7 Control and Coordination

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How do auxins promote the growth ofa tendril Long Answer Type Questions:
around a support?
With a well labelled diagram of the human brain
12. List some changes that occur in our body when explain the function of different parts.
adrenaline is secreted into the blood.
2. Write some major functions of each Auxin,
13. Write down the limitations to the use of electrical Gibberellin and ABA.
impulses. S. How does phototropism occur in plants?
14. With the help of suitable diagram trace the
sequence of events which occur when we touch a With suitable diagram locate the endocrine glands
in human being (male and female) and also
hot object.
mention the hormones they secrete.
15. On touching a hot object we move our hand away
5. Draw the structure of a neuron and explain its
and after sometime we detect pain. Why?
16. In the given figure, identifty the parts of a neuron.
. Differentiate between nervous system and
endocrine system.
What is the difference between the manner in
which movement in the sensitive plant and
movement in our legs takes place?

Myellin sheath
Objective Type Questions
1.Which of the following Is a plant hormone?
(1) Insulin (2) Thyroxine
(0) Mentlon the part of neuron which conducts
3) Oostrogen (4) Cytokinin
information towards the cyton.
The junction between two neurons is called
(H) Give the direction of electrical impulse in a
(1) Synaptic knob (2) Synapse
(3) Axon (4) Nodes of Ranvler
(ii) Where is the electrical impulse converted into
a chemical signal for onward transmission? The brain is responsible for

17. Differentiate between nastic movements and tropic (1) Thinking

movements. (2) Regulating the heart beat
18. What do you infer from the word "thinking"? (3) Balancing of the body

19. How are brain and spinal cord protected? (4) All of these

20. How does nerve impulse travel in the body? Whlch of the following regulates plant growth?

(1) Insulin (2) Dendrites

21. Explain the following directional movements of
growth with sultable examples. (3) Hormone (4) Electical impulse

( Geotropism, . Hormone involved in inhibition of growth is

() Hydrotropism, (1) ABA

( ) Chemotropism (2) Auxin

3) Gibberellin
22. What is the need for a system of control and
coordination in an organism? (4) Cytokinin
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6. Cytokinins 13. when growing plants detect light, a homone called
auxin synthesised at the shoot tip, help the cells
(1) Induce cell division and inhibit ageing
(1) To grow moderately
(2) Maintain dormancy
(2) To become turgid
(3) Induce abscission
(3) To grow onger
(4) Inhibit cell division
(4) To inhibit growth
7. The movement of plant organs in response to force
of gravity is called 14. Plant cells can change their shape

(1) Thigmotropism (1) By the help of specialised tissue

(2) Hydrotropism (2) By changing the pattern of growth

(3) Phototropism (3) By using sunlight

(4) Geotropism (4) By changing the amount of water in them
8. The stem bends towards light because 15. Cranium

(1) They need light for photosynthesis (1) Protects the spinal cord
(2) They need light for respiration (2) Protects the brain
(3) Light attracts them (3) Helps in muscular movements
(4) Cells elongate more on shaded side (4) Maintains the posture and batance of the body
. Motor areas of the forebrain control 16. The muscle contracts in response to nervous
(1) Movement of involuntary muscles electrical impulse due to the presence of

(2) Movement of voluntary muscles (1) Special carbohydrates

(3) Movement of visceral muscles (2) Speciel proteins
(4) Change in size of pupil (3) Loss of C a ions

10. Vertebral column protects (4) Special enzymes

(1) Endocrine glands

(2) Spinal cord

ledical Refex arcs have evolved in animals because / as
(1) It is an efficient way of functioning in the
absence of true thought processes
(3) Brain SiOr
(2) Thinking process of brain is very quick
(4) Gonads
(3 Thinking process of brain is inefficient
11. Response of the plant to the direction of light is
called (4) Brain lacks complex neuron network needed
for thinking
(1) Geotropism
18. The communication between the central nervous
(2) Phototropism system and other parts of the body is facilitated
(3) Hydrotropism by
(4) Chemotropism (1) Peripheral nervous system

12. Plant hormone that helps in lateral growth of stem (2) Spinal nerves only
(1) Gibberellins (2) Auxin (3) Cranium

(3) Cytokinin (4) Abscisic acid (4) Cranial nerves only

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19. Cerebellum Is responsible for 25. Which of the following statements is not true about
nerve processes arising from cyton of neurons?
(1) Controlling salivation
(2) Maintaining posture and balance of the body (1) Long. cylindrical nerve process is always single
and used to conduct nerve Impulse away fromn
(3) Controlling respiration cyton
(4) Controlling gut peristalsis (2) Short and branched nerve processes are many
20. Hormone which is present in greater concentration and used to conduct nerve impulse towards
in the areas of rapid cell division is cyton

