvableAddressTimeoutInfo info)
Set the length of time the controller uses a resolvable private address before a new address is generated
□ CyApiErr SetAddressResolutionControl (CyAddressResolutionControlInfo info)
Enable or disable resolvable address resolution in controller

□ ICyBleDeviceList DeviceList [get]
Gets the device list Device list includes whitelist, bond list and the resolving list
□ ICyBleSecurityMgr SecurityMgr [get]
Gets the security manager
□ ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr DeviceAddressMgr [get]
Gets the device address manager

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API Reference

Detailed Description
BLE Manager Provides APIs to scan, connect and to perform other GAP central operations

Member Function Documentation

CyApiErr RegisterBleMgrCallback (CyBleMgrCallback cb)

Register the callback for BLE manager APIs

cb BLE manager callback

CyApiErr.OK if the callback was successfully registered; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr StartScan (CyBleScanSettings settings, CyScanCallback cb)

Start scan The dongle starts scanning for nearby BLE devices. The discovered devices are reported in the CyScanCallback

settings Scan settings

cb Scan callback Scan results are reported via this callback

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Scan status is reported via the CyScanCallback callback

CyApiErr StopScan ()

Stop an ongoing scan

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Scan status is reported via the CyScanCallback callback registered in ICyBleMgr.StartScan

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API Reference

CyApiErr Connect (CyConnectInfo info)

Connect to a BLE device Establishes connection with a BLE device

info Information necessary to establish a connection

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status of the operation is reported via the registered CyBleMgrCallback callback

CyApiErr CancelConnection (CyBleBdAddress deviceAddress)

Cancels an ongoing connect request with the given device

deviceAddres Cancel connection with device

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status of the operation is reported via the registered CyBleMgrCallback callback

CyApiErr Disconnect (ICyBleDevice device)

Disconnect from a BLE device

device Device to be disconnected

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status of the operation is reported via the registered CyBleMgrCallback callback

CyApiErr GetDeviceIoCapabilities ()

Get the current IO capabilities of the local device (dongle)

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API Reference

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr SetDeviceIoCapabilities (CyBleDeviceIoCapabilities ioCapability)

Set the IO capabilities of the local device (dongle)

ioCapability IO capabilities to be set

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr RegisterPsm (CyRegisterPsmInfo info)

Register a L2CAP PSM

info Information necessary to register a PSM

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Registered PSM is used to create a L2CAP channel. ICyBleL2CapMgr provides API to create and manage L2CAP
channel communication

CyApiErr UnregisterPsm (CyRegisteredPsm psm)

Unregister a previously registered L2CAP PSM

psm PSM to be unregistered

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

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API Reference

CyApiErr GetRSSI ()

Get RSSI of the last received packet

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The RSSI value is reported via the registered CyBleMgrCallback callback

CyApiErr SetTxPower (CyTxPowerInfo info)

Set channel transmission power

info Information necessary to set the channel power

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr GetTxPower (CyChannelGroup channel)

Get the current channel transmission power

channel Channel group

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr SetHostChannelClassification (CyChannelClassificationInfo info)

Set host channel classification

info Information necessary to set the host channel classification


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API Reference

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr GetDefaultDataLength ()

Get default data packet length

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
This feature is available from BLE version 4.2

CyApiErr SetSuggestedDataLength (CySetSuggestedDataLengthInfo info)

Set the default data packet length

info Information necessary to set the default data packet length

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
This feature is available from BLE version 4.2

CyApiErr ConvertDataLengthOctetToTime (CyConvertOctetToTimeInfo info)

Utility method to convert data length octet to time

info Information required to convert

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The converted time value is returned via the registered CyBleMgrCallback.OnConvertDataLengthOctetToTime
callback Use the converted time value when setting the suggested data length using SetSuggestedDataLength API

CyApiErr SetResolvableAddressTimeout (CyResolvableAddressTimeoutInfo info)

Set the length of time the controller uses a resolvable private address before a new address is generated

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API Reference

info Information necessary to set the resolvable address
generation timeout

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyBleMgrCallback.OnSetResolvableAddressTimeout callback method This feature
is available from BLE version 4.2

CyApiErr SetAddressResolutionControl (CyAddressResolutionControlInfo info)

Enable or disable resolvable address resolution in controller

info Information necessary to enable/disable resolvable address

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyBleMgrCallback.OnSetAddressResolutionControl callback method This feature
is available from BLE version 4.2

