05 Grammar

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ÖABT – Proficiency

1. In which of the following sentences is 4. In which of the following sentences is the

there a grammar mistake related with the subject-verb agreement given correct?
use of a multi-word verb?
A) Both science and medicine contributes
A) Graham ran his boss into at the office to preparing athletes for competition.
the other day. B) The blind does not want pity.
B) The school puts a lot of emphasis on C) The job of establishing sufficient
music and art. controls and measurements so that you
C) I'll think it over and give you an answer can tell what is actually happening to
next week. athletes are tediously complex.
D) She asked them why they hadn't turned D) The existence of allergies is known long
the lights on. before scientists had any understanding
E) His aunt brought him up when his of their nature.
parents passed away. E) Some allergies, such as asthma, has no
external cause.

2. In which of the following sentences is

not there a grammar mistake related to 5. In which of the following sentences is
the use of a multi-word verb? there a grammar mistake because of the
wrong pronoun use?
A) Peter is looking his elderly parents after
B) The discussions went for a long time on. A) Between you and I this class is much
C) Cornelia has finally brought her new harder than I thought it would be.
book out. B) We Australians are proud of our culture.
D) All the students have handed in them. C) The police officer gave the driver and
E) The manager has finally approved the me a stern lecture on the condition of
new tests of. our car.
D) Your parents expressed their
appreciation of how well Fred and I had
3. In which of the following sentences is the decorated the house.
subject-verb agreement given correct? E) Our boss thinks that Mary and I talk too
much when we work together.
A) The majority of English majors read
Conrad’s Heart of Darkness while at
university. 6. In which of the following sentences is the
B) Politics are an issue in R. K. Narayan’s use the relative pronoun ‘whom’ correct?
The Man-eater of Malgudi.
C) Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children A) Speak to the person whom is in charge.
are my favourite novel. B) We do not know whom were at the
D) Neither Edna’s neighbours nor her party.
husband agrees with her decision. C) My grandmother was one of six sisters,
E) Each of Sylvia Plath’s “bee poems” use each of whom had at least five
the theme of beekeeping to express daughters.
aspects of the human condition. D) People were speculating about whom
was in charge.
E) Did you see whom was there?
ÖABT – Proficiency

7. In which of the following sentences is the 10. In which of the following sentences does
case of the subject of the -ing clause the infinitive function as the subject of
marked wrong? the sentence?

A) We watched their playing football in the A) To get a good seat he arrived at the
school backyard the other day. stadium early.
B) They were annoyed at their neighbours’ B) To appoint a new treasurer a meeting
telephoning after eleven. was called.
C) I was delighted to hear of your passing C) To defeat the enemies Caesar is going
the examination. to Gaul.
D) They appreciated my explaining the D) To ask if there was any mail for Amy
differences between the two policies. she went there.
E) Your writing a reference for me E) To know what we know and to know
persuaded the board to give me the what we do not know is understanding.

11. In which of the following sentences is the

8. In which of the following sentences does use of gerund given correct?
the gerund function as the direct object
of the sentence? A) She asked seeing the landlord about
the faulty stove.
A) Her joy in preparing for company was B) I agreed leaving him alone.
obvious. C) He denied stealing the money.
B) My friends anticipated our trying on new D) Helen seems having missed the bus.
shoes. E) Paul didn’t expect being invited to the
C) His only focus was improving the lives party.
of others.
D) Dawn's favorite pastime is swimming in
the Atlantic. 12. In which of the following sentences does
E) Since completing his degree, his it have a referential meaning?
opportunities are endless.
A) It worried Paul that an announcement
had been made about the epidemic.
9. In which of the following sentences does B) I am taking the meat back to the shop
the gerund function as the subject because it isn’t good.
complement? C) It would be good for Bill to leave.
D) I find it odd that Mary left so soon.
A) The group’s main goal is eliminating E) It is out of the question that Frank
poverty. should be reinstated.
B) Being in the woods is rejuvenating.
C) He’s excited about being off work on
D) They do not appreciate my singing.
E) The police arrested him for speeding.
ÖABT – Proficiency

13. In which of the following sentences does 16. In which of the following sentences is the
the underlined expression function as a zero article misused?
cataphoric expression?
A) She lives near Lake Windermere.
A) The witness called the televesion B) Victoria Station is in the centre of
reporters, but they didn’t answer. London.
B) Mark called Mary’s house all day, but C) Can you direct me to Bond Street?
she never answered the phone. D) Dogs are much more playful than cats.
C) The candy dish was empty, but we were E) Man who wrote this book is famous.
tired of eating it anyway.
D) The supervisors told the workers that
they would receive a bonus. 17. Which of the following sentences does
E) A few weeks before he died, my father not contain an anticipatory it?
gave me an old cigar box filled with
faded letters. A) It is likely that we’ll be moving to
B) It doesn’t matter to me who pays my
14. Which of the following sentences ticket.
contains an exophoric expression? C) It’s impossible to say when they are
A) Jerry is standing over there. D) It has not been announced whether
B) In their free time, the kids play video negotiations between the employers
games. and the employees have broken down.
C) His friends have been criticizing Jim for E) It will be dark when we get to
exaggerating. Edinburgh.
D) The music stopped, and that upset John
and Mary.
E) Although Sam might do so, he will not
buy a new bike. 18. Which of the following sentences
denotes an action rather than a state?

A) Our client appreciated all the work.

15. In which of the following sentences is the B) I hear music from the Smith’s
definite article ‘the’ misused? apartment.
C) The trip of the college students included
A) The sun rose at 6:17 this morning. a visit to the zoo as well.
B) The president will be speaking on TV D) Mary was sleeping when someone
tonight. broke into the shop.
C) The Mount McKinley is the highest E) Janet did not realize how she loves her
mountain in Alaska. home.
D) The CEO of Total is coming to our
E) She has given a lot of money to the
ÖABT – Proficiency