(1) Ethylene (3) Long nerve processes can be medullated or

(2) Cytokinin
(3) Auxin (4) Long nerve process originate from synaptlc
(4) Abscisic acid
26. Which of the following functions is not regulated by
21. Adrenaline is secreted directly into the
medulla oblongata of the brain?
(1) Blood
(1) Thermoregulation in the body
(2) Respiratory tract
(2) Gut peristalsis
(3) Lymph
(3) Vomiting
(4) Digestive tract
(4) Swallowing of food
22. The function of spinal cord during reflex action is
27. When a strong light is flashed on the eyes, they
(1) To modulate the impulse received
close suddenly. This is an example of reflex action.
(2) To produce a quick response to an urgent The path followed by nerve impulse to carry out
situation reflex action is
(3) To change sensory impulse into motor impulse (1) Receptor organ > Motor nerve fibre » Spinal
(4) All of these cord Sensory nerve fibre » Effector organ
23. Which of the following centres is not associated (2) Receptor organ Afferent nerve fibres
with the posterior most
beneath cerebellum?
(1) Cardlac centre
part of the brain located Brain

Sensory nerve fibre>

(3) Receptor organ >Afferent nerve fibre »

Efferent nerve fibre »
Effector organ
Effector organ
(2) Vasomotor centre (4) Receptor organ Efferent nerve fibre Spinal
(3) Hunger centre cord Aferent organ > Efferent nerve fibre

(4) Salivary centre 28. Identify the correct set of tropic movements of
different plant parts?
24. Which of the following pair is not correctly
matched7 (1) Positively phototropic stem and positively
hydrotropic stem
(1) Cerebrum Secretess

neurohomones (2) Positive ly geotropic root and negatively

hydrotroplc stem
(2) Hypothalamus Thermoregulatory
(3) Negatively phototropic root and negatively
(3) Medulla oblongata Vasomotor centree geolropic stem

(4) Cerebellum Maintains equilibrium (4) Both (2) & (3)

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B8Control and Coordination Biology Class X(Level-)|
29. The function of plant hormone ethylene is (1) Regulation of carbohydrate, fat and protein
(1) Promotion of dormancy metabolism in body for proper growth and
(2) Inhibition of plant growth deveopment
(3) Ripening of fruits (2) Control of basal metabolic rate of body
(4) Wilting of leaves
(3) Increase of heart beat in emergency conditions
30. Which of the following is not the function of a
released from largest endocrine gland in (4) Control of physical. mental and sexual
the body? development

Medical IIT-JEE Foundations

a k

13. What happens at the synapse between two
SECTION-A neurons?

Subjective Type Questions: 14. Define reflex action. What are the two different

1. Name two glands which have endocrine as well as

types of refex actions? Also give two examples of
exocrine function.
2. Where is corpus callosum located in our body?
3. How do endocrine glands differ from exocrine
glands? Objective Type Questions
4. What would a child suffer from if there was
1 Growth promoting hiormones are
hyposecretion from the thyroid gland?
(1) LAA, ABA and Cytokinin
5. How do plants detect touch and how do their
leaves move in response? (2) AA, Gibberellin and ABA

How do we detect the smell of an agarbatti () LAA, GIbberellin and Cytokinin

(incense stick)? 4) ABA Cytokinin and Gibberellin
. How does chemical coordination occur in plants? 2 . Movement of plant in response to only touch
B. What do you mean by cerebellum? Mention the (stimulus) is called

function of cerebellum. Mark its position in human (1) Seismonasty

brain with suitable diagram. (2) Mutation
9. Which signals will get disrupted in case of a spinal
(3) Thigmonasty
cord injury?
(4) Nyctinasty
10. If you stand to make your maiden speech before
a large audience, your mouth dries up and heart
3. Which of the following is not true about white
rate increases. What brings about these changes? matter of the brain?
Which endocrine gland is active during this stage? (1) White matter is made up of myelinated nerve
Explain. fibres
11. Name two kinds of diabetes. Mention their (2) The outer portion of cerebrum consists of white
symptoms and causes. matter

