Software Engineering Lab File: Submitted By: Vishnu Gupta CSE Sec 2 GRP 3 UM9311
Software Engineering Lab File: Submitted By: Vishnu Gupta CSE Sec 2 GRP 3 UM9311
Software Engineering Lab File: Submitted By: Vishnu Gupta CSE Sec 2 GRP 3 UM9311
S. No.
Outdentinga task moves it up a level in the outline (literally shifting it to the left in the outline). When outdented, a task is moved to a higher level of detail; in other words, its less detailed. Indenting a task moves it down a level in the outline (literally indenting the task to the right in the outline) and puts it at a deeper level of detail. To outdent or indent a task, follow these steps: 1. Click a task in a columnar view to select it. 2. Click the Outdent or Indent button according to what action you want to take. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) codes can be generated automatically to give a unique identity to each task in your project by its order in the project outline. For example, the second task in the second phase of a project has a code of 1.2.2. This code helps you identify all tasks that belong to Phase 1, no matter at what level of the outline they might lie. 1. Click the Gantt Chart icon on the View bar. 2. Right-click anywhere in the column headings and then choose Insert Column. 3. Click the arrow for the Field Name drop-down list and then select WBS. 4. Click OK.
Practical 2 Using Waterfall model to draft project plan for upgrading MS Office 2003 to MS Office 2007
Waterfall model The waterfall model Is a sequential design process, often used in software development processes, in which progress is seen as flowing steadily downwards(like a waterfall) through the phases of conception,initiation, analysis, design, construction, testing, production/implementation and maintenance.
Gantt chart
Resource Sheet
Practical 3 Using Incremental model draft project plan for software development of online gaming. Incremental model The incremental model is a method of software development where the model is designed, implemented and tested incrementally( a little more is added each time) until the product is finished. It involves both development and maintenance. The product is finished when it satisfies all requirements. This model combines the elements of the waterfall model with the iterative philosophy of prototyping. Analysis=>Design=>Code=>Test (Delivery of 1st increment) (Delivery of 2nd increment) (Delivery of 3rd increment) (Delivery of 4th increment)
Gantt Chart
Resource sheet
Practical 4 Using Spiral model draft a project plan for developing a banking software.
Resource sheet