19. Which of the following sentences 22. Which of the following functions of
contains more than one predicative modals corresponds to the modal in the
adjective? sentence below?
You should have received my letter in two
A) Unfortunately, we were unable to attend days.
your party.
B) It was, quite frankly, a very boring A) Desire
speech. B) Possibility
C) She was, in fact, a mathematical C) Advisability
genius. D) Obligation
D) None of the children liked the puppet E) Expectation
E) In fact, his idea was neither original nor
correct. 23. Which of the following functions of
modals corresponds to the modal in the
sentence below?
John must have been out last week as he
20. Which of the sentences contains both did not answer the phone.
attributive and predicative adjective?
A) Expressing a desire
A) If the negotiations are held in public, B) Showing willingness
they are likely to fail. C) Showing lack of necessity
B) They expelled him from the country, D) Making logical assumption
although he had not been charged with E) Showing advisability
a serious crime.
C) He was self-conscious in his casual
clothes, as if he had appeared without 24. Which one cannot be generated by the
socks for a formal reception. following phrase structure rule?
D) She walked fast, so that the young lady VP → V (PP) (Adv)
arrived before him.
E) As the canoe drew near, the design on A) walk in the park
its prow became visible. B) walk in the park vigorously
C) walk the dog vigorously
D) walk vigorously
E) walk
21. What is the function of the modal in the
sentence “Would you lend me the car?” 25. [Noun Phrase + Verb + Prepositional Phrase
+ Infinitive Phrase]
A) Desire
Which of the following sentences is
B) Permission
structured in the syntactic order
C) Commitment
illustrated above?
D) Request
E) Possibility
A) The officer returned to help the
inspectors by Wednesday.
B) The happy felon requested for his
buddies to knit jumpers.
C) The brillant physicist was waiting for
John not to make a mistake in the lab.
D) The Earth is here for people to enjoy.
E) Bitter substances block the channels
for calcium to flow into cells.
ÖABT – Proficiency

26. Communicative language teaching was 27. Which of the following phrase structure
seen as an approach to teach English for rules represents the sentence below
the purposes of enabling second language correctly?
learners to be able to use language
Teachers need to develop a sense of self
functionally, meaningfully and appropriately.
and an examination of their own ethnic and
Which of the following phrase structure cultural identity to see if they have any
rules represents the sentence above hidden bias against any ethnocultural
correctly? groups.

A) Noun Phrase + Verb + Prepositional A) Noun Phrase + Verb + Infinitive + Noun

Phrase + Infinitive Phrase + Phrase + Prepositional Phrase +
Prepositional Phrase + Infinitive Phrase Adverbial Clause
+ Adverbial Phrase B) Noun Phrase + Verb + Infinitive + Noun
B) Noun Phrase + Verb + Prepositional Phrase + Infinitive + Noun Clause
Phrase + Prepositional Phrase + C) Noun Phrase + Verb + Infinitive Phrase
Prepositional Phrase + Infinitive Phrase + Infinitive Phrase + Adverbial Clause
+ Adverbial Phrase D) Noun Phrase + Verb + Infinitive + Noun
C) Noun Phrase + Verb + Adverbial Phrase Phrase + Infinitive Phrase + Adverbail
+ Infinitive Phrase + Adjective Clause + Clause
Prepositional Phrase + Adverbial E) Noun Phrase + Verb + Infinitive Phrase
Phrase + Noun Phrase + Infinitive Phrase +
D) Noun Phrase + Verb + Prepositional Noun Clause
Phrase + Infinitive Phrase + Adjective
Clause + Infinitive Phrase + Adverbial
Phrase 28. Typically, academic discourse communities
E) Noun Phrase + Verb + Adverbial Phrase are bound together by subject matter, and
+ Infinitive Phrase + Prepositional professional academic writing is seen as
Phrase + Infinitive Phrase + Adverbial adding to the body of knowledge which is at
Phrase the core of the discipline.
Which of the following word classes
does not appear in the above sentence?

A) adjective
B) adverb
C) determiner
D) compound noun
E) pronoun
ÖABT – Proficiency

29. Language is, at one and the same time, 1. One cannot be too careful in the choice
both a system of rule-governed structure of one’s friends.
and a system for the expression of meaning 2. We are commanded to love one another.
involving all the participants within a
3. The next turn is yours.
4. Is this war?
Which of the following word classes
does not appear in the sentence above? 32. Which of the following pronoun types is
not seen in the sentences above?
A) adjective
B) determiner A) Reflexive pronoun
C) exclamation B) Indefinite pronoun
D) preposition C) Demonstrative pronoun
E) conjunction D) Object pronoun
E) Reciprocal pronoun

30. Language learning within a communicative

curriculum is most appropriately seen as 33. Which of the following sentences
communicative interaction involving all the contains a possessive pronoun?
participants in the learning.
A) They are concerned about the fall in
Which of the following word classes their standard of living.
does not appear in the sentence above? B) You’ve made a mistake: The phone
number is not his.
A) adverb C) Benjamin has already read one of his
B) determiner books.
C) preposition D) Justin borrowed one of my videos, but I
D) conjunction can’t remember its title.
E) adjective E) Can you tell me your address?

1. Nobody has ever seen a unicorn. 34. What is the function of the underlined
2. What do you want me to do? subordinate clause in the sentence
3. She did it all by herself. below?

4. There are some pressure groups that She accused him of wasting his talents.
support only one party.
A) Direct object
31. Which of the following pronoun types is
B) Indirect object
not seen in the sentences above?
C) Adverbial complement
D) Complement of a preposition
A) Reflexive pronoun
E) Object clause
B) Interrogative pronoun
C) Reciprocal pronoun
D) Relative pronoun
E) Indefinite pronoun
ÖABT – Proficiency

35. Which of the following sentences 38. What are the functions of the underlined
contains an independent genitive? subordinate clauses respectively in the
sentence below?
A) The British government’s £50 billion
You can tell whoever is interested that I am
sale of state-owned housing is going at
cancelling my subscription.
a snail’s pace.
B) New Zealand plans to deregulate the
A) Direct object / indirect object
country’s industry.
B) Indirect object / direct object
C) In a recent poll 48 per cent of
C) Indirect object / modifier of a noun
Americans thought that Japan’s
economy is bigger than that of America.
D) Direct object / modifier of a noun phrase
D) In general, an individual’s blood
E) Subject Complement / object
pressure decreased while he was in the
act of petting his pet.
E) For Lloyd’s of London, the frauds of the
early 1980s seem a thing of the past.
39. What is the function of the underlined
subordinate clause in the sentence
36. What is the function of the underlined
subordinate clause in the sentence
below? The Chancellor of the Exchequer faces
intense pressure to halt inflation.
She made him what he is.
A) Modifier of a noun phrase
A) Direct object
B) Complement of a preposition
B) Adverbial complement
C) Adverbial
C) Object complement
D) Indirect object
D) Modifier of an adverb phrase
E) Adverbial Complement
E) Subject complement

37. Which of the following sentences does

40. What is the function of the underlined
not contain a non-finite clause?
subordinate clause in the sentence
A) The main obstacle to this was the
amount of fuel required. His first job had been selling insurance.
B) Most of the work from the engine was
used to accelerate the V-2 to A) Direct object
highspeed. B) Indirect object
C) This is less than a quarter of the speed C) Subject complement
needed to sustain a satellite in orbit. D) Object complement
D) The remains were accidentally E) Modifier of a noun phrase
discovered by a team of
E) It is far easier to launch a spacecraft to
reach satellite height than satellite
ÖABT – Proficiency

41. What is the function of the underlined 44. Which of the following sentences is
subordinate clause in the sentence complex?
A) She is a superb administrator, and
Metal-particle tapes accept and hold high-
everybody knows that.
frequency magnetic pulses much more
B) He saw the trouble that idle gossip can
readily than do metal-oxide tapes.
C) Send it to me by post or bring it around
A) Object complement
B) Adverbial complement
D) They have played badly every year
C) Adverb
since 1998, but this year may be
D) Modifier of an adjective phrase
E) Modifier of an adverb phrase
E) Lawns are turning green, flowers are
blooming, and summer time is returning.

