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h i g h l i g h t s
Granite dust was mixed into manufactured sand concrete to replace the fly ash.
The workability and drying shrinkage were improved.
The mechanical and some durability properties were improved.
Granite dust can be used as the supplementary cementitious material.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The fabrication process of manufactured sands produces plenty of dust, which not only occupies the land
Received 28 September 2015 and pollutes the environment but also causes dam breaks and collapses. To make full use of it, such gran-
Received in revised form 14 January 2016 ite dust was herein mixed into manufactured sand concrete as supplementary cementitious materials to
Accepted 21 January 2016
replace fly ash in different proportions. The mechanical and some durability properties of these concretes
Available online 4 February 2016
were studied. The results showed an improvement in the workability of the manufactured sand concrete
by introducing granite dust. The early strengths of manufactured sand concrete decreased with the fly
ash replacement, but the compressive strengths, bending strengths and elastic modulus increased in
Granite dust
Manufactured sand concrete
the later stage when the replacement ratio was 20%. Compared with pure cement concrete, the 56 days
Mechanical property chloride penetration resistance of the modified concretes was enhanced remarkably. Although the elec-
Durability tric flux increased with the increasing granite dust dosage, it was always located at the low permeability
Shrinkage characteristic level. The dynamic elastic modulus only had a slightly decrease after 350 freezing and thawing cycles
when the granite dust dosage was within 20%, but it obviously dropped down when that dosage reached
30%. The drying shrinkage of the modified concrete was also inhibited within 14 days, compared with the
pure cement concrete.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction that have the same mineralogical composition as the mother rocks
are called stone dust or stone powder [3]. A certain content of
As natural river sand mining is limited by the seasons and a stone dust is allowed to exist in the manufactured sands, but the
national mining limitation policy has already been issued in China, limits are different under various standards, and the maximum is
there is a serious shortage of river sand, which is the main raw 10% [4]. However, the actual content of stone dust in the manufac-
material of concrete. Manufactured sands from limestone, granite, turing process always exceeds the required value under standards.
basalt etc. have become the green and economical substitute for For instance, the statistics of 24 samples in 17 granite quarries in
river sands used in high-performance concrete [1,2]. In the manu- Guangdong province showed that the dust content was 4.7–
factured sand fabrication process, fine particles are inevitably gen- 22.2%, in which 16 samples’ data exceeded 10% [5]. The excess dust
erated. Usually, those particles that are smaller than 75 lm and needs to be washed out before use. As a result, over 10 million tons
of granite sludge wastes are generated every year in China, lacking
effective utilization [6]. It is necessary and pressing to address
⇑ Corresponding author at: Railway Engineering Research Institute, China these issues properly to avoid such waste and pollution. Thus,
Academy of Railway Sciences, No. 2 Daliushu Road, Beijing 100081, China. turning granite dust into a building material resource is an
E-mail address: [email protected] (H. Li).
0950-0618/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
42 H. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 109 (2016) 41–46
2. Experimental The concrete slump, air content and bleeding rate were tested following the ASTM
standards [20–22]. The concrete state was observed when the concrete slump test
2.1. Materials was implemented. The compressive strength, bending strength and elastic modulus
were measured according to the methods in BS EN 12390 [23] with
Type P.O 42.5 Portland cement was used. Commercially available fly ash and 150 mm 150 mm 150 mm specimens. The chloride penetration resistance was
grinding slag powder were used as the mineral mixture. The granite dust was fil- tested following the electric flux method in ASTM C1202 [24]. The frost resistance test
tered through a 0.075-mm sieve, and their XRD pattern is shown in Fig. 1, revealing followed the rapid freezing and thawing method specified in ASTM C666/C666M
that the main ingredients were granite and quartz. The size distribution of granite [25]. The concrete drying shrinkage was measured by the contact method in
dust is shown in Fig. 2, and D10, D50, and D90 were 3.7 lm, 21.4 lm and 67.0 lm, ASTM C157 [26], and the test period began from the third day after the standard cur-
respectively. The criterion D10 (D50 or D90) means that 10% (50% or 90%) of the ing began.
H. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 109 (2016) 41–46 43
Table 1
Mixture proportions of concrete (kg/m3).
No. Cement Slag powder Fly ash Granite powder Manufactured sand Crush stone Super-plasticizer Air-entraining agent Water
JS0 264 44 132 0 780 1076 5.28 0.132 154
JS1 264 44 88 44 780 1076 5.28 0.088 154
JS2 264 44 44 88 780 1076 5.50 0.035 154
JS3 264 44 0 132 780 1076 7.06 0.101 154
JS4 440 0 0 0 780 1076 7.26 0.141 154
3.2. The effect of granite dust on mechanical properties
Fig. 7. Relation between the elastic modulus and compressive strength of the
manufactured sand concrete.
3000 600
28d ays
56d ays medium
2500 permeability 500
Drying shrinkage (10 )
Electric flux (C)
2000 400
1500 300
1000 JS1
extremely low
500 100
0 0
0 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63 70 77 84 91
Types of manufactured sand concretes Age (day)
Fig. 8. Effect of granite dust content on the chloride penetration resistance of Fig. 10. Effect of granite dust content on the drying shrinkage of manufactured
manufactured sand concrete. sand concrete.
46 H. Li et al. / Construction and Building Materials 109 (2016) 41–46
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