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Project : G+4 Residential Structure

Customer Name: The People's Cooperative Society

Address: Nagpur
Submitted By- Ar. Shivani Dharamthok

Area Deatails: Ground Floor,First floor, Second Floor, Third Floor, Fourth Floor and Head Room
Total Working Area 3,560 sqft

Item Description Quantity Unit Rate Amount Remarks


Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete of M-
20 Grade for Plinth Beams and Raft Slab including
2,300 sqft 155 3,55,646 M-20 Grade Concrete Considered
Shuttering, Ramming, Compacting and Curing. CM
Cement 400 bags 360 1,44,000
1 Sand 529 cft 68 35,972
Coarse Aggregates 883 cft 30 26,486
Steel 987 kg 68 67,116
Material 2,73,574
Labour 82,072 Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 3,55,646

Providing and laying Natural Stone/Tiles for Finishing of
Tread and Riser over a bed of 20mm thick CM(1:4) that 789 sft 183 1,44,387 Finishing item considered as per general practices
includes Rounding of Edges and Finishing.
Sand cft 68
2 Cement bags 360
Natural Stone/ Tile sft 110
Labour - Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 1,44,387

Providing 9" Thick Brick Masonry for External walls of
Depend on
Superstructure like Compoud Walls, Parapet Wall, ect Brickwork with 15mm mortar for each brick considering
requirement of sft 169
in Cement Mortar Ratio 1:6 including Curing, Cement Mortar Ratio as 1:6
Scaffolding, Staging, Leads and Lifts at all Levels.
Cement - bags 360
3 Sand - cft 68
4" Block - nos 48 Size of block/ brick: 3.63" X 7.63" X 15.63"
Labour - Labour cost @ 30% of material
Lumpsump Amount considering necessary area
TOTAL 1,50,000
required in existing structure

Providing 4.5" Thick Brick Masonry for Internal walls of

Depend on
Superstructure in Cement Mortar Ratio 1:6 including Brickwork with 15mm mortar for each brick considering
requirement of sft - -
Curing, Scaffolding, Staging, Leads and Lifts at all Cement Mortar Ratio as 1:6
Cement - bags 360 -
4 Sand - cft 68 -
Bricks - nos 8 - Size of block/ brick: 7.48" X 3.54" X 3.54"
Material -
Labour - Labour cost @ 30% of material
Lumpsump Amount considering necessary area
TOTAL 1,00,000
required in existing structure

Providing 9" Thick Block Masonry Near Lift Entrance in Depend on

Solid concrete blocks considered with 15mm mortar for
Cement Mortar Ratio 1:6 including Curing, Scaffolding, requirement of cft - -
each Block considering Cement Mortar Ratio as 1:6
Staging, Leads and Lifts at all Levels. site
Cement - bags 360 -
Sand - cft 68 -
5 8" Block - nos 75 - Size of block/ brick: 7.63" X 7.63" X 15.63"
Material -
Labour - Labour cost @ 30% of material
Lumpsump Amount considering necessary area
TOTAL 2,00,000
required in existing structure

Providing sand face cement plaster Externally in 2
Coats to Concrete/Brick/Stone Masonary and Plinth in
all position including Preparing the Base. Applying Sand Faced plaster, double coat 10 mm per coat in CM
sft -
Double Coat of 10 mm thickness each in Cement 1:4 considered
Mortar Ratio 1:4 using Chicken Mesh including
Scaoffolding and Curing.
6 Cement bags 360
Sand cft 68
Chicken Mesh sft 10
3/4" Plumbing nails with washers nos 2
Material Height Work Consideration
Labour Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 6,80,000 Lumpsump

Providing sand face cement plaster Internally in Single

Coats to Concrete/Brick/Stone Masonary in all position
Internal rough finish plaster 15 mm thk in CM 1:6
including Preparing the Base. Coating of 15 mm thick in sft - -
Cement Mortar Ratio 1:6 using Chicken Mesh including
Scaoffolding and Curing.
Cement bags 360
Sand cft 68
Chicken Mesh sft 10
3/4" Plumbing nails with washers nos 2
Labour Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 4,70,000 Lumpsum

Providing sand face cement plaster Internally in Single

Coats to Ceiling in all position including Preparing the
sft - - Internal plaster 10 mm thk. in CM 1:4
Base. Coating of 8-10 mm thick in Cement Mortar Ratio
1:4 including Staging and Curing.
Cement bags 360
Sand cft 68
Labour Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 95,000 Lumpsum

Providing and laying PCC of Grade M-10 using 20-
40MM graded stone aggregate below Flooring as
cft M-10 Grade for PCC
leveling course including Nominal Edge Shuttering,
Ramming, Compacting and Curing. CM 1:3:6
Cement bags 360
Sand cft 68
Coarse Aggregates cft 30
Labour Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 2,00,000 Lumpsump