42. In which of the following sentences is the

45. Which one of the underlined noun
function of a subordinate clause
phrases is not in apposition?

A) Helena Bonham-Carter was in it, the

A) Reflecting on the past three years, she
actress who played Ophelia in Hamlet.
wondered whether she could have
B) UK drug authorities have asked for
made better choices.
more data on the company’s anti-
B) Whoever said that does not understand
migraine drug, Imigran.
the question.
C) Wood can supply 5 per cent of our
C) The only problem in design is to relate
energy needs, leaving 95 per cent that
design to people’s needs.
must come from other sources – solar,
D) Learning a foreign language is no easy
wind, coal, nuclear, biomass.
D) Two University of Nevada psychologists
E) I was engaged in a programme of
claimed to have taught Washoe, a
research involving many chemical reac-
chimpanzee, to communicate in a
human language.
E) Most cells contain many mitochondria,
43. Which of the following sentences does
semi-independent structures that supply
not contain a verbless clause?
the cell with readily usable energy.
A) Weary and almost out of money, we
drove into a petrol station off the
B) Though fearful of the road conditions,
they decided to go by car.
C) Dressed in street clothes, the patients
strolled in the garden.
D) They trudged by the river in the deep
snow, their heads and their hands bare.
E) Although uncertain about the situation,
they attempted to take the road.
ÖABT – Proficiency

46. Which of the following sentences 49. Which of the following phrases does not
contains an appositive clause? involve structural ambiguity?

A) The manager lacked the experience A) new patient counselor

that would have helped him overcome B) French silk underwear
the crisis on a school outing. C) a six foot man eating snake
B) I have read the report that I received D) The Houses of Parliament
last week. E) double job pay
C) The fundraising campaign has recruited
a core of graduates that in turn contact
more graduates. 50. Which of the following sentences does
D) Human infants pass through a critical not involve structural ambiguity?
period that lasts a few years.
E) They have accepted the A) The chicken is ready to eat.
recommendation that my daughter be B) They are eating apples.
promoted to the next grade. C) My job was keeping him alive.
D) The children watching the fireworks in
the back yard were elated.
E) Manson drove Sharon to the bank.
47. Which of the following sentences does
not involve structural ambiguity?

A) He looked at the dog with one eye. 51. Which of the following sentences
B) John listed all the flights on Tuesday. involves structural ambiguity?
C) Flying kites can be dangerous.
D) We should be discussing violence on A) The judge denied the prisoner's
TV. request.
E) Relatives visiting us can cause B) Chris answered the question wisely.
problems. C) Families with three children can get a
family ticket for the zoo.
D) It is Dormenyo who was driving to
48. Which of the following sentences E) Mends does nothing apart from washing
involves structural ambiguity? on holidays.

A) John told the woman that Bill was dating

a liar. 52. Which one of the following coordinated
B) Alex, whom you know very well, has a noun phrases is ambigous?
red car.
C) Annie bumped into a man when he A) my friends and good neighbours
happened to be carrying an umbrella. B) aged cheese and wine
D) The woman who Claire saw is a friend C) their properties and other businesses
of John’s. D) Deceitful youths and vicious adults
E) John believed that Cathy knew that E) those books and assorted notes
Mary helped George.
ÖABT – Proficiency

53. Which of the following words can lead to 57. What is the semantic role of the
lexical ambiguity in a sentence? underlined expression in the sentence
‘’The paper is in the folder’’?
A) match
B) indicate A) locative
C) recipe B) source
D) serious C) goal
E) strength D) instrument
E) theme

54. Which of the following words can lead to

lexical ambiguity in a sentence? 58. What is the semantic role of the
underlined expression in the sentence
A) man ‘’The baby crawled from the kitchen to the
B) paper door’’?
C) mouse
D) bat A) path
E) wood B) goal
C) source
D) locative
E) theme
55. What is the semantic role of the
underlined expression in the sentence
“John burgled the house with an 59. What is the semantic role of the
accomplice”? underlined expression in the sentence
“The book is in the library”?
A) beneficiary
B) instrument A) agent
C) agent B) patient
D) source C) experiencer
E) patient D) instrument
E) theme

56. What is the semantic role of the

underlined word in the sentence “John
helped Susan to buy her first car”?

A) agent
B) theme
C) patient
D) beneficiary
E) experiencer
ÖABT – Proficiency

60. Which of the following sentences does 61. In which of the following sentences is
not contain a reduced relative clause? “where” used incorrectly?

A) In the early 1960s, first language A) The formal context is one where the
acquisition researchers, inspired by interpersonal relationships of the
Chomsky's theory of language classroom group have their own
acquisition, began studying the speech potential contribution to make to the
of children who were acquiring English overall task.
as an L1. B) Within a communicative methodology,
B) Language learning within a the role of learner as negotiator
communicative curriculum is most emerges from and interacts with the role
appropriately seen as communicative of joint negotiator within the classroom
interaction involving all the participants procedures and activities where the
in the learning and including the various group undertakes.
material resources on which the C) In a context where different
learning is exercised. contributions and differential learning
C) The language system that the learner are positively encouraged, the learner is
constructs out of the linguistic input to allowed to dcpend on othcr learners
which he has been exposed has been D) One of the aims of the language
variously referred to as an idiosyncratic program is to get the participants to a
dialect. point where they would be able to
D) It is not always true that a language continue to develop their English ability.
learner, given continued exposure to the E) If we want our pupils or students to
target language, will steadily grow in his learn English, we must put them in
or her mastery of the target language. situations where they need to
E) In learner-oriented contexts, the types communicate in English.
of information required and the
purposes to which the information will
be put will vary somewhat from
programs without reference to the
learners themselves.
ÖABT – Proficiency

62. In which of the following sentences is 63. Which of the following sentences
“which” used incorrectly? contains an omitted relative clause?