Property Documentation

ICyBleDeviceList DeviceList[get]

Gets the device list Device list includes whitelist, bond list and the resolving list

ICyBleSecurityMgr SecurityMgr[get]

Gets the security manager

ICyBleDeviceAddressMgr DeviceAddressMgr[get]

Gets the device address manager

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API Reference


Security Manager Provide APIs to manage authentication keys and OOB data to be used when
pairing with a device

Public Member Functions

□ CyApiErr RegisterSecurityMgrCallback (CySecurityMgrCallback cb)
Register the security manager callback
□ CyApiErr GetAuthenticationKeys ()
Get the authentication keys of the local device (dongle)
□ CyApiErr GenerateAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeyFlags distributeKeys)
Generate authentication keys Generates new set of LTK, IRK and CSRK
□ CyApiErr SetAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeys keys)
Set authentication keys
□ CyApiErr GetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeys (CyGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeyInfo info)
Get peer device authentication keys
□ CyApiErr ResolvePeerDeviceAddress (CyResolvePeerDeviceInfo info)
Resolve peer device address The peer device address needs to be resolved to ensure that the previously bonded data is used
when connecting with a device
□ CyApiErr GenerateLocalECDHKey ()
Generates local ECDH key
□ CyApiErr GenerateSecureConnectionOobData (CyGenerateSecureConnectionOobDataInfo info)
Generate OOB data for secure connection

Detailed Description
Security Manager Provide APIs to manage authentication keys and OOB data to be used when pairing with a device

Member Function Documentation

CyApiErr RegisterSecurityMgrCallback (CySecurityMgrCallback cb)

Register the security manager callback

cb Security manager callback

CyApiErr.OK if the callback was successfully registered; otherwise, contains the error

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API Reference

CyApiErr GetAuthenticationKeys ()

Get the authentication keys of the local device (dongle)

The local authentication keys are reported via the CySecurityMgrCallback.OnGetAuthenticationKeys callback

CyApiErr GenerateAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeyFlags distributeKeys)

Generate authentication keys Generates new set of LTK, IRK and CSRK

distributeKeys Keys to be distributed and requested

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The generated authentication keys are reported via the CySecurityMgrCallback.OnGenerateAuthenticationKeys

CyApiErr SetAuthenticationKeys (CyAuthenticationKeys keys)

Set authentication keys

keys Authentication keys

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status of this operation is reported via the CySecurityMgrCallback.OnSetAuthenticationKeys callback

CyApiErr GetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeys (CyGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeyInfo


Get peer device authentication keys


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API Reference

info Information necessary to get the peer device authentication


CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Peer device authentication keys are reported via the
CySecurityMgrCallback.OnGetPeerDeviceAuthenticationKeys callback

CyApiErr ResolvePeerDeviceAddress (CyResolvePeerDeviceInfo info)

Resolve peer device address The peer device address needs to be resolved to ensure that the previously bonded data is used
when connecting with a device

info Information necessary to resolve a peer device address

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Notes: (1) This method must be called before connecting to a device (2) This method can be ignored, if address
resolution is enabled in the controller (Privacy 1.2). Refer to ICyBleMgr.SetAddressResolutionControl (3) The
status of this operation is reported via the CySecurityMgrCallback.OnResolvePeerDeviceAddress callback

CyApiErr GenerateLocalECDHKey ()

Generates local ECDH key

Notes: (1) The status of this operation is reported via the CySecurityMgrCallback.OnGenerateLocalECDHKey
(2) This feature is available from BLE version 4.2

CyApiErr GenerateSecureConnectionOobData
(CyGenerateSecureConnectionOobDataInfo info)

Generate OOB data for secure connection


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API Reference

info Information necessary to generate OOB data

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Note: (1) The generated OOB data is reported via the registered
CySecurityMgrCallback.OnGenerateSecureConnectionOobData callback
(2) The local ECDH key is used for secure connection OOB data generation. The ECDH key can be changed /
generated by calling the GenerateLocalECDHKey method
(3) This feature is available from BLE version 4.2


This interface defines GATT client APIs to discover, read/write/notify GATT server