Providing and Laying of Floor Tiles for Living, Dining,

Kitchen, Bedrooms, etc laid over a bed of 30-60mm
sft - - Finishing item considered as per general practices
thick CM-1:6 including Cutting, Curing, Acid Washing,
Cleaning, etc.
Cement - bags 360
10 Sand - cft 68
Epoxy tile grout - kg 70
Floor tiles - sft 70
Labour Labour cost @ 40% of material
TOTAL 5,20,000 Lumpsump
Providing and Laying of Anti Skid Tiles for Toilet,
Bathrooms, Balcony, Open Terrace etc laid over a bed
sft - - Finishing item considered as per general practices
of 30mm thick CM-1:6 including Cutting, Curing, Acid
Washing, Cleaning, etc.
Cement bags 360
11 Sand cft 68
Epoxy tile grout kg 70
Antiskid tiles sft 40
Labour Labour cost @ 40% of material
TOTAL 1,70,000 Lumpsump

Providing and Laying of Skirting of 100mm Height for

Living, Dining, Kitchen, Bedrooms etc with Backing Coat
Rft - - Finishing item considered as per general practices
of 10mm Thick CM-1:6 including Cutting, Curing, Acid
Washing, Cleaning, etc.
Floor tiles sft 70
Cement bags 360
Cement Grout kg 70
Labour Labour cost @ 40% of material
TOTAL 95,000 Lumpsump

Providing and Laying of Wall Tiles for Kitchen, Toilet,
Bathrooms and Other Wet Areas with Backing Coat of
sft 123 - Finishing item considered as per general practices
Adhesive 3-5mm Thick including Cutting, Curing, Acid
Washing, Cleaning, etc.
13 Wall tiles - sft 50
Tile Adhesives - kg 35
Material -
Labour - Labour cost @ 40% of material
TOTAL 4,47,720

False Ceiling
Interior Ceiling with POP, Light fixture cutting sft 55 - Finishing item considered as per general practices
14 Material
TOTAL 2,00,200

Exterior Ceiling with PVC, Light fixture cutting sft 90 - Finishing item considered as per general practices
15 Material
TOTAL 18,000


Providing and Fixing Black Granite Tiles for Kitchen and
Puja Platforms with Adhesive and Grout Filling
198 sft 637 1,26,217 Finishing item considered as per general practices
including Rounding, Rubbing, Polishing, Rounding of
Edges and Finishing.
Black Granite - Uncut 280 Sqft 200 56,000
Kadappa 251 Sqft 45 11,295.00
16 Cement 15 Bags 360 5,400
Sand 66 cft 68 4,488
Araldite 2.98 Kg 1,400 4,172
SS sink 21" x 18" x 8" 4 Nos 2,200 8,800
Material 90,155
Labour 36,062 Labour cost @ 40% of material
TOTAL 1,26,217

Providing and Laying Water Proofing Chemical for
treating roofs, balconies, terraces, sanitary units, and
other wet areas, using 12 mm thick layer of water - sft - - Chemical Water Proofing for Wet Areas
proofing chemical in Cement Mortar Ratio 1:4 and 100
mm thick layer of M10 screed above it.
Cement - Bags 360 -
17 Sand - cft 68 -
Coarse Aggregates - Cft. 30 -
W/ P chemical - Litres 170 -
Material -
Labour - Labour cost @ 30% of material
Lumpsum amount quoted considering toilet, utility and
TOTAL 2,50,000
terrace area of all floors

Providing and Fixing Wooden Frame Doors of Specified
Size as per Drawings with Flush Shutters
18 No.s - Finishing item considered as per general practices
Laminated/Vineer on both sides including
Wooden frame - Teak Teak wood considered
Flush shutter - 30mm sft 100
18 Laminate/Veneer sft 80
Hinges nos 60
Locks/Handles nos 3,000 1 lock Per Door
Polish (Paint Work) L 200
Material -
Labour - Labour cost @ 35% of material
TOTAL 3,00,000 Lumpsump

Providing and Fixing WPC Frame Doors of Specified Size

as per Drawings for Toilets with WPC Shutters
30 No.s - Finishing item considered as per general practices
Laminated/Vineer on both sides including
WPC frame cft 1,400
WPC shutter - 30mm sft 100
19 Laminate/Veneer sft 80
Hinges nos 60
Locks/Handles nos 3,000 1 lock Per Door
Polish (Paint Work) L 200
Labour Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 2,80,000 Lumpsump

Providing and Fixing Aluminium Domel Frame Windows
of Specified Size as per Drawings with Glass Shutters of
25 No.s 20,000 6,00,000 Finishing item considered as per general practices
6mm Thick Toughened Glass including Sythetic Enamel
Paint on both sides.
Glass shutter - 6mm toughened glass sft 130
Synthetic Enamel paint L 200
Hinges nos 60
Locks/Handles for Windows nos 300 Consider 2 Lock per Window
Polish (Paint Work) L 200
Labour Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 5,00,000 Lumpsump

Providing and Fixing Ventilators with Glass Louvers in
19 No.s - 1,20,000 Finishing item considered as per general practices
Aluminium Frame.
Natural Stone/ Tile sft 110
Cement sft 360
Sand cft 68
Aluminium Frame rft 200
Glass shutter - 6mm toughened glass L 130
Labour Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 1,20,000 Lumpsump