A) Learners have an important monitoring A) Since the end of the 1960s, a large
role in addition to the degree of number of increasingly detailed
monitoring which they may apply experimental studies have examined
subjectively to their own learning. various subject and phonetic variables
B) Learners should be focused on the that have been claimed to affect the
processes through which learning takes degree of foreign accent with which
place as well as on the target language non-native speakers pronounce an L2.
they are learning. B) The number of studies the participants
C) Education is meant to open magical have been asked to listen to or produce
doors to students, offer exciting, fulfilling conversational speech which most
careers for teachers, and help create a researchers will probably acknowledge
world in which people work together for is relatively small.
the common good. C) The results of studies examining the
D) Second language education as existing effects of training on L2 speech
on a continuum which learners start as development suggest that training, and
beginner second language learners in particular training focusing on
being very much dependent on the prosodic aspects of speech, may have
teacher for help and guidance. positive effects on the degree of foreign
E) One form of writing to learn involves accent with which learners pronounce
response journals which students write an L2.
as they read material or during and after D) Based on a review of studies in which
a class. learners were asked which type of
pronunciation training they found useful,
it was concluded that L2 learners prefer
training involving diverse range of
E) Beside lexical stress and focus, another
function further shaping English prosody
is sentence type, which determines
whether an utterance is spoken as a
statement or a question.

64. Which of the following word is not


A) apperant B) separete C) acceptible

D) changable E) colleague

65. Which of the following word is misspelt?

A) succesful B) relevant C) ignorance

D) medieval E) humorous
ÖABT – Proficiency

66. Which of the following word is not X Y Z

mispelt? a choice a visit a conversation
an attempt attention discussions
A) dissapear B) curiousity C) irresistible changes a compliment a demonstration
D) noticable E) politican
71. Which of the following completes the
table with reference to collocation rules?
67. Which of the following collocations is
given wrong? X Y Z
A) pay hold make
A) make a mistake B) make pay hold
B) have a break C) hold make pay
C) make a difference D) hold pay make
D) do a holiday E) make hold pay
E) make the bed

72. Which of the following sentences does

68. Which of the following collocations is not contain a punctuation error?
given wrong?
A) The children's books were all left in the
A) take a break following places; Mrs Smith's room, Mr
B) take a holiday Powell's office and the caretaker's
C) take a rest cupboard.
D) take a look B) Paul's neighbours were terrible; so his
E) take a grip brother's friends went round to have a
C) There are many reasons for poor written
communication; lack of planning, poor
69. Which of the following word completes grammar, misuse of punctuation marks,
the collocations ….. the news/one’s and insufficient vocabulary.
heart/a promise/the law? D) Spanish is spoken throughout South
America; in Brazil the main language is
A) break Portuguese.
B) take E) Peter had an eclectic taste in music;
C) have latin, jazz, country and western, pop,
D) get blues, and classical.
E) make

70. Which of the following word completes

the collocations …. nothing/the

A) make
B) have
C) do
D) take
E) get
ÖABT – Proficiency

73. In which of the following sentences is 76. Which of the following sentences is
there a punctuation error? correctly punctuated?

A) Hong Kong, where the first ASEAN A) The building had lost all its window's
meeting was held, is a very different city and door's.
now. B) Steve always went to watch football: he
B) If you get lost in the city centre, please loved the atmosphere at the games.
don’t hesitate to text us or phone us. C) I'm not sure what you mean by
C) James, our guide, will accompany you "custodial care", but I'm sure you will
on the boat across to the island. explain it to me.
D) I can't see Tim's car, there must have D) The police officer said - "Where are you
been an accident. going?"
E) Sarah's uncle's car was found without E) The company's success was founded
its wheels in that old derelict on two things; service and value for
warehouse. money.

77. In which of the following sentences is

there a punctuation error either due to a
74. Which of the following sentences wrong punctuation or an absence of a
contains a punctuation error? punctuation mark?

A) Here are some do's and don'ts. A) The woman was anxious about the
B) My As look like Us. interview she was to have the next
C) There are two new MP’s on the base. week, and she spent many hours
D) It’s yours to keep. worrying about it.
E) I went to the editor-in-chief’s house for B) She had always wanted to be a
dinner last night. stockbroker, but she was still nervous
about changing jobs.
C) She knew she had to find another type
of job, because as a legal secretary she
75. Which of the following sentences was not exercising her talents to the full.
contains a punctuation error? D) She had lost her fears by the time she
was interviewed, nor did she seem
A) There are three main reasons for the anxious at the interview.
success of the government: economic, E) There were over ten candidates for the
social and political. job, but she won the job.
B) Spain is a beautiful country: the
beaches are warm, sandy, and
spotlessly clean.
C) The children's books were all left in the
following places: Mrs Smith's room, Mr
Powell's office and the caretaker's
D) Then he said: ‘I really cannot help you
in any way.’
E) Try to keep your flat clean and tidy: it
will sell more easily.
ÖABT – Proficiency

78. Which of the following sentences is 80. In which of the following sentences is
correctly punctuated? there a punctuation error?

A) The letters to political prisoners never A) The first few years the campers
bear the Amnesty letterhead; and often consisted of mostly relatives; therefore,
chat about innocuous matters. Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell acquired the titles
B) No one was safe from torture, some of Uncle Max and Aunt Marion.
cases were more brutal than others, but B) The Caldwell’s private summer camp
all prisoners were beaten and tortured. had a variety of activities to entertain
C) One South American officer sent a letter young campers; for example, swimming,
to Amnesty describing the tortures that horseback riding, crafts, and guitar
he had witnessed, he included lessons.
photographic proof. C) You’d think that the cafeteria style food
D) Hardly anyone gave New York’s canine would not be very good; on the contrary,
litter law a chance of succeeding, the cooks created wonderfully tasty
nevertheless, the cynics were wrong. meals.
E) We spent last winter in Arizona, one of D) Every morning the campers assembled
the best places to visit when it is cold for the raising of the flag and
and plenty of snow is on the ground. announcements; and there was a similar
ceremony before dinner when the flag
was lowered.
E) At summer camp, many children are
79. In which of the following sentences is given a chance to experience things they
there a punctuation error? never could have at home; indeed, the
A) After winning the state championship, benefits are worth every penny of the
every student on the team was ready to expense.
B) Alice said that winning the contest made
her feel like, a princess. 81. In which of the following sentences is
C) Loretta studied very hard for the test, there a punctuation error?
and she felt confident that she would
pass. A) Many common house plants, such as:
D) Everyone believed that Loretta was mistletoe and philodendron, are
smart, imaginative, friendly, and witty. poisonous to pets.
E) To earn extra credit, students can work B) The local high school wrestlers placed
in the school library. well in the regional competition: they
received two First Place, one Second
Place and three Third Place awards.
C) The announcer called out the four
winning numbers as follows: three,
twelve, twenty-two, and fifty-six.
D) There is nothing more delicious than our
family’s Christmas dinner: turkey with
gravy, dressing, and mashed potatoes.
E) The bride’s nephew had very important
assignments during the ceremony: hold
the pillow up, don’t drop the ring, walk
slowly to the altar.
ÖABT – Proficiency