Public Member Functions

□ CyApiErr RegisterCallback (CyGattClientCallback cb)
Register GATT client callback
□ CyApiErr ExchangeMtu (CyGattExchangeMtuInfo info)
Exchange GATT MTU size with the peer device
□ CyApiErr DiscoverAllServices ()
Discover all services, characteristics and descriptors defined in the peer device GATT server
□ CyApiErr DiscoverPrimaryServices (CyDiscoverPrimaryServiceCallback cb)
Discover only primary services defined in the peer device GATT server
□ CyApiErr DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID (CyDiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUIDInfo info,
CyDiscoverPrimaryServiceCallback cb)
Discover primary services by UUID
□ CyApiErr FindIncludedServices (CyFindIncludedServicesInfo info, CyFindIncludedServicesCallback cb)
Find included services
□ CyApiErr DiscoverCharacteristics (CyDiscoverCharacteristicsInfo info, CyDiscoverCharacteristicsCallback cb)
Discover only characteristics
□ CyApiErr DiscoverCharacteristicsByUUID (CyDiscoverCharacteristicsByUUIDInfo info,
CyDiscoverCharacteristicsCallback cb)
Discover characteristics by UUID
□ CyApiErr DiscoverDescriptors (CyDiscoverDescriptorsInfo info, CyDiscoverDescriptorsCallback cb)
Discover descriptors
□ CyApiErr ReadCharacteristic (CyGattReadInfo info)
Read a characteristic value
□ CyApiErr ReadCharacteristicByUUID (CyReadCharacteristicByUUIDInfo info)

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API Reference

Read a characteristic value by UUID

□ CyApiErr ReadLongCharacteristic (CyGattReadInfo info)
Read a long characteristic value
□ CyApiErr ReadMultipleCharacteristic (CyReadMultipleCharacteristicInfo info)
Read multiple characteristics
□ CyApiErr WriteCharacteristicWithoutResponse (CyGattWriteInfo info)
Write a characteristic value without response
□ CyApiErr WriteCharacteristic (CyGattWriteInfo info)
Write a characteristic value
□ CyApiErr WriteLongCharacteristic (CyGattWriteInfo info)
Write a long characteristic value
□ CyApiErr ReliableWrite (CyReliableWriteInfo info)
Reliable characteristic write
□ CyApiErr SendWriteBufferFullResponse (CyWriteBufferFullResponse response)
Sends the response to write buffer full status reported by the peer device
□ CyApiErr SignedCharacteristicWriteWithoutResponse (CyGattWriteInfo info)
Signed write characteristic value without response
□ CyApiErr ReadDescriptor (CyGattReadInfo info)
Read a descriptor value
□ CyApiErr ReadLongDescriptor (CyGattReadInfo info)
Read a long descriptor value
□ CyApiErr WriteDescriptor (CyGattWriteInfo info)
Write a descriptor value
□ CyApiErr WriteLongDescriptor (CyGattWriteInfo info)
Write a long descriptor value
□ CyApiErr GattStop ()
Stop an on-going long GATT operation

Detailed Description
This interface defines GATT client APIs to discover, read/write/notify GATT server

Member Function Documentation

CyApiErr RegisterCallback (CyGattClientCallback cb)

Register GATT client callback

cb GATT client callback

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API Reference

CyApiErr.OK if the callback was successfully registered; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr ExchangeMtu (CyGattExchangeMtuInfo info)

Exchange GATT MTU size with the peer device

info Information necessary to exchange GATT MTU

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The negotiated GATT MTU size is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnGattMtuExchanged callback

CyApiErr DiscoverAllServices ()

Discover all services, characteristics and descriptors defined in the peer device GATT server

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The discovered services are reported via the ICyGattClientCallback.OnServiceDiscovered

CyApiErr DiscoverPrimaryServices (CyDiscoverPrimaryServiceCallback cb)

Discover only primary services defined in the peer device GATT server

cb Callback to report the discovered primary services

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr DiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUID (CyDiscoverPrimaryServicesByUUIDInfo info,

CyDiscoverPrimaryServiceCallback cb)

Discover primary services by UUID

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API Reference

info Information necessary to discover primary services of a
specific UUID

cb Callback to report the discovered primary services

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr FindIncludedServices (CyFindIncludedServicesInfo info,

CyFindIncludedServicesCallback cb)

Find included services

info Information necessary to discover included services

cb Callback to report the discovered included services

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr DiscoverCharacteristics (CyDiscoverCharacteristicsInfo info,

CyDiscoverCharacteristicsCallback cb)

Discover only characteristics

info Information necessary to discover characteristics

cb Callback to report the discovered characteristics

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr DiscoverCharacteristicsByUUID (CyDiscoverCharacteristicsByUUIDInfo info,