Providing and Applying 2 Coats of Acrylic Emulsion
Exterior Paint of required shade over Single coat of
Primer for External Wall, Compound Walls, Parapet, 6,544 sft 13 85,072 Finishing item considered as per general practices
OHT, LMR, etc. including Scaffolding and Prepairing
Surface for Paint.
22 Primer L 120
Paint- Exterior L 200
Painting accessories sft 1
Labour - Labour cost @ 40% of material
TOTAL 2,00,000

Providing and Applying Acrylic Emulsion Interior Paint

of required shade over Single coat of Putty to Prepair
13,096 sft 16 2,09,536 Finishing item considered as per general practices
Smooth Surface including Scaffolding and Prepairing
Surface for Paint.
Primer L 120
23 Paint- Interior L 300
Putty kg 30
Painting accessories sft 1
Labour Labour cost @ 40% of material
TOTAL 2,09,536

Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete of M-
20 Grade for Slab Over Septic Tank including
- cft - Capacity will be per person/capita/day
Shuttering, Ramming, Compacting and Curing. CM
Cement bags 360
24 Sand cft 68
Coarse Aggregates cft 30
Steel kg 68
Labour Labour cost @ 40% of material
TOTAL 50,000 Lumpsump

Providing 9" Thick Brick Masonry for Septic Tank and

Soak Pit in Cement Mortar Ratio 1:6 including Curing, - sft
Staging, Leads and Lifts at Septic Tank Level.
Cement bags 360
25 Sand cft 68
Bricks nos 8 Size of block/ brick: 7.48" X 3.54" X 3.54"
Labour Labour cost @ 40% of material
TOTAL 50,000 Lumpsump

OHWT (Over Head Water Tank)

Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete of M-
20 Grade for Columns and Walls of Overhead Water Capacity will be per person/capita/day (5th Floor
- cft - -
Tank including Shuttering, Ramming, Compacting and Working Height)
curing. CM 1:1.5:3
Cement - bags 360 -
Sand - cft 68 -
26 Coarse Aggregates - cft 30 -
Steel - kg 68 -
Material -
Labour - Labour cost @ 40% of material
Lumpsum quoted depend on final drawings provided
TOTAL 1,50,000
from architect.

Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete of M-

20 Grade for Slabs and Beams of Overhead Water Tank
- cft - - Capacity will be per person/capita/day
including Shuttering, Ramming, Compacting and
Curing. CM 1:1.5:3
Cement - bags 360 -
Sand - cft 68 -
27 Coarse Aggregates - cft 30 -
Steel - kg 68 -
Material -
Labour - Labour cost @ 40% of material
Lumpsum quoted depend on final drawings provided
TOTAL 1,70,000
from architect.

UG TANK( Under Ground Water Tank)

Providing and Laying Reinforced Cement Concrete of M-
20 Grade for Raft, Columns, Walls, Beams and Slab of
- cft - - Capacity will be per person/capita/day
Underground Water Tank including Shuttering,
Ramming, Compacting and Curing. CM 1:1.5:3
Cement - bags 360 -
Sand - cft 68 -
Coarse Aggregates - cft 30 -
Steel - kg 68 -
Material -
Labour - Labour cost @ 30% of material
Lumpsum quoted depend on final drawings provided
TOTAL- Depends Upon Site Condition 3,00,000
from architect.

Providing and Fixing Formwork and Shuttering for
Exposed Concrete elements using Special Steel Plate
Formwork / Film Faced Waterproof Plywood Formwork
8,900 sft 33 2,93,716 Formwork calculated on Total Built-Up Area
/ Wood Grain Finish Formwork with definite pattern
including necessary Sleeves, Grooves & Drip moulds for
all heights.
Formworks and Shuttering 8,900 sft 25 2,25,935
Material 2,25,935 Formwork will require as per site condition.
Labour 67,781 Labour cost @ 30% of material
TOTAL 2,93,716

Civil Work Ends Here

Electrical, Wiring, Switches, Light Fixtures, Meter 10% of the civil cost as per construction standards also
30 4 Floor+Parking Lumpsump - 9,00,000
Boards, DB's, UPS. depends on site condition
Concealed Piping, Internal Plumbing per Bathroom
31 Plumbing services 4 Floor+Parking Lumpsump - 3,00,000
Bathroom Fittings, CP sanitary Fittings per Bathroom
32 Bathroom Fittings 4 Floor+Parking Lumpsump - 5,00,000
(Brand- Jaguar/Cera/Essess)

33 Transportation and Placing Charges - Lumpsump - - 3% Considered
34 Lift Purchasing + Installing - Lumpsump 9,00,000 4 Person Passenger Lift (Brand- Kone Elevators)
35 Main Sliding Entry Gate Parking - Lumpsump 40,000 Main Steel with IS code Standard
36 Contractor's Profit & Overheads - Lumpsump - - 15% Included
37 Rainwater Harvesting - Lumpsump - - Lumpsum
38 Solar systems - Lumpsump - - Lumpsum
39 Borewell - Lumpsump - - Lumpsum
40 Glass Railing - sft - - Glass Thickness: 10mm
Total Estimate 94,85,422

Note- This Amount is quoted on the basis of market price. Amount may differ as per actual site condition and once drawings get finalized.

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