82. In which of the following sentences is the 85. Which of the following words contains a
hypen wrongly marked? suffix?

A) Your mother-of-pearl necklace and A) passport

earrings will look beautiful with that B) depth
dress. C) bypass
B) I buy my cards for next year during the D) without
post-Christmas sales. E) keyboard
C) The seasoned mountain climber was
quite self-sufficient.
D) The young writer’s ill-advised decision
may have caused him to lose the 86. Which of the following words is a
publishing contract. compound?
E) No one worried right-away when he
didn’t return from his climb. A) forehand
B) intracellular
C) overcoat
D) transatlantic
83. In which of the following sentences is E) automobile
there a punctuation error?

A) I have heard too many sorry’s today!

B) All the competitors’ numbers were 87. Which of the following lexical items is
printed upside down. not a common noun?
C) The newlyweds received three VCR’s
and two TV’s. A) birth
D) There is nothing more delicious than our B) day
family’s Christmas dinner: turkey with C) bridge
gravy, dressing, and mashed potatoes. D) jury
E) Cheryl and Jeff’s marriage seems to be E) country
on rocky ground.

88. Which of the following lexical items is

84. Which of the following words contains a not an abstract noun?
A) truth
A) multimedia B) danger
B) biosecurity C) humour
C) railroad D) time
D) cyberspace E) tune
E) supermarket

89. Which of the following lexical items is a

mass noun?

A) sheep
B) water
C) person
D) boy
E) horse
ÖABT – Proficiency

90. Which of the following lexical items is

not a mass noun? 94. In which of the following sentences is the
function of the speech act given wrong?
A) idea
B) wood A) Break it, and you’ll pay for it. (warning)
C) love B) It’s getting late. (request for someone to
D) bread leave with the speaker)
E) advice C) Tell me your phone number. (inquiry)
D) There is a prospect of heavy
thunderstorms later in the day.
91. Which type of illocutionary act best E) It would be a good idea to send a copy
represents the below situation? to the manager. (requesting information)

A doctor says to a patient, ‘I advise you to

stop smoking.’’
95. Which of the following word categories is
missing in the sentence below?
A) Expressive
B) Assertive The acquisition of second-language literacy
C) Directive skills constituted the foundation of all formal
D) Commissive education.
E) Declaration
A) Determiner
B) Adjective
C) Pronoun
92. Which type of illocutionary act best D) Article
represents the below situation? E) Preposition

A judge says to a happy couple, “I now

pronounce you husband and wife”
96. Some have argued that it is a mistake to set
A) Commissive up a dichotomy between literary and non-
B) Declaration literary language, since literature is defined
C) Expressive simply by what we as readers or literary
D) Assertive critics regard as literature.
E) Representative
Which of the following statetments about
the sentence above is not correct?

93. For the following indirect speech act as A) It contains a subordinate clause.
exemplified in the sentence below, which B) It contains an adverbial clause.
illocutionary act best represents it? C) It contains a noun clause.
D) It is a complex sentence.
I promise that the work will be finished
E) It contains a relative clause.

A) Declarative
B) Directive
C) Representative
D) Assertive
E) Commisive
ÖABT – Proficiency

97. Attempts to identify literary language 1. The umbrella originated in Mesopotamia

through its abundance of rhetorical or over 3000 years ago.
figurative devices have also failed. 2. It was an emblem of distinction.
3. It protected Mesopotamians from the
Which of the following statetments about harsh sun.
the sentence above is not correct? 4. For centuries, umbrellas served primarily
as a protection from the sun.
5. The Greeks and Romans regarded the
A) It contains a nonfinite clause functioning
umbrella as effeminate and ridiculed
as post-modifier of a noun. men who carried umbrellas.
B) It contains an adjective phrase
functioning as post modifier of a noun. 100. Indicate the number of post-modifiers
C) It contains a prepositional phrase that each underlined noun phrase
functioning as post-modifier of a noun. contains in the sentences above?
D) It contains a noun phrase functioning as
a prepositional complement. A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 E) 5
E) It contains a coordinated conjunction.

98. Certainly, the fiction definition alone is not 101. For which of the following sentences is
sufficient, since some literature is not fiction the function of an underlined
and some fiction is not literature. prepositional phrase adverbial?
Which of the following statetments about
the sentence above is not correct? A) I took several courses in history.
B) The local council is subsidizing the
A) It contains a predicative adjective. installation of energy-saving devices.
B) It contains two adverbs functioning as C) We were not aware of his drinking
adverbials. problem.
C) It contains a determiner. D) I was happy with my marks last term.
D) It does not contain a correlative E) People behave differently in crowds.
E) It contains an indefinite pronoun.

102. pre-modifier + adjective + post-modifier

99. In 1955, a riot broke out at an Elvis Presley
concert in Jacksonville, Florida. Which of the following sentences
contains a phrase as represented in the
Which type of sentence represents the above structure?
above sentence.
A) I bought something quite expensive
A) Interrogative today.
B) Declarative B) My parents made me aware of my filial
C) Exclamatory responsibilities.
D) Compound C) Tom is afraid that no one will believe
E) Imperative him.
D) The contract is quite subject to approval
by my committee.
E) The situation went from bad to worse.
ÖABT – Proficiency

103. determiner pre-modifier noun post-modifier 106. Which of the following sentences does
not contain an indirect object?
Which of the following sentences
contains a phrase as represented in the A) Paul’s parents promised him a bicycle
above structure? for his twelfth birthday.
B) Can you tell me the time, please?
A) The woman who was sitting next to you C) I owe my parents several hundred
is an engineering student. pounds.
B) You must have heard the news that D) What can I offer you now?
agreement has been reached. E) What a meal they ordered for us!
C) The performance was a test of their
physical endurance.
D) John occasionally reads some popular
books on history. 107. Which of the following sentences
E) A full-blown financial collapse is not out contains a linking verb (copula)?
of the question.
A) Over many centuries, opossums have
104. Agentive subject + dynamic verb +affected died at early ages because of
object + degree adverbial accidentsand predators.
B) The natural-selection theory apparently
Which of the following sentences explains the extinction of dinasours.
represents the above sequence? C) All the shareholders seem happy with
the progress of the company.
A) The lecturer explained the functions of D) The restaurant does not serve
subjects in detail. vegetarian meals.
B) The local authority closed the school E) According to one biologist, two-year-old
due to snow. opossums show the symptoms of
C) My sister has recovered from her advanced old age.
operation quickly.
D) I’m working for my father during the
spring break.
E) You can put your clothes in the washing 108. Which of the following sentences is
machine soon. stative in meaning?