CyDiscoverCharacteristicsCallback cb)

CySmart™ API Reference Guide, Doc. No. 002-11435 Rev *A Page 186 of 198
API Reference

Discover characteristics by UUID

info Information necessary to discover characteristic of a
specific UUID

cb Callback to report the discovered characteristics

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr DiscoverDescriptors (CyDiscoverDescriptorsInfo info,

CyDiscoverDescriptorsCallback cb)

Discover descriptors

info Information necessary to discover descriptors

cb Callback to report the discovered descriptors

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr ReadCharacteristic (CyGattReadInfo info)

Read a characteristic value

info Information necessary to read a characteristic value

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The read value is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnCharacteristicRead callback method

CyApiErr ReadCharacteristicByUUID (CyReadCharacteristicByUUIDInfo info)

CySmart™ API Reference Guide, Doc. No. 002-11435 Rev *A Page 187 of 198
API Reference

Read a characteristic value by UUID

info Information necessary to read value of characteristics with
a specific UUID

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The read value is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnCharacteristicReadByUUID callback method

CyApiErr ReadLongCharacteristic (CyGattReadInfo info)

Read a long characteristic value

info Information necessary to read a long characteristic value

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The read value is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnCharacteristicRead callback method

CyApiErr ReadMultipleCharacteristic (CyReadMultipleCharacteristicInfo info)

Read multiple characteristics

info Information necessary to read multiple characteristics

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The read value is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnReadMultipleCharacteristics callback method

CyApiErr WriteCharacteristicWithoutResponse (CyGattWriteInfo info)

Write a characteristic value without response

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info Information necessary to write a characteristic without

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnCharacteristicWrite callback method

CyApiErr WriteCharacteristic (CyGattWriteInfo info)

Write a characteristic value

info Information necessary to write a characteristic value

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnCharacteristicWrite callback method

CyApiErr WriteLongCharacteristic (CyGattWriteInfo info)

Write a long characteristic value

info Information necessary to write a long characteristic value

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnCharacteristicWrite callback method. If the peer device
reports buffer full error, CyGattClientCallback.OnWriteBufferFull callback method will be invoked

CyApiErr ReliableWrite (CyReliableWriteInfo info)

Reliable characteristic write


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API Reference

info Information necessary to initiate a reliable characteristic


CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnReliableWriteCompleted callback method If the peer
device reports buffer full error, CyGattClientCallback.OnWriteBufferFull callback method will be invoked

CyApiErr SendWriteBufferFullResponse (CyWriteBufferFullResponse response)

Sends the response to write buffer full status reported by the peer device

response Response to be sent

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error

CyApiErr SignedCharacteristicWriteWithoutResponse (CyGattWriteInfo info)

Signed write characteristic value without response

info Information necessary to signed write characteristic value
without response

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnCharacteristicWrite callback method

CyApiErr ReadDescriptor (CyGattReadInfo info)

Read a descriptor value

info Information necessary to read a descriptor value

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API Reference

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The read value is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnDescriptorRead callback method

CyApiErr ReadLongDescriptor (CyGattReadInfo info)

Read a long descriptor value

info Information necessary to read a long descriptor value

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The read value is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnDescriptorRead callback method

CyApiErr WriteDescriptor (CyGattWriteInfo info)

Write a descriptor value

info Information necessary to write a descriptor value

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnDescriptorWrite callback method

CyApiErr WriteLongDescriptor (CyGattWriteInfo info)

Write a long descriptor value

info Information necessary to write a long descriptor value

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnDescriptorWrite callback method. If the peer device reports
buffer full error, CyGattClientCallback.OnWriteBufferFull callback method will be invoked

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API Reference

CyApiErr GattStop ()

Stop an on-going long GATT operation

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The status is reported via the CyGattClientCallback.OnGattStop callback method


Represents an L2CAP channel

□ ushort ChannelID [get]
Gets the channel ID
□ ushort LocalPSM [get]
Gets the local PSM
□ ushort MTU [get]
Gets the channel local MTU
□ ushort MPS [get]
Gets the channel local MPS
□ ushort InitialCredit [get]
Gets the initial credit of the channel
□ ushort RemoteMTU [get]
Gets the remote MTU
□ ushort RemoteMPS [get]
Gets the remote MPS
□ ushort RemoteInitialCredit [get]
Gets the initial credit sent by the remote device

Detailed Description
Represents an L2CAP channel

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API Reference

Property Documentation

ushort ChannelID[get]

Gets the channel ID

ushort LocalPSM[get]

Gets the local PSM

ushort MTU[get]

Gets the channel local MTU

ushort MPS[get]

Gets the channel local MPS

ushort InitialCredit[get]

Gets the initial credit of the channel

ushort RemoteMTU[get]

Gets the remote MTU

ushort RemoteMPS[get]

Gets the remote MPS

ushort RemoteInitialCredit[get]

Gets the initial credit sent by the remote device

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API Reference


L2CAP Manager. Provides APIs to manage L2CAP channel creation and removal. Also, provides
APIs to send data and credits.