12. Name the endocrine gland that secretes adrenaline. (3) White colour of white matter is due to
Locate this gland with suitable diagram and how medullary sheath present around nerve fibres
it acts as a second way of control and (4) 20% of the total brain mass is composed of
coordination in our body? white matter

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Nerve cells upon receiving stimulus 9. Which of the following statements is not true about
myelinated nerve fibres?
(1) Become depolarised

(2) Become positively charged on inside and (1) These are surrounded by an insulating myelin
negatively charged on outside sheath which is produced by Schwann cells

(3) Change their polarity which is known as action (2) Myelin sheath is a continuous sheath present
potential over surface of axons of myelinated fibres

(4) All of these (3) Myelinated nerve fibres are found in spinal and
cranial nerves
5. Which of the following is not a neurotransmitter?
(4) Myelinated nerve fibres contain some special
(1) Acetylcholine
areas called Nodes of Ranvier
(2) Dopamine
10. Which of the following statements is true about
(3) Adrenaline
grey matter and white matter?
(4) Insulin
(1) They are made up of nervous tissue found in
6. A nerve membrane with resting potential across is brain and spinal cord

(1) Negatively charged on the outside and (2) Grey matter forms 80% of total brain mass
positively charged on the inside and it surounds the white matter in brain while
white matter surrounds grey matter in spinal
(2) Positively charged on the outside and
negatively charged on inside

(3) White matter looks white due to presence of

(3) Electrically depolarised
myelin sheath present around medullated nerve
(4) Having more Na' lons on the inside to more K*
ions on the outside
(4) All the options are true
7. Which of the following statements is not true about
neurons? and in which
11 Cytokinins ethylene are antagonistic
of the following functions?
(1) These are the longest cells of the body

(2) Mature neuron is capable of division (1) Senescence

(3) Dendrites arising from cell body of neurons are (2) Apical dominance
always non-medullated
(3) Cell growth
(4) The functional junction between two neurons is
(4) Ripening of fruits
called synapse
12. Auxins and cytokinins are antagonistic in which of
8. Which of the following is not an example of
the following function?
unconditioned reflex action?

(1) Gut peristalsis (1) Senescence

(2) Yawning (2) Apical dominance

(3) Cycling (3) Abscission

(4) Sneezing (4) Parthenocarpy

13. Coiling of tendrils and growth of pollen tube are 17. Non-directional paratonic movements of curvature
occurring in response to shock is known as
(1) Thigmotropic and chemotropic plant
movements (1) Hydronasty

(2) Directional autonomic movements of curvature (2) Nyctinasty

(3) Thigmonasty and chemonasty plant

(3) Chemonasty
(4) Seismonasty
(4) Thigmonasty and seismonasty plant 18. Which of the following is the function of abscisic
movements acid?

14. The effect of abscisic acid (ABA), a growth inhibitor, (1) Induction of dormancy
can be neutralized by application of (2) Fruit ripening

(1) A hormone which can cause elongation of (3) Parthenocarpyy

stems in rosette plants
(4) Promotes maleness in unisexual plants
(2) A hormone which can break the dormancy of
19. Which of the following statements is not true about
buds and seeds
(3) A hormone which affects cell elongation like
(1) Hormones are chemical messengers secreted
from endocrine glands
(4) All of these (2 Secretin was first discovered hormone

15. All of the following are examples of tropic (3) Hormone adrenaline is secreted from adrenal
movements of curvature except cortex

(1) Growth of pollen tube (4) Thyroxine homone is iodinated tyrosine amino
(2) Coiling of tendrils
20. The hormone secreted from neurohypophysis of
(3) Bending of tentacles of Drosera master endocrine gland is

(4) Movement of sunflower from east to west along (1) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)
sunlight (2) Adrenaline

16. The function of plant hormone gibberellin

(3) Glucagon
.e., breaking the dormancy of seeds and buds can
be reversed by using which of the following plant (4) Cortisol

(1) The hormone which induces parthenocarpy


(2) The hormone which is also called stress Assertion & Reason Type Questions:
homone In the following questions, a statement of assertion
(A) is followed by a statement of reason (R).
(3) The hormone which induces cell division &
(1) fboth Assertion Reason are true and the reason
of the then
is the(1)corect explanation assertion,
(4) The hormone which induces apical dominance mark