A) Some countries are happy to go along

105. Which of the following sentences with the EU.
includes an object complement? B) The loss of consumer confidence will
damage the euro.
A) The Romans gave their soldiers special C) All of the party members gathered in the
allowances for salt. hall to vote for a new leader.
B) That is the original of our word ‘salary’. D) The Japanese economy has grown by
C) By 6500 BC Europeans were actively 4% in recent years.
mining salt. E) Tourist hotels report a 40% drop in
D) The first salt mines were located in bookings in the last six months.
E) Many people consider the accidental
spilling of salt bad luck.
ÖABT – Proficiency

109. Which of the following sentences 112. Which of the following sentences does
contains a non-referential pronoun? not contain a linking verb(copula)?

A) I did not disturb the child because it was A) Opportunity is missed by most
sleeping. people because it is dressed in
B) After putting the disk in the cabinet, overalls.
Mary Sold it. B) As for me, except for an occasional
C) Take the radio out of the car and fix it. heart attack, I feel as young as I ever
D) I can’t stand it that the trains are so did.
often late in Portugal. C) If you put butter and salt on popcorn,
E) It is an endangered species now. it tastes like salty butter.
D) They do not feel afraid of competition.
E) Our local council gives a maintenance
110. Scientists are still asking themselves that grant to all students in higher education.
there could be a form of intelligence
somewhere other than earth.

Which of the following types of 113. In which of the following sentences the
sentences represents the above meaning of the underlined expression is
sentence? given wrong?

A) Interrogative A) Tell me the result of the match.

B) Declarative [dynamic]
C) Exclamatory B) I’m working for my father during the
D) Compound spring break. [time]
E) Imperative C) The Department has offered me a post.
D) It is much colder today. [identified]
E) You can put your clothes in the washing
111. Which of the following sentences machine now. [affected]
contains an object complement?

A) DNA recombination is the transfer of

pieces of DNA from one type of 114. In which of the following sentences, does
organism to another. direct object refer to an eventive
B) All the shareholders seem happy with expression?
the progress of the company.
C) We found everybody here very helpful. A) I’m baking a cake.
D) It has become a leader of a brand-new B) Don’t take offence.
industry. C) That man is my father.
E) Outside, the company sign seems D) It is snowing today.
modest. E) Joan is good at mathematics.
ÖABT – Proficiency

115. In which of the following sentences 118. Noun Phrase + Verb + Noun Phrase +
gerund functions as subject Adverb Phrase]
Which of the following sentences is
structured in the syntactic order
A) The group’s main goal is eliminating
illustrated above?
B) Being in the woods is rejuvenating.
A) Every cat always knows the location of
C) He’s excited about being off work on
her favourite catnip toy.
B) The cat put her catnip toy on the plastic
D) They do not appreciate my singing.
E) The police arrested him for speeding.
C) A clever magician with the right
equipment can fool the audience easily.
D) The latest research on dieting always
warn people about the dangers of too
116. In which of the following sentences
much cholesterol.
gerund functions as direct object of the
E) That annoying faucet was dripping
constantly for months

A) Her joy in preparing for company was

119. determiner + pre-modifier + noun + post-
B) My friends anticipated our trying on new
shoes. Which of the following sentences
C) His only focus was improving the lives represents the syntactic order illustrated
of others. above?
D) Dawn's favourite pastime is swimming
in the Atlantic. A) The War Crimes Tribunal is a working
E) Since completing his degree, his model of international jurisprudence.
opportunities are endless. B) The book offers a picture of Poland and
its people.
C) Last April, security staff spotted an
intruder on the White House lawn.
117. Which of the following phrase structure D) Web page layouts can be vastly
rules represents the sentence below improved, once you’ve learned the
correctly? basics of formatting text and images.
E) Microsoft is working on a revolutionary
John drives to London rather quickly. keyboardless Tablet PC, and already
competing in the games market with its
A) Noun Phrase + Verb + Prepositional own console.
Phrase + Adverb + Adverb Phrase
B) Noun Phrase + Verb + Noun Phrase +
Adverb + Adverb Phrase 120. The Actors’ Union made Peter their
C) Noun Phrase + Verb + Prepositional spokesman.
Phrase + Adverb Phrase + Adverb
What is the function of the underlined
D) Noun Phrase + Verb + Noun Phrase +
Noun Phrase in the above sentence?
Adjective Phrase + Adverb Phrase
E) Noun Phrase + Verb + Prepositional
A) Subject complement
Phrase + Noun Phrase
B) Object complement
C) Complement of a preposition
D) Direct object
E) Indirect object
ÖABT – Proficiency

121. Which of the following sentences 124. Which of the following suffixes forms an
represents appositive clause? adjective?

A) The manager lacked the experience A) -ity

that would have helped him overcome B) -ness
the crisis. C) -ism
B) The car hit a bus that was full of D) -ion
children on a school outing. E) -less
C) This is the man that I want to do
business with.
D) The teacher congratulated the
student that got the highest mark. 125. Which of the following suffixes forms an
E) She has heard the news that all the adverb?
passengers and crew escaped unhurt.
A) -wise
B) -y
C) -ity
122. Which of the following italicised verbs in D) -ship
the sentences is a prepositional verb? E) -less

A) You must concentrate on your studies if

you want a good result.
B) I will not put up with your insolence any 126. In which of the following sentences is the
longer. indefinite article “a/an” misused?
C) All the students handed in their essays
on time. A) This plant grows in a sandy soil and on
D) Their car broke down on the way to the the edges of swamps.
airport. B) The burglar took a diamond necklace
E) Mary came down with the flu last week. and some valuable paintings.
C) Sam can't run a mile in 5 minutes!
D) I can think of a hundred reasons not to
123. In which of the following sentences do E) My cousin was seeking some advice
the prepositional verbs contain an from a counsellor.
indirect object and a prepositional

