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Operating System File 4

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Program – 4

Program 4: Implement the basic and user status commands like: su, sudo,
man, help, history, who, whoami, id, uname, uptime, free, tty, cal, date,
hostname, reboot,clear.


Linux is famous for its powerful commands. To use Linux effectively, all users
should know how to use terminal commands. Although the OS has a GUI, many
functionalities work faster when run as commands through the terminal.


• A system running Linux.

• Access to the command line/terminal.

Basic Linux Commands

All Linux commands fall into one of the following four categories:

• Shell built ins - Commands built directly into the shell with the
• Shell functions - Shell scripts (grouped commands).
• Aliases - Custom command shortcuts.
• Executable programs - Compiled and installed programs or scripts.

1. pwd command

The pwd command (print working directory) is a shell builtin command that prints
the current location. The output shows an absolute directory path, starting with
the root directory (/).

The general syntax is:

pwd <options>

To see how the command works, run the following in the terminal:

The output prints the current location in the /home/<username> format.

2. ls command

The ls command (list) prints a list of the current directory's contents. Run the


Additional options provide flexibility with the display output. Typical usage
includes combining the following options:
• Show as a list:

ls -l

• Show as a list and include hidden files:

ls -la

• Show sizes in a human-readable format:

ls -lah

3. cd command

The cd command (change directory) is a shell builtin command for changing the
current working directory:
cd <directory>

For example, to move to the Document directory, run:

cd Documents

The working directory changes in the terminal interface. In a non-default

interface, use the pwdcommand to check the current directory.

Use cdwithout any parameters to return to the home directory (~).

4. cat command

The cat command (concatenate) displays the contents of a file in the terminal
(standard output or stdout). To use the command, provide a file name from the
current directory:

cat <filename>

• Create new files:

cat ><filename>

Alternatively, provide a path to the file along with the file name:

cat <path>/<filename>
The command can also:

• Display contents of multiple files:

cat ><filename>

Add contents to the file and press CTRL+D to exit.

• Display line numbers:

cat -n <filename>

5. touch command

The touch command's primary purpose is to modify an existing file's

timestamp. To use the command, run:

cat <path>/<filename>

The command creates an empty file if it does not exist. Due to this
effect, touchis also a quick way to make a new file (or a batch of files).

6. cp command

The main way to copy files and directories in Linux is through the cp (copy)
command. Try the command with:

cp <source file> <target file>

The source and target files must have different names since the command copies
in the same directory. Provide a path before the file name to copy to another

7. mv command

Use the mv (move) command to move files or directories from one location to
another. For example, to move a file from the current directory to ~/Documents,

cat <file 1> <file 2>

8. mkdir command

The mkdir (make directory) command creates a new directory in the provided
location. Use the command in the following format:

cat -n <filename>

Provide a path to create a directory in the given location, or use a space or

comma-separated list to create multiple directories simultaneously.

9. rmdir command

Use the rmdir (remove directory) command to delete an empty directory. For

touch <filename>
If the directory is not empty, the command fails.

10. rm command

The rm command (remove) deletes files or directories. To use the command for
non-empty directories, add the -rtag:

cp <source file> <target file>

Unlike the rmdir command, rm also removes all the contents from the
11. locate command

The locate command is a simple Linux tool for finding a file. The command
checks a file database on a system to perform the search quickly. However, the
result is sometimes inaccurate if the database is not updated.

To use the command, install locate and try the following example:

mv <filename> ~/Documents/<filename>

The output prints the file's location path. The matching is unclear and outputs
any file that contains the file name.
12. find command

Use the find command to perform a thorough search on the system. Add the -
nametag to search for a file or directory by name:

mkdir <directory name>

The output prints the file's path and performs an exact match. Use additional
options to control the search further.

13. grep command

The grep (global regular expression print) enables searching through text in a
file or a standard output. The basic syntax is:

rmdir <directory name>

The output highlights all matches. Advanced commands include using grep for
multiple strings or writing grep regex statements.

14. sudo command

Use sudo (superuser do) elevates a user's permissions to administrator or root.

Commands that change system configuration require elevated privilege.

Add sudo as a prefix to any command that requires elevated privileges:

rm -r <file or directory>

Use the command with caution to avoid making accidental changes permanent.

15. df command

The df (disk free) command shows the statistics about the available disk space on
the filesystem. To see how df works, run the following:

locate <filename>
The output shows the amount of space used by different drives. Add the -htag to
make the output in human-readable format (kilobytes, megabytes, and

16. du command

The du (disk usage) command helps show how much space a file or directory
takes up. Run the command without any parameters:

find -name <file or directory>

The output shows the amount of space used by files and directories in the
current directory. The size displays in blocks, and adding the -h tag changes the
measure to human-readable format.

17. head command

Use the head command to truncate long outputs. The command can truncate files,
for example:

grep <search string> <filename>

Alternatively, pipe headto a command with a long output:

sudo <command>

For example, to see the first ten lines of the du command, run:

The output shows the first ten lines instead of everything.

18. tail command

The Linux tail command does the opposite of head. Use the command to show
the last ten lines of a file:


Or pipe tail to a command with a long output:

head <filename>

For example, use tail to see the last ten lines of the du command:

<command> | head

Both headand tail commands are helpful when reading Linux log files.
19. diff command

The diff (difference) command compares two files and prints the difference. To
use the command, run:

du | head

For example, to compare files test1.txt and test2.txt, run:

tail <filename>

Developers often use diff to compare versions of the same code.

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