Aakash Educational Services Limited- Regd. Oofmce: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456
( 2 ) f both Assertion & Reason a r e true but the reason C. Hind-brain (ii) Acetylcholine
Is not the corect explanation ot the asserton, then
d. Neurotransmitter () Glucagon
mark (2)
(3) If Assertion is true statement but Reason is false, Homone of () Salivation
then mark (5). pancreas
(4) If both Assertion and Reason are false statements, (1) a(ii). bi). c(v), d(i), e(iv)
then mark (4).
(2) a(ii), b(i). c(iv). d0). e(v)
1. A: Salivation on the sight and smell of food is an
example of conditioned reflex.
(3) a(i). b(i). c(ii), d(iv). e(v)
R:When we see or smell delicious food, our brain
(4) a(ii), b(ii), c(iv), d(v), e(i)
remembers the taste of the food and works in 2. Match
the following:
an unconscious way. Column-
2. A: The functions of sympathetic and Pineal (0) Estrogen
parasympathetic nervous system are b. Testis (i) Induces
antagonistic to each other. parthenocarpy
R: Parasympathetic nervous system prepares the C. Ovary (i) Delays ageing
body for violent actions while, sympathetic d. Cytokinin ( ) Controls the
nervous system is concerned with re- biological clock
establishing normal conditions. . Auxin Testosterone
Luteinizing hormone is a trophic hormone (1) a(v), b(iv), c(i), d(iw), e()
secreted by neurohypophysis.
(2) ai). b(i), c(iü). d(iv), efv)
R: It stimulates gonads to produce their specific
(3) a(iv), b(V), cti), d(w), e(i)
4) a(ii), btv) dil). d(), e(i)
A:Drosera (sundews) shows chemonastic
Match the following:

R: Tentacles of sundews bend in response to

nitrogenous substances present in insects.
a, -cells of islets
of Langerhans
( Condition due top
undersecretion of
5. Different plant hormones help to coordinate thyroxine in adults
growth, development and responses to the b. Thyroid (i) Decreases heart
R: Hormones are synthesised at places away C. Cretinism (ii) Exophthalmic
from where they act and simply diffuse to the goitre
area of actlon. d. Hyperthyroidism () Thyroxine

e. Myxoedema Adrenal cortex
(vi) Insulin

Match the Columns Type Questions (vi) Undersecretion of

thyroxine in a
1. Match
the following: child
Column Column- (1) a(vi). b(i), c(ii), d(vli), e(iv)
a. Brain and spinal () Cerebrum
cord (2) avi). b{v), c(vii), d(v), e(i)
b. Fore-brain (i) Central nervous (3) a(v). b(iv). c{ii). d(i), e(i)
system 4) a(vi). b{iv), c{vii), d(ii), ei)
Aakash Educational Services Limited- Regd. Ofice: Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456

106 Control and Coordination Bioiogy- Cless X(Level-1)

4. Match
the following: e. Acromegaly () Dwarfism and
Cretinism ) Undersecretion of
mental retardation

f.Exophthalmic ( ) Oversecretion of
growth hormones, in
childhood goitre growth homones. In
b. Diabetes mellitus (i) Oversecreton or adults
growth homonee
during childhood
(1) a(i). b(), c(ii), d(iv), e(vi), f{v)
C. Dwarfism (ii) Excess of glucose (2) atv). b(), ct), da)., e(vi). f(v)
in blood
(3) aiv). b), qi), d(i), efvi), f(v)
d. Gigantism (v) Oversecretion of
thyroxine (4) a(vi), bi), c(i). d(ii). e(v), f(iv)

Chapter 2: Control and Coordination


1. (4) 2. (2) 3. (4) 4. (3) 5. (1) B. (1) 7. (4)

8. (4) 9. (2) 10. (2) 11. (2) 12.(3) 13. (3) 4. (4)

15. (2) 16. (2) 17. (1) 18. (1) 19.(2) 20. (2) 21. (1)

22. (4) 23. (3) 24. (3 25. (4) 26. (1) 27. (3) 28. (4)
29. (3) 30. (3)

a s


tu.a Sef


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146||Answers Blology Class X (Level-l & Level-I)


. (3) (3) 3. (2) 4. 4) 5. 4) 6. (2) 7. (2)

8. (3) 9. (2) 10. (4) 11. (1) 12. (2) 13. (1) 14. (4)

15. (3) 16. (2) 17. (4) 18. (1) 19. (3) 20. (1)

1. (1) 2. (3) 3. (4) 4 (1) 5. 2)
1. (1) (3) . (4) 4. (2)

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