A) They are taking advantage of an 127. In which of the following sentences the
inexperienced teacher. underlined expression has an
B) Don’t listen to what he says. antecedent?
C) We have received many donations from
listeners to this programme. A) If you want some, here's some
D) The waiter thanked us for the generous parmesan cheese.
tip. B) After he had received his orders, the
E) He cannot cope with the jibes of his soldier left the barracks.
colleagues. C) If you want them, there are cookies in
the kitchen.
D) This is what I believe: that all men were
created equal.
E) If Sam buys a new bike, I will do it as
ÖABT – Proficiency

128. What is the function of the modal verb 131. Just as no single communicative ability can
‘could’ in the question below? really develop independently of the other
abilities, so the development of any single
Could you pass the salt please?
skill may well depend on the appropriate
development of the other skills.
A) Possibility
B) Request Which of the following conjunction types
C) Permission represents the underlined conjunction?
D) Ability
E) Desire A) subordinating
B) coordinating
C) correlative
D) contrastive
129. What is the function of the modal “will” in E) successive
the sentence below?
The new car they have developed will run
on electricity.
132. Computerized language have inspired some
of the most important insights in recent
A) Making a logical assumption
B) Showing a preference
C) Expressing general truth Which of the following types of pronouns
D) Showing necessity is used in the sentence above?
E) Showing probability
A) Indefinite pronoun
B) Quantifier pronoun
130. It is no semantic accident that words such C) Possessive pronoun
as standard, correct, and proper are among D) Personal pronoun
the key words. E) Interrogative pronoun
Which of the following word classes does
not appear in the sentence above?

133. Which one of the following types of

A) Adjective
questions is exemplified below?
B) Pronoun
C) Determiner Do you want me to buy tickets for your
D) Preposition sisters as well or just for us?
E) Adverb
A) Yes / no question
B) Wh-question
C) Declarative question
D) Alternative question
E) Echo question
ÖABT – Proficiency

134. Which of the following sentences 137. Which function of following subordinate
includes a “verbless clause”? clauses is exemplified in the underlined
clause below?
A) The Finnish boat capsized after losing
Creative writers are frequently blind to their
its keel 120 miles off the Argentine
own intentions and to the nature of what
they are doing.
B) England’s initial target was to scrape
together 22 runs from their last two
A) Relative clause
B) Reduced relative clause
C) It was from a cross by David Beckham
C) Non-finite clause
that Giggs had his first shot, although
D) Nominal relative clause
pulled wide.
E) Adverbial clause
D) 3–0 down at half-time, West Ham never
really looked like scoring.
E) With two minutes left in the game,
Michael Owen beat three defenders to
place a perfect ball in the Arsenal net.
138. In which of the following sentences is the
function of underlined subordinate
clause a modifier of an adjective?

A) She accused him of wasting his talents

135. What is the function of the underlined
B) Until now the government’s approach
non-finite clause in the sentence below?
was to appease demonstrators.
She fell ill soon after she arrived and was C) The Chancellor of the Exchequer faces
found to be suffering from malaria. intense pressure to halt inflation.
D) The next decade should be pleasanter
A) Object complement than the one we have just lived through.
B) Subject complement E) Metal-particle tapes accept and hold
C) Direct object high-frequency magnetic pulses much
D) Indirect object more readily than do metal-oxide tapes.
E) Adverbial complement

139. Which of the following sentences

136. Which of the following sentences includes a reduced noun clause?
includes a non-finite clause?
A) We don’t know what we think about
A) The promise was that he would drink no your decision to move to France.
more than a pint of wine a day. B) Jane asked me if I could help her with
B) He had made no career for himself her homework.
either in politics or in law. C) My mom didn’t mention that she was
C) He was repaid with an inspiring reply mad at me for coming home late.
listing all his achievements. D) Do you agree that you will be in charge
D) He replied that this was his natural bent. of this project?
E) The study of rhetoric is complex E) Jenny didn’t know what to do about her
because new conventions of expired driver’s license.
performance for particular purposes are
being generated all the time.
ÖABT – Proficiency

140. Which of the following sentences does 142. In which of the following sentences the
not contain an omitted relative clause? use of infinitive is correct?

A) Students come to see their teachers not A) He’ll consider to hear your side of the
as all-knowing second language experts story later, if he has time.
infallibly dispensing knowledge, but as B) I remember to read Moby Dick at some
fellow searchers after learning. point in my life.
B) It is important to encourage second C) I recall to see an advertisement for that
language students to learn from the somewhere.
communities they live in and interact on D) D) They promised to be quiet in the car.
a daily basis. E) I stopped to dring sugary drinks
C) Students are more likely to ask for help, because of my health.
take risks, and share with others in an
atmosphere people care about, respect,
and protect one another in.
D) Another variation of Question-and-
Answer Pairs is for students to write
questions they do not know the answer 143. Which of the following sentences would
for. not normally be considered as indirect
E) The degree of foreign accent perceived speech act?
in non-native speech is also likely to be
determined by the fluency bilinguals A) I hereby apologize sincerely for my rude
produce a second language with. behaviour last night.
B) Somebody jumped him in the park last
C) Can you shut the door when you leave?
D) Why don’t we go to the nice Italian
141. Which of the following sentences restaurant near the museum?
includes a noun clause? E) We respectfully request that you return
your verified sketch by June 27.
A) Jane was packing extra snacks for
when we get hungry.
B) Jane remembers the old days when
there was no television.
C) I remember the time when was a lot of
fun for our whole family.
D) The time will come when you feel sorry
for the things you've done.
E) The house was built right after it had
been destructed.
ÖABT – Proficiency

144. In which of the following sentences is the 147. In which of the following sentences isn’t
subject-verb agreement given wrong? there a mistake because of the use of an
adverb in place of an adjective?
A) What makes the situation serious is that
no new antibiotics have been A) Do your pants feel tightly?
discovered in the past 15 years. B) I felt happily about the way they treated
B) One area of research that shows great you.
promise is genetics. C) The child is eating too slow.
C) These are not the conclusions that she D) They fought brave against the change.
draws from her survey of the current E) We left early because I was not feeling
economic policies of countries in the healthy.
European Union.
D) He was fascinated by the stories in the
Old Testament that shows history to be
determined by chance meetings and by 148. Which of the following word is misspelt?
small, personal incidents.
E) Analysis with the aid of computers A) conscious
selects those accounts that appear to B) desparate
be conduits for drug money. C) presence
D) rhythm
E) indispensable

145. In which of the following sentences is the

subject-verb agreement given correct?
149. Which of the following word is not
A) Both of the main characters in Waiting misspelt?
for Godot believes Godot is the purpose
of life. A) disasterous
B) Not one out of a million spies always B) acquaintance
creates as much distraction as George. C) existance
C) Anyone in the pool of candidates for D) extreem
dogcatcher harshly speak better than E) disapoint
D) Every dress and skirt in that store are
on sale, and Sarah’s in a spending
E) Neither the waiters nor Larry are 150. Which of the following lexical items is a
planning to eat the leftovers. collective noun?