Public Member Functions

□ CyApiErr RegisterL2CapCallback (CyL2CapMgrCallback cb)
Register L2CAP manager callback
□ CyApiErr EstablishChannel (CyEstablishL2CapChannelInfo info)
Establish an L2CAP channel with the peer device
□ CyApiErr DisconnectChannel (ICyL2CapChannel channel)
Disconnect an existing L2CAP channel
□ CyApiErr RespondToChannelRequest (CyL2CapConnectionResponseInfo response)
Send a response to an L2CAP channel establishment request from peer device
□ CyApiErr SendData (CyL2CapSendDataInfo info)
Send data over an L2CAP channel
□ CyApiErr SendCredits (CyL2CapSendCreditsInfo info)
Send credits to a peer device

Detailed Description
L2CAP Manager. Provides APIs to manage L2CAP channel creation and removal. Also, provides APIs to send data
and credits.

Member Function Documentation

CyApiErr RegisterL2CapCallback (CyL2CapMgrCallback cb)

Register L2CAP manager callback

cb L2CAP callback

CyApiErr.OK if the callback was successfully registered; otherwise, contains the error

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API Reference

CyApiErr EstablishChannel (CyEstablishL2CapChannelInfo info)

Establish an L2CAP channel with the peer device

info Information necessary to create a new channel

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
The L2CAP channel is reported via the CyL2CapMgrCallback.OnChannelEstablished callback method

CyApiErr DisconnectChannel (ICyL2CapChannel channel)

Disconnect an existing L2CAP channel

channel L2CAP channel to be disconnected

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status is reported via the CyL2CapMgrCallback.OnDisconnectChannel callback method

CyApiErr RespondToChannelRequest (CyL2CapConnectionResponseInfo response)

Send a response to an L2CAP channel establishment request from peer device

response Response to the request

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Response instance is received from the CyL2CapMgrCallback.OnChannelConnectionIndication callback method

CyApiErr SendData (CyL2CapSendDataInfo info)

Send data over an L2CAP channel

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API Reference

info Information necessary to send data

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status is reported via the CyL2CapMgrCallback.OnSendData callback method

CyApiErr SendCredits (CyL2CapSendCreditsInfo info)

Send credits to a peer device

info Information necessary to send credits

CyApiErr.OK if the method parameters are correct; otherwise, contains the error
Status is reported via the CyL2CapMgrCallback.OnSendCredits callback method


Provides APIs to communicate with the CySmart dongle

Inherits IDisposable.

□ CyDongleID DeviceID [get]
Gets the device ID of the dongle
□ Version BleStackVersion [get]
Gets the BLE stack version of the dongle
□ Version FirmwareVersion [get]
Gets the dongle firmware version
□ Version HardwareVersion [get]
Gets the dongle hardware version
□ ICyBleMgr BleMgr [get]
Gets the BLE manager

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API Reference

Detailed Description
Provides APIs to communicate with the CySmart dongle

Property Documentation

CyDongleID DeviceID[get]

Gets the device ID of the dongle

Version BleStackVersion[get]

Gets the BLE stack version of the dongle

Version FirmwareVersion[get]

Gets the dongle firmware version

Version HardwareVersion[get]

Gets the dongle hardware version

ICyBleMgr BleMgr[get]

Gets the BLE manager

CySmart™ API Reference Guide, Doc. No. 002-11435 Rev *A Page 197 of 198
Revision History

Document Revision History

Document Title: CySmart™ API Reference Guide
Document Number: 002-11435 Rev *A
Revision Issue Date Origin of Description of Change
** 03/04/2016 BAAM Initial version of CySmart API reference guide
*A 03/22/2017 BAAM Updated Cypress logo and copyright notice

CySmart™ API Reference Guide, Doc. No. 002-11435 Rev *A Page 198 of 198

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