A) bridge
B) tree
146. In which of the following sentences isn’t C) space
there a mistake because of the use of an D) team
adjective in place of an adverb? E) city

A) I didn’t sleep too good last night.

B) The milk tasted sour this morning.
C) He hurt his neck bad.
D) They should think more positive about
E) Your dog is barking loud.
ÖABT – Proficiency

151. In which of the following sentences is the 154. Which of the following writing stages is
antecedent of a referring expression not emphasised below?
likely to be recovered?
Brainstorm and jot down any ideas,
thoughts, arguments, words, and phrases
A) The old man told his son that he was
you think are relevant to your text. Organize
not allowed to smoke.
your preliminary arguments into an outline
B) The object felt heavy in his hands and
following a logical order that would suit the
inside it was the key to his future.
general essay structure of opening, body,
C) Mary should make every effort to
and ending. Put ideas in sub-groups that will
perform her duties.
later develop into paragraphs.
D) The audience was noisy at first, but
later it became quiet.
A) Drafting
E) Once John knows a better way to study,
B) Prewriting
he will feel much better.
C) Editing
D) Proofreading
E) Revising

152. In which of the following sentences does

the pronoun “it” has a referential
155. Which of the following writing stages is
emphasised below?
A) It worried Paul that an announcement
had been made about the epidemic. Fine the tone of the writing and check each
B) It isn’t good, so I am taking the meat line thoroughly. Check spelling, grammar,
back to the shop. punctuation, sentence structure, document
C) It would be good for Bill to leave. format and other things.
D) I find it odd that Mary left so soon.
E) It is out of the question that Frank A) Prewriting
should be reinstated. B) Paraphrasing
C) Drafting
D) Freewriting
E) Editing

153. Which of the following sentences

exemplifies a cataphoric expression of a
156. Which of the following writing stages is
A) The witness called the television emphasised below?
reporters, but they didn’t answer.
Write down all your thoughts without
B) Mark called Mary’s house all day, but
stopping, and without regard for spelling,
she never answered the phone.
grammar, or any of the usual rules for
C) The candy dish was empty, but we were
writing. It might include a topic as a general
tired of eating it anyway.
guide, or it might not.
D) The supervisors told the workers that
they would receive a bonus.
A) Drafting
E) A few weeks before he died, my father
B) Prewriting
gave me an old cigar box filled with
C) Freewriting
faded letters.
D) Proofreading
E) Summarizing
ÖABT – Proficiency

157. A teacher asks his/her students to write an 159. Which one of the following essay types
essay depending on the below instructions. best describes the excerpt below?

• Group the steps in paragraphs

"Jerry was the kind of guy you love to hate.
• Use transitions between sections
• Get into details He was always in a good mood and always
• Mention and describe the end product had something positive to say. When
• Reiterate and restate everything in the someone would ask him how he was doing,
conclusion he would reply, 'If I were any better, I would
be twins!' He was a unique manager
Which of the following essay types is the
because he had several waiters who had
most appropriate one for students to
followed him around from restaurant to
restaurant. The reason the waiters followed
Jerry was because of his attitude. He was a
A) Narrative
natural motivator. If an employee was
B) Process
having a bad day, Jerry was there telling the
C) Compare and Contrast
employee how to look on the positive side of
D) Cause and Effect
the situation."
E) Argumentative

A) Narrative
B) Compare and Contrast
C) Process
158. Which of the following steps of writing is
D) Definition
not related with compare and contrast?
E) Opinion
A) Discover the similarities and
B) Decide which of the ideas are more
relevant for you.
C) Use the following words as transition:
Like, similar to, on the contrary,
D) Focus on your main argument.
E) Try to write your essay in a descriptive
ÖABT – Proficiency

160. Which one of the following essay types

best describes the excerpt below?

‘UV intensity is the most important factor in

skin cancer fatalities.’ Do you agree? UV
intensity is not the most important factor in
skin cancer fatalities. While residents of
Colorado (mean elevation of 2.1 km) have
always been subjected to the highest UV
intensities in the United States, Colorado
has one of the lowest skin cancer fatality
rates of all the states. In contrast, New
England, which has much lower UV
intensities has a death rate from skin cancer
25% higher than it is in Colorado. In
addition, although equatorial regions have
higher UV intensities, the lowest reported
skin cancer death rates in the world come
from Mauritius (0.2 per 100,000) and
Nicaragua (0.2 per 100,000). On the other
hand, Ireland (2.64 per 100,000) has the
world’s third-highest rate. The evidence is
strong that UV intensity is not the principal
factor in determining the skin cancer death
rate. Genetic factors, skin pigmentation,
behavioral characteristics, medical facilities,
broad straw hats, and sunscreen lotion all
have some influence on skin cancer

A) Descriptive
B) Narrative
C) Process
D) Argumentative
E) Compare and Contrast
ÖABT – Proficiency


1 A 33 B 65 A 97 B 129 C
2 C 34 D 66 C 98 E 130 E
3 D 35 E 67 D 99 B 131 B
4 D 36 C 68 E 100 C 132 A
5 A 37 D 69 A 101 E 133 D
6 C 38 B 70 C 102 D 134 D
7 A 39 A 71 B 103 D 135 A
8 B 40 C 72 D 104 A 136 C
9 A 41 E 73 D 105 E 137 D
10 E 42 A 74 C 106 E 138 D
11 C 43 C 75 D 107 C 139 E
12 B 44 B 76 C 108 A 140 A
13 E 45 A 77 C 109 D 141 A
14 A 46 E 78 E 110 B 142 D
15 C 47 E 79 B 111 C 143 B
16 E 48 A 80 D 112 E 144 D
17 E 49 D 81 A 113 D 145 B
18 D 50 E 82 E 114 B 146 B
19 E 51 C 83 C 115 A 147 E
20 C 52 B 84 B 116 B 148 B
21 D 53 A 85 B 117 C 149 B
22 E 54 D 86 A 118 C 150 D
23 D 55 B 87 D 119 A 151 D
24 C 56 D 88 E 120 B 152 B
25 B 57 A 89 B 121 E 153 E
26 A 58 C 90 A 122 A 154 B
27 B 59 E 91 C 123 D 155 E
28 E 60 C 92 B 124 E 156 C
29 C 61 B 93 E 125 A 157 B
30 D 62 D 94 E 126 A 158 E
31 C 63 B 95 C 127 E 159 A
32 D 64 E 96 E 128 B 160 D

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